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Index to Volume 118 Compiled by Leslie Cody Abies balsamea, 46,95,124,251,268,274,361,388,401,510,530 confines, 431 lasiocarpa, 191,355,584 thomsoni, 431 Abrostola urentis, 541 Agelaius phoeniceus, 201 Acanthopteroctetes bimaculata, 532 Agelaius phoeniceus, Staging in Eastern South Dakota, Spring Acanthopteroctetidae, 532 Dispersal Patterns of Red-winged Blackbirds, 201 Acasis viridata, 539 Aglais milberti, 537 Acer,52 Agonopterix gelidella, 533 negundo, 309 Agriphila ruricolella, 536 rubrum, 41,96,136,136,251,277,361,508 vulgivagella, 536 saccharinum, 41,124,251 Agropyron spp., 400,584 saccharum, 361,507 cristatum, 300 spicatum, 362 pectiniforme, 560 Achigan à grande bouche, 523 repens, 300 à petite bouche, 523 sibiricum, 560 Achillea millefolium, 166 Agrostis sp., 169 Achnatherum richardsonii, 564 filiculmis, 558 Acipenser fulvescens, 523 gigantea, 560 Acipenseridae, 523 Aira praecox, 177 Acleris albicomana, 534 Aix sponsa, 131,230 britannia, 534 Alaska, Changes in Loon (Gavia spp.) and Red-necked Grebe celiana, 534 (Podiceps grisegena) Populations in the Lower Mata- emargana, 535 nuska-Susitna Valley, 210 forbesana, 534 Alaska, Interactions of Brown Bears, Ursus arctos, and Gray logiana, 534 Wolves, Canis lupus, at Katmai National Park and Pre- nigrolinea, 535 serve, 247 obligatoria, 534 Alaska, Seed Dispersal by Brown Bears, Ursus arctos,in schalleriana, 534 Southeastern, 499 variana, 534 Alaska, The Heather Vole, Genus Phenacomys, in, 438 Acorn, J.H., Review by, 468 Alberta: Distribution and Status, The Barred Owl, Strix varia Acossus
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