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Congressional Record E606 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 1, 2011 1871, the board of trustees honored Bishop allowed me to realize my calling to serve The team’s 30–1 record this year, the best in Payne by establishing a free-standing AME those in the U.S. Armed Forces.’’ I am beyond school history, improved on last year’s 25–4 seminary at Wilberforce University that bears thrilled that CYAC has helped students un- record. This year’s team was able to win four his name. leash their full potential and chase their titles (Eastern District Regular Season Cham- During his tenure at Wilberforce University, dreams. pions, Eastern District Tournament Cham- Bishop Payne made his first return to his President George H.W. Bush once said, ‘‘A pions, Eastern Region Champions, and State hometown in more than 30 years. In 1865, he volunteer is a person who can see what oth- Champions) while last year’s team only cap- helped establish the AME denomination in ers cannot see; who can feel what most do tured three of these four. Under the tutelage of Charleston, which then spread quickly among not feel. Often, such gifted persons do not Coach Goolsby, the Greyhounds have grown the African-American community in the South. think of themselves as volunteers, but as citi- and matured into being one of the top three He also authored two books before his death zens—citizens in the fullest sense: partners in Boys’ Basketball teams in the Nation in mul- in 1893. In 1888, he published a memoir enti- civilization.’’ tiple national polls. tled Recollections of Seventy Years. Three With this statement as a benchmark, I am Perhaps more impressive than the number years later he wrote The History of the A. M. proud to congratulate the members of the of I.C. Norcom’s wins is the way in which they E. Church, which was the first comprehensive 2010–2011 Congressional Youth Advisory won their games. The Greyhounds have con- account of the founding of the AME denomina- Council for showing themselves to be out- sistently rallied from behind beating opponents tion. standing young citizens of this nation. It is my who thought they had their games won. I can Daniel Payne married in 1847, but his wife privilege to submit summaries of their work to say from first-hand experience that this perse- died during childbirth in their first year of mar- the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD to be preserved vering ethic makes their games even more ex- riage. He married again in 1854 to Eliza Clark for posterity and antiquity. To these young citing to watch. I had the opportunity to see of Cincinnati. public servants, thank you, and keep up the I.C. Norcom play in both the State Tour- During the 2010 Founder’s Week at Payne great work! I salute you! nament Semi-final game against Highland Theological Seminary, a year-long 200th anni- A copy of each submitted student summary Springs, and the Championship against L.C. versary celebration of Bishop Daniel Alex- follows: Bird, and in both games, the team trailed at ander Payne’s birth was launched. As part of Volunteering at places is an experience the half. But like clockwork, the Greyhounds, the commemoration, there is a five-city tour that teaches you to help people. But just vol- with a smothering defense and deft offense that is stopping in cities that impacted Bishop unteering at one place isn’t enough and came back in the second half of both games Payne’s life. wouldn’t be a great enough experience. Vol- to win by a comfortable margin. Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues unteering at multiple places means that you These consecutive state championships will have both the time to volunteer and the to join me in celebrating the life and contribu- be the newest milestones in the long and sto- want to help people. I’m one of those people ried history of I.C. Norcom High School. It was tions of Bishop Daniel Alexander Payne as the that volunteered at multiple places. The commemorative tour stops in his hometown of first place that I volunteered at was at the founded in 1913 as the High Street School, Charleston, South Carolina. Bishop Payne Haggar Carnival. The second place I volun- the first public high school for black students was a visionary leader who understood the im- teered at was at the Sheraton Hotel at in Portsmouth. I.C. Norcom was renamed in portance of education and faith as an empow- Downtown Dallas to help with the event, 1953 in honor of its first supervising principal ering force in the African-American commu- Love For Kids. The first place I volunteered Israel Charles Norcom, a pioneering educator, nity. His remarkable legacy lives on in the at was at the Haggar Carnival. Haggar was civic leader and businessman. Now, more my elementary school, so going there to vol- AME Church and in the generations of stu- than fifty years and three locations later, I.C. unteer was a nostalgic feeling. Arriving Norcom High School is still an innovating and dents who have attended Wilberforce Univer- there, the jobs I received were with helping sity. with activities, manning stands and moving inspiring place for Portsmouth students. I.C. Norcom is doing a great job cultivating f items around. The second place I volunteered at was at the event, Love For Kids, at the excellence both on and off the athletic field. In RECOGNIZING THE 2010–2011 CON- Sheraton Hotel. There, during the time when addition to excelling on the basketball court, GRESSIONAL YOUTH ADVISORY Santa would be coming in a few weeks to the Greyhounds are also doing great things in COUNCIL FOR 500 HOURS OF OUT- bring joy and presents to little children, we the classroom. I.C. Norcom houses a Center STANDING SERVICE TO THE were being little helpers by helping wrap pre- of Excellence in Math and Science, which pro- COMMUNITY—BEN CHOU sents and move the presents into big boxes vides students with additional classes in to move them down to trucks to be taken to science, math, and technology. the little children waiting for Santa to come. Once again, I would like to extend my con- HON. SAM JOHNSON —Ben Chou. OF TEXAS gratulations to the I.C. Norcom players and f their families, Principal Lynn Briley, Coach IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN RECOGNITION OF THE I.C. Leon Goolsby and the rest of his coaching Friday, April 1, 2011 NORCOM BOYS’ BASKETBALL staff. On behalf of the people of the Third Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, TEAM Congressional District of Virginia, I.C. Norcom it is my pleasure and privilege to inform the alumni, and the entire City of Portsmouth, I Members of the United States House of Rep- HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT say job well done on a second consecutive championship, and I wish the program years resentatives that the students of the 2010– OF VIRGINIA 2011 Congressional Youth Advisory Council of success in the future. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (CYAC) from the Third District of Texas have f completed a total of 500 community service Friday, April 1, 2011 IN HONOR AND REMEMBRANCE OF hours, fulfilling and far-surpassing the require- Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, they MARY ELIZABETH FLAHIVE ments of their assigned CYAC in the Commu- have done it again! I rise today to once again nity service project. congratulate the Boys Basketball Team of I.C. This year 46 students from public, private, Norcom High School in Portsmouth, Virginia, HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH and home schools in grades 10 through 12 on winning the Virginia High School League OF OHIO made their voices heard by joining CYAC. As Group AAA State Basketball Championship. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Third District’s young ambassadors to On Friday March 11, before a sellout crowd Friday, April 1, 2011 Congress, these bright high school students at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Siegel Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in met with me on a quarterly basis to discuss Center, the Greyhounds of I.C. Norcom beat honor and remembrance of Mary Elizabeth current events and public policy. These im- L.C. Bird of Chesterfield 54–45 to win their Flahive, whose life was marked by her strong pressive young people recognize an important second consecutive State Basketball Cham- ties to the Cleveland community. truth: the heart of public service is found when pionship. They are the first consecutive year Mary was born in Northampton, Massachu- giving back to the community. CYAC students champions since 2004, and have brought the setts. She obtained both an undergraduate volunteered their time and talents with over 30 second State Basketball Championship to the and graduate degree in Geology. She then organizations including Adopt-A-Highway, city of Portsmouth. spent ten years working at the Springfield, Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, Teen Not content to rest on the accomplishments Massachusetts, Museum of Natural History. Court, and the USO, to name a few. As one of last year, Coach Leon Goolsby pushed the She moved to Cleveland, Ohio, where she student shared, ‘‘CYAC in the Community has Greyhounds to even greater heights this year. began her 42 year career with the Cleveland VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:09 Apr 02, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01AP8.034 E01APPT1 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with REMARKS April 1, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E607 Natural History Museum.
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