November 27, 1980 30¢ Per Copy
R . I . J ewish Hi s torical ? Assoc iat i on 11 130 sessions stre e t Provide n ce , RI 0 2906 Support Jewish Read By Agencies More Than 40,000 With Your ·· ISLAND People Membership THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS VOLUME LXVIII, NUMBER 2 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1980 30¢ PER COPY Prov. Man Elected Begin May Resign, Call Early Elections Head Of Schechter Day School After Another Narrow Confidence Vote ,\ ltchael Bohnen. son of Rabbi and Mrs J E R US AL E M ()TA) - Premic· r dectdC'd •t the la>t m1nutr t,, ,h,tatn m .. n and 1t app,•Jrs thJt his da\S are num El, Bohn,•n. has been elected President of the Mc nachem Begin wou ld be inclined to resign Eltahu. Ah,·a s chairman, .,.,d toda\ h. bc·rrd "' J m,·mht-r of lfrnit Solomon Schecht,,r Day School of Greater Boston and call earl y ei<'ctions if his government is had no e,planat,on for Assad \ b.. hav1nr, al uibor Part, edun,t lo Topple Bej(in "nee again reduced lo a slender maiorily of tC'r the three lact,on m mbt-" d=dcd un '-lean" h,k tbe uihor PJrt, oppos1t1on 1 three, as happened when ii ba rely su rvived a animou1" to vote a,z;ainsl the j?;OH'ffim(_ nl prq·,.1nnsc lo loppl, Rt·~in 11; ,R:OH·mment no-confidcncf' vole in Kn esset last week J f \ \:e11mJn I\ ou,tc--d from J ft.nil a_\ d Shimon Pn, • the part,, liad,r, said toda1 w,ult of his volc JRJ.m,t the go,emmt'nl_ one This was made clear by a ,ource close to thJt 1t I urizcnt tn hnn~ Israel "b,d, under morl' Knl'\<<·I vote h3\e to I,., c,-,untcd Begin foll owi ng the .S7-.S4 vo te on moti ons of .-,II pro~·r t"'('Onom1c m.inajtcmenl •• no-confidence in t hC' ~OVl'rn ment · s econom ic a1sa1n,t the coal1t11m "hen!"•cr the· chanCf' lk <tatcd that " "c intend to mtmduc-,, J poli cies ariS('s lo force 1h H-<-iRnat,on and tngR:er earl~ planned N.nnom,.
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