TThhee WWiissddoomm WWaayy WWaarrrriioorr February 2009 x

January Rank Promotions Please join us in congratulating the following students, who were promoted on Saturday, January 24th:

Little Ninjas™: ƒ High Yellow Belt – Rafael Da Cruz

Karate Kidz™: ƒ Orange Belt – Joshua Thevenin ƒ Green Belt – Rishi Basu and Ryan Chang ƒ Purple Belt – Brian Leichtman

Adult Mixed Martial Arts: ƒ Purple Belt – Jackson Pedone ƒ 3rd Kup Brown Belt – Brian Riedel ƒ 2nd Kup Brown Belt – Michael Kubilus and Jack Powers

Kyosahs Maytan and Campo with newly promoted Purple and Brown Belts in our adult MMA class

Congratulations to all of our students on your well- deserved promotions! Our next rank promotions will be held on Saturday, February 21st during regular classes.

Wisdom Way Martial Arts Partners with Fighters Inc. Since the retirement of Mike Anderson last year, we have been looking for a new supplier of Top Ten sparring gear. That search is now over, and Wisdom Way Martial Arts is pleased to announce our partnership with Fighters Inc. as our exclusive supplier of martial arts sparring gear. Fighters Inc. carries an extended line of Top Ten sparring gear, which is the preferred brand of sparring gear at Wisdom Way Martial Arts and the only head guard permitted for sparring in our studio. New High Yellow Belt Rafael Da Cruz

Top Ten is the premier supplier of sparring equipment in the world and has also been the official supplier of boxing equipment for the Olympic Games since 1992. Kyosah Campo states, “From a business perspective, we can generate significantly more profit by supplying other brands of sparring equipment. However, as a parent and a martial arts instructor, I have the obligation to ensure that our children have the best protection available. That peace of mind is infinitely more valuable than profiting from the sale of inferior protective equipment.”

For an electronic version of the Fighter Inc. catalog, please click here Æ You can also visit their website at While you can order directly from Fighters Inc., we encourage you to order through Wisdom Way Martial Arts, which will enable you to avoid shipping charges while New Orange Belt, Josh Thevenin, Green Belts Ryan Chang enjoying student discounts, particularly on head guards. and Rishi Basu, and Purple Belt, Brian Leichtman

1 x Action Martial Arts Magazine Expo School Uniform Kyosah Dennis Campo joined several of his Joe Lewis Just a reminder that the school uniform is required to be Fighting Systems training partners at the 9th annual Action worn by all students during all classes. The official school Martial Arts Magazine Expo and Hall of Fame from uniform consists of the school t-shirt or uniform jacket (with January 10th through 12th at the Tropicana Resort and school patch) and karate pants, kickboxing pants, or Casino in Atlantic City, NJ. More than 1,200 martial kickboxing shorts, and belt. The instructor reserves the artists, celebrities, and guests gathered for the year’s right to refuse admittance to any student out of uniform. largest martial arts convention. February Anniversaries Many of the industry’s greats were on hand teaching their Please join us in congratulating the following students, craft, including Kyosah Campo’s instructors Joe Lewis who will be celebrating their anniversaries with Wisdom (who taught a very exciting advanced elbow striking Way Martial Arts in February: seminar) and Bill Wallace (who taught an excellent kicking ƒ Kyosah Darcy Bullock – 7 years seminar), as well as Michael DePasquale Jr., George ƒ Alexander Campo – 11 years Alexander, Gary Alexander, and Reno Morales. Also in ƒ Jacob Campo – 1 year attendance were movie stars, including Don “The Dragon” ƒ Nicholas Milanese – 5 years Wilson and Cynthia Rothrock, as well as television stars ƒ Jake Riedl – 1 year Chuck Zito and ’s Phil Morris (son of Mission: ƒ Grant Ulto – 2 years Impossible’s ). February Birthdays Let’s extend Happy Birthday wishes this month to Tyler Ryan, Phillip Damiano, Justin Hinton, and Langston Fraley. Best wishes & many more!!!

Welcome Our New Students A warm welcome goes out this month to Isabelle Berkery, Christopher “Fa” Carey, Deuce Christiansen, Courtney Valente, Katie Valente, and Lauren Varino. Welcome to the Wisdom Way Martial Arts family! We are very happy to have you!!!

Quote of the Month “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light – not our darkness – that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? Kyosah Campo with fellow Joe Lewis Fighting Systems You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve black belts Tyrone DeWitt and Ivan Mendes the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in . And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” – Maryanne Williamson – used by Nelson Mandela in his 1994 inaugural speech

Wisdom Way Martial Arts Official Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Training Center 135 Wolfs Lane Pelham, NY 10803 Phone: (914) 738-7700 Email: [email protected] Kyosah Campo with “The ” Phil Morris

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© 2009 Wisdom Way Martial Arts Inc. All rights reserved.