Marion Belanger


Martin Parr and , The Photobook: A History Volume I, Phaidon Press, 2004 (If you can buy only one book for this course, make it this volume.)

Parr and Badger, The Photobook, A History, Volume II, Phaidon Press, 2006

Nicholas Dawidoff, New York Times Magazine. “The Man Who Saw America,” http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/05/magazine/robert-franks-america.html

For explanation of printing techniques: Richard Benson, The Printed Picture, The , 2008

This class is both an introductory survey of the photographic book and a hands on studio course where students will make simple book sequences. Along with the readings, the photographic book will be studied while visiting collections in the Wesleyan Library, and the Art Gallery.

Reading Assignments:

The books mentioned above can be purchased, but they will also be on reserve in the library. Note that the weekly readings include a broader range of books than presented in class. A packet of additional readings will be available.

Week 1 Introduction Bring in a favorite photo book from home or a photo sequence you’ve made in the past.

Library Visit Assignment: Make photographs in your home/yard. Bring in a 10 5x7 images from the series to sequence in class.

Reading: Richard Benson, The Printed Picture: Part 5: “Early Photography in Silver” and Part 6: “Non-Silver Processes.”

Parr and Badger. The Photobook, A History, volume I. Introduction and Chapter 1, “Topography and Travel: The First Photobooks.”

Week 2 Photographic albums at the dawn of the photographic era Anna Atkins. Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions. 1843. William Henry Fox Talbot. The Pencil of Nature. 1844

Compare to : Makoto Azuma and Shunsuke Shiinoke. Encyclopedia of Flowers. Seigensha Art Publishing, Kyoto, 2012. Paula McCartney: A Field Guide to Ice and Snow. Silas Finch. 2014.

Exploration and science Frederick Catherwood and John Lloyd Stevens. Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, 1841, with text by Stephens and engravings based on the drawings of Catherwood. (Compare to Robert Smithson, “Incidents of Mirror Travel in the Yucatan, 1969) Parr and Badger. The Photobook, A History, volume I, “Facing Facts: The Nineteenth-Century Photobook as Record” and “Photography as Art: The Pictorial Photobook” Assignment: Consider the photographic “archive” as you make or repurpose a collection of images. Look at Tanya Marcuse http://tanyamarcuse.com and Mike Mandel, Evidence http://larrysultan.com/gallery/evidence/ Nigel Poor http://nigelpoor.com

Week 3 Exploration and science (part 2) Timothy O’Sullivan. United States Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian. 1871-74. Gustaf Nordenskiöld. The Cliff Dwellers of Mesa Verde, Southwestern Colorado: Their Pottery and Implements, 1893. (Compare to Edward Ranney, The Lines, Yale University Press, 2014) Reading Castleberry, et al. ,Perpetual Mirage: “Survey and Unfamilar Land, 1840-1880” and “Discovering a Human Past, Inventing a Scenic West, 1880-1930,” focusing particularly on O’Sullivan, Nordenskiold, and Curtis. Assignment For next class, collect images of going from here to there (your choice).

Week 4 The emergence of the commercial photobook / European and American avant-gardes Germain Krull. Metal. Librarie Des Arts Decoratifs, 1927. Blossfeldt. Urformen der Kunst. 1928 (In U.H. Library) Alfred Steiglitz, Camera Work, 1903-1917 August Sander. The Face of Our Time, 1929 Moholy-Nagy. Malerei Fotografie Film. 1925 (In UH Library) Paul Morand and Brassai. Paris de Nuit. 1933. Man Ray and Paul Eluard. Facile 1935 Henri Cartier Bresson. The Decisive Moment. 1952

Reading Parr and Badger, vol. 1: Chapter 4, “ Photo Eye: The Modernist Photobook,” Chapter 5, focusing particularly on the overview, Man Ray, Hans Bellmer, and Walker Evans;” and Chapter 4 “A Day in the Life: The Documentary Photobooks of the 1930s;”focusing particularly on the overview, Lewis Hine, Berenice Abbott, Paul Morand and Brassai, Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans, Weegee,” and Chapter 7, “Memory and Reconstruction: The Postward European Photobook,” focusing particularly on the overview, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Bill Brandt, Blaise Cendrars and Robert Doisneau.”

Assignment – for the next two weeks: Using August Sander as a base, create a series of portraits of a specific population.

Week 5 Photo-textual documents of mid-20th century America Berenice Abbott. Changing New York 1939 Walker Evans. Let us now Praise Famous Men. 1941 Laura Gilpin. The Pueblos. A Camera Chronicle. Weegee. Naked City. 1945 Dorothea Lange. An American Exodus .1939 Roy de Carava and Langston Hughes. The Sweet Flypaper of Life. 1955

Week 6 Landscape . Yosemite and the Range of Light. Eliot Porter. The Place No One Knew. Robert Adams, From the Missouri West, 1980. Mark Klett. Third Views, Second Sights: A Rephotographic Survey of the American West. Reading Castleberry, Perpetual Mirage, pp. 130-135; 140-145; 152-157; pp 174-179. Parr and Badger, The Photobook: a History, Volume I: Chapter 8, “The Indecisive Moment: the Stream-of-Consciousness’ Photobook. focusing on the overview, Roy DeCarava and Langston Hughes, William Klein, , Aaron Siskind, , Walker Evans, Danny Lyon, Gary Winogrand, , Diane Arbus, Ralph Gibson, Larry Clark., .

Assignment: Utilize stream of consciousness and a landscape that you know well. Sequence in class.

Week 7 The social fabric Robert Frank. The Americans. 1958 Richard Avedon. In the American West. 1985. William Klein. Life is Good and Good for You. 1956 Larry Clark. Tulsa. 1971 . Carnival Strippers. 1976. Gilles Peress. Telex Iran. 1983. Jim Goldberg . Raised by Wolves 1995 Jim Goldberg. Rich and Poor. 2014. . The Ballad of Sexual Dependency. 1986. Carrie Mae Weems. Selected Books LaToya Ruby Frazier. The Notion of Family. 2014. Reading Parr and Badger, Volume II: “Chapter 1: Mirrors and Windows: The American Photobook since the 1970s,” focusing on overview, , Bruce Davidson, Roy DeCarava, Slim Aarons, Les Krims, Robert Adams, Lee Friedlander, Gary Winnogrand, Eugene Richards, Harry Callahan, Lewis Baltz, Stephen Shore, , Richard Avedon, Nan Goldin, Bill Burke, , Mitch Epstein Nicholas Dawidoff, New York Times Magazine. “The Man Who Saw America,” http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/05/magazine/robert-franks-america.html

Assignment: Choose one photobook that you strongly respond to and use that as a model for this weeks assignment.

Week 8 The Japanese photobook: Yukio Mishima and Eikoh Hoseoe. Ordeal by Roses. 1961-1962 Daido Moriyama. : A Photo Theatre. 1968 Kijuji Kawada. The Map. Aperture Originally published as limited edition, 1965 Kijuji Kawada. The Last Cosmology. 2015 . Dioramas. 2014. Hiroshi Sugimoto. Candles. Miyako Ishiuchi, Hiroshima. 2012.

Reading Parr and Badger, The Photobook Volume 1: “Chapter 9, Provocative Materials for Thought: The Postwar Japanese Photobook.” focusing on Ken Doman, Eikoh Hoseoe and Yukio Mishima, Kawada, Moriyama, Takuma Nakahira, Sugimoto, Taiji Matsue. Assignment: Final Project

Week 9 The artists’ book movement Ed Ruscha. 26 Gasoline Stations. 1963 Ed Ruscha. Every Building on the Sunset Strip. 1966 John Baldassari Brutus Killed Cesar 1976 Richard Long. Selected books such as River Avon Book. 1979 Gerhard Richter, Eis. 1981. Reprint Walter Konig. 20ll Hamish Fulton. The Way to the Mountains Starts Here. 2002 Roni Horn. Dictionary of Water. 2001. (and other books) Roni Horn. Verne’s Journey (To Place). 1995 . Take Care of Yourself. 2007

Reading Parr and Badger: Volume II, Chapter 4, “Appropriating Photography: The Artist’s Photobook” focusing on the overview and Gordon Matta Clark, Edward Ruscha, Andy Warhol, Richard Long, Christian Boltanski, Michael Snow, Hans Peter Feldman, Roni Horn, Gerhard Richter Assignment: Final Project

Week 10 Contemporary strategies Doug Aitken. Diamond Sea. . Books and Films. Marnix Goosens. Yonder. 2013 John Gossage. Nothing. 2014. [See ICP photobook flip, https://vimeo.com/121924017] Rosangela Renno. A01 [COD.] — A27 [S | COD.23]. 2013. Alex Soth. Sleeping on the Mississippi. 2004. Zoe Strauss. America. 2008.

Reading Chapter 9, “Home and Away: Modern Life and the Photobook,” focusing on the overview, Stephen Shore, Larry Sultan, Jim Goldberg, Rinko Kawauchi. Parr and Badger, Volume II, Chapter 8, “The Dusseldorf Tendency: The New Objective Photobook,” focusing on the overview, Bernhard and Hilla Becher, Thomas Struth, Rineke Dijkstra

Assignment: Final Project

Week 11 The Artist/Publisher & Small Presses Surveys & Reviews Conscientious http://cphmag.com/archives/ Photo Eye http://www.photoeye.com/bookstore/index.cfm http://blog.photoeye.com

Ron Jude http://www.a-jumpbooks.com/Home.html http://melaniephotoblog.blogspot.com/2008/07/interview-with-publisher-ron-jude-of.html http://www.ahornmagazine.com/issue_7/conversation_panar_jude/conversation_panar_jude.html

Jason Fulford http://jandlbooks.org/JL.info.html http://www.thegreatleapsideways.com/?ha_exhibit=hotel-oracle-a-conversation-with-jason- fulford http://www.artbook.com/iceplant.html

Ed Panar and Melissa Catanese http://www.spacescorners.com/about.html http://cphmag.com/conv-catanese/

Conveyor Editions http://www.conveyoreditions.com/shop

Assignment: Final Project

Week 12 Final Critique