Monitoring of Media Content

of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

during Pre-Elections

Subagreement # S-12-155

Report for: October 8 - 14, 2012

Project Period: 11 June 2012 - 10 December 2012 Total Budget: 31 000$

Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Results Summary/Impact Statement

Main findings of the tenth phase of monitoring:

• Very few of the monitored subjects are dedicated airtime on regional TV channels; • There is a sharp increase in the amount of time dedicated to the coalition and substantial decrease in the amount negative tone of reporting in regard to the coalition; • The amount of airtime dedicated to the rest of the political subjects has largely gone down; • There is a decline in the subjective coverage of events by journalists; • The amount of airtime dedicated to the coverage of events ongoing nationwide increased in most of the TV companies.


The report represents the results of the survey carried out within the period of October 8-14, 2012 by the Internews Georgia monitoring team. Media monitoring helps raise standard of professionalism and is conducive to the development of independent unbiased journalism. The goal of our survey is to reveal, through monitoring main news programs aired on Georgian regional TV broadcasters, the proceeding and trends of media coverage of pre-election campaign.


The survey was carried out on 20 regional broadcasters operating nationwide, including: Channel 25 (Batumi), Rioni (Kutaisi), Kvemo Kartli TV and Radio Company (Rustavi), Odishi (Zugdidi),

Tanamgzavri (Telavi), 9th Channel (Alkhaltsikhe), Trialeti (Gori), Guria (Ozurgeti), Imervizia (Chiatura), Argo (Zestaponi), Gurjaani (Gurjaani), Borjomi (Borjomi), Marneuli TV (Marneuli), LTV

(Lagodekhi), 12th Channel (Bolnisi), Mega TV (Khoni), Zari (Samtredia), 9th Wave (Poti), Kronika (Dusheti), Egrisi (Senaki).

Within the period of October 8-14 TV companies Kronika (Dusheti) and Egrisi (Senaki) still lacked self-produced news programs.

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Monitoring was conducted on the regional broadcasters’ main evening news programs during so- called prime time when the number of viewers is at its peak.

The technique applied in the project is based on quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative monitoring determines quantitative indicators that can be counted and analyzed. While qualitative monitoring is applied to evaluate the efficiency of media outlets’ activities in relation to the indicators such as ethical or professional standards whose quantitative measurement is complex. In particular, the distortion of news, unbalanced coverage, bias or anything else that might affect quality news was focused on.

Quantitative data includes the running time (seconds) of the stories produced about our preselected subjects or making mention of them. In the given charts the time dedicated to the subjects is shown in seconds. In case the chart is missing any political party, which is the subject of monitoring, it means no channel dedicated any time to it within the monitoring period.

Direct and indirect coverage shows whether the subject is speaking on one’s own or is being spoken about either by a journalist or other respondents. In the given charts direct and indirect coverage is shown in percentage. 100 percent indicates the time dedicated to each subject on a particular channel.

The tone of coverage is attributed to a subject when being indirectly spoken about or when speaking directly about oneself, other subjects or some general issues. Charts illustrate three categories of tones: positive, neutral and negative.

When conducting monitoring on news programs it was interesting to find out which events, either central or regional, were covered by the TV companies.

Based on qualitative data the efficiency of media activities in terms of adherence to ethical or professional standards, will be evaluated. The qualitative part embraces components such as balance or whether diverse opinions over the covered issue are represented in the stories; accuracy or whether mistakes are in place in the names or numbers; the vocabulary used and all those important

Internews Georgia 3 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters aspects that are not subject to quantitative measurement. The cases of manipulation through shots and music used in the news programs were also brought into focus.

The monitoring subjects include: Parliament (speaker, vice speaker, MPs, committees); President (administration, advisors, press speaker); government (prime minister, ministers, deputy ministers, governors); authorities (when mentioned with no specification); local self-governments (mayors, chairs of Sakrebulo and Gamgeoba); Central Election Commission; election observers; State Audit Agency (in relation to elections); commission in charge of verifying voters' list; United National Movement; Georgian Dream – Democratic Georgia; coalition Georgian Dream; ; ; Georgian Republican Party; Georgian Conservative party; People’s Party; Georgia’s Way; ; New Rights; Democratic Movement for United Georgia; National Democratic Party; Labor party; Industry Will Save Georgia; Georgian Democratic Party; Georgian Troupe; Christian-Democratic Movement; European Democrats; Voters’ League; People’s Assembly; opposition (when mentioned with no specification). The list is not final and might change in case a new election-related appears.

News programs monitoring resulsts per channel:

Channel 25 (Batumi) – News programs dedicated the biggest share of airtime, 14 minutes, to the

Georgian Dream coalition. 8 minutes of reporting was received by the local self-government. United National Movement (UNM) and Adjara government each enjoyed 6-minute coverage.

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Time for Subjects (sec.) TV "Channel 25"

Georgian Dream Coalition 862

Local self‐governance 474

United National Movement 367

Adjara Government 351

Government 236

Central Election Commission 166

Christian‐Democratic Movement 127

President 115

Labour Party 113

Authorities (unspecified) 80

Opposition 28

All of the three tones were observed when reporting on the monitored subjects; neutral tone though considerably prevailed over positive and negative tones:

Tone towards Subjects (%) TV "Channel 25"

Positive Neutral Negative

Georgian Dream Coalition 10 88 2

Local self‐governance 4 80 16

United National Movement 70 30

Adjara Government 12 75 13

Government 14 70 16

Central Election Commission 86 14

Christian‐Democratic Movement 100

President 7 68 25

Labour Party 100

Authorities (unspecified) 11 89

Direct reporting prevailed over indirect reporting. UNM had the highest percentage (89) of indirect reporting:

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Direct/Indirect Broadcasting of Subjects (%) TV "Channel 25" Direct Indirect

Georgian Dream Coalition 38 62

Local self‐governance 38 62

United National Movement 11 89

Adjara Government 49 51

Government 25 75

Central Election Commission 20 80

Christian‐Democratic Movement 36 64

President 33 67

Labour Party 70 30

Authorities (unspecified) 100

According to the findings within the reporting period the TV Company Channel 25 was procured by UNM’s majoritarian deputy, which was followed by journalists’ protest. Ultimately the news program of October 11 aired only two TV stories. Notwithstanding the changes at the TV company Channel 25 aggressively covered political events ongoing nationwide. Out of the monitored subjects the bigger share of airtime was dedicated to the Georgian Dream coalition: virtually twice more than the subject coming next in the chart. Besides, only 2 percent of the total time dedicated to the coalition was negative in tone, while negative tone attached to reporting on UNM was 30 percent. It is noteworthy that journalists are unbiased and do not demonstrate personal approach to any subject.

Rioni (Kutaisi) – The biggest share of airtime in the news programs was dedicated to the Georgian

Dream coalition – 26 minutes. UNM comes next with 10 minutes, followed by local self-government with 8 minutes and President with 7 minutes.

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Time for Subjects (sec.) TV "Rioni"

Georgian Dream Coalition 1573

Government 601

Local self‐governance 496

President 416

United National Movement 276

New Rights 253

Christian‐Democratic Movement 146

Central WElection Commission 34

Free Georgia 32

Authorities (unspecified) 27

All of the three tones were applied in regard to the monitored subjects. Neutral tone though prevailed over positive and negative tones. The highest percentage (43) of positive reporting was received by government. Local self-government ranks first in terms of negative reporting – 42 percent. Positive (19 percent) and neutral (80 percent) tones were attached to reporting on the Georgian Dream coalition, reporting on UNM was 62 percent neutral and 38 percent negative.

Tone towards Subjects (%) TV "Rioni"

Positive Neutral Negative

Georgian Dream Coalition 19 80 1

Government 43 45 12

Local self‐governance 5 55 41

President 34 59 7

United National Movement 62 38

New Rights 100

Christian‐Democratic Movement 100

The share of direct and indirect reporting was almost equal in regard to government and UNM. Direct reporting prevailed in case of President (68 percent) and the Georgian Dream coalition (66

Internews Georgia 7 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters percent). 73 percent of direct reporting was observed in relation to New Rights (4-min coverage) and Christian-Democratic Movement (2-min coverage).

Direct/Indirect Broadcasting of Subjects (%) TV "Rioni"

Direct Indirect

Georgian Dream Coalition 66 34

Government 58 42

Local self‐governance 37 63

President 68 32

United National Movement 51 49

New Rights 75 25

Christian‐Democratic Movement 75 25

During the reporting period TV Company Rioni covered events ongoing locally as well as nationwide. TV stories in the news programs are balanced, journalists are trying to provide equal coverage of all of the parties. The biggest share of airtime was dedicated to the Georgian Dream coalition – twice more than the subject which comes next in the ranking.

Kvemo Kartli TV/Radio Company (Rustavi) – The TV Company dedicated the biggest share of airtime to the Georgian Dream coalition. President, authorities and local self-government each received approximately 5-minute coverage.

Internews Georgia 8 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Time for Subjects (sec.) Kvemo Kartli TV / Radio Company

Georgian Dream Coalition 455

President 324

Authorities (unspecified) 287

Local self‐governance 274

United National Movement 83

Government 82

Reporting tone was essentially neutral. Negative and positive tones were applied too though. 84 percent of positive tone was attached to reporting on the local self-government.

Tone towards Subjects (%) Kvemo Kartli TV / Radio Company

Positive Nautral Negative

Georgian Dream 8 82 10 Coalition

President 11 89

Authorities 45 46 9 (unspecified)

Local self‐governance 84 16

United National 17 83 Movement

Government 88 12

The share of direct and indirect reporting was almost equal. 92 percent of reporting on the local self- government falls on indirect coverage.

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Direct/Indirect Braodcasting of Subjects (%) Kvemo Kartli TV and Radio Company

Direct Indirect

Georgian Dream Coalition 42 58

President 58 42

Authorities (unspecified) 100

Local self‐governance 8 92

United National Movement 58 42

Government 100

Within the period of October 8-14 Kvemo Kartli TV/Radio Company covered only Georgian Dream coalition and UNM. The rest of the airtime was dedicated to reporting on the activities carried out by State agencies. It is noteworthy that when reporting journalists demonstrate bias. In the October 11 news program, for instance, the journalist analyzing auto business says that the decisions by the authorities, perfection of legislative framework and correct policy followed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs was conducive to the development of the field. It is also worth to note that within the reporting period the airtime dedicated to the Georgian Dream coalition boosted and percentage of negative coverage decreased in regard to the coalition.

Odishi (Zugdidi) - During the reporting period the TV Company produced 4 TV stories. About one- minute TV story was dedicated to the visit of Irakli Alasania, Georgian Dream coalition’s majortarian deputy. The rest of the monitored subjects were provided no coverage.

Channel 9 (Akhaltsikhe) – The news programs dedicated the bigger share of airtime – 12 minutes, to the Georgian Dream coalition. Government comes next with 6 minutes, local self-government with 4 minutes and CEC with 2 minutes.

Internews Georgia 10 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Time for Subjects (sec.) TV "Channel 9"

Georgian Dream Coalition 746

Government 360

Local self‐governance 270

Central Election Commission 137

President 97

State Audit Agency 95

United National Movement 49

Georgian Troupe 34

European Democrats 33

All of the three tones were applied to reporting on the subjects. But neutral tone prevailed over positive and negative. Only in regard to the State Audit Service (1,58 min coverage) 100 percent negative tone was observed.

Tone towards Subjects (%) TV "Channel 9"

Positive Neutral Negative

Georgian Dream Coalition 21 76 2

Government 21 69 10

Local self‐governance 5 95

Central Election 7 84 10 Commission

President 100

State Audit Agency 100

Monitored subjects were mainly spoken about. Only in regard to the local self-government the share of direct/indirect reporting was almost equal.

Internews Georgia 11 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Direct/Indirect Broadcasting of Subjects (%) TV "Channel 9"

Direct Indirect

Georgian Dream Coalition 37 63

Government 31 69

Local self‐governance 51 49

Central Election 15 85 Commission

President 29 71

State Audit Agency 100

During October 8-14 TV Company TV 9 provided equal coverage of the events ongoing in the region as well as nationwide. TV stories were balanced and unbiased. No loyalty to any subject was visible. Reporting on the monitored subjects was essentially neutral in tone.

Tanamgzavri (Telavi) – News programs dedicated biggest share of airtime (16 min) to the Georgian

Dream coalition. Government, local self-government and UNM enjoyed 6, 4 and 3-minute coverage respectively.

Internews Georgia 12 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Time for Subjects (sec.) TV "Tanamgzavri"

Georgian Dream Coalition 960

Government 340

Local self‐governance 213

United National Movement 166

Central Election Commission 119

Christian‐Democratic Movement 95

President 53

Free Georgia 27

New Rights 15

Subjects were mainly discussed in neutral tone. But positive (Georgian Dream coalition, government, UNM) and negative (local self-government, UNM) tones were observed too.

Tone towards Subjects (%) TV "Tanamgzavri"

Positive Neutral Negative

Georgian Dream Coalition 19 80 1

Government 30 70

Local self‐governance 82 18

United National Movement 30 61 9

Central Election 100 Commission

Christian‐Democratic 100 Movement

According to the findings the share of direct/indirect reporting was almost equal:

Internews Georgia 13 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Direct/Indirect Broadcasting of Subjects (%) TV "Tanamgzavri"

Direct Indirect

Georgian Dream Coalition 46 54

Government 60 40

Local self‐governance 45 55

United National Movement 62 38

Central Election 32 68 Commission

Christian‐Democratic 79 21 Movement

During the reporting period TV Company Tanamgzavri covered developments in the region and nationwide. TV stories equally covered all of the parties. News programs are balanced. The Georgian Dream coalition though enjoyed the biggest share of airtime which was almost three-fold more than the subject coming next in the chart.

Trialeti (Gori) – The biggest share of airtime (11 min) was dedicated to the local self-government.

CEC and the Georgian Dream coalition received 10 and 8 minutes of reporting respectively.

Time for Subjects (sec.) TV "Trialeti"

Local self‐governance 659

Central Election 618 Commission

Georgian Dream 505 Coalition

Authorities 368 (unspecified)

United National 170 Movement

Election observers 87

Internews Georgia 14 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Subjects were mainly covered in neutral tone, positive and negative tones were observed too. 100 percent of reporting was negative in regard to the authorities (6-minute reporting).

Tone towards Subjects (%) TV "Trialeti"

Positive Neutral Negative

Local self‐governance 19 52 29

Central Election Commission 100

Georgian Dream Coalition 23 70 7

Authorities (unspecified) 100

United National Movement 5 76 19

Election observers 100

Indirect reporting prevailed over direct reporting. The share of direct/indirect reporting was almost equal in case of the Georgian Dream coalition.

Direct/Indirect Braodcasting of Subjects (%) TV "Trialeti"

Direct Indirect

Local self‐governance 18 82

Central Election 38 62 Commission

Georgian Dream 46 54 Coalition

Authorities (unspecified) 100

United National 35 65 Movement

Election observers 48 52

Within the reporting period TV Company Trialeti reported solely on the Georgian Dream coalition and UNM. The TV stories demonstrated the stance of both of the parties. The time dedicated to the Georgian Dream coalition though was three times more. Along with the political parties local self- government, CEC and activities of election observers were covered too.

Internews Georgia 15 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Guria (Ozurgeti) – News programs dedicated the biggest share of airtime, 9 minutes, was dedicated to the Georgian Dream coalition. The rest of the monitored subjects were virtually provided no coverage. A bit more than a minute was dedicated to UNM and local self-government.

Time for Subjects (sec.) TV "Guria"

Georgian Dream Coalition 539

United National Movement 91

Local self‐governance 80

Government 63

President 63

European Democrats 44

Free Georgia 44

Georgian Troupe 38

Opposition 28

All of the three tones were attached to reporting on the Georgian Dream coalition. 65 percent of reporting was neutral.

Internews Georgia 16 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Tone towards Subjects (%) TV "Guria"

Positive Neutral Negative

Georgian Dream Coalition 27 65 7

United National Movement 57 43

Local self‐governance 22 22 57

Government 63 14 22

President 92 8

When reporting on the coalition the share of direct/indirect reporting was almost equal 41 percent / 59 percent. Due to the lack of findings it is hard to provide qualitative analysis.

Channel 12 (Bolnisi) – During the reporting period the TV company produced the only news program which included no story about monitored subjects.

Imervizia (Chiatura) – News programs reported on CEC (10 min), local self-government (8 min),

Georgian Dream coalition (4 min) and government (3 min).

Internews Georgia 17 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Time for Subjects (sec.) TV "Imervizia"

Central Election Commission 595

Local self‐governance 483

Georgian Dream Coalition 212

Government 158

Christian‐Democratic 48 Movement

United National Movement 28

Subjects were essentially discussed in neutral tone. Positive tone was observed as well in regard to CEC (44 percent) and Georgian Dream coalition (12 percent).

Tone towards Subjects (%) TV "Imervizia"

Positive Neutral Negative

Central Election 44 56 Commission

Local self‐governance 100

Georgian Dream Coalition 12 88

Government 100

The share of direct/indirect reporting was almost equal:

Internews Georgia 18 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Direct/Indirect Broadcasting of Subjects (%) TV "Imervizia"

Direct Indirect

Central Election Commission 53 47

Local self‐governance 59 41

Georgian Dream Coalition 84 16

Government 100

During the reporting period the TV Company produced four news programs which repeatedly aired certain stories (e.g. CEC sitting, Sakrebulo sitting, problems related to mini buses and water supply) which ultimately doubled the airtime dedicated to the monitored subjects. Reporting was neutral in tone, journalist’s personal attitude to either issue was not demonstrated.

Argo (Zestaponi) - The channel dedicated the biggest share of reporting to the Georgian Dream coalition - 3 minutes. The rest of the subjects were provided no coverage. The time dedicated to them is too little.

Internews Georgia 19 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Time for Subjects (sec.) TV "Argo"

Georgian Dream Coalition 155

Government 82

United National Movement 64

Local self‐governance 35

President 8

Reporting tone attached to the Georgian Dream coalition is 87 percent neutural. The way of reporting is 100 percent indirect. Because of scarce time dedicated to the monitored subject there is no possibility to provide qualitative analysis.

Borjomi (Borjomi) – The TV Company reported on two of the monitored subjects: local self- government (4 min) and the Georgian Dream coalition (2 min). All of the reporting tones were observed, the neutral tone though considerably prevailed over negative and positive. The greater share of reporting falls on direct reporting. Since the survey material is scarce qualitative analysis is impossible to make.

Time for Subjects (sec.) TV "Borjomi"

Local self‐governance 242

Georgian Dream Coalition 132

Internews Georgia 20 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Marneuli TV (Marneuli) – Within the reporting period the TV Company produced the only news program with no story about the monitored subjects included.

Gurjaani (Gurjaani) – The TV Company dedicated the biggest share of airtime, 11 min, to the

Georgian Dream coalition. 8 and 7-minute reporting was enjoyed by President and the local self- government respectively.

Time for Subjects (sec.) TV "Gurjaani"

Georgian Dream Coalition 642

President 472

Local self‐governance 399

United National Movement 134

State Audit Agency 107

Authorities (unspecified) 65

Election observers 46

European Democrats 38

Georgian Troupe 35

Central Election Commission 21

All of the three tones were observed in regard to the monitored subjects. The biggest share of neutral tone falls on President (89 percent) and Georgian Dream coalition (80 percent).

Internews Georgia 21 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Tone towards Subjects (%) TV "Gurjaani"

Positive Neutral Negative

Georgian Dream Coalition 12 80 8

President 6 89 4

Local self‐governance 14 50 36

United National Movement 45 22 33

State Audit Agency 100

Authorities (unspecified) 60 40

Direct reporting greatly prevailed over indirect reporting 80 percent / 20 percent. But in case of the Georgian Dream coalition the share was almost equal.

Direct/Indirect Broadcasting of Subjects (%) TV "Gurjaani"

Direct Indirect

Georgian Dream Coalition 54 46

President 80 20

Local self‐governance 41 59

United National Movement 100

State Audit Agency 100

Authorities (unspecified) 100

During the reporting period TV Company Gurjaani reported on the developments at the regional as well as national level. A fair amount of airtime was dedicated to the TV stories about social and infrastructural issues. The stories featured locals expressing their viewpoints.

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LTV (Lagodekhi) – Within the reporting period 3 minutes were dedicated to the local self- government. 2 minute-reporting was received by CEC. The rest of the monitored subjects were provided no coverage. The tone of reporting on both of the covered subjects was positive. The bigger share of reporting is direct. The lack of findings gives us no possibility to provide qualitative analysis.

Time for Subjects (sec.) TV "LTV"

Local self‐governance 167

Central Election 101 Commission

Labour Party 9

Georgian Dream Coalition 9

United National Movement 8

Mega TV (Khoni) – The Georgian Dream coalition leads the chart in terms of the airtime dedicated in the news programs – 5 minutes. Local self-government comes next with 4 minutes, followed by New Rights and authorities with 2 minutes.

Internews Georgia 23 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Time for Subjects (sec.) "Mega TV"

Georgian Dream Coalition 328

Local self‐governance 220

New Rights 158

Authorities (unspecified) 137

Central Election Commission 104

Government 81

Christian‐Democratic Movement 69

United National Movement 64

President 47

Free Georgia 21

All of the three tones were observed when reporting on the monitored subjects. Neutral and negative tones though prevailed over positive. 95 percent of neutral reporting was identified in regard to the Georgian Dream coalition and 94 percent in relation to New Rights. 67 and 50 percent of the dedicated time was negative in regard the authorities and the local self-government respectively.

Tone towards Subjects (%) "Mega TV"

Positive Neutral Negative

Georgian Dream Coalition 5 95

Local self‐governance 6 44 50

New Rights 94 6

Authorities (unspecified) 7 26 67

Central Election Commission 77 23

Government 6 94

Christian‐Democratic Movement 100

United National Movement 22 78

The share of direct/indirect reporting was almost equal in case of Georgian Dream coalition. In regard to the local self-government indirect reporting (82 percent) greatly prevailed over direct reporting.

Internews Georgia 24 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Direct/Indirect Broadcasting of Subjects (%) "Mega TV"

Direct Indirect

Georgian Dream Coalition 56 44

Local self‐governance 18 82

New Rights 87 13

Authorities (unspecified) 100

Central Election Commission 12 88

Government 100

Christian‐Democratic Movement 91 9

United National Movement 100

TV Company Mega TV aggressively covered political developments. During the reporting week 10 of the monitored subjects were covered. Reporting on the State agencies and UNM was mainly negative in tone while reporting tone in regard to the Georgian Dream coalition and other opposition parties was neutral.

Zari (Samtredia) – The channel covered only two of the monitored subjects including the Georgian

Dream coalition (12 min) and government (3 min). Reporting on the Georgian Dream coalition was 87 percent neutral while reporting on the government was 77 percent positive in tone. Negative tone was not attached to reporting on either subject. In regard to both of the covered subjects indirect reporting was observed.

Internews Georgia 25 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Time for Subjects (sec.) TV "Zari"

Georgian Dream Coalition 709

Government 150

Within the reporting week TV Company Zari aired two news programs. The October 9 news outlet violated journalism standards: a 10-minute story was produced about the concert organized in Samtredia by the Georgian Dream coalition, 7 out of 10 minutes was dedicated to songs and dancing. It is noteworthy that the stories lack balance, journalists show bias, e.g. when reporting on the concert the journalist says: the charge the audience got from singers at this grand concert further boosted following Kakhi Kaladze’s appearance.

9th Wave - News programs dedicated about 12 minutes to the Georgian Dream coalition.

Government received 7-minute reporting, followed by local self-government with 3 minutes and UNM with 2 minutes.

Internews Georgia 26 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters

Time for Subjects (sec.) TV "9th Wave"

Georgian Dream Coalition 748

Government 413

Local self‐governance 155

United National Movement 103

European Democrats 65

Opposition 58

Georgian Troupe 43

President 33

Central Election Commission 22

All of the three tones were observed when reporting on the government. Reporting on the Georgian Dream coalition was positive (37 percent) and neutral (63 percent) in tone. Only neutral and negative tones were attached to reporting on the local self-government and UNM.

Tone towards Subjects (%) TV "9th Wave"

Positive Neutral Negative

Georgian Dream Coalition 37 63

Government 33 41 26

Local self‐governance 61 39

United National Movement 54 46

European Democrats 100

The share of direct/indirect reporting was almost equal in government’s case. Indirect reporting

Internews Georgia 27 Monitoring of Media Content of Local/Regional Television Broadcasters prevailed over direct reporting in regard to the local self-government and UNM, the picture looks contrariwise in regard to the Georgian Dream coalition.

Direct/Indirect Broadcasting of Subjects (%) TV "9th Wave"

Direct Indirect

Georgian Dream Coalition 61 39

Government 49 51

Local self‐governance 39 61

United National Movement 37 63

European Democrats 72 28

Within the reporting period news programs in the 9th Wave, in addition to self-produced stories, dedicated a fair amount of time to the TV stories by Georgian Association of Regional Broadcasters, Gurjaani and Akhaltsikhe-based TV Companies. The TV Company aggressively covered a strike organized by Poti port employees and case-related issues. It is noteworthy that TV stories are balanced and journalists show no bias.

Activities to be carried out:

Within the period of October 15-21 the eleventh phase of monitoring of regional broadcasters will be carried out.

This report is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the sole responsibility of Internews Georgia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the International Foundation for Electoral

Systems, USAID or the United States Government.

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