doi: 10.19090/i.2016.27.258-273 UDC: 94(497.1)”1981” ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER Received: 27 April 2016 Accepted: 16 Jun 2016 SLOBODAN BJELICA University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History
[email protected] VIEWS OF VOJVODINIAN LEADERSHIP ON RE-OPENING THE ISSUE OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SR SERBIA AND SAP VOJVODINA IN 1981 Abstract: In the early 1980s, after the death of the long-time President Josip Broz Tito, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia slowly began to fall into a deep political and economic crisis. One of the most important aspects of this crisis was the crisis between the republic and the province, whose relationship was based on the 1974 Constitution. In terms of relations of the Socialist Republic of Serbia and the Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina the degradation started 1981, when in the wake of the Albanian demonstrations (i.e. the counterrevolution in Kosovo), the republic leadership demanded a redefinition of the relations within Serbia, i.e. the change of the Constitution. Responding to the specific criticism from Belgrade, Vojvodinian leaders formed a working group which, in eight comprehensive studies, gave their view of the normative and economic problems of Serbia and Vojvodina. Keywords: autonomy, Vojvodina, Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Serbia. n 1981, when Vojvodina lost both protagonists of the great dispute over the autonomy from the 1960s – Jovan Veselinov and Stevan Doronjski, a major political crisis started I and it did not end until the final disintegration of the country. The crisis began in March with massive Albanian demonstrations in Kosovo under the slogan ‘Kosovo – Republic’, so in April after the riots and casualties the Yugoslav leadership was forced to introduce a state of emergency.