A Tenelllent of Roger of Clujulor and Other Archaeological Investigations in Medieval North Oseney, Oxford
A Tenelllent of Roger of ClUJUlor and Other Archaeological Investigations in Medieval North Oseney, Oxford By ~1. R. R""IX I., "ith cOl1uibUlions by B. DLRII.\)"I. !\l. !\1J..IJ.oR,j.T. ~ll':,\IJ\, L. Au.!-.' and BOB "\'II~"'():,\ 'l\I\L\R\ .In mamlion ~, tJy o.yord .lrehlUol~f?U'al enil m 1989 90 ,"poud m,din:al and poJI."lldiLval bUlldlTlfij on Ill'o ft0nuif/'. on Holi"bwh Rou' and Oil SI. Thom ... ·j Simi, in I1ll wU"iring ""Jim! suburb if SI. JJlOmaJ"J. 0.11' mfdlRal hous, and parts if Ill. ollins U'''' dueom,d ftontillg onto Hol!"bUJh Rou . 1 rang' if ptTJonal mrdieml mtlo./u>ork and (oms (amt from WIt buildings. A slont'~/intd wain- chanml bttwetn two prOptT/ll., m~,' "PTt'fIIl all ,arly land boundal) flrrmng th, north suI, if proptr!Y gIV'" by RogtT if CUllmor W OSt710' .Ihbry. 17zt u'ater chamlll produad Q kad 5tal matnx l1I.scrihtd S'. Rogen. de. Comenort' Cl'ici+. 'J. .1 major rerOnJtrnctlO1l if the buildings U'(LI cam'td out in tJu 17tll ((!lIm:}'. 011 tflt St. ThomllJ'S Street frontage three 14th ·(mluT) bulldlllg~ U'tTt dueol.fTed, u'huh U'tTl rtbuilt In !hi 15th emluT). INTRODUCTION h(> ~il(, I:'\'arional Grid Reference SP 507062.' lies on the Thames floodplain on the we~t T side of Oxford Fi~. I ,', in the medie\'al suburb of St. Thomas's. The street plan is essen tially medieval, although it has been much altered by subsequent de\'e1opment. Sl. Thomas's Street formerly High Street St.
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