3rd International Conference on Theory & Practice (ICTP, 2017), Adelaide, Australia ISBN: 978-0-9953980-5-4 www.apiar.org.au

GAMBANG SEMARANG TRADITIONAL FOR CHARACTER BUILDING OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS Atip Nurharini a, Yuyarti b ab Semarang State University, . Corresponding email: [email protected]

Abstract The aims of this research are to describe the form of students’ character in studying Gambang Semarang traditional dance and describing the studying proccess of Gambang Semarang traditional dance in character building of elementary school students at South Semarang Sub- district.

The Sampling technique of this research uses purposive sampling which involves 30 students. To get data and information which relate to the problems which were analyzed, the researcher adopts techniques of observation, interviewing, documentation and field record. Data analysis technique which is used in this research is qualitative analysis.

Results of this research are good characters which can influence the students as a result of following the studying activities of Gambang Semarang dance. There are some form of characters who appear as follows: students can reach an achievement, brave, they are able to control their emotions, they are able to socialize, skillful, appreciative, creative, discipline and responsible. Meanwhile, the implementation proccess of studying Gambang Semarang traditional dance is able to implant good attitude in the students. The success of studying proccess Gambang Semarang traditional dance overwhelms motivation, trains the students to be more creative, trains the students to be responsible, implants brave attitude and train appreciative attitude.

Keywords: Gambang Semarang Traditional Dance, Studying Process, Character Building.

1.Introductıon Character is a someone’s disposition or behavior which has been had since they were born and something that diversifies each individual. Eventhough someone’s character is an individual’s basic disposition, in its development is influenced by family environment around them. To build a good character, it can be done through moral building and manner continuously. Moral is defined as a behavior which has to be acted repeatedly and it is not enough if it is done once to do a good thing, or just doing it sometimes. Someone can be said that they possessa certain character if it appears in them and it is motivated by their own motivation and behaviours aredone without any considerations or thoughts, especially in repetitive scenarios. Therefore, it seems that it is done involuntarily and it is not the moral’s reflection.

In culture, there values are found, then become a root of characterictic forming in an area so that is getting high become national culture. However, culture is also divided into two kinds,conducive culture and not conducive culture for national building. Maintaining our culture means that we do not affraid to love our own regional culture. Regional is a former of national culture, as well as traditional arts.

Traditional art is an expressive human activity in the form of statement or is for especially expressing the feeling. There are some thoughts, which are dominated by imagination that 57 would be expressed by an artist. Traditional art is one of some culture elements which are

universal. It means that, it can be faced in each society with a different form or course. This Page

Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR)

3rd International Conference on Theory & Practice (ICTP, 2017), Adelaide, Australia ISBN: 978-0-9953980-5-4 www.apiar.org.au

traditional art course from human expression is often called as tradition artworks. Traditional art is a mental activity and covers reward, enjoyment and admiration. Traditional art is a medium of communication between artists and connoiseurs through art products. Therefore, it can be separated from some elements such as expression, creation, originality, intuition and imagination. Traditional art consists of some express medium or expression which is known as tradition art form, in its development, tradition art has some functions for human living. (Ricard,2016)

Gambang Semarang traditional dance is one of traditional art in Semarang Region. The dance’s existance in a region as an impact of people’s social living is not only a dance which is showed to be enjoyed from its moving, rhythm and appearance. Dance can be stated as a life reflection from society surrounding which create or arrange it as a form of aptitude which is often related to social culture activity and society’s religion. Dancing is an art of dance activity whichpurpos is to give a message to people about character education. We need to dance because this is a reflection of someone’s action which enjoys their life so that becomes happy, joyful and form of thanking to Allah SWT, because we have been given grace through beautiful dance.

Gambang Semarang traditional dance is a kind of creative dance, because in its dancing style there are not seldom found some soft jokes. Beside using intruments (Semarang’s people use to say it Gambang), Gambang Semarang dance is also accompanied by other instruments’s rhythm such as recorder, , , , , kecrek and the more unique one is found chinese stringed instruments such as koghayan and tohyan. Therefore, this dance is an acculturation from two cultures, chinese and javanese that describes interracial harmony. Songs that are used in this Gambang Semarang dance is created by Oei Yok Siang about decades ago. A memorable song for Gambang Semarang dance’s fans or elder generation in Semarang city and surrounding areas is “Empat Penari” (four dancer). Songs in Gambang Semarang exhibition feels very united, with the dancers that dance gracefully, happy and fresh. This dance has its own exclusive movement. It is showed when the dancers’s soles of the feet are teetering following the instruments rhythm and song which move dynamically and agile. Each kind of movement has a symbolic meaning describing Semarang society’s life.

Gambang Semarang dance has had historical value in Semarang city. Therefore, it is usual if it is appointed and preserved as a tradition artwork in Semarang city. This dance contains aesthetic and traditional symbolic values which is hoped that can be fulfill Semarang society’s art necessary particularly with the expectation that this can realize acceptable artwork as a culture identity of coastal city in Central Java.

Many schools in Semarang are always encouraging some activities relate to Semarang’s exclusive traditional art continuously. This aims to explore, preserve and develop cultural wealth. Based on analysis as it has been shown in the background, there are two statement of problems which are as follow: 1) How is the elementary students’s character formin studying Gambang Semarang traditional dance? 2) How is the studying proccess Gambang Semarang traditional dance in forming elementary students’s character?



Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR)

3rd International Conference on Theory & Practice (ICTP, 2017), Adelaide, Australia ISBN: 978-0-9953980-5-4 www.apiar.org.au

2. Methodology 2.1 Research Design Based on considerations that overwhelms time, cost and energy effeciency, and also remember that are so many students in Dewi Sartika group, the researcher will not analyze or take the whole population. The researcher focuses on choosen informants by using certain consideration. Consideration in determining sample are: 1) Students that are interested in studying dance art 2) Students that are interested in studying activity of dance art 3) Students that are talented in studying dance art 4) Students that are studying dance art seriously

There are some steps to take sample by using purposive sampling technique, as follows:

1) Total population amount of 150 respondents from some students in Dewi Sartika group, from the total above is choosen sample based on determined consideration. 2) Total sample by certain consideration that is 30 respondents consists of 15 students from SDN Wonodri and 15 students from SDN Peterongan. 2.2 Research Variable The Variable in this research is Gambang Semarang traditional dance which builds Elementary School students’ character in Dewi Sartika group South Semarang Sub-district. 2.3 Research Location The Research location is in Elementary Schools in Dewi Sartika group, South Semarang Sub- district. The Reasons for choosing this location are that the schools which become object of this research are partners for PGSD Department, Science Education Faculty UNNES and these Elementary Schools are included successful schools in studying dance art activity. 2.4 Technique of Collecting Data The data of this research are in the form of words and activities in studying Gambang Semarang traditional dance. Therefore, by studying Gambang Semarang traditional dance, it can build students’ character based on social regulations, society and culture. For collecting data and information related to the problems that are analyzed, the researcher uses some ways such as observation, interview, documentation and field record. The forth techniques will be described below: 1) Observation Technique Observation is an activity to observe something without influencing and recording to be used as an analysis material stimultaneously. According to that definition contains two things that should be noticed, there are: 1) Observation towards anything relates to studying Gambang Semarang dance; and 2) Recording the data and the influences which is emerged when studying activity of Gambang Semarang dance. 2) Interview Technique Interview is an interaction and communication proccess between two different sides that each

side has a different position. The first one which is doing interview, in this research, is the researcher acts as the interviewer. On the other side, the another one gives the information or

59 opinion is called interviewee. Here, the interviewee are students and teachers. In this research,

the interview technique which is used is directed interview or planned interview. Page

Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR)

3rd International Conference on Theory & Practice (ICTP, 2017), Adelaide, Australia ISBN: 978-0-9953980-5-4 www.apiar.org.au

3). Documentation Technique Documentation is a record of events have already passed. Documentation can be in form of articles, pictures or monumental artworks from an artist. Moreover, documentation technique also includes photo shoot and shooting. A Photo shoot aims to observe and see the slow and fast motion from all expressions and movements which have been done by the students in dancing Gambang Semarang dance. Meanwhile, shooting aims to help the observer to remind the students’s attitude while they follow studying Gambang Semarangdance activity by replay an event. In replay, there will be seen an event in studying activity more objectively.

4). Field Record Technique

Field record overwhelms the record of researcher’s activities along studying time. This record contains some important events in studying Gambang Semarang dance activity. 2.5 The Data Analysis Technique The data’s analysis technique used is qualitative analysis. The data’s analysis used in this research do in two procedures such as: (1). Analysis during on the data accumulation, and (2). Analysis after the data collective (Milles and Huberman 2014). The first procedure does with steps like: (1) data reduction, data reduction is identifying the process of learning dancing art, (2) data presentation and (3) drawing a conclusion. The data’s presentation used: the data’s result presented by using graphic and table, meanwhile drawing conclusion is shows by scrutinize the data, interpreting, comparing and then make a conclusion (Arikunto, 2002, p. 20). In analyzed data about the student success criterion in build the character is a needed criterion of the successful. The success criterions was explained in this table. Table 1: Qualification of the student minimum characteristic successful criterion The success criterion Qualification ≥ 65 Good ≤ 65 Bad Arikunto, 2002:20

From the individual qualification of the student, it was categorized by the Good and Bad category, so the acquisition of classical presentation of the successful showed by this formula: The classical completeness presentation reckon passedstudents P =  X100%  students The result of reckon is consult by criterion table qualitative scoring which is consist by five categories such as:

Table 2. The student success level criterion in percentage (%) The aim studying accomplishment Score Qualification The successful Characters

building level 85- 100 % 4 Very Good (VG) Success 65-84% 3 Good (G) Success 45-64% 2 Good Enough (EG) Failed 60 25-44% 1 Bad Failed

0-24% 0 Very Bad (B) Failed Page

Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR)

3rd International Conference on Theory & Practice (ICTP, 2017), Adelaide, Australia ISBN: 978-0-9953980-5-4 www.apiar.org.au

Aqib, 2010: 161

3. The research Result The characteristic was seen in learning process of traditional dancing such as: achievement, intrepid, the capability to control emotion, communicative, competent, appreciative, creativity, discipline, and responsibility. The learning process of traditional dance Gambang Semarang toward student character building in elementary school of South Semarang Regency consist of: conducting the children in learning, be a developer of children personality, give them a motivation, tread the creativity of the student, tread their responsibility, to implants the courage, and appreciative. 3.1 The elementary school student characteristic in the learning process of traditional dance Gambang Semarang The result of data analysis shows that the student characteristic as the result of learning Gambang Semarang dance, is successful to implants the good attitude on the students. It was seen that before the student follows the learning process, the student’s behavior is not appropriate with the social regulation values, moreover with the culture of this country, especially on Central Java. The south of Semarang is the part of Central Java region where they have the traditional values, rules, the nice traditional etiquette habit such as: respect, oversee the fraternity, peacefulness, tranquility, high occupation ethos spirit, obedient with the rules, etc. 1) The achievement Student establish The indicator of student achievement is where students can improve their ability in learning process of Gambang Semarang dance. The descriptor in this indicator is 1). Move their body’s as well, 2). Make the correlation between movement and accompaniment, 3). Easy remember the movement 4). Concentrate easily. 2) Be a courageous person The result is 90% with the very good category. It was basedon the learning process of Gambang Semarang dance, the descriptor mostly seen in students is easy to communicate. 3) Able to control emotion The Descriptor where seen in this aspect is: 1). Hard to get angry, 2). Follow the movement fluently, 3). Able to dancing fluently, 4). Have a patient and be a wise person. The student description mostly seen is have the patient and be a wise person. 4) Able to socialize The Descriptor, where seen in this aspect is: 1). Easy to communicate with their friends, 2). Help each other, 3). Easy to give the asking and question to the other, 4). Be happy and charming person. The student descriptions are mostly seen as: Easy to communicate with their friends, Help each other easily, and be happy and charming person. 5) Skilled The Descriptor where seen in this aspect is: 1). Able to dance correctly, 2). Able to dance powerfully, 3). Able to dance with vivify elements, 4). Student have flexibility movement. The

results mostly seen are: able to dance powerfully and Students have flexibility movement.

6) Appreciative

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Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR)

3rd International Conference on Theory & Practice (ICTP, 2017), Adelaide, Australia ISBN: 978-0-9953980-5-4 www.apiar.org.au

The Descriptors where seen in this aspect are: 1). Appreciate the other creation, 2). Able to dance happily. The average result have is very good criterion. And the description mostly seen is students appreciate the other creation. 7) Creativity The Descriptors where seen in this aspect are: 1). Appearing the creative idea, 2). Able to improve the good movement, 3). Easy to follow the movement. Have the good category. The results mostly seen are: Appearing the creative idea and Easy to follow the movement 8) Disciplines The Descriptors, where seen in this aspect are: 1). Discipline in time, 2). Discipline in rules, 3). Following the exercise correct and orderly. Have a very good category. The descriptors mostly seen are: discipline in time and following the exercise correctly and orderly. 9) Responsibility The Descriptors where seen in this aspect are: 1). Following the activity seriously, 2). Have a good progress in dancing with good category. The descriptors mostly seen are: Following the activity seriously and Have a good progress in dancing.

Picture 1. Kind of ukel movement train the students Picture 2. Students do low level movement to be discipline to be more patient

3.2 Learning Process of Gambang Semarang Traditional Dance TowardStudents Characteristic Building. Table3. Learning process Gambang Semarang Result Indicator Score Lead the student when they learning Responsive between class 5 Give the positive response to the student 5 Give the students attention when they are in trouble 5 Give the students stimulation 5 Assist the personality of the students Make the comfortable, relax, and chill out 5 Tread the students to be patient 5 Tread the student to be order 5 Giving a motivation 62 Give the positive motivate to the students 5

Giving the student who have a good rank in class with a rewords 4 Page

Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR)

3rd International Conference on Theory & Practice (ICTP, 2017), Adelaide, Australia ISBN: 978-0-9953980-5-4 www.apiar.org.au

Train students to be creative Train students to make ground pattern independently 5 Train students to make dance design independently 4 Trains students to determine face direction independently 4 Implement studying activity contextually 5 Tread the student responsibility Implanting the discipline characteristic 5 Implanting the order characteristic 5 Implanting the obedient to the rules 5 Implanting the in time characteristic to the students 4 Implanting the courage characteristic Trade the good expression 5 Trade the student be skilled in their performance 4 Trade the student to be a mentor for their friends 5 Trade the student to doing good communication with other 5 Trade the student appreciative Trade the student to appreciate the other 5 Trade the student movement with expression 4 Implanting the student to do activity voluntarily 4 Laid the student convey their own idea 5

Total 94,4 Category Very Good

4. Conclusion Based on the result of this research, the researcher has madea decision that the good character can be implantedin students as the result of following the learning process of Gambang Semarang dance. Moreover, the characteristic building as shown as: the student can pick up the good rank, courage, can handle their emotion, can be a child who easy to make a friendship, skillful, appreciative, creative, discipline, and have responsibility. Meanwhile, learning process of Gambang Semarang traditional dance, can implant the good attitude in the students. Therefore, the successful of the learning process of Gambang Semarang traditional dance include: lead the student in learning process, assist the personality of the students, giving a motivation, tread the student be creative, tread the responsibility of the students, implanting the courage characteristic to the students, and tread the appreciative characteristic to the students.



Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR)

3rd International Conference on Theory & Practice (ICTP, 2017), Adelaide, Australia ISBN: 978-0-9953980-5-4 www.apiar.org.au


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