Snow Crystals - Kenneth G. Libbrecht - Published 2019, by Kenneth G. Libbrecht I wrote this book for purposes of research, scholarship, and education only. Regarding all materials herein that I did not create, I do not intend to derive any income from these materials, nor will I authorize their use in any derivative publications, products, or other activities. By my understanding, this means that the fair-use doctrine in copyright law allows me to reproduce published material without express permission from the copyright holder (because I am using the materials in a transformative manner that will not divert any income from its creators). To the best of my abilities, I have fully cited all images or other materials that I did not create. In most cases, these materials were already freely available on the internet. You are welcome to reproduce (without express permission) any materials in this book that I created in any non-commercial pursuit of research, scholarship, or education. If you are interested in any images or other materials for commercial or other purposes, please contact me at
[email protected]. Snow Crystals Contents .............................................................................................................................. 2 Forward ............................................................................................................................. 11 1. Snow Crystal Science ................................................... 15 1.1 Complex Symmetry ........................................................................................................