THE BRITISH SHOW HORSE ASSOCIATION RULE BOOK 2021 Main Office Telephone 01462 437770 Show Secretary & Judges Emergency Telephone 07709 714409
[email protected] This Rulebook is subject to change and all alterations will be notified via the website A Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England & Wales No.4135915 RULE BOOK 2021 President: Mrs Susan Rawding Vice-President: Mrs Adrianne Smyth General Manager: Lucy Savill 2021 List of Directors Chairman: Nigel Hollings Vice-Chairman (North): Ian Darcy Vice-Chairman (South): Sue Phillips Hon Treasurer: Camilla Pomroy Board Members Sarah Carey, Jane Hall, Danielle Heath, David Ingle, Joanne Pybus (Company Secretary), Julian Quiney, Jane Scriven, Simon Somers, Nick Thompson Elected 2018 – Retiring 2021 Danielle Heath David Ingle Sue Phillips Julian Quiney Elected 2019 – Retiring 2022 Sarah Carey Ian Darcy Jane Hall Jane Scriven Elected 2020 – Retiring 2023 Nigel Hollings Joanne Pybus Simon Somers Nick Thompson Effective from 1st January 2021 In order to comply with the Commission Decision 92/252/EEC the Association declares that there will be no discrimination between Members. SUBSCRIPTIONS MEMBERSHIPS 2 HORSE REGISTRATIONS 3 SHOW AFFILIATION FEES 3 INDEX 4 1 MEMBERSHIPS Members of the Association, by paying their subscription agree to abide by the Rules and Objects of the Association. Membership and Horse Registration documents will be issued and must be carried at all Affiliated Shows. All Owners, Exhibitors, Trainers, Producers, Riders and Handlers must be Members in order to compete in Affiliated classes. Membership and registrations will be suspended, if cheques, or monies owed, that are payable to the BSHA, the BSHA National Championship Show and BSHA Affiliated Shows are not paid within 14 days of being due, or if ANY TROPHIES BELONGING TO THE BSHA are not returned by the requested date.