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INSECTA MUNDI, Vol. 9, No. 3-4, September - December, 1995 281 Additions to the West Virginia tingid fauna (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae) Laura Torres-Miller Plant Industries Di"ision West Virginia Department ofAgriculture Charleston, WV 25305 Abstract: New'NestVirginia state reeordsfor sixspeeies ofTingidae are reported. Loealities, dates, and any biologieal data are given for each species Introduction Quercus stellata, on QlLerCILS alba and on Cercis Although notexhaustive, extensive collectingof canadensis, Beech Fork Rd. E. Lynn, 19 June 1988. TmgIdae m West Vrrgima m the past few years has resulted in the discovery of SL'" species not recorded Corythucha coryli Osborn and Drake. for the StatebyDrake andRuhoff(1965), Henryand Calhoun Co.: 1 mi. N Stinson 13 Oct 1994 Cor Allthe specimensinthe following listare depos americana. ay 0.: e 0, c , ory us itedinthe WestVirginiaDepartmentofAgriculture americana Gilmer Co' 1 mi E Shock, 13 Oct 1994; collection CollectinglocaJities, dates, and hostplants Calhoun Co.: 1 mi. N. Stinson, 13 Oct 1994. Wayne (when recorded) are mcluded. Co.: Route 43, 1 mi. S Vlinslov.., 27 June 1993. Acalypta lillians Torre-Bueno Leptopharsa heidemanni Osborn and Drake Braxton Co . Burnsville Lake, beach area, 20 July MarlOn Co.: Pncketts FortStatePark, 11 July 1991. 1994, Berlese funnel, moss. HampshIre Co.: Sprmg field, 9 May 1991. Randolph Co.' Sprnce Knob Lake, Leptoypha costata Parshley 17 June 1992. Tucker Co.: Canaan Valley, 28 May 1989, Berlese funnel, moss sample. BerkeleyCo.: FallingWaters, 23July 1990, Lindgren funnel, ethanol. Cabell Co.: Green Bottom Wildlife Corythucha arcuata (Say) ~anage;ent ~ \~~ep~~~~3 Fa~t~ Co . New iver at tone t, ug; Dow y reek near Braxton Co.: BurnsvIlle Lake, 16 July 1991. Cabell junction New Rp;er, 1{lug 1992; New River, 1.5 mi. Go.: Mill Gk. HuntingArea, 5 mi. N MiltononRt. 13, above junction Gauley River, 19 July 1990. Jeffer- 2 July 1993, collected from Quercus alba; Hunting- son Co.. Bloomery, 14 May 1992. Putnam Co.. Poca , . r Hun'n I near P ca 2 June 1994. Sum- September 1992, Lindgrenfunneltrap, lumberyard. Kanawha Co.: Camp Virgil 'fate, 25 May 1989; Charlelilton, 2 June 1988, on oak; St Albans, 16 August 1988, on Quercus sp.; Guthne, 16June 1988, 17 May 1993, and 6 Sept 1990, on 'Nhite oak. Sum Leptoypha mutica (Say) mers Co.: Bluestone State Park, 26 Sept 1989; Tal cott, 11 July 1989. Wayne Co.. Shoals, 1 May 1993, on weeping willow, 10 May 1989, on pear tree, and 6 June 1988; Beech Fork Lake, 5 August 1988, on Bridge, 14 June 1991; New River at Stone Cliff, 1 Aug 1992. Gilmer Co.: Cedar Creek State Park, 28 282 Volume 9, nos. 3-4, September-December, 1995, INSECTA MUNDI June 1991. Gleenbliel Co.. Rapelt, 20-21July 1992, Depaltment of Aglicultme, is thanked fO! his col- Lindgren funnel trap, lumber yard. Jackson Co.: lecting efforts, for reviewing the manuscript. and MIn Creek at JunctIon LICk Run, 28 Aug. 1991. for hIS profeSSIOnal support and encouragement for Kana'wha Co.: Guthrie, 22 May 1992, 13 April 1991, thi51 5lt'ldy Richard C Froe51chner, NMNH Smith51o- 18 April 1992, and 15 June 1993. Lincoln Co.: Alum Dian Institution, is thankedfor aIlowing me to work Creek, 4 Oct 1993. Magon Co.: Chief Corngtalk with the type collection, and for hig encouragement Public HuntingArea, 6 Oct 1992. Mercer Co.: Camp and professional support. Creek, 28 July 1994, Berlesefunnel, moss. Pocahon tas Co . Cass, 8 July 1992 Summers Co' Bluestone References State Park, 25 Sept 1989. Taylor Co.: Valley Falls State Park, 14 May 1993; Tygart Lake State Park, Drake, C J, and FA Ruborf 1965 I.acebngs ofthe 14 May 1993. Wayne Co.: Shoals, 18 July 1993. world: a catalog(HemIptera: TmgIdae). UmtedStates National Museum Bulletin 243: 1-634. Henry, '1'. J., and R. C. Froeschner, eds. 1988. Catalog ofthe Heteroptera, or true bugs, of Canada and the Acknowledgements continentalUnitedStates. E.J. Brill, Leiden. 958pp. TOIles-Miller, L. 1989. New records oflace bugs from Charles C. Coffman, head of Plant Industries West Virginia (Hemiptera: Tingidae). Insecta Mun Division, West ViI ginia DepaItmentofAgIiculture, di 3(1).10. provided support and encouragement during this study. ShawnM. Clark, also from the WestVirginia.