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DE>\ Y SHIITE LEADS OPEN FIELD * <l <3 .•*>. -- >¦ WrMfl rsHHMHDIttHBJk Monotonous, Joe, Isn't It? Harrison, GllsnH Tiefor 2nd 4:-:; yc&_' wititffH ¦ ' Scores Soar as Favorites Take W ¦ Record Crowd of 8,000 Sees mm By WILLIAMT. RIVB ¦Vv I|B • FORT WORTH, Tex., June 6 i ' finittied In WtOlMßlaS'' FRIPAY JUNE 6, 1941 PAGE 13 ing round, pursuers of the Nationo! Open golf B&&™' "' staggered through the ropes today for another Tussle WfißSSte Colonial Club's par. J K*l All alone stood quiet little Denny Shut#, sole moMo lifelmß Sports Roundup EpsJ ter the course. N— Shute, two-time winner of tha P. G. Af chompldnlMßH Eddie Britts carved at 36-33—69 to beat par 35-35—70 in round. • 6—(The Special Service)—Broad- NEW VORK, Juno News The greatest openina ISli won't in there when Joe day crowd in the 1 ii iiheHlEßiSflijHpjp way is saying Arthur Donovan be Louis ¦ tory, opproximotely 8,000 persons, 1 goes Bi!|y Arturo seems to be in very Dutch since jammed tha fointiayt against Conn. their favorite twosomes. of the floral pieces at the th# Buddy Baer fight. One Lou Overlooked by selectors who left him a Gehrig funeral came from President and Mrs. Roosevelt—a 20-lshot, Signing to defend championship is just another detail to Joe Wfr, found the links a friend because of his iniinntniMMHl| MiijMjT gesture. There isn't a thing wrong with Jimmy Foxx swell Dream of Billy Conn, right, comes true as Louis puts name on game. : won't cure. We're still sticking that a few lusty base-hits dotted line for fight at Polo Grounds, June 18. It will be Dark Shute powder-puffs the ball In comparison wftte to Byron Nelson to come through at Fort Worth Fel- Destroyer’s 18th defense of crown. Mike Jacobs is in middle only in picture. He has fellows, but that made no difference yesterday. Ha wdaolMMKYtfS lows who knew Bud Taylor when he was going good say he both men under contract on only earned nearer $1,000,000 than two holes. ” SCORES SOAR SIOO,OOO, as we had it. Any- The rest of his shots sailed to- way, old Bud would be glad to settle for the latter figure now. Max is Sick but Xot Dead ward tha g.eens with a homing GUEST pigeon's instinct TODAY'S STAR • YORK, June B—(JF) In a hospital ward set up at Mitchell, NEW Only players equalled par Edward V. Dvr- Schmeling, heavy- the former American college out- two Max former • •Vic Ghezzi and lanky E. J. ham, (N.C.), Mamina Herald: side Athens, Schmeling is re- •Fisher Towers iii weight boxing champion, who is (Dutch) Harrison, "Bafora the Cleveland Indians All-Star Funds cuperating from a stomach disor- witU identical once tied wom«fa OtMOtm can hope to win the American now a Nazi parachute trooper, der and from effects of fighting scores of 35 on each nine. hung up its fifth Ltsgue pennant, they era go- says he hopes the war ends soon in Crete, Harry F. Flannery, CBS Bunched behind the leaders season yesterday' -jgfljalmiiK toe Louis Abe Simon as they looked they ing to dieve to plug up the Army and when were examined and that he "can get together correspondent, reported last with 71’s were Gene Kunea of Voted to for their fight in Detroit again" his Philadelphia, on March 20. Simon waa Joe’s 16th vic- with friends in the night in a boadcast from the former Canadian edT Dykes." tim since he assumed the heavy crown. Open fbiuSlmlSSr • • • Sellout Predicted United States. Greek capital. champion; Harold (Jug) McSpadan; Lawson Little, de- BUSY MAN'S NEWSPAPER.. for Annuol Clossic fending champion; Dick Metz, Bill Corum of the N. Y. end Jack Ryan of Louisville, Journal-American and Don fl Billy Kentucky. •DETROIT, June —(/P) Conn Determined to Outbox Louis Dunphy will be the broadcast- When baseball's top performers By GATLE TALBOT « Sharing 72*S were Henry Mike Jacobs' Ransom, local pride; Clayton ing team for assemble here July 8 for the • POMPTON LAKES, N. J., only home fights beginning with Conn- ninth annual all-star game, they June 6—(/f)—Billy Conn, the Heafner, amateur Harry Todd of Louis when the Mutual chain will contribute to the program classic young boxer from Pitts- Bullpen Dallas, Betiny Torpey of Dodfcm, Johnny's Bar, Mo.; Kroll of New Hartford, takes over. A lot of folks are to place bats on the shoulders of burgh, is so convincingly certain Whiriy Scares Ted rußMOf^Uu^Bi^^^^Ute Uncle Sam’s soldiers. N. Y.; BUI Kaiser of Loulsville, going to miss good old Sam that he willwin the heavyweight -• Ky ~ Taub but he'll continue to pair Allocation of entire net re- championship from Joe Louis on Beckons and Johnny Morris, es Tus- wood. "spot" fights ceipts of the Detroit classic, esti- June 18 that he has even this caloosa, Ale. with Bill Stern on Merchants Win Field Away Hie asst of the field sagged. the country via the mated officiallyat $40,000, was charter member of the Louis-is- throughout voted yesterday by the major terrific-club beginning to waver Byron Nelson, Paid Runyan, ... To dote Big Buck NBC lines thfc league advisory council to be to and fro. Colt Turns in Horton Smith, Craig Wood, bubbled. column has received 178 trib- used to foster recreational ac- • DETROIT, June B—(JP) —Were Lloyd Mangrum, and Chick (both prose Billy has grown up remark- Softball Tilts utes to Lou Gehrig tivities in the army and navy. ably in recent months. Not phys- it not for the arrival of the dis- Ttrrific Workout Herbert were among the 72 poetry), gives you diverting putting and which ,Ia the funds from the ically, for he finally has given Indgpsndgnfs criminating Washington Sena- an idea how the old iron man Association of Profamonal Base- up • NEW YORK, June B—<AP) FAVOURS LAG hope of outgrowing his nat- tors to open a three-game ‘series Ben all over. Eleven ball Players of America, which Forfeit Game Whirlaway is the bogey Hbun/Oene Seram and rated ural 180 pounds, but mentally. here today, the Detroit Tigers man of Dudley members of Washington's var- has received ’5280,000 in eight Now, instead of making flip Belmont today. Ed checked In wtth 74; games, to Bot Club might be inclined to celebrate John Buna, Toby and sity and junior varsity crew previous all-star the cracks about his opponents and The "big boss" of the year is Panne bounds^' Jimmy Demaret, 78; Snead, - which will row at Poughkeepsie council declared needs of indi- refusing to admit that anybody the fact that Buck Newaom rides so feared by the other three- Sam went out of hwiwdi-etette:;' ¦. ¦ gent players close game, a riot, Johnny BIDy left kfaw m Jy^l yet participate in a ball would be else can fight a lick, he sits and •A and a for- again—as a relief pitcher. year-olds that they probably Goodman and hove to by two big leagues feit—just everything Burke, 78, and HmyPtoaid, 77. handled the tells with the cold detachment of about base- Blustery won’t have enough losing race. independently through ball has place Bobo, ordered tem- entries to Ralph sprinted and ac- a surgeon how he willdefeat the to offer—took si- porarily bullpen make up a bridge game when the luldaMt who association multaneously on the City soft- to duty, stopped in aa a hot in the final cumulated funds. big negro. He sounds like a much the New York Yankees long secretary’s office doses on nom- favorite THE ST*LOUIS*STORY 'There are ample on more dangerous BillyConn ball leagues last night. for daya bifiorajlia oouxnay started, IMndb4|pi3|v ' finals than enough yesterday to be credited inations tomorrow’s Balmont a 'Bhi An unidentified wag con- hand and there need be no hard- was the slim-waisted firebrand The Bat club recorded a 10-0 victory Stakes. had md 78. W 7 ships players," with his fourth of the tributes the followine: among old ball who used to fly into a cursing victory in the books over the In. Tigers in Is said William Harrklge. dependents season when the rallied This the mfle-and-a-half Browns mired, American «rage when (fait solidly and ilf nsrheif the latfer nine the tenth inning to win, 5 to 4. gallop in which Warren Wright's League president, ’who mot here away like a back-alley fighter. failed to sho# up for their sched- Pons tired, As Detroit’s fifth successive chestnut Cannon Ball Is regarded climactio 28-hole BHglft, ' 4- with Commissoner K. M. Landis ‘Tve always been that way," uled game at the Covered Wag- triumph Yankees, aa b Honey fired, C. Frick, National home over the shoo-in to nail tha thisd . Became of yesterday’* soar* hired. and Ford Conn smiled. "Iknow, you think on diamond. A. A W. had victory it moved the sixth-place Tigers jewel in his triple crown, there Sowell League president in its grasp but let it slip through ing scottet tha mnssnsns I’ll do that with Louis, too, and only four games from the league by becoming •_ its fingers the fifth horse In pros that 288 would win. UP JR** what's now In MOTOR- get my head knocked off. But I with three errors in lead. all racing history to accomplish waa See SPORTS COCKTAIL the sixth inning of its tussle Most melancholy finisher was OLA car radios on Display at How - They - Do - Things - won’t.