

Ed.by Eishiro Ito

General Notes on FW004.18-006.12: See also Joycean Japan,vols.3-5

<*004.18~*> 4.18. Bygmester Finnegan, of the Stuttering Hand, freemen's mau- Ibsen, bygmester Solness[A] Parnell&Lewis Carrol G “Freimaurer= freemason[A] stuttered.[A]

4.19. rer, lived in the broadest way immarginable in his rushlit toofar-

Broadway[A] imaginable[A]+marginal sl. rushlight Dub sl.= =liquor[A] house with rusty? 2 back rooms[A]

4.20. back for messuages before joshuan judges had given us numbers ?buttock dwelling house plus adjacent JOSHUA[A] JUDGES[A] NUMBERS[A] land and buildings[A] Heb.Yah:saves OF

4.21. or Helviticus committed deuteronomy (one yeastyday he sternely LEVITICUS[A] (commit to writing) DEUTERONOMY[A] yesterday[A] Sterne/Swift[A] Helvetia = lit.L.Gk.second law: Easter, feast day Switzerland[CL] (nomos law)

4.22. struxk his tete in a tub for to watsch the future of his fates but ere Styx[A]+shrunk F. tête: Swift’s wash the features of his face[A] head Tale of a Tub G .waschen: to watch

4.23. he swiftly stook it out again, by the might of moses, the very wa- shock+took+ Moses wrote Pentateuch Cf. Noah’s Flood stood+stuck +shook

4.24. ter was eviparated and all the guenneses had met their exodus so L.vater: evaporated[A] GENESIS EXODUS father L. aevipario: Guinness[A] lit.out of way to give birth to eternity[CL] Gk.gnoses

4.25. that ought to show you what a pentschanjeuchy chap he was!) Pentateuch, Punch & Judy G. panschen: mix (water & wine) Jean-Jeudi: penis(Lazare Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais, Paris, 1922) patriarchy chap→Noah? Gk.pente: 5+G.Schatz:treasure, fig.sweetheart+F.jeu:play,jest

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4.26. and during mighty odd years this man of hod, cement and edi- God years = man of God(Deut.33.1) = Moses[A] Anno Domini = man of flood = Noah in the years of our Lord H C E

4.27. fices in Toper's Thorp piled buildung supra buildung pon the tope = drink village[A] G. Bildung: L.: above, upon heavily[A] Thor+pope education[A] previously, F.pont: 大酒飲み +Thoth +dung more[CL] bridge

4.28. banks for the livers by the Soangso. He addle liddle phifie Annie rivers r Hwang-ho add+addle Alice Liddell wifie Ir. eanaigh: so-&-so +had+paddle H.G.Liddell,+fifefenny, marshy +saddle... lexicographer Anna A L P

4.29. ugged the little craythur. Wither hayre in honds tuck up your part :to fear+hugged[A] creature+crater wither(ed)+ hay+hey+ hands[A] take+ with+her hair+hare hounds tuck+ +hoar fonds fuck with her hair[A] take up your partner

4.30. inher. Oftwhile balbulous, mithre ahead, with goodly trowel in in+her+ often+while L. balbulus:stuttring[A] Mithra; on head towel inner L. Balbus: Roman cognomen[CL] Mithras mitre

4.31. grasp and ivoroiled overalls which he habitacularly fondseed, like ivory+oiled+ ?all over L. habitaculum: dwelling place[A] fancied[A] roil L. habitaculum: little(monk’s)habit[CL] fond+see+seed

4.32. Haroun Childeric Eggeberth he would caligulate by multiplicab- Haroun-al- three Frankish kings[TC] Egbert: Caligula,Roman Emperor[A] multiplication[A] Raschild+ éiric: fine,ransom[GaeL] West Saxon king[TC] calculate multiplicable harum-scarum Childeric+child H C E

4.33. les the alltitude and malltitude until he seesaw by neatlight of the sl. in one’s altitude: malt[A] see+saw+sow neat+night+light drunk multitude+mal+malt +seesaw all+attitude

4.34. liquor wheretwin 'twas born, his roundhead staple of other days where+’tween+twin roundheaded+ steeple+staple Round Table[A]

4.35. to rise in undress maisonry upstanded (joygrantit!), a waalworth wondrous[A] maison+ Da. opstandelse: joy+grand+tit+ Woolworth Building, undressed Freemasonry resurrection[A] gigantic+granite NYC[A] +wall+ upstanding well+worth+whirl

4.36. of a skyerscape of most eyeful hoyth entowerly, erigenating from fire escape[A] awful, Eiffel Howth/ tower+entirely originating/Ir. philosopher sky+fire escape+ Tower[A] height[A] John Scotus Erigena/ skyscraper L. erigo: Ir. erect[A] Ir. êrigeneria: early born: epithet of Dawn[CL]

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<*005*> 5.01. next to nothing and celescalating the himals and all, hierarchitec- L. caeli: heavens[A] G. Himmel: hierarchy+architect+ L. scalae: ladder[CL] sky, heavens; tipsy+toplofty[SK] celebrating+escalating Himalaya[A]

5.02. titiptitoploftical, with a burning bush abob off its baubletop and G. hierax: a hawk+G. hierarchês: Moses’burning bush: above+bob[A] Tower of Babel[A] high-priest+G. arch-: first-+ Bush is sign of an inn bauble+babble+ G. architekteô: to be builder+ or place where liquor bubble+top G. tektainô: to frame, design sold[A] bush on top of newbuilt tower[A]

5.03. with larrons o'toolers clittering up and tombles a'buckets clotter- F. larron: thief[A] ÓTuathil: des. Da. klatre: climb[A] +less+ bucket Lawrence of Tuathal: Ang Ir. clittering: Thomas à Becket people-mighty[GaeL] noise of hurrying feet[A] tumble at buckets St Lawrence O’Toole, patron of Dublin, contemporary of St Thomas à Becket[A]

5.04. ing down.

5.05. Of the first was he to bare arms and a name: Wassaily Boos- Hamlet,v,1,29: [Adam] ‘was the first that ever bore arms.[A] Vasily Buslaev, hero of ballad arms and a name: echoes arma Arms and the man[Ang Ir] cycle of Novgorod[A] L. virumque: first words of Vergil’s Aeneid[Ang Ir] Russian buslai: a fallen man or drunkard.[TC] wassily: wassail[A]

5.06. laeugh of Riesengeborg. His crest of huroldry, in vert with laoch: warrior[A] Risengebirge(Sudetic Mts) G. Hure: whore[A] Her. vert: green[A] laugh G. Riesen: giants[A] heraldry slaeugh: slaughter raise buslai: R drunkard[A]

5.07. ancillars, troublant, argent, a hegoak, poursuivant,horrid,horned. L. ancilla: hand- F. : perturbing Her: silver[A] he-goat an officer of the AngIr. horned maiden[A] trembling F: money he+go+oak College of Arms[A] horrid horn maid servant urgent +gawk F: poursuivre: chaser, horn: fool[A] ancile: Roman to court sacred shield

5.08. His scutschum fessed, with archers strung, helio, of the second. escutcheon[A] Her fesse[A] nr A Was an strong G. Helios: 2nd colour in scotch (whisky) Archer[A] sun-god[TC] description scratch of heraldic hello object=silver[A] 5.09. Hootch is for husbandman handling his hoe. Hohohoho, Mister US sl. hooch: farmer ho:whore liquor[A] husband +foe hootchee: penis which

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5.10. Finn, you're going to be Mister Finnagain! Comeday morm and, father of Ossian: Finn+again Monday morn[A] morn+ giant hero of the fine+again norm southern cycle of +finnagle Irish legend

5.11. O, you're vine! Sendday's eve and, ah, you're vinegar! Hahahaha, fine[A] Sunday eve[A] eve=woman send+day

5.12. Mister Funn, you're going to be fined again! fun[A] penalty money

5.13. What then agentlike brought about that tragoady thundersday G. eigentlich: Gr. tragodia: goat song: Thursday < really[GerL] +tragedy[A]&[CL] Day of Thunder like an agent +gaud+ thunder (ie.prophet, Moses, Noah) In the Irish context, the landagent ←→absentee:cf. wabsanti(005.22)

5.14. this municipal sin business? Our cubehouse still rocks as earwitness principle Ir. that ----sin---- lit.trans. of Ka’aba, Earwicker[A] Munich centre of Islam[A] original{RG] G. Cubiculum: bedroom primal sin or scene? cubism, courthouse Arab. muntaquil: movable, inconstant, nomad, etc. Arab. muntaqim: avenger, revengeful ref. to what HCE committed with Issy (or at least so he dreams) (Fuse)

5.15. to the thunder of his arafatas but we hear also through successive Arafat[Gaze] “Our Father”(Lord’s Prayer)[A] L. ara: alter + fart[A] G. Vater: father, F. fatras: gabage Allah: Muslim God

5.16. ages that shebby choruysh of unkalified muzzlenimiissilehims that shabby+ chorus unqualified muzzel+Muslims+Moslem+enemy+ T. shebi: likeness G. Gerausch[GerL] caliph missile+silly+mass+missal+dismissal sheba, shebeen: Koreish: ruling tribe Kali: Hindu +hym+Bethlehem+silem(Ir I think) associated with in Mecca, persecuted death-goddess Cf. Atherton,Books at the Wake,210. the Irish Insur- Mohammed[A] [A] rectionists(Fuse) Koran Arab.kallaq, kaliq: Creator

5.17. would blackguardise the whitestone ever hurtleturtled out of blackguard whitestone: the famous hurl (Satanic image) braggart Blackstone of the Ka’aba turtle: turn over [OED] Cf.Atherton,210. hurtle←→turtle

5.18. heaven. Stay us wherefore in our search for tighteousness,O Sus-

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tightness(=undrunkenness)righteousness[A] ←→shebeen(cf.005.16) (Fuse) 5.19. tainer, what time we rise and when we take up to toothmick and God, cane, etc. *“5 set times of day for Mohammedan prayer: just after Mohammed used toothpicks “Having prayed in vain sunset, at night fall, at daybreak, just afternoon, in mick: (derog.)shortened form to his cane to ‘Stay us.’[PS] mid-afternoon[A] applied Cf.Atherton,210. jocularly to an Irish- of proper name Michael, man & a Roman Catholic: =micky Micky Finn: a strong alco- holic drink,esp. adulterated with a narcotic or laxative.[COD] engageto take upin athe vigorous cudges: contest phr. to or debate [cudge = Ir. shille- lagh = Ir. shillelagh = toothpick(Fuse) to too...: (stuttering)

5.20. before we lump down upown our leatherbed and in the night and upon+own Koran, Sura 8: ownership of leather beds[A] *“in the night” down←→up *“The ownership of leather beds was one of is the prayer the subjects of discussion after the Battle when night of Badr.”[Atherton,211] has closed in. featherbed? [Atherton,211] leather < Ir.leadradhi: cutting, lacerating (P.W.Joyce)

5.21. at the fading of the stars ! For a nod to the nabir is better than wink *‘at the fading of the stars’ is the prayer Cf. Land of Nod, beer just before dawn. [Atherton,211] [Gen.4.16]: nerghbor[A] East of Eden nabi: Arab. prophet[A] Prob. 「馬の耳に念仏」 A nod is as good as a wink(to a blind man)

5.22. to the wabsanti. Otherways wesways like that provost scoffing absinth(e) Cf.U. other ways+ we sway, we swear chief dignitary scoff: to Santi:It. saints[A] otherwise wasteway, or waste way of cathedral or mock, jeer absent[A] G. Ostwarts: eastwards/ a collegiate church absentee: a person G.Westwarts: westwards prophet’s coffin: who stays away: that of Mohammed a landlord living is eversuspended[A] abroad. The Absentee: a novel by Maria Edgeworth (1768-1849) Arab.wabi: infected

*wab: northern form of WEB[OED]; ...the legend that Mohammed hid from his enemies in a , where he slept while a spider built its web across the entrance..., so that the Prophet’s enemies were certain that no one had approached the cave for days. [Atherton,207]

5.23. bedoueen the jebel and the jpysian sea. Cropherb the crunch- Bedouins: nobles Arab.mount Egyptian+ probably+prophet crunch+bracken

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of nomad tribes to jabber Gypsy+ +proverb+crop+herb G. brachen: plough bed in+bed down Jadir Japan (Sea) +clover: Shamrock G . Bracke: dust

between the devil and the deep blue sea[A]

5.24. bracken shall decide. Then we'll know if the feast is a flyday. She Friday/flighty Frygga: Oddin’s wife[TC]

5.25. has a gift of seek on site and she allcasually ansars helpers, the second sight[A] Issy? occasionally[A]+ answers 「千里眼」 all+casually ansars (‘helpers’) took on sight+insight down the Koran[A] seek and hide? *One of his[HCE’s] favourite roles, Mohammed suits him because in legends it combines the best of both worlds, piety and promiscuity:... In this new Issy returns as a prophetness/houri....[PS] *... In ‘Ansars helpers’ again, the first word is translated by the second.... the Ansars, who wrote down the words of the Koran from its illiterate author’s dictation.[Atherton,204]

5.26. dreamydeary. Heed! Heed ! It may half been a missfired brick, as dromedary[A]: Arabic He did!(He fell!) have misfire(of a gun) bullet+ camel+dreary dream He died! He dead! prick+ Cf. List, list, O, list! brick (Hamlet,I,5) Seed! Seed!

5.27. some say, or it mought have been due to a collupsus of his back might+ought L. collapsus: fallen in[A] collapse+call up the Colossus of Rhodes[Gaze]

5.28. promises, as others looked at it. (There extand by now one thou- premises[A] back process back premises back promises Cf.Exod.18-23 5.29. sand and one stories, all told, of the same). But so sore did abe The Arabian Nights open sesame soredid, so red dab: hit feebly, tap **Thunder speaks ten times: 003,023,044,.... Nine times it says a hundred-letter word. The tenth it says 101 letters.[TC] 5.30. ite ivvy's holired abbles, (what with the wallhall's horrors of rolls- it+eat+ ivy: holy+holly+ abbe: F priest Valhalla[A]: Odin’s Rollright Stone[A]: hit+ate “ivory wholly+red apples+able+ biggest banquet hall site of ivy”(P179) sThe Holly dabble+Abel in Gladsheim in Oxfordshire,Eng & the Ivy[A] babble+Babel +bubble Abraham: wall’s hall founder of Walpole,Horace: Rolls-Royce[A] Hebrew people author of The

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“green ivy and red holly”P031. Castle of Otranto

bite Eve’s apple[A]

5.31. rights, carhacks, stonengens, kisstvanes,tramtrees,fargobawlers, hack [A] kistvaen: tram+tree far-gone(deeply Carnac, Brittany, engine+strange kiss+van trammel drunk)+bawler site of megaliths[A] Da. engen: kissed Vanessa Tristan used name Ir.fág a bealach: Ir. Carraig: rock, stone[A] meadow[A] (Swift’s lover) Tramtris in Ir.[A] clear the way[A]

5.32. autokinotons, hippohobbilies, streetfleets, tournintaxes, mega- Gr. autokinêton: hippo(Gr.horse,[A])+hobble fleet Thum und Taxis: self-moving[thing][CL] +billy Fleet St.in London; rich Austrian family[A] kin: related by blood also in Dublin tour+turning taxis+ kinema: cinema turning taxi+turn in tax

5.33. phoggs, circuses and wardsmoats and basilikerks and aeropagods megaphones[A] ward+wort+moat+ basilica Aeropagus: Supreme megafog+hog wardmote: a meeting of Gr. basilike: royal Court at Athens[A] the citizens of a ward... basilisk Europe+aero(air,sky) [SOED] Du. kerk: church[A] +pagoda+gods G.Kerker: 地下牢 J.Milton’s Areopagitica

5.34. and the hoyse and the jollybrool and the peeler in the coat and sl.hoys: jolly+brool(to murmur[A]) s. The Peeler & the Goat[A] shoplifter[A] +prowl peeler: Irish policeman hoy:Eng.boat: Molly Bloom peal in the coat Sp.today feeler in the coat joy, Joyce+house+ voice+noise Cf.004.36:eyeful hoyth.

5.35. the mecklenburk bitch bite at his ear and the merlinburrow bur- Mecklenburg St.: sl. to bite one’s ear: Marlborough Barracks in D[A] Dublin st.in nighttown[A] to borrow money[A] Merlin: enchanter in the G.Mädchen: girl Authurian stories[TC] berk: fool merlin(pigeon hawk)+ merely+burrow+borrow

5.36. rocks and his fore old porecourts, the bore the more, and his wicker front The Four Court in D[A] the bore for catching fish four+ pore+coats+forecourts boor+Boer bullock+ballocks? whore Ir.bóthar mór: main road[A]

<*006*> 6.01. blightblack workingstacks at twelvepins a dozen and the noobi- blight+bright+black woking+stacks+ 12 pins(+pence 12 omnibuses Cf.W.Blake’s “London” walking sticks +penis+legs It.nubi basse: low The Twelve Pins: clouds[A] Cf.[CL] mts in Galway[A] nook, nookie+ buss(kiss)

6.02. busses sleighding along Safetyfirst Street and the derryjellybies

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sleigh+sliding+ Seventy first: 71 derry(+very+berry+ slay+sly F.derrière{buttocks} +dirigibles(airship[A]+ London Derry+jelly {pretty girl,chamberpot})

6.03. snooping around Tell-No-Tailors' Corner and the fumes and the :to pry into matters tailor+teller smoke,vapour, one need not be telltale fit of anger concerned with TNT: trinitrotoluene(工業爆薬)


*Horace: Odes III.29.12: ‘Fumum et opes strepitumque’: ‘The smoke & grandeur & the noise of Rome’)[A]

6.04. hopes and the strupithump of his ville's indigenous romekeepers, strap+L.strepitus vile+vill(-age) indigent (crashing,rumbling)+ strumpet(an unchaste woman,prostitute[SOED]) *Sick & Indignant Roomkeepers’ Society in Dublin[A] +thumb+hump *“the meal should be devided...among the members of the sick and indignant roomkeepers’ association” (U12.0635) 2 Palace St. in D [U Ann]

6.05. homesweepers, domecreepers, thurum and thurum in fancymud sweep/weep: L. domus: house, home[CL] thrum+slum+G. Turm: tower[A] fancy+mud+ W.Blake,’The Chimney creep: shrinking horror, idiom: thread and thrum mad Sweepers’ disliked person 「一切合切」

6.06. murumd and all the uproor from all the aufroofs, a roof for may murmur uproar: tumult G. Aufruhr:violence,excitement my+ +approve+uproot above roofs May+ roof: sl. hat[Partridge] Mary

6.07. and a reef for hugh butt under his bridge suits tony) wan warn- hue(colour) butt+but Butt Bridge,D[A] : stylish pallid, pale Hughes, Henry: Butt, Issac(1813-79) ton, toni... G. wann: in the Jew’s garden, he lost two balls when and his ittle head[TC] Hugh Boylan, Hugh C.Love,Rev., Hugh MacAnimire, etc. Cf.U. *cg. Ring-a-ring o’roses: ‘One for me, & one for you, & one for little Moses’[A]

6.08. ing Phill filt tippling full. His howd feeled heavy, his hoddit did pill+St.Philip filled (強い酒を)ちびちび飲む head,Howth[A] felt[A] hod it, Da. hodet:head[A] idiom.appeal from Philip howdy(midwife) field hooded

6.09. shake. (There was a wall of course in erection) Dimb! He stot- will in course of[A] dim+dimbo *“Through FW, wall slip in and out of identification with will, and often indicates Wall, as played by Tom Snout in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”[TC]

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6.10. tered from the latter. Damb! he was dud. Dumb! Mastabatoom, G.stottern: ladder (obs.)dam dead dumb Egyptian Mastaba tomb[A] stutter[A] =damned Dad damned masturbate+bad+tomb+ Scot.toom:hollow+master Arab.al-maktuba:礼拝 Arab. khutba:金曜日の礼拝の前に 2度行われる説教

6.11.mastabadtomm, when a mon merries his lute is all long. For master bedroom+tom+ Amon=Amen marries lute all along tommy+tom-tom+master F.mon:my+ buries route all alone monk over long *s. Needles & pins, blankets & shins, when a man married his sorrow begins.[A]

6.12. whole the world to see. in whole For all *as the whole sentence: Mimics Danish: for hele verden at se.: for all the world to see.[SE]

sFinnegans Wake 2) One morning Tim was rather full, His head felt heavy which made him shake. He felt from the ladder & broke his skull, So they carried him home his corpse to wake.


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