The Misunderstood Placebo | Climate Change Controversy | Relics of the Cross
SI moster cover_SI JF 10 V1 9/30/10 11:46 AM Page 1 The Misunderstood Placebo | Climate Change Controversy | Relics of the Cross Vol. 34 No. 6 | November/December 2010 THE MAGAZINE FOR SCIENCE & REASON Published by The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry SI New Nov Dec pages_SI new design masters 9/24/10 2:27 PM Page 2 AT THE CEN TERFOR IN QUIRY /TRANSNATIONAL Paul Kurtz, Founder Joe Nickell, Senior Research Fellow Richard Schroeder, Chairman Massimo Polidoro, Research Fellow Ronald A. Lindsay, President and CEO Benjamin Radford, Research Fellow Bar ry Karr, Ex ec u tive Di rect or Richard Wiseman, Research Fellow James E. Al cock, psy chol o gist, York Univ., Tor on to Sus an Haack, Coop er Sen ior Schol ar in Arts and Lor en Pan kratz, psy chol o gist, Or e gon Health Mar cia An gell, MD, former ed i tor-in-chief, Sci en ces, professor of phi los o phy and professor Sci en ces Univ. New Eng land Jour nal of Med i cine of Law, Univ. of Mi ami Robert L. Park,professor of physics, Univ. of Maryland Kimball Atwood IV, MD, physician, author, Harriet Hall, MD, family physician, investigator, Jay M. Pasachoff, Field Memorial Professor of Newton, MA Puyallup, WA Astronomy and director of the Hopkins Steph en Bar rett, MD, psy chi a trist, au thor, con sum er C.E.M. Han sel, psy chol o gist, Univ. of Wales Observatory, Williams College ad vo cate, Al len town, Pa.
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