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f:EPARl'MENl' OF HEALm, EDUCATICN, AND WELFARE ruBLIC HFALTH SERVICE NATlCNAL INSTI'1'tTI'£S OF HFALTH RECCIo!BlNANT OOA MOLOCULE PRCGRAM ADVISORY CCMotITl'EE MINUT&S OF MEET:nl; JANUARY 15-16, 1977 'nle Recanbinant [IUl. Molecule Program Advisory COIIIllittee was convened for its seventh meeting at 9 a.m. on January 15, 1977 in the Courier-Emissary Room, Tower 1, Sheraton-Four AJti)assadors Hotel, Miami, Florida. Dr. DeWitt Stetten, Jr., (Chairman) Deputy Director for SCience, am Dr. Leon Jacobs, (Vice Chairman) Associate Director for Collaborative Research, NIH, presided. In accordance with Public Law 92-463 the meeting was open to the public. Committee members present were: Drs. Edward A. Adelberg~ Roy Curtiss. III: James E. Darnell, Jr.; Peter Day; Donald Helinski: David S. Bogness: Elizabeth M. Kutten John W. Littlefield: Emnette S. Redford: Wallace P. Rowe; Jane K. Setlow; John Spizizen; Waclaw Szybalski; Lelt>y Walters; and William J. Gartland, Jr., Executive Secretary. A Committee roster is attached. (Attachment I) The following ad hoc consultant to the Committee was present: Dr. Susan Gottesman, National Cancer lnsti tute, NIB. ttle following liaison representatives were present: Dr. John F. Fulkerson, U.S. Deparbnent of Agriculture Dr. Hermal Lewis, National Science FoundatiQrl Other National Institutes of Health staff present were: Dr. Emnett Barkley, ocr; Dr. Peter- Con:Uiff, Fogarty International Center; Dr. Daphne Kamely, NIGMS: Dr. John N.1tter, NIAID: Dr. Bernard Talbot, 00; am Dr. Rudolf Wanner, DRS. 2 others in attendance for all or part of the meeting were: Dr. Frederick Blattner, University of Wisconsin: n.... Harvey Faber, University of Wisconsin; Dr.
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