Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)
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Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 7-6-1944 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1944). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2225. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2225 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .' 194" BULLOCH TIMBS AND STATESBOIJO NEWS THURSDAY, ruNE 29, BACKWARD LOOK True Memorial t I Editor Th� • MRS. ARTHUlt TURNER, CI UNWRlTI'EN BUT BL(j • TEN' YEARS AGO, 203 Colleg Eoulevard IS AN • • Personal From Bulloch Ti 1934, Clubs THAT .... July 5, QUENT STORY OF ALL BULLOCH TrnES Charles He!lllrix, S&"year-old son of IS BEST IN LIFE. Elder and MI!8. J. Walter Hendrix (STATESBORO '�S-STATEBORO EAGLE) died in Rockford, Ill. aa result of automobile accident morn Our work to reflect the last Friday helpe .. Savan- mg. Bulloch Tim , Establlsloed 1892 1 Mrs. J. M. Norris visited in to ereet Consolld.ted Janua", 17, 11117 spirit. whicb prompt. you Statesboro JULY 1944. VOL. 58-NO. 18 Charlie Mock, 19-year-old son ot News, Establlllhed 1901! STATESBORO. GA •• THURSDAY, 6, Thursday. revan_ nah the stone as an aet of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mock, died Monday State.b.ro Eagle, Estahlished 1917-Consolldated D_mber 9, 1920 'Personal who is in the 11etween U.s Albert Hagins, Nnvv, , •. afternoon at as re 'Purely and devotion. • Our experi.ace cthe local hospital is training at Camp Perry, Va. '----- ___J\ sult of broken neck when he fell \ is at service. y?ur I a of Brooklet, agaist stump in swimming hole a N. C., Mrs. Lul Coleman, When the Lions Club had their an_I CAMPAIGN Edwin Banks, Wilmington, week earlier, BRAGG RECEIVES BEGIN is visiting her brother, Wade Hodges, nual Ladies' Night the Woman's Club the week end at his home here. - Com Club members :---_� .pent room was decorated and r Monument Co. Ogeechee unity and family. beautifully Brannen Thaye Mrs. Kermit Carr and Mrs. Hobson and their families celebrated the nothing was missing. They had gone A Local 1922 WGH ,RECOGNITION ENFORCE THE LAW Misses Lucile Tomlinson and Emily Industry Since Fourth with big fish fry at Williams Donaldson spent Saturday in Savan to no little trouble, as they had guests are sometime at JOHN M. THAYER Proprietor on S.' H. Kennedy spending from all the clubs in adjnining towns I.nding V'e Ogeeehee river; Former Statesboro Youth Sunday Fishing First nah. member of the board of re N. O. and an orchestra from Suvannah to 45 WeBt MaIn Street PHONE 489 Stataaboro. a.. Morgan, L. Hall and Mike McDou Montreat, Is Given Cross For Amot.g Objectives; Sunday Mrs. W. Mar gents of the U"niversity System, was Flying Little Seaborn Smith has returned furnish music for the dancing. ' several weeks at . Rev. and Mrs. Basil Hicks announce the Come �ter gald arc spending and Etta Mae Donald speaker. Special Achievement Movies May a visit with relatives in Syl guerite Bryant from the birth of Ii Basil Wednes tears mark farewell' re Montreat, N. C. son had charge of the decorations, son, Jr., "Falling and PRESBYTERIAN President of Tea�hers An Eighth AAF Bomber Station, This item is not propaganda lIIerelF . vania Egypt. CIRCLES Wells, Bob of r)Iacon, is and they even had a wishing well at day, June 21, at the Bulloch County tiring Mrs. Coursey, .. has returned and College, and his associates have sor - Staff Gunner James L. to fill space, nor is it even intend" Miss Sally Temples one end of the room filled with ice Roy Beaver Mrs. Sidney CLOCK England. Sam Hall Hicks ·MOVIE-, her sisters, MISS Hospital. Mrs. :ovas formerly Mr�. .- exer visiting other rowful leave,'taking at chapel to create but the truth from a visit in Miami and cold· punch, which proved to be about McDougald were jojnt hostesses' to Bragg, 25, of Savannah, Ga., tail excitement; II, Mrs. Walter Miss Mary Dale Drennan, of Fayette-, eises Farewell and McDougald. on the dance GEORGIA THEATRE Monday morning." in Florida. the most popular spot the two circles of the Presbyterian gunner on the Eighth AAF Flying there is being promised some IIttl. , places Tenn. dinner was 'served at the Jaeckel Mrs. Thomas Evans and daughter, Aoar.-This summer June and Ann ville, Mrs. L. D. Fussell, of East Point, , ,.Auxiliary Monday afternoon at the Hotel in the evening 'l"ith twenty-odd Fortress "Silver 'Lady," has been stir with reterence to Sunday viola of Sylvania, were week-end Attaway have had almost a contin THIS WEEK Ann, Mrs. and Mrs. at Mr. an. Mrs. a tions at an ea date. is her daughter, Joe at their at Mr. Gordon Anderson, of .home of Mrs. Beaver. After an in present, wbich warded the Flying rly of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Grimes. visiting uous house party cott",ge gijests g.ucsts B. Turner was hosts. Distin�uished Policoman Bill Strlcklaal and Mr. Shaw. )'ybee. These twins arc both so pnp., Statesboro, announce the birth of a, tqresting program presented' b Mrs. Thursday and Friday, June 29-30 D, Cross for "extraordmary uchie�e� County Mrs. Gordon Mays, Mrs. Grndy K. Shaw, Dr. M. S. new: head of , be from Pittman. asked be R. has returned from ular and it's hard to away son, Go-rdon Lewis, at the Bulloch J. B. delightful refres:";ents The Dark" mont" While participating in pre has that notice given-fair Kimball and Jon Mrs. J. Kemp Woods, "Lady In Teachers attended Johnston, Mary the crowd at so the crowd has College, meeting R. Bruce home, June 20th. Mrs. An- were served. members at invasion attacks on mili notice in advance of action a visit with Mr. and Mrs. County Hospital Twenty technicolor) of Chamber of Commerce Tuesday bombing takini were visitors in Savannah to be with them. (in . Johnstoo been going down laws dersin was before her Miss tended. and Milland for first was Introduced cas and industrial in Nazi that the fishing are bee DeLoach in Atlanta. a on marriage with Ginger Rogers Ray time; tary targets Sunday Thursday. And surely there isn't, cottage inducted Hazel Youmans. ually to twenty-eight members pre ing flagral\t1y violated in Bulloola from Bernard Morris, who was the island more attractive than their Europe. Mrs. A. Temples has returned DUTY 1 to and after dinner a from the RETURNS TO Saturday, July ceding dinner, and that hOs Ia the last is receiving place; it's just block beach, was the de county, department, Clark Will into Navy week, was on for brief Sgt. Bragg'� specialty a visit with Mr. and Mrs. it Staff and M,·s. Floyd M. Meeks Hubert P. Jenkins has raturn., called expression; Va. and when Grady and- Louise built Sgt. Cpl. "Passport To Destiny" co-operation wiUl the flsh and ga... boot training at Camp Perry, amazed those who heard him re, struction of enemy aircraft. He has Calhoun and Mr. anti Mrs. into it to announce birth a Her by COx in they put all the ingenuity the of son, ed to. duty at Carlsbad, New Mexico, 10:30 of the is is Starts 3:20. 5:47, 8:09, the names of all the members departmont state, beln. Peck, of Sanford, Fla., attractive. peating five confirmed German planes to his John Temples in Atlanta. Bobby make it Emily Kennedy man June 20th at the Bulloca after two weeks with Mrs. of Floyd, spending ALSO present. pressed to enforce the law. A a few days as the guest and Lucile Tomlinson are having a credit, four ,of them on one mission. IIt�. Richard Gulledge, Miss Inez Steph spending Mrs. Meeks will be Jenkins and their little and len County Hospital. daughter, Bill Elliott and Brnett in fishing might not have attracted Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Wilson wonderful summer, too. They Smiley He shot down two Focke Wulf 190s sly Donald McDougald and Miss as Miss Lee Ne been sta TWENTY YEAR!I AGO -ens, week for Montreat, in Western remembered Ruby Shirley. Cpl. Jenkins has attention, but when vlolatlons bocCl1ll. Wilson. this "Hidden Valley Outlaws" two in a fierce air bat Brannen formed a Miss Louise From Bulloch 1924. and Me-410s. 'Betty Sue party Carolina, and will do some in smith of Brooklet. tioned at the Carlsbad airfield for Times, July 3. habitual and officers ean no and Nor'th 9:36 , flagrant, Mrs. Thomas Taylor daughters, home Starts 2:30, 4:62, 7:14, M. School tie near the synthetic 9i1 plant at Savannah Beach Sunday. teresting work there, coming sixteen and is a member of Summer school at A. & So Pollcemaa visiting De months, POPE IS LEADER/IN longer ignore the fact. Joan and and Mrs. W. H. school to in Mr. and Mrs. Jack annoance an enrollment on the Czch and he Miss Holland had as Sally just in time for open Ansley opened Tuesday with Brux, border, got Jacqueline the military police there. Sunday, .July 2 St�ickland says he haa been directed Loach visited the week with September.