DIOMIS Evolution of intermodal rail/road traffic in Central and Eastern Sandra Géhénot International Union of Railways Tel: +33 (0) 1 44 49 20 84 16, rue Jean Rey - F 75015 Paris Fax: +33 (0) 1 44 49 20 79 Tel: +33 (0) 1 44 49 20 20 European Countries by 2020 www.uic.org/diomis Fax: +33 (0) 1 44 49 20 29 e-mail:
[email protected] www.uic.org ROMANIA Developing Infrastructure & Operating Models for Intermodal Shift © ETF publication - 2010 January 2010 ISBN 978-2-7461-1771-6 Warning No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed by any means whatsoever, including electronic, except for private and individual use, without the express permission of the International Union of Railways (UIC). The same applies for translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any method or procedure whatsoever. The sole exceptions - noting the author’s name and the source - are “analyses and brief quotations justifi ed by the critical, argumentative, educational, scientifi c or informative nature of the publication into which they are incorporated”. (Articles L 122-4 and L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code). © Copyright - Paris, 2010 CONTENTS 1. Socio-economic information on Romania ................................1 1.1 - Population .........................................................................................................2 1.2 - Economy ...........................................................................................................3 1.3 - Freight traffi c .....................................................................................................7