4 April 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR:


Youth Committee – AGENDA

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there will be a meeting of the Youth Committee at:

4.00pm on Monday, 10 April 2017 in the Council Chamber, Municipal Office Building, 101 Guyton Street, . Youth Committee Official Photograph Youth Councillors are requested to assemble in the Council Chamber at 3.45pm for the Committee’s official photograph


The following items of business will be considered:

No Item Page References

1 Reflection...... 3 2. Apologies ...... 3 3. Co-Chairs’ Welcome...... 3 4. Council Update ...... 3 5. Minutes of Previous Meeting – 27 February 2017 ...... 3 6. Youth Services Presentation ...... 4 7. Waimarie Trust Presentation ...... 5 8. Election of Co-Chairs ...... 6 9. Actions Arising from Previous Minutes ...... 7 10. Strategy and Policy Update ...... 8 A 11. Youth Committee Governance and Administration ...... 9 12. Youth Committee Business Plan – Progress Updates ...... 9 B1-B3 13. Have Your Say ...... 10 14. What’s the haps? ...... 10

Kym Fell Chief Executive ______2

Youth Committee Terms of Reference

Purpose  To empower Whanganui young people to be the best they can be.

Key tasks The role of the Youth Committee is to:  Represent the community’s young people.  Develop a strategic direction for Whanganui youth.  Promote opportunities for youth participation.  Develop and monitor policy on youth issues.  Provide opportunities for Youth to contribute to the decision-making of Council.  Advise the Council on matters of interest for Youth in the .

Youth Committee 10 April 2017 3

Youth Committee Membership

Yth Cr Macy Duxfield and Yth Cr Jack Southee, (Co-Chairs), Yth Crs Rhea Colaabavala, Leata Connor, Courtney Crafar, Jonathan de Jongh, Helena Hazelhurst, Jackie Hazelhurst, Arapeta Latus, Bayley Mihaka, Katja Mokha, Ahilan Saravanapavan, Ellise Smith, Tamara-Claire Stratton, Kiri Wilson, Cr Josh Chandulal-Mackay (Councillor Appointment to Youth Committee)

1. Reflection

2. Apologies

3. Co-Chairs’ Welcome

4. Council Update

5. Minutes of Previous Meeting – 27 February 2017

The minutes of the Youth Committee’s meeting held on 27 February 2017 will be tabled for adoption at Council’s meeting to be held on 2 May 2017.

Recommendation to Committee

5.1 THAT the information is noted.

Youth Committee 10 April 2017 4

6. Youth Services Trust Whanganui Presentation

Significance of decision – In terms of the Significance and Engagement Policy 2014, the recommended decision is not significant.

Recommendation to Committee

6.1 THAT the presentation is awaited and presenter is thanked.

Anna Palamountain, Governance Services Officer, reports:

“Executive Summary Youth Services Trust Whanganui (YST) – Based in the heart of Whanganui, located next to the is a registered Charitable Trust which looks to support and empower all youth in Whanganui in their journey into adulthood.

Youth Services Trust Whanganui has been in operation since 1992 and was originally named the Youth Advice Centre (YAC).

Youth Services Trust provides holistic youth friendly services to youth aged between 10- 24 years of age and currently has a Doctors and Nurses clinic, Counsellor, Youth Worker and works with other services providers to offer youth specific support groups and workshops.

Youth Services Trust plans to be a true One Stop Shop – Rangatahi tahi kore toa for the young people of Whanganui providing them with a relevant, holistic and wrap around service within a youth orientated environment.

Youth Services Trust Whanganui is underpinned by the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, positive youth engagement and the principles of the Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa .’’

Youth Committee 10 April 2017 5

7. PS Waimarie Trust Presentation

Significance of decision – In terms of the Significance and Engagement Policy 2014, the recommended decision is not significant.

Recommendation to Committee

7.1 THAT the presentation is awaited and presenter is thanked.

Anna Palamountain, Governance Services Officer, reports:

“Executive Summary Ann Petherick, Manager, PS Waimarie Trust, has advised that the Trust wishes to undertake a special cruise during the school holidays for families who would not usually have the opportunity to take a cruise on the PS Waimarie.

Ms Petherick seeks Youth Committee collaboration to implement this idea including consideration of some financial contribution to enable the ticket price to be reduced for these families.

Ms Petherick will present the Trust’s idea to the Youth Committee, respond to questions and then leave the meeting to enable the Committee to deliberate.‘’

Youth Committee 10 April 2017


8. Election of Co-Chairs

Significance of decision – In terms of the Significance and Engagement Policy 2014, the recommended decision is not significant.

Recommendation to Committee

8.1 THAT the two nominated Youth Councillors receiving more votes than any other nominee are elected as Co-Chairs of the 2017/2018 Youth Committee.

Anna Palamountain, Governance Services Officer, reports:

The Youth Committee has two Youth Councillors appointed with the responsibility of Co-Chairs of the Committee.

The role of the Co-Chair position includes guiding the Youth Committee to achieve its strategic objectives/vision; facilitating meetings so that each Youth Councillor is able to effectively speak up and be heard; reporting directly to the Council.

Selection for the Co-Chair positions are made by the Youth Councillors that form the Youth Committee. The Committee’s Terms of Reference state that the two nominated Youth Councillors receiving more votes than any other nominee will be elected as Co-Chairs of the Youth Committee. The Mayor, and Councillor appointment to the Committee, also have voting rights.

Youth Councillors are able to nominate themselves for the position if they wish. Nominations from the floor will also be accepted at the meeting. Co-Chairs are eligible to stand for re-election.

At today’s meeting, the candidates who have accepted the nomination for the Co-Chair positions will be given the opportunity to promote themselves for the role.

During the meeting interval all voting for the Co-Chairs’ position will be undertaken.

An announcement of the Co-Chairs’ elect will be made after the break, with the official appointment made by the end of the meeting, with duties for the new Co-Chairs commencing immediately.”

Youth Committee 10 April 2017


9. Actions Arising from Previous Minutes

Recommendation to Committee

9.1 THAT the information is noted.

Item Resolution Action % Completed 1 5 September 2016 THAT the Youth Committee convenes a Co-Chairs 0 6. Youth Sports 2017 workshop with the organisers of Youth Awaiting response from Sport 2017 to further clarify the Youth organisers to clarify Committee’s potential involvement. potential Youth Committee involvement. 2 28 November 2016 THAT Yth Crs Wilson, Duxfield, Co-Chairs 12. What’s the haps? Saravanapavan, Egorov and Southee work Date yet to be confirmed

with Council appointed member Cr Chandulal-Mackay to organise and facilitate a meet the Councillors event. 100 Co-Chairs THAT Youth Councillors attend the Tough Kids Challenge on Friday 2 December 2016 in order to run a “Pop Up” event.

3 27 February 2017 THAT Yth Cr Ahilan Saravanapavan Ahilan Saravanapavan 7. Strategy and Policy investigates and confirms radio Update cont. advertising contract option and reports back to the Youth Committee meeting held 10 April 2017.

4 8. Youth Committee THAT Yth Crs Vincent Collins, Ayesha Zaidi, Governance Governance and and Elena Egorov resignations are Administration received and they are thanked for their significant contribution to the Youth Committee and positive youth development across the community.

THAT the Youth Committee invite the Wanganui Rural Community Board to Governance 100 appoint a Board Member with speaking but not voting rights to the Youth Committee.

THAT the Procedures and Guidelines for Co-Chairs 0 Youth Grants Scheme, $600ship Project Will be approved at the Plan and Project Management be referred Next Compulsory to the Youth Committee’s compulsory Progress Workshop workshop scheduled for 3.30pm to – 1 May 2017 5.30pm, Monday, 20 March 2017 for review, and brought back for approval at the Youth Committee meeting scheduled for 10 April 2017.

THAT the Youth Committee give delegated Appointment expected 100 authority to the Co-Chairs Yth Crs Southee 13 April 2017 and Duxfield and Cr Josh Chandulal- Mackay to investigate the employment of a part time Youth Committee administrator.

Youth Committee 10 April 2017


10. Strategy and Policy Update

Officer assessment of significance of decision – In terms of the Significance and Engagement Policy 2014, the recommended decision is not significant.

Recommendation to Committee

10.1 THAT the information is received.

George Forster, Graduate Policy Development Officer:

“Executive Summary The March 2017 Strategy and Policy update is attached (Ref A).”

References – Agenda Attachments A Strategy and Policy - Overview, Top 5, Bylaw Review, Other Work and Coming Up

Youth Committee 10 April 2017



11. Youth Committee Governance and Administration

A verbal update will be provided on the Youth Councillors recruitment drive.

12. Youth Committee Business Plan – Progress Updates

Officer assessment of significance of decision – In terms of the Significance and Engagement Policy 2014, the recommended decision is not significant.

Recommendation to Committee

12.1 THAT the Business Plan Updates are received.

12.2 THAT the $600ship report from Keilym Pari and Awatere McLean-Wanoa are received.

The Business Plan 2016-2017 sets out the core programme of work for the Youth Committee up to June 2017. The Youth Committee focuses on implementing the proposed projects and initiatives, and reports on progress at each meeting. A copy of the Youth Committee’s Business Plan is attached (Ref B1).

Updates will be provided at the meeting.

(1) Youth Grants – Report from Yth Cr Ahilan Saravanapavan The youth grants panel met on Monday 27 March 2017 to discuss Youth Grant applications. The panel came to the conclusion that neither of the groups should gain funding. The Red Cross did not fit in the age bracket criteria at 12 and under, and the panel did not feel it necessary to fund the charity ball as it was felt unfair to not fund the balls of other schools. This was also due to the conflict of interest.

(2) $600ship reports Recipient Keilym Pari has provided a report (Ref B2) Recipient Awatere McLean-Wanoa provided a report (Ref B3).

(3) Radio Advertising Contract Update – Report from Yth Cr Ahilan Saravanapavan

(4) Significant Community Event – Report from Yth Cr Jonathan de Jongh

References – Agenda Attachments B1 Youth Committee Business Plan 2016-2017 B2 & B3 $600ship reports from Keilym Pari and Awatere McLean-Wanoa

Youth Committee 10 April 2017 REFERENCE B1

Dub Dee See Youth Committee Business Plan 2016-2017 Priority Initiative Activity Strategic Dates Success Demographic Budget Relevance Indicators Targets Partnerships to Youth Grants All focus areas 2016 – 2017 (x4 Number of 12-24 years $10,000 increase positive Process to identify Deeply United rounds) applications youth outcomes community Number of grants partners to Number of youth achieve greater engaged in outcomes projects

Leaders: Ahilan Saravanapavan; Courtney Crafar Developing Youth 2017 (ongoing) Number of 16-18 years Unallocated School Leaders’ Capacity meetings Network Health and well- Number of projects being Number of SLN Leaders: Rhea Deeply United participating in Colaabavala Works for Youth Committee Jonathan de Everyone events Jongh Submissions from SLN $600ships Developing Youth Two rounds in Number of 12-24 years $6,000 Capacity 2017 applications Leader: Helena Advocacy Hazelhurst Powered by Creative Smarts

1 Dub Dee See Youth Committee Business Plan 2016-2017 Priority Initiative Activity Strategic Dates Success Demographic Budget Relevance Indicators Targets Creativity and Youth Awards Developing Youth May 2017 Number of entries 12 – 24 years $7,000 Culture Capacity Number of ticket Leader(s): Leata Place-making sales Connor; Helena Communication Hazelhurst and Marketing Deeply United Arts Event – Developing Youth June/July 2017 Number of 12-24 years Unallocated collaborating with Capacity participants local organisations Deeply United Local Powered by organisations Leader(s): Creative Smarts engaged Tamara-Claire Stratton; Helena Hazelhurst; ‘Brighter Future’ Health and Well- November 2016 or Number of 12-24 years $3,000 Colour Run being January 2017 participants Place-making Number of Leader: Rhea Deeply United sponsors Colaabavala Media coverage Significant Developing Youth June 2017 Number of 12-24 years Unallocated community event Capacity participants Health and well- Leader: Jonathan being de Jongh Place-making Deeply United Powered by Creative Smarts

2 Dub Dee See Youth Committee Business Plan 2016-2017 Priority Initiative Activity Strategic Dates Success Demographic Budget Relevance Indicators Targets Education, Tutoring/study Developing Youth October 2016 Number of 15-18 years Unallocated Training and support (NCEA Capacity participants Employment preparation) Place-making Positive feedback Communication Leader(s): and Marketing Jonathan de Works for Jongh Everyone Professional Developing Youth 2017 Youth Committee 12-24 years Unallocated Development Capacity participation Communication Leader: [council and Marketing officers] Deeply United

3 Dub Dee See Youth Committee Business Plan 2016-2017 Priority Initiative Activity Strategic Dates Success Demographic Budget Relevance Indicators Targets Being seen and Youth advertising Communication September 2016 Response to Youth aged 12-24 Unallocated heard in the and marketing advertising years and a wider community Leader: Ahilan Advocacy Increased range of Saravanapavan Globally response on social population Connected media i.e. ‘likes’

Communication 2017 Pop-up funding ($2,200) Leader: unassigned

Dub Dee See Youth Committee Business Plan 2016-2017 Priority Initiative Activity Strategic Dates Success Demographic Budget Relevance Indicators Targets Youth Spaces Youth Hub Place-making 2017 Submission made 12-24 years Unallocated (Inquiry) Deeply United to WDC Annual Plan on Youth Leader(s): Hub concept Courtney Crafar; Tamara-Claire Stratton; Jack Southee


New Zealand Koru Development Tour 2017

Report by Keilym Pari

I would like to take this time to thank all those who supported me to attend this year’s New Zealand Koru Development Tour to Albury, Australia. Thank you for acknowledging my ability by providing financial support towards my tour costs.

This is my second year attending the NZ Koru Development Tour, my first year I was selected to play in the Under 14 Boys squad in 2015. This year I was selected as a member of the NZ Kea Under 16 Boys team. I was chosen as the team captain which was a privilege and honour, it enabled me to share my knowledge and be a role model to my fellow team mates. Me departing Palmerston North Airport outbound to Auckland On Tour...

Our tour group consisted of 136 athletes, coaches, managers, and referees. We all met at Auckland International Airport, boarded the plane outbound to Melbourne, Australia and travelled by coach to Albury.

The next four days we spent in training camp. The training was intense and the weather was very hot, and humid. After two days of training camp the teams were selected NZ Kea and NZ Weka. I was selected to play in the NZ Kea team and was named the Team Captain. My coach was Terry Tanoa and our team manager was Nicola Post.

Prior to the Tour we only had 1 group training in Hamilton, New Zealand. All athletes were given a training programme to follow. For most of us this was the first-time playing together.

Game time – Pool plays…

The tournament began with an opening ceremony, New Zealand had to sing waiata and the boys done the Haka.

Both NZ teams were split into two different pools during the first 3 days of the competition. In my pool, we had Tasmanian Tigers, South Australian Sharks, Victorian Goldminers, and the New South Wales Warratahs.

Game Them Us 1: NZ Kea vs Tasmanian Tigers A very good team who played Still getting used to playing well as a team. together. Still learning how each other plays and our positions. Great effort. Result Loss: 44 – 68 2: NZ Kea vs South Australian This team were good! They Lacked team cohesions. Sharks played as a team and could shoot and score from anywhere on the court. Result Loss: 48 – 110 3: NZ Kea vs Victorian Even better than the SA Sharks. Started playing well as a team Goldminers Rarely missed a shot. Defence but the skills and discipline of turned over a lot of ball. the Victorian team were too much for us. Result Loss: 25 – 123 4: NZ Kea vs New South Wales Great team. Determined to not give up, to Warratahs play hard until the end. Worked well on our defence. Started to pull together some offensive plays. An overall great game. Result Loss: 59 – 68

The cross over…

At the end of the pool plays we played cross over matches.

Game Them Us 1: NZ Kea vs Tasmania Devils Stolen by the second half the A hard-fought match especially Tas. Devils stepped up the in the first half. Played well tempo and came away with the together as a team. Started to win. gel offensively. Team bond started to form. Result Loss: 48 – 95

2: NZ Kea vs NZ Weka Played with great enthusiasm. Played with great enthusiasm. Couldn’t sink the baskets. Made a lot of shots but didn’t execute. Gave too many balls away. Result Loss: 70 – 83 3: NZ Kea vs Tasmanian Tigers Played great as a team. Knew what we had to do and executed the plan perfectly winning our first game of the tournament. Result Win: 63 – 53 4: NZ Kea vs NZ Weka Awesome team only this time Determined to win and finish unlucky. our tournament on a high note. Managed to pull it off in the final quarter. Result Win: 43 – 30

My team finished the tournament in 7th place.


Being named Team Captain was a little overwhelming at first but gave me great confidence to share my knowledge and ability with the other athletes. I learnt how to communicate as a leader and lead by example. There was a massive amount of talent and I was, able to be a part of it and I met and made a lot more friends.

Where to from here…

I am a year 11 Senior student attending MANUKURA a designated special character school for high performance sports and academics. I am currently trialling for the Under 17 Boys Representative Basketball Team for Manawatu. I am a member of the MANUKURA Senior Premier Basketball Team and have been selected to play in the U15 Boys Sir Gordon Tietjens Sevens Tournament for MANUKURA. I will be training hard this year and studying towards NCEA.

Once again thank you for all the support that you have given me.

New Zealand well represented at the Australian Country Junior Basketball Cup on the Border

BEAU GREENWAY 15 Jan 2017, 6:40 p.m.

BIG GROUP: New Zealand's under 16 boys' and girls' teams ahead of the Australian Country Junior Basketball Cup in Albury and Wodonga this week. Pictures: MARK JESSE

http://www.bordermail.com.au/story/4404460/trans-tasman-rivals-arise/?cs=10 http://websites.sportstg.com/comp_info.cgi?a=ROUND&compID=428532&c=1 -3872-0-0-0 REFERENCE B3

Awatere McLean-Wanoa 17 Brunswick Road Whanganui, 4500 [email protected] (06) 3436209

22nd February 2017

Attn:$600ship Project Group, Whanganui District Council Youth Committee

Tena Koe,

On behalf of myself and my whanau I would like to thank you and share with you my experience while participating in the Basketball Pacific Koru Under 14 Girls Team, the tournament was based in Melbourne 16th 22nd of January called the Australia Basketball Cup. I was based in Australia from the 11th- 15th January for an intense five day training camp with a team of 96 players. We had two teams I was selected for the U14 Girls Kea NZ team to compete in the tournament. Day 1: We only had one game it was a good first start for our team to try our moves. Different combination on the court. Day 2: We had 2 games we lost these to very good teams but only by a few shots. We had to get back to the basis of playing our own game. Day 3: We had 2 more games won one and lost one. They were very competitive teams in our grade. We had to play defensively well and our own shots we had to work together. Day 4 We made it to the quarter final game against Weka and won which put us in the semi final game for our grade. We lost that game but overall we come 3rd our of 12 teams. It was a great achievement for our team. With your financial assistance it has helped me achieve my goal of attending and playing in this tournament. This experience has had a massive impact and I will be working hard again this year to achieve more goals that I set as a sportsperson. Thanks you for supporting me in this journey. Here are a few images of my experience.

Nga Mihi

Awatere McLean-Wanoa


13. Have Your Say

Wanganui Rural Community Board  Update from Yth Crs Courtney Crafar and Ellise Smith.  Issues for rural youth (as identified by the Board, Youth Committee or rural youth).

Ministry of Youth Development  The Ministry of Youth Development – Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi – encourages and supports young people, aged between 12 and 24 years old, to develop and use knowledge, skills and experiences to participate confidently in their communities.

 Marcus Boshier, Community Investment Advisor with the Ministry of Youth Development finished in his role on Friday, 26 August 2016. Marcus was with the Ministry of Youth Development for close to three years and was a great supporter of the Youth Committee. He is pursuing a new interest at Wellington’s Real Estate Agents Authority.

 The Ministry of Youth Development website has a variety of information for young people and for those who work with young people, and promotes opportunities to inform Government on youth needs: http://www.myd.govt.nz/young-people/

14. What’s the haps?

 Next Compulsory Progress Workshop meeting – Monday, 1 May 2017

 Next formal meeting: Monday, 22 May 2017.

* * * * *

Youth Committee 10 April 2017