RA, a Female Margay Owned by Ethel Hauser Seems to Be Saying: 'Ain't I Got a Cute Puss? BRANCH REPRESENTATIVES
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RA, a female margay owned by Ethel Hauser seems to be Saying: 'Ain't I got a cute puss? BRANCH REPRESENTATIVES FLORIDA: Danny Tremor 5151 Glasgow, Orlando, F1. 7805(3051.---a 351-4058--. ---- SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: Pat Quillen. P.O.Box 7535. San Diego. CA 92107 (714) 224-4261 OREGON EDUCATIONAL EXOTIC FELINE CLUB: Herb Milton, 7800 S.E. Luther Rd. Portland Ore 97206 (5031 774-1657 GREATER NEU YORK:&~ Human. 32 Lockwood Ave. Norwalk Corm. 06851 (203) 866-0484 SOUTHWESTERN: Rebecca Morgan.P.O.Box 144,Carrollton. Texas 75006. (204) 241-6440 AFFILIATES EXOTICS UNLTD: 3033 Harding Ave.. Santa Clara CA 95051 -OCIETY: P.O.Box 7535. San D~~~O.'CA92107 ATIONAL ASSOC- FOff SOUND WILDLIFE PROGRAMS: 2455 N.E. 184 Terrace. Miami, FL 33160 WORLD PET SOCIETY: P.O.Box 343. Tarzana. CA 91356 ~ubiishedbi-monthiy by the LONG ISLAND OCELOT CLUB 1454 Fleetwood Dr. E., Mobile, Ala. 36605. The Long Island Ocelot Club Is a non-profit, non-comiiercial club, international in membership, devoted to the TO AVOID HISSING ANY NEWSLETTERS IF YOU SHOULD welfare of ocelots and other exotic felines. Repro- MOVE. SENO YOUR CHANGE OF ADDRESS AS SOON AS duction of the material in this Newsletter my not POSSIBLE TO: be made without written permission of the authors BARBARA WILTON and/or the copyright owner, LIOC. L.I.O.C. P.O. Box 66040 Portland, Or. 97266 PLEASE SENO ALL APPLICATIONS AND MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS DIRECTLY TO BARBARA FOR FAST SERVICE. ALL NEWSLETTER RELATED MATERIAL SHOULD BE SENT LLQC OFFICERS TO THE EDITOR. SHIRLEY TREANOR. KEN HATFIELD. PRESIDENT: 1991 S.W. 136 Ave.,Davie. 72-7276 JOHN kRi33iitE! 3!iiS!, 6684 Central Ave. ,N. E. ~innea~olis,Minn. (612) 571-7913. 331-6330 JACKIE VANOERWALL SEC TREAS. 17824 S.E. Morrison Portland, or.. 97k3. (503) 665-9488. REPORTERS LIFE DIRECTORS The Long Island Ocelot Club ant1 needs material for its Newsletter *xion. We CATHERINE CISIN, FOUNDER: Amagansett, N.Y. 11930 can only share those experiences, funny, happy, 516 267-3052 sad or tragic, which are sent to us. This MIKE &\;!, 21-01 46th St, Long Island City, Nay- sharing is a part of the enjoyment of owning an exotic. ROGER HARMON. 405-C Pinecrest. Marshall. TX 75670 -8-61 13 KEN HATFIELD. (See above) WRITING EXPERIENCE: bewhatsoever PREREQUISITES: Love of exotic cats TERM DIRECTORS TYPEOFMATERIAL Articlesofhappyand ETHEL HAUSER. 14622 M.E. 99th St.. Vancouver. sad experiences; 62 (206) 892-9994 technical articles; opinions of any and all ELçEçWÇbç p.0.80~ 144. Carrollton. Tx. 75006 exotic cat related subjects (including LIOC) -41 -6440 all short and long items - also day to day JEAN TOWNES. 3033 Harding Ave.. Santa Clara. CA experiences; announcements of: adoptions, 9S051 (408) 241-5565 pregnancies, births, deaths (with autopsy SHIRLEY TREANOR 1454 Fleetwood Dr.€ Mobile. AL report if one was done) all subjects of 36605..--~ (205t 478-8962 (Emergencies - days interest; all questions - give other members (205) 433-5418) a chance to help. SALARY: The love and gratitude of all exotics, -STAFF. their owners: and the Newsletter Editor. EDITOR: Shirley Treanor, 1454 Fleetwood Dr.€ 70biie. A1. 36605 STARTING TIME: IMMEDIATELY11 The Newsletter MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Barbara Wilton. 7800 S.E. Is waiting on You. Luther Rd.. Portland. Ore 97206 (503)774-1657 REGISTRAR: Rebecca Morgan. P.O.Box 144, Carrollton. TX 75006 (214) 241-6440 GCTTING RCQUftlNT?D Backlash By Nancy By Dr. David Samuel condensed from Archery Magazine Reprinted from Exotics Unl td Newsleter I've been following the anti-hunting phenomenon since When I first shipped my serval up to her new owners, 1971. One reason is that I'm a wildlife biologist on the she was only 5 months old and I assumed she would adjust staff at West Virginia University and teach a course which without any problems, as she loved everyone in our home directly relates to anti-hunting. At one time I frankly and was very outgoing and affectionate to strangers. I felt that the anithunters would spell the end for hunting. never considered she may have a problem in adjusting to a But there's a trend in the wind which causes ne to recon- new home. sider. Its an anti-hunting backlash. A backlash occurs when people with a certain attitude However, after five weeks in her new home she was or idea suddenly change their point of view in response still badly frightened and refused to allow anyone to get to one or numerouse events. As many of you know, anti- close to her. She rarely ventured out of her crate which hunters succeeded in the early years of the 70's in bann- she had been shipped in and which was the only familiar ing hunting in the Great Swamp Refuge in New Jersey. object she had. During that time deer carcasses started Increasing and the biologists were proven right - the deer were in poor I became so upset at these reports that I finally condition due to overpopulation - a backlash occurred. flew up to where she was and hoped that my little girl A postscript is that since the first hunt in 74 the hadn't forgotten me. But I need not have worried. When I * deer have been healtheir, there are fewer skin tumors arrived she was in her cage in the basement and didn't (indicating good health) fawns weigh more and antler seeem to recognize me and was even downright unfriendly - size has increased. she just crouched in her cage and hissed at me, looking As a wildlife biologist, my big complaint agains like something right out of the jungle. But I talked to anti-hunters is that most do not present any viable her and in a few minutes she quit hissing and looked at alternatives. We do it for the animals they say. But me very intently - The look in her eyes appeared to me it doesn't look that way. Take Cleveland Amory and to be saying, "I'm getting rid of you right now by his group. Fund for Animals; they continue to reach new attacking".! suggested nervously that we try a little lows in efforts to stop hunting. their ridiculous actions later but her new owner insisted it was alright and for me should trigger more backlash. For example. Fund for Ani- to keep talking, so I continued to sing the song I always mals released Us "Tips for Hunt Saboteurs. sung for her when she was a baby. All of a sudden, she came The purpose of these tips is to make hunting niser- rushing out of her cage straight at me. I almost died and able for hunters. Get Into the woods yourself the day would have run except that I was frozen and was Watching before hunting season starts and try to drive the wild- my life flash before my eyes. She leaped at my chest and life away, they suggest and take a dog and a loud radio. landed in the middle of me making a very peculiar sound - I'd suggest wearing bright orange, get the landowners sort of a scream - she grabbed my arm with her paws and permission and clean up after they leave. Also, to reach began frantically nursing on anything she could get her areas where most of us hunt. they better be prepared to mouth on, my hair, clothes, fingers, etc. Boy was she take along hike with little result. Ever try to "drive happy to see me. animals away* from their hone range? Another tip: make hunting blinds uncomfortable by I carried her around for about an hour or so as she placing cow dung or rotten eggs in then. Uncomfortable wouldn't let me put her down. If I did she would grab my hunters are irritable and poorer shots they've got leg and bite me, demanding to be picked up. At that - point I carried her upstairs to see what a wonderful new to be kidding. home she had had for 6 weeks now and had never been able No here's a real winner: certain to be viewed by to explore - she loved it! We took her outside into her many nonhunters who haven't made a decision as avery jungle yard where she was very happy and excited to be realistic. if not brilliant method to discourage the able to run around while feeling safe and secure with hunter: put deer repellent on deer trails or collect hair from a barber shop and place handfuls along deer her ole mom there. trails to scare deer out of the area. I stayed about a week and each day she settled down I hoep they do this in the areas surrounding my more and needed me less. She became friendly with her stand to drive deer in my direction. Do you start to new folks and decided that this was Just as close toheaven get the idea that Anory is a nature faker - that is. as she was likely to get. By the time I left, she was someone who knows nothing about the animals he is settled in, loved everyone and I felt awfully good as her trying to save'? new people could offer her so much more than I could. There's more, lead a female dog in heat through the woods, play recordings of a wolf howl, put stuffed I guess little servals just have to feel safe and animals around since hunters often don't take the time secure when they adjust to a new home. I would suggest to check if the animal is real and will shoot the that anyone giving up an exotic make every effort to stuffed ones.