Congressional Record—Senate S8553
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December 6, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8553 p.m. on Tuesday, December 7, for the 48. Leadership Staff RECORD of the U.S. Senate for his serv- parties’ final arguments on the merits 49. Floor Staff ice to our country and for his profound of the articles. I ask unanimous con- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I stress the commitment to freedom, democracy, sent that the parties have each 11⁄2 importance of all Senators attending and peace. hours to present articles on all four ar- the impeachment proceedings. I urge f ticles, which, under the impeachment them to be in the Chamber at 10 a.m. rules, will be opened and closed by the tomorrow for a live quorum, which will TAX CUTS House managers, with no more than begin at that time, prior to the com- Mr. NELSON of Nebraska. Mr. Presi- two individuals speaking for each side. mencement of the impeachment trial dent, Nebraskans want both Repub- I further ask unanimous consent proceedings. This is an important con- licans and Democrats to work out a bi- that, at the conclusion of the 3 hours stitutional part of the Senate’s respon- partisan plan soon that will extend all, allotted for final arguments, the Sen- sibilities, and each Senator has an obli- or nearly all, of the income and other ate shall immediately meet in closed gation to participate in the case and tax cuts which expire on December 31, session to begin its deliberations on for his or her office to be present and 2010. In today’s votes, I opposed the the Articles of Impeachment and the informed and participate. This type of first amendment because it would raise related motions in accordance with im- impeachment proceeding has happened taxes for a number of small businesses peachment rule XX. only a few times in the history of the in Nebraska and nationwide, penalizing I finally ask unanimous consent that Republic. It is very important for Sen- the best job creators in our economy. I the individuals listed on the document ators to participate. supported the second amendment ex- I now send to the desk be granted the f tending the tax cuts for most tax- privilege of the Senate floor during all HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES payers because it won’t affect most open sessions while the Articles of Im- small businesses. SERGEANT FIRST CLASS BARRY EDWARD JARVIS peachment against Judge Porteous are I believe that any revenue generated Mr. BAYH. Mr. President, I rise under consideration. by ending tax cuts for some Americans today to honor the life of SFC Barry The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without should go not for new government Edward Jarvis of the U.S. Army and spending but to pay down the nearly objection, it is so ordered. Tell City, IN. The list is as follows: Sergeant Jarvis was assigned to the $14 trillion debt. Debt reduction is es- THE JUDGE AND HIS COUNSEL 1st Squadron of the 61st Cavalry Regi- sential for all Americans’ economic fu- 1. Judge Gabriel Thomas Porteous, Jr. ment, 101st Airborne Division at Fort ture, and for our Nation to remain the 2. Jonathan Turley Campbell, KY. He was 36 years old leader of the free world. I will continue 3. Daniel Schwartz when he lost his life on November 29, pushing for extending all of the tax 4. P.J. Meitl 2010, serving bravely in support of Op- cuts to provide the certainty, clarity, 5. Daniel O’Connor and continuity we need to get our 6. Ian Barlow eration Enduring Freedom in Afghani- stan’s Nangarhar Province. economy going strong again. I hope the THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MANAGERS Sergeant Jarvis and his family Senate will come together soon to pass 7. Adam Schiff (D–CA) moved to Indiana when he was a boy. major tax cuts. 8. Bob Goodlatte (R–VA) He graduated from Tell City High f 9. Henry C. ‘‘Hank’’ Johnson, Jr. (D–GA) 10. Jim Sensenbrenner (R–WI) School in 1993 and finished Army basic MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT 11. Zoe Lofgren (D–CA) training in 1998. A cavalry scout, Ser- geant Jarvis was assigned to Fort Messages from the President of the SPECIAL IMPEACHMENT COUNSEL TO THE HOUSE United States were communicated to MANAGERS Campbell in May of 2009 and deployed to Afghanistan 3 months later. the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- 12. Alan Baron retaries. 13. Harold Damelin He was known by many as a genuine 14. Mark Dubester and dedicated soldier who found his f 15. Kirsten Konar calling in serving his country, and his EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED numerous awards and decorations, in- STAFF TO THE HOUSE MANAGERS As in executive session the Presiding 16. Jeffrey Lowenstein (Schiff) cluding the Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Commendation Medal, and Officer laid before the Senate messages 17. Branden Ritchie (Goodlatte) from the President of the United 18. Elisabeth Stein (Johnson) the Army Achievement Medal, bear out 19. Michael Lenn (Sensenbrenner) that reputation. States submitting sundry nominations 20. Ryan Clough (Lofgren) I join Sergeant Jarvis’ family and which were referred to the appropriate SENATE LEGAL COUNSEL friends in mourning his death. He is committees. (The nominations received today are 21. Morgan Frankel survived by his wife Tina Louise Jarvis 22. Pat Bryan of Clarksville, TN; his children Kitaira printed at the end of the Senate pro- 23. Grant R. Vinik Aleesha, and William, also of Clarks- ceedings.) 24. Thomas E. Caballero ville, and Donavon, of Evansville, IN; f SENATE STAFF his father William Edward Jarvis of At- MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE 25. Derron R. Parks lantic Beach, FL; and his mother, 26. Thomas L. Jipping Alma Jean Jarvis of Tell City, IN. At 2:03 p.m., a message from the 27. Justin Kim As we struggle to express our grief House of Representatives, delivered by 28. Rebecca Seidel over this loss, we take pride in the ex- Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, 29. Erin P. Johnson ample of this American hero. We cher- announced that pursuant to section 30. Paul Lake Dishman, IV ish the legacy of his service and his 1002 of the Intelligence Authorization 31. Susan Smelcer life. Act for Fiscal Year 2003 (Public Law 32. Stephen Hedger As I search for words to honor this 107–306) as amended by section 701(a)(3) 33. Chris Campbell of the Intelligence Authorization Act 34. Paige Herwig fallen soldier, I recall President Lin- 35. Stephen C.N. Lilley coln’s words to the families of the fall- for Fiscal Year 2010 (Public Law 111– 36. Justin G. Florence en at Gettysburg: ‘‘We cannot dedicate, 259), and the order of the House of Jan- 37. Matthew T. Nelson we cannot consecrate, we cannot hal- uary 6, 2009, the Speaker appoints the 38. Thomas J. Maloney low this ground. The brave men, living following member on the part of the 39. Nhan Nguyen and dead, who struggled here, have House of Representatives to the Na- 40. Erica Suares consecrated it, far above our poor tional Commission for the Review of 41. Bryn Stewart power to add or detract. The world will the Research and Development Pro- 42. Emily Ferris grams of the United States Intelligence 43. Michelle Weber little note nor long remember what we 44. Jason Bohrer say here, but it can never forget what Community: Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson 45. Lori Hamamoto they did here.’’ of Bridgewater, New Jersey. 46. Van Luong It is my sad duty to enter the name The message also announced that 47. Marie Blanco of SFC Barry Edward Jarvis in the pursuant to section 1 of the Library of VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:45 Jun 10, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\S06DE0.REC S06DE0 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.