September, 1975 45~ ~
X I" 1,~!;{;:: ,;::* 1,:"" ~~,;: 1" i" ;:';)::;::1"1,~* 1,:1,~""i" i" *1" * i" ;:,!'" i"':''~ 1" 1,:;)::i" i" X X X ~ VOL. V-7, September, 1975 45~ ~ ~~;):::;::;;::::,*;;:: :',,;;::*,:~::~:)::i",;:: ;:::;::'" ,:'1,: 1,::J::** :)::1"1,' :;,::' ;;::;:' ::':J:: *1,' 1"1,, 1,:;~ A Visit With Review's Editors On an afternoon in May of 1963, brothers Warren and Del Newell set down to play their first game of Strat-O-Matic Baseball. And, faster than you could say, "Captain I think you're going to need a bigger boat!" the brothers were hooked. A lot of dice-rolling has come and gone, numerous replays have been complet- ed by the brothers, both of whom married and now have two children apiece. In March of 1971, the Strat-O-Matic Review was launched, a joint creation of Mike Allison [who left the Review in June, 1974, to attend school in Tennessee) and Del Newell. Warren Newell then joined the Review lineup and the monthly pub- lication continued uninterrupted into 1975 without a hitch, and with subscrip- tions hovering around the 1,500-mark. Most readers have never met the Review editors and their wives, so the following is an attempt to acquaint you with the men [and women), the formerly faceless people, behind the scenes. Del Newell has been with the Review since its inception, was co-host with Mike Allison for the first Strat-O-Matic National Convention in Kalamazoo, MI, in August of 1972, and was on the scene [with his wife Mary Jane) for the 1973 National Convention held in Brooklyn, NY.
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