-..f;i\ 1}\ tEa{*t, ffil Zila Parishad .- Memo No-4 6.42.6100.002 .O7.0A1.20-8t Date: 2B .luly, 2020 lnvitation for Tender (works)

This e-Tender is invited in the National e-GP System Portal {www.eprocure.gov.bd)forthe procurement of following works:

SL Tender Closing 8 tn Nh No. uate & Irme locnine (Date & Time l0le-GP/Rev/2019-20 (1) Sinking of a tota 10 tube wells {a) Abdus Salam of 1 No. ward (b) Harun Via of 2 ward (c) .lalal Uddin of 3 No. ward (d) Abdul tlasim l\4ia of 6 No. ward (e) Shambhur Bari of 3 No. ward (f) Gopinpur Dargah Sharif (g) Gul Mahmud Mia of 9 No. ward Gaharbhita village (h) 29-Jul202A 13-Aug-2020 01. 480677 lilkich member of Batihala village (i) Al Mamun in Kashinathpur village and (j) Halima members jn 11:00:00 15:00:00 Iikuria village on the side of the road in front of their house under Dhobaura (2) )evelopment of Guatala Eidgah Mosque under during the F\12Arc-2A20. 31ie-GP/Rev/2019-20 (1) Develooment 0f Gosta Paschim Para Ihikadarbari Baitun Nur jamee

Mosque {2) Development of Aqua Dakshinkhalpar Road Raoyatun .lannat Jamee Mosque {3) 29-Jul-2020 13-Aug-2020 480678 Development of gravevard adjacent to Nawab Ali's house in Fuliamari village of 1No ward 11:00:00 15:00:00 Parangani {4) Construction of toilet adlacenr to Ganginarpar Ramesh Sen Road peelkhana {5) Development of Ramakrishna Mission under.Sadar tJpazila during the Fl\ 2A1,9-?.OZO. 32le-GPlRevl2A1.9-20 (1) Development of Dervkhoia Bazar iameee Mosoue {21 Deveiopment of Baitul 29-1u12A20 13-Aug-2020 03. 480619 Jannat.lameee Mosque in Dashbari village (3) Developmcnt of Baitul Nurjameee Mosque in Dewkhota 11:00:00 L6:00:00 Bazar (4) Development ofThana Jameee Mosque under Fulbarja Upazila during the Fly 2A1.!,-2AZA 33/e-GP/Rev/2019 20 (1) Deveiopment of Katakhali Paschimpara iameee Mosque {2) The road is brick soling rrom KB Rcad to tazlui Haque iakrls house ir (athal Llnion (3) 04. 480680 brick solrng on lvlokshapur 29-jui2020 13-Aug-2020 Sapkhali oaved road from Malek Khar Bari to Abdui lValek Dakhil iVadrasah (4) Brick soling in the 11-:00:00 15:00:OO sireet of Thapanhala Fazlul !aque N4aster's house rn Lrndef durrng the FIY 2AL9-2A2A 31/e-GP/Rev/2019-20 (1j Development of iamee N4osque at Taiuila vr lage rn ward 6 of Uthura union (2) Deveiooment of Laban Kautha utrarpara l\laryam Jamee I\4osoue in 8 No, Ward of 10 No. 29-1u12020 13-Aug-2020 05. 4806E 1 Habirbari Llnion (3) Develooment of Battul jannat Jamee r\4osque tn 5No. Ward Bhaiuka 11:00:00 15:00:00 Pourashava {4) Development of Daiua Khanoara Nurani iamee lvosoue, the hcadQuar.ters of Major Afshar Bah ni in 8No Ward ol Dakatra Unron under Bhaiuka Upazila dunng the Fly ZClg-2AZA )Sle-GPrrRev/2019'20 i1) Development of llttar Rah mpur Hafizia and Atlmkhana l\4adrasah in l.Jttar lahimpur village in 12 No. Jahangirpur Union (2) Devetopment of Dhurua paschimpara Bhuivan Bari 29-)ul2O2O 13-Aug-2020 06. 480682 arnee [40sque in 4 No. Chandipasha t]nron i31 Development of Ramjibanpur paschimpara Jamee 1"L:00:00 15:00:00 14osque in 2 No. Moazzempur Union (4) Devclopmenr of Birkarnatkhali Dakkhin Bazar.lamee losque in 1 No. Betagari'Union under Nandatl Upazila during the Fly 2019,2020. 36/e 6P/Rev/2O19 20 {1) Dr:velopment cf Ghoshpala Dakshinpara.Jamee Mosque in 5 No. Ward 4 No. Chandipasha (2) Develooment of Achargaon Barbari Eidgah math ln g No. (3) 47. 480683 Achargaon Llnion 29-Jul202A 13-Aug-2020 Deveiooment of Haque Fatema Lrbrary in 2 No warci Ganga I 5 No. Union {4) Development of Bartul 11:00:00 15:00:00 Aman Jamee Mosque at Dhurua Paschirnpara undcr during the F/y 2019-2020, )7le-GPlADPl2019-20 {1) Development of lamia tslamia earjrri Madrasah i2) Deveiopment of vahakali Giris School and coilege Vioyagani Dori Kushtia 08, 480684 i3) Reazui salam Nurania and Hafezra 29-Jul2O20 13-Aug-202C (4] vadrasah Development of Rarh,vav New colonyJamee Mcsque (51 Development ofsrirampur 11:00:0C 15:00:00 amee 1\40Jque and llafezia !\,lacirasah under Sadar Upazila dur.ing the Fy/2019,2020. 38le'cPiADP12019-20 (1) Developmenr of .ramee Mosque adjacent to Mantala iimiti Ghor in Kumargata (2) De,",elopment of Sreepur Maijhati lslamia Aladrasah 09" 480685 eawmi and 29-Jut-20)O 13-Aug-2020 Masjide Nur in Mankon Union (3) Development of Rajabaria Shaykh Abdul Momin 11:00:00 15:00:00 Nurani and l'iafezia Madr-asah under Mukiagachha Upazila dur.ing the fyl2O1.g-2AZO. 39/e-GP/ADPl2019-20 (1) Distribution of ,rans among the help!css, destitute ini 29-Ju12020 13-Aug-202C 10. 480686 poor people of (2) Development of Nayanmoni Hiqh School in Balian 11:00:00 Union under Fulbaria Upazila during t-he FYl2Atg-2020, 15:00:00 +0/e-GP/ADP/2019-20 (1) Deveiopment of uanagram Darul rJloom ivadania Haiezia Madrasah of Kathal Llnion (2) Devclopnrent 11" 480687 of Chakpachpara Al Jamiatul Saladia 29-Jul-202A 13-Aug-2020 Atimkhana Madrasah (3) Development of Darirampur Ujanpara Bepar! para 11:01:00 15:00:OtJ ySlgUgflqqlS_ryglgq" under Trishal Upazita during the Fy/2019-2020. lue-GPlADPl2019-20 construction of HBB Road para 12. 480688 from Rouha Dakshin rharnarer 29-Ju12070 13-Aug-2020 \4ore to Ashraf's House under Gafargaon Upaziia during the F\/201.9-202a. 11:00:00 15:00:00 1. This is an online tender advertisement where only e-Tender will be accepted irr tlre National e-Gp portal and no offline/hard copies of bid will be accepted.

2 To submit e-Tender, registration in the National e-GP Portal (www.eprocure.gov.bd) is required. 3- The fees for purchasing the e-Tender documents from the National e-Gp porlal have to be depositecl oniine through any registered bank branches up to 12 August, 2020 at 4:00 pM. 4. Further information and guidelines are availa ble in the National e-Gp Portal and from e-GP help desk (helpdesk@ e procu re.gov. bd ) v*--) t s r-.,i,. - i . rhB"P.,7liD Chief Executive Officer Zila Pa rishad, Mymensingh E mail: [email protected] Phone: 091-65864 (Office) lVl e mo No- 46 " 01..20-87 4 Date: 28 July,2020

of e-T, is fo kind in of in

2. The Divisional comrnissioner. Mymensingrr Division. Mymensingh. 3. Depury Commissiotrer. Mymensingh (for kind information and rvide circLrlation)" 4. Chairman, Zila Parishad, Mymensingh. 5" Superintendertt of Police, Mymensingh (for kind information and rvide circulatiol). Executive 6. Engitreer, LGED/R&HD/PWD/PHED/PDB. l\'lymensinsh (fcr kind inlbmation and rvide circulationl. 7. Assistant Engineer" Zila Parishad, Ml,mensingh. 8. fhe Advcrtisenrent I\{anager. The f iurcs. -14 Eshaton Garden. Rarnla. DhaLa-1000. 9. l'he Advertiselnent N4anager, Thc Dailr- Peoplcs Times. 91, KaziNazrulIslam Avenue" Kauran Bazar. Dhaka-i215 (This is requested to publish this (size e-Tender Notice not over 9"x3 col.) in their wide circulated dail,v-. for 0l (One.r day rvithin 30107 12020 and send 02 (two) copies of newspaper containing this e-Tender Notice to the office of the ur.rdersigned inlmediately. In case olpublication of more than one edition and more than one place (in the innerpage.). on the Cate pubiicatron of of the newspaper, it is reqr.rested to ensure the publication of the afbresaid invitation of Tender Notice in all copies such of editions. They' are also requestecl to send the bili of- the advertisemenl to the i,rndersigned tbr pal,ment enclosing nvo (02) c.ppies of newspaper). 10. Notice Board,'r,vebsite (This Olfrce). V=*-+ ' 2-B.DzrU Chief Executive bfticer Zila Parishad, Mymen,singh.