Common Name: TRITONIA Common Name: TRITONIA Botanical Name: Family Name: Botanical Name: Tritonia crocata Family Name: Iridaceae

Plant Type: Size: 25-45cm H x 8-10cm W Type: Bulb Size: 25-45cm H x 8-10cm W Planting Time: Autumn Planting Width: 8-10cm Depth: 5cm Planting Time: Autumn Planting Width: 8-10cm Depth: 5cm Flowering: Spring Positioning: Full Sun Flowering: Spring Positioning: Full Sun

General Information: Frost hardy. Suitable for all climates except tropical. General Information: Frost hardy. Suitable for all climates except tropical. Watering: Regular watering is needed, ample water during winter and spring. The Watering: Regular watering is needed, ample water during winter and spring. The plants should remain fairly dry during summer and most of autumn. Water is more important to should remain fairly dry during summer and most of autumn. Water is more important to Tritonia prior to flowering. Tritonia prior to flowering. Fertilising: Prefers addition of slow release granules to soil prior to planting or fertilise 6 Fertilising: Prefers addition of slow release granules to soil prior to planting or fertilise 6 weeks after shoots appear. weeks after shoots appear. Soil: Well drained. Soil: Well drained. Lifting & Storage: Digging only necessary when clumps become too thick. Dig up after foliage Lifting & Storage: Digging only necessary when clumps become too thick. Dig up after turns yellow. foliage turns yellow. Pests: Spray for insects and bait snails when buds appear. Pests: Spray for insects and bait snails when buds appear. Tips: Tritonia does multiply. Can be grown from seed sown in autumn. They need to be grown Tips: Tritonia does multiply. Can be grown from seed sown in autumn. They need to be grown in full sun; however they need to be sheltered from strong winds. Grow in warm position with in full sun; however they need to be sheltered from strong winds. Grow in warm position with plenty of sunlight. Ideal In pockets of rockery or planted in generous clumps in a garden bed. plenty of sunlight. Ideal In pockets of rockery or planted in generous clumps in a garden bed. Even look beautiful in containers. Even look beautiful in containers. Growing Guide Growing Guide