
Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call


of Approval City Council Minutes April 19 2010 May 3 2010 Revised May 10 2010 Special


97 09 Communication from Labor Relations and Benefits Administration re Proposed Workers Compensation Stipulation between the City and Charles Fereira referred to Miscellaneous Matters Committee

98 09 Communication from Tax Collector re MunicipaJ Suspense Tax Book referred to Budget and Appropriations Committee

99 09 Communication from OPM re Budget Transfer to Comply with Minimum Budget Requirements MBR From Board of Education Dedicated Use 123 109 To Classroom Teacher Salaries 123 109 referred to Budget and Appropriations Committee

100 09 A Communication from Labor Relations and Benefits Administration re Proposed Administrative Services Only Agreement with Connecticut General Life Insurance Company for Group Medical Benefits referred to Contracts Committee

100 09 B Communication from Labor Relations and Benefits Administration re Proposed Performance Guarantee Agreement with Connecticut Life Insurance Company for Group Medical Benefits referred to Contracts Committee Agenda Page 2 City Council Meeting June 7 2010


101 09 Communication from Mayor re Setting of the Mill Rate for Fiscal Year 2010 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION

102 09 Communication from Airport Manager re Proposed Agreement with the State regarding State Project No DOT00150347PE for mal design and permitting for the realignment of Main Street Route 113 at Igor Sikorsky Memorial Airport FOR IMMEDIATE CONSIDERA rION


89 09 Public Safety and Transportation Committee Report re Grant Submission FY 2009 FEMA Port Security Grant

90 09 Public Safety and Transportation Committee Report re Grant Submission FY 2010 FEMA Port Security Grant

91 09 Public Safety and Transportation Committee Report re Grant Submission FY 2008 FEMA Port Security Grant

47 09 Economic and Community Development and Environment Committee Report re Disposition of City Owned Property to Habitat for Humanity

74 09 Economic and Community Development and Environment Committee Report re Section 108 Seaview Plaza Project Substantial Amendment to the City s Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development


78 09 Public Safety and Transportation Committee Report re Appointment of Thomas A Lyons D to the Board of Police Commissioners

73 09 Miscellaneous Matters Committee Report re Appointment of Anne Pappas Phillips D to the Planning and Zoning Commission THE FOllOWING NAMED PERSONS HAVE REQUESTED PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCil ON MONDAY JUNE 7 2010 AT 6 30 P M IN THE CITY COUNCil CHAMBERS CITY HAll 45 lYON TERRACE BRIDGEPORT CT


Irma Esbil Excessive Loud Music 26 Linen Avenue Bridgeport CT 06604

Clyde Nicholson Schools 54 Wallace Street Bridgeport CT 06606

Eula Hill Public Safety and the Welfare of 958 Platt Street Seniors Bridgeport CT 06606

Helen Jones Flooding and Public Safety in the 143 Valley Avenue North End Bridgeport CT 06606

Jeff Kohut Public Safety and the Welfare of 30 Wickliffe Circle Seniors Bridgeport CT 06606 CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC SPEAKING SESSION JUNE 7 2010 6 30 pm

j n rrl 0 ATTENDANCE Council i members Brannelly M McCarthy A Ayala Wal 1 L McCarthy Austin lyons Vizzo Paniccia Bonney dePa SilvcPl O M 1m Ayala Martinez Baker Holloway Ul fT1n OTl x I p en Council President called the to at Ji l1 McCarthy public speaking session order 6 pm 00



Irma Esbil Excessive loud Music 26 Linen Avenue Bridgeport CT 06604

Ms Esbil stated that she in lived the hollow community and she owns a 4 family house She she had a expressed quality of life issue living near the Vasco de Gama Portuguese Social Club She recalled that during the 4th of July weekend there is a three day celebration where they have an outdoor OJ and band They plan from 9 00 am until 2 00am that is excessive She expressed that although she lovied the holiday in the last five years she has dreaded it due to the excessive loud noise and music from the constant of the band playing and OJ and it s not fair In the past she has called the police and she was told the music would stop at different times but it never did She has also spoken to district Council member dePara who said that he enjoyed the cel 3bration but then he goes home to sleep She asked Council member dePara to find out about the ordinance

Council President McCarthy stated that she should stay in contact with the district council members about the issue

Clyde Nicholson Schools 54 Wallace Street Bridgeport CT 06606

Mr Nicholson said he was there to ask the council to intervl9ne in the public school situation This was in reference to school cuts that will directly afff3ct the student especially in the poor neighborhoods He asked the council to look into what they re doing He noted the 233 million but budget over the years he hasn t seen any changes going into effect City of Bridgeport City Council Meeting June 7 2010 Page 1 of 12 And now they are planning on cutting 144 teachers and 4 320 students are being moved to already crowded schools He further spoke about the 4EiO students from Dunbar School being relocated and the problem of them going to Tisdale School that is already crowded In addition there are 550 students being moved from Roosevelt School to another district He said that although he never used the raCf3 card before he felt this situation involved racism He stressed that the needs of the children and the parents are being sorely affected His deepest concern was that as a taxpayer he would appreciate the courtesy of having the matter addressed and followed up on He noted that the BOE taking the money and doing what they wanted is against the law He further stressed that some strings have to be attached to assure fairness He urged Council President McCarthy to get involved in the BOE process

Council member McCarthy explained that the point of public sElssion was to listen to the public voice their concerns He told Mr Nicholson that he should leave his phone number with Mr White who would contact him to discuss the matter further He stated that the law limits the city council in the power they have with the Board of Education Mr Nicholson said he thought the law should be changed then He emphasized the importance of education

Eula Hill Public Saff3ty and the Welfare of 958 Platt Street Seniors Bridgeport CT 06606

Ms Hill stated that Council members Bonney and Blunt were thE council district members She spoke about the police force in respect to not having proper policing for seniors She recalled a situation of a parked car in front of her house for two weeks She called to complain and it was found that it was a stolen car that was parked there for two weeks She said the police patrol on Platt Street doesn t do anything to observe what s going on and she felt this should correct with more police involvement She also mentioned other criminal activity that is present at the senior complex She emphasized that it was unfair that since the citizens pay the police officers salaries she thought they should provide more service like they do in other municipalities She ended to say she would like more involvement

Council President McCarthy stated that she should give Tom White her phone number so that a district council member could get in touch with her

Helen Jones Flooding and Public Safety in the 143 Valley Avenue North End Bridgeport CT 06606

Ms Jones stated she has lived in Bridgeport for 40 years She said there was a very unhealthy small up and down and around Valley Avenue and the brook smells She said she has observed pictures of the area with toilet paper wrapped around trees and other garbage and debris She noted that the dam is right in the middle of her backyard and it City of Bridgeport City Council Meeting June 7 2010 Page 2 of 12 smells horribly She updated that there were six new houses built on Valley Avenue that have cesspools hooked up and that is what s causing the problems She said she called to complain but no no one came out to check the problems She stressed that the stench was so strong you have to hold your breath when you come outside She also mentioned that she was upset about Verna Kearny being removed from the SI3nior Community Service She was a caring person and an advocate for seniors in many ways such as cooking for them etc

Jeff Kohut Public SafE3ty and the Welfare of 30 Wickliffe Circle Seniors Bridgeport CT 06606

Mr Kohut read from a statement he prepared The highlights of the statement outlined quality of life issues regarding public safety concerns and senior issues He said this was a problem affecting many along different income lines and public safety is inadequate in certain areas in the city such as on Old Town Road There is also a traffic congestion problem in the area He requested that there be more police presence in the areas that it need He further spoke about seniors with disabilities and senior wellness programs that are needed He spoke about the flooding conditions in the north end that causes serious damage in may north end neighborhoods thus affecting the msale value of homes He went on to address domestic violence issues in view of reGent situations that have occurred in the news

Cecil Young Signed up to speak tonight

Mr Young had a video showing the raw sewage problem in P T Barnum it was noted that the video would be submitted to Tom White for the record Mr Young explained the problems that the raw sewage creates such as slush water and damage to the pipes He added that the sewage causes a lot of problems He also had a video that he said showed dozens of mouse dropping that resulted from the raw sewage problem

He expressed that he came in peace tonight and he mentioned that what happened last month during the city council meeting should have never happened He asked the council to address the raw sewage problem

The public speaking session ended at 7 19 pm

City of Bridgeport City Council Meeting June 7 2010 Page 3 of 12 CITY COUNCIL MEETING

Monday June 7 2010

7 00 pm City Council Chambers City Hall 45 Lyon Terrace Bridgeport Connecticut

ATTENDANCE Council members Brannelly M McCarthy A Ayala Taylor Moye Brantley Walsh T McCarthy Austin Lyons Vizzo Paniccia Bonney Blunt dePara Silva M Ayala Martinez Curvven Baker Holloway

ABSENT Council members Paoletto

Council President McCarthy called for a caucus at 7 20 pm The caucus ended at 8 10 pm

Council President McCarthy called the meeting to order at 8 14 pm

Prayer the prayer was offered by Council member M McCarthy

Pledge of Allegiance the pledge was led by Council member Martinez

Roll Call the city clerk took the roll call and announced there was a quorum


Approval of City Council Minutes April 19 2010 May 3 2010 Revised May 10 2010 Special



COUNCIL MEMBER SILVA MOVED TO APPROVE THE COMMUNICATIONS TO BE REFERRED TO COMIIIIITTEES COIUNCIL MEMBER A AYALA SECONDED City of Bridgeport City Council Meeting June 7 2010 Page 4 of 12 97 09 Communication from Labor Relations and Blenefits Administration re Proposed Workers Compensation Stipulation between the City and Charles Fereira referred to Miscellaneous Matters Committee

98 09 Communication from Tax Collector re Municipal Suspense Tax Book referred to Budget and Appropriations Committee

99 09 Communication from OPM re Budget Transfer to Comply with Minimum Budget Requirements MBR From Board of Education Dedicated Use 123 109 To Classroom Teacher Salaries 12 3 109 referred to Budget and Appropriations Committee

100 09 A Communication from Labor Relations and Bl3nefits Administration re Proposed Administrative Services Only Agreement with Connecticut General Life Insurance Company for Group Medical Benefits referred to Contracts Committee

100 09 B Communication from Labor Relations and B43nefits Administration re Proposed Performance Guarantee Agreement with Connecticut Life Insurance Company for Group Medical Benefits referred to Contracts Committee MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY


City Attorney Anastasi stated that they needed to state the nature of the emergency for Items for Immediate Consideration

It was stated that the emergency was in regard to the charter time line adopted by the mill rate

101 09 Communication from Mayor re Setting of the Mill Rate for Fiscal Year 2010 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION

Council member Curwen stated the item concerned the calculation of the budget deliberations that were voted on for the year that resulted in a 3B 64 mill rate



City of Bridgeport City Council Meeting June 7 2010 Page 5 of 12 102 09 Communication from Airport Manager re Proposed Agreement with the State regarding State Project No DOT00150347PE for final design and permitting for the realignment of Main Street Route 113 clt Igor Sikorsky Memorial Airport FOR IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION


It was stated that the nature of the emergency was in regard to a current lawsuit pending and a court time line issue



Council member Walsh requested to remove item l4 09 Economic and Community Development and Environment Committee Report re Section 108 Seaview Plaza Project Substantial Amendment to the City s Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development


89 09 Public Safety and Transportation Committee Report re Grant Submission FY 2009 FEMA Port Security Grant

90 09 Public Safety and Transportation Committee Report re Grant Submission FY 2010 FEMA Port Security Grant

91 09 Public Safety and Transportation Committee Report re Grant Submission FY 2008 FEMA Port Security Grant

47 09 Economic and Community Development and Environment Committee Report re Disposition of City Owned Property to Habitat for Humanity

74 09 Economic and Community Development and Environment Committee Report re Section 108 Seaview Plaza Project Substantial Amendment to the City s Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development removed from the agenda see discussion below MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

City of Bridgeport City Council Meeting June 7 2010 Page 6 of 12 The agenda returned to item 74 09 Economic and Community Development and Environment Committee Report re Section 108 Seaview Plaza Project Substantial Amendment to the City s Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development

Council member dePara stated that the item came of committee with a unanimous vote as amended COUNCIL MEMBER dePARA MOVED TO APPROIVE COUNCIL MEMBER SILVA SECONDED

Council member Walsh commended the committee for the work they did on the resolution and the changes that were made to it in regard to the concern about borrowing against block grant money He said it was amended to require that paperwork come back to the committee before the final approval There was also a concern about the Section 108 loan and the potential for losing money He said he was looking fOlvvard to reviewing the loan documents and LDA before the final approval

Council member Holloway stated that each year they lose 20 from block grant money He recalled that he tried to explain this to his constituents who thought he was against the resolution However he was assured that the block grant mon1ey would be secured per Alanna Kabel and the money will be paid back by the developElr He expressed that this was the first time something like this had been done

Council member dePara expressed that Council member Holloway s wisdom was appreciated by the way his concern was conveyed to the commiittee and constituents He felt that him bringing the matter forward resulted in the drafting of a better resolution There are two stop gaps to assure that the money is paid back and that is will be secured In addition it will come back to the city council before it s finalized

Council member Baker stated that he was glad they would be able to review the document before the final approval And although he was glad the district was moving forward it was good that they will be able to review the document before its finalized MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY


78 09 Public Safety and Transportation Committee RHport re Appointment of Thomas A Lyons D to the Board of Police Commissioners

Council member Brannelly stated that the committee voted unanimously with one abstention She expressed that Mr Lyons was a man of great intE grity and he would serve the board well COUNCIL MEMBER BRANNELLY MOVED TO APPROVE COUNCIL MEMBER AUSTIN SECONDED MOTION PASSED WITH EIGHTEEN VOTES IN FAVOR AND ONE ABSTENTION COUNCIL MEMBER LYONS City of Bridgeport City Council Meeting June 7 2010 Page 7 of 12 73 09 Miscellaneous Matters Committee Report re Appointment of Anne Pappas Phillips D to the Planning and Zoning Commission

Council member 1 McCarthy deferred to Council member Vizzo Paniccia to present the item on his behalf since he chaired the committee meeting

Council member Vizzo Paniccia stated that the item passed in committee with two members in opposition COUNCIL MEMBER VIZZO PANICCIA MOVED TO APPROVE COUNCIL MEMBER BRANTELY SECONDED

Council member Walsh stated that he was one of the two people that were opposed to approving the item in committee He explained it was because some of the facts about the appointment were found to be troublesome due to alternate members assuming full powers of a regular committee member He recalled that in the ordinance there must be a written opinion from the city attorney and there is a policy of alternates waiting 180 days to serve In this case there were serious concerns about the decision He stated that some items in the appointee s background were problematic The appointee was asked if they were aware of the ordinance and then they were asked about a prior article in the CT Post dated May 16 2009 that was six months before the lawsuit and where the appointee was quoted in the article He stressed that the appointee s claim of being unaware of the article was insulting At any rate there is a charter discrepancy as to what the council was previously told He said he wouldn t have a problem with the appointee serving on another committee but not the land use committee

Council member Holloway felt there was a problem of a failure to communicate He thought the Ethics Commission was responsible for screening problems for prospective appointees He stated that it seemed the Ethics Commission came out in flying colors for Ms Pappas so he felt they should vote what the Ethics Board decided upon And in view of that they are only approving what the Ethics Board decided Council member Brantley stated that she understood where Council member Walsh was Goming from She thought they needed to look at who should be really held responsible and not hold the citizen responsible that offers to serve the city She said she would vote in support of the appointment

Council member Brannelly stated that she also understood Council member Walsh s concern however she felt that it was important to move forward within the committee to be more aware of what is happening in the city

Council member Baker questioned if the blame should be on the administration or the committee He felt that since the matter went through the Ethics Commission he emphasized that it may be important to step back and research the issue further He said he would vote to approve the appointment because there were too many concerns at hand He urged his colleagues to reconsider their before approving the item

City of Bridgeport City Council Meeting June 7 2010 Page 8 of 12 Council member Walsh stated that the appointment had been the Ethics Commission for four years City Attorney Anastasi addressed Council member Walsh s comment to say that it was known there was a vacant position that was filled for an unexpired portion of the term that ends 12 31 201 O

Council member Silva stated that during the committee meeting he wasn t in favor of the appointment This was due to the process of the appointment that was put forth He felt the decision of the appointment will hold a lot of power and he thought the process in this case was broken and it needs to be fixed He stressed that the council should show that they have some power when it comes to appointments or reappointments because the people in the city rely on them to assure what s done is in their best interest He stated that he was not in support of approving the item and with the legal matters still in process he thought the appointment should be delayed

Council member Martinez stated that she would vote in favor of the appointment for varied reasons such as the shortage of commissioners to serve on that board

Council member Taylor Moye stated that she would vote in favor of the appointment She didn t feel they should delay the vote in favor because of an oversight by the administration or process She strongly felt that since the appointee has sat on the commission for four years she shouldn t be penalized because of an oversight

Council member Lyons asked about the six months expiration term on 12 31 2010 she wanted to know if a person that serves on a committee would be up for reappointment at that time City Attorney Anastasi said the charter does state that an appointee serves until a successor qualifies He said he expects they will be able to et appointees in a timely manner

Council member T McCarthy stated that the appointee was a good hard working decent person He didn t feel that they should make her responsible for any mistake made by the administration He strongly recommended approval of the appointment


Other business


There was some discussion regarding procedure to waive referral to committee

City of Bridgeport City Council Meeting June 7 2010 Page 9 of 12 COUNCIL MEMBER BAKER MOVED TO WAIVE REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE

Council member stated that Holloway they never voted to waive rE3ferral to committee in the past He questioned were why they doing it tonight Council member Curwen stated that the added item went already through committee anyway

City Attorney Anastasi that never disagreed they waived referral to committee He said it had been done before on occasion He noted that is there a chartHr requirement to make a second vote for the waiver unless they elected not to by a two thirds vote to add it to the agenda

Council member Baker stated that item Proposed amendment tOI the Municipal Code of Ordinances to add amend new Chapter 8 97 South End Neighborhood Revitalization Zone 80 09 went through committee but it didn t make the agenda in time COUNCIL MEMBER BAKER MOVED TO APPROVE COUNCIL MEMBER A AYALA SECONDED

Council member Brannelly updated that a previous request was made to submit paperwork for items to all council members beforehand so that they can make an informed vote Council member T McCarthy acknowledged the comment and responded that the item already went through committee

Council member Curwen if asked the item was time sensitive Council member Baker said no it was just a matter of not being added to the agenda in time MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY


Proposed amendments to the Municipal Code of Ordinances amend Chapter 15 44 Flood Prevention Damage 65 09 Council member Baker stated that the item went before the committee but no one was in attendance to speak on it so it was tabled The item pertained to an amendment for flood damage prevention and the FEMA requirement requested There was a committee special meeting and a public hearing He noted that it was a time sensitive item COUNCIL MEMBER BAKER MOVED TO APPROVE COUNCIL MEMBER VIZZO PANICCIA

Council member asked if Brannelly there were any details related to the commitment to be in compliance

City of Bridgeport City Council Meeting June 7 2010 Page 10 of 12 John Urquidi stated the FEMA decides where the flood zone is And the lending institution that obtain He requires they insurance clarified that if the item di dn t pass they may forfeit the funding MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

Council member Baker stated that the document should be submitted in the proper form to the city attorney


He explained that the item pertained to general obligation bonds He said it passed in committee but it missed the deadline to be added to the agenda


Council member dePara stated that refinancing of the general obligation bonds was at a lower rate that will save the city approximately 3 million


Announcement s

Council member Vizzo Paniccia announced that her daught r received an academic achievement award in the amount of 5 000 00 that was signed by President Obama

Council President McCarthy announced that Council member Paoletto was not in attendance tonight because of an injury

City of Bridgeport City Council Meeting June 7 2010 Page 11 of 12 ADJOURNMENT


The meeting adjourned at 9 25 pm

Respectfully submitted

Diane Graham Telesco Secretarial Services

City of Bridgeport City Council Meeting June 7 2010 Page 12 of 12 CITY OF BRIDGEPORT LABOR RELATIONS AND BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION

Connecticut 06604 45 Lyon Terrace Bridgeport JANET M FINCH LAWRENCE E OSBORNE Director Human Resources 203 576 7843 Manager 203 576 8474 BILL FINCH Mayor RICHARD D WEINER Benefits Manager Matters Corrnnittee on 6 7 2010 203 576 7007 COMM97 09 Referred to Miscellaneous




35 000 Charles Pereira stipulation amount requested the who sustained various traumatic injuries during Mr Fereira is a retired fire fighter with the of course ofhis employment City Bridgeport

so of total rate is 900 00 a week any period The claimants total disability approximately alone is in the to the of Bridgeport Disability disability represents significant exposure City 75 000 this is without future medical exposure range of 60 000 to and our defense council Administrators City Due to the on this file Berkley exposure all claims made the s best interest to settle against Attorney Mark Anastasi feel it is in City the City of Bridgeport

s on Mr Charles Fereira a full and final settlement is a draft for Attached stipulation over The would be payable various workers compensation claims stipulation agreement of the of 17 500 00 is to be paid within 20 days approval two fiscal years The first payment 1 2010 and 31 2010 to be between July July ofthe stipulation and the remainder paid Matters for and the Committee on Miscellaneous submit to the Council Please City or If should have any questions require at your earliest convenience you approval Thank for attention to me a call on ext 7540 you your additional information please give this matter





B Carveth of APPEARANCES The claimant is represented by Christopher Esq Stevens Carveth Carroll 26 Cherry Street P O Box 432 Milford CT 06460

A of The respondents are represented by Frank May Esq Montstream May LP 655 Winding Brook Drive P O Box 1087 Glastonbury CT 06033 6087 AWARD BY STIPULATION FOR FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT

this submitted to and examined Upon the within and foregoing Agreement being day settlement of a by the Undersigned I find the same is a just and reasonable disputed claim and ought in all respects to be ratified and confirmed

with WHEREUPON IT IS ORDERED ADJUDGED AND AWARDED that compliance of claim this Agreement shall constitute a full final and complete settlement a disputed which is hereby ratified and confirmed




On or about May 10 1982 March 23 1984 June 25 H 85 June 7 1986 and for the entire duration of his employment with the employer respondent Charles Fereira hereinafter referred to as the claimant was employed by the City of Bridgeport Fire Department hereinafter referred to as the employer respondent

Both parties were subject to the provisions of the Workl rs Compensation Act of the State of Connecticut and the employer had fully complied with the terms thereof by self insuring its compensation liability with Berkley Risk Administrators of Connecticut Inc acting as the Third Party Administrator Respondent

Upon due and regular statutory notice this case was assigned to the Fourth District Commissioner where representatives of the parties appeared before said Commissioner and with whose assistance have resolved the issues by a full and final settlement

It is claimant s contention that on or about May 10 1982 while at work for the employer respondent he injured his back and left knee that on or about March 23 1984 while at work for the employer respondent he injured his back that on or about June 25 1985 while at work for the employer respondent he injured his right shoulder that on or about June 7 1986 while at work for the employer respondent he injured his right ankle that as a result of these accidents or as a result of repetitive acts he sustained numerous injuries and conditions including but not limited to the following herniated disc at L5 S 1 L5 radiculopathy left sided paraspinous tenderness paraspinal hypertonicity with point tenderness at the right distal lumbar spine and right sciatic notch discogenic pain myospasm pain stiffness and discomfort of the low back restrictive range of motion of the lumbar spine antalgia bilateral buttock leg thigh and knee pain osteoarthiritis of the left knee left knee meniscus tears chondromalacia patella proximal plantar fascitis of the left foot proximal tibial and medial femoral condyle osteophytes numbness of bilateral feet right shoulder strain sprain and or rotator cuff injury

The claimant further contends that as a result of said injuries he suffers from a 20 permanent partial disability to the back 20 permanent artial disability to the left leg and a significantsubstantial permanent partial disability to the right leg and right


l1A f i r n r l sfroSln ORAFT Go2 21tO lMR increasE in the future that he has shoulder that the permanent disabilities may treatment and may in the future require further required medical surgical and hospital that he has attempted to work at his former medical surgical and hospital treatment of work that he has been disabled totally and partially job but is unable to do that type and may in the future incur such disability

his the arose of and in the course of employment Alleging that said injuries out disabilities and future both total claimant sought compensation for his past present and compensation and and for injury specific partial compensation permanent to and incidental bills incurred or payment of all reasonable medical surgical hospital of his conditl on be incurred in connection with the treatment

of 10 19B2 March 23 1984 June 25 The admit only the injuries May respondents resulted other than that and June 7 1986 but contend that no permanent injury 1985 trouble is if contend that the claimant s present accepted via voluntary agreement any with the deny that the due to causes other than his employment employer respondent future suffer disability either total or partial claimant is now suffering or will in the any or the future further medical surgical hospital deny that the claimant will in require and that the claimant has suffered any care as a result of these injuries deny the extent as result of these but if any deny permanent partial disability as a injuries alleged by the claimant which are the number of technical legal and medical questions However in view of the case as outlined the claims of and in view of the other doubts in the by involved the understood and between the claimant hereto it is hereby agreed and by parties to the controversy that and the insurer respondent all parties employer respondent and faith t le claim is a disputed one while their respective claims are made in good would be doubtful that its results if fully prosecuted I

shall pay to the claimant it is hereby agreed that the respondents NOW THEREFORE 00 to DOLLARS AND NO CENTS 35 000 the sum of THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND be split evenly into two sums DOLLARS 17 500 00 to be paid SEVENTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED of this within 20 days of the approval stipulation


dl nRAf7 dGG 21Z 1D LMR n 1 1111 be DOLLARS 17 500 00 to SEVENTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED 12010 and July 31 2010 paid between July 1 adjustment accord and full final and complete settlement The same to be in have the aforesaid claimant might otherwise against of all claims which the in satisfaction and to be made and accepted known or unknown or either of them of our respondents in accordancl9 with the language of all other compensation payments for all lieu and assume claimant agrees to pay responsibility Act The and future Compensation and incidental expensE s past present medical surgical hospital nursing

a full and final be made and accepted as as stated above shall for The payment for said injuries disfigurement for all compensation including specific settlement all results the claimant past for said and for upon said injuries scarring injuries and incidental all claims for medical surgical hospital and future and for of the death present be due to anyone in case all which may expenses and for compensation constitute a complete the of such sum shall claimant to the end that payment on of the time in favor of anybody or become due at any of all claims due to unknown in satisfaction condition known or or on account of any account of the claimed injuries claim on account of the out of the said injuries or any way resulting sum is in full accord that the of such understood and agreed payment the It is of any liability by expressly claims and is not an admission and satisfaction of disputed respondents he the claimant signed the stipulation and that before It is further stipulated agreed that he understood to him in 21 language was read and interpreted all read it or the same to deal with any and final settlement intEmded this is a full and of that he knew that hereof and any changes exist as of the date known or unknown which accidents or conditions of said alleged in the future on account conditions which may arise injuries not induced nor that this stipulation was between the parties hereto It is by and that none of the parties agreed mistake or duress and into fraud accident Act of the entered by the Workers Compensation further claims under 31 293 hereafter shall have any said Act under Sections such granted by of Connecticut except rights common law State thereto or any other and amendments 31 349 31 299b any

5 apportionment remedies are fully reserved


oA n061L r 1t11 I f R unite in the IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING We the undersigned hereby requesting 4th to make an award by stipulation Compensation Commissioner for the District pursuant to this Agreement

set our hands and seals IN WITNESS WHEREOF We have hereunto








LMf Ifll llflflalslj luh ORAFT dlV2JlO DRAFT

RIE Charles Fereira v City of Bridgeport Fire D A 5 10 82 left knee and low back

This letter will confirm that the health insurance provided by the City of Bridgeport to and to Mr Fereira as a retiree of the City will continue cover reasonable of his related necessary medical expenses that may arise out employment claims have injuries with the City despite the fact that his workers compensation been settled by full and final stipulated award in the Workers Compensation will be Commission The coverage under the City s health insurance program to former of the who were the same as that provided retired employees City as Mr Fereira to employed in the same department and the same capacity prior and his retirement and subject to all of the normal deductibl13s co pays limitations that would be provided to such individuals

Very truly yours

Richard Weiner CITY OF BRIDGEPORT OFFICE OF THE TAX COLLECTOR 45 Lyon Terrace Bridgeport Connecticut 06604 Telephone 576 7271 Fax 332 5628 Collection Division 576 7266 ANNE KELLY LENZ BILL FINCH Tax Collector Mayor COMM 98 09 Referred to Budget Appropriations Committee 06 07 2010

May 17th 2010

To Frances Wilson Acting Assistant City Clerk

From Anne Kelly Lenz Tax Collector

Re Municipal Suspense Tax Book

In accordance with Section 12 165 General Statures State ofConnecticut I submit to the Common Council list a ofuncollectable Personal Property and Motor Vehicle Tax Accounts

I further that to the best of and after research certifY my knowledge and examination by my staff each tax contained in this has not been listing paid and is uncollectable Each tax so designated has been transferred to the Tax Book but Suspense any such tax may be collected by me or subsequent Tax Collector in office

Each such tax so transferred to the Tax Book shall not Suspense hereafter be included as an asset ofthe City ofBridgeport

The total of 3 896 059 0 1 the Grand List represents 1994 through 2008 at the close of day May 1 2010

I recommend approval oftransfer ofthese accounts to Suspense

Thank you kM5 T

cc Honorable William Finch Mayor rr Michael Feeney CFO j Ij o 3 I C b I 0 r n 0 mn r Om IT lllt x 0 n x 0 x 0

Tl n 0 m

34 BE IT RESOLVED That Common Council ofthe of City Bridgeport hereby approve as directed the State Tax by Commission under Section 12 165 a of copy Municipal Suspense Tax Book for fiscal year ending June 30 2010 and

Be it Further Resolved That this Manual represents Grand List 1994 through 20108 which consist of Analyzed Personal Property and Motor Vehicle Taxes at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30 20 I0 for the total amount of 3 896 059 01 B11L Name Code of Reason Date TOINn Amt Total 199r62 fO tl40 FISCHER COMPANIES INC ALAN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 216 28 216 28 1994 02 1082544 MIRON RICHARD A OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 187 76 187 76 1994 1083648 PARNOFF LAURENCE V P C Q2 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 59844 2 598 44 1994 02 3371941 ARTISTIC PRINTING SCREEN CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 567 84 3 567 84 1994 03 1529239 TEASLEY MATTHEW DE DECEASED 5 3 2010 7120 71 20 1994 04 4450360 HELEN GRAHAM DE DECEASED 2 7 2009 137 63 137 63 1994 04 4450378 GRAHAM HELEN DE DECEASED 27 2009 77 09 77 09 1995 02 1051746 ARDMARE CONST CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 6 224 18 6 224 18 1995 02 1052726 BEST WELDING INC J P OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1042 1042 1995 02 1055601 CORE FACTORY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 93 25 93 25 1995 02 1058040 FISCHER COMPANIES INC ALAN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 195 08 195 08 1995 02 1081246 MAKHRAZ YOUSSEF OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 75 60 75 60 1995 02 1082544 MIRON RICHARD A OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 27 58 2758 1995 02 1083648 PARNOFF LAURENCE V P C OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 278 32 2 278 32 1995 02 3022611 AYALA TITO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 360 26 360 26 1995 02 3371941 ARTISTIC SCREEN PRINTING CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1475 16 1475 16 1995 02 4155970 VITRO TECHNOLOGY LTD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 76748 767 48 1995 02 4666176 PABON HERNANDO LAUNDROMAT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 852 20 852 20 1995 03 1529239 TEASLEY MATTHEW DE DECEASED 5 3 2010 62 10 62 10 1995 03 2287853 MARINO ALlSA F DE DECEASED 5 26 2009 21142 211 42 1995 03 4552995 CREWS ELEEDANY DE DECEASED 5 26 2009 16 98 16 98 1995 03 4577696 GRAHAM HELEN DE DECEASED 2 7 2009 30240 302 40 1995 03 4577700 GRAHAM HELEN E DE DECEASED 2 7 2009 56 70 56 70 1995 04 4690859 CREWS ELEEDANY DE DECEASED 5 26 2009 16 75 16 75 1996 02 1051746 ARDMARE CONST CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 370 26 3 370 26 1996 02 1052726 BEST WELDING INC J P OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 26 12 26 12 1996 02 1055601 CORE FACTORY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 89 54 8954 1996 02 1058040 FISCHER COMPANIES INC ALAN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 240 20 240 20 1996 02 1081246 MAKHRAZ YOUSSEF OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 96 96 96 96 1996 02 1082544 MIRON RICHARD A OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 534 26 2 534 26

1996 02 1083648 PARNOFF LAURENCE V P C OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 629 76 629 76 1996 02 3371941 ARTISTIC SCREEN PRINTING CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 18 62 18 62 1996 02 4155970 VITRO TECHNOLOGY LTD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 939 18 939 18 1996 02 4666176 PABON H C O SANTIAGO MORALES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 530 04 1 530 04 1996 02 4921923 MODERNIZED CLEANERS J YOUNG OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 2 780 56 2 78056 1996 02 4926933 BRAGA S PAINTING DRYWALL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 614 80 614 80 1996 02 5050629 MAKHRAZ YOUSSEF OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 9144 9144 1996 02 5192857 INNOVATIVE BODY DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 579 38 1 579 38 1996 02 5477975 SONS CONSTRUCTN ROJOWSKI CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 186 52 2 186 52 1996 02 5479323 AMERICAN BUILDING GROUP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 350 28 1 350 28

1996 03 0878553 RIVERA JOSE R JR OR 9 22 2009 319 32 319 32 1996 03 2287853 MARINO ALlSA F 5 26 2009 186 20 186 20 1996 03 4552995 CREWS ELEEDANY 5 26 2009 14 63 14 63 1996 03 4811788 CREWS ELEEDANY 5 26 2009 14 60 14 60 1996 04 5028038 HERNANDEZ MARIA BK BANKRUPTCY 5 26 2009 364 82 364 82 1997 021051746 ARD MARE CONSTRUCTION CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 6 523 74 6 523 74 1997 02 1052726 BEST WELDING INC J P OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 19451 1 194 51 1997 02 1055601 COREFACTORYINC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 24 2010 3461 99 3461 99 1997 02 1055814 CROWN TOOL DIE CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 8 190 89 8 190 89 1997 02 1058040 FISCHER COMPANIES INC ALAN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 295 74 295 74 1997 02 1062608 MANIS METAL WORKS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 4 160 10 4 160 10

1997 02 1081246 MAKHRAZ YOUSSEF OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 119 34 119 34

1997 02 1082544 MIRON RICHARD A OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 305 90 305 90

1997 02 1083648 PARNOFF LAURENCE V P C OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 217 00 217 00

1997 02 1339421 BEZ INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 9 84 9 84 1997 02 4155970 VITRO TECHNOLOGY LTD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 727 18 727 18 1997 02 4666176 PABON C O SANTIAGO H MORALES 08 OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 883 78 1 883 78 1997 02 4920650 MADISON GIFT THINGS OGBENTA T 08 OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 ll19 74 119 74

1997 02 4921923 MODERNIZED CLEANERS J YOUNG 08 OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 2 078 98 2 078 98 1997 02 4926933 BRAGA S PAINTING DRYWALL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 56 92 756 92 1997 02 4927476 DEL VALLE MADDIE LCSW OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 831 82 831 82 1997 02 5192857 INNOVATIVE BODY DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 S55 64 1 555 64

1997 02 5477975 ROJOWSKI SONS CONSTRUCTN CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 046 30 2 046 30

1997 02 5479323 AMERICAN BUILDING GROUP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1703 40 1703 40 1997 02 5479358 AMADO CHERI L OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 504 36 504 36

1997 02 5479625 FOOD N THINGS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 867 22 867 22

1997 03 2208597 BROWN JUDSON R DE DECEASED 5 5 2010 77 96 7796 1997 03 4365338 PORTILLO HECTOR R 5 26 2009 0 08 0 08 1997 03 798897 BROWN JUDSOfJ R DE DECEASED 5 5 2010 601 76 601 76

1997 03 4882341 POUNCIE JACQUELINE 6 24 2009 386 26 386 26

1997 03 4918027 WINDNELLER RUDOLPH 9 22 2009 347 28 347 28 1997 93 5155013 PORTILLO HECTOR R 5 26 2009 0 07 0 07 1997 04 5226182 DAY DENEISE G 5 26 2009 54 98 54 98

1997 04 5226191 DAY DENElSE G 5 26 2009 95 50 95 50 1998 02 1051410 AMERICAN FABRICS CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 9 34 9 34

1998 02 1052726 BEST WELDING INC J P OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 78 63 78 63

1998 02 1055601 CORE FACTORY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 7 62126 7 621 26

1998 02 1055814 CROWN TOOL DIE CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 18412 62 18412 62 1998 02 1061661 R S LEATHER SPORTSWEAR INC 4 24 2010 5 73 5 73

1998 02 1062608 MANIS METAL WORKS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 5 084 96 5 084 96

1998 02 1082544 MIRON RICHARD A OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 37942 37942

1998 02 1083648 PARNOFF LAURENCE V P C OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 215 28 215 28

1998 02 1339421 BEZ INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 869 38 869 38

1998 02 4155970 VITRO TECHNOLOGY LTD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 902 02 902 02

1998 02 4666176 PABON H C O SANTIAGO MORALES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 336 76 2 336 76

1998 02 4920650 MADISON GIFT THINGS OGBENTA T OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 14854 148 54

1998 02 4921923 MODERNIZED CLEANERS J YOUNG OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 2 578 88 2 578 88

1998 02 4926933 BRAGA S PAINTING DRYWALL INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 938 94 938 94 1998 02 5050629 MAKHRAZ YOUSSEF OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 4746 4746 1998 02 5192857 INNOVATIVE BODY DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 543 76 1 543 76

1998 02 5477975 ROJOWSKI SONS CONSTRUCTION C OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 82846 1 82846 1998 02 5479323 AMERICAN BUILDING GROUP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 254 84 1 254 84

1998 02 5479625 FOOD N THINGS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 003 86 1 003 86

1998 02 5480267 SPAIN ROMAINE DEBORAH OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 650 95 650 95 1998 03 2208597 BROWN JUDSON R DE DECEASED 5 5 2010 77 36 77 36

1998 03 4365338 PORTILLO HECTOR R 5 26 2009 100 10 100 10

1998 03 4798897 BROWN JUDSON DE DECEASED 5 5 2010 509 60 509 60

1998 03 4918027 WINDNELLER RUDOLPH 9 22 2009 26164 26164

1998 03 5155013 PORTILLO HECTOR R 5 26 2009 63356 633 56

1998 04 5495272 BROWN JUDSON R DE DECEASED 5 5 2010 273 78 273 78

1998 04 5523764 FOREMAN BRIAN 5 22 2009 416 33 416 33

1999 02 1051410 AMERICAN FABRICS CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 778 12 778 12

1999 02 1052726 BEST WELDING INC J P OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 287 18 3 287 18

1999 02 1055601 CORE FACTORY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 372 06 2 372 06

1999 02 1055814 CROWN TOOL DIE CO INC OB OUT OF BUSIN ESS 4 24 2010 19 709 96 19 709 96

1999 02 1061075 KASPER GROUP 4 24 2010 1 29344 1 29344

1999 02 1062608 MANIS METAL WORKS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 704 20 2 704 20

1999 02 1063299 METROPOLITAN BUSINESS ASSOC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 34 98 34 98

1999 02 1082544 MIRON RICHARD A OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 30356 303 56

1999 02 1083648 PARNOFF LAURENCE V P C OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 269 10 269 10

1999 02 1339421 BEZ INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 869 38 869 38

1999 02 4150501 AKACH DELI GROCERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 122 72 122 72

1999 02 4155970 VITRO TECHNOLOGY LTD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 127 50 1 12750

1999 02 4920650 MADISON DOLLAR STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 185 64 185 64 1999 02 4921923 MODERNIZED CLEANERS J YOUNG OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 366 60 366 60

1999 02 4926933 BRAGA S PAINTING DRYWALL INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 173 64 1 173 64 1999 02 4928316 SKYERS SKYERS PC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1475 96 1475 96 1999 02 5050629 MAKHRAZ YOUSSEF OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 59 28 59 28

1999 02 5192857 INNOVATIVE BODY DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 929 66 1 929 66

1999 02 5197034 PRINELLE LEASING CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 104 25 104 25

1999 02 5479323 AMERICAN BUILDING GROUP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 568 52 1 56852

1999 02 5479625 FOOD N THINGS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 254 84 1 254 84

1999 02 5479749 TAYLOR PRISCILLA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 149 35 1 149 35

1999 02 5480020 BOLTON FORAN KLlMAZEWSKI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 003 86 1 003 86 1999 02 5480267 SPAIN ROMAINE DEBORAH OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 303 90 1 303 90

1999 02 5769054 COOPER GARY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 208 20 208 20

1999 03 4352741 MURPHY MELVIN LOR 2 16 2010 1 213 68 1 213 68

1999 03 4352759 MURPHY MELVIN L 2 16 2010 17746 17746

1999 03 4365338 PORTILLO HECTOR R 5 26 2009 98 94 98 94 1999 03 4798897 BROWN JUDSON DE DECEASED 5 5 2010 466 38 466 38 1999 03 4918027 WINDNELLER RUDOLPH 9 222009 212 68 212 68 1999 03 5155013 PORTILLO HECTOR R 5 26 2009 S76 68 576 68

1999 03 5420949 NEGRON JULIO 5 26 2009 94 38 94 38

1999 03 5735591 FOREMAN BRIAN 5 222009 494 78 494 78 1999 03 6989745 WOJNARSKI ANTHONY 1 7 2010 137 68 137 68

1999 04 4690859 CREWS ELEEDANY 5 26 2009 377 33 37733

1999 04 4986651 PORTILLO HECTOR R 5 26 2009 132 47 13247 1999 04226182 DAY DENEISE G 5 26 2009 57 01 57 01 1999 04 5889246 FOREMAN BRIAN 5 22 2009 97 37 97 37 1999 04 5904156 NEGRON JULIO 5 26 2009 70 92 70 92 200002 1051410 AMERICAN FABRICS CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 972 60 97260 2000 02 1052726 BEST WELDING INC J P OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 4 108 98 4 108 98 2000 02 1055601 CORE FACTORY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 252 06 2 252 06 2000 02 1055814 CROWN TOOL DIE CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 18 149 24 18 149 24 2000 02 1061075 KASPER GROUP 4 24 2010 8 872 71 8 872 71 2000 02 1061661 R S LEATHER SPORTSWEAR INC 4 24 2010 607 10 607 10 2000 02 1080096 KOTEAS GEORGE ATTY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 110 70 110 70 2000 02 1082544 MIRON RICHARD A OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 30356 303 56 2000 02 1083648 PARNOFF V P C LAURENCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 93 86 93 86 2000 02 1339421 BEZ INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 086 68 1 086 68 2000 02 4150501 AKACH DELI GROCERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 90 62 90 62 2000 02 4155970 VITRO LTD TECHNOLOGY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 l409 34 1409 34 2000 02 4666214 DEALS ON WHEELS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 172 64 17264 2000 02 4920650 MADISON DOLLAR STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 13 92 13 92 2000 02 4921923 MODERNIZED CLEANERS J YOUNG OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 366 60 366 60 2000 02 4926933 BRAGA S PAINTING DRYWALL INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1467 06 1467 06 2000 02 4928316 SKYER5 SKYERS PC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 844 90 1 844 90 2000 02 5050629 MAKHRAZ YOUSSEF OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 74 10 74 10 2000 02 5192857 INNOVATIVE BODY DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 2412 02 2412 02 2000 02 5193934 FLOWERS GIFTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 12740 12740 2000 02 5197034 PRINELLE LEASING CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 245 84 245 84 2000 02 5478289 AFRICAN BRAIDS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 97 24 97 24 2000 02 5478548 GIOVANNIS DELI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 023 30 1 023 30 2000 02 5479323 AMERICAN BUILDING GROUP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 960 60 1 960 60 2000 02 5479609 DOWNTOWN FLORISTS OF BPT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 355 28 355 28 2000 02 5479625 FOOD N THINGS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 56852 1 56852

2000 02 5479749 TAYLOR PRISCILLA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 56852 1 568 52 2000 03 4811788 CREWS ELEEDANY 5 26 2009 557 38 557 38 2000 03 4918027 WINDNELLER RUDOLPH 9 22 2009 168 36 168 36

2000 03 5155013 PORTILLO HECTOR R 5 26 2009 611 98 61198 2000 03 5709957 TORRES LOURDES 6 24 2009 102 12 102 12 2000 03 5735591 FOREMAN BRIAN 5 22 2009 455 00 455 00 2000 03 5974677 FOREMAN BRIAN 5 222009 120 68 220 68 2000 03 6029431 NEGRON JULIO 5 26 2009 76 18 76 18

2000 03 6078769 TORRES LOURDES M 6 24 2009 635 84 635 84

2000 04 4986651 PORTILLO HECTOR 5 26 2009 396 76 396 76

2000 04 6115117 ALERS VICTOR DE DECEASED 5 5 2010 10199 101 99

2000 04 6115125 ALERS VICTOR DE DECEASED 5 5 2010 25 03 25 03

2000 04 6155861 FOREMAN BRIAN 5 22 2009 19117 191 17

2001 02 1050502 AAA DISTRIBUTORS 4 24 2010 83 06 83 06

2001 02 1051410 AMERICAN FABRICS CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 167 08 1 167 08

200102 1052599 BENNETT ENTPR RECORD CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 25122 25122

2001 02 1052726 BEST WELDING INC J P OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 4 930 72 4 930 72

2001 02 1055601 CORE FACTORY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 079 36 2 079 36 2001 02 1055814 CROWN TOOL DIE CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 16 826 54 16 826 54 2001 02 1061075 KASPER GROUP 4 24 2010 17 222 52 17 222 52

2001 02 1061661 R S LEATHER SPORTSWEAR INC 4 24 2010 728 52 728 52

2001 02 1072069 ARIANO FRANK JR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 3017010 4 03042 4 030 42 2001 02 1074444 PU S VARIETY DELI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 464 88 464 88 2001 02 1082544 MIRON RICHARD A OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 29142 29142

2001 02 1083648 PARNOFF LAURENCE V P C OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 82 24 82 24

2001 02 2561629 PHOTO EXPRESS STUDIOS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 703 26 1 703 26 2001 02 3895762 ARROW PRECISION MFG CORP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 178 48 1 17848 2001 02 4150501 AKACH DELI GROCERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 82 74 82 74

2001 02 4151460 PHI YEN VIDEO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 395 30 395 30 2001 02 4152181 OWENS CLOSURE ILLINOIS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 19 309 92 19 309 92 2001 02 4156691 HOME SWEET HOME OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 624 62 624 62 2001 02 4666214 DEALS ON WHEELS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 207 18 207 18 2001 4920579 02 CREATIVE MAILING SERVICES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 6 579 96 6 579 96 2001 02 4920650 MADISON DOLLAR STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 16 66 16 66 2001 02 4920692 GE EQUIPMENT LEASING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 107 540 90 107 540 90

2001 02 4921923 MODERNI ZED CLEANERS J YOUNG OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 351 94 351 94 2001 02 4926933 BRAGA S PAINTING DRYWALL INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1760 44 1760 44 2001 4928316 02 SKYERS SKYERS PC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 29 2010 275 68 275 68 2001 02 5192857 INNOVATIVE BODY DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 2 89442 2 89442

2001 02 5193934 FLOWERS GIFTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 122 30 122 30 2001 02 50197034 PRINELLE LEASI G CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 294 96 294 96 2001 02 5476502 PARK CITY DISCOUNT FURNITURE OB OF OUT BUSINESS 4 29 2010 388 20 388 20 2001 02 5478289 AFRICAN BRAIDS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 116 70 116 70 2001 02 5478912 LAK AUTO SALES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 618 20 618 20 2001 02 5479323 AMERICAN BUILDING GROUP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 352 68 2 352 68 2001 02 5479609 DOWNTOWN FLORISTS OF BPT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 7182 71 82 2001 02 5479625 FOOD N THINGS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 Jl 882 18 1 882 18 2001 02 5479749 TAYLOR PRISCILLA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 l 882 18 1 882 18 2001 02 5614182 AMER EXPRESS BUSINESS FINANCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 4 190 92 4 190 92 2001 02 6095124 COMPREHENSIVE PAIN HEADACHE OB OF OUT BUSINESS 4 24 2010 219 34 219 34 2001 02 6095256 SANTIAGO AUTO SALES REPAIR OB OUTOF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 257 70 257 70 2001 02 6434565 CATHEDRAL CHURCH SUPPLY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 687 02 687 02 2001 02 6437262 NEW ENGLAND TELECOMMUNICATIONS OB OUTOF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 029 80 1 029 80 2001 02 6437297 NEW ENGLAND TELECOMMUNICATIONS OB OUTOF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 926 02 926 02 2001 02 7571919 BAVARO PHIL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 390 00 390 00 2001 02 7572061 ACA ISIDRO F ARTURO ACA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 936 00 936 00 2001 02 7572303 ROEBUCK GEORGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 468 00 468 00 2001 02 7572371 JOYNER KEVIN MAXINE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 780 00 780 00 2001 02 7572524 FLORENCE A NYEMITEI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 936 00 936 00 2001 02 7572541 JAMES R SAYBALL ATTORNEY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 5 850 00 5 850 00 2001 02 7572575 GONZALEZ GONZALEZ OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 936 00 936 00 2001 02 7572583 FERNANDEZ ROBERT E OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 468 00 468 00 2001 02 7573084 ROBERT NEVERDOUSKY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 273 00 273 00 2001 03 4531432 ARANGO ALICE M 5 26 2009 5742 5742 2001 03 4918027 WINDNELLER RUDOLPH 9 22 2009 128 86 128 86 2001 03 5953114 CORDERO JOSE 2 16 2010 6115 6115 2001 03 5974677 FOREMAN BRIAN 5 22 2009 18128 18128 2001 03 6078769 TORRE5 LOURDES M 6 24 2009 497 96 497 96 2001 03 6087954 WARD COPLEY LORRAINE OR 216 2010 1 00246 1 00246 2001 03 6257019 ALERS VICTOR DE DECEAsED 5 5 2010 181 28 18128 2001 03 6257027 ALER5 VICTOR DE DECEASED 5 5 2010 63 66 63 66 2001 03 6261083 ARANGO ALICE M 5 26 2009 175 78 175 78 2001 03 6280240 CASTANO RUBEN 5 22 2009 499 02 499 02 2001 03 6311544 FOREMAN BRIAN 5 22 2009 482 66 482 66 2001 03 6383766 PORTILLO HECTOR 5 26 2009 1 092 00 1 092 00 2001 03 6802807 NELSON LINTON B 6 25 2009 452 10 452 10 2001 04 6496854 TORRES LOURDES 6 24 2009 90 60 90 60 2001 04 6597707 SAMUELS SEAN 5 26 2009 2 95 09 295 09 2002 02 1050502 AAA DISTRIBUTORS 4 24 2010 91 80 9180 2002 02 1051410 AMERICAN FABRICS CO OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 29048 1 29048 2002 02 1052424 BEAUTY MIRROR INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 271 04 27104 2002 02 1055601 CORE FACTORY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 299 26 2 299 26 2002 02 1055814 CROWN TOOL DIE CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 13 66168 13 661 68 2002 02 1057680 AMERICAN LANDMARK RESTORATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 693 32 693 32 2002 02 1058040 FISCHER REAL ESTATE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 162 13 162 13 2002 02 1060427 INTERNATIONAL TIRE WHSE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 89 70 89 70 2002 02 1061075 KASPER GROUP 4 24 2010 12 902 68 12 902 68 2002 02 1061661 R 5 LEATHER SPORTSWEAR INC 4 24 2010 80554 805 54 2002 02 1072069 ARIANO FRANK JR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 4456 68 4456 68 2002 02 1082544 MIRON RICHARD A OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 257 78 257 78 2002 02 1083648 PARNOFF LAURENCE V P C OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 69 28 69 28 2002 02 1553792 CONTINENTAL AUTO RES THRIFTY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 16158 16158 2002 02 2561629 PHOTO EXPRESS STUDIOS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 20540 1 20540 2002 02 3019814 AMERICANA ASSOCIATES INSURANCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 147 66 147 66 2002 02 3892488 STRATFORD METAL CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 2 81 8 52 2 878 52 2002 02 3895762 ARROW PRECISION MFG CORP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 532 24 1 S32 24 2002 02 3896041 JACKSON FRANK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 235 10 235 10 2002 02 4150391 PICASSO S PIZZA GRILL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 14 60 14 60 2002 02 4150501 AKACH DELI GROCERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 65 64 65 64 2002 02 4156691 HOME SWEET HOME OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 690 66 690 66 2002 02 4156721 COLLEGIAN MOVERS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 9746 28 9 746 28 2002 02 4270566 SOUTH AVE AUTO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 102 12 102 12 2002 02 4664009 THREE DIMENSIONS BARBER SHOP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 282 62 282 62

2002 02 4665820 PETER ALAN WENDY ALW OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 140 10 140 10

2002 02 4666214 DEALS ON WHEELS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 86 66 86 66 2002 02 4920579 CREATIVE MAILING SERVICES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 3 378 18 3 378 18 2002 02 4920650 MADISON DOLLAR STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 18 38 18 38 2002 02 4920692 GE EQUIPMENT LEASING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 103 87342 103 873 42 2002 02 4921923 MODERNIZED CLEANERS J YOUNG OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 311 34 31134 2002 02 4924167 BANK LOCK SERvICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 59 54 5954

2002 02 4924183 CHRISTIANO JOSEPH W III OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 8948 8948

2002 02 4926933 BRAGA S PAINTING DRYWALL INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 946 64 1 946 64 2002 02 4928316 SKYERS SKYERS PC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 304 82 304 82

2002 02 4929282 CONNECTICUT DISRIBUTING CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 66048 1 66048

2002 02 5052265 AMERICAN EXPRESS BUSI FIN CORP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 343 34 343 34

2002 02 5053270 FRESH HALAL MEAT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 191 66 19166

2002 02 5192857 INNOVATIVE BODY DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 5 026 80 5 026 80

2002 02 5193934 FLOWERS GIFTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 125 58 125 58

2002 02 5197034 PRINELLE LEASING CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 326 12 326 12

2002 02 5478289 AFRICAN BRAIDS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 129 00 129 00

2002 02 5478912 LAK AUTO SALES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 683 54 683 54

2002 02 5479323 AMERICAN BUILDING GROUP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 60148 2 60148

2002 02 5479609 DOWNTOWN FLORISTS OF BPT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 63 26 63 26

2002 02 5479749 TAYLOR PRISCILLA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 670 14 670 14

2002 02 5613411 GRANITE FINANCIAL INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 279 60 1 279 60

2002 02 5767981 CHARITY TECHNOLOGIES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 68 04 68 04

2002 02 6095256 SANTIAGO AUTO SALES REPAIR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 46 92 46 92

2002 02 6096937 ALLEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 8 13 8 13 2002 02 6097852 ESSENTIAL SERV K JONES LEASED OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 98152 1 98152 2002 02 6099561 GREEN ROOM CAFE OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 24 2010 262 81 262 81

2002 02 6434565 CATHEDRAL CHURCH SUPPLY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 546 98 546 98

2002 02 6437262 NEW ENGLAND TELECOMMUNICATIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 749 62 749 62

2002 02 6798338 MOTION SOUND RECORD STU ISAAC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 695 52 695 52

2002 02 6798893 MOMENTUM RACING MOTORCYCLE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 303 60 303 60

2002 02 6799113 NOVELLA CLUB CAFE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 242 88 242 88

2002 02 6799130 AFRICAN BRAID HEAVEN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 78 66 78 66

2002 02 6799504 L1SAS GIFT SHOP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 24 84 24 84

2002 02 7187345 VISI RECORDS SYSTEMS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 29 30 29 30

2002 02 7571919 BAVARO PHIL OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 30 2010 345 00 345 00

2002 02 7572061 ACA ISIDRO F ARTURO ACA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 828 00 828 00

2002 02 7572303 ROEBUCK GEORGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 414 00 414 00

2002 02 7572371 JOYNER KEVIN MAXINE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 690 00 690 00

2002 02 7572524 FLORENCE A NYEMITEI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 828 00 828 00

2002 02 7572541 JAMES RSAYBALLATTORNEY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 5 175 00 5 175 00

2002 02 7572575 GONZALEZ GONZALEZ OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 414 00 414 00

2002 02 7572583 FERNANDEZ ROBERT E OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 414 00 414 00

2002 02 7573067 BLACKWELL JOHN R OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 394 73 394 73

2002 02 7743736 CRAFT CURTIS G OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 988 96 988 96

2002 02 7745585 WADE DENNIS EMMA ZERELLA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 690 00 690 00

2002 02 7936623 D l TRACTOR TRAILER SCHOOL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 145 20 745 20

2002 02 7936682 A A WHOLESALE FENCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 018 78 3 018 78

2002 02 7936747 HOLLOWAY GRUTTER CORP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3450 00 3450 00

2002 02 7936763 ONLINE BARGINCITY COM OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 293 78 1 293 78

2002 02 7936810 GREENBERG WILLIAM EUNICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 646 90 646 90

2002 02 7949105 QUARLES VALERIA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 84120 2 841 20

2002 02 8339552 ROBERT NEVERDOUSKY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 241 50 24150

2002 03 1473888 MOALES TIMOTHY 5 26 2009 398 00 398 00

2002 03 6257019 ALERS VICTOR DE DECEASED 5 5 2010 150 70 150 70

2002 03 6257027 ALERS VICTOR DE DECEASED 5 5 2010 49 68 49 68

2002 03 6280240 CASTANO RUBEN 5 22 2009 341 96 341 96

2002 03 6311544 FOREMAN BRIAN 5 22 2009 349 70 349 70

2002 03 6383766 PORTILLO HECTOR 5 26 2009 763 14 763 14 2002 03 6635994 CASTANO RUBEN JR 5 22 2009 545 76 545 76

2002 03 6760098 SAMUELS SEAN 5 262009 545 76 545 76

2002 03 6802807 NELSON LINTON B 6 25 2009 303 32 303 32

2002 04 6916519 MIRELES JACQUELINE B 5 26 2009 144 35 144 35

2002 04 6927651 ONWUASOANYA OBIAJULUM R 5 26 2009 37188 37188 2002 04 6937541 PORTILLO HECTOR R 5 26 2009 121 11 12111

2003 02 1050502 AAA DISTRIBUTORS 4 24 2010 81 02 8102

2003 02 1051410 AMERICAN FABRICS CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 139 38 1 139 38

2003 02 1052424 BEAUTY MIRROR INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 239 28 239 28

2003 02 1052599 BENNETT ENTPR RECORD CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 55 38 55 38 2003 02 1053111 TOJO INC CARPET WORLD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 242010 146 82 146 82

2003 02 1055601 CORE FACTORY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1452 96 1452 96

2003 02 1055814 CROWN TOOL DIE CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 12 854 12 12 854 12

2003 02 1057680 AMERICAN LANDMARK RESTORATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 612 14 612 14

2003 02 1058040 FISCHER REAL ESTATE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 428 34 428 34

2003 02 1060427 INTERNATIONAL TIRE WHSE INC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 24 2010 11l8 80 118 80 2003 02 1060711 CROWN DELI OB OUT OF BUSIN ESS 4 24 2010 194 54 19454

2003 02 1061075 KASPER GROUP 4 24 2010 11 392 10 11 392 10

2003 02 1062128 LOWELLS PKG STORE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 7214 72 14

200302 1072069 ARIANO FRANK JR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 3 934 92 3 934 92

2003 02 1075271 DEBENEDETTO SALVATORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 5850 5850 2003 02 1082544 MIRON RICHARD A OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 22758 227 58 2003 02 1083648 PARNOFF LAURENCE V P C OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 4648 46 48 2003 02 1553539 BLACK FOREST KITCHENS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 407 39 407 39 2003 02 1992109 NEW HOP SINGS CHINESE KITCHEN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 224 28 224 28

2003 02 2561165 BRAKE CENTERS OF AMERICA INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 69052 690 52

2003 02 3647645 KOBE STUDIO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 5044 5044

2003 02 3892488 STRATFORD METAL CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 2 54150 2 541 50

2003 02 3895762 ARROW PRECISION MFG CORP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 082 28 1 082 28

2003 02 3896041 JACKSON FRANK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 492 52 492 52

2003 02 4150013 UNIQUE AUTOMOTIVE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 39 68 39 68 2003 02 4150501 AKACH DELI GROCERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 57 94 57 94 2003 02 4152181 OWENS ILLINOIS CLOSURE INC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 29 2010 57413 89 57413 89 2003 02 4156691 HOME SWEET HOME DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 609 80 609 80

2003 02 4156721 COLLEGIAN MOVERS INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 6 883 22 6 883 22

2003 02 4270566 SOUTH AVE AUTO INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 90 14 90 14

2003 02 4665820 PETER ALAN WENDY ALW DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 123 68 123 68

2003 02 4666214 DEALS ON WHEELS INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 7650 76 50

2003 02 4666257 TASK FORCE MANAGEMENT INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 95108 951 08 2003 02 4920650 MADISON DOLLAR STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 16 22 16 22

2003 02 4921923 MODERNIZED CLEANERS J YOUNG DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 219 90 219 90

2003 02 4922091 TRANS TRADE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 6 90 6 90

2003 02 4924167 BANK LOCK SERVICE DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 181 70 181 70

2003 02 4924183 CHRISTIANO JOSEPH W III OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 79 00 79 00

2003 02 4927778 SPOSA BELLA BRIDALSHOP DB OUT OF BUSIN ESS 4 29 2010 22 54 22 54 2003 02 4928316 SKYERS LAW FIRM PC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 8754 8754

2003 02 4929282 CONNECTICUT DISRIBUTING CO DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 839 04 1 839 04

2003 02 5049493 E M PAINTING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 95 14 95 14

2003 02 5192385 YOUNGS BUILDING DESIGN DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 12 71 12 71

2003 02 5192857 INNOVATIVE BODY DESIGN DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 5 89846 5 89846

2003 02 5193934 FLOWERS GIFTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 78 80 78 80

2003 02 5197034 PRINELLE LEASING CO INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 287 94 287 94

2003 02 5476723 PERFORMANCE PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 42 74 42 74

2003 02 5478289 AFRICAN BRAIDS DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 113 90 113 90

2003 02 5478912 LAK AUTO SALES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 603 50 603 50

2003 02 5479323 AMERICAN BUILDING GROUP DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 296 90 2 296 90

2003 02 5479609 DOWNTOWN FLORISTS OF BPT LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 42 90 42 90

2003 02 5479749 TAYLOR PRISCILLA DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 34 32 34 32

2003 02 5614191 PICKER FINANCIAL GROUP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 25 382 50 25 382 50 2003 02 5767621 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL CLEAN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 8138 8138

2003 02 5767981 CHARITY TECHNOLOGIES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 98 06 98 06

2003 02 5769763 PAGER WIZARD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 149 82 149 82

2003 02 5770991 CANDYLAND COTTAGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 7 80 7 80

2003 02 5771598 ONE PRICE CLOTH STR INC BEST P OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 852 14 852 14 2003 02 6095256 SANTIAGO AUTO SALES REPAIR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 4142 4142

2003 02 6096937 ALLEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 23134 231 34

2003 02 6097763 PHILLIPS RAPHAEL A OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 24 2010 134 14 134 14

2003 02 6097852 ESSENTIAL SERV K JONES LEASED OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1749 52 1749 52 2003 02 6099561 GREEN ROOM CAFE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 437 78 437 78

2003 02 6434565 CATHEDRAL CHURCH SUPPLY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 482 94 482 94

2003 02 6434981 GILMAN CIOCIA INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 216 44 21644 2003 02 6436550 COMMUNICATIONS CENT OF GA INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 163 76 163 76

2003 02 6437238 MAJOR RACING TRACTION SPECIAL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1158 1158

2003 02 6604169 J D AUTO SERVICE SALES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 115 10 115 10 2003 02 6794928 CANDLELIGHT LOUNGE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 124 97 124 97

2003 02 679527 4 CCR INC SEAN LEZOTTE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 113 08 113 08

2003 02 6798338 MOTION SOUND RECORD STU ISAAC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 614 10 614 10

2003 02 6798451 EL FOGON DAVILA WASHINGTON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 495 18 495 18

2003 02 6798842 BEAUTIFUL HOUSE LINENS FURN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 39 00 39 00 2003 02 6798893 MOMENTUM RACING MOTORCYCLE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 268 06 268 06

2003 02 6799024 G N SILVA PLUMBING CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 124 26 124 26

2003 02 6799113 NOVELLA CLUB CAFE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 155 18 155 18

2003 02 6799130 AFRICAN BRAID HEAVEN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 6944 6944

2003 02 6799504 L1SAS G 1FT SHOP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2192 21 92 2003 02 6806101 PISKURA JOSEPH PLUMBING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 57 90 57 90 2003 02 6807922 SANTOS JEWELERS 4 24 2010 14134 14134

2003 02 6990778 REAL ESTATE ETC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 235 38 23538

2003 02 6991138 MR B S PLACE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 49 14 49 14

200Hl2 7185776 CRANE BELOW OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 876 92 2 876 92

2003 02 7186764 SUNNYBROOK LANDSCAPING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 32168 321 68

2003 02 7186934 ELCILANTRO RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 316 80 316 80

2003 02 7187167 KING HOLIDAYS INC USA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 66 29 66 29

2003 02 7187221 OPTIONS BOUTIQUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 73 12 73 12

2003 02 7187264 MAIN MUSIC VIDEO SALES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 15842 158 42

2003 02 7187329 AF CUSTOM CONTRACTORS 4 24 2010 73 12 73 12

2003 02 7187345 VISI RECORDS SYSTEMS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 110 26 110 26

2003 02 7568888 COMPUTER GUY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 304 64 304 64 2003 02 7571919 BAVARO PHIL DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 243 70 243 70 2003 02 7572061 ACA ISIDRO F ARTURO ACA DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 584 86 584 86

2003 02 7S72303 ROEBUCK GEORGE DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 292 44 29244

2003 02 7572371 JOYNER KEVIN MAXINE DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 487 38 487 38 2003 02 7572S24 FLORENCE A NYEMITEI DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 584 86 584 86

2003 02 7572541 JAM ES R SAYBALL ATTO RN EY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 3 655 32 3 655 32

2003 02 7572575 GONZALEZ GONZALEZ DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 29244 29244

2003 02 7572583 FERNANDEZ ROBERT E OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 29244 29244

2003 02 7573067 BLACKWELLJOHN R DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 29244 29244

2003 02 7743736 CRAFT CURTIS G DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 530 50 530 50

2003 02 7745585 WADE DENNIS EMMA ZERELLA DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 487 38 487 38

2003 02 7936623 D L TRACTOR TRAILER SCHOOL DB OUT OF B USINESS 4 26 2010 526 38 526 38

2003 02 7936682 A A WHOLESALE FENCE DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 132 30 2 132 30 2003 02 7936747 HOLLOWAY GRUTTER CORP DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2436 88 2436 88 2003 02 7936763 ONLINE BARGINCITY COM DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 913 86 913 86

2003 02 7936810 GREENBERG WILLIAM EUNICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 456 92 456 92

2003 02 7936917 INTEGRITY TAX CONSULTING LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 609 22 609 22

2003 02 7949105 QUARLES VALERIA DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 99166 1 991 66

2003 02 7954061 COSMOPOLITAN LIMOUSINES INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 374 50 374 50

2003 02 7963833 MACEYUNAS CARL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2436 88 2436 88

2003 02 8322976 CHOICE AUTOMOBILERENTAL LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 34116 34116

2003 02 8332611 GLACIER INTERNATIONAL DEP BANK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1462 14 1462 14

2003 02 8353082 ROBERT NEVERDOUSKY DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 170 58 170 58

2003 03 5743926 KINNUNEN CAROLYN M 5 26 2009 53 12 53 12

2003 03 6034371 ONWUASOANYA OBIAJULUM R 5 26 2009 215 62 215 62

2003 03 6383766 PORTILLO HECTOR 5 26 2009 399 14 399 14 2003 03 6635994 CASTANO RUBEN JR 5 22 2009 27224 272 24 2003 03 6760098 SAMUELS SEAN 5 26 2009 276 32 276 32

2003 03 7103818 MIRELES JACQUELINE B 5 26 2009 114 64 114 64 2003 03 7127725 PORTILLO HECTOR 5 26 2009 87 34 87 34

2003 03 7160811 SYLVESTER CAROLINE D 5 26 2009 268 14 268 14

2003 04 6937541 PORTILLO HECTOR R 5 26 2009 82 39 82 39

2004 02 1050227 NEW ERA LODGE 290 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 831 60 831 60

2004 02 1050430 CARPENTERS LOCAL UNION 210 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 77 68 77 68

2004 02 1050502 AAA DISTRIBUTORS 4 24 2010 15120 15120

2004 02 1051410 AMERICAN FABRICS CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 260 00 1 260 00

2004 02 1052599 BENNETT ENTPR RECORD CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 83160 83160

2004 02 1055601 CORE FACTORY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 217 60 2 217 60

2004 02 1057680 AMERICAN LANDMARK RESTORATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 008 00 1 008 00

2004 02 1058040 FISCHER REAL ESTATE INC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 128 96 1 128 96

2004 02 1059909 HOWIES PAINTING SERVICE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 5 27 5 27

2004 02 1060427 INTERNATIONAL TIRE WHSE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 772 00 2 77200

2004 02 1061075 KASPER GROUP 4 24 2010 756 00 756 00 2004 02 1062128 LOWELLS PKG STORE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 102 06 102 06

2004 02 1062560 MAIN PORT FISH CHIPS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 260 00 1 260 00

2004 02 1072069 ARIANO FRANK JR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 5 085 92 5 085 92

2004 02 1072476 BELARDO LOUIS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 S5440 55440

2004 02 1074711 PROFESSIONAL MEN INC THE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 98 54 98 54

2004 02 1075271 DEBENEDETTO SALVATORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 090 18 1 090 18 2004 02 1078920 HOZAN BRUCE LEASED M E OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 141 12 141 12

2004 02 1081131 MACCIOMEI A PROF SHOE REPAIR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 538 01 538 01 2004 02 1082544 MIRON RICHARD A OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 38174 1 381 74

2004 02 1083648 PARNOFF LAURENCE V P C OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 56 00 756 00

2004 02 1330505 HERNANDEZ ENRIQUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 163 44 16344

2004 02 1553504 G BETAR SON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 178 06 178 06

2004 02 1553539 BLACK FOREST KITCHENS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 91248 91248

2004 02 1992109 NEW HOP SINGS CHINESE KITCHEN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 638 00 1 638 00 2004 02 561629 EXPRES5 STUDIOS INC OB PHOTO OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 310 02 31002 2004 02 2561645 SILVER J CLOTHING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 241 64 24164 2004 02 3019814 AMERICANA INSURANCE ASSOCIATES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 630 00 630 00 2004fl2 3022688 CALTOBIANO ANTHONY GINA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 377 58 1 37758 2004 02 3023668 GUASO MARKET INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 202 66 202 66 2004 02 3025385 SAM VERA S LUNCH MUNIR JEFFR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 102 29 102 29 2004 02 3647645 KOBE STUDIO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 150 00 3 150 00 2004 02 3891686 G M SOUL FOOD RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 143 64 143 64 2004 02 3894014 J SILVER CLOTHING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 147 10 147 10 2004 02 3895762 ARROW PRECISION MFG CORP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 056 80 1 056 80 2004 02 3896041 JACKSON FRANK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 705 60 705 60 2004 02 4150013 AUTOMOTIVE UNIQUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 945 02 945 02 2004 02 4150358 ZANE ASSOC INC YOST OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 630 00 630 00 2004 02 4150391 PICASSO S PIZZA GRILL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 263 66 1 263 66 2004 02 4150501 AKACH DELI GROCERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 326 88 326 88 2004 02 4150951 MRS DORA ASTOLOGIST OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 98 45 9845 2004 02 4156691 HOME SWEET HOME OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 4410 00 4410 00 2004 02 4156721 COLLEGIAN MOVERS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 7 119 02 7 119 02 2004 02 4269916 BALINT STEPHEN M D OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 15124 15124 2004 02 4270566 SOUTH AVE AUTO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 31148 311 48 2004 02 J SILVER CLOTHING 4401547 INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 219 26 219 26 2004 02 4402501 MALESKY BERNARD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 306 96 306 96 2004 02 4402918 FOR LESS DRESSES WAREHOUSE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 766 60 766 60 2004 02 4665820 PETER ALAN WENDY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 55440 55440 2004 02 4665901 BURNSFORD CLEANERS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 56 74 56 74 2004 02 4666214 DEALS ON WHEELS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 16 14 16 14 2004 02 4666249 ZALDUMBIDE SERVICE CTR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 665 14 665 14 2004 02 4666257 TASK FORCE MANAGEMENT INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 229 76 1 229 76 2004 02 4920650 MADISON DOLLAR STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 16 78 16 78 2004 02 4921583 DELICIOUS PIZZA KING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 149 18 149 18 2004 02 4921923 MODERNIZED CLEANERS J YOUNG OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 227 40 22740 2004 02 4922083 FAIR AUTO SALES SER DINARDO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 3 114 72 3 114 72 2004 02 4922091 TRANS TRADE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 6 18 6 18 2004 02 4924124 STERLING CO MIER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 575 00 1 575 00 2004 02 4924183 CHRISTIANO JOSEPH W III OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 630 00 630 00

2004 02 4926038 GUICHIS AUTO REPAIR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 340 20 340 20

2004 02 4927778 SPOSA BELLA BRIDAL SHOP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 294 74 294 74

2004 02 4928669 BRIDGEPORT PATHOLOGY CONSULT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 72 34 7234

2004 02 4929282 CONNECTICUT DISRIBUTING CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 15 523 20 15 523 20

2004 02 5009602 SAGE CAPITAL CORPORATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 932 12 1 932 12

2004 02 5049469 KY TIENDA RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 3 070 00 3 070 00

2004 02 5049493 E M PAINTING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 831 60 83160

2004 02 5192385 YOUNGS BUILDING DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 252 00 252 00

2004 02 5192857 INNOVATIVE BODY DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 7 635 60 7 635 60

2004 02 5 193934 FLOWERS GIFTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 152 00 252 00

2004 02 5194035 GOLDEN HILL FOUNDATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 6 048 00 6 048 00

2004 02 5196861 S B PROPERTIES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 68 06 68 06

2004 02 5197034 PRINELLE LEASING CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 423 36 423 36

2004 02 5197310 MARQUIS RELINING INSULATING OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 30 2010 70 56 70 56

2004 02 5197581 COMPUTERS BY DESIGN D BENNETT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 176 40 17640

2004 02 5475867 C B CLEANING SERVICES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 66 38 66 38

2004 02 5476596 PARK CITY CHIROPRACTIC OB OUT OF BUSINE5S 4 29 2010 S98 S1 598 51

2004 02 5476723 PERFORMANCE PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 831 60 831 60 2004 02 5477797 COUGHENOUR JANET OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 831 60 831 60

2004 02 5478289 AFRICAN BRAIDS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 151 20 15120

2004 02 5478521 FINE SHINE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 530 18 530 18 2004 02 5478912 LAK AUTO SALES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 3 114 72 3 114 72

2004 02 5479323 AMERICAN BUILDING GROUP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 3 024 00 3 024 00

2004 02 5479340 MCKENZIE VARIETY OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 30 2010 477 44 47744

2004 02 5479501 LAFAYETTE DELI GRILL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 375 10 2 375 10

2004 02 5479609 DOWNTOWN FLORISTS OF BPT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 252 00 252 00 2004 02 5479749 TAYLOR PRISCILLA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 3548 35 48

2004 02 5613631 REID VENDING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 646 00 2 646 00

2004 02 5767621 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL CLEAN OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 30 2010 84 16 84 16

2004 02 5767761 ASSET MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 756 00 756 00

2004 02 5767981 CHARITY TECHNOLOGIES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 97 38 97 38 2004 02 5769763 PAGER WIZARD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 630 00 630 00

2004 02 5770991 CANDYLAND COTTAGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1008 10 08

2004 02 5771598 ONE PRICE CLOTH STR INC BEST P OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 501 94 501 94 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 42 82 42 82 2004 02 6095256 SANTIAGO AUTO SALES REPAIR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 7435 02 7435 02 2004 02c6096937 ALLEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 520 00 2 520 00 2004 02 6097852 ESSENTIAL SERV K JONES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 491 15 49115 2004 02 6098824 REISER ROBERT CO 623 72 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 623 72 2004 02 6434565 CATHEDRAL CHURCH SUPPLY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 105 84 105 84 2004 02 6434999 CDW LEASING LLC DBA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 424 2010 403 20 403 20 2004 02 6437238 MAJOR RACING TRACTION SPECIAL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 108 78 108 78 2004 02 6437319 L1NS AUTO SERVICE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 21132 21132 2004 02 6603774 PERFORMANCE HEALTH OF BPT PC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 090 18 1 090 18 2004 02 6604169 J D AUTO SERVICE SALES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 283 30 283 30 2004 02 6604215 DYER JOHN 7 ELEVEN INC FKA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 105 84 105 84 2004 02 6605131 INTEGRATED LEASING CORPORATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 29 88 29 88 2004 02 6605408 EAST END VARIETY LLC OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 36 87 36 87 2004 02 6605564 CARLOS ALBERTO SALON LLC OB 4 24 2010 80 64 80 64 2004 02 6605785 ILUVABALLON TM 1 638 00 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 638 00 2004 02 6794928 CANDLEL1GHT LOUNGE LLC 151 20 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 15120 2004 02 6795274 CCR INC SEAN LEZOTTE 378 00 CHEM DRY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 378 00 2004 02 6795304 CERVONE DANIELJ 630 00 HOUSE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 630 00 2004 02 6797285 HALL NEIGHBORHOOD 831 60 STUDIO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 831 60 2004 02 6798338 MOTION SOUND RECORD 22 68 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 22 68 2004 02 6798672 GOLDEN BAMBOO ASIAN GRILLE 57 19757 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 197 2004 02 6798788 GREEK SOCIAL CLUB 554 40 FURN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 55440 2004 02 6798842 BEAUTIFUL HOUSE LINENS 3 114 72 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 114 72 2004 02 6798893 MOMENTUM RACING MOTORCYCLE 151 20 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 15120 2004 02 6799024 G N SILVA PLUMBING CO 31752 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 317 52 2004 02 6799041 GUZMAN USED APPLIANCES 1 638 00 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 638 00 2004 02 6799113 NOVELLA CLUB CAFE 15120 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 15120 2004 02 6799130 AFRICAN BRAID HEAVEN 756 00 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 756 00 2004 02 6799211 PRACTICAL RENT A CAR 28 34 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 28 34 2004 02 6799504 L1SAS GIFT SHOP 00 630 00 HISPANO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 630 2004 02 6805555 CENTRO COMMERCIAL 149 95 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 149 95 2004 02 6807906 J C INTERNATIONAL MINI MART 252 00 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 252 00 2004 02 6807922 SANTOS JEWELERS 630 00 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 630 00 2004 02 6990778 REAL ESTATE ETC 105 84 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 105 84 2004 02 6991138 MR B S PLACE 1 890 00 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 890 00 2004 02 6991189 BAYUSS RESTORATIONS 1 26202 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 262 02 2004 02 7182947 LEAF FINANCIAL CORP 7056 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 70 56 2004 02 7184231 CHEMFREE 57198 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 571 98 2004 02 7185393 LEASE ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 18144 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 181 44 2004 02 7185709 HOMESTYLE EXPRESS DELI 00 4 536 00 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 4 536 2004 02 7185776 CRANE BELOW 504 00 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 504 00 2004 02 7186764 SUNNYBROOK LANDSCAPING 504 00 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 504 00 2004 02 7186934 EL CILANTRO RESTAURANT 553 22 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 553 22 2004 02 7187019 VALENTINO TRAVEL SERVICE 148 70 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 148 70 2004 02 7187167 KING HOLIDAYS INC USA 105 84 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 105 84 2004 02 7187221 OPTIONS BOUTIQUE 2010 252 00 252 00 SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2004 02 7187230 YALO INTERNAL AUTO 2010 211 68 211 68 SALES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2004 02 7187264 MAIN MUSIC VIDEO 4 24 2010 277 20 277 20 2004 02 7187329 AF CUSTOM CONTRACTORS 158 78 158 78 INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2004 02 7187345 VISI RECORDS SYSTEMS 211 68 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 211 68 2004 02 7189372 BUILDING CONCEPT 17640 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 176 40 2004 02 7189437 NEVER ENDON CHAPTER 352 80 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 352 80 2004 02 7189496 SMITH CUSTOM DRUMS 80640 80640 1040 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2004 02 7189623 TEAMSTERS UNION LOCAL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 18144 18144 2004 02 7189631 D J GENERAL STORE 105 84 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 105 84 2004 02 7189704 STYLES N TRENDS 423 36 423 36 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2004 02 7189801 CHECK CASHING QUICK PAY 000 00 63 000 00 AMERICA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 63 2004 02 7189879 ACCROW CORPORATION OF 453 60 453 60 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2004 02 7189895 VERRILLI DAVID ELECTRIC 92 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 241 92 241 2004 02 7190087 WILLIAM RAVElS HOME LINK 176 40 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 17640 2004 02 7190150 ATT Y ROSEMARIE D SERPE 211 68 211 68 SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2004 02 7190214 FRESH START SUBSTANCE 655 20 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 655 20 2004 02 7190702 A J POOL ARTHUR JARA 272 16 272 16 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2004 02 7191571 ISLAND SALON 4 24 2010 39 80 39 80 SYSTEMS CSYS 2004 02 7363623 COMPTEK 628 60 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 628 60 2004 02 7365669 CASANOVA PEDRO JULIO 252 00 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 252 00 2004 02 7366541 WILLIAMS RAPHAEL K 287 28 287 28 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2004 02 7367009 INVERNAT LLC 715 68 715 68 OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 24 2010 2004 02 7367025 CHASE MERCHANT SERVICES 2004 02 7367033 JAH WDRKS AUTDMDTIVE LLC DB DUT DF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 516 62 516 62

2004 02 7367041 RDMERD GRDCERY STDRE DB DUT DF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 110 88 110 88

2004 02 7367394 VAQUERO SDCIAL CLUB DB DUT DF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 146 16 146 16

2004 02 7367548 SCDTCH BDNNETT RESTAURANT DB DUT DF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 272 36 27236

2004 02 7367572 TASTY DDNUTS AHMAD CHIRAN DB DUT DF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 144 91 144 91 2004 02 7567385 IDEAL MDRTGAGE BANKERS LTD DB DUT DF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 260 00 1 260 00

2004 02 7567415 MULTITASK DB DUT DF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 260 00 1 260 00

2004 02 7567458 CLASSIC IN PATIENT SVC LLC DB DUT DF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 780 00 3 780 00

2004 02 7567482 DIAGNDSTIC IMAGING SDUTHERN DB DUT DF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 260 00 1 260 00

2004 02 7567512 G C JEWLERY STDRE DB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 15750 15750 50 2004 02 7567539 TINKERS TREASURES DB QUT DF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 157 50 157 787 50 2004 02 7567547 AUNTIE VELMAS BLACK TO EDEN QB DUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 787 50 614 28 2004 02 7567563 VISIQN FDR LIFE BDDK GIFT QB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 614 28

2004 02 7567679 AMERICAN HQME IMPRDVEMENTS DB QUT DF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 252 00 252 00

2004 02 7567687 USA HDME IMPRDVEMENT CQNTRS DB DUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 252 00 252 00 252 252 00 2004 02 7567725 STEADY REMDDELlNG DB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 00 307 14 2004 02 7567741 TERRI ANNE SELF STORAGE QB QUT QF BUSINESS 9 23 2009 307 14 181 26 2004 02 7567814 REVERE BUILDERS DB QUT QF BUSIN ESS 4 26 2010 1 181 26 1 614 28 614 28 2004 02 7567857 FINE LEATHER DB DUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 18126 2004 02 7567890 DIVERSIFIED ELECTRICAL CDNTR DB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 18126 26 1 18126 2004 02 7567911 JEAN ELECTRIC DB QUT DF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 181 78 519 78 2004 02 7567938 QNLlN WIG DB QUT DF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 519 890 00 1 890 00 2004 02 7567971 UPTDWN CLDTHING DB DUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 181 26 1 181 26 2004 02 7568021 CQMPREHENSIVE CQNSTRUCTIDN DB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 2010 1 181 26 1 18126 2004 02 7568063 NEW ENGLAND SIDING RDDFING DB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 181 26 1 181 26 2004 02 7568071 C S CQNTRACTORS DB DUT DF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 371 75 37175 2004 02 7568101 TWIN IMAGE HAIR SALDN QB DUT QF BUSIN ESS 4 26 2010 315 02 315 02 2004 02 7568136 AZEVEDO WQQD FLDQRING QB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 26 2010 1 260 00 1 260 00 2004 02 7568144 HRBQR WDDD INC DB DUT DF BUSINESS 4 E5S 26 2010 1 181 26 1 18126 2004 02 7568306 CDMPREHENSIVE HDME IMPRQVEMENT QB QUT QF BUSIN 4 BUSINESS 4 26 2010 504 00 504 00 2004 02 7568314 CITY CARE CARE QB DUT DF 26 2010 1 181 26 1 18126 2004 02 7568322 USA DECK DB QUT DF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 252 00 252 00 2004 02 7568331 JC GARAG E QB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 2010 1 181 26 1 18126 2004 02 7568390 A F PECK INC QB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 1 575 02 1 575 02 2004 02 7568446 NEW ENGLAND MQTOR5PDRTS DB QUT DF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 26 1 181 1 18126 2004 02 7568471 V V HQME IMPRDVEMENT QB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 2010 26 2010 630 630 00 2004 02 7568519 SUPERIQR ALTERNATORS STARTER QB QUTQF BUSINESS 4 26 00 QUT DF 4 26 2010 945 02 945 02 2004 02 7568535 MDNEYS WDRTH CAR TRUCK RNTL DB BUSINESS BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 890 00 1 890 00 2004 02 7568624 ACADEMY DRYWALL QB DUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 890 00 1 890 00 i004 02 7568632 SQLUTIDNS DRYWALL CQNSTRUCTIDN QB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 205 02 2 205 02 2004 02 7568659 VITRO TECHNDLDGY LTD QB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 44102 441 02 2004 02 7568748 DIMENSIQNAL CQMMUNICATIQN QB DUT DF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 189 02 189 02 2004 02 7568837 PH WELDING QB DUT QF 4 26 2010 315 02 315 02 2004 02 7568934 JIM SNEERINGER SPDRTS INC DB QUT DF BUSINESS 2010 787 50 787 50 2004 02 7569019 FATHER SQN CLEANING SVC QB DUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 26 2010 315 02 315 02 2004 02 7569027 SERVICE INSURANCE CQMPANY DB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 787 50 787 50 2004 02 7569043 Q F PAINTING CDNTRACTORS QB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 890 00 1 890 00 2004 02 7569108 SPEEDWAY CDURIER DELIVERY QB QUT DF BUSINESS 4 BUSINESS 26 2010 1 890 00 1 890 00 2004 02 7569132 ACCURATE ALARMS QB QUT DF 4 BUSINESS 4 26 2010 315 02 315 02 2004 02 7569175 DRESSLER LAWRENCE ATTQRNEY DB DUT QF 2010 2 205 02 2 205 02 2004 02 7569230 SILER DISTRIBUTING DB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 BUSINESS 26 2010 252 85 252 85 2004 02 7569272 AFRICAN AMERICAN YELLQW PAGES QB QUT QF 4 DF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 205 02 2 205 02 2004 02 7569302 REPRDGRAPHIC5 PLUS QB DUT QUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 193 26 193 26 2004 02 7569311 MAGNUM DUTY FREE INC QB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 315 02 315Q2 2004 02 7569396 PROPERTY SOLUTIQN5 DB 157 51 15751 2004 02 7569434 CT REALTY COM DB QUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 BUSINESS 4 26 2010 315 02 315 02 2004 02 7569469 CHB REALTY MANAGEMENT QB QUT DF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 315 02 315Q2 2004 02 7569485 PINNACLE TAX ADVISDRS QB DUT QF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 260 00 1 260 00 2004 02 7569566 GLOBAL 11NVESTMENTSD DB DUT QF QUT DF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 260 00 1 260 00 2004 02 7569591 UNITED INVESTMENT LLC QB QB QUT DF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 504 00 504 00 2004 02 7571838 PB TODLS HEAT AC SERVICE DUT QF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 252 00 252 00 2004 02 7571919 BAVARO PHIL QB DUT DF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 604 80 604 80 2004 02 7572061 ACA ISIDRQ F ARTURO ACA DB 30 2010 69 55 6955 2004 02 7572095 BIRDSCHAK ANNA J PAUL QB DUT DF BUSINESS 4 DF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 302 40 302 40 2004 02 7572303 RDEBUCK GEORGE QB DUT DUT QF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 520 00 2 520 00 2004 02 7572320 GUERRIERO MARIO DB QF BUSINESS 4 30 504 00 504 00 2004 02 7572371 JDYNER KEVIN MAXINE QB QUT 2010 QUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 100 80 100 80 2004 02 7572494 KRIVICKI STANLEY DB OB DUT QF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 604 80 604 80 2004 02 7572524 FLQRENCE A NYEMITEI 2004 02 f572541 JAMES R 5AYBAltl ATTORNEY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 3 780 00 3780 00 2004 02 7572575 GONZALEZ GONZALEZ OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 302 40 30240 2004 02 7572583 FERNANDEZ ROBERT E OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 30240 30240 2004 02 7573067 R BLACKWElLJOHN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 60 48 6048 2004 02 7573148 SMITH JOSEPH BETTY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 352 80 352 80 2004 02 7573512 CUSTOM CAKES SWEETDEES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 352 80 352 80 2004 02 7574179 AJ MULTISEWRVIVIOS Y VIAJES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 504 00 504 00 2004 02 7574187 SIGNFAST OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 504 00 504 00 2004 02 7574209 FUTURE STYLZ CUTZ OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 151 20 151 20 02 7745585 2004 WADE DENNIS EMMA ZERELLA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 504 00 504 00

2004 02 7936089 LA5MOUZE STUDIOS OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 504 00 504 00 2004 02 7936623 0 L TRACTOR TRAILER SCHOOL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 544 32 544 32 2004 02 7936682 A A WHOLESALE FENCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 205 02 2 205 02 2004 02 7936747 HOLLOWAY GRUTTER CORP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 520 00 2 520 00 2004 02 7936763 ONLINE BARGINCITY COM OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 945 02 945 02 2004 02 7936810 GREENBERG WILLIAM EUNICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 472 52 472 52 2004 02 7936917 INTEGRITY TAX CONSULTING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 630 00 630 00 2004 02 7949105 QUARLES VALERIA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 05858 2 05858

2004 02 7954061 COSMOPOlITAN LIMOUSINES INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 512 00 1 512 00 2004 02 7963833 MACEYUNAS CARL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 520 00 2 520 00 2004 02 8322976 CHOICE AUTOMOBILERENTALLLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 352 80 352 80 2004 02 8332611 GLACIER INTERNATIONAL DEP BANK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 512 00 1 512 00 2004 02 8716223 JIMS AUTO SALES LEASING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 957 60 957 60 2004 02 8716229 LOVElIFE ASSURANCE AGENCY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 126 00 126 00

2004 02 8716761 ALL AMERICAN LANDSCAPING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 553 80 553 80 2004 03 5717593 WOODSIDE JAMES M 5 21 2009 185 47 185 47

2004 03 5743926 KINNUNEN CAROLYN M 5 26 2009 307 64 307 64

2004 03 6020086 MENDEZ GUDELlA 6 25 2009 160 16 160 16

2004 03 6383766 PORTILLO HECTOR 5 26 2009 355 62 355 62

2004 03 7103818 MIRELES JACQUELINE B 5 26 2009 94 56 94 56

2004 03 7127725 PORTILLO HECTOR R 5 26 2009 144 64 144 64

2004 03 7497697 ONWUASOANYA OBIAJULUM 5 26 2009 276 25 276 25

2004 03 7564670 WOODSIDE JAMES M 5 212009 169 69 169 69

2004 04 7672243 MENDEZ GUDELlA 6 25 2009 33127 331 27

2005 02 1050227 NEW ERA LODGE 290 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 199 06 1 199 06

2005 02 1050502 AM DISTRIBUTORS 4 24 2010 247 76 247 76 2005 02 1051410 AMERICAN FABRICS CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 816 74 1 816 74

2005 02 1052599 BENNETT ENTPR RECORD CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 199 06 1 199 06

2005 02 1055601 CORE FACTORY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 327 78 2 327 78

2005 02 1056195 DART PRODUCTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 362 89 362 89

2005 02 1057680 AMERICAN LANDMARK RESTORATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1453 38 1453 38 2005 02 1058040 FISCHER REAL ESTATE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 287 12 28712 2005 02 1059909 HOWIES PAINTING SERVICE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 366 02 366 02

2005 02 1062128 LOWELLS PKG STORE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 147 14 147 14

2005 02 1062560 MAIN PORT FISH CHIPS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 816 74 1 816 74

2005 02 1065402 PERICAS TRAVEl AGENCY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 497 38 497 38

2005 02 1068479 TM SYSTEMS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 65 41 6541

2005 02 1069734 VISCONTI FUELLLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 6 812 71 6 812 71

2005 02 1070449 YING S WEDDING CENTER LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 272 52 272 52

2005 02 1071763 INSPIRATIONS BEAUTY SALON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 254 36 254 36

2005 02 1072069 ARIANa FRANK JR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 7 333 10 7 333 10

2005 02 1072476 BELARDO LOUIS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 96 14 96 14

2005 02 1075271 DEBENEDETTO SALVATORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 571 72 1 571 72 2005 02 1076013 DORIS SIDNEY BODS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 18 02 18 02 2005 02 1077923 GONZALEZ GROCERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 510 02 510 02

2005 02 1082544 MIRON RICHARD A OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 019 12 1 019 12

2005 02 1083397 M M LAUNDRY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1744 06 1 744 06 2005 02 1083648 PARNOFF LAURENCE V P C OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 30 2010 792 76 792 76

2005 02 1083885 PERILLO ANTHONY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 799 36 799 36 2005 02 1330505 HERNANDEZ ENRIQUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 47130 47130

2005 02 1338531 DINAN DINAN PC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 176 37 176 37

2005 02 1553539 BLACK FOREST KITCHENS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 164 98 164 98

2005 02 1783453 MARVEL GRAPHICS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 15485 60 15485 60 2005 02 2373164 2652 FAIRFIELD AVE REST INC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 24 2010 162 15 162 15

2005 02 2373458 AlIMAK HEK INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 502 79 3 502 79 2005 02 2390697 PANDA RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 l20 46 12046

2005 02 2561629 PHOTO EXPRESS STUDIOS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 6440 6440

2005 02 2733250 MINI RITE MARKET OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 235 65 235 65

2005 02 3019741 AGFA FINANCE GROUP OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 24 2010 501 02 501 02 2005 02 3019814 AMERICANA INSURANCE OB ASSOCIATES OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 90840 908 40 2005 02 3019822 AMERICAN AIR SYSTEMS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 120 24 120 24 2005 02 3021550 NFM CONTRACTORS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 166 10 166 10 2005 02 3022688 CALTOBIANO ANTHONY GINA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 180 08 2 180 08 2005 02 3023668 GUASO MARKET INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 56740 56740 2005 02 3025385 SAM VERA S LUNCH MUNIR JEFFR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 184 94 184 94 2005 02 3371402 RABCOINC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 89 09 89 09 2005 02 3372042 GREENWOOD C ATTORNEY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 20350 203 50 2005 02 3647734 MOHEET ENT LLC DELI CORPORATE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1475 91 1475 91 2005 02 3892992 NOB HILL OB CONVENIENCE OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 110 90 110 90 2005 02 3894014 J SILVER CLOTHING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 241 00 241 00 2005 02 3895762 ARROW PRECISION MFG CORP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 108 68 1 108 68 2005 02 3896041 JACKSON FRANK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 017 38 1 01738 2005 02 3904923 RAYS DELI LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 22642 226 42 2005 02 4150013 AUTOMOTIVE UNIQUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 8642 86 42 2005 02 4150358 ZANE YOST INC OB OUT ASSOC OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 908 40 90840 2005 02 4150501 AKACH DELI GROCERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 471 30 471 30 2005 02 4150951 MRS DORA ASTOLOGIST OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 199 06 1 199 06 2005 02 4156691 HOME SWEET HOME OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 6 358 54 6 35854 2005 02 4156721 COLLEGIAN MOVERS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 7 719 32 7 719 32 2005 02 4156909 SWEDISH AUTO BODY CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 160 84 160 84 2005 02 4269916 BALINT STEPHEN M D OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 337 12 337 12 2005 02 4270566 SOUTH AVE AUTO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 449 10 449 10 2005 02 4270752 CARRS ICE CREAM OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 2 270 90 2 270 90 2005 02 4402918 DRESSES FOR LESS WAREHOUSE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 105 34 1 105 34 2005 02 4403469 MAIN DELI NEWS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 33 95 33 95 2005 02 4664262 JACKSONS NEWS VARIETY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 235 65 235 65 2005 02 4665820 PETER ALAN WENDY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 799 36 799 36 2005 02 4666214 DEALS ON WHEELS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 95130 95130 2005 02 4666249 ZALDUMBIDE SERVICE CTR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 98108 981 08 02 2005 4920650 MADISON DOLLAR STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 31 64 31 64 2005 02 4921583 DELICIOUS KING PIZZA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 24442 24442

2005 02 4922083 FAIR AUTO SALES SER DINARDO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 4490 94 4490 94 2005 02 4923829 LA PRIMERA GROCERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 117 75 117 75

2005 02 4924183 CHRISTIANO JOSEPH W III OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 49 94 49 94

2005 02 4927778 SPOSA BELLA BRIDAL SHOP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 424 96 424 96 2005 02 4929282 CONNECTICUT DISRIBUTING CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 22 381 98 22 38198 2005 02 5009602 SAGE CAPITAL CORPORATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 580 84 1 580 84 2005 02 5049493 E M PAINTING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1199 06 1 199 06 2005 02 5051579 BLANK JOHN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 109 90 109 90

2005 02 5191907 CHAMP ENVELOPE PRINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 12494 02 12494 02 2005 02 5192385 YOUNGS BUILDING DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 100 12 100 12

2005 02 5192857 INNOVATIVE BODY DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 11 009 34 11 009 34 2005 02 5193934 FLOWERS GIFTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 363 36 363 36

2005 02 5196861 S B PROPERTIES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 111 54 111 54

2005 02 5197034 PRINELLE LEASING CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 693 66 693 66

2005 02 5197310 MARQUIS RELINING INSULATING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 10174 10174 2005 02 5197344 LEISURE TOURS INTL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 90840 90840 2005 02 5197531 NU LOOK SALON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 109 38 109 38

2005 02 5197581 COMPUTERS BY DESIGN D BENNETT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 254 36 254 36

2005 02 5475867 C B CLEANING SERVICES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 69 56 6956

2005 02 5476723 PERFORMANCE PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 199 06 1 199 06

2005 02 5477797 COUGHENOUR JANET OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 199 06 1 199 06

2005 02 5478289 AFRICAN BRAIDS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 231 24 231 24

2005 02 5478521 FINE SHINE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 76442 76442

2005 02 5478912 LAK AUTO SALES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 4 l90 94 4490 94 2005 02 5479323 AMERICAN BUILDING GROUP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 4 360 14 4 360 14

2005 02 5479340 MCKENZIE VARIETY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 688 36 688 36

2005 02 5479447 CENTRAL GROCERY TONY DIB OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 224 42 22442 2005 02 5479501 LAFAYETTE DELI GRILL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 3424 52 3424 52 2005 02 5479609 DOWNTOWN FLORISTS OF BPT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 363 36 363 36

2005 02 5612899 NEXT LEVEL TAKEOUT CATERING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 908 37 908 37

2005 02 5767621 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL CLEAN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 137 88 137 88

2005 02 5767761 ASSET MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 090 02 1 090 02 2005 02 5767981 CHARITY TECHNOLOGIES OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 30 2010 159 56 159 56

2005 02 5770991 CANDYLAND COTTAGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 14 54 14 54

2005 02 5771598 ONE PRICE CLOTH STR INC BEST P OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 723 72 723 72

2005 02 6095256 SANTIAGO AUTO SALES REPAIR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 70 18 70 18 2005 02 6095272 HARRY MARLEYS MARKET DELI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 402 54 402 54 2005 02 6097852 ESSENTIAL SERK JONE5 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 633 46 3 633 46 2005 02 6098824 REISER ROBERT CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 643 88 643 88 2005 02 6099561 GREEN ROOM CAFE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 34189 1 34189 200502 6100179 LARRY SAMS SEAFOOD OB OUT OF 4 24 2010 BUSINESS 540 47 54047 2005 02 6434565 CATHEDRAL CHURCH SUPPLY OB OUT OF 4 24 BUSINESS 2010 899 30 899 30 2005 02 MAIN 6434697 HEATING COOLING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 87204 872 04 2005 02 MAJOR 6437238 RACING TRACTION SPECIAL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 581 36 581 36 2005 02 L1NS AUTO 6437319 SERVICE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 20 94 20 94 2005 02 6437521 FEDERATED CAPITAL CORPORATION OB OF OUT BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 605 68 3 605 68 2005 02 6603774 PERFORMANCE HEALTH OF BPT PC OB OF OUT BUSINESS 4 24 2010 116 28 116 28 2005 02 6603901 BEERS STREET BAKERY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1125 1125 2005 02 6604711 DEFLlCE LG CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 9 718 02 9718 02 2005 02 6605131 INTEGRATED LEASING CORPORATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 173 40 173 40 2005 02 6605530 BMEE LLC BRIAN MEEHAN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 90840 908 40 2005 02 6605564 CARLOS ALBERTO SALON LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 489 31 489 31 2005 02 6795274 CCR INC SEAN LEZOTIE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 218 00 218 00 2005 02 6795304 CERVONE DANIELJ CHEM DRY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 090 02 1 090 02 2005 02 6797285 HALL NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 50189 501 89 2005 02 6798338 MOTION SOUND RECORD STUDIO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 199 06 ll99 06 2005 02 6798435 QUICK RAD CO RADIATOR SERVIC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 763 04 763 04 2005 02 6798788 GREEK SOCIAL CLUB OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 569 72 569 72 2005 02 6798893 MOMENTUM RACING MOTORCYCLE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 4490 94 4490 94 2005 02 6798982 SHARPER IMAGE HAIR SALON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 327 04 327 04 2005 02 6799016 EASTERN AIR VENTILATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 218 00 218 00 2005 02 6799024 G N SILVA PLUMBING CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 218 00 218 00 2005 02 6799041 GUZMAN USED APPLIANCES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 457 86 457 86 2005 02 6799105 SUN TRUST CARD DISTRIBUTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 799 36 799 36 2005 02 6799113 NOVELLA CLUB CAFE OB OUT OF USINESS 4 24 2010 2 361 76 2 361 76 2005 02 6799130 AFRICAN BRAID OB HEAVEN OUT OF USINESS 4 24 2010 218 00 218 00 2005 02 6799211 PRACTICAL RENT A CAR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 090 02 1 090 02 2005 02 6799504 L1SAS GIFT SHOP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 40 84 40 84 2005 02 6805555 CENTRO COMMERCIAL HISPANO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 90840 90840 2005 02 6807922 SANTOS JEWELERS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 363 36 363 36 2005 02 6807957 NORTH AVENUE CONVENIENCE STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 107 29 107 29 2005 02 6990778 REAL ESTATE ETC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 90840 90840 2005 02 6990808 MONTANEZ TREE SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 407 00 1407 00 2005 02 6991138 MR B S PLACE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 152 64 152 64 2005 02 6991189 BAYLISS RESTORATIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 111 58 111 58 2005 02 7183331 UK LLC MANUFATURING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 272 14 3 272 14 2005 02 7183731 JELANI S CLOTHES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 138 13 138 13 2005 02 7183781 DESIGN PARTNERS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 264 60 264 60 2005 02 7184800 TOTAL ORTHOPAEDIC CARE LLC 08 OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 84944 84944 2005 02 7185385 NORTHEAST SYSTEMS WASTE 08 OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 520 26 520 26 2005 02 7185393 LEASE ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 206 80 206 80 2005 02 7185709 HOMESTYLE EXPRESS DELI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 261 64 261 64 2005 02 7185776 CRANE BELOW OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 6 540 22 6 540 22 2005 02 7186764 SUNNYBROOK LANDSCAPING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 726 72 726 72 2005 02 7186896 CHAI CATERERS CAFE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 258 15 258 15 2005 02 7187019 VALENTINO TRAVEL SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 872 04 872 04 2005 02 7187191 NOSSO BRASIL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 377 90 377 90 2005 02 7187221 OPTIONS BOUTIQUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 152 64 152 64 2005 02 7187230 YALO INTERNAL AUTO SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 i 26 72 726 72 2005 02 7187264 MAIN MUSIC VIDEO SALES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 305 22 305 22 2005 02 7187329 AF CUSTOM CONTRACTORS 4 24 2010 399 72 399 72 2005 02 7187345 VISI RECORDS SYSTEMS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 228 96 228 96 2005 02 7187639 RITZ RESTAURANT THE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 717 87 2 717 87 2005 02 7189364 GRAPHICS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 546 52 2 546 52 2005 02 7189372 BUILDING CONCEPT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 305 22 305 22 2005 02 7189437 NEVER ENDON CHAPTER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 254 36 254 36 2005 02 7189496 SMITH CUSTOM DRUMS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 508 68 508 68 2005 02 7189801 CHECK CASHING QUICK PAY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 61044 61044 2005 02 7189895 VERRILLI DAVID ELECTRIC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 654 04 654 04 2005 02 7190087 WILLIAM RAVElS HOME LINK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 348 82 348 82 2005 02 7190214 FRESH START SUBSTANCE SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 305 22 305 22 2005 02 7190702 A J POOL ARTHUR JARA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 944 70 944 70 2005 02 7363623 COMPTEK SYSTEMS CSYS OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 24 2010 66 26 66 26 2005 02 7365669 CASANOVA PEDRO JULIO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 69 38 69 38 2005 02 7367009 INVERNAT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 414 22 414 22 2005 02 7367025 CHASE MERCHANT SERVICES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 031 90 1 031 90 2005 02 JAH WORKS 7367033 MlTOMOTIVE LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 744 90 744 90 2005 02 7367041 ROMERO GROCERY STORE DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 319 76 319 76 2005 02 V 7367408 V LANDSCAPING SERVICES DB OF OUT BUSINESS 4 24 2010 241 64 241 64 2005 02 7367548 SCOTCH BONNETT RESTAURANT DB OUT OF 4 24 BUSINESS 2010 392 74 392 74 2005 02 7367572 TASTY DONUTS AHMAD CHIRAN DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 417 90 417 90 2005 02 7567385 IDEAL MORTGAGE BANKERS LTD DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 816 74 1 816 74 2005 02 7567415 MULTITASK DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 816 74 1 816 74 2005 02 7567458 IN CLASSIC PATIENT SVC LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 5450 16 5450 16 2005 02 7567539 TINKERS TREASURES DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 227 10 227 10 2005 02 7567547 AUNTIE VELMAS BLACK TO EDEN DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 13544 1 135 44 2005 02 7567563 VISION FOR LIFE BOOK GIFT DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 885 72 885 72 2005 02 7567679 AMERICAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 363 36 363 36 2005 02 7567725 STEADY REMODELING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 363 36 363 36 2005 02 7567733 NUTMEG SEAMLESS GUTTERS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 363 36 363 36 2005 02 7567741 ZUCARO ANDREA J OB OUT OF BUSINESS 9 23 2009 579 70 579 70 2005 02 7567814 REVERE BUILDERS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 703 22 1 703 22 2005 02 7567849 ARTBEATSINC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 885 72 885 72 2005 02 7567857 FINE LEATHER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 885 72 885 72 2005 02 7567890 DIVERSIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 703 22 1 703 22 2005 02 7567911 JEAN ELECTRIC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 703 22 1 703 22 2005 02 7567938 ONLlN WIG OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 74942 749 42 2005 02 7568101 TWIN IMAGE HAIR SALON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 90840 90840 2005 02 7568136 AZEVEDO WOOD FLOORING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 454 22 454 22 2005 02 7568322 USA DECK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 Jl 703 22 1 703 22 2005 02 7568331 JC GARAGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 363 36 363 36 2005 02 7568471 V V HOME IMPROVEMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 703 22 1 703 22 2005 02 7568535 MONEYS WORTH CAR TRUCK RNTL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 362 56 1 362 56 2005 02 7568624 ACADEMY DRYWALL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 725 12 2 725 12 2005 02 7568756 A M WOOD MULCH RECYCLING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 589 65 1 589 65 2005 02 7568802 MOBILE DIAGNOSTICS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 545 01 545 01 2005 02 7568837 PH WELDING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 27254 272 54 2005 02 7568853 CEK PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 8 18 8 18 2005 02 7568934 JIM SNEERINGER INC SPORTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 454 22 454 22 2005 02 7569019 FATHER SON CLEANING SVC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 13544 1 13544 2005 02 7569175 DRESSLER LAWRENCE ATTORNEY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 4642 4642 2005 02 7569272 AFRICAN AMERICAN YELLOW PAGES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 251 27 25127 2005 02 7569311 MAGNUM DUTY FREE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 200 54 200 54 2005 02 7569396 PROPERTY SOLUTIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 454 22 454 22 2005 02 7569469 CHB REALTY MANAGEMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 454 22 454 22 2005 02 7569485 PINNACLE TAX ADVISORS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 454 22 454 22 2005 02 7569566 GLOBAL11NVESTMENTSD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 816 74 1 816 74 2005 02 7569591 UNITED LLC INVESTMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 816 74 1 816 74 2005 02 7571838 PB TOOLS HEAT AC SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 726 72 726 72 2005 02 7571919 BAVARO PHIL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 264 26 264 26 2005 02 7572061 ACA ISIDRO F ARTURO ACA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 634 20 634 20 2005 02 7572095 BIROSCHAK ANNA J PAUL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 72 93 7293 2005 02 7572303 ROEBUCK GEORGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 317 10 317 10 2005 02 7572371 JOYNER KEVIN MAXINE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 528 50 528 50 2005 02 7572524 FLORENCE A NYEMITEI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 634 20 634 20 2005 02 7572729 AFRICAN MARKET OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 287 08 287 08 2005 02 7573512 SWEETDEES CUSTOM CAKES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 508 68 508 68 2005 02 7574179 AJ MULTISEWRVIVIOS Y VIAJES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 726 72 726 72 2005 02 7574187 SIGNFAST OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 726 72 726 72 2005 02 7574209 FUTURE STYLZ CUTZ OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 218 00 218 00 2005 02 7744791 SELECT PIZZA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 121 71 121 71 2005 02 7745089 IANNUCCI INVESTMENTS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 78 56 78 56 2005 02 7745143 KODAK POLYCHROME GRAAPHICS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 898 77 898 77 2005 02 7745585 WADE DENNIS EMMA ZERELLA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 528 50 528 50 2005 02 7745739 ISLAND SALON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 843 70 843 70 2005 02 7745968 BACHLEOA STEPHEN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 699 66 699 66 2005 02 7930561 WWW REPUBLlCART ORG OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 057 00 1 057 00 2005 02 7930579 WORLD PREMIERE RECORDS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 845 60 845 60 2005 02 7930587 WORLD FINANCIAL GROUP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 642 50 2 64250 2005 02 7930650 W H HUNTING TRANSFER LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 981 88 1 98188 2005 02 7930714 CAVALLO VICTOR J LAW OFFICE OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 528 50 528 50 2005 02 7930731 VALET DRIVING SVC LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 422 80 422 80 2005 02 7930749 V B CONSTRUCTION SVC CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 7 927 50 7 927 50 2005 02 7930757 M S JEWELRY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 330 34 330 34 2005 02 7930781 UNLIMITED PCS OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 642 50 2 642 50 2005 02 7930790 UNITED ROOFINc DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 32126 1 32126 2005 02 7930803 UNITED PAINTING REMOLDING DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 66 07 66 07 2005 02 7930820 L1SANNE L1BNER DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 264 26 264 26 2005 02 7930838 UCER DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 057 00 1 057 00 2005 02 7930862 L1FECARE COM DB OUT OF 4 26 BUSINESS 2010 6 606 26 6 606 26 2005 02 7930901 TONYS TRANSPORTATION DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 642 50 2 642 50 2005 02 7930919 mos SVC PAINTING DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 264 26 264 26 2005 02 7930935 TIRE STATION DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 156 10 1 156 10 2005 02 7930960 TIERNEY CHRISTOPHER MD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 990 96 990 96 2005 02 7930978 TIDE WATCH ANTIQUES DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 165 16 165 16 02 2005 7931010 BERGER TERESA M DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 264 26 264 26 2005 02 7931061 T J BEAUTY SUPPLY DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 02 7931095 LIBERTY BOOK STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 02 7931117 JEWISH CENTER FOR COMM SERVICE DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 8 19856 8 19856 02 2005 7931133 STETTWOOD PRODUCTS LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 303 14 3 303 14 2005 02 7931141 STAR FASHION FRAGRANCE SHOP DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 02 7931150 SPECIAL CLEANING SVC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 02 7931176 LAND N INVESTMENTS LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 528 50 52850 2005 02 7931214 SINCERITY HOME IMPROVEMENT DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 32126 1 321 26 2005 02 7931222 SIMONS WINDOW DOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 02 7931231 SILVER CLEANING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 02 7931257 SHEKINAH PHOTOS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 412 75 412 75 2005 02 7931265 LACEY S BOUTIQUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 02 7931281 SCINTO EQUIPMENT PAPER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 303 14 3 303 14 2005 02 7931290 LADY LIBERTY TAX ACCOUNTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 52850 528 50 2005 02 7931338 LA FLOOR INTERNATIONAL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 330 34 330 34 2005 02 7931346 SARGENT SECURITY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 303 14 3 303 14 2005 02 7931397 LA CONSULTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 981 88 1 981 88 2005 02 7931435 RUSSO BEVERAGE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 02 7931451 KENNY RAMPERSAD DELIVERY SVC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 165 16 165 16 2005 02 7931478 K C MEDICAL CORP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 303 14 3 303 14 2005 02 7931494 JUST AMERICAN MERCHANDISE INC OB OUTOF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 303 14 3 303 14 2005 02 7931532 WOLF JED OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 264 26 264 26 2005 02 7931541 JANITORAL PRO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 02 7931567 JR HOME IMPROVEMENT OB CONTRS OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 528 50 528 50 2005 02 7931583 J LMASTER AUTO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 6 606 26 6 606 26 2005 02 7931591 J J FLORIST OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 165 16 165 16 2005 02 7931605 INTERMOVE LIMITED USA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 02 7931656 IMPERIAL HOME IMPROVEMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 32126 1 32126 2005 02 7931672 I K BUILDERS DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 642 50 2 64250 2005 02 7931681 HOWELL S JAMAICAN RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 98188 1 98188 2005 02 7931745 GREEN MARY RSTRNT SOUL FOOD OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 98188 1 981 88 2005 02 7931788 GBP REBOUND OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 02 7931826 FRIENDS OF NEW BEGINS FAM AC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 963 76 3 963 76 2005 02 7931893 FANTA5T1C CARDS COMICS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 02 7931915 FAMILY DOLLAR STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 219 70 2 219 70 2005 02 7931966 EXECUTIVE MARKETING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 312 22 2 312 22 2005 02 7931982 ESCALERA ELECTRONICS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 02 7932083 EL TANIO DINER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 196 38 396 38 2005 02 7932113 EL CARIBENO RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 ll98 19 198 19 2005 02 7932121 EAST END FINEST DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 198 22 198 22 2005 02 7932156 ROGERS PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 264 26 264 26 2005 02 7932202 RELIABLE PLUMBING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 321 26 1 321 26 2005 02 7932253 DRAG STRIP AUTO PARTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 990 96 990 96 2005 02 7932296 NICKYS BRAID HAVEN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 198 22 198 22 2005 02 7932300 DOWLlNGS FLEET SVC CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 156 10 1 156 10 2005 02 7932326 NEW PHAZE CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 321 26 1 321 26 2005 02 7932342 NEW ME OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 528 50 528 50 2005 02 7932377 NET MARKETING OB OUTOF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 6 606 26 6 606 26 2005 02 7932385 NELSON MEDIA RESEARCH OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 303 14 3 303 14 2005 02 7932393 DIVINE BOROUGH RECORDINGS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 981 88 1 98188 2005 02 7932407 DISCOVERY GRAPHICS DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 528 50 528 50 2005 02 7932431 NATTY CONGO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 264 26 264 26 2005 02 7932440 NAPA AUTO PARTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 31J3 14 3 303 14 2005 02 7932466 NAIL TALENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 198 22 198 22 2005 02 7932491 DANSCO DISTRIBUTORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 8 15 78 825 78 2005 02 7932521 N S CARPET OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 303 14 3 303 14 2005 02 7932571 CUSTOM CREATIONS AUTO LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2477 36 2477 36 2005 02 7932601 MOST WANTED FASHION ENTRTN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 651 58 1 65158 2005 02 7932610 MOBILE MEDIA OB ENTERPRISES OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 280 10 280 10 2005 02 7932636 MINETAS CLEANING SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 7932661 CROOKS CONSTRUCTION CO INC OB p2 OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 32126 1 32126 2005 02 7932695 MID ISLAND MORTGAGE CORP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 642 50 2 642 50 2005 02 7932709 COSMETIC CTR CT SURGERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 4 954 72 4 954 72 2005 02 7932717 MICHELLES HAIR BEAUTY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 198 22 198 22 2005 02 7932725 MELODY WILLIAMS REAL ESTATE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 528 50 528 50 2005 02 7932741 MCCARTHYS FENCE COMPANY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 321 26 1 321 26 2005 02 7932776 COOKIE S DAY CARE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 660 64 660 64 2005 02 7932911 MARDERS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 528 50 52850 2005 02 7933004 CLEAN DRY CARPET CARE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 02 7933021 CHANGES THE BARBER SHOP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 198 22 198 22 2005 02 7933071 C WaiL INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 990 96 990 96 2005 02 7933098 BRUSA LLC MORTGAGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 642 50 2 64250 2005 02 7933128 B G CLEANING SVC HOME IMPR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 02 7933195 ROOFING WTRPRFNG QUALITY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 32126 1 321 26 2005 02 7933241 PRO CARE SERVICE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 4 954 72 4 954 72 2005 02 7933250 PRINCE UNHOLSTERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 8 32 8 32 2005 02 7933268 PRIM ERICA FINANCIAL SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 642 50 2 642 50 2005 02 7933276 BOTANICA YEAMYA OLOKUN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 651 58 1 65158 2005 02 7933314 POPS HOTS STUDIOS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 303 14 3 303 14 2005 02 7933322 THAI SON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 981 88 1 981 88 2005 02 7933381 KONSTERILE PETER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 264 26 264 26 2005 02 7933390 DUVEEN PETER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 136 09 136 09 2005 02 7933411 BLACKROCK MOVING DELIVERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 981 88 1 981 88 02 7933420 PASSION 2005 BOUTIQUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 198 22 198 22 2005 02 7933462 CITY CARTING PARK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 65158 1 65158 2005 02 7933471 PARADISE FINANCIAL SVC LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 642 50 2 642 50 2005 02 7933519 OTHNIEL GROUP LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 6 606 26 6 606 26 2005 02 7933535 BEST FOR LESS AUDIO VIDEO RPR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 642 50 2 642 50 2005 02 7933551 BENJAMIN CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 264 26 264 26 2005 02 7933560 BEACH CLUB TANNING STUDIOS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 528 50 528 50 2005 02 BARR 7933586 LACAVA OB OUTOF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 528 50 52850 2005 02 7933594 ONE STOP TRAVEL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 528 50 52850 2005 02 7933624 AUTO SERVICES UNLIMITED OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 49548 49548 2005 02 7933632 ARTS FLOWERS ON THE AVENUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 825 78 825 78 2005 02 7933675 ARRIE BARRY S FINE FOODS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 396 38 396 38

2005 02 7933721 APCO AUTO PARTS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 990 96 990 96 2005 02 7933799 OCEANSIDE GARAGE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 49548 49548 2005 02 7933802 NORWALK PATHOLOGY ASSOC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 4 954 72 4 954 72

2005 02 7933829 NORWALK COMMERCIAL REALTY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 528 50 528 50

2005 02 7933845 ANKOR THOM RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 98188 1 98188 2005 02 7933853 NILSON FINGERPRINTING SVCQ OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 660 64 660 64 2005 02 7933861 NIELSON MEDIA RESEARCH OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 303 14 3 303 14 2005 02 7933888 AMERICAN IS COOKING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 528 50 528 50

2005 02 7933918 NINETY NINE CENTS THIFT STORE OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 330 34 330 34

2005 02 7933934 LIFTERS 1 800 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 6 606 26 6 606 26

2005 02 7933969 ALARM PRO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 42 28 42 28

2005 02 7933977 AKYABA HAIR BRAIDING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 198 22 198 22

2005 02 7933985 AIME ONTARIO FRASER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 264 26 264 26

2005 02 7934019 AERO ROMAT INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 651 58 1 651 58

2005 02 7934035 ACCURATE ALARMS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 303 14 3 303 14

2005 02 7934051 ACCESS WOOD FLOORING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1125 78 825 78

2005 02 7934060 AAA NEW CANAAN MOVING STGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 98188 1 981 88

2005 02 7934086 AL BENEDETTO GENERAL REMODEL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 32126 1 321 26

2005 02 7934094 AK Z PRIORITY MOVING OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 98188 1 981 88 2005 02 7934108 A G JEWELRY STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 165 17 165 17 2005 02 7935228 PARK CITY AQUARIUM PET SUPLY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 198 22 198 22

2005 02 7936089 LASMOUZE STUDIOS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 528 50 528 50

2005 02 7936623 D L TRACTOR TRAILER SCHOOL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 570 78 570 78

2005 02 7936682 A A WHOLESALE FENCE OB OUT OF BUSINE5S 4 26 2010 2 312 22 2 312 22 2005 02 7936747 HOLLOWAY GRUTTER CORP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 642 50 2 642 50

2005 02 7936763 ONLINE BARGINCITY COM OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 990 96 990 96 2005 02 7936810 GREENBERG WILLIAM EUNICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 49548 49548 2005 02 7936917 INTEGRITY TAX CONSULTING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 52 85 52 85

2005 02 7936925 F F REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 132 13 132 13

2005 02 7943379 MERINO S PIZZA MORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 924 88 924 88

2005 02 7943417 GRINNELL SERVICES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 10 570 00 10 570 00

2005 02 7948346 REIS EVERTON L OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 264 26 264 26 2005 02 7949105 QUARLE5 VALERIA DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 047 16 2 047 16 2005 02 7954061 COSMOPOLITAN LIMOUSINES INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 585 50 1 585 50 2005 02 7963337 ACE S WOOD FLOORS LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 585 50 1 585 50 2005 02 7963833 MACEYUNAS CARL DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 642 50 2 642 50 2005 02 8322976 CHOICE LLC AUTOMOBILERENTAL DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 369 96 369 96 2005 02 8323697 MENDEZ GUDELlA 6 25 2009 98 98 98 98 2005 02 8332611 GLACIER INTERNATIONAL DEP BANK DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 58550 1 585 50 2005 02 8716419 ANDUJAR JUAN DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 46246 46246 2005 02 8716428 JIMS AUTO LEASING SALES INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 004 15 1 004 15 2005 02 8716435 LOVELlFE ASSURANCE AGENCY LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 132 13 132 13 2005 02 8716442 ROBERT NEVERDOUSKY DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 184 98 184 98 2005 02 8716534 EDWARD MARIANNE QUINTO DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 3 171 00 3 17100 2005 02 8716761 ALL AMERICAN LANDSCAPING DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 32126 1 32126 2005 03 4595635 LEMDON SHARON 5 26 2009 55050 55050 2005 03 5717593 WOODSIDE JAMES M 5 21 2009 34248 342 48 2005 03 6020086 MENDEZ GUDELlA 6 25 2009 152 42 15242 2005 03 6383766 PORTILLO HECTOR R 5 26 2009 135 38 135 38 2005 03 6640190 CHUNG LANA S 5 22 2009 176 10 176 10 2005 03 6646686 CRUZ JOSE A 5 22 2009 50 32 50 32 2005 03 7056984 GIBSON LILLIE D 5 22 2009 271 13 271 13 2005 03 7476690 CRUZ JOSE A 5 22 2009 76 96 76 96 2005 03 7497697 ONWUASOANYA OBIAJULUM 5 26 2009 613 36 613 36 2005 03 7851164 MENDEZ GUDELlA 6 25 2009 316 68 316 68 2005 03 835110 GALBO KAREN T 5 22 2009 546 06 546 06 2005 04 7993210 CHUNG LANA S 5 22 2009 25647 25647 2005 04 7998564 CRUZ JOSE A 5 22 2009 21 90 2190 2005 04 8045573 LEMDON D SHARON 5 26 2009 76 61 76 61 2005 04 8058608 MENDEZ GUDELlA 6 25 2009 32 26 32 26 2005 04 8102097 SCOTT LYNNE C 5 26 2009 189 33 189 33 2006 02 1050227 NEW ERA LODGE 290 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1404 84 1404 84 2006 02 1050502 AAA DISTRIBUTORS 4 24 2010 377 96 377 96 2006 02 1051266 ALPHA CORE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 793 11 1 793 11 2006 02 1051410 AMERICAN FABRICS CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 12852 2 12852 2006 0H051991 RAMAC LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 199 14 199 14 2006 02 1053447 BRIDGEPORT PLATE GLASS CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 8 14 8 14 2006 02 1053595 BRIDGEPORT ANIMAL HOSPITAL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 812 11 812 11

2006 02 1055601 CORE FACTORY INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 393 96 2 393 96 2006 02 1056195 DART PRODUCTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 61252 1 612 52 2006 02 1057680 AMERICAN LANDMARK RESTORATION DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 702 80 1 702 80

2006 02 1058040 FISCHER REAL ESTATE INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 362 08 362 08

2006 02 1059909 HOWIES PAINTING SERVICE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 566 28 566 28

2006 02 1061415 LACEY MANUFACTURING CO INC 4 24 2010 22 21244 22 212 44

2006 02 1062128 LOWELLS PKG STORE INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 17240 17240 2006 02 1065615 POLKE SON INC F OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 61252 1 612 52 2006 02 1065852 PRODUCTO MACHINE CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 820 23 820 23 2006 02 1068479 TM SYSTEMS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 580 00 2 580 00 2006 02 1069131 TRIM FASHIONS INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 806 24 806 24 2006 02 1069661 BANGKOK DESSERT INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 645 00 645 00

2006 02 1069726 REVELATION LLC STANLEY ARRON 4 24 2010 165 12 165 12

2006 02 1070449 YING S WEDDING CENTER LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 638 60 638 60 2006 02 1072069 ARIANO FRANK JR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 8 S9162 8 591 62

2006 02 1072476 BELARDO LOUIS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 177 38 17738

2006 02 1075271 DEBENEDETTO SALVATORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 841 62 1 841 62

2006 02 1080509 LESSER L1EBERTHAL P C OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 44931 449 31 2006 02 1082544 MIRON RICHARD A OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 223 54 1 223 54 2006 02 1083117 NOLAN RBT NATL COLLECT AGCY DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 11548 11548 2006 02 1083397 M M LAUNDRY OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 064 00 2 064 00

2006 02 1083885 PERILLO ANTHONY DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 936 56 93656 2006 02 1330505 HERNANDEZ ENRIQUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 S52 20 552 20 2006 02 1338531 DINAN DINAN PC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 72240 72240 2006 02 1553539 BLACK FOREST KITCHENS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 935 00 1 935 00 2006 02 1553946 EUROPA FOODS INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 82246 822 46

2006 02 1783453 MARVEL GRAPHICS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 15 364 30 15 364 30

2006 02 1786347 HAIRLINE LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 33 78 33 78 2006 02 2373164 2652 FAIRFIELD AVE REST INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 314 06 314 06 2006 02 2373458 ALlMAK HEK INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 15480 00 15480 00 2006 02 2390697 PANDA RESTAURANT OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 24 2010 206 86 206 86 2006 02 2561009 BROWN BROTHERS INC STORAGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 387 00 387 00

2006 02 2561629 PHOTO EXPRESS STUDIOS INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 283 91 283 91 2006 02 2733250 MINI RITE MARKET OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 552 20 552 20 2006 02 3019741 AGFA CORP AND AGFA PHOTO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 600 84 600 84 02 3019822 2006 AMERICAN AIR SYSTEMS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 113 90 113 90 2006 02 3020936 DARLENE RUFF LAUNDRY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 255 32 255 32 2006 02 3021550 NFM CONTRACTORS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 294 04 294 04 2006 02 3023528 SERVICE RITE AUTOMOTIVE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 612 52 612 52 2006 02 3023668 GUASO MARKET INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 664 78 664 78 2006 02 3025385 SAM VERA S LUNCH MUNIR JEFFR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 161 00 1 161 00 2006 02 3371402 RABCOINC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 683 18 683 18 2006 02 3647734 MOHEET ENT LLC DELI CORPORATE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3458 44 3458 44 2006 02 3892992 NOB HILL CONVENIENCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 251 56 251 56 2006 02 3895185 AMERICAN SPA LTD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 783 15 783 15 2006 02 3895762 ARROW PRECISION MFG CORP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 082 94 1 082 94 2006 02 3896041 JACKSON FRANK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 191 96 1 191 96 2006 02 3904923 RAYS DELI LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 290 00 1 290 00 2006 02 4150013 UNIQUE AUTOMOTIVE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 654 30 654 30 2006 02 4150374 G W ENTERPRISES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 536 64 536 64 2006 02 4150404 BLACK ROCK GENERAL STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 46 70 46 70 2006 02 4150501 AKACH DELI GROCERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 552 20 552 20 2006 02 4150951 MRS DORA ASTOLOGIST OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1404 84 1404 84 2006 02 4156691 HOME SWEET HOME OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 7449 80 7449 80 2006 02 4156721 COLLEGIAN MOVERS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 9 118 38 9 118 38 2006 02 4156909 SWEDISH AUTO BODY CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 735 32 735 32 2006 02 4269916 BALINT STEPHEN M D OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 743 04 743 04 2006 02 4270566 SOUTH AVE AUTO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 526 20 526 20 2006 02 4270752 CARRS ICE CREAM OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 706 88 706 88 2006 02 4401482 NEXTEL COMM MID ATLANTlC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 2 690 51 2 690 51 2006 02 4402918 DRESSES FOR LESS WAREHOUSE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 295 00 1 295 00 2006 02 4664149 FILTERFRESH INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 298 04 298 04 2006 02 4664581 TORTRANINC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 11557 115 57 2006 02 4666249 ZALDUMBIDE SERVICE CTR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 14944 1 14944 2006 02 4920650 MADISON DOLLAR STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 354 60 354 60 2006 02 4921222 CARM LOR ENTER ENTER CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 20 02 20 02 2006 02 4921583 DELICIOUS KING PIZZA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 425 72 425 72 2006 02 4924183 CHRISTIANO JOSEPH W III OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 515 80 515 80 2006 02 4929282 CONNECTICUT DISRIBUTING CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 26 223 12 26 223 12 2006 02 5049493 E M PAINTING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1404 84 1404 84 2006 02 5191907 CHAMP ENVELOPE PRINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 21 31444 21 31444 2006 02 5192385 YOUNGS BUILDING DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 86 90 86 90 2006 02 5192857 INNOVATIVE BODY DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 12 898 76 12 898 76 2006 02 5193578 GOLDEN EAGLE LEASING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 664 77 664 77 2006 02 5193934 FLOWERS GIFTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 425 72 425 72 2006 02 5196861 S B PROPERTIES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 516 00 516 00 2006 02 5197034 PRINELLE LEASING CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 84Q 58 846 58 2006 02 5197344 LEISURE TOURS INTL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 064 28 1 064 28 2006 02 5197581 COMPUTERS BY DESIGN D BENNETT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 32252 322 52 2006 02 5197654 MIMI MINI STORE OB OUT OF BUSINEss 4 30 201q 448 88 448 88 2006 02 5326551 INDEX MAIN BUSINESS GROUP LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 S5192 1 551 92 2006 02 5475867 C CLEANING B SERVICES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 61 68 61 68 2006 02 5475883 MOTIVA ENTERPRISES LLC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 30 2010 620 71 620 71 2006 02 5476723 PERFORMANCE PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1404 84 1404 84 2006 02 5478289 AFRICAN BRAIDS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 322 40 322 40 2006 02 5478335 FEMALE FIRSTS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 27 04 27 04 2006 02 5478521 FINE SHINE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 904 66 904 66 2006 02 5478793 MORTGAGE PLACE THE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 646 08 646 08 2006 02 5479340 MCKENZIE VARIETY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 806 54 806 54 2006 02 5479447 CENTRAL GROCERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 419 08 419 08 2006 02 5479501 LAFAYETTE DELI GRILL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 3 677 88 3 677 88 2006 02 5479609 DOWNTOWN FLORISTS OF BPT LLC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 30 2010 425 72 425 72 2006 02 5614158 NEXTEL COMM MID ATLANTIC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 3 073 15 3 073 15 2006 02 5767388 NORTHEAST TREE SERVICE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 515 36 515 36 2006 02 5767621 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL CLEAN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 290 00 1 290 00 2006 02 5767761 ASSET MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS INC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 27712 1 277 12 2006 02 5770991 COTTAGE CANDYLAND OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 43 88 43 88 2006 02 5771598 ONE PRICE CLOTH STR INC BEST P OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 847 94 847 94 2006 02 5772543 RAINMEN USA INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 482 33 482 33 2006 02 6095256 SANTIAGO AUTO SALES REPAIR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 367 64 367 64 2006 02 6095752 LEASEPLAN USA OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 24 2010 19146 191 46 2006 02 6099561 GREEN ROOM CAFE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 144 34 3 144 34 2006 02 6100179 LARRY SAMS SEAFOOD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 266 48 1 26648

2006 02 6434697 MAIN HEATING COOLING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 161 00 1 161 00

2006 02 6434816 DEMATTEO M CONS BRUNALLI CONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 546 66 3 546 66

2006 02 6434859 CHOICE AUTOMOBILE RENTAL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 559 60 559 60 2006 02 6435006 APOLLO GAllLEO USA PARTNERSHIP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 7 50 7 50 2006 02 6435057 DWORKEN DONALD S MD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 105 69 105 69

2006 02 6437319 L1NS AUTO SERVICE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 40 12 40 12

2006 02 6437521 FEDERATED CAPITALCORPORATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 4400 50 4400 50 2006 02 6603774 PERFORMANCE HEALTH OF BPT PC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 110 38 110 38

2006 02 6604321 CRUZ GROCERY STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 083 60 1 083 60

2006 02 6605530 BMEE LLC BRIAN MEEHAN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 064 28 1 064 28 2006 02 6605564 CARLOS ALBERTO SALON LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 61648 61648 2006 02 6795274 CCR INC SEAN LEZOTTE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 225 52 1 22552

2006 02 6795304 CERVONE DANIEL J CHEM DRY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 277 12 1 277 12

2006 02 6798338 MOTION 50UND RECORD STUDIO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 5 03100 5 031 00 2006 02 6798435 QUICK RAD CO RADIATOR SERVIC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 894 00 894 00 2006 02 6798729 COSITAS RICAS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 33540 335 40

2006 02 6798788 GREEK SOCIAL CLUB OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 667 50 66750

2006 02 6798893 MOMENTUM RACING MOTORCYCLE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 5 261 68 5 261 68

2006 02 6798982 SHARPER IMAGE HAIR SALON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 383 16 383 16

2006 02 6799016 EASTERN AIR VENTILATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 25544 255 44

2006 02 6799024 G N SILVA PLUMBING CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 464 40 464 40 2006 02 6799041 GUZMAN USED APPLIANCES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 536 44 536 44 2006 02 6799105 SUN TRUST CARD DISTRIBUTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 936 56 93656

2006 02 6799113 NOVELLA CLUB CAFE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 767 08 2 767 08

2006 02 6799504 L1SAS GIFT SHOP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 47 88 47 88

2006 02 6799571 CONNECTICUT CUSTOM SOLUTION5 I OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 92 96 92 96

2006 02 6805555 CENTRO COMMERCIAL HISPANO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 064 28 1 064 28

2006 02 6807957 NORTH AVENUE CONVENIENCE STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 251 40 25140

2006 02 6990778 REAL ESTATE ETC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 064 28 1 064 28

2006 02 6990808 MONTANEZ TREE SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1476 76 1476 76 2006 02 6991138 MR B S PLACE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 645 00 645 00 2006 02 7183013 SPHERIS OPERATIONS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 86 70 86 70 2006 02c7183331 UK MANUFATURING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 19 350 00 19 350 00

2006 02 7183731 JELANI S CLOTHES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 l 295 00 1 295 00

2006 02 7183781 DESIGN PARTNERS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 210 86 210 86 2006 02 7184800 TOTAL ORTHOPAEDIC CARE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 892 02 892 02

2006 02 7185385 NORTHEAST WASTE SYSTEMS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 634 94 634 94

2006 02 7185661 TCF LEASING INC 4 24 2010 1413 36 3413 36

2006 02 7185709 HOMESTVLE EXPRESS DELI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 128 76 1 128 76

2006 02 7185776 CRANE BELOW OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 7 662 60 7 662 60

2006 02 7186764 SUNNYBROOK LANDSCAPING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1451 24 1451 24

2006 02 7187019 VALENTINO TRAVEL SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 02168 1 021 68 2006 02 7187108 CRISCIONE ELECTRIC COMPANY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 903 00 903 00

2006 02 7187221 OPTIONS BOUTIQUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 258 00 258 00 2006 02 7187230 YALO INTERNAL AUTO SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 85140 851 40

2006 02 7187264 MAIN MUSIC VIDEO SALES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 357 62 357 62 2006 02 7187329 AF CUSTOM CONTRACTORS 4 24 2010 1 677 00 1 677 00

2006 02 7187345 VISI RECORDS SYSTEMS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 935 00 1 935 00 2006 02 7187639 RITZ RESTAURANT THE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 947 40 3 94740 2006 02 7189364 MILLENNIUM GRAPHICS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 72944 3 72944

2006 02 7189437 NEVER ENDON CHAPTER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 32252 322 52

2006 02 7189488 OUTBOARD ELECTRIC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 935 00 1 935 00 2006 02 7189518 MARRAKECH INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 191 96 1 19196

2006 02 7189712 SUNNY DAY CARE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 72240 72240

2006 02 7189801 CHECK CASHING QUICK PAY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 715 18 715 18

2006 02 7362511 TOKEN EKE FOODS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 975 66 975 66

2006 02 7363623 COMPTEK SYSTEMS CSYS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 62 34 6234

2006 02 7365669 CASANOVA PEDRO JULIO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 290 26 290 26

2006 02 7367009 INVERNAT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 032 00 1 032 00 2006 02 7367025 CHASE MERCHANTSERVICES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 870 00 3 870 00

2006 02 7367033 JAH WORKS AUTOMOTIVE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 872 70 872 70

2006 02 7367041 ROMERO GROCERY STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 374 62 374 62

2006 02 7367408 V V LANDSCAPING SERVICE5 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 90252 2 902 52

2006 02 7367556 TES HEALTH PRODUCTS OB OUlOF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 45 86 45 86

2006 02 7567440 COMGEN2 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 6 385 52 6 385 52

2006 02 7567458 CLASSIC IN PATIENT SVC LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 6 385 52 6 38552 2006 02 7567539 TINKERS TREASURES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 283 80 283 80

2006 02 7567563 VISION FOR LIFE BOOK GIFT OB OUT OF BUSlNESS 4 26 2010 1 037 74 1 037 74 2006 02 7567741 ZUCARO ANDREA J OB OUT OF BUSIN ESS 9 23 2009 3 870 00 3 870 00

2006 02 7567857 FINE LEATHER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 870 00 3 870 00

2006 02 7567911 JEAN ELECTRIC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 99548 1 99548

2006 02 7567938 ONLlN WIG OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 878 04 878 04

2006 02 7568101 TWIN IMAGE HAIR SALON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 064 28 1 064 28

2006 02 7568136 AZEVEDO WOOD FLOORING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 580 52 580 52

2006 02 7568322 USA DECK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 20 640 00 20 640 00

2006 02 7568331 JC GARAGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 490 20 490 20

2006 02 7568624 ACADEMY DRYWALL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 192 80 3 192 80 2006 02 7568756 A M WOOD RECYCLING MULCH OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 724 90 3 724 90

2006 02 7568781 NORTHEAST SPINE REHAB OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 548 00 1 548 00

2006 02 7568802 MOBILE DIAGNOSTICS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 870 00 3 870 00

2006 02 7568845 SMS PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 58052 580 52 52 2006 02 7568853 CEK PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 58052 580 2006 02 7568926 COCO LOCO LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 161 00 1 16100 2006 02 7568934 JIM SNEERINGER SPORTS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 532 14 532 14

2006 02 7569451 REAL ESTATE INVESTORS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 322 52 322 52

2006 02 7569469 CHB REALTY MANAGEMENT DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 532 14 532 14 532 14 532 14 2006 02 7569485 PINNACLE TAX ADVISORS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 128 52 2006 02 7569566 GLOBAL IINVESTMENTSD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 128 52 2 2 12852 2 128 52 2006 02 7569591 UNITED INVESTMENT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 619 20 2006 02 7572061 ACA ISIDRO F ARTURO ACA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 619 20 2006 02 7572095 BIROSCHAK ANNA J PAUL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 71 21 7121

2006 02 7572303 ROEBUCK GEORGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 309 60 309 60 516 00 2006 02 7572371 JOYNER KEVIN MAXINE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 516 00 OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 619 20 619 20 2006 02 7572524 FLORENCE A NYEMITEI OB OUT 829 12 2006 02 7572753 GEORGE CAPITAL LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 829 12 596 2006 02 7573512 SWEETDEES CUSTOM CAKES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 596 00 00 40 2006 02 7574179 AJ MULTISEWRVIVIOS Y VIAJES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 85140 851

2006 02 7574187 SIGN FAST OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 145 52 14552 OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 25544 25544 2006 02 7574209 FUTURE STYLZ CUTZ OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 44 22 44 22 2006 02 7745003 AMERITECH CREDIT CORP OB OUT OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 235 64 1 235 64 2006 02 7745739 ISLAND SALON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 341 60 1 341 60 2006 02 7745968 BACHLEOA STEPHEN OB BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 23840 1 23840 2006 02 7930561 WWW REPUBLlCART ORG OB OUT OF 096 00 2006 02 7930633 WAKEFIELD MANAGEMNT REAL EST OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 096 00 3 486 08 2006 02 7930650 W H HUNTING TRANSFER LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 486 08 3856 3856 2006 02 7930731 VALET DRIVING SVC LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 288 00 9 288 00 2006 02 7930749 V B CONSTRUCTION SVC CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 9 387 00 2006 02 7930757 M S JEWELRY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 387 00 1 548 00 2006 02 7930790 UNITED ROOFING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 548 00 23840 1 238 40 2006 02 7930838 UCER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 00 7 740 00 2006 02 7930862 L1FECARE COM OB 7740 OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 S80 52 580 52 2006 02 7930919 TITOS PAINTING SVC OB OUT OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 354 52 1 354 52 2006 02 7930935 TIRE STATION OB 283 80 283 80 2006 02 7930978 TIDE WATCH ANTIQUES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 4 26 2010 309 60 309 60 2006 02 7931010 BERGER TERESA M OB OUT OF BUSINESS BUSINESS 4 26 2010 967 52 96752 2006 02 7931061 T J BEAUTY SUPPLY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 967 52 967 52 2006 02 7931095 LIBERTY BOOK STORE OB OUT OF 4 26 2010 40 13 75640 2006 02 7931117 JEWISH CENTER FOR COMM SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 137S6 26 2010 3 00 3 870 00 2006 02 7931125 LASER PULSE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 B70 BUSINESS 4 26 2010 967 52 96752 2006 02 7931141 STAR FASHION FRAGRANCE SHOP OB OUT OF 26 2010 967 52 96752 2006 02 7931150 SPECIAL CLEANING SVC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 4 26 2010 619 20 619 20 2006 02 7931176 LAND N INVESTMENTS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 548 00 1 548 00 2006 02 7931214 SINCERITY HOME IMPROVEMENT OB OUT OF OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 548 00 1 548 00 2006 02 7931222 SIMONS WINDOW DOORS LLC OB OUT 2010 1 90 00 1 290 00 2006 02 7931231 SILVER CLEANING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 193 36 193 36 2006 02 7931257 SHEKINAH PHOTOS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 967 52 967 52 2006 02 7931265 LACEY S BOUTIQUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 26 2010 3 870 00 3 870 00 2006 02 7931281 SCINTO EQUIPMENT PAPER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 BUSINESS 4 26 2010 619 20 619 20 2006 02 7931290 LADY LIBERTY TAX ACCOUNTING OB OUT OF OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 731 72 1731 72 2006 02 7931320 GONZALEZ AGENCY OB OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 387 00 387 00 2006 02 7931338 LA FLOOR INTERNATIONAL 1 548 00 1 548 00 2006 02 7931389 SARATOGA PARTNERS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2010 2 322 00 2 322 00 2006 02 7931397 LA CONSULTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 426 4 26 2010 Ei19 20 619 20 2006 02 7931427 S S MAINTENANCE COMPANY OB OUT OF BUSINESS OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 193 52 193 52 2006 02 7931451 KENNY RAMPERSAD DELIVERY SVC OB OUT OF 4 26 2010 3 870 00 3 870 00 2006 02 7931494 JUST AMERICAN MERCHANDISE INC OB BUSINESS OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 04 71 304 71 2006 02 7931524 JESSICA VARIETY STORE OB 2006 02 7931532 WOLF JED OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 6 20 6 20 2006 02 7931591 J J FLORIST OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 45152 451 52 2006 02 7931745 GREEN MARY RSTRNT SOUL FOOD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 322 00 2 322 00

2006 02 7931788 GBP REBOUND OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 032 00 1 032 00

2006 02 7931842 FOX FLOORING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 305 84 30S 84

2006 02 7931893 FANTASTIC CARDS COMICS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 209 34 1 209 34 2006 02 7931966 EXECUTIVE MARKETING OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 386 28 3 386 28

2006 02 7931982 ESCALERA ELECTRONICS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 209 34 1 209 34

2006 02 7932083 EL TANIO DINER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1419 00 1419 00

2006 02 7932113 EL CARIBENO RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 16100 1 16100

2006 02 7932121 EAST END FINEST OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 33540 33540

2006 02 7932156 ROGERS PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 S80 52 580 52

2006 02 7932202 RELIABLE PLUMBING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 548 00 1 548 00

2006 02 7932342 NEW ME OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1519 20 619 20

2006 02 7932385 NELSON MEDIA RESEARCH OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 870 00 3 870 00

2006 02 7932393 DIVINE BOROUGH RECORDINGS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 322 00 2 322 00

2006 02 7932407 DISCOVERY GRAPHICS DESIGN OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 1519 20 619 20

2006 02 7932431 NATTY CONGO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 109 60 309 60

2006 02 7932491 DANSCO DISTRIBUTORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 967 52 96752

2006 02 7932521 N S CARPET OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 870 00 3 870 00

2006 02 7932571 CUSTOM CREATIONS AUTO LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 902 52 2 902 52

2006 02 7932580 MR TRANSMISSION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 304 77 304 77

2006 02 7932709 COSMETIC SURGERY CTR CT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 5 805 00 5 805 00

2006 02 7932725 MELODY WILLIAMS REAL ESTATE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 619 20 619 20

2006 02 7932741 MCCARTHYS FENCE COMPANY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 S48 00 1 548 00

2006 02 7932776 COOKIE S DAY CARE OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 064 24 1 064 24 619 20 2006 02 7932911 MARDERS OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 619 20 2006 02 7932954 M2M TEL LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 612 56 1 612 56

2006 02 7933004 CLEAN DRY CARPET CARE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 l8848 188 48

2006 02 7933098 BRUSA MORTGAG E LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 096 00 3 096 00

2006 02 7933128 B G CLEANING SVC HOME IMPR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 967 52 967 52 BUSINESS 4 26 2010 44 84 44 84 2006 02 7933233 PROFESSIONAL DRYWALL OB OUT OF 26 2010 3 870 00 3 870 00 2006 02 7933250 PRINCE UNHOLSTERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 935 00 1 935 00 2006 02 7933276 BOTANICA YEAMYA OLOKUN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 2006 02 7933322 THAI SON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 322 00 2 322 00

2006 02 7933381 KONSTERILE PETER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 309 60 309 60

2006 02 7933390 DUVEEN PETER OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 309 60 309 60 BUSINESS 4 26 2010 232 20 232 20 2006 02 7933420 PASSION BOUTIQUE OB OUT OF 2006 02 7933454 BLACK ROCK AUTO REPAIRS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 225 52 1 225 52

2006 02 7933519 OTHNIEL GROUP LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 7 740 00 7740 00

2006 02 7933527 OPIUM COFF HOUSE JAZZ TAVERN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 322 00 2 322 00

2006 02 7933594 ONE STOP TRAVEL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 619 20 619 20

2006 02 7933632 ARTS FLOWERS ON THE AVENUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 967 52 96752 2006 02 7933675 ARRIE BARRY S FINE FOODS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 46440 464 40 BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 16100 1 16100 2006 02 7933721 APCO AUTO PARTS INC OB OUT OF 26 2010 3 096 00 3 096 00 2006 02 7933730 FRANKIE S FAMILY GROC DELI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 BUSINESS 4 26 2010 52 580 52 2006 02 7933799 OCEANSIDE GARAGE LLC OB OUT OF 580 26 2010 5 805 00 5 805 00 2006 02 7933802 NORWALK PATHOLOGY ASSOC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 2010 619 20 619 20 2006 02 7933829 NORWALK COMMERCIAL REALTY INC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 3 870 00 3 870 00 2006 02 7933861 NIELSON MEDIA RESEARCH OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 26 2010 619 20 619 20 2006 02 7933888 AMERICAN IS COOKING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 4 26 2010 77 77 2006 02 7933951 ALL COUNTY LOCKSMITH OB OUT OF BUSINESS 1443 1443 26 2010 4128 41 28 2006 02 7933969 ALARM PRO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 2010 309 60 309 60 2006 02 7933985 AIME ONTARIO FRASER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 00 2006 02 7934035 ACCURATE ALARMS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 870 00 3 870 209 34 2006 02 7934051 ACCESS WOOD FLOORING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 209 34 1 2 902 52 2006 02 7934094 AK Z PRIORITY MOVING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 90252 387 00 2006 02 7934108 A G JEWELRY STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 387 00 232 20 232 20 2006 02 7935228 PARK CITY AQUARIUM PET SUPLY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 619 20 619 20 2006 02 7936089 LASMOUZE STUDIOS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 26 2010 6158 74 668 74 2006 02 7936623 D L TRACTOR TRAILER SCHOOL OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 BUSINESS 26 2010 2 709 00 2 709 00 2006 02 7936682 A A WHOLESALE FENCE OB OUT OF 4 OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 096 00 3 096 00 2006 02 7936747 HOLLOWAY GRUTTER CORP OB OUT 16100 2006 02 7936763 ONLINE BARGINCITY COM OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 1151 00 1 2010 43 44 4344 2006 02 7936917 INTEGRITY TAX CONSULTING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 BUSINESS 4 26 2010 309 60 309 60 2006 02 7936925 F F REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS OB OUT OF OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 516 00 516 00 2006 02 7948486 KBC FURNITURE LLC OB 645 00 645 00 2006 02 7948494 SPANISH CAFE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 1151 00 1 161 00 2006 02 7948532 JAM AMERICAN RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2006 02 JIE CEN KWARE 7948664 ENTERPRISES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 439 22 439 22 2006 02 7948681 CUNHA GARAGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 225 52 1 225 52 2006 02 MORE 7948711 INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 619 20 619 20 2006 02 7948737 TEMPLETON MODELLING STUDIO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 619 20 619 20 2006 02 7948923 LA ESTANCIA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 064 00 2 064 00 2006 02 7948931 R R ADVERTISING SPECIALITIES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 322 52 322 S2

2006 02 7949601 C M ENTERPRISES INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 4 837 52 4 837 52

2006 02 7949628 PETROV S HOME IMPROVEMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 645 00 645 00

2006 02 7949679 TSAO DESIGNS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 322 52 322 52

2006 02 7949687 DIGICOMM OFFICE SOLUTIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 516 00 516 00

2006 02 7949709 H R OUTDOOR S OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 354 76 354 76

2006 02 7949717 MIDDLEBURY VENTURE PARTNER INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 322 52 322 52 2006 02 7949725 PICASSO S PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 58052 580 52

2006 02 7949784 ASH CREEK PUBLISHING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 103 20 103 20

2006 02 7949814 BENNETT TRUCKING SAND STONE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 4128 4128

2006 02 7949911 N TECH COMPUTER CONSULTANTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 32252 322 52 2006 02 7950049 TRUE CRAFT LOCK SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 177 38 17738

2006 02 7950057 ZINGARO CRETELLA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 516 00 516 00

2006 02 7950120 CURTAN TEANS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 322 52 322 52

2006 02 7950138 MADISON ASSOCIATES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 322 52 322 52

2006 02 7950154 lISARB BOUTIQUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 177 38 177 38

2006 02 7950219 COUNSIN S FISH CHIPS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 128 76 1 128 76 2006 02 7950227 STEIN MAINTENANCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 201Q 72240 72240 2006 02 7950413 J A GROVES JR PLUMBING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 580 52 580 52

2006 02 7950618 ASDI WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTORS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 806 24 806 24

2006 02 7950626 ACADEMY Hill PLUMBING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 58052 580 52

2006 02 7950634 LPL FINANCIAL SERVICES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 322 52 322 52

2006 02 7950642 TRANSITIONS PSYCHOTHERAPY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 322 52 32252

2006 02 7950651 RAM CONSTRUCTION CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 580 52 580 52

2006 02 7950693 EBONY PAINTING CONTRACTORS OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 72240 72240

2006 02 7950707 EUROPEAN DESIGN FURNITURE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 92 88 92 88

2006 02 7950715 DESSERT SERVICE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 387 00 387 00

2006 02 7950758 RUDY S MASONRY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 580 52 580 52

2006 02 7950766 JOHN C MANDEL SECURITY BUREAU OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 322 52 322 52

2006 02 7950936 BRIDGEPORT TUTORING COUNSEL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 25 80 25 80

2006 02 7951029 POSTA WOODWORKING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 096 00 3 096 00

2006 02 7951053 CRUISE CONDOMINIUM VACATIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 322 52 322 52

2006 02 7951061 BLUE MOON PAINTING CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 S80 52 580 52 2006 02 7951096 PAVINI PAINTING CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 S80 52 580 52 2006 02 7951282 TRUMBULL AUTO BODY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 25 52 1 225 52

2006 02 7951304 LOCKHARTJOSHUAINC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 45 00 645 00

2006 02 7951312 CONTEMPORARY QUilTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 870 00 3 870 00 2006 02 7951487 LITTLE BLESSING DAYCARE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 9548 95 48

2006 02 7951495 SIGN EXPRESS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 103 20 103 20

2006 02 7951509 ADVANCED SYSTEM DESIGNS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 103 20 103 20 2006 02 7951525 D J PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 72240 72240

2006 02 7951533 PROFESSIONAL MOVERS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 103 20 103 20

2006 02 7951681 TRI STATE LACE CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 7 i40 00 7 740 00 2006 02 7951690 CHILDRENS S PLACE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 532 14 532 14

2006 02 7951738 BRIDGEPORT TENT COMPANY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 193 52 193 52

2006 02 7951771 WILSON S EXPRESS IV OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 170 28 170 28 2006 02 7951797 FIORELLA INSURANCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 322 52 32252

2006 02 7951894 MARANATHA GIFT CTR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 255 44 25544

2006 02 7951932 MARANATHA FLOOR CLEANING SVC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 258 00 258 00 2006 02 7952009 CURVES FOR WOMEN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 516 00 516 00

2006 02 7952041 FAIRFIELD LOCK KEY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 212 84 212 84

2006 02 7952149 AVALON PRODUCTIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 103 20 103 20

2006 02 7952190 JOSEPH PAINTING SPECIALIST INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 58052 580 52

2006 02 7952289 WEBER ASSOCIATES INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 516 00 516 00

2006 02 7952301 FAIRFIELD BRIDGEPORT SHREADING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 508 70 508 70

2006 02 7952386 G B AUTO SALES OF BLACK ROCK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 318 64 318 64 2006 02 7952475 SUPER SHINE AUTO APPEARANCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 588 24 588 24

2006 02 7952556 TNT CONSTRUCTION LANDSCAPING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 903 00 903 00

2006 02 7952572 NLM ELECTRIC LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 290 00 1 290 00

2006 02 7952599 JMG SOUND PRODUCTIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2S8 00 258 00

2006 02 7952637 SHORE HOLDING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 032 00 1 032 00

2006 02 7952653 SAFARI LAWN SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 14S1 24 1451 24

2006 02 7952700 BECK H JEFFREY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 268 89 268 89 2006 02 7952777 BERT BENEDICT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 290 00 1 290 00 2006 02 7952815 JaHN J CAROLAN REAL ESTATE aB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 103 20 103 20 2006 02 7952823 yaUNG HERBERT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 427 2010 199 00 199 00 2006 02 7952891 PORTO FRANK MUSIC SCHOOL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 412 80 412 80

2006 02 7952947 01 NATALE SAND GRAVEL CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 103 20 103 20

2006 02 7952963 MB S PAINTING POWERWASHING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 580 52 58052

2006 02 7952971 HELEN SAURIN RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 290 00 1 290 00 2006 02 7953072 R M CUSTOM CONTRACTORS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 580 52 580 52 2006 027953102 ASSOCIATED COMPUTER CONSULTANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 427 2010 103 20 103 20 2006 02 7953129 SUPREME DETAILING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 367 64 367 64

2006 02 7953145 A 1 SIGNS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 9 288 00 9 288 00

2006 02 7953153 ADL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 612 52 1 612 52

2006 02 7953188 A L BENEDETTO GENERAL REMODEL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 103 20 103 20

2006 02 7953200 THE CHILD CARE CENTER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 064 24 1 064 24

2006 02 7953307 JC WHOLSALES COPIERS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 225 00 3 225 00

2006 02 7953340 ALO REALTY INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 147 74 147 74

2006 02 7953501 IWA HOME IMPROVEMENTS DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 ll 161 00 1 161 00

2006 02 7953536 FANTASY MODELING DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 16126 16126

2006 02 7953561 CENTER FOR CONFLICT SETTLEMT DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 103 20 103 20 2006 02 7953641 HALAL MEAT INTL FOODS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 290 00 1 290 00 2006 02 7953757 A A WELDING CO DB OUT OF BUSINESS 9 23 2009 580 52 58052

2006 02 7953773 CS CONSTRUCTION DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 580 52 580 52

2006 02 7953862 BIG BILL S PLUMBING HEATING DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 580 52 58052

2006 02 7953927 FIREPROOF SUPPLY DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 103 20 103 20

2006 02 7954001 AMERICAN GRAPHICS INC DB OUT OF B USINESS 4 27 2010 9 288 00 9 288 00

2006 02 7954036 S S PROMOTIONS LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 290 00 1 290 00 2006 02 7954061 COSMOPOLITAN LIMOUSINES INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 857 60 1 857 60

2006 02 7954184 CHAPMAN CONSTRUCTION DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 612 52 1 612 52

2006 02 7954214 BRYANT BUILDERS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 290 00 1 290 00

2006 02 7954249 HART S PLACEMENT SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 516 00 516 00

2006 02 7954265 JAZZ FACTORY DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 516 00 516 00

2006 02 7954273 LA ESQUINA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 032 00 1 032 00

2006 02 7954281 M M FOODS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 645 00 645 00

2006 02 7954311 SATALlTE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 322 52 322 52

2006 02 7954338 TOUCHING HANDS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 322 52 322 52 2006 02 7954346 TRACEY S WORSHIP DANCE STUD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 516 00 516 00 2006 02 7954362 HOBART CORPORATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 032 00 1 032 00 2006 02 7954401 STITCH BOX OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 25544 25544

2006 02 7954435 ALLIANCE PRINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 19752 197 52

2006 02 7954460 AUTOMOTIVE RESTORATIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 063 76 3 063 76

2006 02 7954478 DCG CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 032 00 1 032 00

2006 02 7958171 DUPERVAL GROUP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 516 00 516 00

2006 02 7963213 BROWN TERRY L OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 516 00 516 00

2006 02 7963299 C M CLOTHING OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 27 2010 19352 19352

2006 02 7963337 ACE S WOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 580 00 2 580 00

2006 02 7963388 COSTA S CLEANING SERVICES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 074 32 2 074 32

2006 02 7963833 MACEYUNAS CARL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 580 00 2 580 00 2006 02 7963990 SOUTHVAAL INVESTMENTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 348 24 348 24 2006 02 7964201 BOSTON COURTLAND LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 557 28 557 28

2006 02 7964741 2450 MAIN STREET LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 371 52 371 52

2006 02 7964848 SHORE WINDS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 278 64 278 64

2006 02 7964881 A M RACING HOBBIES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 190 00 1 290 00

2006 02 7964911 A PREFERRED CONSTRUCTION CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 4 l 37 52 4 83752

2006 02 7965054 ALLIED HOME MORTGAGE CAPITAL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 25 00 3 225 00

2006 02 7965097 ARGO MARKETING CORP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1l54 88 154 88 2006 02 7965275 BURGER DOG LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 90 00 1 290 00

2006 02 7965356 D1RECTV OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 U90 00 1 290 00 2006 02 7965372 DUNKIN DONUTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 I S68 64 1 568 64

2006 02 7965402 GALAXY DISCOUNT INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1290 00 1 290 00

2006 02 7965411 GWENDOLYN S ENTERTAINMENT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 645 00 645 00

2006 02 7965453 HEAVENLY NAILS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 258 00 258 00

2006 02 7965461 HIP HOP GIFT SHOP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 290 00 1 290 00 2006 02 7965488 JAMIE S FAMOUS CHEESECAKES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 967 52 967 52 2006 02 7965518 KAFA GROUP INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 225 00 3 225 00

2006 02 7965542 MORLA RESTAURANT OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 27 2010 6450 00 6450 00

2006 02 7965551 MOST INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 5 643 76 5 643 76

2006 02 7965593 NEWTOWNS S APPLES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 645 00 645 00

2006 02 7965666 RTR MANAGEMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 645 00 645 00

2006 02 7965682 SEALTITE BLACKTOPPING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 4 837 52 4 83752

2006 02 7965780 STAR CARRIBEAN DE GROCERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 88 75 88 75 2006 02 965798 STUNT SHOP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 290 00 1 290 00 02 7965801 SUCCESS 2006 LIMOUSINE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 225 00 3 225 00 2006 02 7965976 ZWERDLlNG LINDA MARTIN I OB OF OUT BUSINESS 4 27 2010 464 40 46440 2006 02 7966395 UPTOWN MINI PLAZA LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 825 72 825 72 2006 02 7966417 JENSEN MAUREEN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 516 00 516 00 2006 02 7966719 STERLING GRAPHICS PRESS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 15 098 34 15 098 34 2006 02 7966883 SHRIMP HOUSE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 198 68 198 68 2006 02 7966913 STUDIO 138 ENTERTAINMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 124 50 12450 2006 02 7966930 CITY SMOKE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 198 14 198 14 2006 02 7967022 BARAJAS JAVIER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 165 46 165 46 2006 02 7967065 HARCO GERMAINE T OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 15 8 94 158 94 2006 02 8128436 MANAGEMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 287 98 287 98 2006 02 8128479 GLOBALATM INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 13 932 00 13 932 00 2006 02 8128525 MONEY MARKETING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 516 00 516 00 2006 02 8128550 INTEGRATED MERCHANT SYSTEMS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 032 00 1 032 00 2006 02 8129467 CARMEN S ON THE AVENUE THE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 159 96 159 96 2006 02 8134835 ROBLES MITCHELL OUT OF DB BUSINESS 4 27 2010 412 80 412 80 2006 02 8134983 YUMMY PARADISE ICE CREAM DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 587 26 587 26 2006 02 8316089 BRIDGEPORT CHILDRENS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 322 52 322 52 2006 02 8316097 ALTERNATIVE OPPORTUNTIES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 322 52 322 52 2006 02 8316127 FAHIM TEST COMPANY DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 322 52 322 52 2006 02 8316135 ABILITY IN MOTION DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 322 52 322 52 2006 02 8316178 MONA JACKSON DB PRODUCTION OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 103 20 103 20 2006 02 8316216 HDC CREATIVE DESIGN DB GROUP OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 103 20 103 20 2006 02 8316259 POETIC SOUL ARTS DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 103 20 103 20 2006 02 8316321 NAPISYS LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 103 20 103 20 2006 02 8316411 VICTORY REPRODUCTIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 103 20 103 20 2006 02 8316445 EATON ENTERPRISES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 580 52 58052 2006 02 8316470 ETHNIC EXPRESSIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 103 20 103 20 2006 02 8316488 MODERN CONTRACTORS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 580 52 580 52 2006 02 8316500 D D CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 580 52 580 52 2006 02 8316518 MORRISJ WHITE HOME IMPROVE NT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 580 52 580 52 2006 02 8316551 RYCOMM OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 580 52 580 52 2006 02 8316631 BONNEY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 580 52 580 52 2006 02 8316682 STARLIGHT CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 51 60 51 60 2006 02 8316704 ONE ASSOCIATES INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 580 52 580 52 2006 02 8316721 LET ME DO YOUR HOMEWORK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 58052 580 52 2006 02 8316801 RALPH S HOME IMPROVEMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 903 00 903 00 2006 02 8316810 CERTA PROP PAINTERS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 903 00 903 00 2006 02 8316828 NELSON ELECTRIC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 903 00 903 00 2006 02 8316925 DIVERSIFIED INTERIOR LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 103 20 103 20 2006 02 STONE WALLS 8316976 MASONRY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 258 00 258 00 2006 02 8317000 PLANNED FURNITURE PROMOTIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 6 192 00 6 192 00 2006 02 8322976 CHOICE AUTOMOBILERENTAL LLC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 24 2010 36120 361 20 2006 02 8324286 THERESA S HAIR SPA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 193 52 193 52 2006 02 8324316 WANDA S DELI TAKEOUT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 483 76 483 76 2006 02 8324359 SELECT STONES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 580 52 580 52 2006 02 8325231 BEYOND THE MUSIC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 27 2010 159 96 159 96 2006 02 8325924 D M INTERIOR DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 5160 5160 2006 02 8325967 FINE SPORTWARE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 4 18 33 418 33 2006 02 8326033 PROPERTIES US R OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 387 00 387 00 2006 02 8326050 RENAISSANCE TEMP AGENCY EMPLOY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 134 16 134 16 2006 02 8326351 CREATE A SCAPE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 167 20 2 167 20

2006 02 8326793 WESTPORT COUNTRY PLAYHOUSE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 14 29 14 29 2006 02 8332602 DAVILA WILFREDO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 548 00 1 548 00 2006 02 GLACIER INTERNATIONAL 8332611 DEP BANK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 548 00 1 548 00 2006 02 8716419 ANDUJAR JUAN DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 451 52 451 52 2006 02 8716429 JIMS AUTO SALES LEASING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 98040 98040 2006 02 8716436 LOVELl FE ASSURANCE AGENCY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 129 00 129 00

2006 02 8716442 ROBERT NEVERDOUSKY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 180 60 180 60 2006 8716579 02 EDWARD MARIANNE QUINTO OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 30 2010 3 096 00 3 096 00 2006 02 8716761 ALLAMERICAN LANDSCAPING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 829 12 1 829 12 2006 02 8716839 AGUA CONTROL WATERPROOFING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 282010 i160 5160

2006 03 0376876 BARRETT THOMAS J 2 16 2010 10040 10040

2006 03 4595635 LEMDON SHARON 5 26 2009 424 04 424 04

2006 03 6065331 SCOTT LYNNE C 5 26 2009 305 56 305 56 2006 03 6307792 FERRANDO DAVIDJ 5 22 2009 1 iO 26 150 26

2006 03 6346950 LOPEZ ELEEDANY 5 26 2009 158 93 158 93

2006 03 6383766 PORTILLO HECTOR R 5 26 2009 1 4 96 124 96 2006 03 7468611 LOPEZ CLARITA 5 26 2009 497 02 497 02 2006 03 7468620 LOPEZ CLARITA 5 26 2009 27232 272 32 2006JJ3 7800438 FERRANDO DAVID J 5 22 2009 432 70 432 70 2006 03 7835924 LEMDON SHARON D 5 26 2009 251 40 251 40 2006 03 7851164 MENDEZ GUDELlA 6 25 2009 246 32 246 32 2006 03 7853477 MIRANDA JULIO 5 26 2009 200 86 200 86 2006 03 7853493 MIRANDA JULIO 5 26 2009 258 25 258 25 2006 03 7912813 TORRAO MARCIA OR 5 26 2009 206 36 206 36 2006 03 7918188 JOSE VARGAS 6 25 2009 75852 75852 2006 03 8154801 BUNTIN PANSY A 5 22 2009 400 92 400 92 2006 03 8164025 CHUNG LANA S 5 22 2009 609 72 609 72 2006 03 8169779 CRUZ JOSE A 5 22 2009 80 92 80 92 2006 03 8191847 GABA ANGELA A 5 22 2009 403 10 403 10 2006 03 8221134 LANDAN EDWARD C 5 26 2009 379 24 379 24 2006 03 8223145 LEMDON SHARON D 5 26 2009 21240 21240 2006 03 8351101 GALBO KAREN T 5 22 2009 475 34 475 34 2006 04 3943759 GARCIA CARLOS M 5 222009 75 13 75 13 2006 04 6569517 LAGODA JOHN J JR 5 26 2009 188 32 188 32 2006 04 7674301 MIRANDA JULIO 5 26 2009 197 28 19728 2006 04 8373287 BUNTIN PANSY A 5 22 2009 33734 337 34 2006 04 8402708 FERRANDO DAVID J 5 222009 426 75 426 75 2006 04 8405600 FOREMAN BRIAN E 5 22 2009 118 47 11847 2006 04 8407076 GABA ANGELA A 5 22 2009 47749 47749 2006 04 8408650 GARCIA REBECA E 5 22 2009 139 03 139 03 2006 04 8434006 LANDAN EDWARD C 5 26 2009 23 78 23 78 2007 02 1050502 AAA DISTRIBUTORS 4 24 2010 489 86 489 86

2007 02 1053447 BRIDGEPORT PLATE GLASS CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 393 14 1 393 14

2007 02 1053951 WINDSOR VENTURE HOLDING C S OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 88 83 88 83

2007 02 1055555 CONTYS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 671 76 1 671 76

2007 02 1055601 CORE FACTORY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 102 38 3 102 38

2007 02 1057566 MCM MANUFACT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 506 38 506 38

2007 02 1060869 BOSTON PACKAGE STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 765 94 765 94

2007 02 1069726 REVELATION LLC STANLEY ARRON 4 24 2010 178 32 178 32

2007 02 1070520 ZIVCO INC MAJESTIC GIFTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 209 83 209 83

2007 02 1071046 MARIO T MARKO V OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 23 2010 1 393 13 1 393 13

2007 02 1073880 CAPPIELLO M A MD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 55 15 55 15

2007 02 1080509 LESSER L1EBERTHAL P C OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 889 82 889 82

2007 02 1082544 MIRON RICHARD A OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 611 84 1 611 84

2007 02 1330343 BELlNKE ASSOCOATES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 46042 460 42

2007 02 2561629 PHOTO EXPRESS STUDIOS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 625 68 625 68

2007 02 3019741 AGFA CORP AND AGFA PHOTO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 579 28 579 28

2007 02 3021550 NFM CONTRACTORS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1532 60 632 60

2007 02 3023528 SERVICE RITE AUTOMOTIVE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 835 56 835 56

2007 02 3510275 ALL AMERICAN APPL PARTS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 178 06 178 06 2007 02 3647734 MOHEETENT LLC DELI CORPORATE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 4A79 90 4479 90

2007 02 3892747 COMPUTER RESOLUTIONS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 696 57 696 57 2007 02 3893794 WORK N GEAR LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 3 201 08 3 20108

2007 02 3895185 AMERICAN SPA LTD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 2 029 78 2 029 78

2007 02 3895762 ARROW PRECISION MFG CORP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 11 145 00 11 145 00

2007 02 4021094 GE CAPITAL MODLR SPACE TIP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 12 96342 12 96342

2007 02 4150404 BLACK ROCK GENERAL STORE OB OUTOF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 835 56 835 56

2007 02 4156691 HOME SWEET HOME OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 9 65442 9 65442

2007 02 4666249 ZALDUMBIDE SERVICE CTR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 i89 60 1489 60 2007 02 4666273 MATERIAL EXCHANGE THE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 393 14 1 393 14

2007 02 4920650 MADISON DOLLAR STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 557 04 557 04 2007 02 4920811 EMERALD FINANCIAL CORPORATION OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 29 2010 38 78 38 78

2007 02 4922610 AVALON CAFI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 591 76 591 76

2007 02 4924183 CHRISTIANO JOSEPH W III OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 11406 1114 06 2007 02 4928162 ON LINE PRESS FRANK FISCHETTI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 8042 8042 2007 02 5049663 DRM CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 894 27 894 27

2007 02 5192385 YOUNGS BUILDING DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 33436 334 36

2007 02 5i93578 GOLDEN EAGLE LEASING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50

2007 02 5193934 FLOWERS GIFTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 557 04 557 04

2007 02 5197034 PRINELLE LEASING CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 097 08 1 097 08

2007 02 5197336 SEAVIEW AVE EQUIP TOOLS INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 76 27 76 27

2007 02 5475867 C B CLEANING SERVICES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 54 61 54 61

2007 02 5476600 SOUND LEASING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 974 70 974 70

2007 02 5478335 FEMALE FIRSTS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 1L4 06 1114 06

2007 02 5478521 FINE SHINE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 234 12 1 234 12 OUT OF 4 30 2010 1 045 18 1 045 18 2007 02 5479340 MCKENZIE VARIETY OB BUSINESS OUT OF 4 30 2010 452 62 452 62 2007 02 5479447 CENTRAL GROCERY OB BUSINESS OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 4 766 28 4766 28 2007 Q2 5479501 LAFAYETTE DELI GRILL OB OUT OF 4 30 2010 S57 04 557 04 2007 02 5479609 DOWNTOWN FLORISTS OF BPT LLC OB BUSINESS OUT OF 4 30 2010 S57 26 557 26 2007 02 5614221 PARK AVENUE OLD TIMERS CLUB OB BUSINESS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 30114 2 301 14 2007 02 5767388 NORTHEAST TREE SERVICE LLC OF BUSINESS 4 2010 156 03 156 03 2007 02 5767761 ASSET MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS INC OB OUT 30 26 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 392 26 392 2007 02 6099294 YOLE BEAUTY SALON 84 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 4 074 84 4 074 2007 02 6099561 GREEN ROOM CAFE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 5 16 78 5 516 78 2007 02 6434697 MAIN HEATING COOLING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 188 98 188 98 2007 02 6434859 CHOICE AUTOMOBILE RENTAL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1135 56 83556 2007 02 6436142 PAGE 1 CELLULAR 26 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 5 015 26 5 015 2007 02 6437521 FEDERATED CAPITAL CORPORATION 26 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 379 26 1 379 2007 02 6605530 BMEE LLC BRIAN MEEHAN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 198 88 798 88 2007 02 6605564 CARLOS ALBERTO SALON LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 158 60 1 158 60 2007 02 6798435 QUICK RAD CO RADIATOR SERVIC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 S85 98 3 585 98 2007 02 6799113 NOVELLA CLUB CAFE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 l S48 71 1 548 71 2007 02 6807914 BRIDGEPORT EXPRESS FOODS INC 26 1 379 26 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 179 2007 02 6990778 REAL ESTATE ETC 26 25 076 26 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 25 076 2007 02 7183331 UK MANUFATURING LLC 50 1 11450 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 114 2007 02 7183781 DESIGN PARTNERS LLC 78 78 LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1403 1403 2007 02 7184800 TOTAL ORTHOPAEDIC CARE 822 86 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1122 86 2007 02 7185385 NORTHEAST WASTE SYSTEMS 1 770 12 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 770 12 2007 02 7185431 IMEDX INC 1 29143 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 291 43 2007 02 7186802 REQUA INC 88 835 88 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1135 2007 02 7186926 UNIVERSAL SUBS SALADS 359 06 359 06 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2007 02 7187108 CRISCIONE ELECTRIC COMPANY 10 4 833 10 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 4 1133 2007 02 7189364 MILLENNIUM GRAPHICS 64 2 507 64 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 07 2007 02 7189488 OUTBOARD ELECTRIC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 242010 1 S44 70 1 544 70 2007 02 7189518 MARRAKECH INC 1135 88 835 88 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2007 02 7189810 EBENEZER SUPERMARKET 14 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 393 14 1 393 2007 02 7362511 TOKEN EKE FOODS LLC 59 96 59 96 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2007 02 7365669 CASANOVA PEDRO JULIO 68 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 81 68 1 281 2007 02 7367378 SOUL OF THE WORLD 92 06 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 92 06 2007 02 7367556 TES HEALTH PRODUCTS 8 275 16 8 275 16 SVC LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2007 02 7567458 CLASSIC IN PATIENT 43 69 43 69 CENTER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2007 02 7567466 BROOKLAWN WELLNESS 501 54 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 SOL 54 2007 02 7567539 TINKERS TREASURES 8 76 8 358 76 LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 9 23 2009 358 2007 02 7567741 CONGRESS ST SELF STORAGE 13101 731 01 SALON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2007 02 7568039 DIVAD INTERNATIONAL HAIR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 3244 1 53244 2007 02 7568136 AZEVEDO WOOD FLOORING 70 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 668 70 668 2007 02 7568331 JC GARAGE 606 70 3 606 70 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 2007 02 7568381 CARDINALE AUTO SVC 26 2010 4 137 66 4 137 66 DRYWALL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 2007 02 7568624 ACADEMY 9 685 02 9 685 02 MULCH OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2007 02 7568756 A M WOOD RECYCLING 68 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 298 68 2 298 2007 02 7568781 NORTHEAST SPINE REHAB 64 64 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 5746 5746 2007 02 7568802 MOBILE DIAGNOSTICS 1 53244 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 S3244 2007 02 7568845 SMS PAINTING 1 880 74 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 1180 74 2007 02 7568926 COCO LOCO LLC 2010 689 66 689 66 INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2007 02 7568934 JIM SNEERINGER SPORTS 2010 S57 26 557 26 LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2007 02 7569451 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT 76 90 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 76 90 2007 02 7572095 BIROSCHAK ANNA J PAUL 22 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 40122 401 2007 02 7572303 ROEBUCK GEORGE 668 70 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 668 70 2007 02 7572371 JOYNER KEVIN MAXINE 80244 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 110244 2007 02 7572524 FLORENCE A NYEMITEI 68 146 68 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 146 2007 02 7574187 SIGNFAST l S60 30 1 560 30 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2007 02 7745178 EUROTEK DENTAL CONCEPTS 266 78 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 266 78 2007 02 7930650 W H HUNTING TRANSFER LLC 167 18 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 167 18 2007 02 7930731 VALET DRIVING SVC LLC 5 015 26 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 262010 5 015 26 2007 02 7931125 LASER PULSE LLC 26 2010 2 006 10 2 006 10 DOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 2007 02 7931222 SIMONS WINDOW 1 67176 1 671 76 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2007 02 7931231 SILVER CLEANING 445 80 445 80 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2007 02 7931257 SHEKINAH PHOTOS 1 044 88 1 044 88 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2007 02 7931265 LACEYS BOUTIQUE 1 838 94 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 838 94 2007 02 7931427 S S MAINTENANCE COMPANY 2010 11145 11145 DElIVERY SVC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2007 02 7931451 KENNY RAMPERSAD 334 36 334 36 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2007 02 7931532 WOLF JED 671 76 1 671 76 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 2007 02 7931788 GBP REBOUND S57 26 557 26 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2007 02 7931842 FOX FLOORING 2007 02 7932121 EAST END FINEST OB OUT OF 4 26 BUSINESS 2010 780 16 780 16 2007 02 7932351 DOMACK RESTORATION ROOFING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 942 28 2 942 28 2007 Q2 7932407 DISCOVERY GRAPHICS DESIGN OB OUT OF 4 26 BUSINESS 2010 80244 802 44 2007 02 7932580 MR TRANSMISSION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 937 14 1 937 14 2007 02 7932741 MCCARTHYS FENCE COMPANY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 6 129 76 6 129 76 2007 02 7932776 COOKIES DAY CARE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 379 22 1 379 22 2007 02 7932806 CONNECTICUT TIME RECORDER INC OB OUT OF 4 26 2010 BUSINESS 362 22 362 22 2007 02 7933217 PURE MARTIAL ARTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 134 68 134 68 2007 02 7933250 PRINCE UNHOLSTERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 5 015 26 5 015 26 2007 02 7933594 ONE STOP TRAVEL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 80244 80244 2007 02 7933632 ARTS FLOWERS ON THE AVENUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 253 82 1 253 82 2007 02 7933829 NORWALK COMMERCIAL REALTY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 114 50 1 11450 2007 02 7933951 ALL COUNTY LOCKSMITH OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1457 10 1457 10 2007 02 7933969 ALARM PRO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 44 58 44 58 2007 02 7934094 AK Z PRIORITY MOVING OB OF OUT BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 287 78 3 287 78 2007 02 7936623 D L TRACTOR TRAILER SCHOOL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 632 38 632 38 2007 02 7936682 A A WHOLESALE FENCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 7 662 20 7 662 20 2007 02 7936925 F F REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 401 22 401 22 2007 02 7937069 HATFIELD PAMELA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 101 46 101 46 2007 02 7937077 SMART SOLUTIONS BOOKKEEPING DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 83 59 83 59 2007 02 7948273 MANUEL MOUTIHNO DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 5 015 26 5 015 26 2007 02 7948532 JAM AMERICAN RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 504 58 1 504 58 2007 02 7948681 CUNHA GARAGE DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 l 671 76 1 671 76 2007 02 7948711 MORE INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 80244 80244 2007 02 7948923 LA ESTANCIA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 674 80 2 674 80 2007 02 7948931 R R ADVERTISING SPECIALITIES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1114 50 1 11450 2007 02 7949601 C M ENTERPRISES INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 6 269 06 6 269 06 2007 02 7949687 DIGICOMM OFFICE SOLUTIONS DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 114 50 1 11450 2007 02 7949717 MIDDLEBURY VENTURE PARTNER INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 557 26 557 26 2007 02 7949725 PICASSOS PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 7949814 BENNETT TRUCKING SAND STONE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 4458 44 58 2007 02 795005 7 ZINGARO CRETELLA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 11450 1 11450 2007 02 7950138 MADISON ASSOCIATES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 557 26 557 26 2007 02 7950154 L1SARB BOUTIQUE OB OUTOF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 383 12 383 12 2007 02 7950651 RAM CONSTRUCTION CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 7950707 EUROPEAN DESIGN FURNITURE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 351 08 351 08 2007 02 7950715 DESSERT SERVICE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 504 58 1 504 58 2007 02 7950758 RUDYS MASONRY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 7950936 BRIDGEPORT TUTORING COUNSEL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 27 86 27 86 2007 02 7950961 ALL STATE KARTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 167 18 167 18 2007 02 7951029 POSTA WOODWORKING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 4 012 20 4 012 20 2007 02 7951185 DM JM PLUS HARRIS INC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 57176 1 671 76 2007 02 7951291 ART OF SKIN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 200 62 200 62 2007 02 7951312 CONTEMPORARY OB QUILTING OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 5 115 26 5 015 26 2007 02 7951495 SIGN EXPRESS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 167 18 167 18 2007 02 7951533 PROFESSIONAL MOVERS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 167 18 167 18 2007 02 7951681 TRI STATE LACE CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 10 030 50 10 03050 2007 02 7951690 CHILDRENS S PLACE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 696 56 696 56 2007 02 7951738 BRIDGEPORT TENT COMPANY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 4 H9 38 4 179 38 2007 02 7951771 WILSONS IV EXPRESS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 367 80 367 80 2007 02 7951797 FIORELLA INSURANCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 i57 26 557 26 2007 02 7951924 J S FASHION THINGS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 417 94 417 94 2007 02 7951932 MARANATHA FLOOR CLEANING SVC OB OUT DF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 348 30 348 30 2007 02 7952106 JK FURNITURE MOVERS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 334 35 334 35 2007 02 7952289 WEBER ASSOCIATES INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 7952301 FAIRFIELD BRIDGEPORT SHREADING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 668 70 668 70 2007 02 7952386 G B AUTO SALES OF BLACK ROCK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 835 88 835 88 2007 02 7952475 NO EXCUSES CAR DETAILING OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 668 70 668 70 2007 02 7952572 NLM ELECTRIC LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 6 129 76 6 129 76 2007 02 7952599 JMG SOUND PRODUCTIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 334 36 334 36 2007 02 7952637 SHORE HOLDING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 671 76 1 67176 2007 02 7952700 BECK H JEFFREY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 80244 80244 2007 02 7952777 BERT BENEDICT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 7952815 JOHN J CAROLAN REAL ESTATE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 167 18 167 18 2007 02 7952858 CHRIS FLOOR SANDING OB OF our BUSINESS 4 26 2010 8359 83 59 2007 02 7952947 DI NATALE SAND GRAVEL CO OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 167 18 167 18 2007 02 7952963 MBS PAINTING POWERWASHING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 7952971 HELEN SAURIN RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 671 76 1 67176 2007 02 7953129 SUPREME DETAILING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 i 8 02 78 02 2007 02 7953153 ADL OB OUT OF 4 27 BUSINESS 2010 3482 82 3482 82 2007 02 7953200 THE CHILD CARE CENTER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 379 22 1 379 22 2007 Q2 7953340 ALa REALTY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 356 64 356 64 2007 02 7953358 KACZANOWSKI KRISTEN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 118 37 118 37 2007 02 7953536 FANTASY MODELING OB OF OUT BUSINESS 4 27 2010 557 26 557 26 2007 02 7953561 CENTER FOR CONFLICT SETTLEMT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 167 18 167 18 2007 02 7953927 FIREPROOF SUPPLY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 167 18 167 18 02 2007 7954036 S S PROMOTIONS LLC OB OF OUT BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 393 14 1 393 14 02 2007 7954061 COSMOPOLITAN LIMOUSINES INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2407 32 2407 32 2007 02 7954184 CHAPMAN CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 838 94 1 838 94 2007 02 7954281 M M FOODS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 393 14 1 393 14 2007 02 7954311 SATALlTE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 696 56 69656 2007 02 7954338 TOUCHING HANDS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 69656 69656 2007 02 7954346 TRACEYS WORSHIP DANCE STUD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 668 70 668 70 2007 02 7954362 HOBART CORPORATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 671 76 1 671 76 2007 02 7954435 ALLIANCE PRINTING DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 671 76 1 671 76 2007 02 7954478 DCG CONSTRUCTION DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 4 903 80 4 903 80 2007 02 7958171 DUPERVAL GROUP DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 891 60 89160 2007 02 7963124 BAHIA BRAZILIAN RESTAURANT DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 835 88 835 88 2007 02 7963299 C M CLOTHING DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 348 30 348 30 2007 02 7963337 ACES WOOD FLOORS LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 12 259 50 12 259 50 2007 02 7963388 COSTAS CLEANING SERVICES DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 688 18 2 688 18 2007 02 7963833 MACEYUNAS CARL DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 21 343 50 3 343 50 2007 02 7963990 SOUTHVAAL INVESTMENTS DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 45138 451 38 2007 02 7964848 SHORE WINDS LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 36110 36110 2007 02 7964911 A PREFERRED CO CONSTRUCTION DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 6 269 06 6 269 06 2007 02 7965097 ARGO CORP MARKETING DB OUT OF BUSIN ESS 4 27 2010 5 57250 5 572 50 2007 02 7965275 BURGER DOG LLC DB OUT OF BUSIN ESS 4 27 2010 1 671 76 1 671 76 2007 02 7965411 GWENDOLYNS LLC ENTERTAINMENT DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 089 70 2 089 70 2007 02 7965453 HEAVENLY NAILS DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 348 30 348 30 2007 02 7965461 HIP HOP GIFT SHOP DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1671 76 1 671 76 2007 02 7965488 JAMIES FAMOUS CHEESECAKES DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 253 82 1 253 82 2007 02 7965593 NEWTOWNS APPLES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 089 70 2 089 70 2007 02 7965682 SEALTITE BLACKTOPPING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 6 269 06 6 269 06 2007 02 7965780 STAR CARRIBEAN DE GROCERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 835 88 835 88 2007 02 STUNT SHOP 7965798 DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 67176 1 67176 2007 02 7965801 SUCCESS LIMOUSINE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 4 179 38 4 179 38 2007 02 7965976 ZWERDLlNG LINDA MARTIN I OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 60184 601 84 02 7966417 2007 JENSEN MAUREEN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 390 08 390 08

2007 02 7966883 SHRIMP HOUSE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 67176 1 67176 2007 02 7966905 FOOD WORLD PRODUCE DEPOT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 080 06 2 080 06 2007 02 7966913 STUDIO 138 ENTERTAINMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 089 70 2 089 70 2007 02 7966930 CITY SMOKE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 278 64 278 64 2007 02 7967022 BARAJAS JAVIER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 268 06 268 06 2007 02 7967065 HARCO GERMAINE T OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 25746 25746 2007 02 7967081 GAINES RICHARD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 203 64 203 64 2007 02 8128436 MILLENNIUM GROUP MANAGEMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 466 50 466 50 2007 02 8128479 GLOBALATM INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 18 054 90 18 054 90 2007 02 8128525 MONEY MARKETING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 B35 88 835 88 2007 02 8129203 GREATER BRIDGEPORT AREA FOUND OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 21 74 2174 2007 02 8129467 CARMENS ON THE AVENUE THE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 67176 1 671 76 2007 02 8134835 ROBLES MITCHELL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 114 50 1 11450 2007 02 8134983 YUMMY PARADISE ICE CREAM OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 891 60 891 60 2007 02 8316097 ALTERNATIVE OPPORTUNTIES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50

2007 02 8316127 FAHIM TEST COMPANY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 11 145 00 11 145 00 2007 02 8316135 ABILITY IN MOTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 4 597 32 4 597 32 2007 02 8316178 MONA JACKSON PRODUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 133 74 133 74 2007 02 8316321 NAPISYS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 167 18 167 18 2007 02c8316411 VICTORY REPRODUCTIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 167 18 167 18 2007 02 8316470 ETHNIC EXPRESSIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 167 18 167 18 2007 02 8316488 MODERN CONTRACTORS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 8316518 MORRIS J WHITE HOME IMPROVMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 8316551 RYCOMM OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 752 30 752 30

2007 02 8316640 ALEX CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 0054 88 3 064 88

2007 02 8316682 STARLIGHT CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 S5 73 55 73

2007 02 8316704 ONE ASSOCIATES INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 694 04 1 694 04

2007 02 8316721 LET ME DO YOUR HOMEWORK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 752 30 752 30

2007 02 8316801 RALPHS HOME IMPROVEMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 6 129 76 6 129 76 2007 02 8316810 CERTA PROP PAINTERS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 6 129 76 6 129 76 2007 02 8316828 NELSON ELECTRIC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 9 194 64 9 194 64 2007 02 8316887 WALTON JOHNSON SER CLEANING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 200 00 200 00 2007 828316925 DIVERSIFIED INTERIOR LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 8316976 STONE WALLS MASONRY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 8324286 THERESA S HAIR SPA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 348 30 348 30 2007 02 8324316 WANDAS DELI TAKEOUT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 4 179 38 4 179 38 2007 02 8324359 SELECT STONES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 139 31 139 31 2007 02 8324910 OMAR COFFEE COMPANY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 16 00 16 00 2007 02 8325231 BEYOND THE MUSIC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 089 70 2 089 70 2007 02 8325924 D M INTERIOR DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8325941 FEEDING TREE RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 67176 1 671 76 2007 02 8325967 FINE SPORTWARE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 044 88 1 044 88 2007 02 8326033 PROPERTIES R US OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8326050 RENAISSANCE TEMP AGENCY EMPLOY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 114 50 1 11450 2007 02 8326785 MACKENZIE SERVICE CORPORATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 089 70 2 089 70 2007 02 8332611 GLACIER INTERNATIONAL DEP BANK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 671 76 1 671 76 02 2007 8332629 EAST STONE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 73 62 73 62 2007 02 8705816 D M CATERING SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 003 06 1 003 06 2007 02 8705875 SECRET STYLE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 348 30 348 30 2007 02 8706006 ALL VISION MORTGAGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8706031 ASSOCIATED GLOBAL SYSTEMS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 11 145 00 11 145 00 2007 02 8706065 CABLE RESOURCES INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 11 145 00 11 145 00 2007 02 8706073 CORE PHYSICAL THERAPY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 986 56 22 986 56 2007 02 8706189 FIDELITY TAX SOLUTIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 l114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8706341 TERRA TILE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 8706383 URBAN CLOSET OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 557 26 557 26 2007 02 8706413 HEAD QUARTERS EAST BARBER SHOP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 348 30 348 30 2007 02 8706430 X TREME FITTED OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 313 44 313 44 2007 02 8706448 YESTERDAYS BEST CONSIGNMENT OUT OB OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 585 12 585 12 2007 02 8706456 ZOUL 2 DANZ OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 4 179 38 4 179 38 02 8706464 TWISTERS ICE CREAM 2007 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 895 62 895 62 2007 02 8706472 CUSTOM AIR BRUSHING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 696 56 69656 2007 02 8706545 A E CARPENTRY LLC OB OUT OF BUSIN ESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 8706570 A R LLC HARDWOOD FLOORS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 8706618 ALFA Y OMEGA CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 ANDRADE SAM PAINTING 8706651 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 225 96 1 225 96 2007 02 8706693 AVOCADOS MEDNED PRODUCE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 835 88 835 88 2007 02 8706707 BARNUM BARBER SHOP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 348 30 348 30 2007 02 8706731 BELa CLEANING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 696 56 696 56 2007 02 8706782 CAR WASH ALARM INSTALLATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 507 64 2 507 64 2007 02 8706847 BRIDGEPORT CREAMERY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 860 26 2 860 26 2007 02 8706855 CLEANING COUTINHO LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 23 27 23 27 2007 02 8706863 CUEVA DEL GATO CAFI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 671 76 1 67176 2007 02 8706944 SCL COMMUNICATION OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 27 2010 134 20 134 20 2007 02 8706961 EMERALD CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 FABIO TILE 8706987 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 8707011 FERREIRA MASONRY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 8707053 FOUR CORNERS VENDING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2786 26 2 786 26 2007 02 8707169 J B HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 8707177 J C DRYWALL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 8707266 LESCHINSHKY RICHARD ATTORNEY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8707282 LIBERTY NATIONWIDE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8707347 MARASSA RELIGIOUS ARTICLES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 S57 26 557 26 2007 02 8707355 MASON S FAMOUS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 67176 1 671 76 2007 02 8707401 NJ REMODELING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 34 05 234 05 2007 02 8707452 NOIRSTATE ENTERPRISES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8707541 LARRACUENTE JOHNSON REALTY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8707550 LUCKY NAILS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 348 30 348 30 2007 02 8707576 NATIONAL 1 HOUR PHOTO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 557 26 557 26 2007 02 8707665 PROFES510NAL NURSING CARE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 696 56 69656 2007 02 8707673 STREET LANGUAGE CENTER QUICK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 417 94 417 94 2007 02 8707711 SECURITY CONSULTATION GROUP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8707720 SHAUNS HOME IMPROVEMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 8707746 SUBWAY SANDWICHES SALADS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 4 179 38 4 179 38 2007 02 8707797 TERRY CONTRACTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 6 129 76 6 129 76 2007 02 8707819 WATCHES THINGS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 66 87 66 87 2007 02 8707827 WAYNE ENTERPRISES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8707835 WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 167 18 167 18 2007 02 8707843 WOLFJAW CAPITAL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 11450 1 114 50 2007 02 8707983 PYRAMID CAFI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 507 64 2 2007 02 8708033 RENINAS BREAKFAST 507 64 LUNCH OB OUT OF 4 27 BUSINESS 2010 1 671 76 1 671 2007 8708050 REIS INTERIOR 76 Q2 CARPENTRY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 2007 02 8708084 SAO 88 BENTO PORTUGUESE FOOD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 262 94 2007 02 1 262 94 8708149 SIAO MASONRY TILE LLC OB OUT OF 4 BUSINESS 27 2010 2 229 00 2 229 00 2007 02 8708173 SMARTECH COMPUTERS LLC OB OUT OF 4 BUSINESS 27 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8708203 APS CLEANING SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 348 28 348 28 2007 02 8708211 MC INTERIORS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 31344 313 44 2007 02 8708360 CHRISS HOME IMPROVEMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 838 94 1 838 94 2007 02 8708378 CITY PRINTING PROMOTIONS OB OUT OF 4 BUSINESS 27 2010 80244 80244 2007 02 8708408 COUNTRYS KITCHEN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 393 14 1 393 14 2007 02 8708416 CREATIVE CREATIONS OB OUT OF 4 27 BUSINESS 2010 668 70 668 70 2007 02 8708424 CROSS STATE ROOFING OB OUT OF 4 27 BUSINESS 2010 2451 90 2451 90 2007 02 8708491 GIO VIVS DELIVERY OB OUT OF 27 BUSINESS 4 2010 167 18 167 18 2007 02 8708521 JAYS SOCIAL CLUB OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 167 18 167 18 2007 02 8708581 LITTLE WIGGLES DAY CARE DB OUT OF 4 BUSINESS 27 2010 195 04 195 04 2007 02 8708611 M P SERVICES CLEANING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 253 82 1 253 82 2007 02 8708661 AMAZONIA TREES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8708670 AMERICAN EAGLE HARDWOOD FLLLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 532 44 1 53244 2007 02 8708688 ANTUNES LLC PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8708700 BORDER LLC CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8708785 FERNANDO FLOORS HARDWOOD LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 532 44 1 53244 2007 02 8708807 FLAG LLC CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8708831 FLORESY DISCOS EL CENTENARIOS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 334 36 334 36 2007 02 8708840 FORTY FIVE POOL SERVICE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 348 30 348 30 2007 02 8708858 FOXWOOD FLOOR SUPPLIES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1471 14 1471 14 2007 02 8708882 GIORDANI HOME I MPROVEMENT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 532 44 1 53244 2007 02 G LJ 8708891 HARDWOOD FLOORING LLC OB OF OUT BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 532 44 1 53244 2007 02 8708955 J J PLUMBING SERVICES LLC OB OUT OF 4 28 BUSINESS 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8708971 JC HARDWOOD FLOOR LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 532 44 1 53244 2007 02 8708998 JR HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 53244 1 532 44 2007 02 8709005 JSM HOME IMPROVEMENT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 53244 1 532 44 2007 02 8709013 KUTZONE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 348 30 348 30 2007 02 8709056 LEEDER COMPLEX LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 167 18 167 18 2007 02 8709064 LIBERTY CONSTRUCTION LLC OB OUT OF 4 28 BUSINESS 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8709099 ML CLOSETS LLC OB OUT OF 4 28 BUSINESS 2010 250 76 250 76 2007 02 8709129 MARIA CLARA ROOFING SID LLC OB OUT OF 4 28 BUSINESS 2010 1 53244 1 532 44 2007 02 8709242 PROMASTER HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 53244 1 532 44 2007 02 8709307 RS DRYWALL SERVICES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8709315 S S LANDSCAPING CONS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8709391 TWO STATES FLOORING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8709421 VIDEOKE CAIUA PRODUCTIONS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 348 30 348 30 2007 02 8709587 EXECUTIVE REFERRAL SERVo INC OB OF BUSIN ESS OUT 4 28 2010 668 70 668 70 2007 02 8709609 BRIDGEPORT AUCTIONS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 445 80 445 80 2007 02 8709811 NEGRILS PARADISE REST BAR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8709820 MYSTICAL ILLUSIONS NORTH OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 n2 90 222 90 2007 02 DOCTOR 8709854 HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 532 44 1 53244 2007 02 8709889 EAST COAST HARDWOOD FL LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 53244 1 532 44 2007 02 8709927 VALOUR HAIR STUDIO OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 28 2010 19 39 19 39 2007 02 8710062 SOCIEDAD ECUATORIANA DE BPT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 18948 18948 2007 02 SHALON 8710097 PAINTING SERVICES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8710127 STEPPERS SHOES OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 28 2010 12540 12540 2007 02 8710291 DISCOUNT CIGARETTES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 5 85 5 85 2007 02 8710364 DELlCIAS RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 278 63 278 63 2007 02 8710372 ILUCIONES UNISEX OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 195 04 195 04 2007 02 8710399 JAVIER CONSTRUCTION INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 838 94 1 838 94 2007 02 8710429 BRIDGEPORT ACADEMY OF DANCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 243 82 243 82 2007 02 8710488 CALASANZ BOXING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 393 14 1 393 14 2007 02 8710551 WDS HOME IMPROVEMENTS SERVICES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8710569 W D PAINTING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 53244 1 532 44 02 8710674 2007 DANAES TRAINING CENTER OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 334 36 334 36 2007 02 8710682 TCICI CONSTRUCTION COMPo OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 14i 1 14 1471 14 2007 02 8710771 CLUB JAP CAFE OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 28 2010 835 88 835 88 2007 02 8711191 MATUTO FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 8711255 CONNNECTICUT STATE CHECK CASHI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 835 88 835 88 02 8711301 2007 PHONE STUFF INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 557 26 557 26 2007 02 8711336 GLORY 2 GLORY TRAVEL AGENCY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8711387 PHILIPS BAKERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2786 26 2 786 26 2007 02 8711395 AN NUR AFFORDABLE LANDSCAPING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 783 20 1 783 20 2007 02 8711531 CONCHITAS RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 671 76 1 671 76 2007 02 8711565 FISHERMAN BUYS HOUSES COM OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 278 64 278 64 2007 02 8711735 ADVENTRIA COMMERCIAL CLEANING OB OUT OF 4 27 BU51NESS 2010 696 56 696 56 2007 02 8711743 SHINING STAR CLEANING SERVICE OB OUT OF 4 27 BUSINESS 2010 696 56 696 56 2007 02 8711751 WR CLEANING SERVICES LLC OB OUT OF 4 27 BUSINES5 2010 696 56 696 56 2007 02 8711816 JABEZ AUTO REPAIR OB OUT OF 4 27 BUSINES5 2010 2 507 64 2 507 64 2007 02 8711859 K A PAINTING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 225 96 1 225 96 2007 02 8711905 CGB HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8711956 CLEMENTS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 86 10 86 10 2007 02 8711972 CUT GRASS LANDSCAPING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8712014 DRIVES CLEANING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 348 30 348 30 2007 02 FAL 8712065 CONSTRUCTION LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 532 44 1 532 44 2007 02 8712138 THiNGS WITH THOUGHTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 557 26 557 26 2007 02 TUILLO 8712146 PAINTING SERVICES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 612 98 612 98 2007 02 8712162 FRANCA DRYWALL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 8712219 F T CAPITAL LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 02 2007 8712227 G C JEWELRY STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 557 26 557 26 2007 02 8712251 SPICE N ICE RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 786 26 2786 26 2007 02 8712260 TlBURON CAPITAL INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 114 50 1 11450 2007 02 8712324 PACIFIC MORTGAGE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 U14 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8712332 PIZZA PLUS OB OIJT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 504 58 1 504 58 2007 02 8712359 SANKA S HAIR SALON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 348 30 348 30 2007 02 8712448 MI PAIS DELI GROCERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 557 26 557 26 2007 02 8712499 VIVOS PAINTING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 557 26 557 26 2007 02 8712529 HIGH PRESTIGE PAINTING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8712545 SANTOS RENOVATIONS CARP LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 532 44 1 53244 2007 02 8712561 SGR SIDING AND GUTTERS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8712634 VITORS PAINTING DRYWALL LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8712715 JS ROOFING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 13 93 13 93 2007 02 8712723 LEES MARKET OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 105 34 105 34 2007 02 8712758 GILBERT HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 53244 1 532 44 2007 02 8712804 JM HEATING LLC OB COOLING OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 532 44 1 53244 2007 02 8712880 LITTLE TOTS RAINBOW BRIGHT DAY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 195 04 195 04 2007 02 8712987 MCROOFING SIDING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8712995 GILBANE BUILDING CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8713002 TRI STATE CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 114 50 1 114 50 2007 02 8713126 UlTIMATE LLC IMPROVEMENTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 532 44 1 532 44 2007 02 8713134 MY LITTLE HOUSE BOUTIQUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 459 76 459 76 2007 02 8713185 FAITH HOPE FAMILY DAY CARE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 195 04 195 04 2007 02 8713258 JKAB LLC CONSTRUCTlON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 616 04 1 616 04 2007 02 8713274 OTHNIEL GROUP LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 167 18 167 18 2007 02 8713282 LEMOS LANDSCAPING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1783 20 1 783 20 2007 02 8713304 L1L1ANES CLEANING LLC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 28 2010 348 28 348 28 2007 02 8713380 PLANETARIUM HOME IMPR CLEAN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 I S32 44 1 53244 2007 02 8713452 BOROWIK MARKET OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 264 70 264 70 2007 02 8713509 PROFECTION DRYWALL LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 I S32 44 1 53244 2007 02 8713533 RIVAN PAINTING LLC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 28 2010 i n5 96 1 225 96 2007 02 8713541 59 HOUR PAINTING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 064 88 3 064 88 2007 02 8713673 MARILTON LLC SOUZA PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 225 96 1 225 96 2007 02 8713801 CARDOSO WOOD FLOORING DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 I S32 44 1 53244 2007 02 8713835 EMUAMERICAS LLC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 27 2010 891 60 891 60 2007 02 8713843 FATHER SON CLEANING SER LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 348 30 348 30 2007 02 8713894 MILLENNIUM SECURITY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 891 60 891 60 2007 02 8713932 TAMOZINE REALTY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 167 18 167 18 2007 02 8713959 USA HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8714076 FENWALL INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 7 31 7 31 2007 02 8714084 RV PRO PAINTING SERVICES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 11145 11145 2007 02 8714165 ZANOL SON LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 282010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8714173 ZEBRA HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 53244 1 53244 2007 02 8714211 MAIN 5T PIZZA DELI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 445 80 445 80 2007 02 8715439 P P SETT SERVICES LLC QUICK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 41 793 76 41 793 76 2007 02 8716419 ANDUJAR JUAN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 4B7 62 487 62 2007 02 8716761 ALL AMERICAN LANDSCAPING OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 393 14 1 393 14 2007 02 8717158 JIMS AUTO SALES LEASING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 I OS8 78 1 058 78 2007 02 8717164 B B PERFORMANCE AUTO REPAIR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 393 14 1 393 14 2007 02 8717167 LOVEllFE ASSURANCE AGENCY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 119 32 139 32 2007 02 8717172 ROBERT NEVERDOUSKY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 195 04 195 04 2007 02 8717253 EDWARD MARIANNE QUINTO OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 30 2010 3 343 50 3 343 50 2007 02 8717798 AGUA CONTROL WATERPROOFING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 55 73 55 73 2007 03 6065331 SCOTT C LYNNE 5 26 2009 259 02 259 02 2007 03 6697922 LAGODA JOHN J JR 5 26 2009 327 08 327 08 2007 03 7032864 DAVIS LUCINDA M 5 22 2009 40100 401 00 2007 03 7187434 DUNCAN SHARIFA 5 26 2009 202 04 202 04 2007 03 LOPEZ 7468611 CLARITA 5 26 2009 468 86 468 86 2007 03 7468620 LOPEZ CLARITA 5 26 2009 254 34 254 34 2007 03 7764741 BRENTON VENISA D 5 22 2009 333 10 333 10

2007 03 7799308 FEBLES CARMEN E 5 22 2009 84 26 84 26

2007 03 7800438 FERRANDO DAVID J 5 22 2009 391 64 391 64

2007 03 7891484 ROMAN NANCY G 5 26 2009 211 02 21102

2007 03 7912813 TORRAO MARCIA OR 5 26 2009 1 007 16 1 007 16 2007 03 8152469 BRENTON VENISA D 5 22 2009 92 06 92 06

2007 03 8159803 CARROLL MICHAEL DE DECEASED 2 16 2010 166 96 166 96 2007 03 8223145 LEMDON SHARON D 5 26 2009 203 60 203 60

2007 03 8251866 OCHOA CHERYL G 5 26 2009 352 64 352 64

2007 03 8307004 VILLANUEVA PABLO DE DECEASED 4 28 2010 123 65 123 65

2007 03 8575301 FEBLES CARMEN E 5 22 2009 47746 47746 2007 03 8576463 FERRANDO DAVIDJ 5 22 2009 196 73 196 73

2007 03 8582714 GARCIA REBECA E 5 22 2009 396 76 396 76

2007 03 8717629 GALBO KAREN T 5 22 2009 225 46 22546 2007 04 0099589 YI SON P 216 2010 239 62 239 62 2007 04 0099590 YI SON P 2 16 2010 212 20 212 20

2008 02 0040002 50 HOUR PAINTING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 663 38 2 663 38

2008 02 0040035 594 CLOSE OUTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 121 06 12106

2008 02 0040045 A A WHOLESALE FENCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 6 65844 6 65844 2008 02 0040047 A D HEALTH PRODUCTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 80 00 80 00

2008 02 0040049 A E CARPENTRY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 663 38 2 663 38 2008 02 0040053 A M WOOD RECYCLING MULCH OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 8416 28 8416 28 2008 02 0040055 A R HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 663 38 2 663 38

2008 02 0040066 A DI COCCO CONSTRUCTION CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 598 04 1 598 04

2008 02 0040067 A FOUR STAR AUTO GLASS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 96 86 96 86

2008 02 0040077 A PREFERRED CONSTRUCTION CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 5447 82 5447 82 2008 02 0040098 AAA DISTRIBUTORS 4 24 2010 425 68 425 68 2008 02 0040099 AAG HOME IMPROVEMENT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 266 34 266 34

2008 02 0040100 AARONS JOURNEY 4 28 2010 72 64 7264 2008 02 0040132 ACES WOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 10 653 50 10 653 50 2008 02 0040147 ADL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 02656 3 026 56 2008 02 0040169 ADVENTRIA COMMERCIAL CLEANING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 605 32 605 32

2008 02 0040198 AGUA CONTROL WATERPROOFING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 4843 4843

2008 02 0040214 AK Z PRIORITY MOVING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 857 08 2 857 08

2008 02 0040235 ALEXIA5 CLEANING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 121 06 12106

2008 02 0040261 ALL STATE KARTlNG OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0040265 ALL VISION MORTGAGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 968 50 968 50

2008 02 0040274 ALLIANCE PRINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 l452 76 1452 76 2008 02 0040285 ALa REALTY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 109 92 309 92 2008 02 0040288 ALPHA MULTISERVICES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 12106 121 06 2008 02 0040290 ALS CAPENTER LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 J2106 12106

2008 02 0040306 AMAZONIA TREES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 33170 1 33170

2008 02 0040312 AMERICAN EAGLE HARDWOOD FL LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 31 70 1 331 70 2008 02 0040328 AMERICAN SPA LTD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 l i 63 88 1 763 88

2008 02 0040345 AN NUR AFFORDABLE LANDSCAPING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 549 60 1 549 60

2008 02 0040350 ANDRADE SAM PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 065 36 1 065 36

2008 02 0040379 ANTUNES PAINTING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 331 70 1 331 70 2008 02 0040387 APPRAISAL REPS OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 217 92 217 92

2008 02 0040407 ARD MARE CONCRETE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 217 92 217 92

2008 02 0040411 ARGO MARKETING CORP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 4 842 50 4 842 50

2008 02 0040428 ARTS FLOWERS ON THE AVENUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 089 56 1 089 56

2008 02 0040429 ARTS FLOORING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 12106 12106

2008 02 0040433 AS WE AGE DISABILITY PRODUCTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 4843 4843 2008 02 0040450 ASSOCIATED GLOBAL SYSTEMS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 9 685 00 9 685 00

2008 02 00404 74 ATOMIC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 937 00 1 937 00 2008 02 0040500 AVALON CAFJi OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 395 30 395 30 2008 02 0040503 AVERYS BAR GRILL JAMAICAN CU OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2421 26 2421 26 2008 02 0040504 AVOCADOS MEDNED PRODUCE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 726 38 726 38

2008 02 0040510 AZEVEDO WOOD FLOORING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 331 70 1 33170 2008 02 0040520 B B PERFORMANCE AUTO REPAIR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 210 64 1 210 64 2008 02 0040528 BAHIA BRAZILIAN RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1452 76 1452 76

2008 02 0040552 BARAJAS JAVIER OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 30 2010 232 94 232 94 2008 02 0040562 BARUD TORRES CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 121 06 12106 2008 02 0040579 BCA CONTRACT ASSEMBLY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 96 85 96 85 02 2008 0040581 BEA DEVElOPMENT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 6 36 6 36 2008 J2 0040584 BEAD zaOKS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 29 06 29 06 2008 02 0040619 BERT BENEDICT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 663 38 2 663 38 2008 02 0040634 BEYOND THE MUSIC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 815 94 1 815 94 2008 02 0040684 BLESSED GOSPEL MUSIC FASHION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 242 14 242 14 2008 02 0040695 BMEE LLC BRIAN MEEHAN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 198 58 1 198 58 2008 02 0040698 BOBBIN MARINE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 38740 387 40 2008 02 0040713 BORDER CONSTRUCTION LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 331 70 1 331 70 2008 02 0040716 BOROWIK MARKET OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 460 04 460 04 2008 02 0040728 BOSTON PACKAGE STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 665 60 665 60 2008 02 0040749 BRAZIL USA HARDWOOD LLC FL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 217 92 217 92 2008 02 0040761 BRIDGEPORT ACADEMY OF DANCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 211 88 21188 2008 02 0040768 AUCTIONS INC BRIDGEPORT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 38740 387 40 2008 02 0040779 BRIDGEPORT CREAMERY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 l 983 02 1 983 02 2008 02 0040825 BRIDGEPORT TENT COMPANY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 631 88 3 631 88 2008 02 0040872 BURGER DOG LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1452 76 1452 76 2008 02 0040887 C M ENTERPRISES INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 S447 82 5447 82 2008 02 0040889 C B CLEANING SERVICES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 84 84 84 84 2008 02 0040908 CALASANZ BOXING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 210 64 1 210 64 2008 02 0040923 CAPASSO REAL ESTATE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 27 66 27 66 2008 02 0040931 CAPPIELLO M A MD OB OUTOF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 58 92 58 92 2008 02 0040942 CAR WASH ALARM INSTALLATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 179 14 2 179 14 2008 02 0040958 CARDIOVASCULAR AND THORACIC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 129 32 129 32 2008 02 0040959 CARDOSO WOOD FLOORING DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 331 70 1 331 70 2008 02 0040966 CARLAS CLEANING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 72 64 72 64

2008 02 0040968 CARLOS ALBERTO SALON LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 694 22 694 22

2008 02 0040992 CASANOVA PEDRO JULIO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 52 11 52 11 2008 02 0041040 CGB HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 331 70 1 331 70 2008 02 0041049 CHAPMAN CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 598 04 1 598 04 2008 02 0041077 CHILD CARE CENTERTHE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 198 54 1 198 54 2008 02 0041081 CHILDRENS S PLACE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 605 32 605 32 2008 02 0041092 CHRIS FLOOR SANDING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 145 28 145 28 2008 0041094 02 CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION ASSOC FAC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 96 85 96 85

2008 02 0041095 CHRISTIANO JOSEPH W III OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 968 12 968 12

2008 02 0041104 CIM CLEANING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 96 85 96 85

2008 02 0041131 CLASSIC IN PATIENT SVC LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 7 19112 7 19112 2008 02 0041136 CLEAN AIR CONSULTANTS LLC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 28 2010 76136 76136

2008 02 0041140 CLEMENTS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0041144 CLUB JAP CAFE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 726 38 726 38

2008 02 0041158 COCO LOCO LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 634 36 1 634 36

2008 02 0041222 CONGRESS ST SELF STORAGE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 9 23 2009 5 81100 5 811 00

2008 02 0041237 CONNECTICUT EXPRESS SHUTTLE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 96 85 96 85

2008 02 0041271 CONTEMPORARY QUILTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 4 358 26 4 358 26

2008 02 0041284 COOKIES DAY CARE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 198 54 1 19854

2008 02 0041293 CORE FACTORY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 695 96 2 695 96

2008 02 0041294 CORE PHYSICAL THERAPY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 19 975 32 19 975 32

2008 02 0041296 CORIS COMPLEX LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 699 36 699 36

2008 02 0041301 CORPORATE DISPLAYS SPEC INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 20122 201 22

2008 02 0041309 COSTA RICAS GOLD JEWELRY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0041310 COSTAS CLEANING SERVICES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 336 02 2 336 02

2008 02 0041319 COUTlNHO CLEANING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 20 22 20 22

2008 02 0041328 CREATIVE CREATIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 58110 58110

2008 02 0041336 CRISCIONE ELECTRIC COMPANY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 265 02 265 02

2008 02 0041338 CROSS STATE ROOFING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 130 70 2 130 70

2008 02 0041359 CUEVA DEl GATO CAF If OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1452 76 1452 76 2008 02 0041382 D L TRACTOR TRAILER SCHOOL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 549 54 549 54

2008 02 0041388 D ARMANDO RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 226 12 2 226 12 2008 02 0041391 D M INTERIOR DESIGN OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 27 2010 968 50 968 50

2008 02 0041393 D R HOME IMPORVEMENTS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 121 06 121 06

2008 02 0041396 DACRUZ HOME IMPROVEMENT LLC 4 28 2010 121 06 12106

2008 02 0041406 DAMAS CLEANING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 72 64 72 64

2008 02 0041425 DARREN A TOPAR REFUSE RECYCL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 434 26 484 26 2008 02 0041431 DATING CONNECTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 629 54 62954

2008 02 0041521 DISCOUNT CIGARETTES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 16950 169 50

2008 02 0041526 DISCOVERY GRAPHICS DESIGN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 697 32 697 32

2008 02 0041531 DIVERSIFIED INTERIOR LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 663 38 2 663 38

2008 02 0041544 DOCTOR HARDWOOD FLOORS LlC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 33170 1 331 70 2008 02 0041565 DOONGJIINC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 14S2 76 1452 76 2008 02 0041579 DOWNTOWN FLoRISTS OF BPT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 484 06 484 06

2008 02 0041595 DRIVES CLEANING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 302 68 302 68

2008 02 0041596 DRM CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 968 50 96850

2008 02 0041615 DUPERVAL GROUP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 774 80 774 80

2008 02 0041645 EAST COAST HARDWOOD FL LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 331 70 1 33170 2008 02 0041651 EAST END FINEST OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 677 96 67796

2008 02 0041682 EDART TRUCK RENTAL CORP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 427 92 427 92

2008 02 0041726 ELEGANT ATTIRE GIRLS DRESSES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 27238 272 38

2008 02 0041757 ENVELOPES PLUS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 14 53 1453

2008 02 0041779 ETHNIC EXPRESSIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0041785 EUROPEAN DESIGN FURNITURE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 305 08 305 08

2008 02 0041796 EXCELLENT HOME IMPROVEMENT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 38740 387 40

2008 02 0041802 EXECUTIVE REFERRAL SERVo INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 58110 58110

2008 02 0041812 F F REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 348 66 348 66

2008 02 0041815 F T CAPITAL LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 96850 968 50

2008 02 0041820 FABIO TILE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 663 38 2 663 38

2008 02 0041830 FAIRFIELD BRIDGEPORT SHREADING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 58110 581 10

2008 02 0041849 FAL CONSTRUCTION LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 33170 1 331 70

2008 02 0041873 FANTASY MODELING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 484 26 484 26

2008 02 0041881 FATHER SON CLEANING SER LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 302 68 302 68

2008 02 0041893 FEDERATED CAPITAL CORPORATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 4 358 26 4 358 26

2008 02 0041901 FEMALE FIRSTS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 968 12 968 12

2008 02 0041905 FERGUSON CONSTRACTORS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 484 26 484 26

2008 02 0041908 FERNADAM PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 96 85 96 85

2008 02 0041913 FERNANDO HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 J 331 70 1 33170

2008 02 0041917 FERREIRA MASONRY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 663 38 2 663 38

2008 02 0041923 FIDELITY TAX SOLUTIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 96850 968 50

2008 02 0041931 FINE SHINE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 07244 1 07244

2008 02 0041939 FIREPROOF SUPPLY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0041949 FIRST PORTLAND CORPORTION 4 24 2010 2448 48 2448 48 2008 02 0041955 FISHERMAN BUYS HOUSES COM OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 242 14 242 14 2008 02 0041968 FLAG CONSTRUCTION LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 33170 1 33170 2008 02 0041976 FLORENCE A NYEMITEI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 697 32 697 32

2008 02 0041980 FLS CLEANING 5ERV LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 96 85 96 85

2008 02 0042000 FORTY FIVE POOL SERVICE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 302 68 302 68

2008 02 0042010 FOX FLOORING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 484 26 484 26

2008 02 0042011 FOX WOOD FLOOR SUPPLIES INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 242 14 242 14

2008 02 0042013 FOXWOOD FLOOR SUPPLIES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 278 42 1 27842 2008 02 0042022 FRANCIS BEAUTY SALON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 217 92 217 92

2008 02 0042025 FRANCO HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 147 52 147 52

2008 02 0042056 FUNKYSKA MUSIC LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 96 85 96 85

2008 02 0042064 FUSHA RESTAURANT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 242 14 242 14 2008 02 0042067 G C JEWELRY STORE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 427 2010 484 26 484 26 2008 02 0042072 G B AUTO SALES OF BLACK ROCK OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 726 38 726 38

2008 02 0042078 G LJ HARDWOOD FLOORING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 331 70 1 331 70

2008 02 0042107 GBP REBOUND OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1452 76 1452 76

2008 02 0042112 GE CAPITAL MODLR SPACE TIP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 11 265 20 11 265 20

2008 02 0042137 GEORGE PRO PAINTING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 38740 38740 2008 02 0042159 GFA HARDWOOD FLOOR LLC MS MISCELLEANEOUS 4 28 2010 121 06 12106

2008 02 0042166 GILBANE BUILDING CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 968 50 968 50 2008 02 0042167 GILBERT HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 331 70 1 33170

2008 02 0042170 GIO VIVS DELIVERY OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 27 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0042171 GIORDANI HOME IMPROVEMENT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 33170 1 33170

2008 02 0042194 GLORY 2 GLORY TRAVEL AGENCY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 96850 968 50

2008 02 0042207 GOLDEN EAGLE LEASING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 968 50 96850 2008 02 0042249 GRAYSON ENTERPRISE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 96 85 96 85 2008 02 0042262 GREEN ROOM CAFE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 54104 3 54104

2008 02 0042292 GWENDOLYNS ENTERTAINMENT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 272010 U15 94 1 815 94 2008 02 0042302 HAIR BLESSINGS BEAUTY SUPPLY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 19 68 19 68

2008 02 0042327 HARCO GERMAINE T OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 223 72 223 72

2008 02 0042328 HARDCORE TRUCKING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 363 20 363 20

2008 02 0042338 HASLER INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 293 30 293 30 2008 02 0042340 HATFIELD PAMELA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 88 17 88 17

2008 02 0042360 HEAVENLY BLESSINGS DAY CARE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 72 64 72 64

2008 02 0042368 HELEN SAURIN RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1452 76 1452 76 2008 02 0042389 HIGH PRESTIGE PAINTING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 33170 1 33170

2008 02 0042409 HOBART CORPORATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1452 76 1452 76

2008 02 0042425 HOME SWEET HOME OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 8 389 70 8 389 70

2008 02 0042453 HUG CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 484 26 484 26 2008 02 0042462 12 CONSl1LTlNG OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 72 64 7264 2008 02 ILUCIONES 0042481 UNISEX OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 169 50 16950 2008 82 0042489 IN TOUCH TO BALANCE MASSAGE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1162 11 62 2008 02 0042515 INSPIRATIONAL LITERARY WORK5 L OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 72 64 72 64 2008 02 0042522 INTEGRITY TAX CONSULTING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 33 78 33 78

2008 02 0042540 IRWIN COMMERCIAL FINANCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 9 56550 9 565 50

2008 02 0042541 ISRAEL HOME IMPROVEMENT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 242 14 242 14

2008 02 0042547 j C HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 19 37 19 37

2008 02 0042552 J J PLUMBING SERVICES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 33170 1 33170

2008 02 0042561 J B HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 663 38 2 663 38

2008 02 0042581 JABEZ AUTO REPAIR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 179 14 2 179 14

2008 02 0042587 JACKSON JACKSON CLEANING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 96 85 96 85

2008c02 0042597 JAM AMERICAN RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 30748 1 30748

2008 02 0042610 JAVIER CONSTRUCTION INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 598 04 1 598 04

2008 02 0042613 JAYS SOCIAL CLUB OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0042619 JC HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 331 70 1 331 70

2008 02 004262S JEAN LACONTE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 9 69 9 69 2008 02 0042638 JEWELS JAMAICAN CUSINE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 16950 16950 2008 02 0042642 JIFFY PLUMBING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 242 14 242 14

2008 02 0042643 JIM SNEERINGER SPORTS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 599 32 599 32

2008 02 0042670 JOHN DWYER BUILDERS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 58110 58110

2008 02 0042684 JOU JOU CONNECTIONS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 35 60 35 60

2008 02 0042686 JOYNER KEVIN MAXINE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 581 10 581 10

2008 02 0042693 JR HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 33170 1 33170 2008 02 0042695 JSM HOME IMPROVEMENT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 33170 1 331 70 2008 02 0042702 JUNCO 3 RESTAURANT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 726 38 726 38

2008 02 0042727 K A PAINTING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 065 36 1 065 36

2008 02 0042736 KACZANOWSKI KRISTEN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 484 26 484 26

2008 02 0042775 KEY LINCOLN MERCURY INC 4 24 2010 94 74 94 74

2008 02 0042787 KING HOLIDAYS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 169 50 169 50

2008 02 0042788 KINGDOM ALLIANCE CONTRACTORS L OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0042826 KUTZONE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 302 68 302 68

2008 02 0042848 LA ESTANCIA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 2 32440 2 32440 2008 02 0042849 LA FAMILY PRODUCTION ENTERPRIS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0042865 LA VISTAS COFFEE SHOP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 726 38 72638

2008 02 0042872 LACEYS BOUTIQUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 908 00 908 00

2008 02 0042879 LAFAYETTE DONUTS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 316 01 1 316 01

2008 02 0042897 LARRACUENTE JOHNSON REALTY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 968 50 968 50

2008 02 0042899 LAS AMERICAS ENTERTAINMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0042901 LASER PULSE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 4 358 26 4 358 26

2008 02 0042903 LATE NITE PRINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 71 87 7187

2008 02 0042911 LAW OFFICE SALVAGGIO RICHARD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 290 56 29056

2008 02 0042917 LC CARPENTRY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0042930 LEEDER COMPLEX LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0042932 LEES MARKET OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 9154 9154

2008 02 0042939 LEMOS LANDSCAPING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 549 60 1 549 60

2008 02 0042961 LIBERTY CONSTRUCTION LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 331 70 1 33170

2008 02 0042963 LIBERTY NATIONWIDE OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 27 2010 96850 968 50 2008 02 0042968 LIGHTHOUSE GLOBALLLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 96 85 96 85 2008 02 0042972 L1L1ANES CLEANING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 505 32 605 32

2008 02 0042973 LIMA CHICKEN SUBS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 6 28 6 28

2008 020042990 L1SARB BOUTIQUE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 332 94 332 94 2008 02 0043001 LITTLE WIGGLES DAY CARE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 169 50 169 50 2008 02 0043009 LOBATO PAINTING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 4843 4843

2008 02 0043034 LOVING KIDZ DAYCARE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 29 06 29 06 2008 02 0043036 LS CABLE AMERICA INC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 428 2010 1l94 32 1 194 32 2008 02 0043068 M M CLEANING SERVICES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 4843 4843 2008 02 0043070 M M ROOFING SIDING CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 145 28 145 28 2008 02 0043072 M P CLEANING SERVICES INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 89 56 1 089 56

2008 02 0043086 MACEYUNAS CARL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 2 905 50 2 905 50

2008 02 0043089 MACKENZIE SERVICE CORPORATION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 815 94 1 815 94

2008 02 0043096 MADISON ASSOCIATES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 484 26 484 26

2008 02 0043121 MAIN HEATING COOLING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 4 i 94 08 4 794 08

2008 02 0043125 MAIN ST PIZZA DELI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 87 40 38740 2008 02 0043144 MANAFORT BROTHERS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 10 447 15 10447 15 2008 02 0043155 MANUFACTURERAND DEALER SERVS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 10 23 10 23

2008 02 0043174 MARILTON SOUZA PAINTING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 065 36 1 065 36

2008 02 0043176 MARIO T MARKO V OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 23 2010 2421 26 2421 26 2008 02 0043180 MARIOS TAYLOR SHOP OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 7 98 7 98 i 2008 02 0043193 MARRAKECH INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 342 34 1 34234 2008 MARY 02 0043207 ANNS EDIBLES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 14 S3 14 53 2008 MATERIAL EXCHANGE THE 02 0043221 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 1 210 64 1 210 64 2008 02 0043226 MATUTO FLOORS LLC OB OUT Of BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 663 38 2 66338 2008 02 0043237 CLEANING MC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 96 85 96 85 2008 02 0043239 MC INTERIORS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 272 38 27238 2008 02 0043245 MCCARTHYS FENCE COMPANY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 5 326 76 5 326 76 2008 02 0043262 MCROOFING LLC SIDING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 968 50 968 50 2008 0043288 MELTRO CARPENTRY LLC 02 OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 663 38 2 66338 2008 02 0043352 MILLENNIUM SECURITY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 282010 774 80 774 80 2008 02 0043367 MIRIAMS FAMILY CARE AGENCY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 7 75 7 75 2008 02 0043369 JOSEPH MIRSKY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 7543 7543 2008 02 0043378 MOBILE DlAGNOSTICS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 4993 82 4 993 82 2008 02 0043401 MONTEIROS MASONRY CONSTR LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 187 94 187 94

2008 02 0043408 MORE THAN LESS HOME IMPROVEMNT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 58110 581 10

2008 02 0043414 MORRIS J WHITE HOME IMPROVMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 663 38 2 663 38

2008 02 0043424 MOVO MEDIA INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 338 98 338 98

2008 02 0043432 MR TRANSMISSION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3 268 70 3 268 70

2008 02 0043447 MUNDO EXPRESS TRAVEL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 319 62 319 62

2008 02 0043470 N N FASHION PLUS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 242 14 242 14

2008 02 0043485 NATIONAL 1 HOUR PHOTO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 484 26 484 26

2008 02 0043490 NATIONAL WHOLESALE LIQUIDATORS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 3 245 38 3 245 38

2008 02 0043505 NEGRILS PARADISE REST BAR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 089 14 1 089 14

2008 02 0043534 NEW ENGLAND GUTTER CLEANERS LL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 121 06 121 06

2008 02 0043559 NEW STYLE GLASS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 242 14 242 14

2008 02 0043560 NEW STYLE PROPERTIES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 242 14 242 14 2008 02 0043561 NEW STYLE REMODELING HOME OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 242 14 242 14

2008 02 0043566 NEW YORK FRIED CHICKEN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 968 50 96850

2008 02 0043582 NICHOLAS FINGLEY REAL ESTATE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 242 14 242 14

2008 02 0043601 NJ REMODELING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 162 72 162 72

2008 02 0043602 NLM ELECTRIC LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 5 326 76 5 326 76

2008 02 0043608 NO EXCUSES CAR DETAILING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 581 10 58110

2008 02 0043633 NORTHEAST SPINE REHAB OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 997 56 1 997 56

2008 02 0043641 NORWALK COMMERCIAL REALTY INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 968 50 968 50

2008 02 0043720 ON LINE PRESS FRANK FISCHETTI OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 69 89 69 89

2008 02 0043722 ONE STOP COMMUNICATIONS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 16950 16950

2008 02 0043724 ONE STOP TRAVEL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 697 32 697 32

2008 02 0043743 OTHNIEL GROUP LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0043745 OUTBOARD ELECTRIC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 2 179 14 2 179 14

2008 02 0043759 P P QUICK SETT SERVICES INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 36 318 76 36 318 76

2008 02 0043765 PACIFIC KITCHEN CABINETS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 12106 12106

2008 02 0043772 PAGE 1 CELLULAR OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 726 10 726 10

2008 02 0043796 PANINI CAFE THE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 338 98 338 98

2008 02 0043830 PARK PACKAGE STORE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 5 29 5 29

2008 02 0043845 PAULS DENTAL LAB INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 121 26 12126 2008 02 0043889 PEREZ MIGUEL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 363 24 363 24

2008 02 0043917 PHONE STUFF INC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 27 2010 484 26 484 26

2008 02 0043918 PHOTO EXPRESS STUDIOS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 S43 72 543 72

2008 02 0043925 PICASSOS PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 l331 70 1 331 70

2008 02 0043949 PIZZA PLUS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 39 59 3959

2008 02 0043954 PLANETARIUM HOME IMPR CLEAN OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 33170 1 331 70

2008 02 0043958 PLAVNICKY WILLIAM OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 23 2010 14 53 14 53

2008 02 0043974 POPULAR EQUIPMENT FINANCE INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 248 72 248 72 2008 02 0043981 POSTA WOODWORKING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 3486 60 3486 60 2008 02 0044006 PRESTIGIOUS HOME DESIGN LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 72 64 72 64

2008 02 0044016 PRINCE UNHOLSTERY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 4 3 58 26 4 358 26 2008 02 0044018 PRINELLE LEASING CO INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 953 36 953 36

2008 02 0044027 PROFECTION DRYWALL lLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 33170 1 33170

2008 02 0044030 PROFESSIONAL MOVERS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0044031 PROFESSIONAL NURSING CARE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 605 32 605 32

2008 02 0044033 PROMASTER HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 331 70 1 331 70

2008 02 0044057 PURE MARTIAL ARTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 117 04 117 04

2008 02 0044066 PYRAMID CAF If OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 179 14 2 179 14 2008 02 0044072 QUALITY FINISHES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 12106 121 06 2008 02 0044086 QUICK RAD CO RADIATOR SERVIC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 006 82 1 006 82 2008 02 0044087 QUICK STREET LANGUAGE CENTER OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 27 2010 363 20 363 20 2008 02 0044093 R R ADVERTISING SPECIALITIES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 968 50 968 50

2008 02 0044102 R USED TIRES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 292010 1 29446 1 294 46

2008 02 0044106 RJ M INTERIOR CARPENTRY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 799 02 799 02 2008 02 0044109 RADIATOR EXPF ESS OB OF OUT BUSINESS 4 28 2010 726 38 72638 2008 Q2 0044125 RALPHS HOME IMPROVEMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 5 326 76 5 326 76 2 2008 0044126 RAM CONSTRUCTION CO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 331 70 1 331 70 2008 02 0044136 RAPS PLUMBING HEATING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 5 326 76 5 326 76 2008 02 0044171 REGENCY CONDO ASSOC INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 5178 51 78 2008 02 0044177 REIS INTERIOR CARPENTRY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 663 38 2 663 38 2008 02 0044187 RENINAS BREAKFAST LUNCH OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1452 76 1452 76 2008 02 0044206 REVELATIONLLC STANLEY ARRaN 4 24 2010 3486 60 3486 60 2008 02 0044212 RIBEIRO HOME BUILDERS LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 363 20 363 20 2008 02 0044221 RICKYS REPAIR DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 50 21 50 21 2008 02 0044229 RIVAN PAINTING LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 065 36 1 065 36 2008 02 0044241 ALLEN PHOTOS ROBERT DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 145 29 145 29 2008 02 0044248 ROBINSONS PAINTING CO DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 58110 58110 2008 02 0044249 ROBLES MITCHELL DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 96850 968 50 2008 02 0044260 ROEBUCK GEORGE DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 20io 348 66 348 66 2008 02 0044283 ROXI DESIGNS LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 24 21 24 21 2008 02 0044291 RS DRYWALL LLC SERVICES DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 33170 1 331 70 2008 02 0044309 RV PAINTING LLC PRO SERVICES DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 77 48 7748 2008 02 0044311 RYCOMM DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 653 74 653 74 2008 02 0044315 S S LANDSCAPING CONS LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 968 50 968 50 2008 02 0044316 S S LANDSCAPING SERVICES LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 193 70 193 70 2008 02 0044317 S S PROMOTIONS LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1210 64 1 210 64 2008 02 0044355 SANKA S HAIR SALON DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 302 68 302 68 2008 02 0044365 SANTOS RENOVATIONS CARP LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 331 70 1 331 70 2008 02 0044374 SAVAGE HOME IMPROVEMENT DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 121 06 121 06

2008 02 0044375 SAVE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 4843 4843 2008 02 0044379 SAX XIN SHOES CLOTHING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 16950 169 50 02 0044389 SCHAFER TIMOTHY 2008 LAW OFFICE OF OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 484 26 484 26 2008 02 SCl 0044398 COMMUNICATION DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 93 29 93 29 2008 02 0044410 SEAlTITE BLACKTOPPING OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 27 2010 5447 82 5447 82 2008 02 0044416 SEASONS LANDSCAPING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0044417 SEAVIEW AVE EQUIP TOOLS INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 1 282 06 1 282 06

2008 02 0044425 SEIIY USA MOTOR SPORTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 338 98 338 98

2008 02 0044427 SElECT STONES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 12106 12106 2008 02 0044437 SERRAS CLEANING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 96 85 96 85 2008 02 0044447 SGR SIDING AND GUTTERS LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 33170 1 331 70

2008 02 0044453 SHAWN PAINTING SERVICES LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 33170 1 331 70

2008 02 0044461 SHAWS SUPERMARKET INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 8 947 18 8 947 18

2008 02 0044471 SHINING STAR CLEANING SERVICE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 605 32 605 32

i008 02 0044476 SHORE HOLDING INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1452 76 1452 76 2008 02 0044484 SIAO MASONRY TilE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 937 00 1 937 00

2008 02 0044487 SIDS AUTO SERVICE DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 38740 38740 2008 02 0044501 SILVER CLEANING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1452 76 1452 76 2008 02 0044504 SILVERMAN FASHION JEWELRY OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 i 21 06 121 06

2008 02 0044508 SIMONS WINDOW DOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 743 30 1 743 30

2008 02 0044511 SIP N SNACK LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 522 02 522 02

2008 02 0044517 SKI BOX INTERACTIVE SPORTS OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 28 2010 484 26 484 26

2008 02 0044528 SMARTECH COMPUTERS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 968 50 968 50

2008 02 0044530 SMITH BROTHERS BUILDERS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 12106 121 06

2008 02 0044537 SMS PAINTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 1 331 70 1 331 70 2008 02 0044541 SOCIEDAD ECUATORIANA DE BPT DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 164 66 164 66 2008 02 0044574 SOUTHVAAL INVESTMENTS OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 392 24 392 24 2008 02 0044578 SPARKLING CHOICE LlC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 7264 72 64

2008 02 0044596 SPRINT CELL PHONES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 242 14 242 14

2008 02 0044637 STEP ON HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 331 70 1 33170

2008 02 0044651 STONE WALLS MASONRY DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 2 6153 38 2 663 38

2008 02 0044668 STUDIO 138 ENTERTAINMENT DB OUTOF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 815 94 1 815 94

2008 02 0044682 SUBWAY SANDWICHES SALADS DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 63188 3 631 88 2008 02 0044685 SUCCESS LIMOUSINE LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 631 88 3 631 88

2008 02 0044701 SUNNAS INSURANCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 363 20 363 20

2008 02 0044719 SUPREME DETAILING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 67 80 67 80

2008 02 0044755 TAFFEE PLACE LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 14S2 76 1452 76 2008 02 0044761 TAMOZINE REALTY LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0044778 TOCI CONSTRUCTION COMPo OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 27842 1 27842 2008 02 0044794 TERRY CONTRACTING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 5 326 76 5 326 76

2008 02 0044805 THERESA S HAIR SPA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 302 68 302 68

2008 02 0044815 TIBURON CAPITAL INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 968 50 96850

2008 02 0044826 TlMS BUFFET INTERNATIONAL FOOD OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 425 30 425 30

2008 02 0044827 TINKERS TREASURES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 435 84 435 84 2008 02 0044839 TOKEN EKE FOODS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 1 210 64 1 210 64

2008 02 0044841 TOM GAYS BAIL BONDS 4 24 2010 7845 7845

2008il2 0044856 TOUCHING HANDS OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 27 2010 605 32 605 32

2008 02 0044882 TRI STATE CONSTRUCTION OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 96850 968 50

2008 02 0044901 TUILLO PAINTING SERVICES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 1 D65 36 1 065 36

2008 02 0044914 TWISTERS ICE CREAM OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 73742 73742 2008 02 0044919 TWO STATES FLOORING LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 33170 1 331 70

2008 02 0044924 USA HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 33170 1 33170

2008 02 0044933 ULTIMATE IMPROVEMENTS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 33170 1 33170

2008 02 0044983 URBAN SOURCE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 169 50 169 50

2008 02 0044989 US INSPECT LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 177 90 17790 2008 02 0045003 VALET DRIVING SVC LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 201P 145 28 145 28 2008 02 0045007 VALOUR HAIR STUDIO OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 16 85 16 85

2008 02 0045014 VARGAS LINEN TAILORING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 72 64 72 64

2008 02 0045037 VERONICA LAING CLEANING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 96 85 96 85 2008 02 0045049 VIDEOKE CAIUA PRODUCTIONS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 302 68 302 68

2008 02 0045066 VIP GENERAL SERVICES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 7264 72 64

2008 02 0045073 VITORS PAINTING DRYWALL LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 33170 1 33170

2008 02 0045075 VIVOS PAINTING LLC OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 28 2010 484 26 484 26

2008 02 0045079 VOICE LLC THE OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 490 26 490 26

2008 02 0045088 W H HUNTING TRANSFER LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 18546 18546

2008 02 0045108 WANDAS DELI TAKEOUT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 63188 3 631 88

2008 02 0045123 WAYNE ENTERPRISES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 968 50 968 50

2008 02 0045131 WDS HOME IMPROVEMENTS SERVICES OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 33170 1 331 70

2008 02 0045133 WEBER ASSOCIATES INC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 5168 50 968 50

2008 02 0045136 WEC HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 12106 121 06 2008 02 0045150 WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 27 2010 145 28 145 28

2008 02 0045177 WILFREDO VEGA OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 30 2010 7120 7120

2008 02 0045191 WINDSOR VENTURE HOLDING C S OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 147D2 147 02

2008 02 0045203 WOLF lED OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 290 56 290 56

2008 02 0045204 WOLFlAW CAPITAL OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 968 50 968 50

2008 02 0045223 WR CLEANING SERVICES LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 605 32 605 32

2008 02 0045247 YESTERDAYS BEST CONSIGNMENT OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 50846 50846

2008 02 0045249 YOLE BEAUTY SALON OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 24 2010 30 95 30 95

2008 02 0045253 YUMMY PARADISE ICE CREAM OB OUT OFBUSINESS 4 27 2010 774 80 774 80

2008 02 0045261 ZANOL SON LLC OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 331 70 1 331 70

2008 02 0045263 ZEBRA HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 1 331 70 1 331 70

2008 02 0045267 ZINGARO CRETELLA DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 26 2010 96850 96850

2008 02 0045271 ZOUL 2 DANZ DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 3 631 88 3 631 88

2008 02 0045274 ZURI EVENTS PLANNING OB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 28 2010 72 64 72 64

2008 02 0045276 ZWERDLlNG LINDA MARTIN I DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 27 2010 523 00 S23 00

2008 02 8717168 EQACQUISITION 2003 INC DB OUT OF BUSINESS 4 29 2010 5 Og8 93 5 088 93

2008 03 0058976 CAGGIANELLO CARMEN L DE DECEASED 5 10 2010 97 32 97 32

2008 03 0060078 CARROLL MICHAEL P DE DECEASED 2 16 2010 80 19 80 19

2008 03 0092598 MIRSKY ELIAS 8 31 2009 290 94 290 94

2008 03 0108454 SABELLA FRANCES B 2 172010 102 28 102 28

2008 03 0108455 SABELLA FRANCES B 2 17 2010 273 90 273 90

Grand Total 2599 3 896 OS9 01 3 896 059 01 II CITY OF BRIDGEPORT OFFICE OF POLICY MANAGEM ENT

999 Broad Street Bridgeport Connecticut 06604 Telephone 203 576 7963 Fax 332 5589


COM l 99 09 Ref d to Budget Appropriations Committee on 6 7 2010 May 26 2010

Mr Robert Curwen Mr Angel DePara Co Chairmen Budget and Appropriations Committee Members of the Bridgeport City Council

Attached please find a request to initiate a budget transfer to the Fiscal Year 2009 10 General Fund Budget After the City Council concluded the City s budget process the State legislature approved the Education Cost Sharing ECS funds for education and use of Federal ARRA funds In order to comply with the Minimum Budget Requirement MBR it is necessary to increase the appropriation for the Board of Education and reduce the BOE dedicated use account The MBR statute has been finalized whereby 123 109 must be appropriated to the BOE to remain in compliance and not be penalized in FY 2010 11 on a two for one basis I am recommending the budget transfer to be as follows Increase line item 01801000 51000 Classroom Teacher Salaries 123 109 and Decrease the Board of Education Dedicated Use line item 01920000 54580 123 109 OPM recognizes the need for this transfer

Rv Thomas R Sherwood Directol OPM

J I I n 0 cc Bill Finch r1 i Mayor f x i Michael po Feeney CFO n eO rr1 N Andrew Nunn CAO me J 011 Ben Barnes BOE CJ x r 0 I fT1 J 0 00 X T T x c fT1


That the Council ofthe of City City Bridgeport finds that the unencumbered balance ofthe transferred from appropriation s listed below or equals exceeds the estimated experlditures of the City for such required purpose during the remainder of the current fiscal year The Council finding that the remaining amount after transfer is sufficient for all expenditures of the City for the PurlJOSe thereof during the year is the budget justified by following determination offacts and actions tlken

See cover letter for explanation

01801000 51000 TO 2 500 000 123 109 2 623 109


A BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Council finds that such transfer of City funds will not reduce city revenues or revenue estimates for the current or future fiscal year

Please make the above budget transfer revision to reflect a more accurate distribution of funds CITY OF BRIDGEPORT LABOR RELATIONS AND BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION 45 Lyon Terrace Bridgeport Connecticut 06604

LAWRENCE E OSBORNE JANET M FINCH Director Human Resources 203 576 7843 Manager BILL FINCH 203 576 8474 Mayor RICHARD D WEINER Benefits Manager COMM 100 09 A Referred to Contracts Committee on 6 7 2010 203 576 7007 COMM 100 09 B Referred to Contracts Committee on 6 7 2010

June 1 2010

d Honorable Fleeta Hudson City Clerk City of Bridgeport 45 Lyon Terrace Bridgeport CT 06604

n Dear Madam Clerk fTl

of Attached please find an original and thirteen copies

General Life 1 Administrative Services Only Agreement between Connecticut Benefits and Insurance Company and the City ofBridgeport for Group Medical

Life 2 Performance Guarantee Agreement Between Connecticut General Benefits Insurance Company and the City of Bridgeport for Group Medical

1 2010 and continue The provisions ofthese contracts are intended to commence on July in force for 36 months

the Contracts Committee at the I respectfully request that these documents be referred to Council meeting of June 7 2010

Sincerely y t CJ o rT i U c l C n 1 1J rrrl I IJ D Weiner rnCi Richard fTl C 2 Benefits r Manager 1 fTl 00 0 J B Ci C rT

34 Administrative Services Only Agreement

By and Between

Bridgeport City BOE Em ployer


Connecticut General Life Insurance Company Connecticut General

Effective Date July 1 2010


Schedule ofFinancial Charges 3 Section 1 Term and Termination ofAgreement 12 Section 2 Claim Administration and Additional Services 12 Section 3 and of 13 Funding Payment Claims Section 4 Charges 14 Section 5 Enrollment and Determination ofEligibility 14 Section 6 Claim Audits and Confidentiality 15 Section 7 Plan Benefit Liability 16 Section 8 Modification ofPlan and Administrative Duties and Charges 16 Section 9 Modification ofAgreement 17 Section 10 Laws Governing Contract 17 Section 11 Information in Connecticut General s Processing Systems 17 Section 12 Resolution of Disputes 17 Section 3 Third Party Beneficiaries 18 Section 14 18 Waivers Section 15 Headings 8 Section 16 Severability 18 Section 17 Force Majeure 18 Section 18 Assignment and Subcontracting 18 Section 19 18 Notices Section 20 Identifying Information and Internet Usage 19 Section 21 Insurance 19 Section 22 Definitions 19 SIGNATURES 20 Exhibit A Plan Document 21 Exhibit B Services 22 Exhibit C Claim Audit Agreement Sample 33 Exhibit D Privacy Addendum 36 Exhibit E Conditional ClaimSubrogation 45 Recovery Services Exhibit F Insurance Requirements 47 cI clcl cl cl cI cI cl cI cl cl cl

c o 0 000 000 0 o 0 000 Q rtl asasa Q Q C Q Q Q Q Q a Q v Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q o 0 s 000 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 S tU tU c Q E c lj Q c tU a a a a a a a s a S a a a a Il Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q tl 8 Q l4 ltl r Cl Cl ltlr t ClOt Cl e r Cl ClO Cl ItlCl r N S S tl e a cocl r oclQ QQ M C t O EA t 5 E 0 e s Q g o tUOD Q Cl Q rtl g tU Cl l 0 o c o Q Cl liS s s Q On e gO 0 tl t Or Q O o v I EA 1wJ v o tIl r Q Q I Cl Il o rtl c s E Q rJ cI s Q Cl o r c U g I u n 0 c OJ Eon 1 Cl Q CJ Q SO rtl 0 so Cl E17 Cl c rtl bl bllQ o rtl tIl tIl a a l j a 8 8 U iii c Q ta o o s Cil Q 0 0 0 0 3 8 Cl v tl Il Cl 0 Q rJ Z rJ Z n cI 5 c n n Cf CJ tU g 01 t a rIJ s S S f1 ii tlQ fi s s 6 8 e 10 rJ s 0 Nll tlll N tU c Ojl o n rtl tIllllOOOO tilllOOOO p rtl I s s Q S S Q Q bll t 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 30000 aEl7l ll lll SEA we gs rn8 0 0 tIl01 rtlc 1 10 O O tIl 0 0 0 rtl Cl 01 Q v Cl I I I I Q I I I I I I I I aI E bll tii S tl 8 Nll t 8 S Nll t Nll t s Cl Ol7 t l 8 t bl tU 0 oooo 0 bl 0000 0000 I NNNN I NNNN NNNN v Q O ea V ro tl r r r r r r r 0 s OQ r r r r tU OQ or e o rtl O Q Q Q v I en Q C I s s tJCJ s i tU 0 tu aII Q Qicn U E I ftI z ftI I E o o Cil Cil o u u N 1 E e a tJ Cl Cl 0 o oe 9 9 e Q Q Q Q Q u u u e@ @ @ar ae a u 9 i g Q Qo u oe sotl iiiiiIl il 00 a QO oe S CI lIl llt M e s SQ d M uoe l Il toool r Il l l l l

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j Q 1 1 1 Q Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

THIS AGREEMENT effective July 1 2010 the Effective Date is by and between Bridgeport City BOE Employer and Connecticut General Life Insurance Company Connecticut General


WHEREAS Employer as plan sponsor has adopted the benefit described in Exhibit A as may be amended Plan for certain of its employees members and their eligible de pendents collectively Members and

WHEREAS Employer has requested Connecticut General to furnish certain administration services in connection with the Plan described in Exhibit B Account No 3213172

NOW THEREFORE in consideration ofthe mutual promises and covenants contained herein it is hereby agreed as follows

Section 1 Term and Termination of performance oflthe activities required by this A2reement Agreement

iv Two 2 business days from The date upon This Agreement is effective on the Effective which Employer fails to fund the Bank Date cited above The initial term ofthis Account as required by this Agreement Agreement shall be for six 36 months thirty provided Connecticut General notifies commencing on the Effective Date Thereafter Employer of its election to terminate this Agreement shall renew on each anniversary ofthe Effective Date the anniversary for v Twenty 20 days from the date on which successive terms oftwelve 12 month subject Employer fails to pay Connecticut General to Connecticut General s right to revise charges any charges identified in this Agreement as outlined in Section 8 unless at least ninety when due provided Connecticut General 90 days prior to the end ofthe then current notifies Employer ofits election to term the Employer or at least one hundred terminate eighty 180 days prior to the end ofthe then vi Any other date mutually agreed upon by the current term Connecticut General written gives Parties notice to the other party that it will not renew the unless the is otherwise Agreement Agreement Section 2 Claim Administration and terminated as for in Section iv provided Additional Service immediately below The Agreement shall remain in effect until the earliest ofthe a While this Agrel ment is in effect dates following Connecticut General shall consistent with i The end ofthe term in which delivery of the claim administration policies and written notice ofnon renewal is made procedures then applicable to its own health insurance business in accordance pursuant to the paragraph above care and with all applicable laws i receive and ii The date which is at least 90 ninety days review claims for Plan Benefits ii from the date that Employer or the date determine the Plan Benefits if any payable which is at least one hundred 180 eighty applicable for such claims iii disburse days form the date that Connecticut General payments of Plan Benefits to claimants and written notice to the other party of provides iv provide in the manner and within the termination of the Agreement time limits required by applicable law Hi The effective date of any applicable law or notification to claimants of a the coverage governmental action which prohibits determination Olr b any anticipated delay in

OS 2112010 12 Cutltomer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

making a coverage determination beyond the time required by applicable law together Section 3 Fundinl and Payment of Claims with an explanation for the delay a Employer shall f stablish a Bank Account b Following i termination ofthis Agreement and maintain in Ithe Bank Account an except pursuant to Section liii or ii amount sufficient at all times to fund checks termination ofeligibility of a Member ifthe written on it for i Plan Benefits and ii required run out fees have been paid in full those charges and fees identified in the Connecticut General shall process Run Out Schedule ofFimmcial Charges as payable Claims for the applicable Run Out Period through the Bank Account collectively See Schedule of Financial Charges for Bank Account Payments Hi any sales fees and Run Out Period At the applicable or use taxes or my similar benefit or plan termination ofany applicable Run Out related charge or assessment however General shall cease Period Connecticut denominated which may be imposed by any processing Run Out Claims and make all governmental authority Bank Account its relevant records in possession relating to Payments may include without limitation i such claims available to reasonably capitated ie fixed per Member payments Employer or Employer s designee in to Participating Providers ii amounts Bridgeport CT Connecticut General is not owed to Connecticut General Hi and required to provide proprietary information amounts paid to Connecticut General s to Employer or any otherparty affiliates and or subcontractors for among other things network access or in and out c Employer hereby delegates to Connecticut ofnetwork health care services products General the authority responsibility and provided to Members Connecticut General discretion i determine and to eligibility may credit the Bank Account with payments enrollment for coverage under the Plan due Employer under its or an affiliate s stop according to the information provided by loss policy if applicable Employer ii make factual determinations and to interpret the provisions ofthe Plan to b Connecticut General as agent for the make coverage determinations on claims for Employer shall make Bank Account Plan Benefits Hi conduct a full and fair Payments from the Bank Account in the review ofeach claim which has been denied amount Connecticut General reasonably as required by ERISA iv decide level one determines to be proper under the Plan andor mandatory appeals of Urgent Care Claims underthis Agreement as that term is defined in ERISA and v c In the event that sufficient funds are not conduct both mandatory levels ofappeal available in the determinations for all Concurrent Pre Bank Account to pay all Bank Account when due Connecticut service and Post service claims as those Payments General shall notify Employer immediately terms are defined under ERISA and notify and cease to process claims for Plan Benefits the Member or the Member s authorized including Run Out claims until the Employer representative ofits decision Employer will provides sufficient funds or Connecticut ensure that all summary plan description General has terminated the Agreement materials to Members reflect this provided pursuant to Section delegation 1 d Connecticut General will promptly adjust d In addition to the basic claim administrative any underpayment of Plan Benefits by duties described above Connecticut General drawing additional funds due the claimant shall also perform the Plan related from the Bank Account In the event administrative duties agreed upon by the Connecticut General overpays a claim for Parties and specified in Exhibit B

OS 212010 13 Cu5tomer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

Plan Benefits or pays Plan Benefits to the b Member Changes Additions and wrong party it shall take all reasonable steps Terminations If an employee becomes a to recover the overpayment however Member on or be fore the fifteenth 15th Connecticut General shall not be required to day ofthe month full charges applicable to initiate court mediation arbitration or other that Member shall be due for that Member administrative proceedings to recover any for that month Ifcoverage does not start or overpayment Connecticut General shall not ceases on or before the fifteenth 15th day be responsible for reimbursing any ofthe month for a Member no charges shall unrecovered payments of Plan Benefits be due for that Member for that month unless made as a result ofits gross negligence or intentional wrongdoing c Retroactive Member Changes and Terminations Employer shall remain e Except as otherwise provided herein responsible for all charges and Bank following termination ofthis Agreement Account Payments incurred or charged Employer shall remain liable for payment of through the date Connecticut General Plan benefits or fees due any provider or processes Employer s notice of a retroactive entity for services rendered prior to change or termination of Membership termination Employer shall reimburse However ifthe hange or termination Connecticut General to the extent would result in a reduction in charges Connecticut General makes any payment Connecticut General shall credit to consistent with the plan Employer the reduction in charges charged for the shorter of a the sixty 60 day This provision shall survive termination ofthis period preceding the date Connecticut Agreement General processe s the notice or b the period from the date ofthe change or Section 4 Chares termination to thle date Connecticut General processes the notice Connecticut General a Charges Connecticut General shall provide shall process Employer s notice within five to Employer a monthly statement ofall 5 business days ofreceipt charges Employer is obligated to pay under This provision shall survive termination ofthis this Agreement that are not paid as Bank Account Payments Payment ofall biJIed Agreement charges shall be due on the first day ofthe Section 5 Enrollment and Determination of month as indicated on the monthly EIiibilitv statement Payments received after the last day ofthe month in which they are due a Eligibility Detenninations and Information shall be subject to late payment charges Employer is responsible for administering from the due date at a rate calculated as Plan enrollment In determining any person s follows the one 1 year Treasury constant right to benefits under the Plan Connecticut maturities rate for the first week ending in General shall rely upon enrollment and January plus five percent 5 For eligibility information furnished by the purposes of calculating late payment Employer Such information shall identify charges payments received will be applied the effective date ofeligibility and the first to the oldest outstanding amount due termination date of eligibility and shall be Connecticut General may reasonably revise provided promptly to Connecticut General the methodology for calculating late in a form and wilth such other information as payment charges upon thirty 30 days reasonably may be required by Connecticut advance written notice to Employer General for the proper administration ofthe Plan

OS21 2010 14 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

b Release ofLiability Notwithstanding any signed by the Auditor prior to the start of inconsistent provision of this Agreement to the audit the contrary ifEmployer or its designee fails to provide Connecticut General with ii IfEmployer has 5 000 or more employee accurate enrollment and eligibility Members Employer may conduct one information benefit design requirements or such audit every Plan Year but not other agreed upon information in within 6 months ofa prior audit Connecticut General s standard timeframe otherwise Employer may conduct one and format Connecticut General shall have such audit every two Plan Years but not no liability under this Agreement for any act within 18 months ofa prior audit or omission by Connecticut General or its employees affiliates subcontractors agents Hi Auditor will review payment documents or representatives directly or indirectly relating to a random statistically valid caused by such failure sample of225 claims paid during the two prior Plan years and not previously c Reconciliation of Eligibility and Information audited the Audit subject to any and Default Terminations Connecticut contrary terms in participating Provider General will periodically share potential agreements Connecticut General will discrepancies in eligibility information with reasonably cooperate with audits other Employer Employer will review and than the Audit subject to mutually reconcile any discrepancies within thirty 30 agreed charges With respect to the audits of If fails days receipt Employer to timely do other than the Audit the scope may so Connecticut General may terminate include types of claims prone to coverage for any Member not listed as overpayments provided the types of eligible in Employer s submitted eligibility claims prone to underpayments are information equally includl d With respect to the Audit and any other audit any claim Section 6 Claim Audits and Confidentialitv adjustments will be based upon the actual claims reviewed and not upon statistical a Employer may in accordance with the projections or extrapolations following requirements and at no additional while charge this Agreement is in effect b Subject to the requirements ofapplicable audit Connecticut General s payment of law the terms ofthis Agreement and the Plan Benefits Privacy Addendum in Exhibit D a signed Business Associate agreement between i shall Connecticut Employer provide Employer and designee and a signed General 45 days advance written request Confidentiality Agreement by applicable for audit Employer and Connecticut designee Connel ticut General shall release General will agree on an independent copies ofconfide ntial claims and Plan third auditor to conduct the audit party Benefit payment information in Connecticut the Auditor and the date for the audit General s claims system Confidential business hours at during regular Information and may release copies of Connecticut General office s s proprietary infonmation relating to the Plan Employer shall be responsible for its in Connecticut General s claims system Auditor s costs The audit shall be Proprietary Information to the conducted once the terms of a claim audit Employer andor its designees Employer are to the agreement mutually agreed by agrees that Employer and its designees will Parties and such shall be agreement keep Confidentiall Information and Proprietary Information confidential and

OS 212010 15 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

defense of will use Confidentiallnfonnation and cooperate with Employer in its Proprietary Infonnation solely for the such actions purpose ofadministering the Plan or as claim for otherwise required by law Employer is IfConnecticut Gleneral pays a Benefits is solely responsible for the consequences of Extra Contractual Employer for the and any use misuse or disclosure of responsible funding payment not be in Confidential Infonnation provided by such payments shall considered reimbursements or Connecticut General pursuant to this detennining payments in paragraph b under stop loss insurance or detennining any risk sharing or perfonnance guarantee reimburse c Connecticut General will maintain the reimbursements Employer shall confidentiality of all Protected Health Connecticut Gene ral for any liability or reasonable fees Information in its possession in accordance expenses including attorneys with such with the Privacy Addendum in Exhibit D it may incur in connection making and will indemnify Employer against gross payments negligence and or gross misconduct In b Liabilitv for Plan Related Expenses addition all Plan data and records received Employer shall reimburse Connecticut or created Connecticut General shall be Employer by General General for any amounts Connecticut maintained by Connecticut General for at may be required to pay i as state premium least the same oftime and in the period related tax or any similar Plan tax charge same manner and subject to the same surcharge or assessment or ii under any and confidentiality as privacy safeguards unclaimed or abandoned property or escheat similar data and records are maintained by law with respect to Plan Benefits and any Connecticut General in connection with its penalties andor interest thereon own insurance business These reimbursement obligations shall survive ofthis d Upon tennination Agreement termination ofthis Agreement Connecticut General shall make infonnation available to the extent administratively Section 8 Modification ofPlan and feasible and to the extent the Parties Administrative Duties and Chare es negotiate a mutually agreeable charge a Connecticut General shall have the right to shall The obligations set forth in this section revise the charg s identified in this ofthe survive tennination Agreement Agreement i on each anniversary ofthis Agreement ii at any time by giving Section 7 Plan Benefit Liabilitv Employer at least sixty 60 days prior written notice but not more frequently than a Liabilitv for Plan Benefits Hi Emplover once in a six 6 month period upon is for all Plan Benefits Employer responsible any modification or amendment of the result including any Plan Benefits paid as a benefits underthe Plan or Connecticut action is ofany legal Employer responsible General s administrative duties iv upon General its for reimbursing Connecticut any variation offifteen percent 15 or directors officers and employees for any more in the number ofMembers used by reasonable expense incurred including Connecticut General to calculate its charges them in the reasonable attorneys fees by under the Agreement andor v upon any defense ofany action or proceeding change in law OIl regulation that materially involving a claim for Plan Benefits impacts Connecticut General s liabilities shall Connecticut General reasonably and or responsibilities under this Agreement

OS 212010 16 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement b Employer shall provide Connecticut General ordinary course of business provided however written notice ofany modification or that claim or payment information will be amendment to the Plan sufficiently in available to Employer pursuant to Section 6 advance of any such change as to allow Connecticut General will retain claim and Connecticut General to implement the payment information as required by applicable modification or amendment Employer and law Connecticut General shall agree upon the manner and timing ofthe implementation Section 12 Resolution of Disputes subject to Connecticut General s system and operational capabilities Any dispute between the Parties arising from or relating to the performance or interpretation of c Modification ofConnecticut Generals duties this Agreement COJIItroversy shall be shall be by mutual agreement The parties resolved exclusively pursuant to the following shall reflect such modification and any revised mandatory dispute resolution procedures charges ifapplicable in a letter agreement which shall become part ofthis Agreement a Any Controversy shall first be referred to an executive level employee ofeach party who Section 9 Modification ofAl reement shall meet and confer with hisher counterpart to attempt to resolve the dispute This constitutes the entire contract Agreement Executive Review as follows The between the the matter parties regarding subject disputing Party shall give the other Party herein as otherwise provided herein the Except written notice of the Controversy and provisions ofthis Agreement shall control in the request Executive Review Within twenty event ofa contlict with the terms ofany other 20 days ofsuch written request the agreements No modification or amendment hereto receiving Party shall respond to the other in shall be valid unless in writing and signed by an The notilce and the response shall authorized person ofeach ofthe parties except writing each include a ofand for that modification of fees pursuant to Section 8 summary support the Party s Within 30 above may be made by written notice to Employer position thirty days of the request for Executive Review an by Connecticut General IfEmployer pays such ofeach with full revised fees or fails to object to such revision in employee Party authority writing within thirty 30 days ofreceipt the to resolve the dispute shall meet and Agreement shall be deemed modified to reflect the attempt to resolv the dispute fees as communicated by Connecticut General b If the Controversy has not been resolved Section 10 Laws Governinl Contract within thirty five 35 calendar days ofthe request of ExecU1tive Review under Section This Agreement shall be construed in 12 a above the Parties agree to mediate the accordance with the laws of the State of Controversy in aecordance with the Connecticut without regard to contlict of law following procedure Mediation The rules and both parties consent to the venue and mediation shall be conducted in Bridgeport jurisdiction of its courts in Fairfield County Connecticut in front ofa neutral panel of three 3 people one ofwhich shall be Section 11 Information in Connecticut selected by the Employer one ofwhich Generals Processinl Systems shall be selected by Connecticut General and one ofwhich shall be selected by mutual Connecticut General may retain and use all Plan agreement ofthe parties Each party shall related claim and Plan Benefit payment assume its own costs and attorneys fees The information recorded for or otherwise integrated mediator s compensation and expenses and General business records into Connecticut s any administrative fees or costs associated including claim processing systems during the

OS 2112010 17 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

and Subcontractine with the mediation proceeding shaH be Section 18 Assienment borne equally by the parties interest or Neither Party may assign any right without the written This provision shall survive termination of this obligation hereunder express consent ofthe other Party provided however Agreement that Connecticut General may assign any right under this Section 13 Third Party Beneficiaries interest or responsibility Agreement to its affiliates andor subcontract specific of that This Agreement is solely for the benefit obligations under tht Agreement provided shall not be relieved of its Employer and Connecticut General It shall not Connecticut General under tht when so be construed to create any legal relationship obligations Agreement doing between Connecticut General and any other Section 19 Notices party

all notices or Section 14 Waivers Except as otherwise provided other communications hereunder shall be in to shall be to have been No course of dealing or failure ofeither Party writing and deemed duly of made when a delivered in b delivered strictly enforce any term right or condition person of an or similar this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver to an agent such as overnight in the United such term right or condition Waiver by either delivery service or c deposited mail and addressed as Party of any default shall not be deemed a States postage prepaid follows waiver ofany other default

Section 15 Headines To Connecticut General Connecticut General Life Insurance Company Article section or paragraph headings contained 900 Cottage Grove Rd in this Agreement are for reference purposes Hartford CT 06152 Richard only and shall not affect the meaning or Attention Jeremy interpretation ofthis Agreement Underwriting Director

Section 16 Severabilitv To Employer Bridgeport City HOE ofa ofthis If any provision or any part provision City Hall Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable 45 Lyon Terrace Room 223 such invalidity or unenforceability shall not Bridgeport CT 06604 other invalidate or render unenforceable any Attention Benefits Department portion ofthis Agreement CC Office of the City Attorney Section 17 Force Maieure City Hall Annex 999 Broad Street for failure to Neither party shall be liable any Bridgeport CT 06604 under this meet any of the obligations required is due Agreement where such failure to perform The address to whieh notices or communications to cause the reasonable control of either be any beyond may be given by party may changed by directors such party its employees officers or written notice given by one party to the other Such causes include acts of God fires wars pursuant to this Sedion accidents acts of terrorism labor disputes or shortages and govemmentallaws ordinances rules or regulations

OS21 2010 18 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

and to Section 20 Identifvinf Information and General to provide services or products Internet Usafe Members

for covered Except as necessary in the performance oftheir Plan Benefits Amounts payable the duties under this Agreement neither party may health care services and products under use the other s name logo service marks terms ofthe Plan trademarks or other identifying information or to establish a link to the other s World Wide Web PartvlParties refers to Employer and site without its prior written approval Connecticut General each a Party and collectively the Parties Section 21 Insurance Plan Year the 12 month period beginning on Connecticut General agrees to secure and the July 1 and ending on June 30 of the cost and those maintain at its own expense following year insurances as set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto and incorporated herein Run Out Claims daims for Plan Benefits relating to health carle services and products that Section 22 Definitions are incurred prior to termination of this Agreement or termination of a Plan benefit Afreement this entire document including the option as applicable Schedule ofFinancial Charges and all Exhibits Section 23 Order ofPrecedence Bank Account a benefit plan account with a event of or bank designated by Connecticut General The parties agree that in the a dispute Established and maintained by Employer in its disagreement on interpretation ofthe terms of will to the or a nominee s name this Agreement the parties look following documents in the following order for ERISA the Employee Retirement Income clarification purposes Security Act of 1974 as amended and related regulations A ASO Agreement B Performance Guarantee Agreements Extra Contractual Benefits Payments which C RFQ RFP Responses dated November 4 Employer has instructed Connecticut General to 2009 make for health care services andor products that Connecticut General has determined are not covered under the Plan

Member a person eligible for and enrolled in the Plan as an employee or dependent

ParticipantlParticioatinf Members Member s who is are participating in a available to specific program and or product Members under the Plan

Participatinf Providers providers of health care services andor products who which contract directly or indirectly with Connecticut

OS 212010 19 Cuslomer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this Agreement and all Exhibits and Addenda to this Agreement to be executed in duplicate and signed by their respective officers duly authorized to do so as ofthe dates given below Employer executes as the authorized representative of the Plan with respect to the Privacy Addendum to this Agreement


This day of By Name Its Duly Authorized


This 21st day ofMay 2010 By Name Jessica S Sheriff Its Contractual Agreement Unit Manager Duly Authorized

OS 2112010 20 LU

BOE Customer Name Bridgeport City Administrative Services Only Agreement

Exhibit A Plan Document

ERISA Plan No 501

Benefits and Members rights and Plan Booklet that includes Plan A Summary Plan Document or attached hereto to Connecticut Gtmeral and under the Plan will be by Employer responsibilities provided Plan Booklet the time General with a copy of its finalized by If has not Connecticut Employer provided aCI with the medical will administer the Plan in ordance is effective Connecticut General this Agreement then to its own and andor practices applicable and claims administration policies procedures management in the draft version of the Plan definitions and other language contained health insurance business and the Connecticut General will continue to administer Connecticut General to Employer Booklet provided by Plan Booklet and follows its Connecticut General receives the finalized the Plan in this manner until Plan Booklet General will use the finalized Afterthat time Connecticut preparation and review process to administer Plan

OS21 2010 21 ti

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Q E o o o N t E I 0 on o Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement


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OS21 2010 31 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

The Urgent Care case rate excluding radiology and laboratory services is 115

The CMG CareToday CMG low acuity clinics visit rate is 59 Lab tests performed at the CMG CareToday facilities are 10 per service A complete CMG CareToday fee schedule is available on request

ASC Ambulatory surgical center group rates based on 2006 Medicare for fadIity component ofoutpatient surgery services

Group 1 485 Group 2 650 Group 3 740 Group 4 900 Group 5 950 Group 6 1100 Group 7 1420 Group 8 1400 Group 9 1200 Unlisted 740

Cigna Medical Group pharmacy fee schedule

Brand Name AWP 15 2 75 dispensing fee Generic If MAC pricing is available then MAC 2 75 Ifno MAC price available then AWP 15 2 75 dispensing fe e

Plan charges are reduced by any applicable copayment coinsurance and or de ductible for service Services not identified by CPT code or codes without established RVUs are billed at the 50th Percentile ofthe Arizona Regional Medicode Schedule


Incorrectly reflected as 79842 rather than 807 18 in prior CMG Fee Schedule dated 3 12007 807 18 charge was effective as of 3 12 07 As of 6 12008 charge reduced to 485 00 facility charge and 552 18 total charge

Incorrectly reflected as 857 26 rather than 88835 in prior CMG Fee Schedule dated 31 2007 888 35 charge was effective as of 3 12007 As of 6 12008 charge remains 888 35

Incorrectly reflected as 2 50 rather than 2 75 in prior CMG Fee Schedule dated 3 12007 2 75 has been correct charge since inception ofOAP product

OS 2120I 0 32 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

Exhibit C Claim Audit Agreement Sample

A WHEREAS Connecticut General Life Insurance Company Connecticut General desires to cooperate with requests by A Employer to permit an audit for the purposes set forth below and

B WHEREAS the Auditor has been retained by Employer for the purpose of performing an audit Audit ofclaims administered by Connecticut General

C WHEREAS the Auditor and the Employer recognize Connecticut Generals legitimate interests in maintaining the confidentiality of its claim information protecting its business reputation avoiding unnecessary disruption of its claim administration

NOW THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION ofthe premises and the mutual promises contained herein Connecticut General the Employer and the Auditor hereby agree as follows

1 Audit Specifications

The Auditor will specifY to Connecticut General in writing at least forty five 45 days prior to the commencement ofthe Audit the following Audit Specifications

a the name title and professional qualifications of individual Auditors b the Claim Office locations if any to be audited c the Audit objectives ofclaims d the scope ofthe Audit time period lines ofcoverage and number e the process by which claims will be selected for audit f the records information required by the Auditor for purposes ofthe Audit and g the length oftime contemplated as necessary to complete the Audit

2 Review of Specifications

Connecticut General will have the right to review the Audit Specifications and to require any changes in or conditions on the Audit Specifications whichmay be necessary to protect Connecticut Generals legal and business interests identified in paragraph C above of except that such audit may not be limited by Connecticut General for purposes shielding it from legal liability

3 Access to Information

Connecticut General will make the records information called for in the Audit Specifications available to the Auditor at a mutually acceptable time and place

051212010 33 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

4 Audit Report

of the s as The Auditor will provide Connecticut General with a true copy Audit findings to the Such will well as of the Audit Report if any that is submitted Employer copies that the Audit and the be provided to Connecticut General at the same time findings Audit Report are submitted to the Employer

s Comment on Audit Report

and the with its Connecticut General reserves the right to provide the Auditor Employer comments on the findings and ifapplicable the Audit Report

6 Confidentiality

Auditor to review the The Auditor understands that Connecticut General is permitting the Audit the Auditor claim records information solely for purposes ofthe Accordingly claimants will be will ensure that all information pertaining to individual kept confidential in accordance with all applicable laws and or regulations Without limiting to to the the generality ofthe foregoing the Auditor specifically agrees adhere following conditions

or remove ofthe claim a The Auditor shall not make photocopies any records information without the express written consent ofConnecticut General

or other in b The Auditor agrees that its Audit Report any summary prepared connection with the Audit shall contain no individually identifiable information

7 Restricted Use of the Audit Information

the the Auditor will hold and treat With respect to persons other than Employer information obtained from Connecticut General during the A udit with the same degree with all and standard ofconfidentiality owed by the Auditor to its clients in accordance not without the applicable legal and professional standards The Auditor shall express General written consent ofConnecticut General executed by an officl r ofConnecticut the conclusions or information of disclose in any manner whatsoever results reports the Audit to whatever nature which it acquires or prepares in connection with any party The other than the Employer except as required or permitted by 8lpplicable law and to harmless Connecticut General for Employer and Auditor agree to indemnify hold claims costs and which result from any breaches of any and all expenses damages may or from the Auditor s obligations under paragraphs 6 and 7 ofthis Agreement authorizes Connecticut General s provision of information to the Auditor The Employer information to Connecticut General to provide to the designated Auditor the necessary Health Insurance and perform the audit in a manner consistent with all Portability with the Accountability Act of 1996 HIPAA Privacy Standards and in compliance signed Business Associate Agreement BAA

OS 212010 34 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

8 Termination

written The Connecticut General may terminate this agreement with prior notice the obligations set forth in Sections 4 through 7 shall survive termination of Agreement

Connecticut General Life Insurance Company


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OS 2112010 35 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

Exhibit D Privacy Addendum Business Associate Agreement


Section 1 Effect As of the Effective Date the terms and provisions of this Addendum are in and shall incorporated supersede any conflicting or inconsistent terms and provisions of as the Administrative Services applicable Only Agreement andor Flexible Spending Account or Reimbursement Accounts Administrative Services Agreement to which this Addendum is attached all exhibits or other attachments to and all including documents incorporated by reference in any such and applicable agreements individually collectively any such applicable agreements are referred to as the This Addendum sets out terms and Agreement provisions relating to the use and disclosure of protected health information without written authorization from the Individual

Section 2 Amendment to with Law Comply Connecticut General Employer also referred to as Plan and the health Sponsor group plan that is the subject ofthe Agreement also referred to as the Plan to agree amend this Addendum to the extent necessary to alloweither the Plan or Connecticut General to comply with the HIPAA Privacy Rule the HIPAA Standards for Electronic Transactions 45 CFR Parts 160 and 162 the HIPAA Security Standards 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164 Subpart C the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health HITECH Act which was included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ARRA PL 111 5 and their implementing regulations promulgated or to be promulgated by the Secretary and other applicable regulations or statutes

Section 3 Definitions Certain capitalized terms used in this Addendum are defined in Article V Terms used in this Addendum shall have the meanings ascribed to them by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health HITECH Act and their respective implementing regulations and guidance If the meaning ofany term defined herein is changed by regulatory or legislative amendment then this Agreement will be modified automatically to correspond to the amended definition All capitalized terms used herein that not are otherwise defined have the meanings described in the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules and the HI TECH Act A reference in this Addendum to a section in the HIPAA Rule HIPAA Privacy Security Rule or the HITECH Act means the se ction as it may be amended or substituted in the future


Section 1 Use and Disclosure ofPHI ConnecticutGeneral may use and disclose Protected Health Information PHI only ifsuch use or disclosure is in compliance with the applicable requirements of45 CFR S 164 504 e is required to satisfy its obligations or is permitted under the Agreement andor is or law but permitted required by shall not otherwise use or disclose any PHI Connecticut General shall not use or disclose and shall ensure that its directors officers and employees do not use or disclose PHI in any manner that would constitute a violation ofthe Privacy Rule ifdone by the Plan except that Connecticut General may use and disclose PHI as permitted under the Privacy Rule i for the proper management and administration ofConnecticut General ii to carry out the legal responsibilities ofConnecticut General or iii to provide Data Aggregation services relating to the health care operations ofthe Plan ifsuch services are required underthe Agreement

OS 212010 36 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

Section 2 Receiving Remuneration in Exchange for Protected Health Information Prohibited Effective for on or after the exchanges occurring date that is six 6 months after the date ofthe promulgation offinal the regulations by Secretary implementing Section I 3405 d ofHI TECH Connecticut General shall not directly or receive in indirectly remuneration exchange for any Protected Health Information ofan Individual unless the Plan obtained from the Individual in accordance with 45 CFR 164 508 a valid authorization that in acc ordance with such section whether the Protected Health specifies Information can be further for remuneration the exchanged by entity Protected Health Information of that receiving Individual unless the purpose of the exchange is

A For public health activities as described in 45 CFR 164 512 b

B For research as described in 45 CFR 164 501 and 164 512 i and the price charged reflects the costs of and transmittal preparation ofthe data for such purpose

C For the treatment ofthe Individual subject to any regulations preventing Protected Health Information from inappropriate access use or disclosure

D The health care operation in specifically described subparagraph iv of paragraph 6 of the definition of health care operations in 45 CFR 164 501

E For remuneration the Plan provided by to Connecticut General for activities involving the ofProtected Health Information exchange Connecticut General undertakes on behalf ofand at the of request the Plan pursuant to the Agreement

F To an provide Individual with a of his or her copy Protected Health Information pursuant to 45 CFR 164 524 or

G Otherwise determined ofthe to be by regulations Secretary similarly necessary and as the appropriate exceptions described in a through 1 above

Section 3 Limited Data Set or Minimum and Necessary Standard D termination Effective on and after 17 2010 Connecticut General shall February limit the use disclosure or request of Individuals Protected Health Information the extent to practicable to the Limited Data Set as defined in 45 CFR 164 514 e 2 or ifneeded by Connecticut General to the minimum amount ofIndividuals necessary Protected Health Information to accomplish the intended purpose ofsuch use disclosure or request and to perform its obligations under the underlying and this Addendum Agreement Connecticut General shall determine what constitutes the minimum to necessary accomplish the intended purpose ofsuch disclosure Connecticut General s under this obligations provision shall be subject to modification to comply with guidance issued by the Secretary

Section 4 Security Standards Effective on and after February 17 2010 Business Associate shall with the and comply administrative physical technical safeguards and standards set out in 45 CFR 164308 164 31 0 and 164 312 and with the policies and procedures and documentation requirements set out in 45 CFR 164 316

Section 5 Protection of Electronic PHI With respect to Electronic Protected Health Information Connecticut General shall

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37 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

A Implement administrative physical and technical safeguards that reasonably and appropriately protect the confidentiality integrity and availability of the Electronic Protected Health Information that Connecticut General creates receives maintains or transmits on behalf ofthe Plan as required by the Security Standards

B Ensure that any agent including asubcontractor to whom COllilecticut Generalprovides such information agrees to implement reasonable and appropriate sllfeguards to protect it and

C Report to the Plan any Security Incident of which it becomes aware

Section 6 of Violations General shall Reporting Connecticut r port to the Plan any use or of PHI not disclosure provided for by this Addendum of which it becomes aware Connecticut General agrees to mitigate to the extent practicable any harmful effe ct from a use or disclosure of PHI in violation ofthis Addendum ofwhich it is aware

Section 7 Security Breach Notification Connecticut General will notify the Plan of a Breach without unreasonable delay This notification will include to the extent known

i the names of the individuals whose PHI was involved in the Breach

ii the circumstances surrounding the Breach

Hi the date ofthe Breach and the date of its discovery

iv the information Breached

v any steps the impacted individuals should take to protect themselves

vi the Connecticut steps General is taking to investigate the Breac h mitigate losses and protect against future Breaches and

vii a contact person who can provide additional information about the Breach

Connecticut General will perform a fact based risk assessment as required by the HITECH Act to determine whetherthere is a significant risk offinancial reputational or other harm to the individual whose PHI was impacted Connecticut General will provide the Plan with the results of its risk assessment and will make a recommendation to the Plan regarding whether notification is required pursuant to 45 CFR 9164404 408 With the Plan s prior approval Connecticut General will issue such to notices individuals to the Department ofHealth and Human Services and to the media as the Plan is required to issue pursuant to and in accordance with the requirements of 45 CFR 164404 S 408 Connecticut General will pay the costs ofissuing notiees required by law and other remediation and which in Business Associate discretion mitigation s are appropriate and necessary to address the Breach Connecticut General will not be required to issue notifications that are not mandated by applicable law Connecticut General will maintain a log ofBreaches and will provide such log to the Plan annually to support the Plan s regulatory reporting obligations

Section 8 Disclosures to and Agreements by Third Parties Connectiicut General shall ensure that each agent and subcontractor to whom it provides PHI agrees to the same restrictions and conditions with respect to such PHI that apply to Connecticut General pursuant to this Addendum

OS 212010 38 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

Section 9 Access to PHI Connecticut General shall provide an Individual with access to such Individual s PHI contained in a Record Designated Set in response to such Individuals request in the manner and time required in 45 CFR 164 524

Section 10 of PHI for Amendment Availability Connecticut General shall respond to arequest by an Individual for to such amendment Individual s PHI contained in aDesignated Record Set in the manner and time in 45 CFR 164526 the Plan required except that shall handle any requests for amendment of PHI originatedby the Plan Plan Sponsor or the Plan s otherbusiness associates such as enrollment information

Section 11 Modifications to Individual Rights and Accounting ofDisclosures Effective on and after 17 2010 or the date in the February specifically provided HITECH Act or regulations issued the to the by Secretary pursuant HITECH Act Connecticut Gtmeral shall comply with and shall assist the Plan in complying with the modifications to the individual rights under the HIPAA Rule Privacy specifically modifications to requested restrictions on certain disclosures ofhealth information under 45 CFR 164522 a 1 i A access to certain information in electronic format ifthe Plan or Connecticut General uses or maintains an electronic health record with respect to an Individual s Protected Health Information under 45 CFR 164 524 and of certain accounting Protected Health Information disclosures ifthe Plan or Connecticut General uses or maintains an electronic health record with respect to Protected Health Information under 45 CFR 164 528 Connecticut General shall an provide accounting ofdisclosures ofPHI to an who Individual requests such accounting in the manner and time required in 45 CFR 164 528

Section 12 Requests for Protection Connecticut General shall Privacy handle requests by an Individual for privacy protection for such Individual s PHI pursuant to the requirements of45 CFR 164 522

Section 13 Processes and Procedures In carrying out its duties set forth in Article II Sections 6 7 8 9 above and Connecticut General will implement the Standard Business Associate Processes and Procedures the Processes and Procedures attached hereto for requests from Individuals including the that be made in requirement requests writing the creation of forms for use by Individuals in such and the making requests setting oftime periods for the Plan to fOIward to Connecticut General such any requests made directly to the Plan or Plan Sponsor In addition Connecticut General will the Processes and implement Procedures relating to disclosure ofPHI to Plan Sponsor or designated third parties

Section 14 Availabilitv of Books and Records Connecticut General hereby agrees to make its internal books and records to the practices relating use and disclosure of PHI available to the for Secretary purposes ofdetermining the Plan s compliance with the Privacy Rule

OS21 2010 39 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement


Section 1 Termination upon Breach of Provisions Applicable to PH Any other provision ofthe Agreement notwithstanding the Agreement may be terminated by the Plan upon prior written notice to Connecticut General in the event that Connecticut General materially breaches any obligation of thisAddendum and fails to cure the breach withinsuch reasonable time as the Plan may provide for in such notice provided that in the event that termination ofthe Agteement is not feasible in the Plan s sole discretion the Plan shall have the right to report the breal h to the Secretary

Effective on and after February 17 2010 ifConnecticut General knows of a pattern ofactivity or practice of the Plan that constitutes a material breach or violation ofthe Plan s duties and obligations under this Addendum Connecticut General shall provide a reasonable period oftime as agreed upon by the parties for the Plan to cure the material breach or violation Provided however that ifthe Plan does not cure the material breach or violation within such agreed upon time period Connecticut General shall terminate the Agreement ifft asible at the end ofsuch period However if neither termination ofthe Agreement nor cure are feasible Business Associate shall report the violation to the Secretary

Section 2 Use of PHI upon Termination The parties hereto agree that it is not feasible for Connecticut General to return or destroy PHI at termination of the Agreement therefore the protections ofthis Addendum for PHI shall survive termination oftheAgreement and Connecticut General shall limit any further uses and disclosures of such PHI to the purpose or purposes which make the return or destruction of such PHI infeasible


The Plan will not request Connecticut General to use or disclose PHI in any manner that would not be permissible under the Privacy Rule ifdone by the Plan except as provided in Article II Section 1 subsections i through iii


Breach means the unauthorized acquisition access use or disclosure ofUnsecured Protected Health Information which compromises the security or privacy ofsuch information except where an authorized person to whom such information is disclosed would not reasonably have been able to retain such information A Breach does not include any unintentional acquisition access or use of PHI by an employee or individual acting under the authority of Connecticut General if such acquisition access or use was made in good faith and within the courSt and scope ofthe employment or other professional relationship ofsuch employee or individual with Connecticut General and such information is not further acquired accessed used or disclosed by any person

Designated Record Set shall have the same meaning as the term designated record set as set forth in the Privacy Rule limited to the enrollment payment claims adjudication and case or medical management record systems maintained by Connecticut General for the Plan or used in whole or in part by Connecticut General or the Plan to make decisions about Individuals

Effective Date shall mean the earliest date by which the Plan is required to have executed a Business Associate Agreement with Connecticut General pursuant to the Privacy Rule

OS 212010 40 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

Electronic Protected Health Information shall mean PHI that is transmitted by or maintained in electronic media as that term is defined in 45 CFR 162 103

Limited Data Set shall have the same meaning as the term limited data set as set forth in as defined in 45 CFR 164514 e 2

Privacy Rule shall mean the Standards for Privacy ofIndividually Identifiable Health Information 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164 Subparts A and E

Protected Health Information or PHI shall have the same m aning as the term protected health information as set forth in the Privacy Rule limited to the infonnation created or received by Connecticut General from or on behalf of the Plan provided that Protected Health Information shall not include i education records covered by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act as amended 20 USC 1232g ii records described in 20 USC 1232g a 4 B iv and Hi employment records held by the Plan in its role as employer

Secretary shall mean the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services

Security Incident shall have the same meaning as the term security incident as set forth in 45 CFR 164304

Unsecured Protected Health Information shall mean PHI that is not secured through the use of a technology or methodology specified by the Secretary in accordance with the requirements of Section 13401 h l ofthe HITECH Act

OS 212010 41 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

Connecticut General Life Insurance ComDan Standard Business Associate Processes and Proce

each self funded health These Standard Business Associate Processes and Procedures apply to group plan wi11 enter into an Administrative Services Plan ofan entity Plan Sponsor that has entered or Only or Reimbursement Accounts Admin istrative Services Agreement Agreement Flexible Spending Account the Administrative and or Continuation Coverage Services Agreement collectively as applicable Connecticut General In Services Agreement with Connecticut General Life Insurance Company the Services has been or compliance with 45 CFR 164 502 e and 164 504 e Administrative Agreement either referred to herein as wi11 be modified by a Privacy Addendum or Business Associate Agreement Connecticut the Business Associate Agreement between or among the Plan and or Plali1 Sponsor and in the General Unless otherwise defined capitalized terms have the meaning provided applicable ifnot in such as defined in Privacy Addendum or Business Associate Agreement or defined agreement 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164 Subpart E the Privacy Rule

to Health Information or Section 1 Access to PHI When an Individual requests access Protected to the Plan or Plan PHI contained in a Designated Record Set and such request is made directly within five 5 business of such Sponsor the Plan shan forward the request to Connecticut General days of such from an receipt Upon receipt ofsuch request from the Plan or upon receipt a request directly Individual Connecticut General shaH make such PHI available directly to the Individual within the time The Plan to Connecticut General the to and manner required in 45 CFR 164 524 delegates duty Individual and the determine on behalf of the Plan whether to deny access to PHI requested by an duty and review in accordance with the Rule to provide any required notices Privacy

Section 2 Availability ofPHI for Amendment

to PHI in a Record Set a When an Individual requests amendment contained Designated Plan within five 5 business and such request is made directly to the Plan or Sponsor days ofsuch receipt the Plan shan forward such request to Connecticut General for to the extent that handling except that the Plan shaH retain and handle an such requests they pertain to IndividuaHy Identifiable Health Information such as enroHment associates information originated by the Plan Plan Sponsor or the Plan s other business Connecticut General shaH respond to such forwarded requests as weH as to any such from as 45 CFR 164 526 requests that it receives directly Individuals required by except that Connecticut General shaH forward to the Plan for handling any requests for amendment of PHI originated by the Plan Plan Sponsor or the Plan s other business associates

a b With respect to those requests handled by Connecticut General under subparagraph the above the Plan delegates to Connecticut General the duty to determine on behalf of Plan whether to deny a request for amendment of PHI and the duty to provide any required notices and review as weH as in the case of its determination to grant such a with the terms ofthe request the duty to make any amendments in accordance Privacy Rule In aH other instances the Plan retains an responsibility for handling such requests accordance with the Rule including any denials in Privacy

the Plan that the Plan has to make an c Whenever Connecticut General is notified by agreed above amendment pursuant to a request that it handles under subparagraph a

OS 212010 42 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

with 45 CFR Connecticut General shall incorporate any such amendments in accordance 164 526

of ofPHI Section 3 Accounting of Disclosures When an Individual requests an accounting disclosures the Plan within five 5 business held by Connecticut General directly to the Plan or Plan Sponsor shall to Connecticut General shall days of such receipt forward the request to Connecticut General handle for of disclosures received from handle such requests and any such requests an accounting directly Individuals in the time and manner as required in 45 CFR 164 528

Individuals Section 4 ReQuests for PrivacyProtection Connecticut General shall handle requests to the made to it for privacy protection for PHI in Connecticut General s possession pursuant to handle such requirements of 45 CFR 164522 The Plan shall forward to Connecticut General any requests the Plan receives from Individuals that affect PHI held by Connectkut General

Section 5 General Provisions Regarding ReQuests Connecticut General may require that requests and create forms for use Individuals in pursuant to Sections 1 through 4 above be made in writing may by above making such requests When responding to an Individual s request as provided Connecticut Individual that there be other health information created or General may inform the may protected and not included in the Connecticut maintained by the Plan and or the Plan s other business associates be for duties described in General s response Connecticut General shall not responsible performing any the Business Associate Agreement with respect to any such other protected health information In and carrying out its duties set forth herein Connecticut General may establish such additional procedures Rule processes for requests from Individuals as permitted by the Privacy

Section 6 Disclosure ofPHI to the Plan Sponsor To the extent that the fulfillment ofConnecticut Connecticut General to General s obligations under the Administrative Services Agreement requires disclose or provide access to PHI to Plan Sponsor or any person under the control of Plan Sponsor including third parties Connecticut General shall make such disclosure of or provide such access to PHI only as follows

i Connecticut General shall disclose Summary Health Information to any employee or other person under the control ofPlan Sponsor including third parties upon the Plan Sponsor s written ofhealth insurance HMO request for the purpose of obtaining premium bids for the provision or the Plan and coverage for the Plan or modifying amending or terminating

disclose make ii Ifthe Plan elects to provide PHI to the Plan Sponsor Connecticut General shall or available PHI other than Summary Health Information at the writtt n direction of the Plan to and the of only those employees or otherpersons identified in the Plan documents under control Plan Sponsor solely for the purpose of carrying out the Plan administration functions that Plan Sponsor performs for the Plan Such employees or otherpersons including third parties will be identified by the Plan in writing by name title or other appropriate designation to Connecticut General as a condition ofdisclosure of PHI pursuant to this Section 6 ii The Plan may modify such list from time to time by written notice to Connecticut Generali

Section 7 Disclosures ofPHI to Third Parties Upon the Plan s written request Connecticut General Plan and who are will provide PHI to certain designated third parties who assist in administering the out Plan authorized by the Plan to receive such information solely for the purpose of assisting in carrying administration functions Designated Third Parties Such parties may include but are not limited to and third party administrators consultants brokers auditors successor administrators or insurers stop

OS 212010 43 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

to a Third Connecticut General may loss carriers As a condition to providing PHI Designated Party within the ofthe Privacy Rule with require that the Plan have a business associate agreement meaning such Designated Third Party

OS21 2010 44 Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

Exhibit E Conditional Claim Subrogation Recovery Services

I Plans Without Connecticut General Stop Loss Coverale

If Employer has not purchased individual or aggregate stop loss coverage from Connecticut General or an affiliate with respect to its self funded employee welfare benefit plan

A All conditional claim payment and or subrogation recoveries under the Plan will be handled by the entity checked below


An independent recovery vendor whose name and address follow

1L Connecticut General and its subcontractor s

B If Employer has designated Connecticut General and its subcontractolrs to act as its recovery agent in paragraph IA above then

i Employer hereby confers upon Connecticut General and its subcontractors discretionary authority to reduce recovery amounts by as much as twenty five percent 25 ofthe total amount of benefits paid on Employer s behalf and to en1ter into binding settlement agreements for such amounts

ii In the event a settlement offer represents a reduction greater than the percentage identified above Connecticut General and its subcontractors should seek settlement advice from

Name Richard Weiner Title Benefits Manager Address Telephone 203 332 5618

Hi All amounts reimbursed to Employer s benefit payment account shall be refunded at the gross amount Connecticut General s and its subcontractors subrogation administration fee on cases where Connecticut General and its subcontractors have retained counsel and in cases where no counsel has been retained by Connecticut General and its subcontractors are both reflected in the Schedule of Financial Charges For the purposes of such fee calculations the use ofcounsel to perform minist rial acts such as filing of appearances or defenses in states which require plaintiffs to name employee benefit plans as party defendants and in similar circumstances shall not constitute the retention of counsel

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C Except where agreed to by Connecticut General and Employer Conm cticut General and its shaH have no subcontractors duty or obligation to represent Employer in any litigation or court proceeding involving any matter which is the subject of this Agreement but shaH make available to Employer and or Employer s counsel such information relevant to such action or proceeding as Connecticut General and its subcontractors may have as a result ofits handling of any matter under this Agreement

D In the event Employer purchases individual or aggregate stop loss coverage from Connecticut with General or an affiliate respect to its self funded employee welfare benefit plan at any time during the life ofthis Agreement the provisions ofparagraph II below shaH control

II Plans with Connecticut General Stop Loss Coveraee

If Employer has purchased individual or aggregate stop loss coverage from Connecticut General or an affiliate with respect to its self funded employee welfare benefit plan

A Connecticut General and its subcontractors shaH have the right and responsibility to manage aH conditional claim payment and or subrogation recoveries under the Pllm Connecticut General and its subcontractors shaH reimburse to the Plan the recovery minus relevant individual and aggregate stop loss payments made by Connecticut General

B All amounts reimbursed to Employer s benefit payment account shall be refunded at the gross amount Connecticut General s and its subcontractors subrogation administration fee on cases where Connecticut General and its subcontractors have retained counsel and in cases where no counsel has been retained by Connecticut General and its subcontractors are both reflected in the Schedule of Financial Charges

C Connecticut General and its subcontractors shaH have no duty or obligation to represent Employer in any litigation or court proceeding involving any matter which is the subject ofthis Agreement but shaH make available to Employer and or Employer s counsel such information relevant to such action or proceeding as Connecticut General and its subcontractors may have as a result ofits handling of any matter under this Agreement Notwithstanding the foregoing Connecticut General and its subcontractors reserve to itselfthe right to retain counsel to represent Connecticut General s own interests in any subrogation and or conditional claim recovery action under the Plan

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Exhibit F Insurance ReQuirements



CONNECTICUT GENERAL shall be responsible for maintaining insurance coverage in force for the life of this contract of the kinds and adequate amounts to secure all of CONNECTICUT GENERAL S obligations under this contract with an insurance company ies with an AM Best insurance in the State ofConnecticut Rating ofA VIII or better licensed to write such

The insurer shall provide the Bridgeport City BOE with original completed Certificates of Insurance signed by an authorized representative ofthe insurance company ies prior to execution of the ASO Agreement The completed Certificate shall confirm the insurer agrees to give the Bridgeport City BOE written notice within thirty 30 days ofany termination expiration or any material changes in coverage

Such insurance or renewals or replacements thereofshall remain in force during CONNECTICUT GENERALS responsibility under this contract

shall CONNECTICUT GENERAL at CONNECTICUT GENERAL S own cost and expense shall the BOE as procure and maintain all insurances required and name Bridgeport City Additional Insured on all contracts except Workers Compensation and Professional Liability basis coverage Coverage is to be provided on a primary noncontributory

In order to facilitate this requirement for insurance it is recommended that CONNECTICUT GENERAL forward a copy ofthese requirements to CONNECTICUT GENERAL S insurance representative s


1 Workers Compensation Insurance

CONNECTICUT GENERAL shall provide Statutory Workers Compensation Insurance including Employer s Liability with limits of

100 000 Each Accident 500 000 Disease Policy Limit 100 000 Disease Each Employee

OS 212010 47 ii

Customer Name Bridgeport City BOE Administrative Services Only Agreement

2 Commercial General Liability Insurance

insurance CONNECTICUT GENERAL shall carry Commercial Gene ral Liability occurrence Insurance Services Offices Incorporated Form CG 0001 or equivalent A per limit 01 1 000 000 is required The Aggregate Limitwill be not less than 1 000 000 will be noted on the of Any deviations from the standard unendorsed form Certificate Insurance

3 Business Automobile Liability Insurance

insurance CONNECTICUT GENERAL shall carry Business Automobile Liability A combined Insurance Services Office Incorporated Form CA OOOOl or equivalent 1 single limit each accident of 1 000 000 is required Any Auto symbol or form will be noted equivalent is required Any deviations from the standard ummdorsed on the Certificate ofInsurance

4 Professional Liability Insurance

in an amount CONNECTICUT GENERAL shall carry Professional Liability Insurance of not less than 1 000 000


CONNECTICUT GENERAL shall use commercially reasonable eJlorts to require insurance contractors hired CONNECTICUT coverage by any subcontractors and independent by and for GENERAL pursuant to CONNECTICUT GENERAL S standard policies procedures risk management

CONNECTICUT GENERAL and the Bridgeport City BOE waive all rights of subrogation each on this contract against each other for losses arising from work performed by


made CONNECTICUT GENERAL to If any policy is written on a claims basis agrees the maintain adequate insurance coverage for claims for the policy in effect during contract




OS 212010 48 t

Jessica S Sheriff Contract Agreement Unit Manager Contractual Agreement Unit II May 21 2010 CIGNA HealthCare Routing B2CAU 900 Cottage Grove Road Hartford CT 06152 Richard Weiner Telephone 860 226 9743 Benefits Manager Facsimile 860 730 3944 Bridgeport City BOE jessica sheriff@cigna com 45 Lyon Terrace Room 222 Bridgeport CT 06604

RE Bridgeport City BOE Account 3213172 Deferral Arrangement

Dear Mr Weiner

This letter confirms that Connecticut General Life Insurance Company Connecticut General that agrees beginning July 1 2010 and terminating June 30 2011 the Grace Period for the payment of billed is extended from monthly charges thirty one 31 to six y 60 days

1 If fails to the billed Employer pay monthly charges Connecticut GI neral may immediately terminate this deferral arrangement

2 Connecticut General may terminate this arrangement upon thirty 30 days prior notice

Please acknowledge acceptance of the terms ofthis letter by signing and dating where indicated below and returning a signed copy to me at the above address

Very truly yours

Jessica S Sheriff Contractual Agreement Unit Manager

JSS cf

Accepted by Name and Title


This day of I j 1

CIGNA HealthCare

Performance Guarantee Agreement

By and Between

Bridgeport City BOE



Connecticut General Life Insurance Company

And Applicable Affiliates

Collectively Connecticut Generar

Effective Date July 1 2010 f J

Table of Contents

EXHIBIT A Performance Guarantees and Penalties 3 Section I Term and Termination 5 Section 2 Definitions 5 Section 3 Conditions Precedent 4 6 Section Evaluation ofPerformance and Amounts Payment 6 Section 5 Measurement Methodology Changes 7 Section 6 Agreement Modification 7 Section 7 Laws Governing Contract 7 Section 8 Resolution of 7 Section 9 Third BeneficiariesDisputes Party 8 Section 10 Assignment and 8 Section II Nondisclosure Subcontracting 8 Section 12 Waivers 8 Section 13 Headings 9 Section 14 Survival 9 Section 15 Force Majeure 9 Section 16 Notices 9 Section 17 Entire Agreement 9 Signatures 10 EXHIBIT BI IMPLEMENTATION 11 EXHIBIT B2 SERVICE 13 EXHIBIT B3 DISCOUNT 17 Table I Networks 17 EXHIBIT B4 CLINICAL 22 Table I Detailed Measurement for Disease Methodology Management Guarantees Client Specific 26 J J

CIGNA HealthCare Performance Guarantee Agreement Customer Bridgeport City BOE Effective Date July 1 2010 IIf CIGNA Account Number s involved in Performance Guarantee s 3213172

EXHIBIT A Performance Guarantees and Penalties

Account Manalement Fees At Risk

Account Score all or Management Composite categories of 3 0 better on the Account Management Report Card based on four 4 quarterly assessments Results measured at Account Level 5 102 00

Financial Accuracv Fees At Risk Medical Financial Accuracy Measured for the Term of the Agreement results willmeet or exceed 99 of total audited Claim dollars are correctly paid Results measured atAccount Level 5 102 00 Processinl Accuracv Fees At Risk Medical Processing Accuracy Measured for the Term of the Agreement results will meet or exceed 95 of total audited claims Claim correctly processed Processing Accuracy is reported quarterly as it is based on aquarterly post payment stratified 5 02 00 audit program Results measured at Account Level

TIP Fees At Risk Medical Time To Process Measured for the Term of the Agreement results will meet or exceed 90 in 14 calendar days 5 102 00 clean paper claims Results measured at Account Level

Clinical ImDrovement Fees At Risk Disease Management Improvement in with Recommended Participant Compliance Asthma Testing mprolement in the of Asthma percentage Participants with persistent asthma who are prescribed asthma medication that are acceptable as primary 5 of asthma Well for term asthma the Guarantee Period therapy long during compared to the Baseline Period Results measured are Client A ware Fees Specific

Disease Management in with Improvement Participant Compliance Recommended Cholesterol Testing Improvement in the 5 of cardiac and of CHD and Diabetes an percentage Participants Participants receiving annual LDL screening during the Gwlrantee Period diabetic Well Aware to the Baseline Period Results measured are compared Client Specific Fees Financial Fees At Risk

Up to 20 of Well Aware fees ifthe performance target is not met Payment will be the

Isease lesser of20 Well D M anagement ROI A ID me dlcaI 0fP p d t he savmgs expenses rogram artlclpants unng Guarantee P en odht at IS equaI to or morethan 2 of their Baseline A F or th Period medical expenses Results measured are Client Specific dI ffierencewarebeteesween thee target savings percentage and the savings percentage achieved

Auto Elilibilitv Fees At Risk Auto Eligibility Processing Measured for the Term of theAgreement results will meet or exceed 100 files processed in 3 5 102 00 Business Days after the receipt of clean eligibility Results measured at Account Level ID Card Maintenance Fees At Risk lD Cards Maintenance 99 mailed within 10 business days after the release of not receipt of clean and accurat eligibility to 5 102 00 the lD card vendor Results measured at Account Level Elilibilitv DiscreDancv ReDort Delivery Fees At Risk Guarantee the the City and BOE will not be held responsible to make payments for covered services paid on individuals who were not eligible Within 30 business days after the end of each calendar month the following implementation date you agree to provide the City and BOE with a report the results of such showing eligibility reviews and claim payment recovery 5 102 00 for that calendar month completed Client will be responsible for downloading and reviewing the discrepancy reports via CIGNAccess com Results measured at Account Level

ADDeals Fees At Risk Turn around time for claim appeals will be no greater than 30 days from the time the appeal is submitted to when a final 5 102 00 decision is reached Results measured at Account Level

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CIGNA HealthCare Performance Guarantee Agreement Customer Bridgeport City BOE Effective Date July 1 2010 IIr Account Number CIGNA s involved in Performance Guarantee s 3213172

Member Satisfaction EmM Risk CIGNA will offer to conduct a first benchmark member satisfaction will year survey We not put dollars at risk for the first year For the second we will a Baseline year guarantee percentage of improvement above thebenchmark to 85 based on the up second year survey results with dollars at risk There is an annual fee for the of 14 000 Y N conducting survey approximately Account Management must initiate the survey Results measured at Account Level F ees eaRrat ISkO

Provider Recruitment Fees At Risk Number of providers CIGNA to recruit the criteria for and the attempts provider eligibility recruitment proceSB willbe determined by the Network team 5 102 00

Network AccesslProvider Availabilitv EmM Risk PCPs with closed practices less than 5 of PCPs with aclosed practice 5 102 00

Network Chanl eNotification Fees At Risk Notification will be made to client 30 days in advance of termination date for and medical groups with more than 50 providers Sales Team will be for hospitals 5 102 00 responsIble momtonng Speed Reads and notifymg chent oftermmatlOns Results measured at Account Level

Reports Delivered on Time Fees At Risk Deliver standard reports within 45 days of end of reporting Results measured at period Account Level 5 102 00

Reports Delivered on Time U Fees At Risk Deliver annual reports and documentation within regulatory 90 days of policy year Results measured at Account Level 5 102 00

Imolementation Fees At Risk Satisfaction Score no Implementation of less than three 3 on Statement I of the CIGNA HealthCare Implementation Survey Results measured at Account Level 29 000 00

Implementation ID Card Timeliness 98 of ID cards will be mailed the the by agreed upon commitment date in the Implementation Calendar Results measured at Account Level 5 102 00

Implementation Claim Readiness Benefit Profile and eligibility information loaded on claims processing system as of the Commitment Date set forth inthe 5 102 00 approved Implementation Calendar Results measured at Account Level

Implementation Call Readiness Service s to to customer Center ready respond inquiries as of the Commitment Date set forth inthe approved Implementation Calendar Results measured at Account Level 5 102 00

Abandonment Fees At Risk Medical Call Abandonment Rate Measured for the of Term the Agreement results will not exceed 5 of calls received by Call Center s terminated Results measured at Account Level 5 102 00

ASA Fees At Risk Medical ASA Measured for the Tenn of the Agreement results will not exceed 30 seconds to answer a phone call Results measured at Special Account Queue 5 I02 00

First Call Resolution Fees At Risk Medical First Call Resolution 90 of calls resolved on first call 45 look backforward day Results measured at Account Level 5 102 00


One Way Medical Discount Guarantee See Exhibit B for details

OS 28 2010 2010 Performance Guarantee Page 4 CIGNA HealthCare Performance Guarantee Agreement Customer Bridgeport City BOE Vir Effective Date July 1 2010 CIGNA Account Number s involved in Performance Guarantee s 3213172

General Life Insurance This Performance Guarantee Agreement Agreement is between Connecticut Connecticut General and BOE Company and applicable affiliates collectively Bridg port City 1 Effective Date Employer and is effective on July 2010

General is to WHEREAS in connection with certain services and programs that Connecticut providing the Plans underthe Employer for certain employee welfare benefit plans sponsored by Employer the Serviee andor applicable agreements between the parties individually or collectively Agreements set forth in Policies Connecticut General and Employer desire to implement certain perfomLance guarantees Exhibit A attached hereto according to the terms set forth below

contained herein Connecticut NOW THEREFORE in consideration ofthe mutual promises and covenants General and Employer hereby agree as follows

2 1 Additional definitions to Section 1 Term and Termination applicable specific Performance Guarantees are listed in applicable Exhibit B Terms not defined in 1 1 This Agreement is effective on the Effective this Section in applicable Exhibit B or Date stated above and shall remain in effect otherwise in this Agreement shall be deemed for one 1 year or if applicable for specific to reflect the common use industry meaning Performance Guarantees the period oftime noted for Performance expressly applicable 2 1 1 Benefit Profile The benefits offered under Guarantees in Exhibit B the applicable the Planes including plan design and unless terminated sooner the Term upon structure earliest ofthe following dates 2 12 Business Days The days ofthe week that 1 1 1 As to Performance Guarantees the specific Connecticut General is open to the public for date when Connecticut General ceases to conducting business administer the Planes run out services notwithstanding or when the applicable 2 13 Employee A person who is employed by Service Agreements andor Policies are Employer and covered under the Plan terminated run out services The time frame for notwithstanding or suspended 2 14 Guarantee Period which Performance Guarantees will be 1 12 The date when any state or other applicable measured which shall be one 1 year from jurisdiction prohibits the activities ofthe the Effective Date ofthis Agreement unless parties underthis Agreement expressly noted otherwise in Exhibit A or applicable Exhibit B 1 13 The Effective Date in the event that any condition precedent listed in Section 3 or in 2 15 Maximum Payment Amount The applicable Exhibit B as to specific maximum amount ofPayment Amounts that Performance Guarantees is not satisfied Connecticut General shall be obligated to Performance pay Employer for specific is not renewable However 12 This Agreement Guarantees Connecticut General agrees to issue new substantially similar Performance Guarantee 2 1 6 Payment Amount The amount payable to Agreements to Employer to be effective for Employer as determined by Connecticut Plan Year 2 and Plan Year 3 ofthe ASO General underthe criteria set forth in this Agreement entered into between Employer Agreement if Performance Guarantees are and Connecticut General not met For purposes ofthis definition Payment Amount for Performance Section 2 Definitions Guarantees shall not exceed the Maximum Payment Amounts if applicable

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2 7 1 Performance Guarantees The level of 3 17 The applicable Planes remain in effect that Connecticut General performance throughout the Term ofthis Agreement commits to achieve under the applicable Service Agreements andor Policies as set 3 18 The applicable Service Agreements andor forth in the Exhibit A Policies to whkh the Performance Guarantee relates remains in effect throughout the Term 2 1 8 Plan Participants Eligible persons enrolled ofthis Agreement or the Employer in the Plan connected to the applicable materially perfc rms under the applicable Performance Guarantee specific Service Agree lents andor Policies throughout the Term ofthis Agreement 2 1 9 Proiected Population The number of that estimated Employees Employer would 3 19 The conditions precedent for specific be enrolled on the Effective Date The Performance Guarantees set forth in 5 495 Projected Population for Employer is applicable Exhibit B occur Medical enrolled Employees Section 4 Evaluatiion ofPerformance and Section 3 Conditions Precedent Payment Amounts

3 1 and that the 4 1 Employer acknowledges agrees Performance Guarantees and the applicable conditions following precedent are required levels ofmeasurement Payment Amounts for the Performance Guarantees set forth in and Maximum Payment Amounts are listed in this to be in Agreement effect otherwise the Exhibit A Any additional terms conditions Performance Guarantees set forth in this precedent and dl finitions ifapplicable for are null and void Agreement specific Performance Guarantee are listed in applicable Exhibit B In the event ofa 3 1 1 This is both Agreement signed by parties conflict between terms in the in within three 3 months ofthe Effective Agreement applicable Exhibit B sh ll control Date

4 2 Connecticut General will report to Employer 3 12 Employer does not make a material change on each Performance Guarantee the in Benefit Profiles during the Term that as Performance RI ports within the specific reasonably determined Connecticut by time frame listed in Exhibit B for General affects the applicable performance being each specific PeJformance Guarantee measured in the Performance Guarantees 43 Employer shall notify Connecticut General in 3 13 Connecticut General continuously writing within sixty 60 days ofreceiving the administers the services on which the Performance Report ofany dispute applicable Performance Guarantees are concerning the Performance Report based throughout the Term of this

Agreement 4 Connecticut General shall pay to Employer Amount due underthe 3 14 Employer must be an active client for the any Payment Performance Report after the Guarantee type ofcoverage to which this Agreement Period Upon prior written notice to relates e g Medical Dental Pharmacy Connecticut General may offset Vision etc at the time the payment amount Employer the Amount payments is otherwise due under this agreement Payment against any owed by Employer to Connecticut General 3 1 5 There are at least 200 enrolled Employees as 4 5 In the event that ofthe Effective Date Employer fails to perform underthe applicable Service Agreements andor Policies 3 1 6 This Agreement remains in effect throughout in a way that adversely affects the Term ofthis Agreement Connecticut General s ability to perform one ofthe functions being measured in a

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Performance Guarantee Connecticut General 52 Connecticut General may replace or modify reserves the right to reasonably adjust the Performance Guarantees if necessitated by a Payment Amount ifany to account for change in the way Connecticut General Employer s act or omission Connecticut systematically tracks or measures the General will provide notice ofsuch applicable Performance Guarantee Any adjustment to Employer Should Employer substitute Performance Guarantee will to the not agree to the adjustment amount extent reasonably possible attempt to reflect Employer will notify Connecticut General of the same underlying objective and its objection The Parties agree to meet and performance levlel reflected in the original discuss such objections and come to mutual Performance Guarantee consistent with its agreement on resolution new measurementtracking methodology Connecticut General shall explain the reasons 4 6 Performance measure results for the Reports for the change ofa Performance Guarantee entire Guarantee Period or Any quarterly and the specifics ofthe substitute other results shared with periodic Employer Performance Guarantee in writing at least 30 are for informational purposes only days prior to such change

4 7 No third party audit results will be used to Section 6 Ae reemlmt Modification measure Performance Guarantees

4 8 Payment Amounts are based on the Projected This Agreement constitutes the entire contract Population andor total amount of fees between the parties relating to the subject matter expected to be paid by Employer to herein and no modification or amendment hereto Connecticut General underthe applicable shall be valid unless it is in writing and signed by Service Agreements andor Policies Payment an officer ofEmployer and by Connecticut Amounts are subject to change by General s Regional Financial Officer Connecticut General in the event that the Projected Population andor total amount of Section 7 Laws Governine Contract fees paid by Employer under the applicable Service andor Policies Agreements during This Agreement shall be construed in accordance the Guarantee Period changes as described in with the laws of the State ofConnecticut without the Services applicable Agreement regard to conflict of law rules and both parties consent to the venue and jurisdiction ofits courts Section 5 Measurement Methodoloev Chanees Section 8 Resolution ofDisputes

5 1 Connecticut General shall apply its standard 8 1 Any dispute benleen the parties arising from methodology consistent with industry or relating to the performance or standards to measure Performance ofthis Guarantees Additional information about interpretation Agreement Controversy shall be resolved exclusively methodology for specific Performance pursuant to the following mandatory dispute Guarantees if applicable is detailed in resolution procedures applicable Exhibit B Industry standard codes including but not limited to CPT ICD 8 1 1 Any Controversy shall first be referred for 9 NDC and CDT codes that are set the by Executive Review The disputing party industry or a government agency are subject shall give the other party written notice of to such update change Any updates changes the Controversy and request Executive after the Effective Date will be occurring Review Within twenty 20 days of such deemed into this incorporated Agreement written request the receiving party shall without further action the required by parties respond to the other in writing The notice and the response shall each include a

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summary ofand for the s support party 8 14 This provision shall survive the termination position Within 30 of thirty days the ofthis Agreement request for Executive Review an employee of each party with full to resolve authority Section 9 Third Party Beneficiaries the dispute shall meet and attempt to resolve the dispute This Agreement is for the benefit ofEmployer and Connecticut 8 12 Ifthe Controversy has not been resolved General It shall not be construed to within create between thirty five 35 calendar days ofthe any legal relationship Connecticut General and other request ofExecutive Review under Section any party 8 1 1 above the parties agree to mediate the Section 10 Controversy in accordance with the Asshmment and Subcontractinl following procedure Mediation The Mediation shall be conducted in Bridgeport No assignment ofrights or interests hereunder Connecticut in front ofa shall be neutral panel of binding unless approved in writing by a three 3 one authorized people ofwhich shall be duly officer ofeach ofthe parties selected by the Employer one ofwhich shall be 11 selected by Connecticut General and one Section Nondisdosure ofwhich shall be selected by mutual agreement ofthe Each shall parties party This Agreement the information Connecticut assume its own costs and fees The attorneys General reports to Employer in connection with mediator s and compensation expenses of this Agreement including the Performance the mediator and any administrative fees or Guarantee Reports the Payment Amounts and the costs associated with the Mediation Maximum Payment Amounts are proprietary and proceeding shall be borne the confidential equally by Employer shall maintain the parties of this confidentiality Agreement and any information to 8 1 3 Ifthe provided Employer pursuant to this Controversy has not been resolved by Agreement and shall not disclose either this Executive Review or Mediation the nor said Agreement information to any other Controversy shall be settled exclusively by party without the express written consent ofConnecticut binding arbitration The arbitration shall be General provided however that conducted in the same location as noted in Employer may disclose the terms of this if Section 8 1 2 above in accordance with the Agreement required by law or court order Should receive American Health Lawyers Association Employer a court order to disclose Alternative Dispute Resolution Service Confidential Information Rules ofProcedure for Arbitration The Employer agrees to provide arbitration Connecticut General with immediate notice shall be binding on the parties to of the any request that it disclose Agreement and on any respective Confidential Information so that affiliates which joined the arbitration The Connecticut General may arbitrators decision shall be final object to the request andor seek an appropriate conclusive order and binding and no action at law protective If such notice is prohibited by or in law equity may be instituted by either party Employer shall disclose the minimum other than amount of to enforce the arbitrators award Confidential Information required to Judgment on the award rendered by the be disclosed under the applicable legal mandate arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof Each party shall assume its own costs and attorneys fees The arbitrators compensation and expenses and Section 12 Waivers any administrative fees or costs associated with the arbitration proceeding shall be No course ofdealing or failure ofeither to borne equally by the Parties party strictly enforce any terro right or condition ofthis

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shall be Agreement construed as a waiver ofsuch delivered in person b tenn right or condition Waiver delivered to an agent such by either of as party an or similar any default shall not be overnight delivery service c deemed a waiver ofany delivered other default electronically or d deposited in the United States mail postage prepaid and addressed as follows Section 13 Headin2s

To Connecticut Gem ral Article section or paragraph headings contained Connecticut General Life in Insurance thisAgreement are for reference Company purposes only 900 Cottage Grove Rd and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation Hartford CT 06152 of this Agreement Attention Jeremy Richard Underwriting Director

Section 14 Survival To Employer Bridgeport City BOE Provisions contained in 45 this Agreement that by Lyon Terrace Room 222 their sense and context are intended to survive Bridgeport CT 0660 of Attention completion performance termination or Benefits Manager cancellation of this Agreement shall so survive CC Office ofthe City Section Attorney 15 Force Majeure City Hall Annex 999 Broad Street Connecticut General shall CT 06604 not be liable for any Bridgeport failure to meet ofthe any obligations required under this Agreement where such failure to perfonn is due to The address to any cause beyond the reasonable which notices or communications control ofConnecticut General may be either its employees given by party may be changed by officers or directors Such written notice contingencies include given by such party to the other but are not limited to acts or omissions pursuant to this Section ofany or person entity not employed or reasonably controlled Section 17 by Connecticut General its employees Entire A2reement officers or acts directors ofGod fires wars accidents labor or This disputes shortages and Agreement constitutes the entire governmental laws Agreement ordinances rules or between the parties on the subject matter herein regulations Any and all other Performance Guarantee Agreements between the if Section parties not already 16 Notices tenninated are terminated as ofthe Effective Date ofthis Agreement as Except otherwise provided all notices or other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly made when a

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF the have caused this parties Agreement to be executed in by their officers duplicate and signed respective duly authorized to do so as ofthe dates given below

Connecticut General Life Insurance Company Bridgeport City BOE r I V J 0 IP By By

Printed Name Jessica S Sheriff Printed Name Robert Moore Title Contractual Unit Agreement Manager Title Benefits CIGNA HealthCare Manager

Date 24 20 0 May Date

OS 28 2010 2010 Perfonnance Guarantee Page 0 CIGNA HealthCare Performance Guarantee Customer Agreement Bridgeport City BOE Effective Date July 1 2010 Account Number s IIr involved in Performance Guarantee s 321317 CIGNA


1 Additional Definitions 3 Additional Terms 1 1 Commitment Dates The dates by when 3 1 The Guarantee Period for the Connecticut General must Implementation perform specific Performance Guarantees is six 6 months implementation services as set forth in the on the Effective Implementation Calendar beginning Date

3 2 12 Implementation Implementation Performance Guarantees Calendar The schedule that shall be measured sets out the solely based on the mutually agreed upon obligations timely for complete and accurate information Employer and Connecticut General in provided by Employer or its designee to Connecticut connection with the implementation ofthe General as Plan ofthl due dates set forth in the Implementation Calendar 13 Service Center s A claim office processing 3 Connecticut General ofConnecticut General will provide to that processes Claims and Employer the Account receives and responds to Plan Implementation Participant Survey within 30 telephone calls days ofthe Effective Date Within 30 days thereafter Employer will 2 forward the Additional Conditions Precedent Account Implementation Survey to mutually agreed upon members of 2 1 Benefit Profiles are Employer s benefits staff fmalized and provided to and return the Connecticut General by Employer at least 60 completed surveys to Connecticut General to the Statement 1 ofthe days prior Effective Date or Account Implementation Connecticut General states that the confirms that the non Survey overall implementation standard design and structure can not be by Connecticut General as set forth in the Implementation Calendar reasonably implemented at least 30 days prior met the to the s Effective Date Employer needs a Score of 3 means that the as Employer measured by an average of 2 2 Employer or its designated the designated m mbers of agent provides to Employer s Connecticut General benefit staff eligibility information neither agrees nor with for Plan disagrees Participants that is accurate Statement I complete accessible and timely under the 4 predetermined schedule Performance Metrics

23 4 1 Identification The Implementation Calendar has been Card Delivery finalized and approved by Employer and 4 1 I Identification Card Performance Connecticut General prior to the Effective Date Measurement Identification Cards performance will be calculated by counting 24 the number of Employer has fulfilled its obligations in the Business Days from the Business that Implementation Calendar including timely Day eligibility information accurate and complete Participant necessary to iSSUE that card is released to the eligibility lD information and Benefit Profiles card vendor to and including the Business Day that the lD card is issued to the 2 5 In order for the Overall Plan Satisfaction Participant The Business Day the Guarantee to be binding Employer must eligibility information is received by the lD return the card completed Account Implementation vendor will not be included in this within Survey thirty 30 days ofreceipt in calculation accordance with paragraph 3 3 below 42 Claim Readiness

OS 28 2010 20 I 0 Perfonnance Guarantee Page 11 CIGNA HealthCare Performance Customer GlJaranteeAgreement Bridgeport City BOE Effective Date July 1 2010 Account Number s involved in IIr Performance Guarantee s 3213172 CIGNA

42 I Claim Readiness Perfonnance Measurement Claim that the overall Readiness will be calculated implementation ofthe by account or account changes met the detennining whether all complete and accurate Employer s needs A score of 3 will eligibility infonnation for each mean that the neither eligible participant under the Plan has been Employer agrees nor with loaded on disagrees this statement The Connecticut General s claims Account Implementation processing system as ofthe Commitment Survey shall be provided to Date the Employer within set forth in the approved thirty 30 calendar days ofthe Plan Implementation Calendar Effective Date the shall Employer n tum the completed 43 Can Account Readiness Implemlmtation Survey results to Connecticut General within thirty 30 days 43 1 Call Readiness of Perfonnance Measurement receipt The Account Implementation Call Readiness will be shall be calculated by Survey diistributed to appropriate members detennining whether the Plan ofthe s spe ifications Employer benefits staff are loaded into the and the above Score shall applicable inquiry system be the average of with the Service Center all ofthe staff members s ready to respond scores on Statement to customer 1 inquiries as ofthe Commitment Date set forth in the approved 5 Evaluation Implementation Calendar ofPertirmance and Pavment Amounts 4 Overall Satisfaction with Implementation 5 1 Within four 4 Services months ofcompletion of Implementation Connecticut General shall 4 I Overall the Satisfaction with Implementation compile necessary documentation and Services perfonn the Measurement The Employer shall necessary calculations to evaluate be satisfied with the its fulfillment ofeal h Implementation process perfonnance as reflected a score of less commitment set forth in this by no than 3 on Agreement and Statement I of make this an Account Implementation infonnation available to the to be Employer Survey distributed to the Employer by Connecticut General Statement I recites

OS 28 20 I 0 20 I 0 Perfonnance Guarantee Page 12 CIGNA HealthCare Performance Guarantee Agreement Customer Bridgeport City BOE Effective Date July 1 2010 Account Number s R@ involved in Performance Guarantee s 3213172 CIGNA


I Additional Definitions ofthe beginning plan year to prepare for Plan 1 1 Account administration Level The performance commitment is measured with respect to 1 9 Maintenance ID Cards Means ID Cards Employer s claims processed during the issued the Guarantee Period during Guarantee Period for in changes member address changes in enrollment 12 etc Maintenance ID Average Speed to Answer The Cards does sum ofthe not include the initial issuance ofID at total time between the cards elapsed moment when the beginning ofthe Plan year atelephone call is queued to the Call Center s and the time the call is 1 responded 10 Office Level The performance to commitment is measured using a random sample ofall the claims at the 13 Call Center processed Service Center s on Member service center of the same claim engine that Connecticut General that receives and processes s Claims Employer And for all Vision Plan responds to Plan Participant telephone calls performance guarantees Office Level shall 14 Claim Refers mean that the to claims received by performance commitment is General measured arandom Connecticut underthe Plan s Ifthe using sample ofall vision claims term claim is used processed across the entire book without a capital c it of refers vision business to claims received by Connecticut General whether under the s Employer 111 Processed A Claimclaim Plan s or under other shall be plans considered proc ssed when Connecticut 1 5 General has made a Connecticut General s Standard Quality determination as to whetherthe billed Assurance Audit Methodology The services are covered and if covered objective ofaudit claim determined the amount of quality is to measure claim reimbursement accuracy by identifying claim payment or errors processing that are based on data 1 12 Service Center A claim available to the claim processing office of processor at the Connecticut time General that processes Claims day the claim was paid that caused incorrect payment or correspondence that has 1 13 Account Special Queue A defined of a customer group impact and that results in customer service associates that handle a correctional work by Connecticut General block specific ofbusiness with similar ASA and abandonment rate The 1 6 Customer Service requirements Representative CSA SAQ refers to a specific call to A queue which person responding to callers at a Call an account For measurement Center belongs results purposes aJre derived by compiling statistics for all accounts 1 7 An within that particular 1nmirY answered call received at a Call queue Center about the services Connecticut General provides to the Plan s 2 Performance Metrics

1 8 Maintenance Means 2 1 Eligibility additions Claim Time to Process TTP deletions and changes in eligibility that are processed during the Guarantee Period 2 1 1 Time to Process Measurement Time to Maintenance does not include Process will Eligibility any be calculated the loads by counting eligibility that are done at or before the number ofBusiness Days or calendar days as from appropriate the day that a Claim is

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received by Connecticut General to and 23 Inquiry including the day the Claim is processed 23 1 of Answer ASA The day that the Claim is received will not Average Speed be included in this calculation 23 IIASA Measurement The ASA will be determined the sum ofthe 2 Claim Qualitv by measuring total elapsed time between the moment 2 1 Financial Accuracy when a telephone call is queued to the Call Center s and the time the call is responded 2 2 1 1 Financial Accuracy Measurement to for all answered calls to the Call Financial Accuracy Performance Center s and then dividing that number will be determined Commitment by by the total number oftelephone calls applying Connecticut General s Standard answered in the Call Center s during the Quality Assurance Audit Methodology to a Guarantee Period statistically valid sample ofClaims Account Level or claims Office Level The calculation ofASA is either based on processed during the Guarantee Period all Inquiries Account Level or on all calls received by the Call Center s that are Financial Accuracy represents the sum of serviced in the Special Account Queue the absolute value oftotal dollars overpaid and the total dollars underpaid subtracted 232 Call Abandonment Rate from the total dollars paid divided by the 23 2 1 Call Abandonnlent Rate Measurement total dollars paid expressed as apercent The Call Abandonment Rate will be Overpayments and underpayments are calculated as the total number ofcalls determined from auditing a statistically received the Guarantee Period that valid sample ofclaims paid during the during result in the caller terminating the call after period it is queued to a CSA divided by the total 2 2 Claim Processing Accuracy Overall number oftelephone calls received by the Accuracy Call Center s during the Guarantee Period expressed as apercent 2 2 2 1 Claim Processing Accuracv Overall Accuracy Measurement Claim The calculation ofCall Abandonment Rate Processing Accuracy Overall Accuracy is based on all Inquiries Account Level or Performance Commitment will be on all calls received by the Call Center s determined by applying Connecticut during the Guarantee Period that are Account General s Standard Quality Assurance serviced in the Special Queue AuditMethodology to a statistically valid 23 3 First Call Resolution sample ofClaims Account Level or claims Office Level the processed during 233 1 First Call Resolution Measurement An Guarantee Period Inquiry will be considered closed on first when Connecticut General gives it Claim Processing Accuracy Overall inquiry a closed status on the Inquiry Tracking Accuracy represents the total number of s and no Inquiries involving the claims processed without any errors both System same matter are received the 45 financial and non financial errors divided during day period prior to the Inquiry or during the 45 by the total claims processed expressed as day period following the Inquiry a percent The calculation ofclaims paid with error is determined from a auditing The First Call Resolution rate will be statistically valid sample of claims paid calculated by dividing the number of the during period Inquiries that were closed on first inquiry during the Guarantee Period by the total

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number ofInquiries received during the 242 Maintenance ID Cards Guarantee Period expressed as a percent 24 2 1Maintenance ID Cards Measurement 24 Emplover Service Maintenance ID Cards performance will be calculated by counting the number of 24 1 Automated Maintenance Eligibility Business Days jrom the Business Day that Processing eligibility infonnation necessary to issue that card is released to the ID card vendor This Performance Guarantee shall not apply ifEmployer to and the Business is using theEnrollment Maintenance Tool including Day that the ID card is issued to the Plan Participant 24 1 1 Condition Precedent This Maintenance The Business Day the eligibility Eligibility Processing Commitment is information is received by the ID card contingent upon the submission by vendor will not be included in this Employer or Employer s agent of full calculation electronic eligibility files containing no Maintenance ID Cards will be more than two 2 percent erroneous performance calculated ID records An erroneous record is defined by dividing the number of cards that were issued to Plan as any Plan Participant record lacking any Participants within the number ofBusiness ofthe accurate information necessary to desigpated the Guarantee Period the correctly administer benefits such as Days during by total number ofID cards issued to Plan correct spelling ofthe Plan Participant s name applicable Social Security Number Participants during the Guarantee Period date ofbirth account number division if expressed as apercent any branch number information to 2 5 Account Manal ement correctly identify plan and benefit structure such as benefit code option 25 1 Account Management Measurement benefit structure code plan plan type Connecticut Gem ral s Account Management network ID the Plan if uses provider Sales Team commits to providing services to networks effective date of coverage Employer of such quality as will result in termination date HIPAA privacy Connecticut General s achieving on the information member address and ifany Account Management Report Card sample any other data demographic available upon request the designated Account Management Composite Score 24 12 Maintenance Eligibility Processing Measurement Maintenance Eligibility 2 52 Account Management Condition Precedent will be calculated Processing by counting This commitment is contingent on Employer the number ofBusiness from the Days completing its obligations in the Evaluation Business that the file is received Day by ofAccount Management as follows Connecticut General to and the including subsection below on a quarterly basis Business Day the file is entered into the Connecticut General eligibility system 2 53 Evaluation ofAccount Management At the The Business Day the file is received will beginning ofthe Term Employer shall not be included in this calculation designate individuals on its benefits staff who will receive and complete the Account Maintenance Eligibility Processing Management Report Card on a quarterly performance will be calculated by dividing basis the number ofeligibility files that met the performance standard during the Guarantee The Account Management Report Card will Period by the total number ofeligibility be distributed to Employer s designated staff files processed expressed as a percent members on a quarterly basis shall be completed signed and dated by them and all returned to Connecticut General by

OS 28 2010 2010 Performance Guarantee Page 15 CIGNA HealthCare Performance Guarantee Agreement Customer Bridgeport City BOE Effective Date July 1 2010 IIr CIGNA Account Number s involved in Performance Guarantee s 3213172

Employer within three 3 weeks ofthe necessary documentation and perform the distribution date Failure ofEmployer to necessary calculations to evaluate its meet its obligations in this subparagraph and fulfillment ofeach performance commitment the subparagraph above shall nullify the set forth in this Agreement and make this Account Management Commitment information available to Employer

Following the end ofthe Term and receipt of The Payment Amounts in Exhibit A have the fourth 4th quarterly survey from been established iin relationship to the Employer Connecticut General will Projected Population In the event that the calculate the Composite Score in each actual number ofemployees enrolled on the performance assessment category by Effective Date is greater than one hundred averaging the scores for the four 4 quarters and fifteen percent 115 ofthe projected Term ofthe The assessments ofeach ofthe number the Employer reserves the right to staff members designated and each ofthe increase the Payment Amounts in proportion performance assessment categories will be to the variation b tween the actual and weighted equally The Account Management projected number ofenrolled employees Commitment will be deemed fulfilled if the Correspondingly Connecticut General average ofthe composite scores in each reserves the rightto decrease the Payment category Account Management Composite Amounts in proportion to the variation Score is equal to or greater than the between the actual and projected number of Account Management Composite Score enrolled employees in the event that the indicated on Exhibit A actual number ofemployees enrolled on the Effective Date is less than eighty five percent 3 Evaluation ofPerformance and Payment 85 ofthe projl cted number Amounts

3 1 Within four 4 months after the end ofthe Term Connecticut General shall compile the

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Table 1 Networks


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1 Additional Definitions 1 10 Service Area Discount Target Means the percentage discount from Covered 1 1 Actual Discount The weighted average Charges that Connecticut General expects ofall Service Area Discounts to achieve through its Participating Provider Agreem nts during the 1 2 Covered Charges The fee for service Guarantee Period for all Covered charges submitted for reimbursement Services in a given Service Area The underthe Plan by Participating Providers Service Area Discount Target for each for Covered Services calculated as if Service Area is identified in Table 1 there were no Discounts

1 11 Service Termination Date The date on 13 Covered Services Health care services which the Connecticut General Service and supplies that are covered underthe Agreements andor Policies with respect in network coverage ofthe Plan to the Plan ends not counting any run 14 Discount out periods Target The weighted average ofthe Service Area Discount Targets 2 Additional Conditions Precedent 1 5 Eligible Charges Covered Charges 2 1 The to Service minus discounts guarantee applies only Areas approved by Connecticut General and identified in Table I 1 6 Fees at Risk The portion ofnetwork access fees that will be used to calculate 2 This Discount Performance Guarantee the amount that either party may be agreement and the calculations herein do required to pay the other under this not apply to Agreement

2 1 that are not fee for service 1 7 Charges Plan The program ofmedical welfare charges e g capitation payments benefits which Employer has adopted for its Plan Participants and which is 2 2 Charges for services supplies that are administered Connecticut General by not Covered Services such as COB The term Plan shall include each plan exclusions lJM denials change as ofits effective date which has pendedduplicate claims etc been adopted by Employer and accepted Connecticut General as by compatible 2 2 3 Charges made by providers that are not with its guarantee obligations hereunder Participating Providers in a Service Such adoption and acceptance shall be Area documented in a writing executed by an authorized officer ofeach ofthe parties 2 24 Services provided under an agreement with aprovider where all billed charges 1 8 Service Area Means location a listed in equal negotiated discounted charges Table 1 In where Network Services are such as Gentiva NIA etc available under the Plan 2 2 5 Charges made by any CIGNA company 1 9 Service Area Discount The discount e g including but not limited to Tel that is calculated by dividing the Eligible Drug Inc Tel Drug ofPennsylvania Charges by the Covered Charges and Inc CIGNA Behavioral Health and the subtracting result from one 1 CIGNA HealthOrre ofArizona Incs Example if Covered Charges are 100 staff model and Eligible Charges are 75 then 75 divided by 100 is 75 one minus 75 is 2 2 6 Claims exceeding 100 000 which will 25 or a 25 discount be removed in their entirety and

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2 7 Claims for persons over age 65 32 Actual Discount Within five months after the end ofthe Guarantee Period 2 3 In the event any federal state or local Connecticut General shall determine the legislation or regulation a impacts Service Area Discount s actually Connecticut General s to enter ability achieved during the Guarantee Period in into Provider in Participating Agreements each Service Areal Connecticut General one or more Service Areas or b affects shaIl then calculate the weighted average the Eligible Charges in one or more ofall the Service Area Discounts during Service Areas Connecticut General the Guarantee Period In calculating the reserves the right to revise the Service weighted average ofthe Service Area Area Discount to account for Targets Discounts the proportional relevance such changes assigned to each Service Area Discount will be determined by dividing the total 24 In the event that Covered Charges remain Covered Charges for that Service Area flat or decrease in any Service Area during the Guarantee Period the total during the Guarantee Period Connecticut by Covered Charges for all Service Areas General may adjust the Service Area during the same pi riod Discount Target for that Service Area accordingly 4 Risk SharinGuslrantees

2 5 In the event there is a substantial change 4 1 Ifthe Actual Discount is within 2 that ie including but not limited to the is that number ofpercentage points plus addition ofanew participating hospital or minus ofthe Discount Target the termination ofa in participating hospital Risk Free Corridor no amounts will CIGNA s network in the Service Area be owed by Conne cticut General under that affects the fmancial discounts this Agreement expected in place Connecticut General may revise the Performance Guarantees 4 2 Ifthe Actual Discount is less than the to account for such changes Discount Target and not within the Risk Free Corridor Cotmecticut General will 3 Methodolol v payor credit to Employer

3 1 Discount Target Prior to the Guarantee 42 1 4 00 Per Employee Per Month if the Period Connecticut General will identify Actual Discount is within 21 to 4 the Service Area Discount s to be Target percentage points ofthe Discount achieved the Guarantee Period in during Target or each Service Area These Service Area Discount Targets are identified in Table 42 2 8 00 Per Employee Per Month if the 1 After the end ofthe Guarantee Period Actual Discount is greater than 4 Connecticut General shaIl calculate the percentage points ofthe Discount weighted average ofall Service Area Target Discount Targets for the Guarantee Period In calculating the weighted 5 Evaluation of Performance and average ofall Service Area Discount Pavment Amounts Targets the proportional relevance 5 1 assigned to each Service Area Discount Connecticut General shall provide the Performance to Target will be determined by dividing the Report Employer within five 5 total ofall Covered Charges for that months foIlowing the end ofthe Service Area during the Guarantee Period Guarantee Period by the total Covered Charges for all 52 Connecticut General or as the Service Areas within the same period Employer case may be shall payor credit to the

05 28 2010 20 0 Performance Guarantee Page 20 CIGNA HealthCare Performance Guarantee Agreement Customer Bridgeport City BOE Effective Date July 1 2010 III CIGNA Account Number s involved in Performance Guarantee s 3213H2

other any amounts due under this Agreement within sixty 60 days following delivery by Connecticut General ofthe Performance Report

OS 28 2010 2010 Performance Guarantee Page 21 CIGNA HealthCare Performance Guarantee Agreement Customer Bridgeport City BOE Effective Date 1 2010 IIr July CIGNA Account Number s involved in Performance Guarantee s 3213172


1 Additional Definitions Disease Management Program Heart Disease Management Program Low 11 Baseline Period Means the twelve 12 Back Pain Disease Management month incurred period immediately prior to effective date ofthe pertinent Disease 1 6 Covered Services for Client Specific Management Program Connecticut Means health care including pharmacy General reserves the right to re establish services andor supplies that are covered the baseline period if it is deemed to be under Employer s applicable Plans too historical 1 7 Disease Management Maximum The 1 2 Case Management Program maximum Payment Amount that applies Connecticut General case management or if none ofthe Disease Management utilization management program Guarantees are met during the Guarantee including complex specialty and Period The exposure is determined on a catastrophic case management and pro rata basis for this measure For utilization management programs example if the Guarantee Period results are 90 ofthe target results then only 13 Client Specific Connecticut General s 10 ofthe fees at risk will be paid or performance is measured as to credited to Employer Employer s Participants not the CIGNA Book ofBusiness 1 8 Documented Care Plan A documented plan for a complex catastrophic and 14 Claim Costs for Client Specific Means specialty intensilty case management case all fee for service and fee for service where there is documented verbal consent equivalents for capitated encounter data from the Plan PElrticipant for case health care costs including all pharmacy management services and where the plan costs incurred under Employer s at aminimum identifies one 1 short applicable Plan s for Covered Services term goal one I long term goal and one provided Participants during the 1 exit goal applicable measurement period i e Baseline Period or Guarantee Period 1 9 ETG Stands for Episode Treatment capped at 100 000 per Participant Group a methodology developed by Claims Costs do not include any Symmetry Health and used for measuring Participant co payments coinsurance or compliance with the Pharmacy deductible amounts or any Well A ware guarantees Program charges paid by the Employer For purposes ofthis definition a cost is 1l0 HEDIS Measure Rotation Shall be incurred on the date that a Covered defmed as Connecticut General s use of Service is provided to a Participant not the audited and reportable rate from the the date the Plan pays the cost prior year s data collection in lieu of collecting the measure for the Guarantee 15 Core 5 Well Aware The Core 5 Well Period based on NCQA approved Aware programs are Asthma Disease methodology Management Program Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COP D 1 II Medical Management Full Program Disease Management Program Diabetes Means the full array ofConnecticut

OS 28 2010 2010 Performance Guarantee Page 22 CIGNA HealthCare Performance Guarantee Agreement Customer Bridgeport City BOE II Effective Date July 1 2010 CIGNA 3213172 Account Number s involved in Performance Guarantee s

Investment measures GeneraVCIGNA s medical management 1 15 ROI Return on saved services ie prior authorization of dollars by aspecified program dollars on that specialty care pre certification of against spent by Employer inpatient admissions continued stay specified program review ofin patient care and case claim dollars management 1 16 Savings Target Measures saved by a specific program See specific in 1 12 NCQA Quality Compass National measurement methodology applicable Performance Average Calculated by the National Exhibit B for each Committee for Quality Assurance from a Guarantee with a Savings Target pool of400 public and non public reporting health plan products 2 Additional Conditions Precedent

2 Connecticut General shall not be 1 13 Participant Means the Plan Participants 1 enrolled in the specific Well Aware obligated to provide the Client Specific Clinical Perform mce Guarantees if any program For purposes ofDisease or more ofthe occurs Management programs there are Asthma one following Participants Cardiac Participants COPD 1 1 number of enrolled on Participants Diabetes Participants and 2 The Employees D LBP Participants Disease management the Effective lte is less than 90 or ofthe Participants a have been diagnosed as greater than 11 0 Projected having one ofthe five targeted chronic Population diseases and have been identified as such 2 turnover in by the specific disease identifying 2 1 There is a 20 or greater the Term methodology or their treating physician Plan Participants during b their diagnosis has been made known 2 13 Less than 70 ofall the Plan to Connecticut General c they have not contact information voluntarily opted out ofthe disease Participants to Connecticut General specific Well Aware Program and d provided by or its is they are not a participant in another Well Employer designated agent determined A ware Program for another chronic accurate as rea sonably by disease Connecticut General

1 14 PDPPM Costs For Client Specific 2 2 For all Clinical Performance Guarantees minimum of 500 measures stands for Per Disease Employer must have a in the Plan administered Participant Per Month costs and means Employees by Term the Claims Costs for the Participants for a Connecticut General for the entire given period oftime ie the Guarantee ofthis Agreement Period or the Baseline Period The below PDPPM Costs for the Baseline Period are 23 Client s disease prevalence is not than 5 determined by Connecticut General CIGNA book average by more following a baseline analysis using 24 Client medicaand cost Employer s Medical Management Claims s pharmaceutical PDMPM below CIGNA book Set for the Baseline Period Employer s is not 10 Medical Management Claims Set means average by more than the medical and prescription drug claim history with respect to the Disease Management Programs associated with the Performance Guarantees identified in Exhibit A

OS 28 20 I 0 20 I0 Performance Guarantee Page 23 CIGNA HealthCare Performance Guarantee Agreement Customer Bridgeport City BOE Effective Date 1 2010 R@ July CIGNA Account Number s involved in Performance Guarantee s 321317 2

3 Additional Terms 4 14 Connecticut General will use required 3 1 The Guarantee Periods for specific historical pharmacy claim data and Performance Guarantees are set forth in historical claim data provided by Exhibit A beginning on the Effective Employer to establish the Baseline Date Period along with the jumpstart program for new Employers that 4 Disease Manal ement Metrics combines the Ba1 eline Period information with current Participant 4 1 Additional Conditions eligibility information to identify Participants with chronic disease 4 1 1 For Disease Management Performance conditions for paJiicipation in Well Guarantees a Employer must have Aware Programs and to evaluate Disease purchased the Disease Management Management Performance Guarantees programs for a minimum of 3000 Participants in each ofthe Disease 4 1 5 Plan Participants with more than one Management programs listed in Exhibit chronic disease defined here as Asthma A b Employer must have purchased Diabetes Cardiac Chronic Heart the Medical Management Full Disease CHD Lower Back Pain LBP Program c Employers must make and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary available to Connecticut General Disease COPD will only be considered required historical claim data and to have one primary diagnosis e g an pharmacy claim data to establish the Asthma Participant will not also be Baseline Period and d Employers new considered a Diabetes or CHD to Connecticut General must complete Participant the jumpstart process prior to the Effective Date which combines 4 1 6 Client Specific Savings Target guarantee historical claim data and pharmacy calculation does 110t include fees or the claim data for the Baseline Period with savings realized through Weight current eligibility information Complications Depression or Targeted Condition program 4 12 For the Disease Management Saving Target Performance Guarantee 4 17 Retirees are included Employer must purchase the 5 Core Well Aware Client specific 4 2 Disease Management Measurement Programs Savings Target Guarantee calculation Performance Guarantees shall be does not include fees nor the savings measured using the Detailed realized through Weight Complications Measurement Methodology set forth in Depression or Targeted Condition Table I which m lY be periodically program adjusted to reflect Connecticut General s current practices Connecticut General 4 13 For the clinical improvement incorporates three 3 months ofrun out guarantee s Employer must purchase claim experience related to the Guarantee and retain for the duration ofthe Period in conducting its analysis of the Guarantee Period the program associated performance ofthe Well Aware Program with the performance guarantee s For example to be eligible for Improvement 43 Savings Target Measurement Reduction in the percentage ofAsthma Participants in health care costs will be determined by with persistent asthma who are Connecticut General by comparing the prescribed asthma medication Employer PDPPM Costs for the Guarantee Period must purchase Asthma Program to the PDPPM Costs for the Baseline

OS28 20I 0 20 I0 Performance Guarantee Page 24 CIGNA HealthCare Performance Guarantee Agreement Customer Bridgeport City BOE Effective Date 1 2010 tIIr July CIGNA Account Number s involved in Performance Guarantee s 32131i 2

Period using the Detailed Measurement 4 Evaluation ofPerformance and Pavment Methodology set forth in Table 1 Amounts Connecticut General shall Connecticut General reserves the right to provide to Employer a written report periodically adjust the Detailed using the Well Aware Program Report Measurement Methodology to reflect its Methodology see Table 1 with respect then current industry best practices For to the Disease Management Guarantees the Savings Target Guarantee the health within one hundn d eighty 180 days care cost reduction will be expressed as a following the end ofthe Guarantee percent ofthe Baseline Period PDPPM Period Connectieut General shall report Costs Connecticut General reserves the performance with respect to the Disease right to re evaluate the Savings Target Management Guarantees in the Guarantee should Employer s disease aggregate prevalence be lower than CIGNA Book ofBusiness average by more than five 5 percent and should the medical and pharmaceutical cost paid PDMPM be below CIGNA Book ofBusiness by more than ten 10 percent

OS 28 2010 2010 Performance Guarantee Page 25 CIGNA HealthCare Performance Guarantee Agreement Customer Bridgeport City BOE IIr Effective Date July 1 2010 CIGNA s 3213172 Account Number s involved in Performance Guarantee

Disease Guarantees Client Table 1 Detailed Measurement Methodology for Management Specific

use Mefrications Detailed Measurement Methodology Appropriate of

Denominator Number ofAsthma Participants who

in the Baseline Period 1 have no less than ten months ofeligibility 10 Period of and history in the Guarantee 2 have no less than ten 10 months eligibility program participation 3 did not voluntarily opt out ofthe Asthma Well Aware Program identified with Asthma and are not deceased 4 did not claim to have been falsely

General data in the CIGNA HealthCare The Denominator will be calculated by Connecticut using Well Aware Clinical Information System

included in the Denominator who Numerator The number ofAsthma Participants participated General the numerator will be calculated by Connecticut using during the Guarantee Period The Set To be included in the numerator the Participant must Employer s Medical Management Claims

in the Baseline Period 1 have no less than ten 10 months ofeligibility of and exposure in the Guarantee Period 2 have no less than ten 10 months eligibility program

Detailed Measurement Methodology LDL

who Denominator The number of CHD and Diabetes Participants

of in the Baseline Period 1 have no less than ten months eligibility 10 Period and history in the Guarantee 2 have no less than ten 10 months ofeligibility program participation cardiac Well Aware 3 did not voluntarily opt out of the Program with heartdisease and 4 did not claim to have been falsely identified coronary

5 are not deceased

General data in the CIGNA HealthCare The Denominator will be calculated by Connecticut using Well Aware Clinical Information System

included in the Denominator who Numerator The number of CHD and Diabetes Participants Connecticut General numerator will be calculated by participated during the Guarantee Period The Claims Set To be included in the numerator the using the Employer s Medical Management Participant must

in the Baseline Period 1 have no less than ten 10 months ofeligibility and in the Guarantee Period 2 have no less than ten 10 months ofeligibility program exposure

B Participants aredefined in Exhibit

OS 28 2010 26 2010 Performance Guarantee Page CIGNA HealthCare Performance Guarantee Agreement Customer Bridgeport City BOE Effective Date July 1 2010 a Account Number s CIGNA involved in Performance Guarantee s 3213172

Detailed Measurement Methodology Cost of Care Reduction

PDPPM Costs for the Baseline Period and the Guarantee Period will be calculated After adjusting the Baseline Period PDPPM Costs for inflation calculated by applying the Connecticut General determined trend ofPDPPM claims for all ofConnecticut General s customers an annual reduction will be calculated the percentage by taking difference between the Guarantee Period PDPPM Costs and the inflation Baseline Period PDPPM Costs and adjusted then expressing that difference as a percentage ofthe inflation Baseline Period adjusted PDPPM Costs For purposes ofthis calculation those who have at least only Participants ten 10 months ofeligibility or claim history during the applicable twelve 2 month i e the I period Baseline Period or the Guarantee Period and ten I 0 months of in the program exposure Guarantee Period shall be considered Each Baseline and Guarantee Period will include three 3 months ofclaims run out

These terms are defined in Exhibit B

OS 28 20 I 0 20 I 0 Performance Guarantee Page 27 g 0 0 0 1 1 Ij Cll o tT1 0 I l 0 I Ij a Ij I I e Z t3 0 rj 0 s nCl g 1 0 l Ij

tv f tJ 0 t3 m 0 m tv 0 Or @ r CIl

S m


f 66 62 2616 13 86 283 BRID6EPORT A OR PAGE 81 61



June 2 2010

i r1 o U1 1 c n The blp on Honor Flppt HlJd l J City Clerk N n of r 0 City Bridgeport iI1 45 lyon Terrace r t CT 06604 Bridgeport N U tv rn

Dear Fleeta

I am respectfully requesting that the following be made part of the Agenda fClr adoption as IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION at the next City Council meeting scheduled for Monday June 7 2010


Tax Rate Determination end Oudget Summary

Mill Rate to be established at 39 64

This includes the Voter Mandated library Tax of 1 mill dedicated to the Library which is equivalent to 6 723 000

Should yuu tlC1V dllY 4u LiulliJI dSe do nol hesitate to contact my office


CC Andrew Nunn CAO MichaelE Feeney CFO Thomas Sherwood OPM Director


I Tugether Wi art making Hri epfrt lip cleanest g ecne t ale t mn I affordable cilY walt s cl f jl ond nClglloO 100d I that ImlJ C rlchyem J I fI

n o o ti d 00 d ti o 3 JQ 00 d pI 0 0 O N e as d I o 0 a JQ 0 g C r o lZl 0 f 1i o a 0 f n 00 st il S o J 0 pI 9 N gj 0 o Cfl o o L j c tr1 j 3 tJ IlO OC Cfl Q a 1 l o c ea o rl c 0 o W 10 t3 1 a 0 J JQ d j g tn a tl 1 s Cfl

l o I 1 Il 1 1 d S o 0 1 pI 0 0 3 aa OS iJQ CP g o

l 1 I




102 09 COMM Referred for IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION on 6 7 2010



FROM John K Ricci Airport

DATE May 27 2010

Please the attached place resolution before the City Council for immediate consideration

A resolution for this matter was approved by City Council on April 19 2010 however the State of Connecticut will only accept the resolution in the form II have attached

Please contact me if you have any questions


Jr attachment 1 1 1 n T1 o t f c

C Co rfI1 fTO W Ort1

r f T1 St 00 0 T a T

N c j fT c



No DOT00150347PE State of Connecticut State Project

Hall at 4S Lyon of the aforesaid City was held at its City A meeting of the City Council and a present voting Terrace Bridgeport CT with quorum being

was unanimously adopted seconded the following Resolution On motion duly made and

in his as Mayor of That Bill Finch be duly authorized capacity Resolved the State of into an with the of Bridgeport to enter agreement City final and No DOT00l50347PE for design Connecticut for State Project Street 113 atIgor Sikorsky for the realignment of Main Route permitting taken by Bill and that any and all actions previiously Memorial Airport and the between the of Bridgeport with to an City Finch respect agreement Aviation of Bureau of State of Connecticut Department Transportation including the correction of State No DOTOO150347PE Ports for Project was the number which error to project a scrivener s with respect No DOT00150336PE are hereby incorrectly identified as State Project Terrace CT this ratified Dated at 45 Lyon Bridgeport day of 20


Title Assistant City Clerk ih



Assistant Clerk Frances Wilson City

Manager M John K Ricci Airport


13 2010 DATE May CJ 0 fl1 to U 1r resolution as returned I the council J will not accept Ci C The State ofConnecticut 4 rrn as described below rnCJ them for the above project om s Ci 1 shown adopted J A The resolution rn 00 to Council I City 6 n B The resolution submitted s to the State c The resolution that is acceptable C J rn in example with the resolution as shown to the State Would it be provide to Council possible This has already been City to to City Council again C or do I have resubmit twice

Please advise Thank you


enclosures 3 City ofBridgeport Connecticui OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER1 LEGISLATlT E DEPARTJJfEiVT 45 Termcc Lyon Bridgeport Connecticut 06604 Telephone 203 576 0 7081 Fax 203 332 561 FLEETA c HUDSON City Clerk FRANCES V1LSC JfLff i S

i r I i i t

i April 26 2010

Mr John K Ricci TI Airport Manager City ofBridgeport Connecticut

Dear Mr Ricci

The Council of the City City of on Bridgeport April 19 20 0 the following resolution 54 09 adopted

Resolved that Bill Finch Mayor of the City of Bridgeport be and is authorized to sign the agreement entitled hereby

Agreement between the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation Bureau ofAviation Ports and the of City Bridgeport for final design and for the realignment of Main Street permitting Route 113 at Igor Sikorsky Memorial the correction of a Airport including scriveners error with respect to the project number which was incorrectly identified as State Project No DOT00l50336PE and all other document and agreements necessary to the complete project State Project No DOT00150347PE


i I 11 r l lt t r ll rfV j Frances Wilson Assistant City Clierk

FW aw cc M Anastasi City Attorney





TO Fleeta Hudson City ClerkcN FROM John K Ricci Airport ManaU DATE March 22 2010

Please place the attached Resolution between the City of Bridgeport and the State of Connecticut State No Project DOT00150336PE before the City Council and aI appropriate Committee s and Commission s for approval to authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City

If have you any questions please contact me

JKR n attachment RESOLUTION

THE CITY COUNCIL OF @ BRIDGEPORT CONNECNTICUT State of Connecticut State Project No DOT00150336PE

Resolved That Bill Finch be duly authorized in the of his as City to capacity Mayor of Bridgeport enter into an Connecticut agreement with the State of far State Project No DOT00150347PE fi r for the final design and permitting realignment ofMain Street Memorial Route 113 at Igor Airport and that any and all Sikorsky actions previously taken Finch with to an by Bill respect agreement between the State of City of Bridgeport and the Connecticut Department of Ports Transportation Bw eau ofAviation for State Project No a DOT00150347PE the correction of scrivener s error including with respect to the project nurnber which was incorrectly identified as State No Project DOT00150336PE are ratified Dated at 45 hereby Lyon Terrace Bridgeport CT this day of 20 RESOLUTION @ THE CITY COUNCIL OF BRIDGEPORT CONNECNTICUT State of Connecticut State No Project DOTOO 150347PE A meeting oflbe City Council oflbe aforesaid Terrace City was held at its CT a City Hall at 45 Bridgeport with quorum Lyon being present and voting On motion dnly made and seconded the following Resolution was unanimously adopted Resolved That Bill Finch be duly authorized in his the of capacity as Mayor of City Bridgeport to enter into an agreement with the Connecticut for State State of Project No DOT00150347PE for final design and pennitting for the realignment of Main Street Route 113 at Memorial and Igor Sikorsky Airport that any and all actions previously taken Bill Finch with to an by respect agreement between the of State City Bridgeport and the of Connecticut of Department Transportation Bureau ofAviation Ports for State Project No DOT00150347PE the correction of a scrivener s including error with to the respect project number which was incorrectly identified as State Project No DOT00150336PE are hereby ratified Dated at 45 Lyon Terrace Bridgeport CT this Iqh dayof 20 O


Title Assistant City Clerk if

ro It d Q 0 It t i Q 0 lot U v 0 rf 1A It sl It lt t 0 t tU 0 lt C l 16 Cl 0 fJ Q s sl E Ji Qt Q Q rn lt sl wij 0 0 Q 0 fJ fJ C 0 I 0 0 a I 0 0 Qn i IX rn w

ooooot s D d i d v rf v 0 0 It 0 v 0 ro 0 It d d onnecticut itp of TJiribgeport

ouncil the itp ooridgeport rco the itp if if leave and Transportati begs on Public Safety The Committee resolution for adoption the following to report and recommends

89 09 Consent Calendar of Emergency the State of Connecticut Department WHEREAS U S of Security through the Department and Homeland assistance to Managlment to extend financial Homeland Security is autgorized and municipalities in the form otgrants the U S has been made possible through WHEREAS this funding and Department Homeland Security be used to support under this grant will WHEREAS funds Dive and Maritime Group enforcement firefighting Maritime law and manner exceeding current capabilities Operations in a of interest that the City is desirable and in the public WHEREAS it to the U S an Grants Office submit application Central to exceed Bridgeport in an amount not of Homeland Security Department of a Maritime addressing the implementation 3 529 587 for the purpose Maritime Law Enforcement Firefighting Network supporting current Support manner exceeding Dive Operations in a and Maritime Group rnedical and rescue the current large scale capabilities and expanding capabilities BY THE Council BE IT RESOLVED City NOW THEREFORE and of the City s grant application That it is cognizant for 1 of Homeland Security contract to the U S Department law enforcement firefighting to Maritime funds support in a manner Group Dive Operations and Maritime area to protect the port exceeding current capabilities the directs and empowers it authorizes 2 That hereby such to execute and file application mayor or his designee for the of Homeland Security the U S with Department such additional to provide Port Security 2009 Program and such other contracts information and to execute under this program documents as may be necessary JlI

and Transportation on Public Safety Report of Committee Calendar 89 09 Consent


A Richard

7 2010 Date June City Council t J C i t cd l d Q 0 I n l j t Q 0 ell v 0 C ifl lA J Ii G l et n 0 l ell 0 et t C G 1 l l c l6 0 0 E I U G Re O S Ij fI et 0 n S C 0 0 0 G U i C 0 Cf 1 0 Cl 0 n a I 0 0 i 1 0 r Ct rn r 1 S 0 d j d v ifl v J J 0 0 r l 0 v 0 cd J l d J 0 d c c c eitp of 1Jjribgeport eollnecticut

rco the rYounci the rYitp of rYitp of csBndg eport

The Committee on Public Safety and Transportation begs leave to report and recommends for adoption the following resolution

90 09 Consent Calendar

WHEREAS the State of Connecticut Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security through the U s Department of Homeland is Security authorized to extend financial assistance to municipalities in the form of grants and

WHEREAS this funding has been made possible through the U S Department of Homeland Security and

WHEREAS funds under this grant will be used to support long term maintenance of the investments to made protect the Port area and

WHEREAS it is desirable and in the public interest that the City of Bridgeport submit an application to the U S Department of Homeland in an amount not to 304 Security exceed 825 for the purpose of funding costs sustainablility tune ups and or extended warranties on various equipment and required training on equipment purcha sed under Port Security Grant Programs and


1 That it is cognizant of the City s grant application and contract to the U S Department of Homeland Security or funds to support long term maintenance of the investments made to protect the Port area

2 That it authorizes hereby directs and empowers the mayor or his designee to execute and file such application with the U S Department of Homeland Security for the Port Security 2010 Program to provide such additional information and to execute such other contracts and documents as may be necessary under this program and on Public Safety Transportation Report of Committee 90 09 Consent Calendar


Date June 7 2010 City Council c tt cO Ic d Q b ta Ic J 0 lot U Q o as CI 1 CI rf ut o c iii Q Ic o QJ ta as 0 QJ 0 Q le c c Q o Ii Q ril Q Q D en QJ Q c ta 00 o Q o Q D o I 0 N o ta I a 1 C o 0 i rf w en rf S t Cl J 0 rf d CI CI P Il i o C 0 rf Ic cO o CI 0 Ic Il d Il 0 d l

J f l 4

citl of TJjribgeport Connecticut

d the itp duncil ifthe llp if OBnd1epdrt leave and Transportatiion begs The Committee on Public Safety m for the following resoluti to report and recommends adoption

91 09 Consent Calendar

of Management and the State of Connecticut Department Emergency Whereas to of Homeland Security is authorized Homeland Security through the U S Department in the form of grants and extend financial assistance to municipalities

been made the State of Connecticut Whereas this funding has possible through and Homeland Security and Department of Emergency Management

will be used to Maritime Law Whereas funds under this grant support in a manner and Maritime Group Dive Operations Enforcement Maritime Firefighting exceeding current capabilities and

interest that the City of Bridgeport Whereas it is desirable and in the public in an amount not to to U S of Homeland Security submit an the Department application and services necessary to exceed 1 199 216 for the purpose of purchasing equipment enhance Port Security Capabilities and


U S s and contract to the 1 That it is cognizant of the City grant application for funds to support Maritime Law Department of Homeland Security and Maritime Group Dive Operations Enforcement Maritime Firefighting Capabilities

his directs and empowers the mayor or designee 2 That it hereby authorizes with the U S Department of to execute and file such application 2008 to provide such Homeland Security for the Port Security Program other c ontracts and documents additional information and to execute such under this as maybe necessary program T l t

and Report of Committee on Public Safety Transportation 91 09 Consent Calendar



I 1fck1lt Michelle A Lyons Co Chair

7 City Council Date June 2010 t

l 8

ell z

0 0 ell I

0 0 CIS PI tI 0 sl b l It Q 1 CIS 0 QI 0 W Q I l 0 t Q t sl lo sl Q 0 Q 0 R CJ U 1 Q QI Q sl c a 0 oij Q Q 3 0 0 l 0 b I 0 a l e V g Ie 4t fJ 0

c 0 09 1J b0 0 0 1 f c ell E J 0 0 f l 15 0 1 0 o j 0 0 QI c c c 1i 1 LC f it of ribgeport tonnecticut

Do the 6llp 6ouncil 0the 6itp 0 c5iBnd5eport

The Committee on ECD and Environment begs leave to report and recommends for adoption the following resolution

47 09 Consent Calendar

WHEREAS over time by foreclosure and other conveyances a substantial amount of property has come to ownership ofthe City of Bridgeport most of which is severely blighted and deteriorated or consists of vacant lots both buildable and non buildable 011 properties that at one time or another have had accumulations of rubbish and debris fire damage building and fire code violations and the continuance of various neighborhood nuisances and

WHEREAS the City owns five such properties as follows

204 Wells Street Vacant Lot 2102 10 1307 Pembroke Street Vacant Lot 1731 43 595 Hallet Street Vacant Lot 1751 16 683 Kossuth Street Vacant Lot 1645 10 156 Beach Street Vacant Lot 1761 2

WHEREAS The City proposes to transfer the five above listed properties to the Habitat for Humanity of Costal Fairfield County so that Habitat for Humanity may develop these properties as single family or two family affordable home and

WHEREAS all parcels are being offered for sale in as is where is condition and will remain in their current land use and zoning classification as pad ofthis sale and will be subject to the City s standard reverter clause to ensure that development of the sites takes place as per plans and within areasonable time and

WHEREAS Habitat for Humanity ofCostal Fairfield County is entering its 25th year and has completed constructed of 132 houses in Bridgeport Property taxes paid by Habitat homeowners exceed 400 000 per year and cr Report of Committee on ECD and Environment 47 09 Consent Calendar


WHEREAS Habitat for Humanity will fund the development of these sites with privately raised funds andor in part with funds to be provided by the Neighborhood Stabilization Program NSP with it being the specific requiremt nt for receipt of any funding from NSP that Habitat for Humanity may only use such fimds for development on sites that have been previously acquired by the City via foreclosure and that have passed the NSP mandated environmental checklist review and then only for the development of homes affordable to people earning no more that 50 of the area s median income and

WHEREAS Selection as a Habitat homeowner is based on ability to repay a zero interest mortgage loan the need to move out of substandard housing and the willingness to partner by investing 500 hours of sweat equity and

WHEREAS Habitat brings together large numbers ofvolunteers with diverse backgrounds in a unified effort to produce a highly beneficial visible civic result and

WHEREAS the five properties were approved for disposition by the City Planning and Zoning Commission on November 30 2009 and by the City Hall Committee on February 4 2010 Now therefore be it

RESOLVED that the City Council authorizes the transfer l f the following five properties to Habitat for Humanity of Costal Fairfield County for the total price of 5 00 five dollars and no cents

204 Wells Street Vacant Lot 2102 10 1307 Pembroke Street Vacant Lot 1731 43 595 Hallet Street Vacant Lot 1751 16 683 Kossuth Street Vacant Lot 1645 10 156 Beach Street Vacant Lot 1761 2

RESOLVED that the City Council authorizes the Mayor andor the Director of OPED to execute any contracts or agreements or to take any other such necessary actions consistent with and to effectuate the purposes ofthis resolution ek

Report ofCommittee on ECD and Environment 47 09 Consent Calendar



LYiliaM Lz Andersbn yala

Council Date June 7 2010 sa Q cd Q tn cd 00 J m 0 Cl cd u 0 0 g Cl c Q sI o 0 0 Cl I r N 0 d as Q Q o 0 to Q t cd 09 t sI Q J sI I r Cl t 0 I R 0 Cl Q Q sI 0 o 0 tI to q Q Q 0 Cl J o cd q I 8 e 8 tJ to rJ5 o 0 oJc 0 00 0 0 j Q Q Cl cd 0 8M 0 I 0 Q Cl o Q H r Q 0 r 8 J o Cl 0 0 a3 8 0 0 mr r r r I


Vc QCitp of TJjribgeport QConnecticut

red the cYdunci cYZlp ifthe cYitp if C5iBndgepdrt

The on Committee ECD and Environment begs leave to report and recommends for adoption the folowing resolution

74 09 Consent Calendar



WHEREAS the City of Bridgeport is seeking to utilize the Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program as part of the financial structure for a proposed 150 000 foot 31 000 square 000 commercial development on a vacant IS acre waterfront development parcel in the City s East End and

WHEREAS the purpose of the Section 108 loan is to lend up to 4 500 000 less than 15 of the development budget to the single asset developer that includes both Simon Konover Development Company and the George Company as part of the financial structure for the proposed Seaview Plaza Development in the City s East End and

WHEREAS the income stream is projected to be sufficient to support the debt service on the first commercial loan and the Section 108 subordinated loan The Section 108 loan will be underwritten in order to achieve at least a 1 25 debt coverage ratio and an 80 loan to value and the developer will provide adequate additional security and guarantees on the loan and

WHEREAS the Seaview Plaza Development will meet the national objective of benefit to low and moderate income persons specifically under CFR 24 570 208 a4 and

WHEREAS the Seaview Plaza Development will exceed the public benefit test under CFR 570 209 b in that there will be at least one job created for every 35 000 in CDBG Section 108 assistance as there are an estimated 400 jobs to be created by the development or one job for every 11 500 in CDBG Section 108 assistance and I


Environment Report of Committee on ECD and 74 09 Consent Calendar


as such a substantial amendment and WHEREAS this request constitutes Union consideration and City Council requires public notice Citizen authorization and

for Public Comment for the proposed WHEREAS the City issued a Request and Citizens Union held a hearing provided use of these funds the public recommendations to the City Council and

of accepts the proposal WHEREAS the City Council of the City Bridgeport the Seaview Loan Guarantee funds to support to utilize Section 108 Program therefore be it Plaza Development project Now

of and or the designated RESOLVED that the Mayor of the City Bridgeport and to sign the required individual is hereby authorized empowered and or required by the and any necessary documents agreements certifications to of and Urban Development accept Secretary of the U S Department Housing in accordance with all of HUD s and execute the Section 108 Loan Program and and be it further Program rules regulations requirements

with the developer will require RESOLVED that the mal loan agreement City Council Approval


Warren Blunt

Council Date June 7 2010 It

rn 10 e k Q

0 rn rn Q

S ta S 0 Q 0 C 14 0 U Q N u CW ta to CW lo te s o 0 Q c 0 0 J Q Q CO e ta tt to tJ m Q a CI t 0 5 0 a rn Qn g rn B i 0 s Q tJ s tJ Q rn al B 0 0 rn 10 0 S 0 Q 0 0 0 tJ o c E h lJtt

it of 1iribgeport Connecticut rc the cYnp cY uncil ifthe cYitp if cBnd5ep rt

leave The Committee on Public Safety and Transportatiion begs resolution to report and recommends for adoption the following

78 09

be and is RESOLVED that the following named individual hereby Commissioners and that said Appointed to the Board of Police ratified and confirmed Appointment be and hereby is approved


Decernber 31 2010 Thomas A Lyons D 91 Jewett Avenue Bridgeport Connecticut 06606

This appointment fills a vacancy

Respectfully submitted THE MmTTEE ON PUBLIC

cSusan T Brannell Co Chair

nderson AY llfa

City Council Date June 7 2010 s dS bLl Q Q a 15 0 tA 0 c is c t 0 r ta 11 0 c c c Q p tA c lo 0 Q 0 0 r I l 1j s Q Q Q I 0 c c 0 1j i Q Q D p ta

Q tQ c Q d c Q 0 w a cx en tA r 8 o J S Q Q S 0 d Su d Q Q bLl Q E 0 o 0 r H Q o Q 0 0 0 0 d 0 CX N cx cx cx c ff

QCitp of rsribgeport QCo nnecticnt reo the rYitp rYouncil if the rYitp if ridfepor

Matters leave to report The Committee on Miscellaneous begs the resolution and recommends for adoption following

73 09

individual be and hereby RESOLVED That the following named Commission in the City of is to the Planning Zoning appointed is said be and hereby approved Bridgeport and that appointment ratified and confirmed


Decernber 31 2010 Anne Pappas Phillips D 3300 Park Avenue 5 Bridgeport CT 06604

This will replace a vacancy

Council Date June 7 2010 j 0 2 I 0 0 0 E

r fIl 0 Q 0 4j t 1M r W 0 0 W Q 0 J cO 0 0 Q Q of 0 I P 0 N V 0 Q Q 0 e 0 9 t Q 0 cO gb l 1 0 o I i d@ 0 l IoJ Q IoJ 0 Q a d @ i 0 0 Q o rn I cO J ji l 0 0 r 0 1 l 0 Q 0 Q 0 t C 0 J 0 t t t Citl of TJJribgeport Connecticut

rco the cY lp cYtJuncil ifthe cYlp if nd5eJtJrt

The Committee on Budaet and Appropriations begs leave to report and recommends for adoption the following resolution

64 09

APPROVAL OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS To Refund Certain General Obligation Bonds

RESOLVED that having received the recommendation of the Mayor ofthe City of Bridgeport the City with respect to the action authorized herein the City Council of the of the City Bridgeport hereby approves appropriation of an amount up to 20 000 000 and the of issuance general obligation bonds secured by the City s full faith and the credit Refunding Bonds in an amount up to 20 000 000 exclusive of Costs as hereinafter Financing defined for the purposes of i refunding such portions of the maturities the of outstanding including payment principal accrued interest and any call premium of the City s 26 880 000 General Obligation Bonds 2004 Series A Tax Exempt the City s 59 210 000 General Obligation Bonds 2006 Series B Tax Exempt the City s 7 705 000 General Obligation Bonds 2009 Subseries A Tax Exempt and such other outstanding general obligation bonds of the City collectively the Prior Bonds as are determined by the Mayor the Finarlce Director and the Treasurer collectively the Officials to be in the best interest ofthe City to refund and ii such additional costs and in an financing expenses amount not to exceed ten percent 10 of such authorization as the Officials shall for approve the funding of necessary and appropriate financing andor issuance costs including but not limited to legal financial advisory escrow fees verification fees investments fees net temporary interest or other financing and transactional costs credit enhancement trustee underwriters and discount printing administrative expenses as well as the costs of the establishrrlent and maintenance of reserve any pursuant to Chapter 109 Chapter 117 and other chapters ofthe Connecticut General Statutes the Financing Costs and be it further

RESOLVED the that City Council if the Officials deem it necessary desirable or and for each appropriate appropriates pledges year that the Refunding Bonds are for the outstanding payment of the Refunding Bonds all grant payments received by the City securing any and all of the Prior Bonds and the City Council hereby authorizes the Officials to determine the terms and conditions of such pledge of security for the Bonds and Refunding whether or not in fact the City should grant such security and the Officials are further authorized to take all such actions and execute all such documents to such implement security all in such manner as such Officials shall determine to be in the best interest ofthe City and be it further Report ofCommittee on Budget and Appropriations 64 09


RESOLVED that the City Council authorizes and approves that the Refunding Bonds be secured by the City s property taxes including interest penalties and related charges pursuant to Chapter 117 and other chapters of the Connecticut General Statutes and if deemed necessary or appropriate by the Officials and in the City s best interest hereby authorizes the Officials i to establish a property tax intercept procedure and a debt service payment fund pursuant to Chapter 117 of the Connecticut General Statutes S7 560 et seq and other Chapters of the Connecticut General Statutes on such terms as the Officials deem necessary or appropriate and ii all further actions which the Officials deem necessary or appropriate to so secure the Refunding Bonds or which are contemplated by law and be it further

RESOLVED that the Officials if they determine it to be advisable necessary or appropriate hereby are authorized on behalf of the City to enter into an indenture of trust and or a supplemental indenture of trust collectively the Indenture with a bank or trust company located within or without the State of Connecticut the Trustee and to i if the Refunding Bonds are issued pursuant to such Indenture that all or a portion of the City s property taxes shall be paid to the Trustee and be held in trust for the benefit of the holders of the Refunding Bonds as provided in Chapter 117 and other Chapters of the Connecticut General Statutes and ii the terms on which any payments or reserves securing the payment of the Refunding Bonds will be paid and the terms of any reserve or other fund for the benefit of the bondholders and in any event to amend or supplement the Indenture containing such terms and conditions as the Officials shall determine to be necessary or advisable and in the best interest of the City the execution thereof to be conclusive evidence of such determination and be it further

RESOLVED that the City Council hereby authorizes the Officials if the Officials determine it is in the City s best interest to acquire on bt half ofthe City bond insurance or other forms of credit enhancement guaranteeing the Refunding Bonds on such terms as the Officials determine to be appropriate such terms to include but not be limited to those relating to fees premiums and other costs and expenses incurred in connection with such credit enhancement the terms of payment of such expenses and costs and such other undertakings as the issuer of the credit enhancement shall require and the Officials if they determine that it is appropriate are authorized on the City s behalf to grant security to the issuer of the credit enhancement to secure the City s obligations arising under the credit enhancement including the establishment of a reserve from proceeds ofthe Refunding Bonds and be it further 1

on and Appropriations Report of Committee Budget 64 09


Officials to determine Council authorizes the that the City hereby or RESOLVED of sale whether by negotiation interest rates form manner the date maturity prices the terms of of the Refunding Bonds including or other terms and conditions of the public sale herein and whether any be established as authorized reserve that might a manner as such any taxable bonds all in such Bonds issued will be issued as and Refunding and to take such actions be in the best interest of the City Officials shall determine to of the to other officials or employees City such documents or to designate to execute to be necessary or advisable such documents as deemed actions and to execute the take such order to issue sell and deliver the such Officials in and in the best interests of City by Refunding Bonds and be it further the to call Council authoriz s Officials RESOLVED that the City hereby maturities of the Prior Bonds as they for such of the callable irrevocably redemption Bonds and other moneys as from the ofthe Refunding shall determine to refund proceeds and to defease such Prior Bonds determine to make available for this purpose they may in such form and upon such terms as and delivering an escrow agreement by executing evidenced their execution such to be conclusively by they shall approve approval the to make on behalf of City The Officials are hereby authorized thereof the Bonds for the benefit of the holders of Refunding or agreements representations interest on the Refunding to ensure the exemption of which are necessary or appropriate their Revenue Code of 1986 as amended Bonds from taxation under the Internal on any such be conclusively evidenced by their signatures respective approvals to thereto and be it further agreements or representations relating the Officials in connection that the Council hereby authorizes RESOLVED City of the execute and deliver on behalf City of the Refunding Bonds to with the issuance bond purchase remarketing agreements standby such reimbursement agreements the and other appropriate agreements interest rate swap agreements any agreements the s debt or desirable to the restructuring of City Officials deem necessary appropriate and the Officials are hereby authorized the Refunding Bonds are a component of which with the full faith and secure the of such agreements on behalf of the City to payment or and be it further it desirable credit of the City ifthey deem necessary appropriate Report of Committee on Budget and Appropriations 64 09


RESOLVED that the Bonds Refunding shall be signed by the Mayor the Treasurer and the Finance Director that s provided such signature of any two of such officers of the City affixed to the Refunding Bonds may be by facsimiles of such on the signatures printed Refunding Bonds and each of such Officers is authorized to execute and on deliver behalf of the City all agreements instruments and documents but not limited to a bond including purchase agreement with the underwriter and an engagement letter with a financial advisor that they deem nec1essary appropriate or desirable to consummate the intendment ofthis and the foregoing resolutions

Howard Austin Sr

Council Date June 7 2010 OFF THE FLOOR en Q

c co

C c C o L c Q Q S c Izt a Q 1 Q c L Q Et Ca a Q Izt 00 cw Izt co CW o E co co t o 0 14 l l o 9 Q te o I 0 o an C N D C CWRoO o 0 a J a 2 U o t U CI t Q t cI c I


L a Q i3 c CI co en c cO Q S C 0 E Q 0 C Q C C CIJ a en Q Q 0 It o Q 0 E E 0 co 0 c c c citp of fjribgeport Connecticut

Do the rYitp rYouncil of the rYitp of rid5epJrt

The Committee on Ordinances begs leave to report and recommends for adoption the following resolution

65 09

BE IT ORDAINED By the City Council of the City of Bridgeport that the Bridgeport Municipal Code Chapter 1544 Flood Damage Prevention be and hereby is rescinded and the following Chapter 1544 Flood Damage Prevention be substituted in lieu thereof


Sections 1544 010 Findings of fact 1544 020 Statement of purpose 1544 030 Methods of reducing flood losses 1544 040 Definitions 1544 050 Lands to which this chapter applies 1544 060 Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard 1544 070 Compliance with chapter 1544 080 Abrogation and greater restrictions 1544 090 Interpretation of chapter 1544 100 Warning and disclaimer of liability 1544 110 Establishment of permit 1544 120 Designation of the city engineer 1544 130 Duties and responsibilities of the city engineer 1544 140 Variance procedure 1544 150 Provisions for flood hazard reduction

15 44 010 Findings offact

A The flood hazard areas of Bridgeport are subject to periodic inundation which may result in loss of life and property health and safety hazards disruption of commerce and governmental services extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief and impairment of the tax base all of which adversely affect the public health safety and general welfare

B These flood losses are caused by the cumulative effE ct of obstructions in floodplains causing increases in flood heights and vE310cities and by the occupancy in flood hazard areas by uses vulnerable to f loods or hazardous to other lands which are inadequately elevated floodproofed or otherwise unprotected from flood damages Ord dated 6 20 94 part Ord dated 11 6 89 part prior code 1 68 d

on Ordinances Report of Committee 65 09


15 44 020 Statement of purpose and the health safety general of this chapter to promote public It is the purpose to flood conditions in specific and private losses due welfare and to minimize public areas by provisions designed life and health A To protect human flood control projects of public money for costlly B To minimize expenditure efforts associated with flooding for rescue and relief C To minimize the need at the expense of the general public and generally undertaken business interruptions D To minimize prolonged water and facilities and utililties such as minimize damage to public E To lines streets and bridges telephone and sewer gas mains electric hazard located in areas of special flood for the second use and a tax base by providin l F To help maintain stable future flood hazard so as to minimize development of areas of special flood blight areas is in an area of are notified that property G To insure that potential buyers special flood hazard and of flood hazard who occupy the areas special H To ensure that those for their actions assume responsibility COdEI 21 69 Ord dated 11 6 89 part prior Ord dated 6 20 94 part

flood losses 15 44 030 Methods of reducing includes methods and its this chapter In order to accomplish purposes provisions for to and are dangerous health safety property or uses which A Restricting prohibiting increases in erosion or which result in damaging due to water or erosion hazards or in flood heights or velocities facilities which serve such to including that uses vulnerable floods B Requiring 01 initial construction flood damage at the time uses be protected against c J o

Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


natural stream channels and natural C Controlling the alteration of floodplains or channel floodwaters protective barriers which help accommodate and other development which may increase D Controlling filling grading dredging flood damage and of flood barriers which will unnaturally E Preventing or regulating the construction flood hazards in other areas divert floodwaters or which may increase code 21 70 part Ord dated 6 20 94 part Ord dated 11 6 89 part prior

15 44 040 Definitions

or used in this chapter Unless specifically defined in this section words phraslBs have in common usage and to shall be interpreted so as to give them the meaning they give this chapter its more reasonable application review of the s interpretation of any Appeal means a request for a city engineer variance provision of this chapter or a request for a within a means the land in the floodplain Area of special flood hazard chance of in given year community subject to a one percent or greater flooding any chanclB or exceeded Base flood means the flood having a one percent equalled in any given year of the crest of the base flood Base Flood Elevation means the elevation to be reached in relation to mean sea level eJ pected or 100 year flood The heiaht in the floodplains of coastal and bY the waters of the base flood at pertinent points riverine areas of the buildina havina its floor subarade Basement means any area below around level on all sides whether solid or lattice and whether Breakaway walls means any type of walls or other suitable building constructed of concrete masonry wood metal plastic any of the building and which are so material which are not pai1 of the structural support tides or wave action without damage as to break away under abnormally high designed to which on which are used or buildings to the structural integrity of the building they any Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


they might be carried by flood waters

Building means any structure built for support shelter or enclosure for any occupancy or storage

Coastal high hazard area means the area of special Uood hazard subject to high velocity waters including but not limited to hurricane wave wash The area is designated on a Flood Insurance Rate Map FIRM as Zone vtW1 VE

Development means a manmade change to improved or unimproved real estate including but not limited to the construction of buildin s or other structuresi the construction of additions alterations or substantic ll improvements to buildings or structures the placement of buildings or structures mining dredging filling grading paving excavation drilling operations or stora e of equipment the storage deposition or extraction of or materials and the iinstallation repair or removal of public or private sewage disposal systems or water supplv facilities located within the area of special flood hazard

Elevated building In the FEMA issued definition for elevated building combined specifications are given for structures in A zones and V zones The definitions for elevated buildings in A zones and for V zones follow

1 Elevated building A and A1 A 30 zones means a nonbasement building built to have the top of the elevated floor elevated above the ground level by means of pilings columns posts and piers or shear walls or by means of fill or solid foundation perimeter walls with openings sufficient to facilitate the unimpeded movement of floodwaters

2 Elevated building V and V1 V30 zones means a nonbasement building built to have the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the elevated floor elevated above the ground level by means of pilings columns posts and piers or shear walls parallel to the flow of water and adequately anchored so as not to impair the structural integrity of the building during a flood of the magnitude of the base flood Elevated building also includes structures which have the lower area enclosed by means of breakaway walls if the breakaway walls meet the standards of Section 1544 150 C 2 d O W

Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


Existina manufactured home park or subdivision means a manufactured servicina the home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for a minimum lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed includina as the installation utilities the construction of streets and either final site aradina or the pourina of concrete pads is completed before the effective date October 15 1980 of the floodplain manaaement ordinance adopted bv the community

subdivision means Expansion to an existina manufactured home park or the preparation of additional sites bv the construction of facilities for servicina the lots on which the manufacturina homes are to be affixed inchldina the installation of utilities the construction of street and either final aradina or the pourina of concrete pads

Federal Emeraencv Manaaement Aaency FEMA is the federal aaencv that administers the National Flood Insurance Proaram NFIPl of or Flood or flooding means a general and temporary Gondition partial complete inundation of normally dry land areas from

1 The overflow of inland or tidal waters and or

2 The unusual and rapid accumulation of runoff of surface waters from any source

Flood boundary and floodway map means the official map on which the Federal Emergency Management Agency has delineated the boundaries of the floodway

Flood insurance rate map FIRM means the official map on which the Federal Emeraencv Manaaement Aaen Insurance Adminictration h is delineated both the to the area of special flood hazards and the risk premium zones applicable community Flood insurance study FIS means the official report provided in which the Federal EmenJencv Manaaement Aaencv Incuranoe l dminiiStration has provided FIRM FJood Haz3rd flood profiles as well as Flood Insurance Rate Map Boundary Floodway Map and the water surface elevation of the base flood Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


of river or other watercourse and the adjacent Floodway means the channel a order to the base flood without land areas that must be reserved in discharge elevation more than onel foot cumulatively increasing the water surface enclosed area in a including Floor means the top surface of an building or of wood flooring in wood basement Le top of slab in concrete slab construction top the floor of a garage used solely for frame construction The term does not include parking vehicles which cannot be used for its Functionally dependent facility means a facility The term includes unless it is located in close proximity to water intended purpose loading and that are necessary for the only docking facilities port facilities and building and ship repair facilities unloading of cargo or passengers ship processina facilities lona term storaae The tern does not include seafood such as a or port facility necessary manufacturina sales or service facilities docking or or shipbuilding ship repair for the loading and unloading of cargo passengers not include term storage manufacture seafood processing facilities The term does long sales or service facilities that is Listed individuallv in Historic Structure means any structure al by the Department of Reaister of Historic Places a listina maintained the National meetina bv the Secretary of the Interior as the Interior or reliminarily determined in the National b Certified or the reauirements for individual Iistina Register determined by the Secretary to reaistered historic district or a district preliminarilv a state inventory district c Individuallv listed on aualify as a reaistered historic proar ams which have been of historic places in states with historic preservation d Individuallv listed on a local approved bv the Secretary of the Interior or with historic reservation proarams of historic places in communities inventory by an approved state program as determined that have been certified either 1 By Directlv bv the Secretary IOf the Interior in states the Secretary of the Interior or 2 without approved programs of the lowest enclosed area including Lowest floor means the lowest floor usable solely for parking of An unfinished or flood resistant enclosure basement is not area other than 8l basement area vehicles building access or storage in an considered a building s lowest floor Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


Manufactured home means a structure transportable in one or more sections which a is built on permanent chassis and designed to be used with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities The term also includes recreational vehicles on a placed site for one hundred eighty 180 consecutive days or longer and intended to be improved property

Manufactured home park or subdivision means a parcel or contiguous parcels of land divided into two or more manufactured home lots for rent or sale

Mean sea level means for purposes of the National Flood Insurance Program the North American Vertical Datum NAVD of 1988 the National Geodetic Vortical

Datum NGVD of 1929 or other datum to which base flood elevations shown on a community s Flood Insurance Rate Map are referenced

Market Value means the market value of the structure shall be determined bv the propertv s tax assessment minus the land value prior to the start of the initial repair or improvement or in the case of damaae the value of the structure prior to the damaae occurrina

New manufactured home park or subdivision me ms a manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicina the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed includina as a minimum the installation utilities the construction of streets and either final site aradina or the pourina of concrete pads is completed on or after the eflfective date October 15 1980 of the floodplain manaaement ordinance adopted bv the community

National Geodetic Vertical Datum NGVD as corrected in 1929 means a vertical control used as a reference for establishing varying elevations within the floodplain

New construction means structures for which the start of construction commenced on or after the effective date of the initial Flood Insurance Rate Map FIRM Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


October 15 1980 and includes any subsequent improvements to such structures

Recreational vehicle A K K park trailers travel trailers and similar transportable structures means a vehicle which is

1 Built on a single chassis

2 Four hundred 400 square feet or less when mE asured at the longest horizontal projections

3 Designed to be self propelled or permanently towable by a light duty truck and

4 Designed primarily not for use as a permanent dW illing but as temporary living quarters for recreational camping travel or sE asonal use

Sand dunes means naturally occurring accumulations of sand in ridges or mounds landward of the beach

Start of construction for other than new construction or substantial improvements under the coastal barrier resources act PL 97 348 includes substantial improvement and means the date the building permit was issued provided the actual start of construction repair reconstruction or improvl9ment was within one hundred eighty 180 days of the permit date The actual start melans the first placement of permanent construction of a structure including a manufactured home on a site such as the pouring of slabs or footings installation of piles construction of columns or any work beyond the stage of excavation or placement of a manufactured home on a foundation Permanent construction does not include land preparation such as clearing grading and filling nor does it include the installation of streets and or walkways nor does it include excavation for a basement footings piers or foundations or the erection of temporary forms nor does it include the installation on the property of accessory buildings such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not part of the main structure For a substantial improvement the actual start of construction means the first alteration of any wall ceiling floor or other structural part of a building whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the building

Structure means walled and roofed building that is principally above ground a ioc

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facilities or tank or other manmade manufactured home a gas or liquid storage infrastructures sustained a structure means damage of any origin by Substantial damage would to before damaged condition equal the cost of restoring the structure its whereby before the damage of the market value of the structure or exceed fifty 50 percent occurred of reconstruction or means any combination repair Substantial improvement the a one in which of a structure taking place during year period improvement structure 50 of the mark at value of the cumulative cost equals or exceeds fifty percent either is started or 1 Before the improvement or repair and is being restored before the 2 If the structure has been damaged of this definition substantial damage occurred For the purposes the finst alteration of any wall improvement is considered to occur when of the commences whether ceiling floor or other structural part building dimensions of the structure or not the alteration affects the external either The term does not however include state or a structure to comply with existing 1 project for improvement of Any which are solely local health sanitary or safety code specificcltions conditions or necessary to assure safe living Historic listed on the National Register of 2 Any alteration of a structure Historic Places Places or a State Inventory of the of this chapter which means a grant of relief from requirements Variance this that would otherwise be prohibited by chapter permits construction in a manner result in unnecessary hardship where specific enforcement would to be a or other development fully Violation means the failure of structure A structure or other s regulations with the community floodplain management compliant or other evidence of without the elevation certificate other certifications development that documentation to be in violation until such time as compliance required is presumed is provided on Ordinances Report of Committee 65 09


American the in relation to the North Water surface elevation means height 1 Datum NGVD of of 1988 the National Geodetic Vertic Vertical Datum NAVD and of floods of various magnitudes or other datum where specified of coastal or riverine areas frequencies in the floodplains 11 6 89 prior code 921 70 part Ord dated 6 20 94 part Ord dated part

which this 15 44 050 Lands to chapter applies of the of flood withiin the jurisdiction This chapter shall apply to all areas special control board Bridgeport flood and erosion 11 6 89 prior code 9 21 71 Ord dated 6 20 94 part Ord dated part

hazard the areas of flood 1544 060 Basis for establishing special identified bY the Federal Emeraency The areas of special flood hazard FIS for Fairfield in its Flood Insurance StudY Manaaement Aaency FEMA Flood 18 2010 and the accompanyina County Connecticut Dated June 18 2010 and lother supportina data Rate Maps FIRM dated June Insurance thereto are and any subseauent revisions applicable to the City of Bridaeport of this chapter Since mappina is reference and declared to be part adopted bY when more into this chapter it must take precedence leaally adopted by reference from or map revision is obtained until such time as a map amendment restrictive on the FIRM as hazard includes any area shown FEMA The area of special flood a flooclway on a FIRM Zone and VE includina areas desianated as Zones A AE flood hazard Hazard Area Areas of special VE is also identified as a Coastal Hiah BFE prcvided on flood profiles determined utilizina the base flood elevations are on a Flood FIS for a community BFE s provided in the Flood Insurance Study and rounded UP or down Rate Map FIRM are only approximate Insurance FIS for the specific location with the BFEs published in the should be verified City Hall 45 City Enaineer s office IRoom 216 The FIS and FIRM are on file in the Lyon Terrace Bridaeport Connecticut Insuranoe hazard identified by tho Fedoral areas of special flood he ontillod Tllo Fiooa Insuronco Study ration in a ooionooo ana onginooring roport 1989 and as Feiood with aGGompaFlYing ol8ridgoport aaloSopt bo 6 r lC is adopted by t revision June 16 1992 and revised R d I rance Rate Maps late Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


reference and declared to bo a part of this chapter The Flood Insurance Study Flood Boundary and Floodlay maps and FIRM maps are on file in the city ongineer s offioe City Hall 15 Lyon Terraoo Bridgeport Connoctiout

Ord dated 6 20 91 part Ord dated 11 6 89 part prior oode S 21 72

15 44 070 Compliance with chapter

No structure or land shall hereafter be constructed located extended converted or altered without full compliance with the terms of this chapter and other applicable regulations Ord dated 6 20 94 part Ord dated 11 6 89 part prior code 9 1 73

15 44 080 Abrogation and greater restrictions

This chapter is not intended to repeal abrogate or impair any existing easements covenants or deed restrictions However where this chapter and another ordinance easement covenant or deed restriction conflict or overlap whichever imposes the more stringent restrictions shall prevail Ord dated 6 20 94 part Ord dated 11 6 89 part prior code 921 74

15 44 090 Interpretation of chapter

In the interpretation and application of this chapter all provisions shall be

1 Considered as minimum requirements 2 Liberally construed in favor of the governing body and

3 Deemed neither to limit nor repeal any other powers granted under state statutes

Ord dated 6 20 94 part Ord dated 11 6 89 part prior code 9 21 75

15 44 100 Warning and disclaimer of liability

The degree of flood protection required by this chapter is cnsidered reasonable r

Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


for regulatory purposes and is based on scientific and engineerin l consideration Larger floods can and will occur on rare occasions Flood heights may be increased by of manmade or natural causes This chapter does not imply that land outside the areas special flood hazards or uses permitted within such areas will be free from flooding or flood damages This chapter shall not create liability on the part of the city any officer or that employee thereof or the Federal Insurance Administration for any flood damages made result from reliance on this chapter or any administrative dl9cision lawfully thereunder

Ord dated 6 20 94 part Ord dated 11 6 89 part prior code 921 76

15 44 110 Establishment of permit

A Prior to the issuance of a building permit within any areia of a special hazard established in Section 1544 060 a site plan shall be furnished by the applicant and may include but not be limited to the nature location dimension and elevations of the area in question existing and proposl9d grades existing or proposed structures and drainage facilities If the city engineer requires a proposed grading plan or drainage facilities this site plan shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer Specifically the following information is required

1 Elevation in relation to mean sea level of the lowest floor including basement of all structures

2 Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any structure is to be flood proofed

3 Certification by a registered professional engineeir or architect that the flood proofing methods for any nonresidential structure meet the floodproofing criteria in Section 1544 150 B 2

4 Description of the extent to which any watercourse will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed development

a B Prior to the start of any development which does not require the issuance of Section building permit within any area of special flood hazard established in for a 1544 060 a development permit shall be obtained Application development permit shall be made to the city engineer and shall include but not c

Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


for a in a flood be limited to the same information as required building permit hazard zone of construction C Construction Stage Upon completion of the applicable portion official of the the applicant shall provide verification to the Bridgeport building following as is applicable

1 Lowest floor elevation the elevation to be verified for

AE Zones 1 dO AE a For structures in Zone A and of the lowest floor provide the as built elevation of the top including basement A 1 b For nonresidential structures in Zone A and AE Zones AdO AE provide the as built elevation to which the floodproofing is effective

30 and VE zones c For structures in the VE Zone V1 provide lowest horizontal the as built elevation of the bottom of the structural member of the elevated building excluding pilings or columns

referred to in this section D Deficiencies detected by the review of the site plan further shall be corrected by the permit holder immediately and prior to progressive work being permitted to proceed Failure to submit the surveyor be cause to issue a failure to make said corrections required by this chapter shall stop work order for the project 21 77 Ord dated 6 20 94 part Ord dated 11 6 89 part prior code S

15 44 120 Designation of the city engineer

and this The city engineer is appointed to administer impllsment chapter by in accordance with its granting or denying building and development permit applications provisions 78 Ord dated 6 20 94 part Ord dated 11 6 89 part prior code S 21 on Ordinances Report of Committee 65 09


of the city engineer and 15 44 130 Duties responsibilities

be limited to shall include but not Duties of the city engineer

A Permit Review applications to building or development permit 1 Review all have been requirements of this chapter determine that the permit reasonably buildina sites will be satisfied and all proposed safe from flooding to or permit applications Review all building development 2 have been obtained from that alll1ecessary permits determine from which local agencies those federal state or governmental prior approval is required for or development permit applications 3 Review all building hazard area of special flood in information in the sufficiency that the hazard area to verify proposed except in the coastal high to adverse y affect the flood carrying development is not proposed of flood hazard For the purposes area of special of the effect of capacity means that the cumulative this adversely affect chapter with all other existing development when combined the proposed water surface development will increase the and anticipated time which flood more than one foot at any elevation of the base is not allowable applications in the coastal Review building or development permit 4 hazard to determine of the area of special flood high hazard area dunes would unatceptably alter sand if the proposed development flood damages and therefore require so as to increase potential that the site plan be revised below the base walls to be use to enclose space 5 Review plans for Section 1544 150 flood level in accordance with J

on Ordinances Report of Committee 65 09


When base flood elevations data or B Use of Other Base Flood Data in accordance with Section floodway data have not been provided of flood hazard the 1544 060 basis for establishing the areas special and utilize any base flood city engineer shall obtain review reasonably a federal state or other elevation data and floodway data available from 1544 150 source in order to administer Section the engineer C Information to be obtained and maintained by city of the actual a land surveyor 1 Obtain a certificate by licensed of the of the lowest elevation in relation to mean sea level top in a numbered A zone of floor including basement of a structure structures and record Also the all new or substantially improved member excluding piling or lowest point of the lowest structural zone shall be recorded columns of a structure in the V flood structures 2 For all new or substantially improved proofed

the actual elevation in relation to mean a Verify and record sea level and

ms in Section b Maintain the f1oodproofing certificatil required 1544 150 B 3 c shall be obtained from a 3 In coastal high hazard areas certification architect that the structure is registered professional engineer or or columns in securely anchored to adequately anchored pilings wave wash order to withstand velocity waters in hurricane all records to the 4 Maintain for public inspection pertaining provisions of this chapter

D Alteration of Watercourse

a so that the flood Review request to alter watercourse 1 any that is not diminished City engineer may require carrying capacity a unacctlptable alteration of the site plan be revised if an watercourse is noted the owner of the property 2 Require that maintenance is provided by of said watercourse so that within the altered or relocated portion J

Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


the flood carrying capacity is not diminished 3 Notify neighboring communities and the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection of watercourse alterations

E Interpretation of FIRM Boundaries 1 Make interpretations of regulatory related situations Ord dated 6 20 94 part Ord dated 11 6 89 part prior code S 21 79

15 44 140 Variance procedure

A Appeal Board

1 The zoning board of appeals as established by the city council shall hear and decide appeals and requests for variances from the requirements of this chapter

2 The zoning board of appeals shall hear and decide appeals when it is alleged there is an error in any requirement decision or determination made by the city engineer in the enforcement or administration of this chapter

3 Those aggrieved by the decision of the zoning board of appeals may appeal within fifteen 15 days after such decision to the superior court as provided in Section 8 7 of Chapter 124 Connecticut General Statutes

4 In passing upon such application the zoning board of appeals shall consider all technical evaluations all relevant factors standards specified in other sections of this chapter and

a The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of others

b The danger to life and property due to flooding or erosion damage c The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owner d The importance of the services provided by the proposed facility to Jki

on Ordinances Report of Committee 65 09


the community in the case of a waterfront location of the facility to e The necessity dependent facility a functionally are for use which of alternative locations proposed f The availability or erosion damage not subject to flooding use with 19xisting and anticipated compatibility of the proposed g The development plan use to the comprehensive of the proposed h The relationship area program of that and flood plan management for ordinary in times of flood of access to the property i The safety and emergency vehicles rate of rise and sediment velocity duration The expected heights wave action if j and the efirects of transport of the floodwaters expected at the site and applicable after sE rvices during and costs of governmental k The providing and of public including maintenancE3 repair flood conditions electrical and water such as sewer gas utilities and facilities and bridges systems and streets and substantial be issued for new construction variances may less in size 5 Generally of one half acre or erected on a lot improvements to be constructed lots with existing structures to and surrounded by 4 a contiguous IistEld in subsection A level items below the base flood providing As the lot size been fully considered k of this section have for through the required the one half acre technical justification increases beyond the variance increases issuing k A 4 a through factors listed in subsection consideration of the board of 6 Upon of this chapter the zoning of this section and the purposes variances as it to the of attach such conditions granting appeals may of this chapter to further the purposes deems necessary actions and records of all appeal shall maintain the 7 The city engineer Administration upon to the Federal Insurance report any variances req uest Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


B Conditions for Variances

1 Variances may be issued for the reconstruction rehabilitation or restoration of listed structures on the National ter of with Regi Historic Places regard to the procedures set forth in the remainder of this section 2 Variances shall not be issued within any designated floodway if any increase in flood levels the during base flood discharge would result 3 Variances shall be issued a only upon determination that the variance the minimum is necessary considering the flood hazard to afford relief 4 Variances shall only be issued upon

a A showing of good and sufficient cause b A determination that failure to grant the variance would result in exceptional hardship to the applicant and c A determination that the a granting of variance will not result in increased flood heights additional threats to public safety extraordinary expense create public nuisances cause fraud on or victimization of as public identified in subsection A 4 of this section or conflict with existing local laws or ordinances 5 Any applicant to whom a variance is granted shall be given written notice that the structure will be permitted to be built with a lowest floor below elevation the base flood elevation and that the cost of flood insurance will be commensurate with the increased risk from the floor resulting reduced lowest elevation up to amounts as high as twenty five dollars 25 00 for one hundred dollars 100 00 of insurance coverage Ord dated 6 20 94 part Ord dated 11 6 89 part prior code S 21 80

15 44 150 Provisions for flood hazard reduction

A General Standards In all areas of special flood hazards the standards are required following 1 Anchoring

a All new construction and substantial improvements shall be Co i

Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


anchored to prevent flotation collapse or Ilateral movement of the structure resultina from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads includina the effects of buoyancy

2 Construction Material and Methods shall be a All new construction and substantial improvements constructed with materials resistant to flood damage

shall be b All new construction and substantial improvements constructed by methods and practices that minimize flood damaaes oonstructod v ith materials resistant to flood damage

3 Utilities air a Electrical heating ventilation plumbing conditioning and equipment and other service facilities shall be designed or located so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding shall be b All new and replacement water supply systems designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the system

shall be c New and replacement sanitary sewerage systems designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into and the systems and discharge from the systems into floodwaters

d On site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding

4 Subdivision Proposals with the need to a All subdivision proposals shall be consistent minimize flood damage

b All subdivision proposals shall have public utilities and facilities water located and such as a sewer gas electrical and systems constructed to minimize flood damage

c All subdivision proposals shall have adequate drainage provided to reduce exposure to flood damage and

d Base flood elevation data shall be provided for subdivision K Y9

Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


contain at least proposals and other proposed development which less fifty 50 lots or five acres whichever is

5 Manufactured Homes

vehicles on a All manufactured homes including recreational placed or to a site for one hundred eighty 180 consecutive days longer shall be installed be placed or substantially improved using methods and practices which minimize flood damage They shall also be elevated and anchored to resist flotation collapse and lateral movement Methods of anchoring may include but are not limited to use of over the top or frame ties

foundations b Elevation construction standards include piling placed reinfomement is for no more than ten feet apart and provided level piers more than six feet above ground hazards where base flood B Specific Standards In all areas of special flood basis for elevation data has been provided as set forth in Section 1544 060 in Section 1544 030 B Use of establishing the areas of special flood hazard or other base flood data the following standards are required

1 Residential Construction of residential a New construction and substantial improvement any elevated structure shall have the lowest floor including basement to or above base flood elevation

2 Manufactured Homes in Zone A and AE

vehicles on a All manufactured homes including recreational placed or to a site for one hundred eighty 180 consecutive days longer elevated so that the be placed or substantially improved shall be lowest floor is above the base flood elevation This includes manufactured homes located outside a manufactured home home park or park or subdivision in a new manufaltured subdivision in an expansion to an eJdstina manufactured site in an existina home park or subdivision or on a which a manufactured home park or subdivision in as a manufactured home has incurred subutantial damaae result of a flood C w O

Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


b It shall be placed on a permanent foundation which itself is securely anchored and to which the structune is securely anchored so that it will resist flotation lateral movement and hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressures Anchoring may include but not be limited to the use of over the top or frame tiles to ground anchors c It shall be installed using methods and practices which minimize flood damage

d Adequate access and drainage should be provided

e Recreational vehicles shall either be 0111 site for fewer than 180 consecutive days and be fully IicElnsed and ready for hiahway use or meet all the aeneral s tandards of section 15 44 150 A and the elevation and anchorina reauirement of section 15 44 150 A 5 a and b and 15 44 150 b 2 a b c and d for a manufactured home A recreational vehicle is ready for hiahway use if it is on its wheelis or iackina system is attached to the site only by Quick dis onnect type utilities and security devices and has no PElrmanently attached additions

3 Nonresidential Construction New construction and substantial improvement of any commercial industrial or other nonresidential structure shall either have the lowest floor including basement elevated to the level of the base flood elevation or together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities shall

a Be flood proofed so that below an elevation of one foot above the base flood level the structure is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water

b Have structural components capable of resisting hydrostatic and hydronamic loads and effects of buoyancy and

c Be certified by a registered professional en lineer or architect that the design and methods of construction are in accordance with acceptable standards of practice for meetin l the provisions of this subsection Such certifications shall be provided to the official as setforth in Section 1544 130 c 2 iCJ

Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


and AE Zones 1 30 4 Enclosed Areas Below Base Flood Elevation A of elevated Zones New construction or substantial improvements formed foundation and other buildings that include fully enclosed areas by to exterior walls below the base flood elevation shall be designed for the and exit preclude finished living space and designed to allow entry forces on of floodwaters to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood exterior walls

with this must either be a Designs for complying requirement or architect or meet the certified by a professional engineer following minimum criteria a total net area i Provide a minimum of two openings having foot of of not less than one square inch for every square enclosed area subject to flooding

no than one foot ii The bottom of all openings shall be higher above grade and

screens louvers valves iii Openings may be equipped with the or other coverings or devices provided they permit automatic flow of floodwater in both directions

are b Electrical plumbing and other utility connections prohibited below the base flood elevation

shall be the minimum to c Access to the enclosed area necessary of allow for parking of vehicles garage door or limited storage maintenance equipment used in connection with the premises or standard exterior door or entry to the living area stairway elevator and

hazard areas vg zones are located C Coastal High Hazard Area Coastal high hazard established in SE ction 1544 060 These within the areas of special flood associated with waters from tidal areas have special flood hazards high vlslocity therefore the following shall apply surges and hurricane wave wash provisions

1 Location of Structures

or substantial improvements shall be a All new buildings structures located landward of reach of the mean high tide t i t

on Ordinances Report of Committee 65 09


2 Construction Methods or substantial new structures a Elevation All buildings so that the lowest supporting improvements shall be elevated is located no lower than member excluding pilings or columns all below the lowest the base flood elevation level with space not to the flow of water supporting member open so as impede as for in subsection except for breakaway walls provided 1544 150 C 2 d of this section

b Structural Support

or substantial improvements i All new buildings structures or columns shall be securely anchored on pilingls and the attached structures shall ii All pilings and columns and lateral be anchored to resist flotation collapse water loads movement due to the effect of wind and acting The anchoring simultaneously on all building components with wind and water and support system shall be designed the one hundred loading values which equal or exceed one annual chance year mean recurrence interval percent floods and winds structural Hi There shall be no fill used for support with the provIsions of c Certification Compliance section shall be certified by a subsection C 2 a and b of this or architect including design registered professional engineer for construction specifications and plans

d Space Below the Lowest Floor to on or improvement a i Any alteration repair reconstructi of the ordinance structure started after the enac1tment Emclose the space below codified in this chapter shall not walls are used as the lowest floor unless breakaway provided for in this section wall lattice work or mesh Ii Nonsupporting breakaway the base flood elevation screening shall be allowed below wn

on Ordinances Report of Committee 65 09


structural support of the are not a part of the they under provided so as to break away building and are designed action without damage to tides or wave abnormally high are to of the building on which they the structural integrity the following design specifications be used and provided

are met of each wall shall loading resistance A Design safe 20 nor more than twenty not be less than ten or pounds per square foot per square foot a more than twenty 20 pounds 8 If shall engineer or architect registered professional would result that the design wall collapse certify occur than that which would from a water load less event and the elevated during the base flood and supporting foundation portion of the building not be subject to collapse system shall structural damage due to the displacement or other water loads acting effects of wind and during simultaneously on all building components Maximum wind and water the base flood event in this determination shall loading values to be used of equalled or each have one percent chance being one hundred year exceeded in any given year mean recurrence interval space shall are utilized such enclosed iii If breakaway walls but shall be designed to not be used for human habitation building access or used for of vehicles be only parking used in limited storage of maintenance equipment connection with the premises that will have for any structure iv Prior to construction plans for be submitted to the city engineer breakaway walls must approval to a or improvement alteration repair reconstruction v Any below the lowest floor shall not enclose the space structure as walls lattice work or screening except with breakaway Jl

on Ordinances Report of Committee 65 09


B of this C 2 d ii A and provided for in subsection section

Homes in VE Zones 3 Manufactured vehicles placed on homes including recreational All manufactured or to a 180 consecutive days longer one hundred eighty a site for so that the shall be elevated or substantially improved be placed is above the base flood member Iowect floor lowest structural of section the construction rElQuirements elevation and meet homes This includes manufactured 15 44 15 C 1 and 2 in home park or subdivision a manufactured located outside in a new home park Olr subdivision manufactured to an existing in an expansion home park or subdivision manufactured or on a home park or subdivision an existing manufactured a home park in which existing manufactured site in an damage as a incurred substantial manufactured home has result of a flood is foundation which itself It shall be placed on a permanent b structure is securely anchored anchored and to which the securely movement and hydrostatic and will resist flotation lateral so that it but not be Anchoring may include hydrodynamic pressures anchors the or frame ties to ground limited to the use of over top and which minimize installed methods practices c It shall be using flood damage should be provided d Adequate access and drainage site for fewer than vehicles shall either b Lon e Recreational licensed and ready for days and be fully 180 consecutive of section all the general standards highway use or meet of and alnchoring reQuirement 44 150 and the elevation 15 A 44 150 b 2 b c A 5 a and b o ancl15 a section 15 44 150 vehicle is home A recreational and d for a manufactured its wheels or iacking system for highwav use if it is on ready disconnect type utilities to the site onlv bv Quick is attached attached and has no permanentlv and security devices additions iN

on Ordinances Report of Committee 65 09


of sand dunes which would There shall be no alteration 4 Sand Dunes increase flood damage potential in Section flood hazard established within areas of special Located 8 as floodways Since D Floodways Section 1544 130 areas designated under waters 1544 060 are to the velocity of flood hazardous area due floodway is an extremely the following the and erosion potential which carry debris potential projectiles provisions apply fill new construction Prohibit encroachments including 1 Encroachments unless certification1 and other development substantial improvements engineer technical data by a register1ed professional with a supportina hydroloaic and demonstrating ouah or arohitoct is provided standard in accordance with analyses performed hydraulic not result in anyfO OO that encroachments shall enaineerina practice flood discharge the occurrence of the base increase in flood levels during but before have been determined where base flood elevations 2 In A zones substantial improvement is no new construction a floodway designated which will increase including fill shall be permitted or other development at along the more than one foot any point base flood elevations is considered cumulatively watercourse when all anticipate development with the proposed development for watercourses floodway data of an applicant 3 The city may request data is by an floodways When such provided without FEMA published other source in is available from any or whenever such data applicant the shall adopt a regulatory s or not city response to the city request able to that the f100dway must be convey f100dway based on the principle surface without increasing the water waters of the base flood the the watercourse one foot at point along elevation more than any Ord Date Ord dated 6 20 94 part in those areas the floodplain l xcept Conveyance Within E Eaual on the Flood Insurance as desianated which are tidallv influenced from encroachments resultina FIRM for the community Bate Map yements inyolyina an construction or substantial imprl mna new unless the f structure are prohiibited increase in footprint of the C c3 lili i Wf

Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


applicant provides certification by a registered pr4fessional enaineer demonstrating with supporting hydrologic and hYdraulic analyses performed in accordance with standard engineE ring practice that such encroachments shall not result in any 0 010 feet increase in flood levels Cbase flood elevation Work within the floodplain and the land adiacent to the floodplain including work to provide compensatory not storage shall be constructed in such a way to cause an increase in flood stage or flood velocity

F Compensatory Storaae The water holding capacity of the floodplain except those areas which are tidally influenced shall not be reduced Any reduction caused by filling nEtW construction or substantial improvements involving an inCreaSli in footprint to a structure shall be compensated for by deepening and or widening of the floodplain Storaae shall be provided on site unless easements have been gained from adiacent property owners it shall be provided within the same hydraulic reach and a volume not previously used for flood storage it shall be hYdraulically comparable and incrementally eaual to the thecnetical volume of flood water at each elevation UP to and includiing 100 Year flood elevation which would be displaced by the proposed proiect Such compensatory volume shall have an unre tricted hydraulic to connection the same waterway or water bod v Compensatory storage can be provided off site if approved by the municipalitv

G Aboveground Storage Tanks Aboveground utorage taks oil propane etc which are located outside or inside c f a structure must either be elevated above the base flood elevcition CBFE on a concrete pad or be securely anchored with th down straps to prevent flotation or lateral movement have the top of the fill pipe extended above the BFE and have a screw cap that does not allow for the infiltration of flood water

H Portion of Structure in a Flood Zone If any portion of a structure lies within the Special Flood hazard Area CSFHA the entire structure is f

Report of Committee on Ordinances 65 09


considered to be in the SFHA The entire struclture must meet the reauirements of the flood zone This includes an additions made to the main structure

I No Structures Entirely or Partially Over Water New construction substantial improvement and repair to structure that have sustained damaae cannot be constructed or located entirely or partially over water unless it is a functionally dependent use or facility

Respectfully submitted THE COMMITTEE ON ORDI

Richard M Paoletto Jr Andre F Baker Jr CO Ch CoChair

Mortinc McCOrth p

City Council Date June 7 2010 OFF THE FLOOR 0 0 00 c Q Dl E o ctl

J 2 S lIC Q Q uz C ctl cO C Ew o tA f 0 ClI o J w Q 0 o o 000 I C o Q fZ o It o D I s Q N o Q 0 CO ctl Ot Jj to u aex Q of 0 G c Il J s a ctl Q Q wi oc0 G o N t004 c Q O C S 0 C Q ro 0 1 E g o 0 rIJ J ji CI OOctl 0 rtJ 11 CW o Q E LP 0 jl E Q C 0 0 it of TSribgeport o nnecticut

reo the rYitp rYouncil 0 the rYitp 0 r56rid feptJrt

and recommends for The Committee on Ordinances begs leave to report adoption the following resolution

80 09

BE IT ORDAINED By the City Council of the City of Bridgeport that the the new Bridgeport Municipal Code is hereby amended to includEI following Revitalization Zone Chapter 8 97 South End Neighborhood


Zone Chapter 8 97 South End Neighborhood Revitalization 8 97 010 Declaration of Policy 8 97 020 Definitions 8 97 030 Authority to Implement the South End Neighborhood Revitalization Zone Plan 8 97 040 Implementation Committee evitalization Zone 8 97 050 Boundaries of South End Neighborhood F 8 97 060 Authority to Amend the South End Neighborhood Revitalization Zone Plan 8 97 070 Authority to Comment on Zoning Applications

8 97 010 Declaration of Policy a It is found and declared that there exists within the South End neighborhood and that has been significant number of deteriorated property propeirty a hazard to foreclosed is abandoned blighted or is substandard or posies public deteriorated forElclosed abandoned safety and that the existence of such contributes to the decline of the blighted substandard and hazardous property 118 for South End neighborhood Connecticut General Statute Chapter provides to address these municipalities to establish a Neighborhood Revitalization Zone issues Statujte and has a The South End neighborhood has followed the State adopted General Statute Chapter South End Revitalization Zone Plan Per Connecticut 95 the South End 118 and adopted City Council Resolution 111 Neighborhood Revitalization Zone Plan shall be implemented and is hereby recognized Report of Committee on Ordinances 80 09


8 97 020 Definitions words terms have the For the purpose of this chapter the following and shall meanings respectively ascribed as follows South End Neighborhood Revitalization Zone refers to the boundaries approved by the City Council on October 6 2008 and as set forth in this chapter in Section 8 79 050 of this chapter South End Neighborhood Revitalization Zone Implementation Committee refers to the legal entity under which The Plan will be implemented and amended as necessary South End Neighborhood Revitalization Zone Plan refers to the planning document adopted by the South End Neighborhood Revitalization Zone Planning Committee South End Community and City Council Also referred to as The Plan Implementation Committee refers to the permanent committee of the South End Revitalization Zone authorized by this chapter that is committed to implementing The South End Strategic Plan Neighborhood Revitalization Zone refers to a mechanism devised by the State of Connecticut under which the community and government work collaboratively to revitalize neighborhoods Also referred to as NRZ The Plan refers to the planning document formally known as the South End Neighborhood Revitalization Plan and approved by the City Council as this chapter in accordance with Section 7 601 d of the General Statutes of Connecticut Ord dated 11 6 06 part

8 97 030 Authority to Implement the South End Neighborhood Revitalization Zone Plan The South End Neighborhood Revitalization Zone bylaws are incorporated as was under an appendix within the approved Plan and said organization the entity Zone which The Plan was created The South End Neighborhood Revitalization shall be the responsible entity to implement The Plan Li

t tC

on Ordinances Report of Committee 80 09


will need the Revitalization Zone the South End Neighborhood It is expected to imploment certain aspects various City or departments assistance of agencies assistance as necessary shall provide appropriate of The Plan and the City the Revitalization Zone througlh Implementation The South End Neighborhood General Statutes reporting the Connecticut Committee shall abide by requirements for NRZ s

Committee 8 97 040 a Implementation Zone shall 13stablish permanent End Revitalization The South Neighborhood of The Plan Such to the implementation which is committed and include committee South End neighborhood be of the committee shall representative on the Planning representative Constituencies represonted City of Bridgeport in the Implementation shall also be represented Committee of The Plan Committee laws of the South End shall abide by the by Such Implementation Committee to the but also incorporate the community Neighborhood Revitalization Zone greatest extent possible Revitalization Zone of South End Neighborhood 8 97 050 Boundaries Revitalization of the South End Neighborhood The following are the boundaries Council on October 6 2008 Zone as adopted by the City Stn3et travel four blocks to of State Street and Norman at the junction 0953 then travel Beginning West Avenue to Block Avenue then one lot east passed and West corner of Prospect Street side of Block 0953 to the South along the eastern of the the southwestern portion adjacent then arc easterly across Myrtle Avenue across South Avenue Route 8 and 1 95 then State owned interstate exchange to the Amtrak the centerline of 1 95 1 95 then travel northeast along to Interstate southeast along the to Harbor then proceed rail corridor and east Bridgeport 3 e J

Ordinances Report of Committee on 80 09


thH shoreline of Seaside then travel west along of Harbor Sound at shoreline Bridgeport Beach on Long Island most tip of Seaside Park to the southern the mid channel north and north east along Island then travel branch Fayerweather mid channel along the western Rock Harbor and then centerline of Black under Interstate 1 95 north bisecting Block 0139 pass Cedar Creek then travel to the of travel east on Railroad Avenue to Railroad Avenue then and continue Street to the junction of then travel north on Norman corner of Norman Street State Street

Revitalization the South End Neighborhood 8 97 060 Authority to Amend Zone Plan Revitalization Zone shall amend the South End Neighborhood As necessary the South End to The Plan shall be approved by The Plan Such amendments Committee and City Council Neighborhood Revitalization Implementation

to Comment on Zoning Applications 8 97 070 Authority of the Revitalization Zone shall receive copies The South End Neighborhood These copies shall be and for all zoning board meetings legal notices agendas NRZ fashion so as to allow the adequate sent by the zoning office in a timely within the zoning office prior to the publicized time to review the application

meeting to submit Revitalization Zone has the authority The South End Neighborhood zoning application that to the zoning board for any written comments applicable the written comments shall be based upon is within the NRZ boundaries These South End Neighborhood the application to the adherences of zoning written The boards must consider these Revitalization Zone Plan zoning deliberations on the application comments during the course of their CS dr

on Ordinances Report of Committee 80 09


Respectfully submitted THE COMMITTEE ON

ORDrrCAndre F Baker Jr M Paoletto Jr Richard Co Chair

arthy 0 f

THE FLOOR City Council Date June 7 2010 OFF