arXiv:1710.04779v1 [math.NT] 13 Oct 2017 xoeta eeaigfnto o h sums the for function generating Exponential where a ecmue ihtehl fsm prpit appropriate some of help the with computed be can function xadn nsre 11 ilsa nnt e fpolynomia of set infinite an yields (1.1) series in Expanding ti lsia eutta hs oyoil a eexpres be can these that result classical a is It tflosfo 13 htteBrolinmesstsythe satisfy numbers Bernoulli the that (1.3) from follows It xml,a nnt ubro eurnerltoso h fo the of recurr relations recurrence known references of many and number of [2] infinite an example, one example, for simplest (see, the numbers Bernoulli fact the in is relation This ENUL UBR N U FPWR FITGR OF INTEGERS OF POWERS OF SUM AND NUMBERS BERNOULLI si nw h u fpwr fitgr 4,[9] [4], integers of powers of sum the known is As Date B coe 6 2017. 16, October : X q i h ihrodrBrolinumbers. Bernoulli order higher the via Abstract. m =0 q r h enul ubr htcnb eie rmteexpone the from derived be can that numbers Bernoulli the are  m q + k egv nepeso fplnmasfrhge uso power of sums higher for polynomials of expression an give We  S NRIK VNNADSELN .SVININA V. SVETLANA AND SVININ K. ANDREI S ( ˆ m m ( + n = ) k S − ( ,t n, m ,k q, X q S IHRORDER HIGHER 1 m 1 + =0 = ) ) ( 1. e B ,t n, S t  q m − t X q Introduction m X q m =0 = = ) ( =1 n 1 n q 1 + ( := ) m = e − qt X q 1) 1 ≥  k + X q = ≥ 0 q B S X q k 0 S  =1 ˆ n m q e B S q m ( ( ( = ( n q q n n m e +1) m q t 1 + q sgvnby given is ) ) δ t q ! t q 0 − . + q ,m ! t  . − 1 k . B − e q t e s[7] as sed n . 1 ls eurnerelation recurrence hri) n a eie for derive, can One therein). rm m k , +1 { S − ˆ − m nerltosinvolving relations ence q 1) ( S , ˆ n m , : ) ( ∀ n m k fintegers of s o any for ) ≥ ta generating ntial ≥ 1 0 . } htis, that , m (1.5) (1.2) (1.1) (1.3) (1.4) ≥ 0. 2 ANDREIK.SVININANDSVETLANAV.SVININA

In this paper we investigate a class of sums that correspond to a k-th power of (1.1) for k ≥ 1. Our main result is a formula for polynomials allowing to calculate these sums. It turns out that these polynomials are expressed via the higher Bernoulli numbers.

2. The power sums of higher order

Let us now consider a power of the generating function (1.1): tq (S(n,t))k := S(k)(n) . q q! q X≥0 We have k n kn k (S(n,t))k = eqt = eqt. (2.1)   q q=1 n X Xq=k   The coefficients k obviously generalizing the binomial coefficients originated from Abra- q n ham De Moivre and Leonard Euler works [10], [5] and extensively studied in the literature due to their applicability. From (2.1), we see that it is a generating function for the sums of the form k(n−1) k S(k)(n) := (k + q)m . (2.2) m q q n X=0   It is natural to call (2.2) the sums of powers of integers of higher order. Expanding k e(n+1)t − et tq = Sˆ(k)(n) , et − 1 q q! ! q X≥0 (k) we get an infinite number of polynomials Sˆm (n). Our goal in the paper is to prove that m 1 m + k Sˆ(k)(n)= (−1)q B(k)S(m + k − q, k)nm+k−q, (2.3) m m+k q q k q X=0   (k)  where Bq are the higher order Bernoulli numbers defined as tk tq = B(k) . (2.4) (et − 1)k q q! q X≥0 The Bernoulli numbers of higher order appeared in [11] in connection with a theory of finite differences and then was investigated by many authors from different points of view (see, for example, [3]). These numbers are known to satisfy [11] k − n B(k+1) = B(k) − nB(k) . n k n n−1 (k) The number Bn with fixed n ≥ 0 turns out to be some polynomial in k. These kind of polynomials are known as N¨orlund polynomials. One can find a number of these polyno- mials in [11]. For convenience, we have written out several N¨orlund polynomials in the BERNOULLI NUMBERS AND SUMS OF POWERS OF INTEGERS OF HIGHER ORDER 3

Appendix. The numbers S(n, k) in (2.3) are the Stirling numbers of the second kind that satisfy recurrence relation

S(n, k)= S(n − 1, k − 1) + kS(n − 1, k) (2.5) with appropriate boundary conditions [15], [4]. It is easy to prove that the higher order Bernoulli numbers satisfy the recurrence relation m m + k S(m + k − q, k)B(k) = δ . (2.6) q q 0,m q X=0   The most general relation involving (1.4), (1.5) and (2.6) as particular cases is m m + k m+k S(m + k − q, k)B(r) = k S(m + k − r, k − r), ∀k ≥ r. (2.7) q q m+k−r q=0 k−r  X    As is known S(m + k, k), for any fixed m ≥ 0, is expressed as a polynomial fm(k) of degree 2m, which satisfy the identity

fm(k) − fm(k − 1) = kfm−1(k) following from the identity (2.5). Therefore we can replace S(m + k − q, k) by fm−q(k) in (2.3). In the literature the polynomials fm(k) are known as the [6], [8]. These are known to be expressed via the N¨orlund polynomials as (see, for example, [1])

m + k (−k) fm(k)= B . m m   The following proposition also gives the relationship of the higher Bernoulli numbers with the Stirling numbers.

Proposition 2.1. One has m (k) s(q + k, k) Bm = q+k S(m,q). (2.8) q=1 k X  In (2.8), s(n, k) stands for the Stirling numbers of the first kind [14]. It is evident that in the case k = 1, (2.8) becomes m q! B = (−1)q S(m,q), m q + 1 q=1 X while in the case k = 2, it takes the following form: m (q + 1)!H B(2) = 2 (−1)q q+1 S(m,q), m (q + 1)(q + 2) q X=1 m where Hm are harmonic number defined by Hm := q=1 1/q. To prove (2.3), we need the following lemma: P 4 ANDREIK.SVININANDSVETLANAV.SVININA

Lemma 2.2. By virtue of (2.7) we have m m + k R(k,r)(n) := (−1)q S(m + k − q, k)Sˆ(r)(n) (2.9) m q q q=0 X   m 1 m + k = (−1)j S(m + k − r − j, k − r) k m + k − r − j r j X=0   × S(r + j, r)nr+j, ∀m ≥ 0, k ≥ r. (2.10)

It should be remarked that in the case k = r, (2.10) becomes (k,k) m m+k Rm (n) = (−1) S(m + k, k)n . (2.11)

Proof of lemma 2.2. We can rewrite (2.9) as (k,r) r+q−j Rm (n)= aqbq,jn , j q m 0≤ X≤ ≤ where m+k q aq := r+q S(m + k − q, k) r  and r+ q b := (−1)q−j B(r)S(r + q − j, r). q,j j j   Let ˜j = q − j and ˜ r + q b = (−1)j B(r) S(r + ˜j, r). q,˜j q − ˜j q−˜j   In what follows, for simplicity, let us write ˜j without the tilde. Making use the identity r + q r + q q r+q = = r , q − j r + j j r+j       r  we get  S(r + j, r) m + k q a b = (−1)j S(m + k − q, k)B(r) q q,j r+j q j q−j r    and therefore  (k,r) r+j Rm (n) = aqbq,jn j q m 0≤ X≤ ≤ S(r + j, r) m + k q = (−1)j nr+j S(m + k − q, k)B(r) . r+j q j q−j j m r j q m 0≤X≤ ≤X≤    In turn, making use the identity  m + k q m + k m + k − j = , q j j q − j       we get S(r + j, r) m + k R(k,r)(n) = (−1)j nr+j m r+j j j m k 0≤X≤   m +k −j (r) × S(m + k − q, k)B . q − j q−j j q m ≤X≤   BERNOULLI NUMBERS AND SUMS OF POWERS OF INTEGERS OF HIGHER ORDER 5

Finally, by virtue of (2.7), we get m + k − j S(m + k − q, k)B(r) q − j q−j j q m ≤X≤   m + k − j = S(m + k − j − q, k)B(r) q q q m j 0≤ X≤ −   m+k−j k = m+k−j−r S(m + k − j − r, k − r) k−r  and hence  m+k m+k−j (k,r) j j k Rm (n) = (−1) r+j m+k−j−r S(m + k − j − r, k − r) 0≤j≤m r  k−r  X ×S(r + j, r)nr+j  1 m + k = (−1)j S(m + k − j − r, k − r). k m + k − j − r r j m 0≤X≤   × S(r + j, r)nr+j Therefore the lemma is proved.  The recurrence relation, for example (2.11), uniquely determines an infinite set of poly- (k) nomials {Sˆm (n) : m ≥ 0}. We have written out some of them in the Appendix. For ˆ(k) k example, S0 (n)= n . On the other hand k(n−1) n−1 k (k) k q k S0 (n) := = t = n . q n ! t=1 q=0   q=0 X X (k) Lemma 2.3. The higher sums Sm (n) satisfy the same recurrence relations as in lemma 2.2, that is, m m + k (−1)q S(m + k − q, k)S(r)(n) q q q=0 X   m 1 m + k = (−1)j S(m + k − r − j, k − r)S(r + j, r)nr+j.(2.12) k m + k − r − j r j X=0    In the case k = r = 1, (2.12) becomes the well-known identity for the sums of powers [12]. Proof of lemma 2.3. This lemma is proved by using standard arguments. Let us replace an argument of generating function t →−t to get tq e−nt − 1 r (−1)qS(r)(n) = (−1)k . (2.13) q q! et − 1 q X≥0   Multiplying both sides of (2.13) by (et − 1)k and taking into account that

tq (et − 1)k = k! S(q, k) ,  q!  q X≥0   6 ANDREIK.SVININANDSVETLANAV.SVININA we get (2.12).  Now, we are in a position to prove our theorem.

Theorem 2.4. One has (k) ˆ(k) Sm (n)= Sm (n), (k) where Sˆm (n) be the polynomials (2.3).

Proof. This theorem is a simple consequence of lemma 2.2 and lemma 2.3 since the sums (k) (k) Sm (n) satisfy the same recurrence relations as the polynomials Sˆm (n). 

(k) 3. The relationship of the sums Sm (n) to other sums

In [13] we considered sums of the form

S(k) m m m m (n) := (λ1 + (λ2 − n) + · · · + (λk − kn + n) ) , (3.1) {λ}∈XBj,jn where it is supposed that m is odd. Here Bk,kn := {λq : 1 ≤ λ1 ≤···≤ λk ≤ kn}. Let us remark that there are some terms of the form rm with negative r in (3.1). It is evident that in this case rm = −|r|m. By this rule, the sum (3.1) can be rewritten as

kn S(k) m m (n)= cq(k,n)q (3.2) q=0 X with some integer coefficients cr(k,n). (k) (k) It was conjectured in [13] that in the case of odd m the sums Sm (n) and Sm (n) are related with each other by

k−1 k(n + 1) S(k)(n)= S(k−q)(n). (3.3) m q m q=0 X   (k) Let us define the sums Sm (n) with even m by (3.2). It is evident that conjectural relation (3.3) is valid for both odd and even m. More exactly, actual calculations show that

k−1 (k) k(n + 1) (k−q) S (n) − S (n)= c (k,n)δm, . m q m 0 0 q=0 X  


N¨orlund polynomials. The first six of the N¨orlund polynomials are given by 1 1 1 B(k) = 1, B(k) = − k, B(k) = k (3k − 1) , B(k) = − k2 (k − 1) , 0 1 2 2 12 3 8 1 1 B(k) = 15k3 − 30k2 + 5k + 2 , B(k) = − k2 (k − 1) 3k2 − 7k − 2 . 4 240 5 96   BERNOULLI NUMBERS AND SUMS OF POWERS OF INTEGERS OF HIGHER ORDER 7

(k) The polynomials Sˆm (n). The first six of these polynomials are given by k Sˆ(k)(n)= nk, Sˆ(k)(n)= nk (n + 1) , 0 1 2 k Sˆ(k)(n)= nk(n + 1) ((3k + 1)n + 3k − 1) , 2 12 k2 Sˆ(k)(n)= nk(n + 1)2 ((k + 1)n + k − 1) , 3 8 k Sˆ(k)(n) = nk(n + 1) (15k3 + 30k2 + 5k − 2)n3 + (45k3 + 30k2 − 5k + 2)n2 4 240 +(45k3 − 30k2 − 5k − 2)n + 15k3 − 30k2 + 5k + 2 ,

k2  Sˆ(k)(n) = nk(n + 1)2 (3k3 + 10k2 + 5k − 2)n3 + (9k3 + 10k2 − 5k + 2)n2 5 96 +(9k3 − 10k2− 5k − 2)n + 3k3 − 10k2 + 5k + 2 .  References [1] A. Adelberg, A finite difference approach to degenerate Bernoulli and Stirling polynomials, Disc. Math. 140 (1995), 1–21. [2] T. Agoh, K. Dilcher, Shortened recurrence relations for Bernoulli numbers, Disc. Math., 309 (2009), 887–898. [3] L. Carlitz, Some theorems on Bernoulli numbers of higher order, Pacific J. Math., 2 (1952), 127–139. [4] K. Graham, D. E. Knuth and O. Patashnik, Concrete mathematics, Addison-Wesley, 1989. 2 n [5] L. Euler, De evolutione potestatis polynomialis cuiuscunque 1+ x + x + · · ·  , Nova Acta Academiae Scientarum Imperialis Petropolitinae, 12 (1801), 47–57. [6] I. Gessel, R. P. Stanley, Stirling polynomials, J. Comb. Theor., Ser. A 24 (1978), 24–33. [7] C. G. Jacobi, De usu legitimoformulae summatoriae Maclaurinaianae, J. Reine Angew. Math., 12 (1834), 263–272. [8] K. Jord´an, Calculus of finite differences, American Mathematical Soc., 1965. [9] D. E. Knuth, Johann Faulhaber and the Sums of Powers, Mathematics of Computation, American Mathematical Society, 61 (1993), 277–294. [10] A. De Moivre, The doctrine of chances: or, A method of calculating the probabilities of events in play, Chelsea Publishing Company, 1756. [11] N. E. N¨orlund, Vorlesungen ¨uber Differenzenrechnung, Berlin, 1924. [12] J. Riordan, Combinatorial identities, New York: Wiley, 1968. [13] A. K. Svinin, Conjectures involving a generalization of the sums of powers of integers, Exp. Math., accepted for publication. [14] E. W. Weisstein, of the First Kind, From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource. [15] E. W. Weisstein, Stirling Number of the Second Kind, From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.

Andrei K. Svinin, Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 292, 664033 Irkutsk, Russia E-mail address: [email protected]

Svetlana V. Svinina, Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 292, 664033 Irkutsk, Russia E-mail address: [email protected]