May 22, 2012 09:00 BST The Lumia 800 Holds the Company Above Water

The Nokia 800 has been the lynchpin for keeping the Finnish maker from falling into financial trouble. Amounting to only 3 million phones last year, the company has seen a huge drop in sales as Samsung continue to drive forward by taking more than 50% of the market share. However, with the latest 800 and the top of the range Lumia 900, there is plenty of hope for the firm to claw back some customers.

The first quarter of 2012 saw incredible sales figures and it’s all thanks to the Lumia 800. The sleek-looking smartphone that is packed with amazing technology and is priced very keenly is their best seller. Nokia scrapped the operating system and now runs on Windows, which is less-preferred to Android but it’s still a great operating system as it stands. It looks to have been the best move Nokia could have made and if quarter two goes to plan then we could see Nokia close the huge gap from third to second placed Apple. It’s safe to say that Apple’s 30+ million sales won’t be too affected by Nokia’s Lumia range but if the Finnish firm can get back to 8-10 million sales then it will surely be a successful year.

The new Lumia 900, which is a step up from the 800 but shares many of its features, has yet to make such a big impact on the sales figures yet and we might need to wait a few more months to see what impact it has. Thanks to that Windows operating system it’s totally different to iOS and Android’s Ice Cream Sandwich or the Gingerbread OS. While many people are so used to those systems now, more people are used to Windows from decades of being at the top of the personal computing operating system market. With that backing from one of the biggest software companies in the world, it’s hard to ignore that Windows phones could well be the thorn in Samsung’s and Apple’s sides. It just needs more companies such as Nokia to develop and create more stunning looking phones that customers will discard their Galaxy or iPhone 4 for. It’s a big ask but we’ve seen the market change so rapidly over the past 4-5 years that anything is possible.

It’s a buyer’s market out there due to the competitive nature in the smartphone industry. Manufacturers make better, faster, prettier and cooler phones while networks jostle for position with the deals. If you’re looking for something different to that of Samsung or Apple’s models, then the Nokia Lumia 800 is a fantastic phone and comes in a variety of colours. You can see more of the contract deals and compare the prices and packages on the Mobile Phone Checker comparison charts. If you simply can’t ignore the 1.4GHz processor, the 16GB of internal storage, the 3.7” AMOLED screen and 8 megapixel camera then you could be falling for the Nokia Lumia 800, just as many others before you have.

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