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Sceye PDF-File I The British Bridge World SUCCESSOR TO THE CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL: MEDIU~ FOR ENGLISH BRIDGE UNION NEWS Edited by TERENCE REESE VOLUME 12 September 1961 NUMBER 3 Editorial Board BERNARD WESTALL (CHAIRMAN) GEOFFREY L. BUTLER HUBERT PHILLIPS TERENCE REESE KENNETH KONSTAM ADVERTIS~G All enquiries should be addressed to the ADVERTISING MANAGER, THOMAS DE LA RUE & CO. LTD., 92 Middlesex Street, E.l AMI/ other correspondence, including Subscriptions, to the Publishers: oore Batley Ltd., 35 Dover Street, London, W.l Hyde Park 3601-2 Annual Subscription 35/- The British Bridge World is published 011 the 15th of each month 1'1.6ilt1Jeti Gild . c L d by Moor4 Batley Ltd. printed on behalf of tile proprietors, Thomas De La Rut &: 0 • 1 ·• 35 Do•·er Street, London, W.l . 3 September, 1961 Contents Page Editorial 5 Championship Prospects, by Harold Franklin 7- 11 A Brief Excursion, by I. T. Sun 12- 15 Gold Cup Final, by Alan Hiron 17-22 Investing Wisely, by B. Goldenfield .. 22 -23 One Hundred Up: Repeat of August Problems .. 26 British Bridge World Agents 27 Taken and Offered, by Col. R. L. Telfer .. ... 28-30 One Hundred Up: September Problems .. .. 30-31 You Say ... ... 32-34 Directory of E.B.U. Clubs ... .. 36- 37 Result of August Corrypetition 37 One Hundred Up: Answers to August Problems 38-46 E.B.U. Master Points Register 46 Subscription Form .. 47 Diary of Events 48 4 / Editorial SET FAIR annual subscription to the H.B.W. The rehearsal for Bridgerama has been increased by 5/-. On went off well-even the play was page 27 we publish the new over­ respectable-an~ everything is set seas rates. If some of these seem to efface the memory of that slightly high in comparison with rather dreary contest at Brighton the old, that is because we hav~ in 1950. The continental visitors had to pass on the bank charges. found it hard to understand then that we were still suffering from BRUISED PLUM the effects of glorious victory. Adam Meredith's many friends will be glad to hear that though LAST ORDERS, PLEASE still in plaster he is making a good We have repeated on page 28 recovery fron1 his car accident in the address for Bulletin orders, the South of France. though really it is past the time. TRY IT .SOME TIME Any who fail to place their order From the Lebanon Mrs. Dur­ within the next day or two may ran brings back ·an echo of a receive the first two or three "convention" that I thought ex­ issues a little late. - isted only among the lowest echelons .. WINTER JOURNEY Two German ladies, cheerful The Icelandic Bridge Union but inexpert, were heading for has made a very generous offer a 1'4 per· cent score. Their oppo­ to a British team of champion­ nent , a home player, was con-. ship class to travel to Reykjavic templating a Two Club opemng by air and stay for 10-12 days, when one of them exposed her paid, including the ~verything cards, crying: Journey. The date either Oct­ "Ha, ha! I have no card ober/November or bruary/May. ,, F~ above a 9! New d ea 1· If any team of four or five of the required standard, would 'like to rnake the trip I can put them in touch with their hosts. Bridge on Network Three will be resumed on October 1st with OVERSEAS RATES a live broadcast from Torquay at As menttoned · last month, th~ -· 3.30 p.m. on Sunday afternoon. 5 Advance notice of the most keenly awaited · u ' [I' book in bridge hi~tory i !r I . THE 'I · 'II A.COL SYSTEM TODAY · By TERENCE REESE and ALBERT DORMER ill -I!I Part I The Uncontested Auction Part II The Contested Auction Part III . ' Acol in the Space Age TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER BY EDWARD ARNOLD LTD· I· I !,: -=;;~~~ 6 Championship Prospects by HAROLD FRANKLIN - The Teams-Open Series Lebanon. F. Bustros, H. Dalati, Italy (holders). P. Astolfi, B. C. Smart, B. Takieldine, A. Bianchi, G. Brogi, E. Cremon­ Tosbath, J. Warde. cini, V. Gandolfi, A. Mascher­ ~etherlands. G. Kramer, H. W. oni. Pilarski, P. Boender, L. Oud­ Belgium. C. Monk, E. Silber­ shoorn, M. Cats, N. Verboog. wasser, J. Melon, J. Deliege, Nonvay. E. Hoie, R. Halle, B. E. Polak, S. Rubin. , Larsen, J. Magnussen, L. Niel­ Denmark. K. Faarbaek, S. Wer­ sen, .L. Strom. delin, B. Aastrup, C. Werdelin, Portugal. F. Costa, A. Supico, K. Brokholm, G. Andersen. M. Fontes, M. Prego, A. Bran­ Finland. I. Kajaste, P. Jarvinen, dao. I. Leinonen, R. Salmi, H. Spain. R. Bufil, J. Marti, .V. Forsblom, 0. Hakkinen. Conill, E. Puig - Doria, C. France. P. Ghestem, R. Bach­ Llorens, A. Togores. erich, L. Malabat, C. Deruy, Sweden. A. Hjertstrand, P. Lun­ J., Herschmann, J. Stetten. dell, P. Nygren, K. NeveU, C. Germany. E. Von Dewitz, F. Radberg, J. Wohlin. Chodziesner, K. Korsing; K. Switzerland. M. - Bardola, P. Rachwalski, R. Rammensee, Bernasconi, E. Jacobi, J. Ortiz, H. von Rotteck. J. Besse, S. Gursel. Gr~at Britain. N. Gardener, K. U.A.R.· R. Doche, d. Gresse, M. onstam, C. Rodrigue, A. el Miniawi, P. Schmeil, T. Rose, R. A. Priday, A. F. Trad, M. Zananiri. Truscott. Iceland E B My nominees for the top of the · · enonysson G. Gud- table (not in order)-Italy, Fran~e, mu nd sson, J. Jonsson ' L. Karls- son S ' Great Britain, Holland, and Swit- ' · Gudjohnsen, S. lng- varsson zerland. Ireland .H · · S. Diamond, A. Little is known of most of the l ennon J H , R ' · . 0 Dempsey, M. Italian newcomers, but if ~hey MosFenberg, F. W. O'Connell, are next best to the . champiOns · · O'Connell. they must be good. Even so, I 7 do not expect them to win. the absence, for various reasons Holland, with Filarski back, of four of the successful Olympi~ is sure to go close. Over the past team from the French trials, the years they have consistently fin­ competition was strong and the ished in the top quarter and trials exhaustive and the mere have, on occasion, led the way fact of having emerged from them for a good deal of the distance, successfully is a strong recom­ without ever finding the staying mendation. I take the view that power to see them through to the any team which finishes ahead end. This is the sort of perform­ pf the French will be the new ance I expect from them again. champions. No team is better fitted to do so than the British, a well­ Britain and France balanced team ip. which every Great Britain and France were pair is likely to pull its . weight. both faced with a problen1 of I expect Rose and Gardener to selection owing to_ the unavail- provide the main strength and ability of leading players, but am undisturbed in this view by both bring strong teams to the their lack of success in the past starting line. season. Their talent is unquestion- The backbone of the French able, their experience considerable team will be Gl:estem and Bach-· and the occasion is likely to pro­ erich, who have had success duce their best game, just as in in European, World and Olympic Turin. Truscott and Priday ~vere Championships. Deruy, earlier the outstanding pair in the Selec­ in this year, acquired World tion Trials; they are great triers, Championship experience without they take infinite pains, and they as yet having played in a Euro- give away very few tricks, and pean, and the other .three members these are the qualities that make will be making their first appear- a successful team. Konstam and ance in a major championship. I Rodrigue are _ a comparatively am a firm believer in the con- new partnership; both are top siderable advantage of previous· class players and Konstam has championship experience; new displayed a great talent in the faces, however, abound in this past for adapting his methods t.o year's series and · none of the a wide range of players. Their debutants are likely to have been performance in the trials was of reared in so tough a native game varied quality, but their partner­ as the French players. Despite ship has become more closely 8 knit since then and Konstam in Portugal are making their first particular has the great attribute appearance in a championship of never recognising defeat and will not look for a great Can Switzerland do it? measure of success at their first My fifth tip as possible winners venture. are Switzerland, who have always I _would have liked to think been capable of beating the top that this year's event might see teams. Besse's new partner, Gur­ our Irish neigh bpurs raise them­ sel, is a Turkish student residing selves into the top half. On in Geneva. If he can walk straight previous occasions they have pro­ into championship class then mised to do so, but have faded Switzerland will have three very towards the end of the tourna­ strong pairs. ment: this yea.r the fact that four Perhaps I am wrong to leave of their team. are making a first Sweden out of the reckoning, but appearance is likely to work to too many of her most famous their disadvantage. names are missing. Sweden, amongst the leaders for many years after the war and The Middle Group the winners in DunLaoghaire in I expect Germany, Iceland and 1953, are unlikely to strike the U.A.R. to be prominent amongst front again, but will be strength­ the middle group.
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