American Contract Bridge League •

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American Contract Bridge League • THE PRECISION CLUB . .. 1978 JOIN THE Wli'lNERS Of' The VUllderbilt Cup '72 The World Olympiad '72, '76 Spilil,Jo/d 70, '71 /Jerolll.da Bowl 7$, '7-' U,S. ,iVutional Women's Teams 71, '77 Sunday Times Pair; 73, '75 U.s. NatiollulMI.;n's Teams '7it Eurc.pean, FaT Easte17tand South The M cKenne1l Trol>h y '77 American Ch<lmpionships Members of THE PRECISION CLUB will receive: • A bi-monthly newsletter, edited by Richard Frey • articles by fam ous PRECISION experts. detailed discussion of each PRECISION convenlion and treatment • PRECISION quizzes. a 25% discount on all PRECISION books listed in ou r Book Corner and mUCh , much more • Choice of a FREE copy of: (Each book listed at $4.95) A) "MATCH POINT PRECISION" (revised and expanded, a 1978 ed ition) by C. C. Wei and Ran Andersen . Structural changes in Precision for the specific purpose of match point play. (210 pages, paperback) B) "BIDDING PRECISELY, 2" by C. C. Wei and Ran Andersen. How to use to the utmost advantage when partner has opened a less than 16-point hand. (160 pages , paperback) C) "BIDDING PRECISELY, 3" by C. C. Wei and Ran Andersen. Precise Precision preemptive bidding methods will make your preempts more effective against the opponents, much easier for partner. (162 pages, paperback) . "D) "BIDDING PRECISELY, 4" by C. C. WJi and Ran Andersen. Explains the special advantages of Preci sion Notrumps - how to use them; how to respond ; how to escape; how to defend against them. (Paperback ­ -Available in June) • An swers to all yo ur questions on PRECISION bidding. The Precision Club· 277 Park Avenue, New York 10017 For 1 year $ 6.00 My choice of the FREE book: For 2 years $11.00 o [A] 0 [B] 0 [Cl DID] (Please Print) NAME ADDRESS ___---:-::-:--:-:--:-:-::--c::-___:--_-::-:= __--:- Zip,--_____ [Outside U.5., $8 per year surface mail; $13 per year airmail] V World Pair Olympiad Place, HYATT REGENCY HOTEL, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISLANA, U.S.A. Time, JUNE 17-30, 1978 Sponso" WORLD BRIDGE FEDERATION Host, AMERICAN CONTRACT BRIDGE LEAGUE • Table of Contents Message from President Jlmmy Carter, Presiden t of the U.S.A. 2 Message from the Honorable Ed wln Edwards, Governor of Louisiana 3 Message from the Honorable Ernes! Morlal, Mayor 01 New Orleans 4 Message from Jalme Drl lz-P atlna, Presiden t of WBF . 5 Message from Waiter K. Q'Loughlln, President 01 ACBL 6 Message from Lou is S. Gurvlch, Chairman of Organizing Committee. 7 WBF Ollicers, Executive Council. Committees 8 Tournament DIrecting Staff . .... .. .12 Tournament Operations Stall . ... ... 13 New Orleans Organizing Committee .. ... · .... 14 American Con tract Bridge League Olflcers and Directors . ..... ....15 Fabulous New Orleans . ..... ............... .. .. ....... • ........ 16 History 01 the World Pair Olympiad. .. .. .. .20 History 01 the World Bridge Federation ................ • . ..... .2' Member Counlrles 01 World Bridge Federation ...... .... 26 Floor Plan 01 Headquarters HOlel .............. .....• •• .. .. ....30 Schedule 01 Events .......... ....................... • .. • .... .......32 ( HIstory 01 the Ven ice Cup .35 Screens and Bidding Boxes. .38 , History 01 the American Contract Bridge League. .. 44 Tribute to Jullus Aosenblum . · .... 47 Conditions 01 Contest .... · .... 49 T ilE WHI TE. 1I 0FSE WAS I IIKGTO!'.' May 12, 1978 I extend a warm welcome to all who part i cipate in the Pair Olympiad of the Wo r ld Bridge Federation. With nearly one thousand of the wo rld' s bridge champions testing their mental agi lity and skill, this compet i tion promises to provide stimulating entertainment and excitement for countless fans. I hope i t l>1ill be a memorable experience for players and s pectators a like . 2 £X£CUT!VC DEP.... RTM £ N T £D...,,,. £ O"",,,D. GOylt....O .. To All World Contract Bridge Championship Co ntenders: Greetings . It gives me great pleasure , speaking faT all Lou is ianians . to welcome you t o the &tate of Louisiana and to the beauti ful old City of New Or l eans. I extend to each of you my personal good wishes for success in this mo s t pr est igious tournament and in yo ur future bridge playing careers. I trust that your busy schedule will allow some time for you t o enjoy the f abled pleasures of New Orleans. Please know that when you return to yo ur homes, you wil l do so wi t h our standing invitation to return again and often, individually or as a group. 3 A\aJJoralty qf Dew OrlQans 6y VIRtu€ or l.h€ .luthOQlty V€SL€O m m€ as m"YOQ or the CllYor. new Olll€.los. I heReBY pRoclaim W~TlI or JI"'I., 1'111 tu'" 10 new Ol:')€.c\ns _ 0­ \.1I"". W"\o'r I~ 11.1nJ .....\ d..· s...... <j tll<!- ll l~'; Ikw 0rU..uI, 1)1\ rlv,. the --.!.!!.... <! Jl~l. I ~1!.. ) (' 4 WORLD BRIDGE FEDERATION MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD BRIDGE FEDERATION Bridge players worldwide and the 70 member countries of the World Bridge Federation are eagerly looking forward to this Pairs Olympiad, the first to be held outside Europe. The City of New Orleans is known throughout our bridge community as the home of our past President, Jutius L. Aosenblum. His spirit and the memory of the outstanding work he did for our Organization will be foremost In the mind 0' all those participating In this Championship, and his absence will be felt by everyone. In the very uncertain and difficult times we are living, these Championships offer an excellent opportunity for all those participating to better understand and appreciate the qualities of the people of so many different nationalities. I take this opportunity to express on behalf of the World Bridge Federation our gratefulness and appreciation to the American Contract Bridge League and the Organizing Committee of New Orleans for the magnificent job they have done in staging this Olympiad. I have no doubt the players will enjoy their stay in New Orleans and take home a happy memory of this event which , I am confident, will remain one of the highlights in the history of the World Bridge Federation and its Olympiads. In closing, there remains only for me to congratulate the competitors who have achieved the distinction of representing their country I and to wish them all the best of luck. My particular appreciation goes to those who have made very long Journeys to show their dedication to bridge. To them and all the others may I remind you: to participate Is more Important than to win . Through the presence here today of more players from more countries than ever before, in any bridge Olympiad, you are maintaining the spirit that has made our game the greatest and most popular intellectual sport In the world. / J . Ortlz-Palino President World Bridge Federat ion 5 Cu,.".6wd tt;t)Jlft(,,-. ...h~fO ' "}ftrr ,yltle .Y.wt.{",(' P.A>•.h' t"~/,.. 1«{',,_/....J'/,~~_WN J(7/ )f.A>.. ~ .!'049.?P 2 __~ .1£d .9"_..;:,." Le,.! .!/.!t!.v . ~.,%........ .U//.. (J(7ij d'N·JWt' (09(7/./ .~.j'J'..,J,f" Welcome. Bridge Players of the World! The American Contract Bridge League is honored to be the host for the World Bridge Federation's Fifth World Pair Olynpiad. And when r speak of the ACBL. that includes Canada, Mexico and Bermuda as well as the United State8. Both the local committee, under the expert guidance of Louis Gurvich, and the ACBL have made every effort to make this Pair Olympiad. the first ever to be held outside Europe, one that each of you will remember as long as you live. We are happy to have you as our guests in the United States. home of more bridge players than any other country in the world. We are pleased to have the opportunity to show you what we can do with an event of this scope. We are confident you will find the results gratifying. While you are in New Orleans. be sure to take more than a passing glance at one of the really great cities of the world. And while you are in the United States. [ hope you will see as much of the country as you have the time for. If you are from Europe, why not make a stopover In Washington. New York or Boston, three cities that have so much to offer? And if you are from the Orient. it will be worth your whUe to visit Grand Canyon or Yellowstone Park or Las Vegss or San Francisco or Los Angeles. We are pleased to have you as our guests. and t am looking forward to meeting as many of you personally as possible. Everything has been done to Insure that your stay In New Orleans will be a happy experience. But. of course, once you're at the bridge table , everything is up to you , so -- good luck to all or you. Waiter K. O'Loughlin President, American C.o nt r nct Bridge League 6 = ~{j'~~~-4- t'jfk -I'd. '~ " ." -I'd. ~ -I'9."~",.. .~ ,/.:#-at AIM_ I $ ~ _ ,&'..w. //N-4A- G:..4.. .!.!t'P 9! • ,..t.9i..t ,M? 9'~ ./'-'-" ~..r_ J'?//F .A:.. ~""'-. JJ-.._ ?,(7/J't' ' .JW'/'»"·SNF ' Sd..../SN·?/// To the Bridge Players of the World: It Is my distinct pleasure to welcome you to perhaps the most Interesting city in the New World. Certainly New Orleans is a truly picturesque community. and Its vitality Is rlvaled ooly by Its histor ical significance. Most of you will be playing lots of bridge, but It will be well worth your while to acquaint yourseU with New Orleans.
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