Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1940-10-08
Bucky Walters Fair, Warmer Blanb DeU'oi& as Reds Even IOWA: Fair today aDd tomorrow; World Series See Story on Pale 6 War.Rr ioJnorrow. II o"aln, Ne •• paper rIVE CENTS lOW A CITY, lOW A TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1940 VOLUME XLI NUMBER 12 [ Registration for Conscription: the Procedure f()r Residents of Iowa . The Selective Service law pro- forces of the United States and ibie to register may be severe, for tbe rerular votlnr pJace. In the . gjon, the Veterans of Foreign where he is, and register, and his give him full information as to Iwill be set up in each county, and videf that on Wednesday, Oct. 16, the federally recognized active na- the law provides imprisonment precincts In wbich rertswanta War!!, the Disabled American card will be sent from there to ho.,v he may be registered. in counties with more than 30,- nerJ male resident of the United tional guard, and officers and en- of not more than 5 years, or a resJde. The county auditor wUl Veterans, and all other patriotic his own local board. When a man registers, he will 000 pbpulation, there will be more Slates who has arrived at the age listed men of the anny, navy and fine of not more than $10,000, or be In charre 01 all places in his organiutions, and all members of • • • be given a registration certificate, than one board. Board members of 31 ,ears, and has not reached marine corps reserve. both. Moreover, anyone who aids county, and a chief reristrar at religious and civic groups to of For eolle ..e students, arranre which he should guard carefully will serve without pay.
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