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HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING REFERRAL COMMITTEE – AGENDA ITEM 5 DATE: 16 May 2017 PLAN: CASE NUMBER: 16/04604/OUT GRID REF: EAST 433786 NORTH 471280 APPLICATION NO. 6.33.61.A.OUT DATE MADE VALID: 19.10.2016 TARGET DATE: 14.12.2016 REVISED TARGET: 19.05.2017 CASE OFFICER: Mr Andy Hough WARD: Newby VIEW PLANS AT: applications/ APPLICANT: Mr Stephen Dale AGENT: Mr Mark Sturgess PROPOSAL: Outline application for the erection of 5 dwellings with access and layout considered (Site Area 0.28). Amended Scheme. LOCATION: Land At Grid Reference 433786 471280 Back Lane Copt Hewick North Yorkshire REPORT This application was referred to planning committee by the Local Ward member Cllr Nick Brown due to concerns regarding drainage. The application was considered by planning committee on 25th April 2017. Members of the planning committee resolved to REFUSE the application on the grounds that the economic, social and environmental benefits were not great enough to outweigh the harm by way of the development being in an unsustainable location on a greenfield site adjacent to a village that lacked services. OFFICER REPORT The application site is located to the northern side of Back Lane, Copt Hewick on land that forms part of a larger agricultural field . The site extends to some 0.28hectares in area and is bound to the south and east by residential property situated on Back Lane and Vale View, respectively. To the north and west of the site is the remaining agricultural field, that is set within a rolling landscape. The application site is raised in respect of Back Lane and is set at a higher level than the residential units situated on Back Lane. The general topography is such that land rises in a general north eastern direction. The residential units on Vale View are thus also at a higher level than the application site. The site is adjacent but lies outside the built up confines of the village. The residential units on Vale View that immediately abut the application site are of single storey construction. Dwellings opposite the site on Back Lane are of two storey construction, although there is a bungalow to the south west , known as Hill View. A Public Right of Way (PROW) is located to the south eastern corner of the site. An intermittent hedgerow fronts the site along Back Lane. The application is submitted in outline form with access and layout considered as part of the submission. All other matters are reserved for subsequent approval. The submitted layout indicates 5 residential units comprising of two pairs of semi-detached dwellings and a detached unit at the eastern end of the site (adjacent to Vale View). Access was originally proposed to be taken from Back Lane towards the south western corner of the plot forming a small cul de sac with turning head at the eastern end of the site. The layout indicates that the route of the PROW is to be retained along the eastern boundary of the site with a realigned footpath to the site frontage. Following concern regarding the location of the detached unit in relation to Vale View and impact of the cul de sac upon the overall character of Back Lane, an amended layout was submitted. The 5 units are now accessed via independent access drives with alterations to the siting of the units. The siting of the units have been amended so as to provide greater separation distance between the end unit and the bungalows situated on Vale View. The units have also been brought forward into the plot, so as to provide a frontage to Back Lane. MAIN ISSUES (1) Land Use /Principle (2) Visual Impact (3) Highway Safety (4) Residential Amenity (5) Other Matters RELEVANT SITE HISTORY None CONSULTATIONS/NOTIFICATIONS Housing Department In May 2016 National Planning Policy Guidance on affordable housing thresholds changed and we can no longer look to provide affordable homes on schemes of 5 dwellings or below, and can only request a commuted sum on schemes of 6-10 dwellings, or if any scheme (whatever the total number of units) goes above 1000 square metres in designated rural areas. If the scheme goes over 1000 square metres at reserved matters stage please apply planning condition for the commuted sum payment. The SHMA 2015 identifies a need for 313 affordable units per annum in the Harrogate District. H.B.C Land Drainage Does not object to nor support the proposal . The planning application states surface water disposal to main sewer. However, according to Yorkshire Water sewer records the closest surface water sewer is situated at the road junction with Vale View. Yorkshire Water is unlikely to grant permission for the discharge of surface water to the public sewer network until other means of disposal have been investigated such as infiltration drainage. Consequently, you should request the applicant to provide trial hole & soil infiltration test results, which comply as a minimum with those outlined in BRE Digest 365 dated September 1991 or other approved methodology. Should ground conditions not be suitable for infiltration techniques, Yorkshire Water should be consulted regarding discharge of surface water via the public sewer network including rates of discharge, on site storage requirements & outfall location. I would not recommend that any planning consent is granted until the surface water drainage strategy has been agreed in principle with the LPA & Yorkshire Water Estates Manager No objection Yorkshire Water No objection subject to conditions Chief Building Control Officer No Comments received Environmental Health No objection subject to the imposition of conditions. Parish Council See representations Principal Ecologist No comments received at the time of writing this report NYCC Highways And Transportation No objection subject to the imposition of conditions Landscape Officer Appropriate planting mitigation to assimilate the development into the surrounding landscape over time should be considered Conservation and Design Section See assessment RELEVANT PLANNING POLICY NPPF National Planning Policy Framework LPA07 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy A7, Unstable Land LPHD20 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy HD20, Design of New Development and Redevelopment LPR11 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy R11, Rights of Way LPC02 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy C2, Landscape Character CSSG1 Core Strategy Policy SG1 Settlement Growth: Housing Distribution CSSG2 Core Strategy Policy SG2 Settlement Growth: Hierarchy and limits CSSG3 Core Strategy Policy SG3 Settlement Growth: Conservation of the countryside, including Green Belt CSSG4 Core Strategy Policy SG4 Settlement Growth: Design and Impact CSEQ2 Core Strategy Policy EQ2: The natural and built environment and green belt SPGRES Supplementary Planning Guidance, Residential Design Guide SPDHSE Supplementary Planning Document: House Extensions and Garages Design Guide LPH05 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy H5, Affordable Housing CSC1 Core Strategy Policy C1: Inclusive communities APPLICATION PUBLICITY SITE NOTICE EXPIRY: 31.03.2017 PRESS NOTICE EXPIRY: REPRESENTATIONS HEWICKS AND HUTTON PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Council objected to the application as originally submitted on the 29th November 2016 and again to the amended plans on 22 March 2017 (see application file). The Parish Council Objected to the initial submission on the following grounds: Copt Hewick is a smaller linear village with some 70 houses on two lanes. There are limited facilities- a church and a village hall. There is no shop, pub, school and public transport is limited to 2 buses a day (1 in, 1 out) which has been under threat. There are no footpaths linking the village to other settlements. The roads in and out of the village are single track with passing places. In the last 18 months the development of 8 new dwellings has occurred within the village boundary as infill representing an increase of 12%. Five are under construction - a development within the boundary which was welcomed by residents. Two additional properties are still on the market for sale. Other properties coming onto the market in the village have proved slow to sell and there are currently 3 more for sale, totalling 5. A Parish Meeting was held on 28th November attended by 45 residents to discuss this application on green field land. A vote was taken which was unanimous against the development. Total votes against 50 (incl. proxy votes). The rejection was based on the following: • Under Core Strategy SG2, Copt Hewick is not identified as a settlement which would support growth. Para 329 states "those settlements not listed in A, B or C should not accommodate new market housing apart from suitable conversion of existing buildings" • Under Core Strategy SG2, the applicant argues that this development would help to support facilities of nearby villages. The developments within the village over the last 18months have already contributed to these facilities. In addition, further development of housing is earmarked in the near future for Sharow and Dishforth. The nearest primary school to Copt Hewick is Sharow, which has full intake. There is no pedestrian access to facilities in any neighbouring village or community. • Under Core Strategy SG3, this site is outside of the confines of village and by definition lies within a countryside location. Policy SG3 seeks to provide strict control over development in the countryside Under Para 344 "Loss of Greenfield Land" it states "whether it is open space valued for its amenity or recreation use, or farmland adjacent to a settlement's built up area, it should not be lost unless there are good planning reasons to justify the proposed development. " The Parish Meeting agreed there were no justified reasons. • Under Core Strategy SG4, Settlement Growth: Design and impact it states "the travel impact of any scheme should not add significantly to any pre-existing problems of access road safety or traffic flow".