BUTTERFLY and MOTH (DK Eyewitness Books)
EYEWITNESS Eyewitness BUTTERFLY & MOTH BUTTERFLY & MOTH Eyewitness Butterfly & Moth Pyralid moth, Margaronia Smaller Wood Nymph butterfly, quadrimaculata ldeopsis gaura (China) (Indonesia) White satin moth caterpillar, Leucoma salicis (Europe & Asia) Noctuid moth, Eyed Hawkmoth Diphthera caterpillar, hieroglyphica Smerinthus ocellata (Central (Europe & Asia) America) Madagascan Moon Moth, Argema mittrei (Madagascar) Thyridid moth, Rhondoneura limatula (Madagascar) Red Glider butterfly, Cymothoe coccinata (Africa) Lasiocampid moth, Gloveria gargemella (North America) Tailed jay butterfly, Graphium agamemnon, (Asia & Australia) Jersey Tiger moth, Euplagia quadripunctaria (Europe & Asia) Arctiid moth, Composia credula (North & South America) Noctuid moth, Noctuid moth, Mazuca strigitincta Apsarasa radians (Africa) (India & Indonesia) Eyewitness Butterfly & Moth Written by PAUL WHALLEY Tiger Pierid butterfly, Birdwing butterfly, Dismorphia Troides hypolitus amphione (Indonesia) (Central & South America) Noctuid moth, Baorisa hieroglyphica (India & Southeast Asia) Hairstreak butterfly, Kentish Glory moth, Theritas coronata Endromis versicolora (South America) (Europe) DK Publishing, Inc. Peacock butterfly, Inachis io (Europe and Asia) LONDON, NEW YORK, MELBOURNE, MUNICH, and DELHI Project editor Michele Byam Managing art editor Jane Owen Special photography Colin Keates (Natural History Museum, London), Kim Taylor, and Dave King Editorial consultants Paul Whalley and the staff of the Natural History Museum Swallowtail butterfly This Eyewitness
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