Derrick Jensen,Aric McBay, | 560 pages | 25 Aug 2011 | ,U.S. | 9781583229293 | English | New York, United States Deep Green Resistance Preface by Derrick Jensen | DGR Book

It's such a relief to find in print the thoughts that I've been having. I was feeling I was alone in them, maybe a bit mad. But M. But McBay, Jensen and Keith have reached similar conclusions. So too for these guys. All my adult life I have been a good recycler and low impact consumer, by Western standards. Goddammit, I even haven't had children, which has slashed my eco footprint to a fraction. And to what end? On every count the planet is dying faster and faster. My choices have made no difference. The only consolation is that I didn't waste time and effort in producing a generation doomed to die young, one way or another. History teaches us that it's bound to fail; humanity hasn't managed a single one that's survived. Oh yes, this one's global and more powerful but therein lies its Achilles Heel. There's no escape from it and the power merely magnifies the potential fuck-up. In contrast Romans at the edge of their empire like in Britain could just melt into the local culture. And I bet they, and the Mayans, thought they were technologically advanced. They were too, but it didn't save them. So is this just Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet book for the converted? Not when it hits you with almost throwaway bombshells. One of these explodes at the start of the chapter about civilisation. Did you know that the cod in your supermarket ain't that at all? I'd always tried to square that circle of cod being endangered yet still on our shelves. True Atlantic cod — the stuff so bounteous that early explorers could almost walk across Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet — is Gadus morhua but two other species in the worldwide genus are also cod. Moreover, another dozen fish Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet the word cod in their name and so can be marketed as such. I can do without the Dave Spart polemic in chapters 3 and 4. The political content with all its long words had me glazing over a couple of times before I skipped huge chunks. This left-wing analysis may be new to an American audience but it's stale this side of the Atlantic. But we in the Western World are all in it together. We have our drugs, cheap booze, fags, porn, Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet, credit cards, insurance, pensions. We're all getting fat. We're all responsible. You might argue that the billions in poverty and those not yet adult are innocent. You can bet your last barrel of oil though that they would emulate us and if we went they'd rush to fill the vacuum. Our children certainly will. It's human nature. Us vs Them is a simple analysis and works if all you want is a struggle. I love how revolutionaries wallow in that word. If We take responsibility though, We see what needs to be done. True power lies that way. Personally I don't care about how shitty people are to each other, which seems to be the main obsession of politics. I know how they are and they'll change slowly if at all. I do care about how shitty people are to the planet and I care about stopping that. It may never change too, which will wipe us off the face of the Earth, without too much mourning unless we take it all down with us. We need not a new system but a new humanityalmost a new species. And that may change our behaviour to each other as a by-product. One example the authors of Deep Green Resistance propose is the indigenous, the displaced peoples and those still being displaced. As though they had some moral superiority; as though they had something to teach us. I don't buy this noble savage concept. As I've said, human nature suggests they would emulate us Westerners if they could. History bears me out: waves of extinction have followed in humanity's wake, wherever it went. From The Honeyeaters' Tree here's a passage about two indigenous cultures I have seen:. Don't believe that crap about indigenous races being Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet guardians of the Earth. It's as false for the Aborigines, who also caused a massive extinction when they crossed over from Indonesia. They slaughtered every creature larger than themselves, which were manifold, as well as a good selection of smaller animals. Dreamtime for Aborigines; nightmare for native Australian species. God does know and so do we: we're seeing it now. OK, let's be on their side but Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet that they run to a different agenda. Allies while it suits them, they may become a liability. Even more dangerous is the book's focus on gender. It's hard to ignore the anti-male sentiment and ultimately even harder to take it. I'm uncomfortable about being equated with rapists. In my experience men form the large part of those who have invested their lives in the natural world, who see the damage and who want to fight back. To alienate them is at best dumb; at worst nasty. Without much enthusiasm I read on because the book's solution is the best we have with systems the way they are and the time available. I wish it weren't but a war on industry seems the sole counter to the war it's waging on our home. And quick, before it destroys our home. At pages it may even reach a wider audience. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Lierre Keith. Derrick Jensen. For years, Derrick Jensen has asked his audiences, "Do you think this culture will undergo a voluntary transformation to a sane and sustainable way of life? Deep Green Resistance starts where the leaves off: industrial is incompatible with life. To save this planet, Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet need a serious resistance movement that can bring down the industrial economy. Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet Green Resistance evaluates strategic options for resistance, from nonviolence to guerrilla warfare, and the conditions required for those options to be successful. It provides an exploration of organizational structures, recruitment, security, and target selection for both aboveground and underground action. Deep Green Resistance also discusses a culture of resistance and the crucial support role that it can play. Deep Green Resistance is a plan of action for anyone determined to fight for this planet—and win. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. 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Anarcho primitivism. Resistance culture. What is liberal? What is conservative? What is radical? What is moderate? These are relative terms. What does that mean? That means For years, Derrick Jensen has asked Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet audiences, "Do you think this culture will undergo a voluntary transformation to a sane and sustainable way of life? Deep Green Resistance starts where the environmental movement leaves off: industrial civilization is incompatible with life. To save this planet, we need a serious resistance Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet that can bring down the industrial economy. Deep Green Resistance evaluates strategic options for resistance, from nonviolence to guerrilla warfare, and the conditions required for those options to be successful. It provides an exploration of organizational structures, recruitment, security, and target selection for both aboveground and underground action. Deep Green Resistance also discusses a culture of resistance and the crucial support role that it can play. Deep Green Resistance is a plan of action for anyone determined to fight for this planet—and win. Chapter EpilogueGetting Started. Chapter 6. He lives in California. She is the author of two novels, as well The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainabilitywhich has been called "the most important ecological book of this generation. She lives in Humboldt County, CA. Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 7. Chapter 8. Chapter 9. Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet | Common Dreams Views

A black tern weighs barely two ounces. And every year the journey Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet longer as the wetlands are desiccated for human demands. Every year the tern, desperate and hungry, loses, while civilization, endless and sanguineous, wins. A polar bear should weigh pounds. When she wakes, the waters will stretch impassably opened, and there is no Abrahamic god of bears to part them for her. The snail has been declared not just extinct, but the first casualty of global warming. In dry periods, the snail hibernated. The young of any species are always more vulnerable. We are living in a period of mass extinction. What is your personal carrying capacity for grief, rage, despair? The numbers stand at species a day. This culture is oblivious to their passing, entitled to their every last Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet, and there is no roll call on the nightly news. We already have a name for the tsunami wave of extermination: the Holocene extinction event. Are we so ethically numb that we need to be told this is wrong? There are voices raised in concern, even anguish, at the plight of the earth, the rending of its species. And self—evident. When they start offering solutions is the exact moment when they stop telling the truth, inconvenient or otherwise. When was the last time depression got you really motivated? They mean the usual consumer choices—cloth shopping bags, travel mugs, and misguided dietary advice—which will do exactly nothing to disrupt the troika of industrialization, capitalism, and patriarchy that is skinning the planet alive. Polar bears everywhere are weeping with relief. The first non—commercial site is the Union Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet Concerned Scientists. Like all the others, the scientists refuse to call industrial civilization into question. The principle here is very simple. But if we use them faster than they can grow, the forest will turn to desert. Which is precisely what civilization has been doing for its 10, year campaign, running through soil, rivers, and forests as well as metal, coal, and oil. The oceans are almost dead, 90 percent of the large fish devoured, and the plankton populations are collapsing, populations which both feed the life of the oceans and create oxygen for the planet. What will we fill our lungs with when they are gone? The plastics with which that industrial civilization is replacing them? Because in parts of the Pacific, plastic outweighs plankton 48 to 1. What metaphor would be adequate to the dying oceans? They need action. They need industrial civilization to stop destroying and devouring; failing that, they need us to make it Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet. Which is why we are writing this book. The truth is that this culture is insane. That means that most people, or at least most people with a beating heart, have already done the math, added up the arrogance, sadism, stupidity, and denial, and reached the bottom line: a dead planet. Some of us carry that final sum like the weight of a corpse. For others, that conclusion turns the heart to a smoldering coal. How this activity will stop the release of carbon and the felling of forests is never actually explained. The answer lies vaguely between being the change we wish to see and a hundredth monkey of hope, a monkey that is frankly more Christmas pony than actual possibility. The social upheavals of the 60s split along fault lines of responsibility and hedonism, of justice and selfishness, of sacrifice and entitlement. This culture leaves us ill—prepared to face the crisis of planetary biocide that greets us daily with its own grim dawn. The facts are not conducive to an open—hearted state of wonder. To confront the truth as adults, not as faux—children, requires an adult fortitude and courage, grounded in our adult responsibilities to the world. It requires those things because the situation is horrific and living with that knowledge will hurt. Meanwhile, I have been to workshops where global warming is treated as an opportunity for personal growth, and no one but me sees a problem with that. The alternative culture has encouraged a continuum that runs from the narcissistic to the sociopathic. We know that, too. Which is why no one raises a hand when Derrick asks whether the culture will voluntarily transition to a sustainable way of life. The word sustainable serves as an example of the worst tendencies of the alternative culture. To doubt the vague promise now firmly embedded in the word — that we can have our cars, our corporations, Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet consumption, and our planet, too — is both treason and heresy to the emotional well-being of most progressives. Are we sentimentalists or are we warriors? Because this way of life—devouring, degrading, and insane—cannot continue. The life—producing work of a million species are literally the earth, air, and water that we depend on. No human activity—not the vacuous, not the sublime—is worth more than that matrix. Neither, in the end, is any human life. Even if it was theoretically possible to reach an individual or collective narcissist, it would take time. And time is precisely what the planet has run out of. Admitting that might be the exact moment that we step out of the cloying childishness and optimistic white—lite denial of so much of the left, and into our adult knowledge. And with all apologies to Yeats, in knowledge begins responsibilities. Ninety—eight percent of the population will do nothing unless they are led, cajoled, or forced. But wherever there is there is resistance: that is true everywhere, forever. The resistance is built body by body from the other two percent, from the stalwart, the brave, the determined, who are willing to stand against both power and social censure. It is our thesis that there will be no mass movement, not in time to save this planet our home. Theoretically, the human race as Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet whole could face our situation and make some decisions— tough decisions, but fair ones, that include an equitable distribution of both resources and justice, that respect and embrace the limits of our planet. But none of the institutions that govern our lives, from the economic to the religious, are on the side of justice or sustainability. Most of them, in fact, are violently on the side of capital—E Evil. And like with the individually destructive, these institutions could be forced to change. The history of every human rights struggle bears witness to how courage and sacrifice can dismantle power and injustice. It takes bravery and persistence, political intelligence and spiritual strength. And it also takes time. If we had a thousand years, even a hundred years, building a movement to transform the dominant institutions around the globe would be the task before us. But the earth is running out Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet time. The western black rhinoceros is definitely out of time. So is the golden toad, the pygmy rabbit. No one is going to save this planet except us. So what are our options? The usual approach of long, slow institutional change has been foreclosed, and many of us know that. Have you accepted compact fluorescents as your personal savior? As Derrick has pointed out elsewhere, even if every American took every single action suggested by Al Gore it would only reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 21 percent. There is no kinder, greener version that will do the trick of leaving us a living planet. In blunt terms, industrialization is a process of taking entire communities of living beings and turning them into commodities and dead zones. Sure, we could use a little less fossil fuel, but it still ends in the same wastelands of land, water, and sky. We could stretch this out another twenty years but the planet still dies. And now tar sands, mountain top removal, windfarms which might better be called dead bird and bat farms. No amount of renewables is going to make up for the fossil fuel or change the nature of the extraction, both of which are prerequisites for this way of life. Neither fossil fuel nor extracted substances will ever be sustainable: by definition they will run out. And both getting them and using them are literally the destruction of the planet. Bringing a cloth shopping bag to the store, even if you walk there in your global warming flip flops, will not stop the tar sands. We have believed such ridiculous solutions because our perception has been blunted by some portion of denial and despair. And those are legitimate reactions. The question is, do we want to Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet a strategy to manage our emotional state or to save the planet? Until Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet. So this is the moment when you will have to decide. Do you want to be part Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet a serious effort to save this planet? Not a serious effort at collective delusion, not a serious effort to feel better, not a serious effort to save you and yours. But an actual strategy to stop the destruction of everything worth loving. After that, the only question left is: how? Industrial civilization is in fact more vulnerable than past empires, dependent as it is on such a fragile infrastructure of pipelines and overhead wires, on binary bits of data encoding its lifeblood of capital. If we would let ourselves think it, a workable strategy is obvious, and in fact is not very different from the actions of partisan resisters across history.