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Reconstructing Pre-Pangean Supercontinents 1888 2013

Reconstructing Pre-Pangean Supercontinents 1888 2013

Reconstructing pre-Pangean 1888 2013


† David A.D. Evans Invited Review Department of & , Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520, USA

ABSTRACT to routine dating by U-Pb on baddeleyite, the tive cells due to oceanic closure (Zhong et al., global abundance of Paleo- 2007; O’Neill et al., 2009). Twenty-fi ve ago, initial plans for dike swarms might make Nuna more immi- Some form of a cycle is reconstructing the supercontinent nently solvable than Rodinia. generally invoked to explain a number of were being drafted, based on the growing rec- Prior to the assembly of Nuna, various global-scale phenomena in the long-term geo- ognition of correlatable mid- “supercraton” connections such as , logic record. Following an initial compilation (0.8–0.7 Ga) rifted passive margins, many of Superia, and Sclavia are only beginning to of global peaks and troughs in isotopic ages which were established on the eroded rem- take form. Unmetamorphosed, early Paleo- (Gastil, 1960), early concepts of orogenic cyclic- nants of late Mesoproterozoic (1.3–1.0 Ga) (2.5–2.0 Ga) mafi c dike swarms ity (e.g., Sutton, 1963; Wilson, 1966) planted orogenic belts. The 1990s witnessed a surge are commonplace features across the in- fertile seeds of thought regarding pre-Pangean of interest in Rodinia, with many regional teriors of , and their joint supercontinents. The concept of “two Phanero- studies of and U-Pb paleo magnetic and geochronologic study can zoic supercycles” (Fischer, 1984) subsequently generally conforming to the help reassemble the cratons into their super- organized many scholars’ ideas on processes “inside-out” reconstruction model: juxtapo- parent . Progressively leading to long-term -level variations and ice sition of west with east / older geologic times require consideration of ages (Worsley et al., 1984; Nance et al., 1986; , north Laurentia with , a greater number of potentially independent Veevers, 1990) and possible links to geomag- and east Laurentia with and cratons , each needing individual kinematic netic superchrons through putative superplume that would later form West . This constraints. Furthermore, the initial stabi- events (Larson, 1991). The “supercycle” idea standard model of Rodinia appeared to be lizing events of most extant cratons during has been extended through geologic time, and converging toward a solution with only minor time (3.0–2.5 Ga) therefore ren- according to some researchers, with a constant variations by the turn of the millennium, but der global reconstructions older than that in- periodicity (Krapez, 1999; Bozhko, 2011) that new paleomagnetic data and tectonostrati- terval improbable. would seem astonishing given the stochastic graphic information obtained in the succeed- of many well-dated orogenic events in ing decade chipped away at various aspects INTRODUCTION the , and also given likely scenarios of the reconstruction; several cratons seemed for secular changes in the thermal of to require exclusion from the supercontinent This paper attempts to summarize the past the planet (e.g., Korenaga, 2008). The origi- (thus questioning its very validity), or the 25 years of research on the confi gurations of nally proposed cycle focuses on the history of might have assembled much later ancient supercontinents. There is both empirical closing and opening of the Atlantic and (≤0.9 Ga) than originally envisaged (thus and theoretical evidence to suggest that the most its predecessor, Iapetus (Wilson, 1966; Har- weakening the link to global Mesoprotero- recent supercontinent, Pangea, is merely the lat- and Gayer, 1972). Today’s wide Atlantic zoic orogenesis). Although a consensus model est of a series of large continental aggregations, Ocean would be akin to a perhaps equally wide of Rodinia’s assembly and fragmentation separated in time by ~500–600-million- Iapetus in the time, and has arisen from the International Geoscience intervals (Fig. 1). The empirical data include the Pangea’s predecessor would have existed prior Programme Project 440 working group, the well-established global maxima and minima in to establishment of those earliest pas- reconstruction is supported by rather sparse isotopic age determinations and number of oro- sive margins (Bond et al., 1984). Upon critical defi nitive-quality data. gens (Condie, 1998, 2002; Campbell and Allen, examination, however, the Pangean supercycle As the quest for Rodinia matures to a third 2008), the number and durations of ancient pas- concept fails to account for many of the other decade of scrutiny, the search for its predeces- sive continental margins (Bradley, 2008), geo- geologic features of Phanerozoic his- sor Nuna (a.k.a. Hudsonland or Columbia) is chemical trends in sedimentary rocks (Shields, tory. For example, (Fig. 1C) has fallen only now reaching a stage of global synthesis 2007), isotopic proxies for extraction through the , despite continued between tectonostratigraphic and paleomag- and continental growth (Collins et al., 2011), widening of the Atlantic. Sea level may bet- netic data. According to most defi nitions, and other proxies for the amalgamation of ter refl ect the broad pattern of ice ages (Fig. Nuna assembled at 1.9–1.75 Ga, or perhaps landmasses (reviewed by Bradley, 2011). Theo- 1D), but those appear equally divorced from as late as 1.6 Ga, and fragmented during retical expectations for a supercontinent “cycle” the supercontinental record, because they are the interval 1.5–1.2 Ga. Because mafi c dike arise from numerical modeling of mantle con- temporally related to latest - swarms are ideal targets for paleomagnetic vection that alternatively posit a thermal insu- ing (cf. Young, 1995), Pangea assembly, and study, and because they are now amenable lation effect under the supercontinent (Phillips the present wide-Atlantic stage. Geomagnetic and Coltice, 2010, and references therein), or a superchrons (Fig. 1E) appear unconnected to †E-mail: [email protected] reorganization of loci and convec- either the existence of supercontinents or the

GSA Bulletin; November/December 2013; v. 125; no. 11/12; p. 1735–1751; doi:10.1130/B30950.1; 6 fi gures.

For permission to copy, contact [email protected] 1735 © 2013 Geological Society of America Evans

A B C D E F notia, Rodinia, Nuna/Columbia, and (reviewed by Nance et al., 2013). Among these Proposed Proposed Sea Ice Super- Seawater hypothetical landmasses, only is char- Supercon- Supercon- Level Ages chrons 87Sr 86Sr tinents tinents -25 250 acterized by an unambiguous reconstruction Age (Ma) m m .706 .709 Age (Ma) (Dalziel, 1997), and all of them are question- able even in principle. Nonetheless, the proxy Pangea evidence for pre-Pangean supercontinents for at least the latter half of Earth history has 500 100 motivated substantial efforts to create plausible reconstructions of their cratonic arrangements. Rodinia (old) 200 1000 (new) WHAT IS A SUPERCONTINENT? Pangea

300 Identifi cation of ancient supercontinents (new) requires a standard by which the large sizes 1500 Nuna (old) of former landmasses merit the prefi x “super.” 400 Pangea is the quintessential supercontinent, yet during its brief tenure it still excluded some 2000 (alternative) Artejia? ??? eastern Asian cratons, which at the time were 500 on a northward track across Tethys (Fig. 2A), lying on distinct tectonic plates even if ephemer- 2500 Kenorland? ally connected via land bridges. Bradley (2011) opted for a fl exible defi nition of a superconti- Pannotia? 600 (original) nent as merely “a grouping of formerly dis- 3000 persed ,” but this fl exibility comes at 700 the cost of ambiguity. Meert’s (2012) proposed minimum requirement of 75% of the preserved crustal area from a given age seems reasonable, 3500 ??? ??? Rodinia 800 as it conforms to most earlier usage (i.e., Pan- (new) gea is, but Gondwana in itself is generally not, ??? considered to be a supercontinent). It is also 4000 900 simple and quantifi able in an objective manner. ??? Most reconstructions of Rodinia (Figs. 2B–2E) ??? appear to satisfy the 75% minimum area cri- 4500 1000 terion for at least brief intervals of kinematic evolution, although some tectonic blocks with limited or no paleomagnetic data and largely Figure 1. Supercontinental hypotheses versus time, and fi rst-order geological events of unconstrained evolution are usually included Neoproterozoic–Phanerozoic time. (A) Entire Earth timeline, with Pangea and putative arbitrarily within the landmasses for the mere pre-Pangea supercontinents, in both original or old conceptual ages of assembly and dis- sake of completeness (e.g., Li et al., 2008). persal, and updated ages as necessary. (B) Enlargement of the last billion years of Earth Other measures of a supercontinent’s impor- history; pre-Pangea supercontinents are as summarized by Dalziel (1997). (C) Estimates of tance could include its effects on the broader sea level, relative to that at present, based on varying continental hypsometry, from Algeo Earth system, whether in terms of the surface and Seslavinsky (1995). (D) Ice ages scaled horizontally according to latitude distribution environment or the underlying mantle. In terms (panglacial fi lls the column); after Evans (2003b) and Hoffman (2009). (E) Geomagnetic of effects on the surface environment, Pangea super chrons, either well defi ned or proposed for the Ordovician (Pavlov and Gallet, 2005) was clearly a major infl uencing factor during a and early Neoproterozoic (Gallet et al., 2012). (F) Isotopic composition of seawater stron- relatively brief reign (Veevers, 1989). Accord- tium, from Halverson et al. (2007). ing to some, consolidation of the Pangea land- mass was the major infl uence on global mantle , with a time constant of ~50 million global climate state. Finally, there may be a Given these uncertainties and contradictions, years (Doblas et al., 1998; Li and Zhong, 2009). link between supercontinents and the global paleogeographic defi nition of earlier supercon- According to others, the time constant for global seawater 87Sr/86Sr ratio (Fig. 1F), but the con- tinents is essential for understanding any con- mantle circulation is longer, on the order of 300 nection is counterintuitive, because the apices nections to a cyclic pattern, if one existed at all. million years (Gurnis, 1988), and thus Gond- of supercontinental assembly coincide with The Pangea puzzle was essentially solved 100 wana in its own right would have been able to the lowest ratios, and hence the least amount years ago (Wegener, 1912), although discus- alter convection patterns during its long-lived of continental relative to juvenile sions still remain on details of the reconstruction existence between Cambrian assembly and oceanic sources of strontium—opposite to (e.g., Domeier et al., 2012). More fundamental breakup (Evans, 2003a). what one might expect during times of orogenic problems exist with older posited superconti- Until unequivocally constrained by kinemat- collisions. nents, such as (in order of increasing age) Pan- ics integrating complete tectonic and paleo-

1736 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2013 Reconstructing pre-Pangean supercontinents





C D E Li et al., 2008 Evans, 2009


ANACONDA Pisarevsky et al., 2003a COBRA

Figure 2. (A) Pangea base map, 200 Ma relative reconstruction in present South American coordinates. 1.3–0.9 Ga orogens in gray. SF—São Francisco. (B–E) Alternative reconstructions of Rodinia, shown in modern North American coordinates and plotted using the same color scale to facilitate comparisons. Figure modifi ed from Evans (2009). magnetic data sets, the most feasible way to The global crystallization age peaks and also include a delayed (ca. 1.6 Ga), centrally organize supercontinental episodicity might be troughs can be misunderstood if not viewed in located zone between western North via tectonic proxies such as orogenic ages and paleogeographic context. For example, much of America and eastern Australia (Pisarevsky large igneous provinces (Condie, 2002; Bradley, Pangea assembly occurred in –Cam- et al., in press; Pehrsson et al., 2012), long after 2011). Such analyses clearly recognize Rodinia brian time (Pan-African and Brasiliano orogen- the global orogenic/isotopic age peak of ca. assembly (mainly 1.1–1.0 Ga) and breakup esis; Trompette, 1994; Meert, 2003), more than 1.9–1.8 Ga (Hoffman, 1989; Condie, 1998). If (mainly 0.8–0.7 Ga) prior to the Phanerozoic two hundred million years prior to the Hercyn- these models are broadly correct, then a general Pangea cycle (Fig. 1). The Rodinia era was pre- ian-Appalachian and Uralian orogens suturing pattern of supercontinental assembly appears ceded by amalgamation (mainly 1.9–1.8 Ga) Gondwana and (Veevers et al., 1997). to be emerging: initial orogenic construction and breakup (mainly 1.4–1.2 Ga) of a possible In the case of the Rodinia model by Li et al. of continent-sized “pillars” followed by central supercontinent that was originally named Hud- (2008), fi nal assembly is represented by a sin- “keystone” orogens forming the fi nal superconti- sonland by Williams et al. (1991). The coauthor gle, rather small orogen almost completely con- nental constructions. of that paper with the most vested interest in fi ned to South China (Sibao orogen); although Dalziel (1999) presented six guidelines for supercontinent reconstructions, Paul Hoffman, its activity is now constrained largely to ca. 0.9 assessing the credibility of proposed supercon- renamed Hudsonland to the more elegant Nuna Ga (references in Li et al., 2008), the tardiness tinent reconstructions, in the context of (1) pas- in 1997. Hudsonland or Nuna has also been of that fi nal Rodinia-forming suture does not sive margins created at the time of breakup, called Capricornia (Krapez, 1999), Columbia detract from the global orogenic age peaks that (2) geometric shapes of cratons among the (Rogers and Santosh, 2002), and Midgardia organize our defi nition of Rodinia assembly, in amalgamated landmass, (3) sutures from col- (Johansson, 2009), but Nuna has priority over the context of the Gondwana/Pangea example. lisions during assembly, (4) older tectonic fab- these (Hoffman, 1997). Two recent paleogeographic models of Nuna rics if breakup cuts through cratons rather than

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2013 1737 Evans follows previous sutures, (5) paleomagnetic or margin of Laurentia, and Siberia for Australia and Laurentia data, and (6) “realistic” kinematic evolution next to the arctic Canadian margin. Because of (Idnurm and Giddings, 1995), which by the toward eventual Pangea amalgamation. The fi rst the requisite sweeping closure of Gondwana SWEAT hypothesis were predicted to have been four items are informed directly by the geologic cratons from their earlier Rodinia confi gura- connected for a billion years prior to Rodinia record, whereas the fi fth and sixth are more tion, the model was referred to as an “inside- breakup (though not so according to the “miss- geophysical in scope. Additional criteria, such out” form of evolution (Hoffman, 1991). Key ing link” model involving South China). Two as once-contiguous epicontinental basins and features guiding these Rodinia reconstructions more paleomagnetic syntheses provided addi- radiating dike swarms as precursors to breakup, included matches of 1.3–1.0 Ga “Grenvillian” tional support for quantitatively viable Rodinia are discussed and graphically illustrated as orogens, thought to manifest Rodinia assembly, reconstructions (Weil et al., 1998; D’Agrella- intersecting lines of complementary evidence and 0.75–0.55 Ga rifted margins, mainly around Filho et al., 1998). by Li et al. (2008). Much of the variation in pro- Laurentia and considered to represent super- Toward the end of its fi rst decade of inves- posed Rodinia reconstructions stems from the continental fragmentation. Much early work tigation, then, the standard “inside-out” model subjective selection of some of the criteria over centered around possible kinematic evolution of of Rodinia was well established: its proposed others. In particular, because the geologic and Laurentia executing an “end run” (alluding to an confi guration was clearly defi ned, passing paleomagnetic data sets are largely independent, American football play) around an impressive number of initial tectonostrati- different weighting of those two classes of con- to arrive next to in Pangea (Dalziel, graphic tests, and it could be fi t reasonably well straints has led to the greatest variability in the 1992; Dalziel et al., 1994). with the global paleomagnetic database. The alternative models. After a brief debate of nomenclature (Young, TSRC’s Chris Powell, together with Raphael 1995; Dalziel and McMenamin, 1995; Powell, Unrug, launched the International Geoscience BUILDING RODINIA 1995), by the mid-1990s it became recognized Programme (IGCP) Project 440, “Rodinia that there may actually have been two land Assembly and Breakup.” The TSRC bore a logo The concept of a pre-Pangea, late Precam- assemblages attaining supercontinental propor- of reconstructed Rodinia that seemed to require brian supercontinent arose in limited discussion tions in the Neoproterozoic Era: an older one, mere fi lling in of details. Transition to the new for some decades (e.g., Wilson, 1966; Valen- now universally referred to as Rodinia, that millennium, however, would mark Rodinia’s tine and Moores, 1970; Worsley et al., 1984), formed via assembly ca. 1.0 Ga and began to second decade as one of fundamental chal- including initial attempts to identify specifi c fragment at ca. 0.8 Ga; and a possible younger lenges to the model; some would favor retention Neoprotero zoic juxtapositions of Laurentia with one, now universally referred to as Pannotia, of its essential features, whereas others consid- Baltica (Patchett et al., 1978), Siberia (Sears and that could have existed briefl y, at most, after ered complete dismantling and redrafting of the Price, 1978), and Australia (Jefferson, 1978), Gondwana assembly and prior to separation of supercontinent. but only in the late 1980s did the broader Earth- Laurentia from Amazon. Dalziel (1997) pre- science community investigate these possible sented a timely review of Rodinia and Panno- RODINIA’S CONCEPT’S NEAR confi gurations in earnest. Bond et al. (1984) tia in context with Paleozoic motions leading COLLAPSE AND RESTORATION provided better age constraints on the global to Pangea. The only major remaining cratons development of Cambrian passive margins, to be considered were the three Chinese blocks Initial criticism focused on the proposed presumably created during rifting of a Neo- (Tarim, North China, and South China), which SWEAT connection. Karlstrom et al. (1999) sug- proterozoic supercontinent. Quickly thereafter, were brought into Rodinian context by Zheng- gested a benign modifi cation with Australia adja- compelling similarities between two such mar- Xiang Li and colleagues (Li et al., 1995, 1996). cent to western (rather than Can- gins, in northwest and eastern Australia, In particular, South China was proposed as the ada), a juxtaposition abbreviated “AUSWUS .” followed Jefferson’s (1978) suggestion that they “missing link” between Australia and Laurentia, Burrett and Berry (2000) independently pro- could have been conjugates once directly joined inserting a “Grenvillian” orogen (Sibao belt or posed a nearly identical model, and deferred together (Eisbacher, 1985; Bell and Jefferson, belts) in between the two larger blocks. These to the earlier paper’s evocative acronym. More 1987). Then, within a span of just half a year, fi nal additions paved the way toward establish- importantly, Fitzsimons (2000) and later Boger three profoundly infl uential manuscripts were ment of the Special Research Centre et al. (2001) demonstrated that East Gondwana submitted and published on the late Precambrian (TSRC; existing from 1997 to 2005), led by did not exist as a coherent entity prior to latest supercontinent (Moores, 1991; Dalziel, 1991; Christopher McA. Powell, and based primarily Proterozoic time; thus Rodinia models would Hoffman, 1991), which only during the previ- at the University of in Perth. need to treat its three (or more) component cra- ous year had been named Rodinia (McMenamin The TSRC eventually attracted a large inter- tons independently. To this day, thick Antarctic and McMenamin, 1990). These papers laid the national team of researchers focused on solving ice cover hinders efforts to defi ne even the geom- foundation stones for nearly all Rodinia models Precambrian supercontinents, and many of their etries of Rodinian cratons in that . hypothesized since. They incorporated the Can- collaborations continue today. struck next, particularly ada-Australia connection, including its exten- Whereas it was recognized that paleomag- the work of Michael Wingate and colleagues sion farther south (in both areas’ present coor- netic data could provide an independent test from Australia. Wingate and Giddings (2000) dinates) to the Southwest U.S.–East Antarctic of the reconstructions, it was also appreciated fi rst showed that the SWEAT reconstruction (“SWEAT”) connection. The Rodinia models of from the outset that existing data were sparse was not viable according to new, high-quality Dalziel (1991) and Hoffman (1991) also posited by Phanerozoic standards, and in many cases paleomagnetic data from Western Australia, at a late Precambrian connection between eastern lacking indications of reliability (Van der Voo 755 Ma. Shortly thereafter, both SWEAT and Laurentia and cratons that would later become and Meert, 1991). The early Rodinia models AUSWUS were demonstrated to be incom- incorporated into “West” Gondwana (i.e., Ama- did, however, gain paleomagnetic confi rma- patible with additional, equally robust paleo- zonia, Rio Plata or Congo, and Kalahari; Fig. 2). tion for both Neoproterozoic evolution (Powell magnetic results (also from Western Australia) Baltica was positioned adjacent to the Labrador et al., 1993) and, given the ages then available, at 1070 Ma (Wingate et al., 2002). The latter

1738 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2013 Reconstructing pre-Pangean supercontinents study introduced “AUSMEX,” a further revi- juxtapositions (Pisarevsky et al., 2003b). The netic pole as a possible Mesozoic overprint (see sion of Australia-Laurentia connections that Sibao orogen in South China, if truly a late and discussion of the widespread to Creta- brought together Australia and the southwest- centrally located suture within the “missing ceous South American remagnetization events ernmost extremity of Laurentia. AUSMEX was link” of Rodinia, can also salvage the SWEAT in Font et al. [2012]), and chooses the alterna- incorporated into the Rodinia paleomagnetic reconstruction from the 1070 Ma and 755 Ma tive polarity for the 1200 Ma Nova Floresta For- synthesis work of Pisarevsky et al. (2003a), but paleomagnetic discordances, as long as both mation pole (Tohver et al., 2002), an attractive then demonstrated to be invalid for ca. 1200 Ma assembly and breakup in South China occurred alternative kinematic model is generated for col- later that same year (Pisarevsky et al., 2003b). entirely between those two constrained times. lision of Amazonia with eastern Laurentia (Fig. An invalid Rodinia juxtaposition at 1200 Ma Such an argument was used by Li et al. (2008) to 3B), readily derived from an earlier proposed might at fi rst be considered harmless to the permit SWEAT and the “missing link” for South Paleo-Mesoproterozoic association between concept of a Neoproterozoic supercontinent, China, more of which will be discussed below. Amazonia and Baltica (see below). Kröner and but remember that the SWEAT, AUSWUS, and Other of Rodinia were also chal- Cordani (2003) suggested that several African AUSMEX connections were proposed to link lenged and refi ned after the year 2000. Sibe- and South American cratons were never part of Paleoproterozoic features from both sides of the ria may have been slightly separated from Rodinia, although those blocks remain incorpo- Pacifi c (following Dalziel’s [1999] criterion 4, the supercontinent (Pisarevsky and Natapov, rated in several subsequent reconstructions (Li above). In other words, any paleomagnetic dis- 2003), or perhaps a promontory of the landmass et al., 2008; Evans, 2009). Meert and Torsvik cordance of coeval Australian and Laurentian (Pisarevsky et al., 2008). was excluded (2003) questioned the existence of a coherent poles between Paleoproterozoic craton assem- from the assembly based on near-polar paleo- early Neoproterozoic supercontinent altogether, bly (ca. 1.8–1.6 Ga) and late Precambrian latitudes—in contrast to low paleolatitudes of suggesting numerous independently drifting breakup (0.8–0.7 Ga) could, in principle, refute Laurentia and neighboring cratons—at ca. 1070 cratons; and in the opposite direction, Piper the direct connections entirely. and 820 Ma (Pisarevsky et al., 2003a), although (2000, 2007, 2010, 2011) continued to promote The presence of a post–1200 Ma orogen the poles could later be accommodated into an a very long-lived Proterozoic supercontinent, between Western Australia and Laurentia could acceptable Rodinia model (Li et al., 2008). A named Palaeopangaea, the latter papers outright account for the discordance of the ca. 1200 Ma series of papers by Eric Tohver and colleagues ignoring quantitative paleomagnetic refutations poles between the two regions, and potentially (Tohver et al., 2002, 2004, 2006) developed the of the model’s foundations (Li et al., 2009). permit any of the above proposed juxtapositions model of the Amazon craton initially colliding In general terms, though, the question of how in Rodinia. The Albany-Fraser belt, between with the southern Grenville Province as exposed many early Neoproterozoic cratons were inde- Western and South Australia, includes an epi- in the Llano uplift in , then translating pendently drifting, excluded from Rodinia, sode of intense deformation and granitic mag- sinistrally 3000 km to arrive ultimately adjacent remains unsolved. matism at 1190 Ma (Black et al., 1992) and to eastern Canada and Baltica. The model now The signatures of Pb isotopes in crystalline prograde metamorphic mineral growth as late includes a dynamically improbable rotation of rocks add a new dimension to the investigation as ca. 1150 Ma (Clark et al., 2000), though it Amazon by nearly 180° as it translated along of Precambrian craton associations. Such data is not known whether such activity is able to the Laurentian margin, as if rolling like a wheel were used to support an allochthonous affi nity account for the 60°–90° gap between the ca. (Elming et al., 2009; Fig. 3A). However, if one of the Argentine Precordillera relative 1200 Ma paleomagnetic poles in the proposed abandons the 980 Ma Aguapei sills paleomag- to other basement regions of South America,

Figure 3. Alternative scenarios BALTICA BALTICA for the collisions among Lau- A B 1700 – rentia, Baltica, and Amazonia 1120 Ma 1000 Ma in the supercontinent Rodinia. 1700 – 1380 Ma (A) Model by Elming et al. LAURENTIA 1200 Ma LAURENTIA (2009), after Tohver et al. (2002, 2004, 2006), in which Amazonia 1000 Ma 1040 – collides with Laurentia at the 1000 Ma southernmost Grenville expo- sures, then translates ~3000 km 10001000 1040 1000 Ma sinistrally along the Grenville 1080 LAURENTIALAURENTIA 1200 1160 1120 APWPAPWP margin, rotating nearly 180° Ma 11200200 1040 in the process. Baltica must be AMAZONIA 1200 1080 1160 shifted toward Greenland to AMAZONIA 1120 accommodate the most north- NF erly position of Amazonia at the end of its translation and 11001100 rotation. (B) Alternative model FF introduced herein, utilizing the Elming et al., This study opposite polarities of Amazo- 2009 nia’s Mesoproterozoic poles, in which both Baltica and Amazonia rotate clockwise relative to Laurentia, across a Tethys-like wedge-shaped oceanic tract, prior to Grenvillian/ Sveconorwegian/Sunsas collision. APWP—apparent polar wander path (ages in Ma); NF—Nova Floresta; FF—Fortuna Formation.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2013 1739 Evans with favored comparisons to Grenvillian inliers which implies that the supercontinent either did 2008; Jacobs et al., 2008), Loewy et al. (2011) in the Appalachian belt of (Kay not contain all of the paleomagnetically con- suggested that Coats Land is a small, orphaned et al., 1996; Tosdal, 1996). Subsequently, a more strained cratons, or was not a coherent landmass fragment of Laurentia. It should be noted that comprehensive data set confi rmed a Laurentian through the entire interval 1100–750 Ma. The (1) in order for this latest model to be paleomag- origin of the Precordillera but suggested affi n- IGCP 440 model satisfi es the second criterion, netically viable, Coats Land must have experi- ity of more northerly Andean basement inliers though it remains a non-unique solution. enced ~90° of local rotation commensurate with with the (Loewy et al., 2003). Recent progress on Rodinia includes refi ne- the proposed Kalahari collision between 1100 In Laurentia, there appears to be a clear divide ments of regional tectonic synthesis and paleo- and 1000 Ma; (2) for the 1100 Ma connection between isotopically nonradiogenic Grenvillian magnetic analysis, such as accommodation of with southern Laurentia to be viable, paleo- basement of the northern Appalachians, versus a large intra-Australian shear system in latest magnetic uncertainties must be pushed slightly relatively radiogenic Pb of the central and south- Neoproterozoic time (Li and Evans, 2011). This beyond their 95% limits; and (3) the polarity of ern Appalachians, perhaps marking a Rodinian development recalls that of Fitzsimons (2000), Coats Land data, in the proposed reconstruction, suture (Sinha et al., 1996; Tohver et al., 2004). in that blocks previously supposed to be rigid appear at odds with those of the pre–1100 Ma Two cautionary notes must be made, however. are now broken into fragments that need to be data from the Laurentian mid-continent rift suc- First, the Pb isotope data set is far from global considered separately, both in their tectonics and cession (cf. Hanson et al., 2004). in scope, thus any previously proposed connec- their paleomagnetic poles. The effect of such In summary, Rodinia enters its third decade of tions remain non-unique. Second, strong Pb deformation on paleomagnetic poles has been investigation at the crest of a new growth spurt isotopic gradients appear to be achievable via extended into global paleogeographic models in our understanding. Proposed reconstructions accretionary tectonics, as documented in the that incorporate both kinematics and lithostratig- are geometrically accurate, and, by example of Proterozoic basement province of southwest raphy of sedimentary basins (Li et al., 2013). A the groundwork laid by Li et al. (2008), should Laurentia (Wooden and Miller, 1990). promising avenue of future research lies in accu- henceforth include well-illustrated animations Despite the untimely deaths of three IGCP mulating evidence for an oscillatory pair of true of assembly and breakup. A substantial global Project 440 leaders (Rafael Unrug, Chris polar wander (TPW) events coinciding with the community of researchers is tackling the prob- Powell , and Henri Kampunzu), that working “Bitter Springs” carbon-isotope and relative sea- lem by a variety of methods, integrating stra- group continued to synthesize tectonostrati- level anomalies recorded on several cratons at ca. tigraphy, geochronology, tectonics, and paleo- graphic and paleomagnetic data, producing a 800 Ma (Maloof et al., 2006; Swanson-Hysell magnetism. Thus, although no clear community GIS-based reconstruction map of Rodinia, an et al., 2012; note that Li and Zhong [2009] pos- consensus has emerged on Rodinia’s exact con- animation of its assembly and dispersal, and ited only the second of these putative events, fi guration, investigations are under way in an a series of papers in a special volume of the with a different proposed arrangement of plan- attempt to uncover crucial data that will directly journal Precambrian Research (most notably etary inertial moments). If either or both of those test the various alternative hypotheses and their Li et al., 2008). The model is a landmark in events really occurred as surmised, with Rodinia implications for the broader Earth system. supercontinent research, given its comprehen- as well as all other tectonic plates sharing the sive integration of tectonics, , and same oscillatory motion, then there is potential FITFUL CONSTRUCTION OF paleomagnetism; yet by incorporating the South for unique determination of both paleolatitude NUNA MODELS China “missing link” position in the center of and relative paleolongitude from paleomagnetic the supercontinent, it hangs precariously from studies of mid-Neoproterozoic volcanic-sedi- In contrast to the history of Rodinia investi- tectonic interpretation and age of the Sibao oro- mentary successions around the . gations, which exploded onto the mainstream of gen, topics of contention among Chinese geolo- The standard model of Rodinia, including the geoscience in the span of months, the develop- gists (e.g., Li et al., 2006; Sun et al., 2008; Zhou SWEAT connection, has also experienced some ment of models of Rodinia’s Paleo-Mesoprotero- et al., 2009). Because the IGCP 440 Rodinia resurgence. Goodge et al. (2008) demonstrated zoic predecessor supercontinent has been slow in model’s late timing of assembly (ca. 900 Ma or similarities in 1.4 Ga granitic the making. Its original defi nition was based on even younger, according to the Sibao orogen) between western North America and East - the presumed timing of assembly at 1.9–1.8 Ga, strayed so far away from an original defi nition . Such connections are viable according corresponding to the dramatic assembly of Lau- of the supercontinent based on Mesoprotero- to the original SWEAT hypothesis, which pro- rentia during the so-called Hudsonian , zoic orogenic belts (Grenvilleland of Williams posed a billion-year connection between the two and recognition of similar orogenic ages else- et al., 1991), Evans (2009) developed an alter- cratons prior to their late Neoproterozoic sepa- where around the world (Hoffman, 1989). Con- native model of Rodinia that sought to incor- ration, but they may also be viable according to sequently, the supercontinent presumably formed porate all of the cratons’ robust paleomagnetic an alternative hypothesis of “proto-SWEAT,” at that time was named Hudsonland (Williams poles in a long-lived assemblage spanning 1100 an arrangement which might have entirely pre- et al., 1991). One likely element of Hudsonland to 750 Ma. The reconstruction was a radical dated Rodinia in the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic was the “” juxtaposition between northern departure from all previous Rodinia models, cycle of Nuna (Betts et al., 2008; Payne et al., and North America (Gower et al., 1990). although some cratonic juxtapositions were 2009) and implicitly accommodates the possibil- Two variations on that juxtaposition are widely similar to those proposed earlier. The advantage ity of that juxtaposition’s pre-Rodinia breakup illustrated, one paleomagnetically feasible, the of a long-lived supercontinent hypothesis is that and subsequent evolution to a non-SWEAT other not. The viable connection has Baltica in it is more vulnerable to paleomagnetic refuta- confi guration during Rodinia time. Following a somewhat “upside-down” position relative to tion, because it requires all poles from a longer earlier suggestions that the Kalahari craton lay Laurentia, such that the Timanide margin from time span to agree with the model. Several sub- adjacent to southern Laurentia, after a colli- northern Norway to the polar Urals restores par- sequent paleomagnetic results have shown the sional orogeny between the southern Grenville allel to the East Greenland margin of Laurentia “radical Rodinia” of Evans (2009) to fail such and Namaqua/Natal provinces at ca. 1100 Ma (Fig. 4A). This is essentially the geologically tests (Evans et al., 2010; Hanson et al., 2011b), (Dalziel, 1997; Loewy et al., 2003; Li et al., based NENA model of Gower et al. (1990),

1740 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2013 Reconstructing pre-Pangean supercontinents

A B continental extent at that time (Hoffman, 1989, BALTICA 1997). By the end of the 1990s, however, the 1460 late Paleoproterozoic supercontinent was still –1570 NENA largely conceptual in form. Rogers and Santosh (2002) brought the 1.8 Ga LAURENTIA 1750 supercontinent hypothesis into the mainstream, introducing the alternative name “Columbia,

330°E because the key evidence for that model’s exis- 1270 1270 tence is the relationship between eastern India 1740 240°E 1740 and the Columbia region of North America” 1260 1570 1750 (Rogers and Santosh, 2002, p. 5). Zhao et al. 1460 1590 1590 (2002, 2004) quickly followed suit with their 1630 1630 own alternative reconstruction, providing addi- 1470 1470 tional details on the contributing to Gower et al. 1990 the proposed landmass’s assembly. Unfortu- Buchan et al. 2000 Hoffman 1988 nately, these reconstructions revert to cartoon Evans & Pisarevsky 2008 representations of cratonic outlines that are geo- metrically inaccurate; but the concepts are clear Figure 4. Variations on juxtapositions between Laurentia and Baltica/Fennoscandia in the enough to allow approximate quantifi cation Paleo-Mesoproterozoic. (A) NENA model of Gower et al. (1990), confi rmed paleomagneti- using Euler poles (Figs. 5A, 5B). One notable cally by Buchan et al. (2000), and quantifi ed by Evans and Pisarevsky (2008) with Baltica to aspect of the models by Zhao et al. (2002, 2004) North America Euler parameters (47.5, 001.5, +49). (B) “Right-way-up” model of Hoffman is their similarity to existing Rodinia model con- (1988), recapitulated by Zhao et al. (2002, 2004), Hou et al. (2008), and Johansson (2009) de- fi gurations (compare to Fig. 2B). The authors spite its paleomagnetic unviability. Euler parameters of Baltica to North America are (65.2, did not discuss the implications of such similar- 218.1, –43.7). Ovals are the 95% confi dence regions of paleomagnetic poles, color-coded to ity, which would necessarily invoke either tec- their host cratons (ages in Ma; selected from the poles cited by Salminen et al., in press); tonic stasis or, at most, narrow ocean opening Gray arrowed curves are the implied apparent polar wander paths. and closing as the older landmass evolved to the younger. Such a concept is reminiscent of the “ensialic” interpretations of Proterozoic orogens confi rmed paleomagnetically to fi rst order, over During the 1990s, as research on Rodinia stole (e.g., Kröner, 1977), at odds with the currently the interval 1.8–1.2 Ga, by Buchan et al. (2000), the limelight of Precambrian tectonic recon- more mobilistic paradigm for global tecton- and given quantitative Euler parameters with structions, Hudsonland appeared as a distant ics through most if not all of that eon (Cawood only slight variations by Salminen and Pesonen concept far too unpolished to take center stage. et al., 2006; see below for discussion of the 2.4– (2007), Evans and Pisarevsky (2008), Salminen Rogers (1996) introduced a schematic model of 2.2 Ga interval in particular). Hou et al. (2008) et al. (2009), and Pisarevsky and Bylund (2010). supercontinent evolution over three billion years produced another alternative Columbia model The unviable, superfi cially NENA-like connec- of Earth history. His reconstructions, though incorporating many elements from the earlier tion includes a “right-way-up” paleogeography cartoonish and inconsiderate of paleomagnetic models (Fig. 5C). of Baltica relative to Laurentia (Fig. 4B), as data (particularly regarding the Bullard fi t or Meert (2012) has argued that because these popularized by Hoffman (1988) and many sub- Pangea-like confi guration of Laurentia and Bal- models were the fi rst to propose a specifi c sequent authors (Zhao et al., 2002, 2004; Hou tica, a right-way-up variation that is unviable for reconstruction of the 1.8 Ga supercontinent, the et al., 2008; Johansson, 2009). Although this 1.8–1.2 Ga, as just described above), laid out a name Columbia gains priority over the more variation may appear only subtly distinct from clear hypothesis of only Rodinia and Pangea as conceptual, age-defi ned entities named earlier. the paleomagnetically viable model, the right- true supercontinents; all pre-Rodinia landmasses One may adopt that approach, but then one must way-up confi guration is clearly refuted by the were not considered to be of supercontinental endeavor to use it consistently: if paleogeo- 1.8–1.2 Ga data. It should be noted, however, areal stature (his fi gure 9). Global-scale orogeny graphic nomenclature is going to rest entirely that a right-way-up confi guration of Baltica rela- in the late Paleoprotero zoic, however, was long on a proposed reconstruction, then refutation of tive to Laurentia is compatible with Neoprotero- recognized (Hoffman, 1989), and evidenced, that reconstruction should force abandonment zoic geology and paleomagnetism, forming an for example, by the International Committee on of those particular names. In this case, Meert important connection within Rodinia (Cawood Stratigraphy who defi ned 2.05–1.80 Ga as the (2002, p. 213 himself provided such a refuta- and Pisarevsky, 2006). The rotational transi- Period (Plumb, 1991; see also Plumb tion, stating, “the paleomagnetic data provide tion from upside-down Baltica (NENA sensu and James, 1986). Hoffman (1997) revived the little support for the existence of a Columbia- stricto)), to right-way-up Baltica within Rodinia, concept of a truly global-scale, 1.8 Ga super- type supercontinent at 1.77 Ga.” He was refer- is well established in the literature, fi rst noted continent, renaming Hudsonland to Nuna, after ring to the confi guration shown in Figure 5A, by Patchett et al. (1978) and Piper (1980). The an Inuktitut word for “the bordering the herein. Subsequent high-quality paleomagnetic rotation occurred between 1.12 Ga and 1.05 Ga northern and ” (ibid.). The name is data from India similarly contradict the key (Salminen et al., 2009; Evans, 2009), commen- well chosen, because Hoffman’s tectonic syn- Columbia direct connection to cratons within surate with distinctive patterns of orogenesis and thesis of the Canadian (Hoffman, 1988) western Laurentia at 1.88 Ga (Meert et al., sedimentation around the common pivot point truly demonstrated the rapidity of continent- 2011) and 1.47 Ga (Pisarevsky et al., 2013). shared between Scoresby Sund, East Greenland, scale assembly at 1.9–1.8 Ga, coincident with Nonetheless, and despite these refutations of and Finnmark, Norway (Cawood et al., 2010). the global-scale orogenesis of possible super- Columbia sensu stricto, there is clear desire

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2013 1741 Evans


Rogers & Santosh, 2002, 2009 Zhao et al., 2002, 2004 Hou et al., 2008

D São Francisco E - Congo? SF-Congo Kalahari W.Africa North India Amazonia North India Figure 5. Variable configurations of the China Siberia SAMBA China Paleo-Mesoproterozoic supercontinent re- proto- Baltica Siberia Baltica ferred to as Columbia (A–C) or Nuna (D–E). Australia proto- Australia All projections are in present North Ameri- NENA NENA can coordinates, with a common color scale (linked to Fig. 2) to facilitate comparison EAT and contrast. (A) Rogers and Santosh (2002). Laurentia Laurentia (B) Zhao et al. (2002, 2004). (C) Hou et al. (2008). (D) Zhang et al. (2012). (E) Pisarevsky proto-SWEAT et al. (in press). proto-SW West Amazonia Africa Zhang et al., 2012 Pisarevsky et al., in press

among paleogeographers to consider the pos- Australian cratonic regions between 1.75 and natively, Pisarevsky et al. (2008) had preferred a sible existence of a supercontinent assembled in 1.59 Ga. The proto-SWEAT concept is impor- reconstruction of Siberia on the order of 1500 km the late Paleoproterozoic, regardless of its exact tant in guiding Paleoproterozoic reconstructions away from the northern margin of Laurentia, confi guration and thus adhering to a defi nition forward in time, toward an eventual realization based on paleomagnetic data at 1.1–1.0 Ga, con- by age—hence priority for either of the age- of the standard Rodinia model with relatively tinuation of that distal reconstruction back to the defi ned terms Hudsonland or Nuna. Indeed, the modest amounts of cratonic rearrangement. Nuna interval. Didenko et al. (2009) provided review article by Pesonen et al. (2003) referred Goodge et al. (2008) identifi ed compelling high-quality paleomagnetic data from 1.88 Ga to this entity as Hudsonland; but one shortcom- matches between 1.4 Ga granitic rocks of the that allegedly supported the gap between Sibe- ing of the models presented in that paper was North American autochthon and granitic clasts ria and Laurentia, but that comparison was being that the authors did not incorporate the uncer- found within the central Transantarctic Moun- made to the , which had not yet tainties of paleomagnetic data, and thus invoked tains, which could be interpreted in either a joined the growing Laurentia assembly (see Cor- impractical back-and-forth shearing between SWEAT or proto-SWEAT framework. rigan et al., 2009). A more apt comparison of the Laurentia and Baltica through the 1.8–1.5 Ga Pisarevsky and Natapov (2003) noted that the same data to the developing appar- interval, rather than the simpler alternative of a Siberian craton is nearly surrounded by Meso- ent polar wander (APW) path (Mitchell et al., coherent NENA juxtaposition that is acceptable proterozoic passive margins and may have thus 2010a) generated an equally plausible tight fi t for that time interval within those uncertainties been either excluded from Rodinia, or located between Siberia and the Laurentian nucleus for (Salminen et al., in press). on its periphery. Evans and Mitchell (2011) Nuna time, with those cratons’ separation pro- The past few years have witnessed dramatic extended this suggestion with the implication posed to be at the time of 1.38–1.27 Ga mafi c developments in rigorously quantitative kine- that Siberia may have lain near the center of magmatism (Evans and Mitchell, 2011). Cur- matic models of Nuna’s assembly and disper- Nuna and subsequently “broke out” of that older rently there are insuffi cient data to distinguish sal. Betts et al. (2008), Payne et al. (2009), and supercontinent during Paleoproterozoic rifting, between the proximal versus distal positions of Hamilton and Buchan (2010) demonstrated in the same manner as Laurentia out of Rodinia, Siberia relative to Laurentia, within Nuna; but both geologic and paleomagnetic plausibility of or Africa out of Pangea. Their tight reconstruc- the placement of additional blocks around those a proto-SWEAT juxtaposition between western tion of Laurentia, Baltica, and Siberia resembles two cratons may eventually provide clues for Laurentia and variably rotated portions of the that proposed earlier by Wu et al. (2005). Alter- more precise positioning (Figs. 5D, 5E).

1742 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2013 Reconstructing pre-Pangean supercontinents

Reconstructions on the far side of Baltica are 1.50 Ga (Silveira et al., 2013; Ernst et al., 2013), its architecture (using stage-pole interpola- also gaining constraints at rapid pace. An endur- 1.38 Ga (Mayer et al., 2004; Drüppel et al., tions as did its predecessor codes, PaleoGIS ing and coherent continental nucleus is 2007; Maier et al., 2007; Tack et al., 2010), and and PLATES). Global paleogeographic mod- postulated to contain the Amazon, West Africa, 1.11 Ga (Ernst et al., 2013). The 1.50 Ga age, els through Paleo-Mesoproterozoic time are and São Francisco/Congo cratons (plus smaller in particular, is unusual in the global (mafi c) thus allowed to incorporate more mobility of adjacent blocks) in their Gondwana confi gu- magmatic record with the exception of northern cratons, in a kinematically consistent manner ration as far back as 2.0 Ga, based on largely Siberia, and suggests a direct connection of that from one age to the next. Two such mobilistic juvenile tectonic assembly at ca. 2.1 Ga, and block with São Francisco/Congo (Ernst et al., models from middle Earth history have been scattered exposures of slightly younger fl uvial- 2013; Fig. 5E). completed, at least in preliminary form. One deltaic sedimentary rocks that are interpreted India’s hypothesized position within Nuna (Pehrsson et al., 2012) draws largely on the as remnants of a regional blanket (Ledru et al., varies considerably in the recent literature. Zhang et al. (2012) reconstruction incorporating 1994; Rogers, 1996; Neves, 2011). Reliable Recall that a direct Columbia connection of SAMBA-like juxtapositions (Fig. 5D), and the paleomagnetic data are sparse, particularly from India with western Laurentia is demonstrably other (Pisarevsky et al., in press) draws largely West Africa and São Francisco/Congo, but there invalidated by recent paleomagnetic data (Meert from the alternative placement of India next to is tentative support for at least the West Africa et al., 2011; Pisarevsky et al., 2013). The Indian Baltica, as proposed earlier by Pisarevsky et al. and Amazon cratons being conjoined in Atlan- subcontinent includes several cratonic regions (2013; Fig. 5E). Both of these latest kinematic tica, with or without modest amounts of internal that might or might not have been contiguous models, interestingly, have included Nuna- shearing (Onstott and Hargraves, 1981; Onstott throughout Proterozoic time. Most high- or amalgamating collisions as young as ca. 1.6 Ga et al., 1984; Nomade et al., 2003). moderate-quality paleomagnetic data come to form the proto-SWEAT connection between A further step in this conjunction of cratons from the areas south of the central Indian tec- western Laurentia and Australia/Mawsonland. is the “SAMBA” hypothesis, suggesting the tonic zone, which records deformation and/or If Mesoproterozoic igneous activity as early as long-lived assembly of the Amazon craton in magmatism as old as 2.5 Ga (Stein et al., 2004), 1.5–1.4 Ga (Ernst et al., 2013) heralded the onset South America, and Baltica, together with West alternatively at 1.6 Ga (Sanyal and Sengupta, of Nuna fragmentation, then that supercontinent Africa, as a coherent entity from 1.8 Ga 2012), or as young as ca. 1.0 Ga (Karmakar would thus be nearly as short-lived as both Pan- amalgamation until late Proterozoic breakup et al., 2011). North of the central Indian tectonic gea (0.3–0.2 Ga) and Rodinia (0.9–0.7 Ga) with of Rodinia (Johansson, 2009). The reconstruc- zone, the craton and adjacent possibly similar patterns of geodynamic evolu- tion is based on Paleo-Mesoproterozoic oro- Aravalli- belt are only beginning to yield tion (Li and Zhong, 2009). gens and magmatic belts, including distinctive paleomagnetic data (Pradhan et al., 2012). With In summary, investigations of Nuna had Mesoprotero zoic rapakivi suites, par- such unquantifi able uncertainties in mind, India a long nascent period prior to a recent spark ticularly in Amazon and Baltica. When add- (or one or more of its constituent cratons) has of activity in the last few years (Evans and ing Laurentia to the assemblage, Johansson’s been tentatively placed either near Australian Mitchell , 2011; Zhang et al., 2012; Pisarevsky model includes a ca. 1.1 Ga rotation of Baltica of sectors of Nuna (Zhang et al., 2012; Fig. 5D), et al., 2013, in press; Pehrsson et al., 2012). Two broadly the same magnitude, sense, and timing or adjacent to the Sarmatia margin of Baltica general classes of reconstruction models are as required by paleomagnetism (see above), but (Pisarevsky et al., 2013; Fig. 5E). being explored currently, with some common the Paleo proterozoic starting confi guration of his Somewhat like the situation with India, elements (the largely agreed-upon positions of SAMBA is in the paleomagnetically unviable placements of North China in Nuna vary from Laurentia, Baltica in its “upside-down” option, model. New paleomagnetic and geochronologi- one model to another. Those two cratons have Siberia either near or far, proto-Australia, and cal data from the Amazon craton (Bispo-Santos been linked together by Zhao et al. (2002, North China) and some more contentious posi- et al., 2008, 2012; D’Agrella-Filho et al., 2012; 2004) and Hou et al. (2008), either indirectly tions (such as Amazon, West Africa, and India). Reis et al., 2013) permit a SAMBA-like con- or directly joined to western Laurentia. A loca- The rapid accumulation of new paleomagnetic fi guration (Zhang et al., 2012; Fig. 5D), though tion of North China near Baltica and Amazon pole data, particularly high-quality results from admittedly not exactly the same as that originally was preferred by Bispo-Santos et al. (2008) in U-Pb–dated mafi c dike swarms (e.g., Bleeker proposed (Pisarevsky et al., in press). Some fl ex- a regional reconstruction at 1.77 Ga; this was and Ernst, 2006), will likely soon generate ibility is afforded by the possible rotation of Sar- incorporated by Rogers and Santosh (2009) in defi nitive tests of these models. Because the matia/Volgo-Uralia (southern Baltica) relative to their updated Columbia model. Syntheses that Paleo-Mesoproterozoic interval appears better Fenno scandia (northern Baltica), perhaps as late incorporate both 1.77 Ga and ca. 1.5 Ga paleo- globally endowed with such dike swarms than as 1.7 Ga, along the buried and poorly known magnetic poles, however, fi nd a singular posi- early Neoproterozoic time, advancement of Central Russian orogen (Bogdanova et al., tion for North China off the northwest margin of knowledge about Nuna may soon surpass that 2008). As an alternative to SAMBA, Pisarevsky Laurentia, in the vicinity of northern Australia of Rodinia. et al. (2013) suggested that India lay on the (Wu et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2012; Fig. 5D). exterior side of Baltica during the Mesoprotero- That location is unique (within uncertainties and KENORLAND OR NEOARCHEAN zoic Era (Fig. 5E), and in a further elaboration, geomagnetic polarity option) because two poles SUPERCRATONS? ejected Amazonia and West Africa together into from North China are overlain atop the com- the global ocean as an independently drifting bined Laurentian and Baltic APW path—thus It is not yet known whether Nuna was pre- craton (Pisarevsky et al., in press). constrained in both latitude and relative longi- ceded by an earlier continental assemblage large São Francisco/Congo is a large craton that is tude to Nuna’s central cratons. enough to be classifi ed as a supercontinent using yielding important new constraints on its pos- The most recent development of Nuna recon- the defi nitions provided above. Bleeker (2003) sible position within Nuna. Thus far, the data are structions takes advantage of innovative soft- recognized that, among 35 Neoarchean cratons principally U-Pb ages on prominent magmatic ware, called GPlates (Williams et al., 2012), distinguishable in the Pangean collage (Fig. events, at 1.73 Ga (Danderfer et al., 2009), which incorporates animations at the core of 6A), some of them must have been connected

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2013 1743 Evans

Superia Superior BCA Sclavia 1880 Ma 2220 Kola / Dharwar Slave Karelia N 2170 Hearne 2510 ca. 2220 Ma 2070 2450 dikes 2120 Superior Slave Wyoming Wyoming 2190-2180 Hearne Kola / Ernst & Bleeker, 2010 Karelia French & Heaman, 2010

Vaalbara D Zimgarn E Pilbara

platformal Grune- Dharwar basinal facies hogna Zimbabwe 2410 Ma facies Pilbara dikes Kaapvaal Yilgarn Yilgarn

Kaapvaal de Kock et al., 2009 Smirnov et al., 2013

Figure 6. Possible Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoic supercraton reconstructions. (A) Pangea reconstruction at 200 Ma, in present South American coordinates, showing Archean cratons (gray, or colored and labeled) embedded within younger terranes (polygon outlines in gray, defi ned by Pehrsson et al., 2012; modern continental outlines in black).. (B) Proposed Superia supercraton (Ernst and Bleeker, 2010), based primarily on geometries of radiating dike swarms, with foci marked by stars. (C) Proposed Sclavia supercraton (French and Heaman , 2010) with its radiating dike foci. (D) Proposed Vaalbara supercraton (de Kock et al., 2009) based on stratigraphic comparison and paleomagnetic constraints. (E) More speculative Zimgarn juxtaposition (Smirnov et al., 2013) based on a limited number of dike ages, geometries, and paleomagnetic data. In (B)-(E), arrows show the present north orientation of each craton.

to each other (or to original continuations that most complete application of this method, thus hypotheses, yet some tectonic syntheses still have been destroyed by orogenic reworking or far, is to the Superia assemblage (Fig. 6B). Inter- refer to and perpetuate the fi xist interpretation subduction) because their internal architectural estingly, based on this “barcode” approach of (e.g., Kusky et al., 2007; Yakubchuk, 2010). fabrics are truncated by Paleoproterozoic rift matching precisely dated mafi c igneous events The Kenorland model had been originally margins. Therefore, the Neoarchean to earliest from one extant craton to another, even mem- defi ned by Williams et al. (1991) as a putative Paleoproterozoic puzzle should contain fewer bers of other clans such as Zimbabwe have global continuation of the Kenoran orogenic than those 35 cratonic pieces; a solution with a been suggested to have joined the Superia land- pulse in the Superior craton, at ca. 2.7 Ga. Initial single largest piece would be known as Kenor- mass (Söderlund et al., 2010). Similar analyses development of the Huronian rifted margin at land (Williams et al., 1991), but an alternative of dike ages and geometries can be applied to 2.45 Ga (Ketchum et al., 2013) would then appear model with separate, continent-sized pieces other putative cratonic connections, e.g., Dhar- to mark the onset of breakup of that broader was called the “supercraton” solution. Bleeker war and Slave (French and Heaman, 2010; Fig. landmass. Aspler and Chiaranzelli (1998) pre- (2003) identifi ed distinctive “clans” of cratons 6C), Dharwar and Yilgarn (Mohanty, 2011), or scribed a more strict defi nition of Kenorland, defi ned by ages of stabilization and named Dharwar and the North Atlantic craton (Nilsson holding the various North American cratons after key cratonic nuclei: Vaalbara (2.9 Ga, et al., 2013). fi xed in their present confi guration and thus rele- named after the allegedly connected Kaapvaal A variant of the supercraton suite of models gating the intervening Paleoproterozoic orogenic and Pilbara cratons), Superia (2.7 Ga, after the is that proposed by Rogers (1996), including belts (e.g., Thelon, Snowbird, Trans-Hudson) to Superior craton) and Sclavia (2.6 Ga, after the entities named , Atlantica, and Arctica. Each intracontinental in character, or involving narrow Slave craton). Pehrsson et al. (2013) identifi ed of these continent-sized pieces contains a dis- oceanic tracts at most. Creating further ambigu- a fourth family of cratons linked by extensive tinctive Archean–Paleoproterozoic geologic ity in defi nitions, Barley et al. (2005) used the 2.5–2.3 Ga orogenesis, and named a hypotheti- record, but Ur and Atlantica also contain post- name Kenorland to refer to a supercontinent cal supercraton Nunavutia after the type exam- Paleoproterozoic orogens. A mobilistic interpre- assembling as late as ca. 2.5 Ga and fragment- ple of the Rae craton in northern Canada. tation of those orogens, supported by both tec- ing at ca. 2.1 Ga. An intriguing feature of the Proposed assemblages of some supercratons tonic and paleomagnetic data (Trompette, 1994; Barley et al. (2005) Kenorland model is its inclu- utilize the radiating geometries of dike swarms Boger et al., 2001; Meert, 2003; Jacobs and sion of distinct “clans” of cratons reconstructed fanning from presumed plume centers (Bleeker Thomas, 2004; D’Agrella-Filho et al., 2011; Li variably to internal or external subduction mar- and Ernst, 2006; Ernst and Bleeker, 2010). The et al., 2013), would refute the Ur and Atlantica gins of the landmass, thus accounting for their

1744 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2013 Reconstructing pre-Pangean supercontinents differences in tectonic histories. Lubnina and could have been distant members of a Kenor- isotopic ages in that interval of time. However, Slabunov (2011) loosely connected such dis- land supercontinent, or a large continent span- the age gap can be fi lled by a recently recog- tinct cratonic elements in an older version of the ning at least 75° (~8000 km) across the Earth’s nized, additional clan of cratons and metacratons Kenorland model: Pilbara, Karelia, and Superior surface (Mitchell et al., in press). that experienced prominent ca. 2.3 Ga tectonism at 2.78–2.70 Ga. Piper (2003) proposed a long- The third Paleoproterozoic craton with a sub- (Pehrsson et al., 2013). It thus appears that plate lived (2.9–2.2 Ga) supercontinent that he calls stantial amount of reliable paleomagnetic data tectonics has continued in uninterrupted fashion Protopangea and that he claimed was consistent is Kaapvaal, which merged with Zimbabwe to throughout the past 2.5 billion years or longer, with the global paleomagnetic database; how- form Kalahari. The timing of Kalahari assem- and it remains our challenge to document those ever, upon close examination of the rotated poles bly, via the intervening Limpopo belt, is open plate motions to the fullest extent that the geo- according to the reconstruction, their ages do not to discussion, generally considered to be either logic record permits. align satisfactorily. 2.7 Ga or 2.0 Ga (Kramers et al., 2006). Recent In principle, any Kenorland (or supercraton) precise dating of the 1.88–1.87 Ga Mashonaland CLOSING REMARKS reconstruction model can be tested quantita- mafi c sills in Zimbabwe, coeval within a few tively by paleomagnetic data: all of the constitu- million years of sills emplaced within the Water- The existence and timing of supercontinents ent cratons should document the same amount berg redbeds of , would appear to through Earth history bear profound infl uence of motion, relative to the geomagnetic refer- support their direct connection, sharing a single on many other aspects of the long-term Earth ence frame, during the time interval of putative ; however, paleomag- system, from the core to the atmosphere (Reddy assembly. In practice, such a method is challeng- netic data from the two regions differ by nearly and Evans, 2009). Full treatment of such effects ing for the Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoic inter- 40°, thus Hanson et al. (2011) proposed a sur- is beyond the scope of this already lengthy val because it requires reliable paleomagnetic prisingly late assembly of the Limpopo belt to review, but Nance et al. (2013) have ably data from several cratons at precisely the same account for the discrepancy. Nonetheless, the described many of them within an independent ages. Evans and Pisarevsky (2008) reviewed 1.88–1.87 Ga interval is also characterized by retrospective chronicle of the topics discussed the global database for pre–800 Ma rocks, and large paleomagnetic scatter within both the herein. In my concluding remarks I will only found only ~50 results satisfying strict quality Slave and Superior data sets (Mitchell et al., briefl y touch on a few geodynamic issues that criteria. Using a current version of the database 2010a), and a common cause such as TPW bear directly on the methods used to formulate (T. Veikkolainen, L.J. Pesonen, D.A.D. Evans, could alternatively be invoked in the case of the reconstructions. and P. Sangchan, unpublished), a similar fi lter an earlier-assembled Limpopo orogen. For the Because paleomagnetism measures cratonic yields ~75 results of the same highest level of period prior to 2.0 Ga, Kaapvaal has a moder- motions relative to the geomagnetic reference quality; about half of the new data are novel ately complete paleomagnetic data set, which frame, it is essential that such a frame be stable paleomagnetic studies, and the other half gain permits a direct juxtaposition with the remark- over geologic time. Several tests of the geocen- quality via new geochronological constraints. ably similar in Western Austra- tric axial dipole (GAD) hypothesis have shown Many of the highest-quality results are from lia for the 2.78–2.72 Ga interval, extending to that, at least throughout the last two billion mafi c dike swarms and provinces, which Paleoproterozoic time by stratigraphic com- years, the GAD model is a satisfactory descrip- have for decades produced excellent paleomag- parisons (de Kock et al., 2009; Fig. 6D). Zim- tion of the geomagnetic fi eld when averaged netic data (e.g., Strangway, 1964; McElhinny babwe has a much more sparse paleomagnetic over several thousand years or more. A pro- and Opdyke, 1964; Fahrig et al., 1965), but only record, but the data allow a speculative original found discrepancy between Proterozoic glacial recently have become amenable to routine dat- connection with , also in Western deposits and their near-equatorial paleomag- ing by U-Pb on baddeleyite (e.g., Heaman and Australia, forming the putative Zimgarn land- netic latitudes (Evans, 2003b) is explained by LeCheminant, 1993; Söderlund and Johansson, mass (Smirnov et al., 2013; Fig. 6E). Zimgarn panglacial ice ages (Hoffman, 2009) rather than 2002). Integration of the two techniques is one may also have been a component of the Superia failure of the GAD hypothesis; an independent of the most effective ways to gain precise con- supercraton (Söderlund et al., 2010). test using Proterozoic evaporites shows concor- straints on Precambrian cratonic motions (e.g., The preceding discussion should illustrate dance of their paleolatitudes in arid subtropical Buchan et al., 1994). just how primitive are the blueprints currently belts (Evans, 2006). Reversals of the geomag- The Superior craton has the best-constrained being drawn for Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoic netic fi eld are shown to be symmetrically anti- APW path for the early Paleoproterozoic inter- paleogeography. The tools required to advance parallel by the most thorough tests of Protero- val, gained almost exclusively from precisely the science, however, are ready for use: tectonic zoic strata (Swanson-Hysell et al., 2009), and dated mafi c dikes and sills (Buchan et al., 2007). synthesis integrated with high-precision geo- secular variation of the geodynamo through the The poles are so well defi ned that a relative rota- chronology and reliable paleomagnetic studies. Proterozoic is broadly consistent with that of tion between eastern and western halves of the Despite the diffi culties presented by smaller the last fi ve million years (Biggin et al., 2008; craton, across the Kapuskasing structural zone areas of intact from this interval, the Smirnov et al., 2011). Earlier studies of inclina- at ca. 1.9 Ga, can be quantifi ed to 14° with rig- Archean-Proterozoic transition appears to be tion frequencies across the paleomagnetic data- orous Euler analysis (Evans and Halls, 2010). of crucial importance to geodynamic evolution base suggested moderate departures from GAD Similar constraints are being obtained from the of the Earth. Most discussions on the origin of in Proterozoic time (e.g., Kent and Smethurst, Slave craton (e.g., Buchan et al., 2012), and favor a threshold at least as old 1998), but more recent analyses with data-qual- the combined Superior-Slave data set confi rms as 3.0 Ga, if not earlier (cf. Condie and Kröner, ity fi ltering show non-GAD components (axial regional mobilistic interpretations of Canadian 2008). Even if plate tectonics had begun long quadrupole, axial octupole, etc.) of magnitude Shield tectonics (e.g., Hoffman, 1988) that the before Paleoproterozoic time, there is the pos- similar to the present day (Veikkolainen et al., two cratons were likely not near neighbors in sibility of a global tectonic standstill between in press). Lastly, variations of paleomagnetic the 2.22–2.03 Ga interval, prior to Laurentian 2.35 and 2.25 Ga, as introduced by Condie et al. directions across large Proterozoic dike swarms assembly. The possibility remains that they (2009) based on a paucity of orogenic belts and are more consistent with a stationary GAD-like

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2013 1745 Evans

fi eld than any of the earlier-proposed alterna- Although TPW may be considered “noise” who wish to test their reconstruction models by tives (Panzik and Evans, submitted). In sum, all in the effort to reconstruct past histories of comparison with the record in accurately of the most recent tests of the GAD hypothesis supercontinental assembly and dispersal, its rendered paleogeographic maps. have confi rmed its validity to fi rst order, for “signal” can also be useful. If there are epochs Given these recent developments and look- Proterozoic time. A possible exception is the when TPW dominates cratonic motions relative ing forward, there is great optimism for major mid-Ediacaran interval, when paleomagnetic to subsidiary rates of plate tectonics, then the advances in understanding pre-Pangean super- data are more complex than at any other time common (equatorial) axis of the TPW rotation continents. I expect that by the year 2038, as in Earth history, at present knowledge; various can be used as an additional reference frame the Geological Society of America reaches its explanations have been offered to explain the providing relative paleolongitude constraints sesquicentennial celebration, any review of this unusual patterns of data, from a nonuniformitar- (Evans, 2003a; Raub et al., 2007). Under the nature will be able to describe the fi rst-order ian geodynamo (Abrajevitch and Van der Voo, assumption that oscillatory TPW occurs around solution to Earth’s global paleogeography from 2010) to multiple and oscillatory episodes of large, lower-mantle shear velocity provinces the present back to at least 2 Ga, with contempo- TPW (Evans, 1998; Raub et al., 2007). (LLSVPs) anchoring Earth’s inertial tensor to rary discussions on merely second-order paleo- Cratonic motions relative to the geomagnetic a defi ned paleolongitude, then the TPW oscil- geographic issues from that interval. Such a uni- reference frame are due to a combination of lations around the LLSVP-anchored equatorial fi ed paleogeographic architecture will provide a processes acting in parallel: plate tectonics and axis can even provide absolute paleolongitude solid backdrop to the rich drama of Proterozoic– TPW. Plate tectonic motions occur between in deep time (Torsvik et al., 2008, 2012). Such Phanerozoic geodynamic, paleoenvironmental, the lithosphere and mesosphere, whereas TPW anchoring has been shown to be stable for the and evolutionary changes. occurs between the mesosphere and the outer past 200 million years; whether the stabil- core. Since the breakup of Pangea, TPW has been ity can be extended throughout Earth history ACKNOWLEDGMENTS small relative to most plate motions, yet measur- (Dziewonski et al., 2010; Burke, 2011), or I feel privileged to participate actively in the last able and signifi cantly nonzero (e.g., Besse and whether LLSVPs disintegrate by convection few years’ progress in pre-Pangean supercontinent Courtillot, 2002). Recent global kinematic sur- entrainment and shift their locations by 90° of reconstructions, and my thoughts have been pro- veys that avoid using a fi xed reference across each supercontinental cycle foundly affected by extensive discussions with Wouter frame—instead identifying coherent trends of (Mitchell et al., 2012), remains to be tested. Bleeker, Bruce Eglington, Richard Ernst, Richard Hanson, Paul Hoffman, Zheng-Xiang Li, Ross Mitch- continental rotations—fi nd two modest, back- The shifting-LLSVP model is conceptually ell, Sally Pehrsson, Lauri Pesonen, Sergei Pisarevsky, and-forth TPW oscillations in Mesozoic time tied to a style of supercontinental transition and Shihong Zhang. The UNESCO-IGCP Project (Steinberger and Torsvik, 2008; Torsvik et al., called “orthoversion” (Mitchell et al., 2012), 509, “Paleoproterozoic Supercontinents and Global 2012). Paleozoic TPW may have been more because in a deep-mantle reference frame, the Evolution,” introduced me to many Precambrian geol- ogy experts throughout the world. Euler parameters prevalent (e.g., Van der Voo, 1994; Marcano location of each supercontinent and pair of for Columbia models in Figure 5 were provided by et al., 1999; Mitchell et al., 2010b, 2012), but LLSVPs relocates ~90° away from their prede- Taylor Kilian and Ross Mitchell. Special thanks to the with no intact oceanic lithosphere preserved and cessors. The name alludes to earlier models of series editor, Brendan Murphy, for his patience (!) and very few large igneous provinces (LIPs) that supercontinental transition (Murphy and Nance, encouragement, and for manuscript reviews by Paul could provide hotspot tracks from that era, such 2003, 2005): new supercontinents assembling Hoffman and Zheng-Xiang Li. This work has been supported by the National Science Foundation and TPW estimation is more ambiguous. Precam- either in nearly the same confi guration, and Yale University. Although Chris Powell has been gone brian TPW is even harder to quantify, especially presumably at the same location in a mantle for more than a decade, his academic legacy lives due to the absence of global biostratigraphy and reference frame, as the previous breakup (“intro- strong among former members of the ARC Tecton- thus a reliance on chronometric dating to corre- version”); or in an inverted (“inside-out”) topol- ics Special Research Centre and IGCP Project 440; Chris’s vision brought me into that community, and I late geology across cratons. Ediacaran cratonic ogy, presumably toward the opposite side of the will always owe him gratitude. motions appear to be extremely rapid, which as world (“extroversion”). Isotopic proxies such as noted above could be due to nonuniformitarian Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf (Collins et al., 2011) from the REFERENCES CITED geophysics, either unusual geomagnetic behav- presumed margins of ancient supercontinents Abrajevitch, A., and Van der Voo, R., 2010, Incompatible ior or unusually rapid TPW (or both). TPW can yield an independent assessment of global Ediacaran paleomagnetic directions suggest an equa- may have been dominant in the rapid motions reconstructions based on tectonostratigraphy and torial geomagnetic dipole hypothesis: Earth and Plan- of Laurentia and other cratons between 1.1 paleomagnetism. etary Science Letters, v. 293, p. 164–170, doi: 10.1016 /j.epsl.2010.02.038. and 1.0 Ga (Powell et al., 2001; Evans, 2003a; In addition to new developments in geochro- Algeo, T.J., and Seslavinsky, K.B., 1995, The Paleozoic Swanson-Hysell et al., 2009). Finally, and also nology, paleomagnetism, and isotopic proxies world: Continental fl ooding, hypsometry, and sealevel: as discussed above, multiple TPW oscillations for orogenic style, another exciting advance in American Journal of Science, v. 295, p. 787–822, doi: 10.2475 /ajs.295.7.787. could have occurred in the 1.9–1.85 Ga inter- deep-time global reconstructions is through the Aspler, L.B., and Chiaranzelli, J.R., 1998, Two Neoarchean val (Mitchell et al., 2010a). Given these numer- cross-platform, free software package GPlates supercontinents? Evidence from the Paleoproterozoic: Sedimentary Geology, v. 120, p. 75–104, doi: 10.1016 ous observation-based hypotheses, bolstered by (Williams et al., 2012). More than just a tool for /S0037 -0738 (98)00028-1. theoretical advances in explaining oscillatory visualizing cratonic motions, the software incor- Barley, M.E., Bekker, A., and Krapez, B., 2005, Late TPW from a geodynamic perspective (Crevel- porates active kinematic evolution at the core of Archean to Early Paleoproterozoic global tectonics, environmental change and the rise of atmospheric ing et al., 2012), we should perhaps begin to its reconstruction architecture. More than ever oxygen: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 238, consider nonzero TPW as the rule rather than before, a broad spectrum of and geo- p. 156–171, doi: 10.1016 /j.epsl.2005.06.062. the exception for pre-Pangean cratonic motions. physicists have the ability to create animations Bell, R., and Jefferson, C.W., 1987, An hypothesis for an Australia-Canadian connection in the Late Proterozoic Claims of ancient plate kinematics based merely that can test the viability of reconstruction mod- and the birth of the Pacifi c Ocean, in Proceedings, on varying paleomagnetic directions (e.g., Strik els across geologic time. The ability to import Pacifi c Rim Congress ’87: Parkville, Victoria, Austral- asian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, p. 39–50. et al., 2003) are rendered ambiguous by the like- geological and geophysical data sets in the form Besse, J., and Courtillot, V., 2002, Apparent and true polar lihood of TPW on the early Earth. of GIS-based data fi les can further aid users wander and the geometry of the geomagnetic fi eld over

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Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2013 1751