Congressional Record—Senate S1644

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Congressional Record—Senate S1644 S1644 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 17, 2010 police sometimes used violence to prevent spect. That is why we should all say a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without groups from engaging in peaceful protest. silent prayer and a public word of sup- objection, it is so ordered. It will be very interesting to see how port for Russia’s courageous human f the police and the government treat rights activists, as they make their RECESS these demonstrations that will take voices heard this Saturday. These place across Russia on March 20. These brave men and women want the best Mr. ROCKEFELLER. I ask unani- conditions would be intolerable in any for their country. They want a govern- mous consent that the Senate stand in country, and this conduct would be un- ment that is not only strong but just, recess until 2 p.m. acceptable for any government. Clear- peaceful, inclusive, and democratic. I There being no objection, the Senate, ly, Russia today is not the Soviet urge Russia’s leaders to recognize that at 12:27 p.m., recessed until 2 p.m. and Union, neither in its treatment of Rus- peaceful champions of universal values reassembled when called to order by sia’s people nor in its foreign policy. are not a threat to Russia, and that the Acting President pro tempore. But I fear that may be damning with groups such as this should not face the Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Presi- faint praise, and Russians themselves kinds of violence, repression, and in- dent, I suggest the absence of a are right to hold their country and timidation that Russian authorities quorum. their government up to higher stand- have used against similar demonstra- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ards. tors in the past. The eyes of the world pore. The clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk proceeded to Russia is a great nation, and like all will be watching. call the roll. Americans of good will, I want Russia Mr. President, I suggest the absence The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. to be strong and successful. I want Rus- of a quorum. sia’s economy to be a vibrant source of INOUYE). A quorum is present. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The majority leader is recognized. wealth and opportunity for all Rus- clerk will call the roll. Mr. REID. Thank you, Mr. President. sians. I want Russia to play a proud The assistant legislative clerk pro- and responsible role in world affairs. I ceeded to call the roll. f will continue to affirm in public and in Mr. ROCKEFELLER. I ask unani- EXHIBITION OF ARTICLES OF IM- private that the best way for Russians mous consent that the order for the PEACHMENT AGAINST G. THOM- to secure what they say they care quorum call be rescinded. AS PORTEOUS, JR., JUDGE OF about most—reduced corruption, a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT strengthened and equitable rule of law, objection, it is so ordered. COURT FOR THE EASTERN DIS- economic modernization—is by nur- f TRICT OF LOUISIANA turing a pluralistic and free civil soci- AMENDMENT NO. 3467, AS Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- ety, by building independent and sus- MODIFIED imous consent that the Secretary in- tainable institutions of democracy, and form the House of Representatives that Mr. ROCKEFELLER. I ask unani- by respecting the human rights of all. the Senate is ready to receive the man- mous consent that notwithstanding the I was happy to see that Russian polit- agers appointed by the House for the adoption of amendment No. 3467, that ical parties not aligned with the Krem- purpose of exhibiting Articles of Im- it be modified with the changes at the lin actually won more seats in regional peachment against G. Thomas desk. parliamentary elections this week. Porteous, Jr., Judge of the United The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Perhaps this signals a growing recogni- States District Court for the Eastern objection, it is so ordered. tion among Russians that the authori- District of Louisiana, agreeably to the tarian tendencies of the Kremlin need The amendment (No. 3467), as modi- fied, is as follows: notice communicated to the Senate, to be rolled back through popular oppo- and at the hour of 2 p.m., today, sition. Perhaps the Russian Govern- On page 130, after line 24, insert the fol- lowing: Wednesday, March 17, 2010, the Senate ment could allow future elections at will receive the honorable managers on all levels to be freer and fairer. Per- SEC. 434. AUTHORIZATION OF USE OF CERTAIN LANDS IN THE LAS VEGAS the part of the House of Representa- haps. But there is still a long way to go MCCARRAN INTERNATIONAL AIR- tives in order that they may present for the cause of democracy in Russia, PORT ENVIRONS OVERLAY DISTRICT and exhibit the said Articles of Im- and I hope these small electoral gains FOR TRANSIENT LODGING AND AS- SOCIATED FACILITIES. peachment against the said G. Thomas only embolden democracy’s defenders. Porteous, Jr., Judge of the United As we speak up for the rights of Rus- (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law and except as provided States District Court for the Eastern sia’s dissidents, we must do the same in subsection (b), Clark County, Nevada, is District of Louisiana. for the rights of Russia’s neighbors as authorized to permit transient lodging, in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without well—neighbors such as the country of cluding hotels, and associated facilities, in- objection, it is so ordered. Georgia. I visited Georgia in January, cluding enclosed auditoriums, concert halls, Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- and I had a chance to travel to the so- sports arenas, and places of public assembly, imous consent that the following coun- called ‘‘administrative boundary line’’ on lands in the Las Vegas McCarran Inter- sel and staff of the House of Represent- national Airport Environs Overlay District with the breakaway region of atives be permitted the privileges of Abkhazia. On the other side of that that fall below the forecasted 2017 65 dB day- night annual average noise level (DNL), as the floor during the proceedings with boundary line is sovereign Georgian identified in the Noise Exposure Map Notice respect to the trial of the impeachment territory occupied by Russian troops, published by the Federal Aviation Adminis- of Judge Porteous. They are as follows: as it has been since the 2008 invasion. tration in the Federal Register on July 24, Danielle Brown, Allison Halataei, Alan When I was in Munich last month for 2007 (72 Fed. Reg. 40357), and adopted into the Baron, Harry Damelin, Mark Dubester, an annual security conference, I heard Clark County Development Code in June Kirsten Konar, Jessica Klein, Branden several Russian officials speaking from 2008. Ritchie, Michael Len, Phil Tahtakran, (b) LIMITATION.—No structure may be per- the same script, alleging acts of ag- Ryan Clough, and Elisabeth Stein. gression by Georgian forces against mitted under subsection (a) that would con- stitute a hazard to air navigation, result in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Russian peacekeepers—the same kind an increase to minimum flight altitudes, or objection, it is so ordered. of rhetoric we heard before the 2008 in- otherwise pose a significant adverse impact The Senate will be in order. vasion. This should give us all pause. I on airport or aircraft operations. I will now call upon the Secretary for know Washington has a lot of foreign f the majority. policy challenges at the moment, but The Secretary to the majority, Lula we cannot forget Georgia and the sup- SIGNING AUTHORIZATION J. Davis, announced the presence of the port it deserves amid a continuing Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Mr. President, I House managers, as follows: threat from its neighbor to the north. ask unanimous consent that the major- Mr. President, I announce the pres- A Russian government that better ity leader be authorized to sign any ence of the managers on the part of the protects the human dignity of its peo- duly enrolled bills or joint resolutions House of Representatives to conduct ple would be more inclined to deal with today, Wednesday, March 17, and proceedings on behalf of the House con- its neighbors in peace and mutual re- Thursday, March 18. cerning the impeachment of G. Thomas VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:12 Mar 18, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17MR6.025 S17MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE March 17, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1645 Porteous, Jr., Judge of the United H. RES. 1031 Wherefore, Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., States District Court for the Eastern Resolved, That G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., a is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors District of Louisiana. judge of the United States District Court for and should be removed from office. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the Eastern District of Louisiana, is im- ARTICLE II managers on the part of the House will peached for high crimes and misdemeanors, G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., engaged in a be received and assigned their seats. and that the following articles of impeach- ment be exhibited to the Senate: longstanding pattern of corrupt conduct that The managers (Mr. SCHIFF, Ms. ZOE Articles of impeachment exhibited by the demonstrates his unfitness to serve as a LOFGREN of California, Mr. JOHNSON of House of Representatives of the United United States District Court Judge. That Georgia, Mr. GOODLATTE, and Mr. SEN- States of America in the name of itself and conduct included the following: Beginning in SENBRENNER) were thereupon escorted all of the people of the United States of or about the late 1980s while he was a State by the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, America, against G.
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