Edition rd The Power Behind The Power 3 Marine & Industrial Accessories Guide Headquarters New England Carolinas Great Lakes 2365 Route 22, West 48 Leona Drive 4500 Northchase Pkwy., NE 1270 Kyle Court Union, NJ 07083 Middleborough, MA 02346 Wilmington, NC 28405 Wauconda, IL 60084 (908) 964-0700 (508) 946-9200 (910) 792-1900 (847) 526-9700 Fax: (908) 687-6725 Fax: (508) 946-0779 Fax: (910) 792-6266 Fax: (847) 526-9708
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (800) MAC K-E N G • w w w.m a c k bo ring.c om • (8 00 ) MA C K-FAX TO OUR FRIENDS A Reputation Built On Dependable Service Since 1922 Dear Friends: As we enter into our 84th year in business, we still maintain the core values upon which Mack Boring was founded by our grandfather, Ed McGovern, Sr. Quality, Strong Support, Engineered Solutions, Superior Customer Service, and Added Value to the products we supply, has been the Mack Boring way. Mack Boring and the McGovern Family stand for Quality. We provide quality solutions, backed by quality support – with no compromise, to the challenges our customers face every day, and deliver high quality prod- ucts, services and resources. We hire high quality personnel. Mack Boring relentlessly strives to provide superior support in the form of friendly, technically-savvy customer service representatives in the field, or on the telephone when you call for parts or whole-goods. If you are performing a start-up or an application review, we will support your needs.