76812 United Airlines.Indd C-10 6 8 1 2 U N I T E D
United Airlines, Time to Fly “Together” Analia Anderson, Derek Evers, Velislav Hristanov, Robert E. Hoskisson, Jake Johnson, Adam Kirst, Pauline Pham, Todd Robeson, Mathangi Shankar, Adam Schwartz, Richard Till, Craig Vom Lehn, Elena Wilkening, Gail Christian / Arizona State University United Airlines, formerly the wholly owned prin- Strong demand for air travel followed during cipal subsidiary of UAL Corporation, has experi- the post World War II economic boom that swept enced a significant amount of turbulence in its more the United States. In response, United expanded its than 80-year history. From its inception in 1926 workforce, acquired new routes, and purchased it has weathered many storms including mergers, the company’s first jet aircraft.3 On June 1, 1961, acquisitions, war, the Depression, strikes by labor United merged with Capital Airlines, then the fifth- unions, buyout and takeover attempts, terrorist largest air transport company in the United States, attacks, and bankruptcy. The most recent major and formed the world’s largest commercial airline. challenge to United and the global air transporta- In 1968, United’s stockholders approved the for- tion industry has been the global economic reces- mation of UAL, Inc., as a holding company, with sion. Then in October 2010, United Airlines joined United as a wholly owned subsidiary. with Continental Airlines in a merger that created The next 20 years were turbulent times for the the world’s largest airline, with more than 80,000 company and tested not only United, but also the employees. UAL Corporation changed its name entire airline industry. The company had six differ- to United Continental Holdings, Inc., with corpo- ent presidents between 1970 and 1989.
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