"From Jerusalem to Jericho": a Study of Situational and Dispositional Variables in Helping Behavior1

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Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1973, Vol. 27, No. J, 100-108 "FROM JERUSALEM TO JERICHO": A STUDY OF SITUATIONAL AND DISPOSITIONAL VARIABLES IN HELPING BEHAVIOR1 JOHN M. DARLEY 2 AND C . DANIEL BATSON Princeton University The influence of several situational and personality variables on helping behav- ior was examined in an emergency situation suggested by the parable of the Good Samaritan. People going between two buildings encountered a shabbily dressed person slumped by the side of the road. Subjects in a hurry to reach their destination were more likely to pass by without stopping. Some subjects were going to give a short talk on the parable of the Good Samaritan, others on a nonhelping relevant topic; this made no significant difference in the likelihood of their giving the victim help. Religious personality variables did not predict whether an individual would help the victim or not. However, if a subject did stop to offer help, the character of the helping response was related to his type of religiosity. Helping other people in distress is, among These findings are reminiscent of Hartshorne other things, an ethical act. That is, it is an and May's (1928) discovery that resistance act governed by ethical norms and precepts to temptation, another ethically relevant act, taught to children at home, in school, and in did not seem to be a fixed characteristic of church. From Freudian and other personality an individual. That is, a person who was theories, one would expect individual differ- likely to be honest in one situation was not ences in internalization of these standards particularly likely to be honest in the next that would lead to differences between indi- (but see also Burton, 1963). viduals in the likelihood with which they The rather disappointing correlation be- would help others. But recent research on tween the social psychologist's traditional set bystander intervention in emergency situa- of personality variables and helping behavior tions (Bickman, 1969; Darley & Latane, in emergency situations suggests the need for 1968; Korte, 1969; but see also Schwartz & a fresh perspective on possible predictors of Clausen, 1970) has had bad luck in finding helping and possible situations in which to personality determinants of helping behavior. test them. Therefore, for inspiration we Although personality variables that one might turned to the Bible, to what is perhaps the expect to correlate with helping behavior have classical helping story in the Judeo-Christian been measured (Machiavellianism, a u t h o r i t a r - tradition, the parable of the Good Samaritan. ianism, social desirability, alienation, and so- The parable proved of value in suggesting cial responsibility), these were not predictive both personality and situational variables of helping. Nor was this due to a generalized relevant to helping. lack of predictability in the helping situa- tion examined, since variations in the experi- "And who is my neighbor?" Jesus replied, "A mental situation, such as the availability of man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and other people who might also help, produced beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. marked changes in rates of helping behavior. Now by chance a priest was going down the road; and when he saw him he passed by on the other 1 For assistance in conducting this research thanks side. So likewise a Levite, when he came to the are due Robert Wells, Beverly Fisher, Mike place and saw him, passed by on the other side. Shafto, Peter Sheras, Richard Detweiler, and Karen But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where Glasser. The research was funded by National Science he was; and when he saw him, he had compassion, Foundation Grant GS-2293. and went to him and bound his wounds, pouring 2 Requests for reprints should be sent to John on oil and wine; then he set him on his own beast Darley, Department of Psychology, Princeton Uni- and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. versity, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. And the next day he took out two dennarii and 100 SlTUATIONAL AND DlSPOSITIONAL VARIABLES IN HELPING BEHAVIOR 101 gave them to the innkeeper, saying, "Take care religion and ethical behavior. Jesus seems to of him; and whatever more you spend, I will feel that the religious leaders of his time, repay you when I come back." Which of these three, do you think, proved neighbor to him who though certainly respected and upstanding fell among the robbers? He said, "The one who citizens, may be "virtuous" for what it will showed mercy on him." And Jesus said to him, get them, both in terms of the admiration of "Go and do likewise." [Luke 10: 29-37 RSV] their fellowmen and in the eyes of God. New To psychologists who reflect on the para- Testament scholar R. W. Funk (1966) noted ble, it seems to suggest situational and per- that the Samaritan is at the other end of sonality differences between the nonhelpful the spectrum: priest and Levite and the helpful Samaritan. The Samaritan does not love with side glances at What might each have been thinking and God. The need of neighbor alone is made self- doing when he came upon the robbery victim evident, and the Samaritan responds without other on that desolate road? What sort of persons motivation [pp. 218-219]. were they? That is, the Samaritan is interpreted as res One can speculate on differences in thought. spending spontaneously to the situation, not Both the priest and the Levite were religious as being preoccupied with the abstract ethical functionaries who could be expected to have or organizational do's and don'ts of religion their minds occupied with religious matters. as the priest and Levite would seem to be. The priest's role in religious activities is obvi- This is not to say that the Samaritan is por- ous. The Levite's role, although less obvious, trayed as irreligious. A major intent of the is equally important: The Levites were neces- parable would seem to be to present the sary participants in temple ceremonies. Much Samaritan as a religious and ethical example, less can be said with any confidence about but at the same time to contrast his type of what the Samaritan might have been think- religiosity with the more common conception ing, but, in contrast to the others, it was of religiosity that the priest and Levite most likely not of a religious nature, for represent. Samaritans were religious outcasts. To summarize the variables suggested as Not only was the Samaritan most likely affecting helping behavior by the parable, the thinking about more mundane matters than situational variables include the content of the priest and Levite, but, because he was one's thinking and the amount of hurry in socially less important, it seems likely that he one's journey. The major dispositional varia- was operating on a quite different time sched- ble seems to be differing types of religiosity. ule. One can imagine the priest and Levite, Certainly these variables do not exhaust the prominent public figures, hurrying along with list that could be elicited from the parable,, little black books full of meetings and ap- but they do suggest several research hypothe- pointments, glancing furtively at their sun- ses. dials. In contrast, the Samaritan would likely Hypothesis 1. The parable implies that have far fewer and less important people people who encounter a situation possibly counting on him to be at a particular place at a particular time, and therefore might be calling for a helping response while thinking expected to be in less of a hurry than the religious and ethical thoughts will be no more prominent priest or Levite. likely to offer aid than persons thinking about In addition to these situational variables, something else. Such a hypothesis seems to one finds personality factors suggested as run counter to a theory that focuses on norms well. Central among these, and apparently as determining helping behavior because a basic to the point that Jesus was trying to normative account would predict that the in- make, is a distinction between types of reli- creased salience of helping norms produced giosity. Both the priest and Levite are ex- by thinking about religious and ethical ex- tremely "religious." But it seems to be pre- amples would increase helping behavior. cisely their type of religiosity that the parable Hypothesis 2. Persons encountering a pos- challenges. At issue is the motivation for one's sible helping situation when they are in a 102 JOHN M. BARLEY AND C. DANIEL BATSON hurry will be less likely to offer aid than administered. In a second individual session, the persons not in a hurry. subject began experimental procedures in one build- Hypothesis 3. Concerning types of religios- ing and was asked to report to another building for later procedures. While in transit, the subject passed ity, persons who are religious in a Samaritan- a slumped "victim" planted in an alleyway. The like fashion will help more frequently than dependent variable was whether and how the sub- those religious in a priest or Levite fashion. ject helped the victim. The independent variables Obviously, this last hypothesis is hardly were the degree to which the subject was told to hurry in reaching the other building and the talk operationalized as stated. Prior research by he was to give when he arrived there. Some sub- one of the investigators on types of religios- jects were to give a talk on the jobs in which ity (Batson, 1971), however, led us to dif- seminary students would be most effective, others, ferentiate three distinct ways of being reli- on the parable of the Good Samaritan.
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