Rhodes East Public Domain Report March 2017 Issue G

Prepared for: Prepared by:

DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ENVIRONMENT TURF DESIGN STUDIO 23-33 Bridge St 95 The Kingsway Cronulla NSW 2000 NSW 2230 P: 02 9228 6111 P: 02 9527 3380 W: www.planning.nsw.gov.au W: www.turfdesign.com

Rhodes East Priority Investigation Area DRAFT Structure Plan MAY 13, 2016 27 Acknowledgements

Client Consultants

DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ENVIRONMENT ROBERTSDAY PTY LTD ELTON CONSULTING www.planning.nsw.gov.au www.robertsday.com.au www.elton.com.au



HILLPDA CONSULTING FLUX CONSULTANTS PTY LTD www.hillpda.com.au www.fluxco.co

Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION 4 4.3.5 Street Hierarchy

1.1 Project Overview 4.4 Parks

1.2 Background Information & Project Brief 4.5 Key Places

4.5.1 Leeds Street Foreshore 2.0 PUBLIC DOMAIN OPPORTUNITIES 5 4.5.2 Rhodes East Gateway 2.1 What is Public Domain? 4.5.3 River Pool 2.2 Opportunities

3.0 VISION AND PRINCIPLES 7 5.0 DCP RECOMENDATIONS 39 3.1 Vision and Principles 5.1 Street Paving Masterplan

4.0 PUBLIC DOMAIN PLAN 8 5.1.1 Paving Masterplan

4.1 Urban Framework and Strategies 5.2 Public Domain Streetware

4.1.1 Cycle and Pedestrian Networks 5.2.1 Urban Streetware

4.1.2 Open Space Network and Habitat Systems 5.2.2 Foreshore Streetware

4.1.3 Public Domain Heritage 5.2.3 Neighbourhood Streetware

4.1.4 The Corners Strategy 5.3 Public Domain Greenware

4.1.5 Public Domain Community Facilities 5.3.1 Street Tree Masterplan

4.1.6 Public Art Strategy 5.3.2 Urban greenware 4.2 Character Areas APPENDICES 49 4.3 Street Network and Typologies A1. Background Information Response Table 4.3.1 Context Sensitive Streets A2. Foreshore Pool Case Studies 4.3.2 Green Streets

4.3.3 WSUD

4.3.4 Street Furniture

Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report Introduction 5 4

1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW 7 The Rhodes peninsula is located between Brays Bay and on the southern bank of 7 River and enjoys an extensive foreshore with great views across the river, and beyond to the

Sydney CBD 16km east. 2 8 6 The recent development of Rhodes West has delivered a number of quality open spaces and a continuous publicly accessible foreshore.

The Rhodes East masterplan seeks to deliver a holistic public domain vision for future development 14 that completes the open space networks of Rhodes West, retains the existing qualities of the place, and establishes a unique identity for the Rhodes East precinct. 15 16 1.2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION & PROJECT BRIEF


Several documents (prepared by others) have been key to understanding the existing layers of the site, 18 and current aspirations for its future. Particularly, the Rhodes Peninsula FRONTDOOR2FORESHORE 1 Rhodes Waterside Park Open Space Master Plan (June 2015) written by Corkery Consulting has been key to understanding the 2 Rhodes West Foreshore 3 Peg Paterson Park site’s broader context and peninsula-wide strategies that council have recently adopted to achieve an 9 4 Mill Park integrated masterplan. 5 Bridge Park 6 Shoreline Drive North Park 7 Uhrs Point Reserve 8 10 King George V Reserve 9 McIlwaine Park RHODES EAST 3 17 10 Churchill Tucker Reserve 11 Brays Bay Reserve 1 12 Rhodes Park Vision: Rhodes East will be a model for human scaled, sustainable, low-rise high density redevelopment 13 Lovedale Place Reserve incorporating heritage integration supported by a forward thinking transport strategy and meaningful 14 Cropley Street Reserve 11 15 Cavell Avenue Landscape Area connections to the water, with a community identity built on the existing sense of place. 16 CentralPhoenix Park Park 17 Town Square 18 Community Precinct Objectives 2 ǢǢSustainability – planning for the future with a suite of robust infratsructure and ecological systems that support social connectivity and economic longevity. 12 ǢǢActive Transport strategy - Encourage walking, cycling and the use of public transport ahead of private vehicles. ǢǢAffordable Housing - Deliver a minimum 5% affordable housing for key workers in the area.

ǢǢHuman-Scale High-Density Low Rise Development of 2-15 Storeys – achieve a significant 1 increase in residential density without the extensive need for high-towers. 13 This document considers the information and recommendations of these studies in the development of a consolidated public domain vision. Excerpt from Rhodes Peninsula FRONTDOOR2FORESHORE Open Space Master Plan (June 2015), with Rhodes East site area outlined. This diagram clearly illustrates the contrast of a connected open space network in Rhodes West, and the highly fragmented open spaces of Rhodes East. Open Spaces of the Master Plan

4 | INTRODUCTION Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report Public Domain Opportunities

2.1 WHAT IS PUBLIC DOMAIN? Public Domain is defined by the Merriam-Webster online dictionary as ‘land owned directly by the government’.

Present-day urban development is seeing the notion of public domain redefined, as privately owned open space becomes increasingly available for the enjoyment of the general public.

For the purposes of this report it is important to clarify that in addition to government owned open space, the proposed public domain plan also includes a number of privately owned open spaces and through- site links that are freely accessible by the general public and therefore considered to be part of the public 2domain network.


STRENGTHEN OPEN IMPROVE FORESHORE INTEGRATE ART INTO MITIGATE BARRIERS SPACE CONTINUITY/ ACCESS THE PUBLIC DOMAIN TO PUBLIC DOMAIN LEGIBILITY CONNECTIVITY Improve continuity and The presence of art in the Potential to extend Rhodes’ quality of foreshore public domain contributes Strategies such as overpasses, western waterfront public access. The unique to cultural identity, thru-site links, tunnels, parklands around the peninsular location education, and wonderment signalised intersections and headland to connect with of Rhodes provides in the everyday experience. pedestrian priority thresholds King George Park and many opportunities for can combine to significantly McIlwaine Park. This in community access to the improve the walkability of turn will establish broader foreshore. neighbourhoods. Focus areas regional connections include Concord Road, the along the north and south Railway line, and both bridges Foreshore on the northern waterfront. Riverside Lünen. Germany Barangaroo Headland Foreshore, Sydney ‘Cartwheeling Youngsters’ by artist Pedestrian underpass, central Milton and to the Homebush Bay Caroline Rothwell, West Rhodes Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England, UK Bridge.

IMPROVE WAYFINDING OPEN VISTAS TO WATER ENHANCE AND ENHANCE PUBLIC / CONNECTION TO THE MEANINGFULLY AMENITIES FORESHORE FROM Open vistas to the water INTEGRATE EXISTING STREETS at the ends of streets (e.g. LANDSCAPE AND KEY Increase vibrancy of streets Visual connection to the CHARACTER and open spaces. Provision In addition to a cohesive water from Cavell Avenue of quality paving, street Develop an appreciation wayfinding signage strategy, is blocked by industrial furniture, drinking fountains, for the sites past and future redesign of key nodes / buildings). and other facilities creates a intersections will strengthen uses. (e.g. Consider how public domain where people legibility of the public domain, significant existing trees can want to stay and play. e.g. Pathway connection guide design decisions and under is not be meaningfully integrated visible from end of Leeds St from the outset). (west side). View to Parramatta River foreshore from Cairns Foreshore Redevelopment, QLD Existing heritage listed trees along Hastings Street, Noosa, QLD north Blaxland Rd, Rhodes East Llewellyn St, Rhodes East

BETTER UTILISE SPACE UTILISE LARGE PROVIDE RECREATION ON HERITAGE SITES DEVELOPMENTS TO FACILITIES SPECIFIC TO FUND / CONTRIBUTE THE LOCAL COMMUNITY Improve use and amenities TO MAJOR while protecting, preserving PUBLIC DOMAIN e.g. Walking, cycling, and enhancing the INFRASTRUCTURE dragon boating, riverfront significance of heritage sites swimming, dog walking, e.g. Land bridges / e.g. Rhodes Community Hall, table tennis, badminton, tunnels, community Uhr’s Point Reserve, King etc. facilities. George V Park, McIlwaine Park and street trees on Cavell Avenue.

Existing character of Uhr’s Point Reserve, Land Bridge over highway, Vancouver Dawn Fraser Pool, Balmain Rhodes East

6 | Public DOMAIN OPPORTUNITIES Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report n Vision and Principles natio sti Acti de ve s a Tra e a ns c po 3.1 VISION AND PRINCIPLES pa r s t n The broader open space principles for Rhodes, established by Corkery Consulting’s Rhodes e p Peninsula FRONTDOOR2FORESHORE Open Space Master Plan, (June 2015) are: O ǢǢA Peninsula of Places ǢǢVisual Coherence in the Public Domain Creating a Creating a ǢǢA Connected and Legible Open Space Network ǢǢCommunity Engagement and Partnerships series of key Network

b S ǢǢSustainable Open Spaces u o

H community of context c

l i a

a These principles have been acknowledged in the development of guiding principles specific i l

to Rhodes East. The following principles for Rhodes East assume that any design proposals c places sensitive N o




should be made with a respect for the existing community and site heritage, with a view to

w +


enhance the existing values for the benefit for the future community. o






i n

The Rhodes East public domain principles are: p

g s



1. Creating meaningful connections to the water r T 2. Create a network of ‘Context Sensitive Streets’

3. Creating a series of key community places meaningful 3 connections with the R t e ita cr ab ea water H tio al na nt l A me me iron nity Env

7 | VISION & PRINCIPLES Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report Legend Public Domain Plan Precinct Boundary

Proposed Ferry Wharf Location

The proposed public domain plan delivers a pedestrian priority Rhodes Station environment that encourages engagement with the landscape as part of the everyday experience. Proposed River Pool Location

Rationalisation of the street and open space networks achieves a WENTWORTH POINT Open Space / Parkland

legible public domain that includes a range of streetscape typologies 2 Gateway Arcade/Land Bridge and open space programs for a rich and diverse experience. 1 Existing Mangrove / Ecological Habitat The following pages provide a breakdown of the key elements that combine to create the proposed public domain. LEEDS ST 3 Green Streets

Pedestrian Only Streets

4 Mixed Use Corner AVERILL ST





LLEWELLYN ST 1. Mill Park 4 2. Park 3. Uhrs Point Reserve

RHODES STATION 5 4. King George V Reserve

5. McIlwaine Park

8 6. Brays Bay Reserve

7. Rhodes Park

6 8. Churchill Tucker Reserve




0 50 100 250 500M

8 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.1 URBAN FRAMEWORK AND STRATEGIES Legend

Precinct Boundary

Proposed Ferry Wharf Location

4.1.1 CYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN NETWORKS Gateway Arcade/Land Bridge

Proposed network of pedestrian & cycle paths creates continuity Regional Cycleway / in the public domain, seamlessly linking key community facilities Pedestrian paths & encouraging ‘green’ transport modes that benefit health of the WENTWORTH POINT C Separate Cycleway / individual and wider community (e.g. less air / noise pollution Pedestrian Path from private motor vehicles). 2 1 Shared Cycleway/Pedestrian Path Important connections include: D Active Transport Mesh ǢǢConnecting separated cycleway and pedestrian LEEDS ST 3 paths at Leeds foreshore to the West Rhodes foreshore Potential pedestrian overpass locations. Final location to be promenade, connecting into broader foreshore network determined.

ǢǢWidened and upgraded pathway connections AVERILL ST 4

under the northern foreshore bridges CAVELL AVE ǢǢDesignated ‘Commuter Cycleway’ on NINA GRAY AVE DENHAM ST Blaxland Rd (not a shared path) Existing Open Space

ǢǢPotential for a new pedestrian link over the railway 1. Mill Park CONCORD RD and Concord Rd to create a continuous pedestrian loop BLAXLAND ROAD CROPLEY ST 2. John Whitton Bridge Park within Rhodes. One pedestrian bridge proposed, with two B potential locations indicated on the map - final location to 3. Uhrs Point Reserve be determined following further community consultation. GAUTHORPE ST LLEWELLYN ST 4. King George V Reserve

5. McIlwaine Park

6. Brays Bay Reserve

RHODES STATION 5 7. Rhodes Park

8. Churchill Tucker Reserve



6 A. Bicentennial Park gateway

B. Bennelong Bay Bridge gateway


THE HOMEBUSH BAY LOOP C. Meadowbank Railway Bridge gateway

D. Uhrs Point Bridge gateway

Union Street, Pyrmont

A 7

0 50 100 250 500M

9 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.1.2 OPEN SPACE NETWORK AND HABITAT SYSTEMS Legend The highly fragmented existing open space is developed to become Precinct Boundary a continuous network of ‘Green Streets’ and parks. The open space Proposed Ferry Wharf enhancements will both contribute to the urban ecology and increase Location livability of the city for people. Open Space / Parkland

Existing mangrove areas will be protected and foreshore vegetation Gateway Arcade/Land Bridge protection zones established WENTWORTH POINT Existing Mangrove / Ecological Habitat 2 1 Green Streets




DENHAM ST Existing Open Space


Upgraded Uhrs Point reserve and King George V Reserves, utilise existing underbridge CROPLEY ST 2. John Whitton Bridge Park link.

GAUTHORPE ST 3. Uhrs Point Reserve

LLEWELLYN ST 4. King George V Reserve

5. McIlwaine Park

6. Brays Bay Reserve

RHODES STATION 5 7. Rhodes Park

8. Churchill Tucker Reserve 8



THE HOMEBUSH BAY LOOP Existing stand of mangroves adjacent John Whitton Bridge.


0 50 100 250 500M

10 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.1.3 PUBLIC DOMAIN HERITAGE Legend Protection and celebration of existing heritage elements in the public Precinct Boundary domain is vital to the development of a meaningful place. A number of Proposed Ferry Wharf listed heritage items have been considered in the proposal. Location

Open Space / Parkland

Gateway Arcade/Land Bridge

WENTWORTH POINT Heritage Building, Park or 8 Bridge

Heritage Listed Residential House

Street Trees of Heritage Significance LEEDS ST 6




DENHAM ST 4 5 Heritage Items


CROPLEY ST 2. McIlwhaine Park

GAUTHORPE ST 3. Rhodes Station John Whitton Bridge, the north-western Heritage street trees.Phoenix canariensis LLEWELLYN ST gateway to Rhodes East is a structure of along Cavell Avenue. 4. Rhodes Community Hostel heritage trees state heritage significance. 5. Cavell Ave heritage trees

6. Uhrs Point Reserve RHODES STATION 7. King George V Reserve 3 2 8. John Whitton Bridge

9. Warehouse




In addition to heritage open spaces, Several public buildings contribute to the cultural history of Rhodes East.

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11 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.1.4 THE CORNERS STRATEGY Legend The corners strategy identifies key ground floor corners along important Precinct Boundary desire lines to be designed and zoned for mixed use. These mixed use Proposed Ferry Wharf corners aim to create function and activity, at key points throughout Location Rhodes. Open Space / Parkland

These mixed use corners will have interwoven relationships with the Gateway Arcade/Land Bridge public domain open space, heritage sites as well as the character areas. These corners become important in creating fine grain urban scale and WENTWORTH POINT Mixed-use Corner will become vibrant hubs for the local community.







Busy morning at popular Bourke Street Bakery in Surry Hills, Sydney GAUTHORPE ST




Corner store acting as a hub and active point in the community THE HOMEBUSH BAY LOOP West Juliett Cafe in enmore, Sydney

0 50 100 250 500M

12 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.1.5 PUBLIC DOMAIN COMMUNITY FACILITIES Legend The public domain experience is punctuated with a series of Precinct Boundary key community facilities and activation areas, most of which are Proposed Ferry Wharf collocated with proposed retail, major transport infrastructure and Location primary circulation routes to maximise their accessibility. Open Space / Parkland

The Rhodes East structure plan sees a ‘Corners Strategy’ Gateway Arcade/Land Bridge implemented to co-locate open space pockets and community space, spreading activation along key desire lines and throughout WENTWORTH POINT Upgrade of Park Amenities the entirety of the Structure Plan. 2 Mixed-use Corner 1 Potential Site for “Skatable Moments” Integration

LEEDS ST 3 Potential River Pool Location

4 Local Corner Plaza AVERILL ST

CAVELL AVE Weekend Markets

DENHAM ST Major Event Zone

CONCORD RD BLAXLAND ROAD Indicative School location Community Site CROPLEY ST

GAUTHORPE ST Existing Open Space River pool and active waterfront LLEWELLYN ST 1. Mill Park 2. John Whitton Bridge Park 3. Uhrs Point Reserve 4. King George V Reserve 5. McIlwaine Park 6. Brays Bay Reserve RHODES STATION 7. Rhodes Park 5 8. Churchill Tucker Reserve





Weekend markets Enhancement of existing riverfront ‘skateable moments’ 7

0 50 100 250 500M

13 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.1.6 PUBLIC ART STRATEGY Legend

Precinct Boundary Public art strategies strengthen communities, provide opportunities to Proposed Ferry Wharf celebrate local history, and culture, foster community dialogue, create place Location identities and provide a framework to support partnerships between artists, communities and the landscape. Open Space / Parkland

Gateway Arcade/Land Bridge The City of developed the Rhodes Peninsula Arts Plan in 2013 in consultation with the community. The plan outlines public art principles, WENTWORTH POINT Potential Foreshore Public Art Trail themes and opportunities within the Peninsula. Council will build on this plan to incorporate opportunities for Rhodes East, subject to funding availability. The Potential Public Art Locations themes in this plan include:

ǢǢ Industrial Heritage – To build on the former industrial landscape LEEDS ST of Rhodes and represent the storyline between nature and impact of industries on both the river and the Peninsula.

ǢǢ Remediation – Highlights the extraordinary environmental remediation AVERILL ST

that Rhodes underwent in the first decade of the 21st century. CAVELL AVE

ǢǢ Indigenous to Intercultural – Resonates the Aboriginal DENHAM ST heritage in this locality, with Parramatta River as a source of food and transport as well as spiritual significance.

CONCORD RD ǢǢ The River and the Environment – Emphasises the beauty BLAXLAND ROAD of the waterway, and the foreshore being a natural focus for CROPLEY ST walking, cycling, family outings and community events. GAUTHORPE ST

ǢǢ The Designed Environment – The emergence of a high density built LLEWELLYN ST form in Rhodes has created a community environment different from other suburbs of Canada Bay, including spaces for public sharing and private reflection, and the recognition of design as a cultural statement.

ǢǢPermanent public art could be integrated into the landscape as part RHODES of the foreshore access, in the resting areas, corner plaza, pedestrian STATION links, existing parks and reserves, and may include sculptural art, lighting, typography and/or graphic in paving and interactive art.



Florence Griswold Museum 0 50 100 250 500M

14 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.2 CHARACTER AREAS Legend A key guiding principle for the Rhodes Peninsula is for it to become a ‘Peninsula of Precinct Boundary

Places’ (Open Space Masterplan, 2015). Four character areas have been defined Proposed Ferry Wharf Location to recognise and celebrate the existing diversity across the site. These areas have been informed by existing landscape character, and will be further reinforced in 1 Rhodes East Gateway the landscape masterplan with paving treatments, street furniture, and a species 2 palette unique to each precinct in key public spaces. Leeds Street Foreshore 3 The High Point WENTWORTH POINT RHODES EAST GATEWAY 4 Concord Road Corridor This retail precinct will become the civic hub of Rhodes East, and contribute to the civic life of the greater region. Key to the activation of this precinct is the proposal for a land bridge connection across Concord Road, that achieves seamless 2 connectivity to the Eastern Foreshore. The land bridge not only connects people, but also the landscape to the civic heart of Rhodes.


The cultural hub of Rhodes East, this north-facing foreshore area is framed by John 3 Whitton Bridge and Ryde Bridge, and will become ‘the place to be’ in Rhodes. A generously proportioned new foreshore promenade and village green framed by 4 destination retail sets the scene for the full spectrum major events. Pedestrians HOMEBUSH can be delivered to the Foreshore from from Rhodes Station along the upgraded BAY BRIDGE commuter route along Blaxland Rd, or the community spine along Cavell Avenue.

THE HIGH POINT GAUTHORPE ST Collocating civic and community uses at the centre of the site near the church and old school creates a community heart consistent with the Character Area intent. Public amenity (e.g. Shaded seating, drinking fountains, bicycle parking) will support the proposed creation of a community hub. Key view lines will be RHODES 1 capitalised on from this elevated area of the site, visually connecting people with STATION the river and open spaces along leafy-green upgraded streets.


MCILWAINE A harsh, hardscape dominated stretch of arterial road is re-imagined to become a PARK green boulevard through the precinct. Large trees appropriate to the scale of the

roadway combine with native understorey planting in an increased setback area to THE KOKODA MEMORIAL WALK

create amenity, mitigate noise and air pollution for adjacent development. THE HOMEBUSH BAY LOOP

0 50 100 250 500M

15 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.3 STREET NETWORK AND TYPOLOGIES

Streets are recognised as a key component of public domain, providing pedestrian connections through the urban fabric and contributing to the character of the Rhodes East Investigation Area. The modern day urban environment calls for streets to be much more than conduits for cars. Streets are now viewed as valuable components of the open space network, and truly “Context Sensitive” Streets have a number of key characteristics, including: ǢǢPedestrian priority ǢǢSummer shade and winter sun Green Street - Passage St Joan Boulevard, Barcelona ǢǢMinimal impermeable surfaces ǢǢActive sidewalks ( street furniture generous footpaths, mixed use corners)

Street typology and design aims to improve wayfinding and urban livability through the public domain, by encouraging sustainable modes of people movement like walking and cycling whilst providing safer street environments that are also a place for the community.

Additionally, good street design has environmental benefits, such as stormwater capture and filtration, shading of paved surfaces to reduce heat island effect, and provision of habitat for urban flora and fauna.

A number of elements will combine to achieve these design objectives, as follows: ǢǢContext Sensitive Streets ǢǢGreen Streets ǢǢWSUD ǢǢStreet furniture Pedestrian Priority Environment Activated frontages, generous footpaths, green transport facilities

16 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.3.1 CONTEXT SENSITIVE STREETS

The character areas established throughout Rhodes East will be reinforced by the streetscape. The proposed landscape identity for each street (as outlined in the following pages) will be responsive to context and the range of development types that occur along its length.

The various street conditions that require different context sensitive strategies include:

Active Frontages (incl. the ‘Corner Strategy’) ǢǢHigh quality paving material ǢǢIncreased footpath width ǢǢStreet furniture and amenities (seating, bike racks, drinking fountains, etc.)

Residential ǢǢBalance of privacy for apartments and passive surveillance of the street CORNER STRATEGY - Harry & Mario Cafe, Cronulla RESIDENTIAL - Buffer of Diverse Seasonal Planting ǢǢPlanting that contributes amenity to the streetscape ǢǢLegible driveway/access paths

Pocket park ǢǢStreetscape plazas collocated with pocket parks to reinforce key nodes ǢǢOpen views from street into the pocket park ǢǢFeature tree planting

POCKET PARK- Quarry Green, Chippendale

17 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.3.2 GREEN STREETS

Providing tree planting and vegetation is important to provide a safe, efficient and healthy environment. Green streets strategies include: ǢǢTree shading; Providing livable, walkable streets ǢǢBuffer planting; Mitigating noise and air pollution ǢǢCharacter planting; Place making and providing diversity

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard, Barcelona

18 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.3.3 WSUD Legend

Precinct Boundary

Proposed Ferry Wharf Location

WSUD strategies are underpinned by water consumption, water Open Space / Parkland recycling, water minimization and environmental protection. Gateway Arcade/Land Bridge Reduction in stormwater run off at Rhodes East will improve water quality of Parramatta River - contributing to the broader objectives of WENTWORTH POINT Existing Mangrove Trees Parramatta River Catchment Group’s “Our Living River” initiative. Potential WSUD Street raingardens

Key aspects of the WSUD proposal are: Opportunities for water detention/ retention ǢǢRain Gardens in selected streets (as shown on diagram) LEEDS ST ǢǢRain Gardens in the proposed new open spaces ǢǢIncorporation of water detention/retention systems

in new open spaces (pocket parks, plazas, etc.) AVERILL ST

ǢǢRe-use of captured water (e.g. for irrigation) CAVELL AVE







Rain Gardens integrated into parks / public Rain gardens installed in parking lanes on spaces existing streets, City of Sydney



0 50 100 250 500M

19 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.3.4 STREET FURNITURE

A consistent suite of quality street furniture is key to establishing great streets. Collocating key facilities at appropriate hubs contributes to an environment where people feel safe and comfortable.

Specific requirements are to be detailed in the DCP Controls.

Urban Elements will include; ǢǢLighting ǢǢSeating benches ǢǢBike racks ǢǢDrinking Fountains ǢǢRubbish bins

20 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.3.5 STREET HIERARCHY Legend

Precinct Boundary

Proposed ferry wharf location

A street hierarchy has been developed for the site and is Open space / parkland

characterised by the following road types; Gateway Arcade/Land Bridge

Greenway Corridor At Grade Pedestrian Passage WENTWORTH POINT Commuter Street

Destination Street

Community Spine LEEDS ST

Local Streets*


CAVELL AVE - All street sections have been developed with the existing DENHAM ST road alignments retained. - Refer to Appendix

CONCORD RD *Denham Street and New Street will have a reduced setback BLAXLAND ROAD CROPLEY LN of 1m, with 6m upper level setback, whilst retaining the look CROPLEY ST and feel of other Local Streets. GAULTHORPE ST






0 50 100 250 500M

21 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report GREENWAY CORRIDOR (CONCORD RD)

The Concord Road character area is defined by a major arterial road that bisects Rhodes East. The six-lane carriageway (21m wide) is a significant barrier to public domain connectivity, and minimal existing setbacks prevent the establishment of a landscape buffer appropriate to the scale of the roadway.

The Greenway Corridor provides a setback for large trees, understorey planting and wide pathways to be established; creating a landscape buffer for new development along Concord Rd.

Bus stop plazas at through-site links and key building entries create connection with Concord Road, and facilitate future transformation such as rapid bus lanes or light rail.

Existing lighting to the road is retained in its current alignment.

*Existing paths, verges and setbacks along the Eastern side of Concord Road are to be retained.

Planting buffer zone

22 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report COMMUTER STREET (BLAXLAND RD)

Already functioning as an important north-south commuter st, Blaxland Rd will become an important conduit between the Leeds St Foreshore and Station precinct.

The existing shared path provision has ‘pinch points’, and is not sufficient to support active transport for the new development density. A dedicated cycleway will efficiently connect commuters and local residents to the two retail hubs of Rhodes East, and beyond to regional cycleway connections.

New tree planting between parking bays provides screening of the rail infrastructure and shade for the footpaths/parking.

In the Gateway Precinct and at Leeds Street, Setbacks will be reduced and the Blaxland Rd paths will be increased to become the full width of the streetscape verge, with trees in grated tree pits to support active frontages.

Planting buffer zone Cycle path

Rail buffer decorative wall

Levels and Edge to rail line varies along Blaxland Road

23 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report DESTINATION STREET (LEEDS ST)

The vision for the Leeds Street waterfront precinct to become a highly activated mixed use destination requires an appropriate response in the streetscape design.

The proposed flush transition between the roadway and pedestrian paths combines with designation of the road as a “40km/h high pedestrian activity area” to establish an understanding of pedestrian priority for motorists.

New planting in the roadway provides a buffer to new street furniture, improves amenity to new cafe breakout spaces, and incorporates WSUD in the form of rain gardens.

Active street with flush path/roadway thresholds

24 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report COMMUNITY SPINE (CAVELL AVE)

Cavell Ave will become the lifeblood of the Rhodes East community; linking local streets of the High Point character area along the north- south axis to key community infrastructure (e.g. existing Coptic Church, potential school and integrated community facility).

Similarly to Leeds St, the proposed “40km/h high pedestrian activity area” establishes an understanding of pedestrian priority for motorists.

Proposed seating coves are collocated with community buildings to support habitation of the streets and create visual thresholds at key community interfaces.

Seating Cove


The design intent for the local streets is to create fine-grain, diverse streets that offer pedestrian amenity and exhibit seasonal variation.

Rain gardens located between parking bays provide shade to the roadway and parking lanes. Proposed diversity in the tree canopy adds to the fine grain, whilst contributing variation in light and shade.

The proposed ‘edible streetscapes’ will provide a mix of hardy, low- maintenance perennials that have a culinary use, with enhancement of the diversity to take place over time.

Private gardens will support the streetscape planting palette with culinary species included in planting. *Denham Street and New Street will have a reduced setback of 1m, with 6m upper level setback, whilst retaining the look and feel of other Local Streets.

Edible Streetscapes

26 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.4 PARKS

The public domain proposal recognises the limited potential for council to acquire additional open space, and focuses on strengthening the quality and connectivity of existing open spaces.

New amenities are to be provided to all parks, appropriate to the scale of upgrade and specific needs of the park. Amenities will include public toilets, lighting, drinking fountains, and consistent lighting are to be installed in all parks


A diverse offering of spaces and places on the Leeds St Foreshore will attract a range of users, and generate many waves of activity throughout the day. From the early morning fishermen and cyclists, midday skaters and lunch-breakers, to the late night shoppers and diners, this precinct will always be full of life.


There is an importance for small, but frequent pocket parks throughout our increasingly urbanised environments. The proposed pocket parks throughout Rhodes East are collocated with key community nodes (e.g. mixed-use corners), or as extensions of the road alignment to improve visual connections to the water.


McIlwaine Park is currently a popular destination for picnicking and recreation for visitors to Rhodes. The proposed new River pool, landbridge connection from the west, and foreshore walk to the north will invite many more people to the park, and appropriate upgrades are required to consolidate these new greenspace links. In particular, The new riverpool and landbridge development presents an opportunity for public toilets and/or a cafe space to be integrated into the graded transition down to park level.

WATERFRONT PARK - Wilkes-Barre River Common, Pennsylvania USA URBAN PARK - Chippendale Green, Sydney

27 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.5 KEY PLACES Legend

Precinct Boundary

Proposed Ferry Wharf Location

The public domain plan creates a continuous network of places throughout Open Space / Parkland the Rhodes East area. There are 4 key public domain proposals that will be instrumental to realising the vision for a place that can accommodate many Gateway Arcade and Land more people, and provide quality public domain for them long into the Bridge WENTWORTH POINT future: Mixed-use Corner

ǢǢLeeds Street Foreshore Precinct Existing Mangrove Trees

ǢǢRhodes East Gateway Leeds Street Foreshore ǢǢRiver Pool LEEDS ST River Pool











0 50 100 250 500M

28 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.5.1 LEEDS STREET FORESHORE The cultural hub of Rhodes East, this north-facing foreshore area is framed by John Whitton Bridge and Ryde Bridge, and will become ‘the place to be’ in Rhodes. A generously proportioned new foreshore promenade and village green framed by destination retail sets the scene for the full spectrum of major events.

Access to the water’s edge is balanced with the protection of important aquatic ecology, which is a celebrated feature of the upgraded foreshore landscape.

Pg. 32

Pg. 31 10 4 5 1. Through-site links from Leeds St 9 3 2. Multi-use paved space - sports courts / parking / events 6

3. Existing mangrove protection area 2 4. Existing boat ramp and jetty retained 7 8 5. Ecological planting zone

6. Promenade

7. Shaded parkland breakout space

8. Open lawn - village green

9. Terracing to water 1 1 1 10. Proposed Ferry Wharf

29 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report LEEDS STREET FORESHORE - TYPICAL SECTION Access to the water’s edge is balanced with the protection of important aquatic ecology, which is a celebrated feature of the upgraded foreshore landscape.

Waterfront Precinct Foreshore- Malmö, Sweden

Cross section subject to further detailed design

30 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report LEEDS STREET FORESHORE - SECTION AT VILLAGE GREEN A generously proportioned new foreshore promenade and village green framed by destination retail sets the scene for the full spectrum of major events.

Cross section subject to further detailed design

31 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.5.2 RHODES EAST GATEWAY This precinct will become the civic hub of Rhodes East, and contribute to the civic life of the greater region. This precinct collocates public transport, high density residential, commercial retail with high quality public domain forming a social and commercial hub. LAND BRIDGE TO RHODES STATION This hub currently provides connection to Rhodes West via the railway Land bridge connects the civic arcade concourse. The proposed Retail Arcade combines with a Landbridge across to Rhodes Station and through to Blaxland Rd and Concord Rd to achieve seamless connectivity between Rhodes West. Longitudinal section Rhodes Station and to the eastern foreshore and River Pool. on page 41.

ROOFTOP AND RETAIL ARCADE Active retail and hospitality opportunities in a publicly accessible arcade. Cross section page 39.

LANDBRIDGE TO MCILWAINE PARK Landbridge frames views of McIlwaine Park and harbour, forming continuous landscaped link to Foreshore Walk. Cross section page 40.



The life and energy of Rhodes Station will be dispersed directly from the platform level and into a rooftop retail arcade. The journey to McIlwaine Park will be framed by a fine grain, diverse mix of retail offerings, with elevated views of the Land Bridge and McIlwaine Park beyond.

Pedestrian oriented commercial district Typical cross-section of public rooftop & retail arcade between Blaxland Rd and Concord Rd

33 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report LAND BRIDGE

Land bridge connections have the potential to transform disconnected urban neighbourhoods into thriving precincts. The land bridge not only connects people, but also the landscape to the civic heart of Rhodes. The proposed higher density development in the Station Precinct creates an opportunity for this key public infrastructure to be funded as part of a major private development.

The land bridge will be developed with adherence to the key design parameters outlined by the NSW “Pedestrian Bridge Design Standards for Built up Areas”, in particular the minimum clearance height of 5.5m. It is proposed that walkways can be provided (as well as steps) to provide equal access to McIlwaine Park.

Salford Meadows Bridge (concept), United Kingdom

Landbridge creates seamless parkland connections Typical cross-section of Landbridge between the Retail Arcade above a busy street network - The High Line, NYC and McIlwaine Park

34 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report RHODES STATION TO MCILWAINE PARK LAND BRIDGE - LONG SECTION The long section reveals seamless pedestrian connectivity achieved.

The steep change in level between Blaxland Rd and Concord Rd may necessitate a platform lift, in addition to steps, at the eastern end of the retail arcade (as shown).

35 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 4.5.3 RIVER POOL


POTENTIAL RIVER POOLS Sydney’s climate and geography has seen the city characterised as a place where outdoor living at the AND FERRY LOCATION RHODES EAST waters edge occurs throughout the urban metropolis. This culture of connection with water - most famously an affinity for the beach - extends further to include our love of the river, the harbour, and also the pool. The pool’s cultural importance is the topic of the Australian Pavilion at this years Architecture Biennale; “a key architectural device, a memory and also a setting... aptly represents a distinctly democratic and social CABARITA space. A great leveller of difference” as noted on the Australia’s Exhibition at the 2016 Venice Architecture SWIMMING CENTRE COMPLEX: 3700M2 NORTH SYDNEY Biennale web site. OLYMPIC POOL COMPLEX: 5000M2

With the ever-increasing urban density in Sydney comes a greater reliance on the public domain to provide DAWN FRASER BATHS COMPLEX: 4500M2 people with their recreational needs. The public pool provides a place of refuge from the Sydney summer DEEP WATER POOL: 2300M2 DRUMMOYNE heat, a place for outdoor activity and exercise as well as a place for community to come together and SWIMMING CENTRE engage. COMPLEX: 4100M2 ANDREW BOY LEICHARDT AQUATIC CHARLTON POOL CENTRE COMPLEX: 2800M2 URBAN POOL COMPLEX: 16000M2

Rhodes East River Pool is unique as it brings a river pool typology into a high density urban environment, characterising Rhodes East as a modern development with close association to its natural environment and River Pool Locations

its waterfront location. Furthermore, the designation of foreshore space is important to allow public access Ferry terminal/wharf to the water’s edge and Sydney’s natural environment.


In a celebration of environmentally aware development and the “Our Living River” initiative the proposal is committed to using the Parramatta River’s water, similar to precedents in found in Sydney and Copenhagen. If the water quality is not safe at the time of completion, a pop-up barge solution is proposed as a transition solution.


Precedent studies suggest a minimum 2m depth is required for foreshore pools. The “River Pool” typology functions effectively with a gradient starting at a depth shallower than 2m, allowing gradual access or tidal beach leading into the water.

Ocean, harbour, river, Sydney’s expansive foreshore

NOTE: Refer appendices for Foreshore Pool Case Studies

36 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report RIVER POOL TYPOLOGIES There are a range of foreshore pool typologies. Most can be classified as edge, river/harbour or barge. The appropriateness of each has been considered for Rhodes East

Edge Located on the land and using potable water usually with chlorine or salt water this typology requires significant infrastructure and ongoing operational costs.

Examples include Cabarita Pool and Drummoyne Pool, and Cairns Esplanade Lagoon.

EDGE POOL EDGE POOL River/Harbour Located in the river/harbour and using the river/harbour these pools range from minimal Drummoyne Pool uses a combination of Cairns Esplanade Lagoon river water and chlorinated fresh water infrastructure projects consisting of shark nets/wharfs designating safe space to swim to significant building like the herritage listed buildings of Dawn Faser Baths. River pools rely heavely on good water quality for their success.

Examples include Greenwich Baths, Watson’s Bay Baths, Dawn Fraser Baths, Island Brygge, and Yarra Pool (proposed)

Barge Located in the body of water, barge pools generally use chlorinated potable water with the exception of an innovative project +Pool in New York City that challenges this by using filtered river water. These barges often use existing floating structures, re-purposed to form swimming pools that can migrate through the harbour/river.

Examples include +pool (NYC), Badeschiff (Berlin), and Piscine Josephine Baker (Paris). RIVER POOL HARBOUR POOL Dawn Fraser Baths is a Heritage Building Island Brygge in Copenhagen Harbour on the National Trust and on the register relies on the water quality and is of the National Estate, highly valued in the periodically closed accordingly Balmain peninsular community

BARGE POOL BARGE POOL Badeschiff or “Swimming Ship” sees A proposed floating pool in the Hudson the successful adaptive repurpose of a River, New York, that filters river water shallow river cargo container in Berlin

37 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report PROPOSED RIVER POOL LOCATION Legend

Precinct Boundary

Proposed Ferry Wharf BRAYS BAY - BARGE POOL Location A barge pool in Brays Bay would give a new lease of life to McIlwaine Park, creating a true destination for locals and visitors alike. The location would support activity along the Open Space / Parkland proposed land bridge and retail arcade that connects to Rhodes Train Station. Gateway Arcade/Land Bridge

WENTWORTH POINT Potential River Pool Location







Aspirational Project - Malmö, Sweden GAUTHORPE ST






Aspirational Project - +pool, NYC 0 50 100 250 500M

38 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report Legend DCP Recomendations Precinct Boundary

Proposed Ferry Wharf Location

The following DCP urbanware and greenware guidelines ensure a cohesive Gateway Arcade/Land Bridge

landscape quality and hierarchy throughout Rhodes East, whilst contributing to CHARACTER AREAS space identification in line with the proposed Character Areas and the Open Space Masterplan vision for a “Peninsula of Places”(2015). 1 Rhodes East Gateway WENTWORTH POINT The design controls dictate a cohesive palette of high quality paving, street 2 Leeds Street Foreshore furniture and other urbanware, along with a greenware palette influenced by 3 The High Point existing landscape character and suitability to the future precinct. 4 Concord Road Corridor 2 URBAN PUBLIC DOMAIN PALETTES This precinct will become a commercial hub of Rhodes East. As such, urbanware Urban

and greenware is to have a distinct urban character, suitable for high usage and Foreshore traffic volumes. Neighbourhood 3 FORESHORE 4 Leeds Street Foreshore is to be the cultural hub of Rhodes East, with event spaces HOMEBUSH and active shop frontages, as well as a strong interface with the harbour. Following BAY BRIDGE this, urbanware and greenware is to have a marine character and suitability, with event spaces punctuated by urbanware suited to high usage.

GAUTHORPE ST NEIGHBOURHOOD 5Urbanware and greenware are to reinforce a local neighbourhood character and sense of fine grain whilst maintaining a cohesive link to Rhodes East Gateway and the Foreshore through materials and plant selection. RHODES 1 STATION




0 50 100 250 500M

39 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 5.1 STREET PAVING MASTERPLAN Legend

Precinct Boundary 5.1.1 PAVING MASTERPLAN Proposed Ferry Wharf Location

The street paving masterplan provides for cohesion throughout Rhodes East whilst Gateway Arcade/Land Bridge

contributing to space identification and street hierarchy, with a strong link between PUBLIC DOMAIN PALETTES the Rhodes East Gateway and Leeds Street Foreshore precincts. Urban WENTWORTH POINT Foreshore



Custom High Quality Stone Unit Paving for Plaza and Event Spaces

Pedestrian priority - Cobblestone

High Quality Stone Unit Footpath

In-situ Concrete Footpath

Asphalt Shared Cycle/Pedestrian Path HOMEBUSH BAY BRIDGE Asphalt roadway






0 50 100 250 500M

40 | Public DOMAIN Plan Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 5.2 PUBLIC DOMAIN STREETWARE


DESIGN COMPONENTS Paving 1a 1b 1c 1d 1A. Feature stone unit paving to key public spaces

1B. Stone unit paving to street verges in stretcher pattern

1C. Cobblestone to demarcate driveways, shared roadway and pedestrian crossings

1D. Ecotrihex Permeable paving to street tree surrounds

1E. Tree grates to be used throughout plazas Urban Elements 2A. Australian hardwood timber and 316 stainless steel seating. Backrests 1E 2A 2B 3 and armests to at least 60% of public seating.

2B. Australian hardwood and 316 grade stainless steel bench seating

3. Accessible water fountains

4. Bollards

5. Bins

6. Bike Racks to be placed in key locations

4 5 6

Lighting 7A. LED Post lighting to be used in plazas

7B. LED Catenary lighting to retail arcade

7C. LED Feature lighting to significant trees

7a 7b 7C

41 | DCP Controls Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 5.2.2 FORESHORE STREETWARE

DESIGN COMPONENTS Paving 1a 1B 1C 1D 1A. Feature stone unit paving to key public spaces

1B. Cobblestone paving for shared roadways and pedestrian crossings

1C. Stone unit paving to street verges in stretcher pattern along Leeds St

1D. Asphaltic paving for shared pedestrian and cycleway along Foreshore At Leeds Street Foreshore- continuation of Rhodes West foreshore path material Urban Elements 2A. Australian hardwood and 316 stainless steel custom seating 2A 2B 2c 2B. Australian hardwood and 316 grade stainless steel accessible seating

2C. Australian hardwood and 316 grade stainless steel bench seating

3. Accessible water fountains

4. Bollards

5. Bins

6. Bike Racks to be placed in key locations

3 4 5 6

Lighting 7A. LED Post lighting to be used in plazas and event spaces

7B. Catenary lighting to delineate programmable shared zones

7C. Bega Luminaire Symmetrical Flat Top posts to be used along Foreshore

7a 7b 7C

42 | DCP Controls Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 5.2.3 NEIGHBOURHOOD STREETWARE

DESIGN COMPONENTS Paving and Kerbs 1A. Insitu concrete paving to neighbourhood pedestrian paths and driveway intersections

1B. Stone unit paving to for mixed-use corners and heritage areas

1C. Cobblestone paving at key pedestrian crossings

1a 1b 1c Urban Elements Street Furniture 2A. Classic park bench

2B. Park benches and picnic tables to be used in pocket parks

3. Accessible water fountains

4. Bins

5. Bike Racks to be placed in key locations 2A 2B 3 4

Lighting 6A. Street lighting to illuminate neighbourhood streets

6B. Supplementary public domain lighting to key nodes, mixed use corners, and thru-site links 5 5A 5A

43 | DCP Controls Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 5.3 PUBLIC DOMAIN GREENWARE Legend


The Street Tree Masterplan species selections are appropriate to the Character Areas Ficus macrophylla (Morten Bay Fig) and reflect the Street Typologies, whilst responding to the existing plantings and site conditions. Eucalyptus haemastoma (Scribbly Gum)

Angophora costata (Angophora) A mix of native and exotic species ensures a balance between contributing to the native landscape character and biodiversity, and creating an appropriate urban Ulmus parvifolia (Chinese Elm) microclimate (e.g. summer shade and winter sun achieved using exotic deciduous species). Lophostemon confertus (Brush Box)

Albizzia julibrissin (Persian Silk Tree)

Platanus Hybrida (London Plane Tree)

Tristaniopsis laurina (Water Gum)





0 50 100 250 500M

44 | DCP Controls Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 5.3.2 URBAN GREENWARE

INDICATIVE SPECIES SELECTION Urban greenware species to exhibit seasonal variation and provide good solar access in winter. Streetscape 1A. Platanus x hybrida to be planted as street tree 1B. Gardenia florida 1c. Rapheolepsis ‘Oriental Pearl’

1a 1B 1C

Proposed Land Bridge/Podium Arcade 2A. Pyrus ussuriensis as accent trees throughout arcade 2B. Tristaniopsis laurina as avenue planting along landbridge 2C. Liriope muscari 2D. Lomandra ‘Tanika’

2A 2B 1B 1C

45 | DCP Controls Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 5.3.3 FORESHORE GREENWARE

INDICATIVE SPECIES SELECTION Foreshore greenware species to reflect marine character along the foreshore and plaza, whilst Leeds Street planting to reflect each street typology character. Foreshore Walk Tree Species: 1A. Eucalyptus pilularis 1B. Melaleuca decora Understorey: 1a 1b 1C 1D 1C. Isolepsis nodosa 1D. Banksia spinulosa ‘birthday candles’ Leeds Street Tree Species: 2A. Albizia Julibrissin avenue planting along streetscape Understorey: 2B.Trachelospermum jasminoides (tricolour) and 2C. Liriope muscari 2a 2b 2C

46 | DCP Controls Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 5.3.4 NEIGHBOURHOOD GREENWARE

INDICATIVE SPECIES SELECTION Neighbourhood greenware to create a fine-grain community character throughout, whilst working to soften major rail/road transport interfaces along Blaxland and Concord Roads, respectively. Blaxland Road Tree Species: 1A. Angophora Costata along Western interface of Blaxland Road 1B. Tristaniopsis Laurina planted along Eastern interface Understorey: Low maintenance native understorey mix 1a 1b 1C 1D 1C. Imperata cylindrica 1D. Lomandra longifolia Concord Road Tree Species: 2A. Lophostemon confertus boulevard planting along Concord Rd Understorey:Low maintenance native understorey mix 2B. Dianella caerulea 2C. Liriope muscari Cavell Avenue 2a 2b 2C 3A Tree Species: 3A. Eucalyptus haemastoma avenue planting along streetscape 3B. Phoenix canariensis heritage planting to be retained 3c. Ficus macrophylla to frame pedestrian crossings/shared zones with Hedera canariensis underplanting Understorey: Low maintenance native understorey mix 3D. Lomandra tanika 3E. Liriope ‘Evergreen Giant’

3b 3c 3D 3e

47 | DCP Controls Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report 5.3.4 NEIGHBOURHOOD GREENWARE (CONTINUED)

INDICATIVE SPECIES SELECTION Neighbourhood greenware to reflect community character throughout local streets and optimise WSUD performance. Several species have been suggested for private garden beds to complement community character. Local Streets Tree Species: 4A. Ulmus parvifolia avenue planting throughout Understorey: Low maintenance native understorey mix with low maintenance perennial species with culinary usages 4a 4b 4C 4D 4B. Hardenbergia violacea 4C. Rosmarinus officinalis‘Blue Lagoon’ 4D. Artemisia vulgaris 4E. Dianella caerulea 4F. Hebe ‘Inspiration’ WSUD Beds: 5A Tristaniopsis laurina 5B. Isolepis nodosa 5C. Juncus usitatus 4E 4F 5A 5B Private Garden Recommended Species Tree Species: 6A. Prunus persica 6B. Prunus cerasifera nigra 6C. Olea europea Understorey: mix of robust, low maintenance species that have a culinary use, to complement the streetscape understorey

5C 6A 6B 6C

48 | DCP Controls Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report APPENDICES


Public Domain Design - Planning Strategies & Report Recommendations Review Report Name Strategy / Recommendation (relevant to Public Domain) Design Response A Plan For Growing Protect the natural environment and promote its sustainability and resilience: Sydney protect the natural attributes and visual amenity of the coastline and enhance opportunities for The proposal includes retention of significant / heritage vegetation, e.g. mangroves and Llewellyn St Brush Box trees. public access Proposed enhancements to coastline public access include: - creation of Leeds St Foreshore Precinct; a quality northern foreshore destination - Potential Public easement for punlicly accessible foreshore along Eastern peninsula upon redevelopment - creation of pocket parks along eastern foreshore, strategically located at ends of cross-streets to optimise visual connection to the water in public domain.

protect the health of waterways and aquatic habitats. Proposal includes: - mangroves retained and protected - improved management of runoff with rain gardens to streetscapes - additional parklands (permeable surfaces to water edge) Rhodes is identified as a Strategic Centre with the following priorities (relevant to Public Domain)

Support health-related land uses and infrastructure around Concord Hospital Outside project scope Work with council to improve walking and cycling connections between Rhodes train station and Proposal includes: Concord Hospital - pedestrian bridge between Rhodes Station & McIlwaine Park - 'Green Street' upgrade of Concord Rd improves pedestrian experience along this road Facilitate construction of a public transport, walking and cycling bridge over Homebush Bay to The proposal recognises this as a key urban link, and enhances connectivity further with the proposal for a potential bus/pedestrian tunnel connection connect Rhodes to Wentworth Point. from Gauthorpe St to Rhodes East under the rail line Futures Plan 20 Active and Vibrant Proposed network of pedestrian & cycle paths creates continuity in the public domain, seamlessly linking key community facilities & encouraging Community Strategic focusing on support for community health and wellbeing, places for participation in sport and 'green' transport modes that benefit health of the individual and wider community (e.g. less air / noise pollution from private motor vehicles) Plan recreation, availability of community service needs, opportunities for community connection, celebration of established and emerging community, cultural awareness and support for the arts, More public domain activation as a result of less motor vehicle usage contributes to 'Active & Vibrant' outcome culture and lifelong learning Sustainable Spaces & Places Proposal includes: focuses on protecting the environmental, cultural and social values of open spaces and foreshore - mangroves retained and protected areas, protection and enhancement of biodiversity, support for environmental sustainability, a safer - heritage landscape elements retained and protected (e.g. Llewellyn St Brush Box trees) community, enhancing community spaces and infrastructure and sustainable design that - diverse mix of plant species proposed, enhancing biodiversity & maximising resilience conserves local heritage - CPTED principles applied throughout to support safer community; including maximise passive surveillance to public domain, adequate public domain lighting levels - Social infrastructure proposed in accordance with Social Infrastructure & Open Space Report (by Elton Consulting) Thriving and Connected Proposal includes: focusing on support for a range of housing options, develop facilities to promote walking and - pedestrian priority intersections cycling, safe and accessible local footpaths and roads, public transport options, support for local - additional cycleways (completing district/regional connections shopping centres, local employment, education and skills development, maintenance of - widened footpaths, appropriate to street heirarchy sustainable tourism destinations and support for large high quality, global standard business parks - aspirational completion of foreshore walk and enterprises. Canada Bay Local Recreation & Open Space Planning Strategy (LPS) A perception of a lack of sporting and recreation facilities across the LGA Proposal includes: 2010-2031 - additional waterfront and pocket parks - aspirational completion of foreshore walk - river pool A high proportion of small local parks Proposal retains these and improves streetscape connections between them. Large waterfront park is also provided Limited supply of natural area Limited potential to 're-wild' in urban context, however proposal for increased native tree and understorey in planting in streets enhances the presence of 'natural' landscape. Existing natural areas retained and enhanced in proposal (e.g. mangrovoes Many sportsgrounds rated by user organisations as having poor quality turf, insufficient n/a. No dedicated sports grounds within the Rhodes East area floodlighting, poor to adequate amenities, floodlighting, kiosks etc. Demand for active open space was seen as being particularly under pressure. Many sporting fields Potential for multi-use sports courts to be integrated within new buildings and on rooftops and courts are being used at or above capacity in winter months (p. 125).

Canada Bay Council Categorise Parks as follows: Local Parks are supplemented with habitable streetscapes, e.g. garden streets, and table settings / seating to active streets. - Local Parks 'walk to', particularly important for Children, Parents, Elderly, 200-300m max. walking distance. (3,000m2 min.) - District Parks 'drive to', specialist recreation (>3ha) - Town Parks, rest /relaxation/entertainment for workers/shoppers (varies, but generally 3,000m2 min.)

50 | Appendices Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report Canada Bay Local Planning Strategy (LPS) 2010-2031

Report Name Strategy / Recommendation (relevant to Public Domain) Design Response Options considered to meet future demand across the LGA were found to include: Proposal includes: - More intensive use of existing space and facilities (where ‘spare capacity’ exists), - More intensive use of Mcllwaine Park - The embellishment or expansion of existing spaces (to increase their carrying capacity), - Expansion of Leeds St precinct for public use and waterfront access - Synthetic conversions of sports field open space, and/or - Use of streetscapes to provide amenity (vegetation, flora & fauna habitat, seating and shade - The acquisition of new open space and recreation facilities. - New Leeds St waterfront open space - New foreshore public open space at Leeds street and potential publicly accessible foreshore, including Green RIbbon connection. S94 Development current rates of open space provision are 2.6ha per 1000 population: Proposal includes: Contributions Plan 2015 “Due to the unlikelihood of Council being able to purchase additional land for open space and Mcllwaine Park upgrade: recreation facilities, development contributions are better spent on upgrading, rationalising and - Increasing shade increasing the capacity of existing infrastructure to better cater for the additional population” - Increasing amenity such as seating and BBQ facilities King George Park upgrade: - rationalisation of waterfront uses - improved foreshore walkability & underpass connection

Amongst the nominated High Priority Open Space & Recreation Works to 2031, $500,000 is Proposal for extension of skateable moments under John Whitton (railway) Bridge to become a small skatepark integrated into the foreshore walk allocated for a small skate park facility in Rhodes East in the long term. The location of this facility experience. is shown as being on the eastern side of Concord Road between Cropley and Llewellyn Streets.

Funds are also allocated to selectively redevelop some key place spaces for social/family Key places identified are: recreation space for people of all abilities and including teenagers and older adults. - Leeds Street Foreshore Precinct - Rhodes East Gateway - River Pool Funds are also allocated for re-establishing bushland for passive open space, community gardens Proposal includes: and foreshore environmental works. - In place of community gardens, edible streetscapes for local streets. A long-term management strategy is to be developed - Additional setback on Concord Rd for Boulevard Greenway provides potential for native vegetation establishment. - Foreshore environmental works such as establishing mangrove protection zones to be implemented Off-leash dog areas (short-term) and off road trails (staged) are also included in the S94 Off-leash area incorporated into King George Park - east of Concord Rd. Location selected for low conflict with cars & civic activity. Contributions Plan and could potentially be incorporated into Rhodes East. Recreational Facilities “Liberty Grove – Rhodes will have the largest increase in demand within the City of Canada Bay by Increased peninsula connectivity via pedestrian/cycle paths, and continuity of open space support this increased active lifestyle demand Strategy 2031 for off- road trails, and gym / fitness / dance / martial arts / gymnastics facilities”

“Rhodes / Concord‐ / Strathfield and Russell Lea areas were consistently less well served than Proposal includes: other areas of the City – largely because these areas lack large open spaces (which contain - retention of Mcllwaine Park open space most of the City’s recreation facilities)..” - provision of additional open space (>4000m2) on Leeds St Waterfront Cabarita and Rhodes are outside 1km distance threshold of a public playing field Limited capacity for council to aquire land required for this landuse within the study area. Future development may include playing field facilities - e.g. rooftops, indoor facilities “Rhodes has very limited opportunities for residents to play soccer” …”Consider acquiring a 2- Limited capacity for council to aquire land required for this landuse within the study area. Future development may include playing field facilities - e.g. pitch site in Rhodes east… Consider using a rooftop for futsal in Rhodes Business Park, or a rooftops, indoor facilities floating pontoon in Rhodes” (p. 31-32) “Consider partnering with the private sector to provide ‐futsal. Consideration should be given to providing indoor courts sports access to Rhodes residents. This should be a minimum of two courts (netball sized courts)”

“Consider providing a small skate facility in Rhodes East” Proposal for extension of skateable moments under John Whitton (railway) Bridge to become a small skatepark integrated into the foreshore walk experience.

Rhodes Peninsular Front A Peninsula of Places Proposal includes: Door 2 Foreshore Open - 5 Character Areas Space Masterplan - 3 Key Places - Hierarchy of street types Visual Coherence in the Public Domain Proposal includes: - Clear hierarchy of street types and building setbacks - Improved visual connections to the water A connected and legible open space network Proposal includes: - rationalisation / amalgamation of existing fragmented open space - improved continuity between open space areas with legible pedestrian/cycle routes - improved pedestrian priority Community engagement and partnerships Potential for: - edible streets program / workshops - mangrove area protection and rehabilitation program Sustainable Open Spaces Resilient species, permeable surfaces, collocated with community uses / public facilities Instead of creating more open space aim to increase “the capacity of existing open spaces to Simplicity in open spaces enables adaptability for a range of uses (e.g. markets, events, active play) comfortably accommodate more users”

51 | Appendices Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report Report Name Strategy / Recommendation (relevant to Public Domain) Design Response Rhodes Peninsula Open Public spaces extending from front door to foreshore Proposal includes: Space Plan of - 'Green Streets', which become a meaningful component of the open space network Management - Additional foreshore parklands and improved public access to foreshore (i.e. Leeds St Waterfront, Green Ribbon) Strong Physical and Ecological Connections Proposal includes: - Continuous path network - Pedestrian priority environment - Boulevard Greenway Cycle lane improvements, in particular along Walker Street, were noted as being of particular Proposal includes: importance - improved shared/cycle path continuity - dedicated cycleway along Blaxland Rd Increasing the vibrancy of streets, particularly at night, with bars and restaurants is also desired Proposal includes: - Leeds St Foreshore Precinct (destination retail) - Rhodes Station Precinct (convenience retail) Public Art Proposal includes a foreshore public art Many open space areas lack adequate tree cover Proposal includes: - Additional tree planting / shade to the streets - Significant new tree planting - Balance of shade and open space within new parks Some parks are valued as places for learning about the ecology and history of the area. Ecological Proposal retains parks and vegetation of heritage significance (e.g. Churchhill Tucker Reserve, existing Mangroves, existing Brush Box trees on responsibility Llewellyn St) There is also a desire to incorporate public art into foreshore areas, such as contemporary art / Resting areas/aspirational waterfront access provides opportunity for holistic waterfront public art strategy. These could be permanent works small pieces that consider local context integrated into the public domain fabric, or temporary intallations - "Sculptures by the River"

Opportunities for intergenerational and cross cultural engagement / participation in public art projects should be investigated

Community needs for sporting and recreation facilities, BBQ areas and public toilets are not Proposal includes: considered to be very well met at present. - additional waterfront and pocket parks - river pool These amenities will be provided therein. Many community members want to see a mix of programs within open space areas, including Collocation of public open space with community infrastructure facilitates this desire for flexible uses recreational, educational and cultural opportunities, markets that sell fresh food,

Peninsula-wide strategies include:

Provide improved waterfront access where appropriate Leeds street waterfront promenade open sapce created, resting areas/connections to eastern waterfront and aspirational continuous publicly To establish regional connections to surrounding areas, particularly with Bicentennial Park, Bus,accessible cycle andwaterfront pedestrian proposed network Wentworth Point and Meadowbank via Meadowbank Railway Bridge. A Peninsula urban mesh is proposed to improve access and circulation through the peninsula This strategy is integrated into the proposal. Additional streets and street extensions are proposed to 'complete the mesh' including in east-west direction across the railway line and across Concord Road.

Continuous pedestrian / cycle connection along the northern foreshore, including: This strategy is subject to the area being identified as appropriate and feasible for rezoning. The plans, sections and photographs shown are aspirational. Extension of the Kokoda Track Memorial Walkway through Churchill Tucker Reserve to create the This strategy is subject to the area being identified as appropriate and feasible for rezoning. The plans, sections and photographs shown are Pacific Campaign Walk. aspirational. City of Canada Bay “history and heritage, stories, people, landscape, streetscape and culture. It is about discovering Proposal includes: Cultural Plan what makes a place distinctive authentic, and memorable” for individuals and the community (p. 4). - Adaptive reuse of existing buildings - Retention and augmentation of existing parks and streetscape » ‘Turn its spaces into places’ so people will stop and become involved Proposal includes: » Encourage residents to experience and appreciate the area’s cultural and environmental - Creation of 'Key Places' and Retail Destinations diversity and through this, develop a greater sense of belonging. - High amenity streetscapes that are destinations in their own right In Rhodes, these include development of ‘The Connection’, informal cultural activities and Public realm proposal provides range of active park & plaza spaces that facilitate development of these activities galleries, markets, cafés, wireless services, wet-dry workshop spaces, digital displace, performance spaces and improved street-life and public art. Rhodes Peninsula Arts “energise the public domain, recall local heritage, connect with the river and its moods and be an Proposal includes: Plan integral part of the design…” (p. 3). - Meaningful new connections with the river - Future vision to swim in the river “the urban environment should be a place of lively, representative cultural identity” (p. 3). Proposal includes a number of key places that support a vibrant public domain and contribute to cultural identity: - Leeds Street Foreshore Precinct - Rhodes East Gateway - River Pool

52 | Appendices Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report Report Name Strategy / Recommendation (relevant to Public Domain) Design Response Rhodes East residents of this precinct are older (42.5 years) than those of the LGA as a whole (37.1 years) and Due consideration of access for the elderly must be given in all aspect of the plan. A generally ageing population further supports this notion demographic profile of Sydney overall (35.7 years) (DP&E 2015) The high proportions of people living in high density environments suggests the need for good Proposal includes: access to facilities that provide space outside the home to meet friends, take exercise, share - Mesh of pedestrian and cycle paths, shaded streetscapes and plazas; providing comfortable places to pause and meet in the public realm meals, entertain, play, study and relax (due to a possible lack of adequate space at home for some - Additional picnicking and barbeque area facilities in parks activities). In order of popularity, the most appealing features of Rhodes East are seen as: Proposal includes: » Its access to public transport - Proposed increased frequency of public transport services to meet demand » Its public open spaces and parks - Improved pedestrian and cycle connectivity / amenity to reduce motor vehicle dependence » Its walking and cycling links - High quality street furniture and frequency of street furniture » Its cafes, restaurants and shops - Increased streetscape amenity to activate and improve safety / security » Its sense of community » Job opportunities. The community facilities considered to be the highest priorities included: » Schools » Parking » High quality street furniture » Community centre » Improved safety and security.

Social Infrastructure & A-1-3 Designed to inspire and implement a walkable pedestrian precinct Proposal includes: Open Space Preliminary Rhodes Central is a transport oriented development, located directly adjacent to Rhodes Rail - Blaxland Rd commuter cycle path provides a direct route between transport connections and retail areas Report Station. The precinct will be developed with emphasis on internal access and connections to and - pedestrian / cycle loop and mesh to support cycle 19 Feb 2016 from major transport and infrastructure. The precinct will: - upgraded streets that achieve amenity & safety outcomes Appendix A - Vision & » Promote pedestrian and cycle activity. - areas of on street parking replaced with WSUD planting and widened path networks Principles for Rhodes » Provide safe, convenient & attractive footpaths for pedestrians. Central » Provide excellent bike share ways and connections, including supporting systems (i.e. bike sheds, bike hire and storage facilities). » Provide direct route connections to major facilities and frequently utilised resources. » Provide a vibrant, safe and inviting amenity. » Reduce car use and provide less on street parking to encourage higher use of streets for pedestrians and bikes. » Create walkable, well connected, safe, weather protected (where appropriate) and attractive pedestrian routes.

A-1-4 Creates a vibrant community Proposal includes: A vibrant community will be developed through a multi layered approach of reducing car use to - A foreshore activity hub - 'Leeds St Waterfront Precinct' minimise streets dominated by cars and encouraging an active precinct through the increased - Recreation opportunities collocated with activity hubs, or seamlessly connected via pedestrian / cycle routes public space and pedestrian movement on the streets. - Additional ferry wharf is proposed, collocated with 'Leeds St Waterfront' destination » Provide a continuous public waterfront access. - Aspirational continuous public foreshore access pending rezoning and feasibility » Create a foreshore activity hub, mixing opportunities for retail, cafes and restaurants. » Create opportunities for recreation and urban public spaces. » Opportunity to create an artist’s hub, to provide studio space and associated residential accommodation. This would provide complementary opportunities for outdoor art exhibitions. eg. ‘Sculptures by the River’. » Investigate options for an additional public commuter ferry and/or public wharf to enhance functionality and activate a riverside culture and meeting place.

A-1-7 Focus on connections and relationships to major infrastructure The proposal recognises this as a key urban link, and enhances connectivity further with the proposal for a bus/pedestrian tunnel connection from » The foot/cycle access across the new pedestrian bridge to Olympic Park will be able to access Gauthorpe St to Rhodes East under the rail line these facilities and provide added viability through higher use.

53 | Appendices Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report Social Infrastructure & Open Space Preliminary Report 19 Feb 2016 Appendix A - Vision & Principles for Rhodes Central

Report Name Strategy / Recommendation (relevant to Public Domain) Design Response A-1-8 Provides appropriate building height, scale and form Proposal includes: Activation of Rhodes Central will be led by diverse building forms and architecture. Vibrancy on the - Opening up of views for visual connection to the river streets through retail opportunities and high pedestrian traffic will be coupled with diverse building facades to create interest and clear building identification within the precinct. » Establishes urban scaled streets and public spaces. » Provides a range of residential densities and heights, with particular emphasis on achieving high density in low rise buildings. » Encourages a relationship between residences and street interface. Wherever possible, ground floor apartments should have front doors that are directly accessible from the street. » Improve sight lines, north/south to the river and open space.

FLUX 2.0 Build and Natural Ecology Sustainability Integration High quality built environment and protects and restores the precincts natural ecology Mangrove areas protected and restored in the masterplan Plan

Importantly it is noted that the investigation has two biodiversity regions within or adjacent the site. Public domain planting will include local native planting to augement existing native flora and fauna habitats Upgraded streetscapes increase planting ratio on the street and in some cases (e.g. Boulevard Greenway) increase setbacks to maximise Connectivity strategies with biodiversity regions opportunities for biodiversity augmentation 3.0 Community Shared gardens for both growing of food and enjoyment, provision of recreation and fitness Proposal includes: spaces and spaces for community gatherings - Shared garden space for growing food in local streets, including Averill Street and Denham Street - Additional local green space and plazas - Upgrade of Mcllwaine Park for recreational, fitness and community purpose Consider the opportunity identified within the connections section for a cultural and entertainment Proposal includes: space Northern industrial zone to be developed into cultural, entertainment, and destination retail hub 6.0 Connections Connections are a significant sustainability consideration for the planning of new precincts as they Proposal for new cyclepaths and pedestrian paths: enable and define appropriate densities for the site and also define how people will prioritise their - Continuity (completion of the network) lifestyles - Increased widths - Increased shade - Improved quality In the case of Rhodes East it the key focus for the sustainability assessment is how to create Proposal includes: optimal internal connections at a suburb level. - Additional street connections - Improved visual connection to the river - Rationalisation of open space, including amalgamation of parks either side of an existing roadway Rhodes is well connected to the remainder of Sydney as it has both the main Northern rail line and Proposal includes: Concord Road passing through it. This strength is also a weakness as it subdivides the suburb into - Additional connection across train line (tunnel for buses and pedestrians) three parts and is observed as a significant hurdle to the delivery of intra-suburb lifestyle resources required to generate a modal shift from cars to bicycles and pedestrians. Indeed the prioritisation of walking, cycling and public transport use had been identified as a guiding principal for the project. Proposal includes: It is seen that generally Rhodes is quite good with respect to walkability specifically the newly - widening of paths developed components to the south of the railway station. However, the tool clearly shows that to - dedicated commuter cycleway to train station the North of the station walkability rapidly diminishes, particularly in the sites on the Northern and - upgraded bridge underpass paths to improve experience and address safety concerns. Eastern boundary of the Rhodes East Structure Plan serviced by Leeds St and Llewellyn St. Incorporation of a culture and entertainment precinct - It is recommended an area within the Leeds Recommendation has been adopted in the proposal St precinct be considered to be zoned specifically for this purpose.

Improved connections/access to parks - It is recommended a detailed investigation be performed to provide grade separated connections for cyclists and pedestrians across Concord Road at the Proposal includes: Parramatta River foreshore and/or to connect Leeds St to Llewellyn St and also to connect - upgrade to existing bridge underpasses Llewellyn across Concord Road at the southern end of the investigation area. - the street network has been revised to improve connectivity Ideally a connection would also be provided between Gauthorpe St and Llewellyn St across the rail Proposal includes: line to create a contiguous pedestrian and cycle loop within Rhodes and unify the three discrete - tunnel connection for buses, cyclists and pedestrians sectors. Creation of a pedestrian and cycle loop to unify Rhodes incorporating Llewellyn St, Gauthorpe St Recommendation has been adopted in the proposal and the foreshore pathway. Implementation of appropriately sized and clear cycle and pedestrian facilities. Recommendation has been adopted in the proposal

54 | Appendices Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report FLUX Sustainability Integration Plan

Report Name Strategy / Recommendation (relevant to Public Domain) Design Response Cycle hoops and servicing facilities will be provided throughout area in appropriate locations

Provision of secure cycle hoops at key points through the public domain NSW EPA Best practice design for high density development along busy roads to protect people from air Concord Road currently a considerably busy road, provision of two Rapid Transport Bus lanes, as well as becoming a priority transport route for frieght pollution vehicles will further increase noise and pollution >Vegetation between road and building The proposal includes application of best practice design principles to Concord Rd. A setback of 10m from kerb to boundary provides space for large >Set back distance 10-20m tree planting and a significant understorey vegetation buffer Provide a concept Stormwater Management Plan outlining the general stormwater managment Proposal includes: measures for the proposal, including the use of sustainability measures such as Water Sensitive - Use of rain gardens throughout project to collect run off Urban Design (WSUD) to create more resilient and adaptable urban environments. This should - Mangrove area protection and rehabilitation program also include measures for ongoing maintenance including any assosiated funding approaches for ongoing management ourlivingriver.com.au We believe that every Australian should have easy access to a natural place to swim and relax. Proposal includes: For the million or so people who live within 20 minutes of its beauty, that river is the Parramatta - Meaningful new connections and access to the foreshore River. - Proposed new opportunities to swim in the river Greater liveabilty Proposal includes: A healthy river supports and enhances life in many ways. It makes the area more liveable by - new opportunities to engage in the activities listed, and many more introducing greater biodiversity, better air quality and access to activities such as swimming, - WSUD initiatives to reduce runoff into the river picnicking, cycling or just relaxing. Social Connection The proposal nominates a waterfront park and aspires for a continuous foreshore promenade as key new places. Both will make large contributions to Australians are attracted to water. Being around a river they can swim in or a creek they can relax the social life of Rhodes East by creates a great social and recreational attraction for both locals and tourists. A swimmable river will foster community connection by facilitating fun, safe places throughout the river's catchment for people to meet. Biodiversity The proposal includes retention of significant existing vegetation, and new foreshore planting will be a diverse mix of predominantly local native A living river is one that is rich in biodiversity, where people, fish and other animals can thrive species together. It is a place where healthy vegetation and fauna flourish, and people benefit physically and mentally from being close to nature. Better Public Amenities Diversity of amenity As the Parramatta River is improved to allow for more human activities, many places along its - Sporting amenities banks will be developed so residents and tourists can enjoy the benefits. We are looking to design - Picnic/BBQ and implement better infrastructure that improves access for everyone. - Seating - Multipurpose spaces Healthy Living Healthy living propositoins include Living near a swimmable waterway or healthy creek promotes healthy living. This is not just - Continuation of cycle loop because of the obvious health benefits of swimming or walking, but also because the area - Maximised pedestrian opportunity/pedestrian focused streetscapes becomes more activated with children's play areas, walking paths, cycleways, major events and - Dedicated play / exercise areas other recreational activities. Business Opportunity Proposed Leeds Street Waterfront destination retail area recognises this potential As the area becomes busier, business opportunities will increase. Restaurants and venues will have the opportunity to invest in waterfront locations or benefit from improved access to the river and capitalise on the benefits of a living river. Increased Property Value WSUD initiatives in the masterplan will significantly contribute to the economic value of Rhodes East Living in close proximity to clean, swimmable water or nice open space areas or wetlands is highly sought after and greatly increases property prices. A swimmable Parramatta River and cleaner creeks will attract property investors, promote redevelopment and help increase the desirability of living in all suburbs near the river and its tributaries.

Submission52 - Recommendation to "provide consistency and drive the paradigm shift in effective stormwater The proposals WSUD Strategies Include: Parramatta River management through water sensitive urban design to create resilient and water sensitive cities. A - Rain gardens Catchment Group set of national minimum standards for stormwater should be developed to ensure water quality - Increased green spaces submission to the improvements are prioritised for all greenfield, brownfields, infill and retrofit development. - Increased permeable surfaces Senate Inquiry into Stormwater Resources Most of the stormwater drainage network in the catchment is managed by the 13 councils that sit This precinct will become a benchmark WSUD project for Councils in the catchment in Australia - 8th May within it, with the remainder managed by Sydney Water and private estates. There is over 1400km 2015 of drainage network, worth more than $1.3billion, in the Parramatta River catchment. There are over 900 stormwater outlets flowing into the Parramatta River and its tributaries. Less than a third of these have stormwater quality improvement devices installed.

55 | Appendices Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report A2. FORESHORE POOL CASE STUDIES

Sydney Australia International Pool name Cabarita Pool Greenwich Baths Drummoyne Pool Watsons Bay Baths Dawn Fraser Baths Yarra Pool PLUS pool Piscine Josephine The Badeschiff or Island Brygge Baker "Swimming ship" Location Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney NYC Paris Berlin Copenhagan Completed? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Testing Phase Yes Yes Yes Length 50m 50m 50m 50m 50m 50m 60m 25m 32.5m 2x50m Width 50m 60m 10 8.2 Depth 2.7m 2m Typology Edge pool River pool Edge pool Harbour pool Harbour pool River pool Barge Barge Barge Harbour pool Water Source Chlorinated Harbour Water Heated outdoor salt Harbour Water Harbour Water Harbour Water River water Chlorinated Chlorinated (400,000L ) Harbour water water (chlorinated) Mechanical filtration Distance from ferry wharf 500m 183m 70m 140m 700m N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Other features Refurbished 2010 Tidal beach surrounded Proposed pop up Convertable roof Social with bar and "Diving pool with by historic building - before and during enclosing the pool in events. Repurposed three and five metre Built 1880 construction winter river cargo container springboards.” 70cm above the surface of the river

56 | Public DOMAIN OPPORTUNITIES Rhodes East Public DOMAIN Report