;"Kj;I Or &Ne Assoclatron
TWELtr'TH REPORT OF THE BARROW COMMTTTEE. Twsrrrs_ Rnponr of the Bat.row Committee, wns,ist,ina of ll/1r. f. tr'. S. Amery, Mr. G. Doe, llr. p,'0. Hutchzinsoi, Y: {. .!o*ttu, tW;. J. Brooking Rowi, and Mr. R. N. Worth (Secretary), to collrct and recotd facts relatino to llctl,rows in Detsonshire, arud, ta take steps, uhere porii,blr, /or thei,r,ina est,ig at ion. Edited by R. N. Wontr, r.c.s,, Hon. Secretary. (Rerd at Barnstaple, July, tE9O.) Trrr Committee have to present, as their Report for 1Bg0- some results of recent investigations on Da'rtmo;;, ;ht.; will serve to indicate the quantfty of rnaterial ,"*uioioo-io be collectetl in that regioi. They are gird-t""k"";-?h"i Mr. R. Burnard is nod making u tott *?u.ination of ih; kistvaens of the moorland (see-his paper, postr) ; but thev much regret that so little interest 'se'errs't, # ;"kJ;i the,practical.investigation of the subject by other *;;i; or &ne Assoclatron. J. Bnooxrue Rowt, Chairman. R. N. lVonrn, Secretary. DARTMOOR. several aclditional facts rerating "a".iogih;to sepurchral remai,s on Dartmoor have been made public past year. p?r., R. Hansford Worth, c.E., on ,,The Moor_ "Ignd. 4 .Py llr. ,Iransaiions'of PIym," published in the the ptu*iiin tnst?tut?,on,o Srves an account of the antiquities of the"vallev Plym 9f _a_bove Shaugh Brid ge. the'sepuich-*i;i.;;;t'. include-the. the following: " Neal the angle of Cadrvorthy Farm [Wigford Down] is a r See also the pro.wse, .,The naner bv Dr.
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