4640 Hon. Edolphus Towns Hon
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4640 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 14, 2005 from Texas Tech Law and Business Schools. ters: Celia, a Doctoral Candidate at Bing- Mr. Speaker, The United Jewish Organiza- He is an expert in finance and corporate law, hamton University; Margo, a kindergarten tions of Williamsburg was founded in 1966 to and received the Pforzheimer Foundation teacher at PS 145K; and Rebecca, a junior at help families in need in South Williamsburg. Scholar Award at Harvard and the Clifford The Mary Louis Academy for Girls. Over the course of its 39 years of service to Chance Business Law Prize from the Univer- Mr. Speaker, Jeanette Lugo Sosa has cho- the Brooklyn community The United Jewish sity of Wales. sen to dedicate her career to educating our Organizations of Williamsburg has thrived Art Hall is a central part of the Texas legal children and enriching their lives. As such, she marvelously where today it represents more community. He has been published in several is more than worthy of receiving our recogni- than 50,000 community residents and 148 not- law and international finance journals, includ- tion today and I urge my colleagues to join me for-profits, religious, educational, charitable or- ing St. Mary’s University Law Review on Mi- in honoring this truly remarkable person. ganizations and civic associations in the Jew- nority Issues and the Journal of International f ish community of Williamsburg, Clinton Hill Financial Markets. In 1998, he was hired to and Bedford-Stuyvesant. serve as the director of the Academic Excel- HONORING THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF Under the tutelage of their President, Rabbi lence Program as an Adjunct Professor at St. SAN ANTONIO COUNCILMAN David Niederman, The United Jewish Organi- Mary’s Law School. He was also general CHRISTOPHER ‘‘CHIP’’ HAASS zations of Williamsburg has established itself counsel for the investment banking firm South- as a direct provider of social and housing western Capital Markets, the nation’s oldest HON. HENRY CUELLAR services and is the address for urban plan- Hispanic-owned investment banking firm. OF TEXAS ning, public health and community develop- Today, Councilman Hall is an owner and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment services for the Jewish community of President of Presidio Asset Management. Monday, March 14, 2005 Greater Williamsburg. Art Hall was elected to San Antonio’s City The United Jewish Organizations of Wil- Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Council in 2003. He is the youngest person liamsburg, has been a leader in providing low- recognize San Antonio Councilman Chris- ever to represent his district, and has the dis- income housing to the Williamsburg commu- topher ‘‘Chip’’ Haass for his dedication to pub- tinction of being the first African American nity. Their most recent project includes the de- lic service in my community. elected outside of the city’s East side. He has Councilman Haass attended Saint Mary’s velopment of a waterfront property at the site been named one of the city’s ‘‘Top 40 Under High School in San Antonio, after completing of the former Schaeffer Brewery, which has 40’’ rising stars by the San Antonio Business high school he enrolled at Texas Christian 149 housing units reserved for low-income Journal. University and received a degree in Political people. Additionally, they are the central ad- Mr. Speaker, Councilman Art Hall has an Science and History, then received a master’s dress for the New York State and New York extraordinarily bright future ahead of him, and in Education. After graduation he returned to City Departments of Health and the Center for I am happy to have the chance to recognize Saint Mary’s as a government teacher, he is Disease Control in researching and conducting him. the first male alumni to do so. pilot projects on Cancer and Shigellosis in the f At age 25 he decided to enter the political culturally rich Hasidic Jewish community. They arena, and in 2003 he was elected and be- have also been instrumental in providing treat- A TRIBUTE TO JEANETTE LUGO ment to those suffering from the adverse af- SOSA came the youngest Councilman ever elected in San Antonio’s history. He credits his ener- fects of tobacco as well as being involved in getic personality, and idealism that led the collaborative efforts with other not-for-profits in HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS people of his community to call for reform. providing for the overall betterment of the Wil- OF NEW YORK Councilman Haass has distinguished him- liamsburg community. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES self during his term by improving the basic in- Mr. Speaker, I believe that it is incumbent Monday, March 14, 2005 frastructure of District 10. Soon after he en- on this body to recognize the achievements of the United Jewish Organizations of Williams- Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of tered office he passed bonds that secured monetary assets to parks and schools in the burg. After the destruction and decimation of Jeanette Lugo Sosa in recognition of her many Hasidic dynasties in Europe during the strong commitment to strengthening the edu- community. He sees his future in public service, either Holocaust, it is truly an inspiration to see the cation of our children. as an elected official, working with non-profit Hasidic sects of Satmar, Pupa, Vishnitz, Vien, Jeanette has been the principal of PS 151K organizations, or as an educator. He enjoys Tzelem, Skver, Klausenberg and Spinka join since 1999. She has come full circle in the bringing people together as a community, and together under the umbrella of The United Bushwick community. As a child, she studied debating the issues. Councilman Haass has Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg and call at PS 274K and IS 111, before earning a the ability to motivate others through his vi- Brooklyn their home. Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Administra- sion, and create a consensus. Mr. Speaker, may our country continue to tion and a Professional Diploma in Psychology Mr. Speaker, Councilman Chip Haass has benefit from the civic actions of The United from New York University. Her administrative been an inspiring public servant, first as an Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg and career began as Interim Acting Assistant Prin- educator, second as a politician, and lastly as community groups similar to them. cipal at PS 343, then as Assistant Principal at a friend of San Antonio. I am honored to have f IS 291 before being appointed to her current had this opportunity to recognize his dedica- post. CONGRATULATING THE UNIVER- tion and hard work. PS 151K has truly blossomed under her SITY OF NEW MEXICO’S MEN’S strong leadership and administrative style. f AND WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Reading and math scores have increased tre- A TRIBUTE TO THE UNITED JEW- TEAMS mendously, and a science lab is now available ISH ORGANIZATIONS OF WIL- for the students. Jeanette works diligently with LIAMSBURG HON. HEATHER WILSON a very active Parents’ Association to promote OF NEW MEXICO an atmosphere of harmony and warmth. HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Under her tenure, the third through fifth grade OF NEW YORK Monday, March 14, 2005 violin orchestra, the third through fifth grade IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES jazz band, and the kindergarten through sec- Mrs. WILSON of New Mexico, Mr. Speaker, ond grade Piano Lab have all been created. Monday, March 14, 2005 I rise today to congratulate the University of Additionally, her leadership has been respon- Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in New Mexico Men’s and Women’s Basketball sible for establishing the Fine Arts Lab for all recognition of a distinguished organization, Teams on winning the Men’s and Women’s grades. These accomplishments clearly dem- The United Jewish Organizations of Williams- 2005 Mountain West Conference (MWC) Tour- onstrate her passionate love of the arts. burg. It is an honor to represent The United naments. From the Pit in Albuquerque to the Jeanette and her husband, Jose, are cele- Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg in the Pepsi Center in Denver, these Lobo student- brating 25 years of wedded bliss. They are ex- House of Representatives and it behooves us athletes have proudly represented the Univer- tremely proud of their three beautiful daugh- to pay tribute to such a selfless organization. sity of New Mexico. VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:54 Jan 23, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00135 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK4\NO_SSN\BR14MR05.DAT BR14MR05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 14, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4641 The Lobo Men’s 60–56 victory against Utah projects for children. The footprint they left in A TRIBUTE TO ROSA WITSELL in the Mountain West Conference tournament the Iraqi sand is far deeper than their boot garnered them the Mountain West Conference size; and the sacrifice made by too many not HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS Championship. Equally impressive, the UNM coming home will never be forgotten. OF NEW YORK Women’s Basketball team beat Utah 47–37 for We must take a moment, as we celebrate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES its third straight Mountain West Conference the return of our loved ones, to think of those Monday, March 14, 2005 tournament victory. less fortunate. Those who gave their lives de- Led by Head Coach Ritchie McKay, the fending strangers to ensure peace have made Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of Men’s Basketball team secured an NCAA the noblest of sacrifices. They will be missed Rosa Witsell who has dedicated her career to Tournament bid, the first since 1999. With a by their families and friends and honored by her community and enriching the lives of our Conference Championship under their belt, their country.