March 2021 Military History Group U3A Dorking Newsletter Number 8 Meetings via Zoom during Pandemic Any contributions to the newsletter are very welcome and should be sent to Robert Bartlett at
[email protected] Contents From Group Leader Barrie Friend 2 Future events on Zoom 3 The Women’s Auxiliary Service (Burma) Elizabeth Lockhart-Mure 3 Women at War; that Superior Race- Jim Barnes 6 Major RC Knight DSO MC and Bar – imprisoned for fraud 14 Clausewitz And His Theory of War 1940 - HHI Easterling 17 National Army Museum Evening Series 25 Book review – Special Forces Hero 26 1 From Group Leader Barrie Friend Fellow enthusiasts welcome to our latest Newsletter. Each Newsletter brings us closer to our being able to meet face to face and we shouldn’t forget a most important aspect of our group, like all U3A groups, is meeting like-minded friends sharing a cup of coffee whilst exchanging thoughts and knowledge openly in a room together. We are getting there. One heartening aspect of lockdown and Zoom is the size of the audience attracted to our talks. We have regularly greeted over fifty attendees, more than twice the signed-up members of the group, and many new faces are becoming old friends. Thank you. These figures augur well for our future and we hope that our ‘old friends’ will remain just that and join our face-to-face meetings. You will at least be able to see that George, Jim, Mike and I have legs and we are not just talking heads! What are our future meeting plans? Until the all clear is given we will continue with our Zoom meetings.