Trustee Recruitment Pack House Trust (CVHT)

Compton Verney, , CV35 9HZ Tel: 01926 645500 Welcome – Penny Egan, CBE – Chair CVHT As the new Chair of CVHT, I welcome your interest in joining the board of CVHT as a new trustee. You would be joining Compton Verney at an exciting time. We are looking for new trustees whose skills will complement those of the existing members to further strengthen our board. We aim to reach out widely during the recruitment process, and very much welcome applications from a broad range of people who are able to support and guide the next phase of development to help us to create a sustainable and diverse organisation. Compton Verney Art Gallery and Park, nine miles from Stratford upon Avon, is a stunning location where art and landscape meet. Boasting a nationally-accredited art gallery and a ‘Capability’ Brown designed park of 120 acres, Compton Verney has six permanent collections. Compton Verney is able to offer to visitors of all ages a place for discovery, play and reflection, somewhere to have fun, explore, learning and experience. Founded with the mission to make art, culture and natural environment accessible to all, this is a place for exciting exhibitions of the highest quality, the world class collections ranging from ancient Chinese bronzes to British and European fine and decorative arts, to British Folk Art and 20th century design. It is also a place where people enjoy and engage with the natural environment and heritage through contemporary experiences.

Compton Verney’s Vision, Mission and Core Values


Excellence to present a high-quality experience in a regional context

Celebrate our by bringing together historic and modern art, culture, architecture uniqueness and landscape and natural environment Inspire and engage by entertaining, surprising, informing and challenging through all that we do Inclusive by offering an approach to art, heritage and environment that is jargon-free, gently paced and refreshingly relaxed


To share our passion for art with as many people as possible to help them gain something of intellectual and spiritual value from their encounter with Compton Verney.

Trustee Recruitment Pack Compton Verney House Trust (CVHT)

Compton Verney, Warwickshire, CV35 9HZ Tel: 01926 645500 Our working relationships are defined by three core values:

Creativity To challenge accepted norms and to find imaginative solutions that take Compton Verney forward Professionalism To achieve the highest professional standards in our work, and to behave with respect and courtesy for others Trust To work in ways which empower and support our colleagues

Our Achievements

Since opening in 2004, we have doubled visitor attendance, attracted new and diverse audiences, restored and re-animated our ‘Capability’ Brown park, and built up a series of regional and national partnerships which have been enthusiastically welcomed by bodies ranging from the Arts Council to the National Gallery. We are determined that arts, culture and the natural environment remain accessible and relevant to everyday life.

During 2019, we welcomed 5,300 people to a single event, hosted over 6,200 education visits of which 2,450 were Forest School interactions and 770 were primary and senior school visits to exhibitions. Our overall visit numbers for the year were 79,500. In 2020 we will finalise 2 years’ work as part of a project focused on the restoration of the grounds, funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund. In 2018 we became a National Portfolio Organisation; as part of the Arts Council funding framework, we plan to build on this for the next round of bidding. We have begun a project to develop further the landscape and the lakes, built on our environmental credentials and are promoting a new digital future for Compton Verney. Our commitment to inclusion, diversity and equality is central to how we develop our public offer. We undertake our work professionally with a commitment to ensuring a sustainable future for Compton Verney, for the enjoyment of generations to come.

Transition 2020 onwards As an independent charity, we are keen to bring to the fore a varied cultural, environmental, historical and contemporary programme to attract diverse audiences, offer a wide range of year round events, ensure that the cultural heritage that we care for is engaging at all times and ensure financial sustainability for the longer term. Compton Verney is now 16 years old as an organisation, and is ready for the next phase of development and consolidation. We are seeking greater engagement and interaction with the public and in turn will build loyal audience base. Compton Verney operates on a mixed economy model, through private and public funding, and has an active fundraising function. We now need to engage more effectively with our audiences and funders to further support our learning and community engagement work and ensure Compton Verney is accessible to the broadest range of people. To achieve this, the quality of the relationships that we build are fundamental to

Trustee Recruitment Pack Compton Verney House Trust (CVHT)

Compton Verney, Warwickshire, CV35 9HZ Tel: 01926 645500 our success, we will work more effectively in partnership with other organisations, ensure that we are grounded in the life of the people of Warwickshire and surrounding counties, but equally recognised nationally for our work.

Looking Ahead: Our Priorities 2020-2030

Compton Verney has a reputation for an imaginative public programme of high-quality spanning culture and the natural environment. Our high standards of customer service and the quality and diversity of the visitor experience are maintained through our investment in talented staff. We promote learning and wellbeing opportunities to the broadest audiences. 2020 will be a transition year, whilst the ten-year strategy is devised and the organisation is strengthened. The key priorities for 2020 will be: 1. STRATEGIC GROWTH: Commercialising business units based on sales, profit margins and conversion rates between footfall and income; Diversification of income streams; Ensuring ROI is optimised against brand awareness, marketing and PR. Making the link between quality of offer, value for money, visitor journeys, income generation and sales, and relationship management. Utilising data to grow business and for organisational learning. 2. PROGRAMMING WITH PURPOSE: Developing diversity in our staff and audiences, programmes and visitor experience; Ensuring that all that we do is underpinned by inclusivity and creativity, in how we are organised and how we build relationships with audiences. Promoting and delivering artistic quality, innovation and excellence, through programming across learning, wellbeing, engagement, interpretation, visitor journeys, digital mediums. 3. REALISING DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL: Being ambitious for the future ensuring that each asset is valued and developed, in particular developing a grounds masterplan that will support strategic growth; Optimising collaborative networks and partnerships, relationships with stakeholders and supporters; Engaging the public in supporting CVHT’s charitable objectives more directly; Delivering effective fundraising and growing overall income. 4. EFFECTIVE FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE FUNCTIONS: Ensuring a ‘fit for purpose’ financial and operations model that supports the objectives of Compton Verney and grows the business; Ensuring professional and incisive financial management and effective and efficient operations; Developing an agile workforce ensuring that staff and volunteers are supported to undertake their roles.

Trustee Recruitment Pack Compton Verney House Trust (CVHT)

Compton Verney, Warwickshire, CV35 9HZ Tel: 01926 645500 Role of Trustee

We are looking for trustees with both an interest in and passion for culture, arts, natural environment and history, as well as bringing to bear expertise and knowledge to support the strategic direction of this organisation, and the next exciting phase of development.

Compton Verney strives for diversity in its audiences, visitors and staff and volunteer body. We therefore want to reflect this diversity on our Board too.

Following a recent skills audit, we are particularly interested in recruiting new trustees willing to take a lead on the following aspects:

- Legal Experience

- Accountancy Finance and Audit

- Digital Media – Use of New Media (content creation/marketing/networking)

- Product Development (Sales and Marketing)

- Commercial/Business Experience

- Natural Environment/Parkland/Horticulture

- Strategic learning and/or engagement at a policy level

The role of the Board of Trustees is to provide leadership and oversee the strategic direction of the CVHT, in line with its charitable objectives and as required by law.

Status of Role: Trustee/Board Member Board Meetings: A minimum of 4 per annum, with sub-groups where applicable; in addition, Trustees are expected to attend one Away Day per annum Sub Committees: Trustees are encouraged to join any sub-committees where their skillsets can add the most value. There are currently two subcommittees covering Finance & Audit and Nominations and Remuneration Committee (A Finance and Audit Chair to take on the role in January 2021 is being sought as part of this recruitment); other sub committees may be established depending on priorities Board Composition: The Board is chaired by Penny Egan CBE; and Janet Bell Smith is the Vice Chair

Trustee Recruitment Pack Compton Verney House Trust (CVHT)

Compton Verney, Warwickshire, CV35 9HZ Tel: 01926 645500 Duration of Term: All trustees have a term of 4 years with the option to stay on the Board for a further 4 years. Trustees should be available to take up their roles by May 2020. No Trustee may serve more than 8 years unless through reapplication after a year’s absence. Remuneration: Nil (expenses paid) Conflict of Interest: Managed under the Conflict of Interest procedures, avoiding conflict with other professional roles or personal interests Induction: All trustees will receive a full induction Prior Discussion: In the first instance please contact Penny Egan, Chair – email Penny Egan [email protected] Application Process: Please send one side of A4 expressing your specific interest in the Trustee role and a CV (no more than 2 sides of A4) demonstrating relevant experience, specific skills and appropriate referees. (Preference will be given to those who can meet the given skills sets as stated in this document). Please email application to Lucy Jones, Corporate Manager, [email protected] or post to Corporate Manager, Compton Verney, Warwickshire, CV35 9HZ Closing Date: Thursday 19 March 2020 Interview Date: Friday 24 April 2020 Charity Commission: Please find more information on the Charity Commission website at and in particular, the essential trustee: what you need to know Trustee Role Specification The following table sets out the range of criteria that we are seeking in addition to a passion for the arts and culture and/or natural environment

Interest in and/or - Culture/Heritage/Arts passion for - Natural Environment

Sector Expertise Experience in one or more areas: - Business/Commercial - Sales/Marketing/Product Development - Legal - Accountancy, Finance and Audit - Digital Media

Trustee Recruitment Pack Compton Verney House Trust (CVHT)

Compton Verney, Warwickshire, CV35 9HZ Tel: 01926 645500 - Horticultural/Natural Environment - Education

Technical Skills A mix of the following - Business and Commercial Acumen - Financial Management - Fundraising and campaigns - Innovation and enterprise - Strategy and Operations - Up to date personnel knowledge - Capital Development - Audience Strategy and Engagement - Digital/ICT Awareness - Environmental Awareness - Access, Equalities and Diversity experience Interpersonal Skills - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills - Excellent networker with established contact portfolio

Governance - Strategic Vision - Willingness to accept their legal responsibility for directing the affairs of the charity in meeting its responsibilities as set out with the Charity Commission - Adherence to the Nolan principles – 7 Principles of Public Life – Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty, Leadership - Willingness to commit the necessary time and effort to their duties as a trustee - Commitment to equality of opportunities for all - Willingness to speak with sound judgement - Ability to work effectively as a team member

Trustee Recruitment Pack Compton Verney House Trust (CVHT)

Compton Verney, Warwickshire, CV35 9HZ Tel: 01926 645500

Appendix 1: 2018 Annual Report House-Trust-Annual-Report-V0.2.pdf