Declaration Amendment of National Road R730 Section 1 39842 TH'o =T.H AFRICAN NATIONALR AGENCY SOC LIMITED R.Evistraticfri No: 1998/0{0589L30

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Declaration Amendment of National Road R730 Section 1 39842 TH'o =T.H AFRICAN NATIONALR AGENCY SOC LIMITED R.Evistraticfri No: 1998/0{0589L30 4 No. 39842 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 2016 GOVERNMENT NOTICES • GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWINGS Transport, Department of/ Vervoer, Departement van DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT NO. 339 23 MARCH 2016 339 South African National Roads Agency Limited and National Roads Act (7/1998): Declaration amendment of National Road R730 Section 1 39842 TH'O =T.H AFRICAN NATIONALR AGENCY SOC LIMITED R.evistraticFri No: 1998/0{0589l30 DECLARATION AMENDMENT OF NATIONAL ROAD R730 SECTION 'I AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION No. 550 OF 2003 By virtue of section 40(1)(b) of the South African National Roads Agency Limited and the National Roads Act. 1998 (Act No. 7 of 1998), ! hereby amend Declaration No. 550 of 2003 by substituting the Annexure paragraph (UI), the section of the descriptive declaration of the route from the R30 Welkom turn -off up to the junction with R73, with the subjoined sheets i to 6 of Plan No P774/09. (National/ Road R730 Section tR30 Weikom Turn-off - R73 Junction) MtN1STE F TRANSPORT DEPARTEMENT VAN VERVOER NO. 339 23 MAART 2016 339 Wet op Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Padagentskap Beperk en Nasionale Paaie (7/1998): Verklaring wysiging van Nasionale Pad R730 Seksie 1 39842 DIE SUID.AFRIKAANSE NASIONALE PADAGENTSKAP MSB BEPERK Rtgistrasie No: 1998/009584/30 VERKLARING WYSIGING VAN NAS1ONALE PAD F1730 SEKSIE 1 WYSIGING VAN VERKLARING NO. 550 VAN 2003, Kragtens Artikel 40(1)(b) van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Padagentskap Beperk en die Nasionale Paaie Wet, 1998 (Wet no. 7 van 1998), wysig ek hiermee Verklaring no. 550 van 2003 deur die By lee paragraaf (W), die gedeelte van the beskrywende verklaring van die roete venal. die. R30 Welkom afdraai tot by die aansluiting met die R73, te vervang met meegaande velte 1 tot 6 van Plan no, P774/09 (Nasionaie Pad R730 Seksie 1: R30 Welkem afdraaí - R73 Aansluiting) MINIST R VAN VERVOER This gazette is also available free online at XALKOENKRANS XALKOENKRANS PIN PIN REM REM :5 :5 2 2 i i No No EAST EAST 2.5 2.5 SOsrta[aA:F SOsrta[aA:F 8 8 PIN PIN SE:tn SE:tn itt itt OF OF . RIVIEP RIVIEP No.330 DOORN DOORN PIN PIN TO TO PTN PTN 5 5 PIN PIN 6 6 PIN PIN 9 9 L L tg tg ltEl'A ltEl'A 5 5 P P TPd TPd "..- "..- STAATSKOERANT, STAATSKOERANT, ! ! 3 3 t: t: PIN PIN 17 17 PIN PIN S^{. 15 15 r r r' r' It It REM REM P`Cfi+3! 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