Balak %! %%% % diritto d'autore 20Ϯϭ di Mechon Beer Emunah
[email protected] Traduzione a cura del team VedibartaBam " $$ %#% Table of Contents Torah Wellsprings - Balak The Joy of Mitzvos ...........................................................................................................4 "How Good are your Tents" – the Mitzvah of being in a Beis Medrash ...............5 Yishuv HaDaas ..................................................................................................................7 Emunah ...............................................................................................................................8 Open Your Eyes and See Hashem's Salvation............................................................9 Bitachon and Parnassah................................................................................................10 Tefillah ..............................................................................................................................12 Or HaChaim HaKadosh ................................................................................................13 Torah Wellsprings - Balak The Joy of Mitzvos cramped accommodations. They loved Hashem immensely, and Hashem planted a lot of joy in their hearts when they were in מה עשיתי ,(The donkey said to Bilaam (22:28 What did I do to you Yerushalayim. Therefore, no one ever said it" ,לך כי הכתני זה שלש רגלים three times?" was crowded. As the saying goes, 'When ,שלש רגלים ,that you hit me alludes to the three holidays,