Digital Users can SEARCH keywords with TPO LIBRARY INDEX CTRL+F and CLICK on blue/underlined links Sorted alphabetically to view document online, where available. 107th Avenue Pedestrian Transit Greenways Corridor at City of Sweetwater Final Report 12/2003 137th Avenue Corridor Study Final Report and Executive Summary 6/2007 137th Avenue Corridor Study Typical Sections 8/2006 1990 Performance Evaluation of Transit Systems Part 1: Trend Analysis 1984-1990 4/1992 1996 Florida Rail System Plan 12/1996 2000 Census Population and Housing Profiles of General Demographic Characteristics 6/2001 (see Demography) 2000 Florida Rail System Plan 2000 (see Railroads) 2000 Up-Date Supplemental Report S-1: Recommended Staging Of Implementation 12/1978 2002 Florida Rail System Plan 2002 (see Railroads) 2003-2004 Public Involvement Evaluation Report 2004 2003-2006 Public Involvement Evaluation Report 2006 2004 Certification Report, Urbanized Area; Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade Metopolitan Planning Organizations 5/2004 2004 Federal Certification of the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Miami Urbanized Area 2/2004 2006-2010 Public Involvement Evaluation Report 2010 2007 Certification Report, Miami Urbanized Area; Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organizations 8/2007 2011 Annual Report: The Blueprint for Mobility Success 2011 2011 Standard Joint Certification Report of the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Process 4/2011 (see Certification: Federal) 2012 Annual Report: Keeping Miami Unique 2012 2013 Annual Report: Providing Premier Transportation Planning 2013 2014 Annual Report: Planning Tomorrow Today 2014 2015 Annual Report: Transportation Mobility Today & Tomorrow 2015 2015 Metro-Dade Transportation Plan Long Range Element 12/1995 2015 Metro-Dade Transportation Plan Long Range Element (pamphlet) 12/1995 2015 Metro-Dade Transportation Plan Long Range Element Needs Plan and Recommended Cost Feasible Plan 12/1995 2015 Transportation Plan Countywide Summary 5/1995 2020 Transportation Plan Long Range Element Adoption Document 12/1998 2020 Transportation Plan Long Range Element Adoption Document Mockup of Draft Under Development 12/1998 (see LRTP 2020) 2020 Transportation Plan Long Range Element Update 5/2000 2020 Transportation Plan: Countywide 1999 2020 Transportation Plan: The Beach and Central Business District (CBD) Area (Draft) 12/1998 2020 Transportation Plan: The Central Area (Draft) 12/1998 2020 Transportation Plan: The North Area (Draft) 12/1998 2020 Transportation Plan: The Northwest Area (Draft) 12/1998 2020 Transportation Plan: The South Area (Draft) 12/1998 2020 Transportation Plan: The West Area (Draft) 12/1998

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 1 of 43 2025 MDTP: Miami-Dade Transportation Plan for the Year 2025 Adoption Document 12/2001 2025 Pedestrian Plan 2001 2030 Long-Range Transportation System Plan for Miami-Dade (see LRTP 2030) 2030 LRTP Interim Review Support, Miami-Dade County Historical LRTP Data Review (Draft) 5/2007 (see LRTP 2030) 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan: Compliance with Federal and State Requirements Study 1/2013 2040 LRTP: Compliance with Federal and State Requirements Presentation to the Transportation Planning Council 2/2013 2040 Southeast Florida Regional Transportation Plan 10/2015 37th Ave. (Douglas Rd.) and US-1 Pedestrian Bridge Site Plan 2/2000 (see [Bottom Shelf 79th Street Corridor Neighborhood Initiative (79th Street Corridor Redevelopment Plan) 12/2003 79th Street Corridor Neighborhood Initiative (79th Street Corridor Redevelopment Plan) Data and Research Summary Report DRAFT 11/2002 (see [Bottom Shelf 79th Street Corridor Neighborhood Initiative (79th Street Corridor Redevelopment Plan) presentation 12/2003 79th Street Corridor Redevelopment Plan Transportation Analysis Draft Report 9/2002 95 Express Pilot Program presentation (see Expressways) A Feasibility Study on the Joint Utilization of Transportation Services Between the Metropolitan Transit Agency and the Dade County Public School System Final Report 6/1978 A Green Light For Mobility: A Summary of the Metropolitan Dade County Regional Mobility Forum 4/1991 (see Congestion 1991-2000) A Major Highway Plan for Metropolitan Dade County, Florida 12/1956 A Review of the Long-Range Transportation Plans for Florida's Metropolitan Planning Organizations 8/1997 (see Planning Reviews) Access to SW 137th Avenue to and from SR 874 (Don Shula Expressway) Executive Summary 4/2002 Access to SW 137th Avenue to and from SR 874 (Don Shula Expressway) Final Report 4/2002 ADA Coordination Workbook 1992 (see Transportation Disadvantaged 1991-1995) Adding Turbo Lanes to T-intersections Study Appendices 5/2010 Adding Turbo Lanes to T-intersections Study Executive Summary 5/2010 Adding Turbo Lanes to T-intersections Study Final Report 5/2010 Adding Turbo Lanes to T-intersections Study Presentation 5/2010 Addressing Compliance of the 2045 LRTP Update with Federal, State, Regional and Local Requirements 11/2017 Administrative Action Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) 3/1992 (see [Binders]) Aerial Cable Transit Feasibility Study Final Report 2/2016 Aerial Cable Transit Feasibility Study Final Report Appendices 2/2016 (see Transit 2016-2020) Aerial Tramway Circulators for Public Transport 3/2004 Aerial Tramway MIC-MIA Connector 3/2002 Aesthetics Guidance and Action Plan for Transportation Projects in Miami-Dade County 11/2011 Aesthetics Guidance and Action Plan for Transportation Projects presentation 1/2011 AGG Miami-Metro-Dade Tour 1991 (see Transit 1990-1994) Aging Road Users Strategic Safety Plan Executive Summary 11/2017 Aging Road Users Strategic Safety Plan Final Report 11/2017 Air Quality Report US 1 Exclusive Bus Lanes 8/1992 Airport - Seaport Rail Connection and Airport Multimodal Facility Status Report 1/1992

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 2 of 43 Airport Area Multimodal Access Study Final Report 4/1992 Airport Area Multimodal Access Study Final Report Executive Summary 1992 Airport Area Multimodal Access Study Technical Memorandum No. 1: Background/Previous Studies 3/1991 (see Airport 1991-1995) Airport Area Multimodal Access Study Technical Memorandum No. 2: Analysis of Feasibility of Access Modes 1/1992 (see Airport 1991-1995) Alternative Strategies for Mitigating Traffic Congestion 10/2000 Alternative Strategies for Mitigating Traffic Congestion (Revised) 6/2005 Alternatives for Intermodal Improvements in Miami-Dade County 6/1998 Alternatives to Concurrency (Miami Lakes) 10/2015 An Evaluation of Proposed Alternatives for the Reconstruction of I-395 2/1999 (see Expressways) An Marchan... Yon liv gid sou Transpòtasyon nan Miami-Dade County, Ete (Pocket Guide in ) 2010 Analysis of Automatic Vehicle Identification, Technology and Its Potential Application on Florida's Turnpike 1993 (see Turnpike) Analysis of the Economic and Legal Implications of Adopting a Transportation Utility Fee for Dade Co., Florida, Final Report 11/1992 Application for Franchise: Florida High Speed Transportation System Executive Summary 10/1995 (see High Speed Rail 1991-1995) Application of Congestion Management Process (CMP) Strategies in Miami-Dade County Executive Summary 7/2013 Application of Congestion Management Process (CMP) Strategies in Miami-Dade County Final Report 7/2013 Application of Congestion Management Process Strategies Transportation Planning Council presentation of September 9, 2013 9/2013 (see Congestion 2011-2020) Applications of Innovative Strategies to Improve Bicycle Safety and Mobility 8/2014 Area Planning Report, Commission District 1 1/1994 (see Area Planning Studies) Area Planning Report, Commission District 2 9/1996 (see Area Planning Studies) Area Planning Report, Commission District 8 5/1996 (see Area Planning Studies) Area Planning Report, Commission District 11 1/1994 (see Area Planning Studies) Area Planning Report, Commission District 9 5/1996 (see Area Planning Studies) Arterial Grid Analysis Phase II Appendices 1/2014 Arterial Grid Analysis Phase II Executive Summary 1/2014 Arterial Grid Analysis Phase II Final Report 1/2014 Arterial Grid Analysis Phase II presentation 1/2014 Arterial Grid Analysis Study Executive Summary 2007 Arterial Grid Analysis Study Final Report 3/2007 Arterial Grid Analysis Study presentation 2007 Arterial Investment Study NW/SW 107th Avenue Final Report 1997 Articulated Buses 7/1983 (see Transit 1975-1985) Assessment Of Advanced Public Transportation Systems Needs For The Metro-Dade Transit Agency 2/1993 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1993) Assessment of the Miami Urban Watch Alternative for Rebuilding I-395 7/2002 Automated Bicycle Rental System and Parking Plan Study 2011 Automatic Vehicle Location for Measurement of Corridor Level-of-Service: The Miami Method 9/1994 (see ITS) Background Research On Kiosk Projects Around The Technical Memorandum

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 3 of 43 Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study (Phase 2) Capital Cost Estimating Methodology Technical Memorandum 12/2004 Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study (Phase 2) Financial Plan 11/2004 Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study (Phase 2) Locally Preferred Alternative Report 9/2004 Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study (Phase 2) New Start Criteria Report 9/2004 Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study (Phase 2) Operations Plan: Operating and Maintenance Cost Estimating 12/2004 Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study (Phase 2) Preliminary Engineering Scope of Services 9/2004 Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study (Phase 2) Updated Public Involvement Plan 9/2004 Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study Supplemental DEIS Capital Coast Methodology (Draft) 3/2002 Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study Supplemental DEIS Conceptual Alternatives (Draft) 3/2002 Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study Supplemental DEIS Locally Preferred Alternative Report 2/2003 Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study Supplemental DEIS Technology Assessment (Draft) 3/2002 Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Volume 1 10/2002 Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement Executive Summary 10/2002 Beach Corridor Project Development Study TIGER VI Project Planning Grant Application 4/2014 Beach Corridor Transit Connection Study Final Report 6/2015 Beach Corridor Transit Connection Study PEC Meeting Presentations (Appendix C) 6/2015 Beach Corridor Transit Connection Study Project Executive Committee (PEC) Meeting presentation 1/2014 Beach Corridor Transit Connection Study Project Executive Committee (PEC) Meeting presentation 4/2014 Beach Corridor Transit Connection Study Project Executive Committee (PEC) Meeting presentation 7/2014 Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Plan for the City of Miami Gardens 4/2013 Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Plan for the City of Miami Gardens Executive Summary 4/2013 Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update 4/2009 Bicycle and Pedestrian Traffic Count Program 5/2008 Bicycle Facilities Plan 2001 4/2002 Bicycle Facilities Planning & Design Manual, Official Standards, Revised Edition 1982 (see [Binders]) Bicycle Parking Plan for Miami-Dade Transit 2002 Bicycle Parking Plan for Miami-Dade Transit Executive Summary 2002 Bicycle Project Feasibility Evaluation 11/2003 Bicycle Route Planning System Project Phase 3 Final Report 6/2016 Bicycle Safety Program Plan Executive Summary 3/2006 Bicycle Safety Program Plan Report 3/2006 Bicycle Wayfinding System Study Executive Summary 7/2016 Bicycle Wayfinding System Study Final Report 7/2016 Bicycle/Pedestrian Mobility Plan for the Miami Downtown Development Authority Area 3/2011 Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety Plan Update 4/2014

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 4 of 43 Bike Friendly Miami-Dade Program Report 8/2017 BikeSafe Final Report 10/2010 Bikes-On-Bus Service Delivery in Dade County: Suitability and Feasibility 4/1995 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1994) Biking to Work in Miami: The Complete Guide to Commuting by Bicycle in the Miami Area 8/1982 - Palmetto Expressway Warehouse District Traffic Study 12/1994 Biscayne Boulevard Transportation Enhancement Study 9/1994 Black Creek Trail Segment B Planning and Feasibility Study 10/2007 Black Creek Trail Segment B Planning and Feasibility Study Executive Summary 10/2007 Building the Transportation System of the Future Summary of Major Activities 1997-1998 1998 Bus Lanes in Downtown Miami Final Report 12/2015 Bus Operators' Manual, Metro-Dade Transit Agency, Final Report 5/1993 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1993) Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Implementation Plan Along Transit Corridors 4/2015 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Implementation Plan Along Transit Corridors Executive Summary 4/2015 Bus Rapid Transit: Background and Options Report (Draft) 9/1999 (see Transit 1995-1999) Bus-On-Shoulders Evaluation Executive Summary 1/2009 Bus-On-Shoulders Service Evaluation 1/2009 Capital Improvement Program, Business Plan 3/2003 (see [Binders]) Catalyst For Prosperity, MDX Roadway Work Program: The Economic Impact 9/1999 (see Expressways: Tolling) Catch The 95 Magic Diamond Ride, HOV Information (see HOV) Central Dade Transport Zone Study Executive Summary 8/2008 Central Dade Transport Zone Study Final Report 8/2008 Central Parkway 9/1993 Certification Process (Federal Certification) 2/2004 (see [Binders]) Certification Process (Transportation Management Area Certification) 5/2007 (see [Binders]) Citizen's Guide to the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2003 City of Aventura Municipal Public Transit Study Aventura Advantage Onboard Survey & Ride Check and Service Improvement Recommendations 2006 City of Aventura Municipal Public Transit Study Phase III: Transit Enhancement, Expansion and Improvement Plan 11/2002 City of Aventura Municipal Transit Study 6/1998 City of Aventura Unified Master Plan for Pedestrian and Bicycle Connectivity 4/2017 City of Coral Gables Bicycle Lanes & Pedestrian Sidewalks Assessment 12/2002 (see Bike/Ped: Studies 2001-2010) City of Coral Gables Circulator System Study 5/2001 City of Coral Gables Circulator System Study Executive Summary 5/2001 City of Coral Gables Trolley Service Master Plan Study Executive Summary 12/2013 City of Coral Gables Trolley Service Master Plan Study Final Report 12/2013 City of Doral FIU Trolley Expansion Route Feasibility Study 11/2018 City of Doral Transportation Master Plan 11/2004 City of Doral Transportation Master Plan 5/2007 City of Doral Transportation Master Plan 2010 City of Doral Transportation Master Plan Executive Summary 5/2007

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 5 of 43 City of Hialeah 79 Street Station Area Design & Development: A Sustainable Urban Village Conceptual Plan (see Aesthetics) City of Hialeah Circulator Service 9/1998 (see Transit: Municipal 1995-2000) City of Hialeah Circulator Study 10/1998 City of Homestead Comprehensive Plan Part 1: Goals, Objectives and Policies - Adopted Plan 4/2001 (see Municipal Master Plans 2001-2005) City of Homestead Downtown Area Transportation Plan Update Final Report 3/2005 (see Municipal Master Plans 2001-2005) City of Homestead Downtown Area Transportation Plan Update Study Advisory Committee Meeting City of Homestead Downtown Area Transportation Plan Update Technical Memorandum 1: Study Area Definition 5/2004 City of Homestead Downtown Area Transportation Plan Update Technical Memorandum 2: Public Participation 6/2004 City of Homestead Downtown Area Transportation Plan Update Technical Memorandum 3: Downtown Studies and Planning Initiatives Inventory 8/2004 (see Municipal Master Plans 2001-2005) City of Miami Baywalk Mobility Plan 5/2013 City of Miami Beach Evaluation of Rapid Transit Options Final Report for Phase I 9/2003 (see Transit Corridors: Bay Link) City of Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan Existing Conditions Report, Future Conditions Report, Special Users Report, and Ten-Year Plan 12/1998 City of Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan Implementation Plan Program of Interrelated Projects 9/1999 (see [Binders]) City of Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan Implementation Study Executive Summary 1999 City of Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan Vision Statement 1998 City of Miami Car Sharing Feasibility Study 9/2011 City of Miami Car Sharing Feasibility Study presentation 9/2011 City of Miami Gardens Transportation Master Plan 5/2006 City of Miami Gardens Transportation Master Plan Executive Summary 2/2006 City of Miami NE 2nd Avenue Streetcar Feasibility Study 2/2004 (see [Binders]) City of Miami Springs 36th Street District Traffic Impact Study 4/2009 City of Miami Springs Circulator Study 2006 (see Transit: Municipal 2005-2009) City of North Miami Beach Community Mobility Program Project Bank and Work Plan 2000 (see Transit: Municipal 2001-2004) City of North Miami Beach Community Mobility Program Project Bank and Work Plan 10/2003 City of North Miami Beach Community Mobility Program: A Multimodal Program of Transportation Improvements 10/2003 City of North Miami Beach Fulford City Center Geometric Roadway Design 4/2003 City of North Miami Beach MPO Municipal Grant Circulator Services, End of Year Report 9/1998 City of North Miami Beach Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Analysis 12/2004 City of North Miami Beach Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety Study 3/2008 City of North Miami Bike, Park and Ride: A Plan for Connecting Bicycle Parking and Transit 6/2009 City of North Miami Bike, Park and Ride: A Plan for Connecting Bicycle Parking and Transit presentation 6/2009 City of North Miami Transit Circulator Plan Phase II Implementation Plan Final Report 3/2002 City of Opa-Locka Transit Circulator System Final Report 3/2010 City of Opa-Locka Transit Circulator System presentation 5/2010

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 6 of 43 City of South Miami Hometown Intermodal Transportation Study Draft Technical Memorandum City of South Miami Hometown Intermodal Transportation Study Draft Technical Memorandum City of South Miami Hometown Intermodal Transportation Study Final Report 8/2002 City of South Miami Trolley/Circulator Feasibility Study Executive Report 8/2007 City of South Miami Trolley/Circulator Feasibility Study Final Report 8/2007 City of South Miami US-1 Pedestrian Overpass Study (Revised) 7/2000 City of Sunny Isles Beach Feasibility Study Summary of a Bridge to Link a Pedestrian/Bicycle Greenway 9/2004 City of West Miami Citywide Traffic Study 5/2020 Civic Center Study Executive Summary and Analysis 8/1977 (see Stage 1 Rapid Transit) Civic Center TMO Commuter Characteristics Study 12/1997 Civic Center TMO Commuter Characteristics Study Executive Summary 2/1998 Coastal Communities Transportation Master Plan Final Report 5/2007 Planning Study 10/1997 (see Area Planning Studies) Coconut Grove Transit Circulator Services Technical Assistance Study Final Report 12/2001 Coconut Grove Transit Circulator Services Technical Assistance Study Final Report 3/2002 Commute Alternatives Program Director's Manual (Florida's Commuter Assistance Program) 1992 (see [Binders]) Compare Transit Survey Results to Actual Count Data 9/2010 Complete Streets Manual 6/2014 Comprehensive Development Master Plan Adopted Components (Revised) 4/1994 (see [Binders]) Comprehensive Development Master Plan for Metropolitan Dade County, Florida 7/1979 (see Historical) Comprehensive Parking Study for Freight Transport in Miami-Dade County 9/2010 Conformity of the 1994-98 Transportation Improvement Program with the Amendments to the 1990 Clean Air Act 5/1993 Conformity of the 1995-99 TIP: 2010 LRP with the Amendments to the 1990 Clean Air Act 4/1994 Congested Intersection Improvements Executive Summary 3/2008 Congested Intersection Improvements presentation 3/2008 Congested Intersection Improvements Volume I: Action Plan 3/2008 Congested Intersection Improvements Volume II: Selected Data and Analysis 3/2008 Congested Intersections Study 6/1999 Congestion Management Plan Background Report 9/1992 Congestion Management Plan Final Draft (incl. "Nightmare" highway brochures) 3/1993 Congestion Management System (CMS) Technical Training 5/1995 (see [Binders]) Congestion Management System (CMS) Update Review and Evaluation of Potential Congested Corridors 11/2004 Congestion Management System (CMS) Update Review and Evaluation of Potential Congested Corridors Executive Summary 11/2004 Congestion Mitigation: Private-Public Partnerships Study Executive Summary (Draft) 3/1994 (see Congestion 1991- 2000) Congestion Mitigation: Private-Public Partnerships Study Final Report 3/1994 (see [Binders]) Congestion Mitigation: Public-Private Partnerships Study 3/1994 (see [Binders]) Congestion Pricing Programs (Draft) 2/1994 Connected & Autonomous Vehicles: Introducing the Future of Mobility 2016 Connecting 25th Street to the HEFT Final Report 6/2013

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 7 of 43 Connecting NW 25th Street to the HEFT Appendices C and D (CD Digital Copy) 6/2013 Connecting People East-West Definition Of Alternatives Report 2/1995 (see East-West: MIC) Connecting People East-West Joint Development Market Analysis/Development Program Miami Intermodal Center Project 1/1995 (see East-West: MIC) Connecting People East-West Major Investment Study/Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Miami Intermodal Center 12/1995 (see East-West: MIC) Connecting People East-West Miami Intermodal Center Policy And Technical Steering Committees' Recommendation Report 2/1996 Connecting People East-West Program Description Miami Intermodal Center 7/1999 (see East-West: MIC) Connecting People East-West Project Description Miami Intermodal Center 2/1997 (see East-West: MIC) Connecting People East-West Project Development Environmental Study Update Miami Intermodal Center Project 11/1994 (see East-West: MIC) Connecting People East-West: Solving Miami-Dade County's East-West Transportation Needs, Vol. 2, No. 1, Winter 1999 (see East-West: Corridor) Connecting People Miami Intermodal Center Fact Sheets and East-West Winter Newsletter (package) 1999 (see East- West: MIC) Connecting People Miami Intermodal Center MIC Information Kit (with CD) 1997 (see East-West: MIC) Connecting People Miami Intermodal Center MMG Fact Sheets and MIC Fall/Winter Newsletter (package) 2000 (see East-West: MIC) Connecting the Highways Network Missing Links Final Report 12/2017 Connector Route to Miami International Airport Economic Study 6/1965 Continuing to Grow Today's Successes, While Preparing For Tomorrow's Challenges (RFP Continuity Of Operations Plan 3/2005 Continuity Of Operations Plan 3/2006 Continuity Of Operations Plan 3/2008 Controversial Corridors Review: Recommended Transportation Alternatives 10/1974 Coral Gables Bicycle & Pedestrian Stress Assessment Final Report 4/2019 Coral Gables Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan 4/2014 Coral Gables Trolley Expansion presentation 2006 Coral Gables Trolley Route Expansion Feasibility Study (Report) 3/2006 Coral Gables Trolley Route Expansion Study Executive Summary 2006 Cost and Ridership Demand Estimate for the Proposed Extension of Tri-Rail Service to South Dade County (Draft) 1/1993 (see 1985-1995) Cost and Ridership Demand Estimates for the Proposed Extension of Tri-Rail from Miami Int'l Airport to Homestead 12/1992 (see Commuter Rail 1985-1995) Countermeasures for Pedestrian and Bicycle High Crash Locations Appendices 6/2016 Countermeasures for Pedestrian and Bicycle High Crash Locations Executive Summary 6/2016 Countermeasures for Pedestrian and Bicycle High Crash Locations Final Report 6/2016 Countywide Bus and Auto/Rideshare Access to Transit Facility Assessment Study 9/2015 Countywide Bus and Auto/Rideshare Access to Transit Facility Assessment Study Executive Summary 9/2015 Countywide Crash Data Analysis System presentation 3/2009 Countywide GIS Web-based Crash Data Analysis System Summary Report 2015 Countywide Park And Ride Planning Study for Dade County Handout Materials 7/1992 (see Parking: Park&Ride 1992) Countywide Parking Policy Study Executive Summary 12/1994

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 8 of 43 Countywide Parking Policy Study for Dade County Final Technical Memorandum No. 1: Public Involvement Program 5/1996 Countywide Parking Policy Study for Dade County Final Technical Memorandum No. 2-B: User Survey Results and Analysis 10/1996 Countywide Parking Policy Study for Dade County Final Technical Memorandum No. 4: Parking Authority Feasibility Analysis (Draft) 10/1996 Countywide Parking Policy Study for Miami-Dade County Executive Summary Report 10/1999 Countywide Parking Policy Study for Miami-Dade County Final Report 8/1999 Countywide Parking Policy Study Literature and Regulations Review Final Report 12/1994 Countywide Parking Policy Study Presentation 1996 Creating A World Class Campus for the Miller School of Medicine 6/2008 (see Aesthetics) CSX East-West Corridor Transit-Oriented Development Study Final Report 11/2016 CSX East-West Rail Feasibility Study Final Report 3/2016 CSX East-West Rail Feasibility Study Project Overview presentation 5/2015 CSX East-West Rail Feasibility Study SAC Meeting CSX East-West Rail Feasibility Study SAC Meting Current Efforts in Transportation Demand Management and Tools for its Implementation in Dade County 3/1992 Curtiss Parkway/NW 36 Street Traffic Study 5/2006 Dade County 2010 LRP Node Coordinates 1993 Dade County Bicycle Facilities Plan (Project No. MPO-93-1) 3/1993 Dade County Continuing Development of TMAs: Civic Center Pedestrian Amenities and Safety Study 9/1994 Dade County Continuing Development of TMAs: Civic Center Pedestrian Amenities and Safety Study Executive Summary 5/1994 Dade County Continuing Development of TMAs: Investigation of Alternative TMAs 10/1994 Dade County Continuing Development of TMAs: Bicycle and Pedestrian Study 1/1995 Dade County Expressway Authority Evaluation Report (Draft Final) 4/1995 Dade County Facts 8/1986 (see Demography) Dade County Facts 9/1998 (see Demography) Dade County Mobility Management Process Status Report (Congestion Management System) 3/1995 Dade County Mobility Management Program (see TMA / TMO 1990-1999) Dade County Park & Ride Lot Plan 7/1993 (see Parking: Park&Ride 1993) Dade County Park & Ride Lot Plan Justification Report: Miami Beach Corridor Park and Ride Lots 1993 (see Parking: Park&Ride 1993) Dade County Park & Ride Lot Plan Justification Report: North Dade County, NW 27th Avenue Corridor Park and Ride Lots 1993 Dade County Park & Ride Lot Plan Justification Report: Northeast Dade County, Biscayne Boulevard Corridor Park and Ride Lots 1993 Dade County Park & Ride Lot Plan Justification Report: South Dade, South Busway Park And Ride Lots 1993 Dade County Park & Ride Lot Plan Justification Report: West Dade County Corridor Park and Ride Lots 1993 Dade County Parking/Transit Ridership Study Final Report for The Parking Task Force 1/1987 Dade County TMA Evaluation Methodology Technical Memorandum No. 1: Literature Search and TMA Survey 1/1995 Dade County TMA Evaluation Methodology Technical Memorandum No. 2: Optimal TMA Traffic Congestion Evaluation Measures 1/1995

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 9 of 43 Dade County Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Corridors Evaluation Report 1/1993 Dade County Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Corridors Evaluation Report 3/1993 Dade County Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Corridors Evaluation Report Executive Summary 1993 Dade County Transit Corridors Transitional Study Task 5: Identification of Preliminary Alternatives (Draft) 1/1992 Dade County Transit Development Program (SIMCUR-192) 9/1973 Dade County Transit Ridership Study 10/1975 Dade County Transportation Authority Evaluation Report 2/1994 Dade County Transportation Demand Management & Congestion Mitigation Study Final Draft 3/1993 (see Congestion 1991-2000) Dade County Transportation Demand Management & Congestion Mitigation Study Final Report 4/1993 Dade County Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study 1995 Dade County's Transportation Needs for the 1980's 11/1980 (see Prospectus) Regional Activity Center Implementation Measures Report 9/1998 Dadeland Regional Activity Center Specific Area Planning Report For Improving Mobility 9/1996 Dade's Future Rides on Mass Transit (pamplet) 1997 (see Transit 1995-1999) DDA Miami Facts: The Making of A Global City, Downtown Miami 1994 (see Downtown Studies 1990-1994) Demographics and Demand Factors Affecting the Appeal of the Southeast / Community… Final Report 9/1985 DERM Air Quality Report, Technical Report Description and Technical Review of the Miami International Airport Satellite Transit Shuttle System Final Report 9/1979 (see Airport 1977-1990) Design Traffic Procedure (Traffic Forecasting and 18 KIP Equivalent Single Axle Load) 6/1994 (see Modeling) Developing Procedures, Criteria and Evaluation for Establishing School Crossing Guard Locations 8/2012 Development of a Service Plan for Waterborne Transportation Service in Miami-Dade County Executive Summary 12/2004 Development of a Service Plan for Waterborne Transportation Service in Miami-Dade County Final Report 12/2004 Development of a Service Plan for Waterborne Transportation Service in Miami-Dade County presentation 2005 Development of a Visual TIP: Proposed Task for GPC 1/2002 (see GIS) Development of Operational Performance Models for Bus Lane Preferential Treatments Final Report 6/2002 Development of the InteracTIP Executive Summary 10/2003 Development of the InteracTIP Final Report 10/2003 Development of the Miami-Dade County Integrated Transportation Management System (ITMS) Executive Summary 11/1998 Development of the Miami-Dade County Integrated Transportation Management System (ITMS) Final Report 11/1998 Development of Truck Parking Facilities in Miami-Dade County Phase II Options for Implementation (final report) 8/2012 Development of Truck Parking Facilities in Miami-Dade County Phase II Options for Implementation Appendices 8/2012 Development of Truck Parking Facilities in Miami-Dade County Phase II Options for Implementation Executive Summary 8/2012 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Directory 1988-1989 3/1989 (see Transportation Disadvantaged 1980-1990) Discover Naranja! A Citizens' Master Plan 2003 (see [Bottom Shelf Disposal of Portions of the Former Homestead Air Force Base, Florida, Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Summary 12/1999 (see Airport 1996-2000)

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 10 of 43 Dixie Highway Transportation Corridor Planning and Design Study Corridor Planning and Design Report 1/1998 (see Corridor Studies 1996-2000) Dixie Highway Transportation Corridor Planning And Design Study Fatal Flaw Analysis (Draft) 10/1994 (see Corridor Studies 1990-1995) Dixie Highway Transportation Corridor Planning And Design Study Technical Report Doral Circulator Study Final Report 5/2007 Doral Transit Mobility Plan Executive Summary 2/2014 Doral Transit Mobility Plan Final Report 2/2014 Doral Trolley SMART Plan Coordination Study Executive Summary 2/2020 Doral Trolley SMART Plan Coordination Study Final Report 2/2020 Doral Trolley SMART Plan Coordination Study Final Report Appendices 2/2020 Transit Corridor Study Final Report 5/2014 Downtown Government Center Master Plan 5/1976 Downtown Kendall Transportation Study Final Submittal 3/2002 Downtown Miami 1994 (see Transit 1990-1994) Downtown Miami - Master DRI Overview 12/1987 Downtown Miami Stadium Transportation Assessment Study 3/2001 Downtown Miami Baseball Stadium Transportation Assessment Study presentation 3/2001 Downtown Miami Bus Lanes Study Executive Summary 12/2015 Downtown Miami Bus Lanes Study presentation 9/2015 Downtown Miami Intermodal Terminal Feasibility Study Final Report 12/2013 Downtown Miami SMART Corridor Hub Transportation Mobility & Connectivity Study Executive Summary 10/2019 Downtown Miami SMART Corridor Hub Transportation Mobility & Connectivity Study Final Report 10/2019 Downtown Miami Transportation Master Plan (DDA Report) 6/2000 Downtown Miami Transportation Master Plan presentation (Miami Downtown Transportation Master Plan Study) 2003 Downtown Miami Transportation Report to the Dade County Metropolitan Planning Organization (Revised) 3/1986 Eastward Ho! Development Futures: Paths to More Efficient Growth in Southeast Florida 2/1999 (see Regional Plans 1965-1999) Eastward Ho! Revitalizing 's Urban Core 7/1996 (see Regional Plans 1965-1999) East-West Multimodal Corridor Final Environmental Impact Statement 1998 (see [Bottom Shelf East-West Multimodal Corridor Multimodal Projects Briefing (see East-West: Corridor) East-West Multimodal Corridor Station Area Aesthetics Design & Development Program (see East-West: Corridor) East-West Multimodal Corridor Study & Miami Intermodal Center Study Major Investment Studies Project Update 2/1995 (see East-West: Corridor) East-West Multimodal Corridor Study & Miami Intermodal Center Study Major Investment Studies Project Update 8/1995 (see East-West: Corridor) East-West Multimodal Corridor Study DEIS Major Investment Study 10/1995 East-West Multimodal Corridor Study DEIS Major Investment Study: Plan and Profile Drawings - Appendix A 6/1995 (see [Bottom Shelf East-West Multimodal Corridor Study Description of Project 1/1997 (see East-West: Corridor) East-West Multimodal Corridor Study Description of Project 5/1997 East-West Multimodal Corridor Study Description of Project 10/1998 East-West Multimodal Corridor Study Detailed Definition of Alternatives 2/1995 (see East-West: Corridor)

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 11 of 43 East-West Multimodal Corridor Study MPO Locally Preferred Alternative Report 6/1996 (see East-West: Corridor) East-West Multimodal Corridor Study Policy and Technical Steering Committees' Recommendation Report 1/1996 East-West Multimodal Corridor Study Staff Recommendation Report 1/1996 (see East-West: Corridor) East-West Multimodal Corridor Study Station Area Development, Draft 9/1995 (see East-West: Corridor) East-West Multimodal Corridor Study Vehicle Storage Yard and Maintenance Facility Concepts 8/1995 (see East- West: Corridor) East-West Multimodal Corridor/Miami Intermodal Center (MIC) Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Studies Project Update 10/1994 (see East-West: Corridor) East-West Multimodal Corridor: Existing Conditions Report Station Area Aesthetics, Design & Development 6/1998 (see [Binders]) East-West Multimodal Study Seaport Alternatives 10/1994 (see [Bottom Shelf East-West Multimodal Study Seaport Alternatives Biscayne Boulevard Alignments 2/1995 (see [Bottom Shelf Economic Impact Of Parking Policy Options Final Report 10/1986 Effects of Transportation Plan Development on Minority and Impoverished Urban Communities Technical Memorandum 6/1998 Elderly and Handicapped Transportation Needs Study Volume 3: The Five Year Improvement Plan (Action Plan) 9/1978 (see Transportation Disadvantaged 1980-1990) Electric Transit Circulator Feasibility Study Final Report 6/2001 Electric Transit Circulator Feasibility Study Final Report Executive Summary 6/2001 Electric Transit Circulator Feasibility Study presentation 2001 Electric Vehicle Community Market Launch Manual Volume I: Policy; A Guide to Prepare Your Community for Electric Vehicles 12/1995 (see [Binders]) Electric Vehicle Community Market Launch Manual Volume II: Infrastructure, A Guide to Prepare Your Community for Electric Vehicles 12/1995 (see [Binders]) Electrowave Immediate Action Plan (Final) 1/2002 Electrowave Seven-Year Long-Range Plan (Final) 1/2002 Electrowave Shuttle Report 9/1998 Electrowave: ride the beach for only 25¢ (brochure) 1995 (see Transit: Municipal 1995-2000) En Marcha.. Guia de transporte del condado Miami-Dade, Verano (Pocket Guide in Spanish) 2007 En Marcha.. Guia de transporte del condado Miami-Dade, Verano (Pocket Guide in Spanish) 2010 Enhanced Planning Review of the Final Report 5/1996 ETDM Interim Guidelines: "Efficient Transportation Decision Making" 2/2003 Evacuation Planning Assessment for the US-1 and SW 344 Street Intersection Area Draft Report 6/2012 Evaluation of Current Methodology for Determining Traffic Concurrency public presentation 2/2013 Evaluation of Current Methodology for Determining Traffic Concurrency technical presentation 2/2013 Evaluation of Current Methodology to Determine Traffic Concurrency Executive Summary 2/2013 Evaluation of Current Methodology to Determine Traffic Concurrency Final Report 2/2013 Evaluation of Multimodal Mobility Options in the South Miami-Dade Area Final Report 1/2017 Evaluation Report for the Loop Demonstration Project 4/1986 Bike Trail System Study Phase One Corridor Study, Part One Preliminary Alternatives 6/1989 Evolution of a Commuter Rail System in South Florida 7/1990 (see Commuter Rail 1985-1995) Excerpts From The Dade County Park & Ride Lot Plan And Justification Reports 3/1993 (see Parking: Park&Ride 1993) Executive Summary: Assessment of the Miami Urban Watch Alternative for I-395 hand-out 7/2002

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 12 of 43 Factors Affecting Transit Ridership Appendices 11/2018 Factors Affecting Transit Ridership Executive Summary 11/2018 Factors Affecting Transit Ridership in Miami-Dade County Final Report 11/2018 Fare Cross-Elasticity And Allocation 4/1994 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1994) Fastrain 3/1988 (see High Speed Rail 1986-1990) Feasibility & Cost Study of Tunnel Alternatives for Vehicular Access to Port of Miami 5/1983 Feasibility Analysis: Proposed Overtown Improvements 6/1998 Feasibility of Implementing Tech Centers in Miami-Dade County 7/2006 Feasibility of Implementing Tech Centers in Miami-Dade County Executive Summary 7/2006 Feasibility of Utilizing Miami-Dade County Waterways for Urban Commuting Travel 1/2003 Feasibility Study: A Public-Private Partnership for Transit Vehicle Purchasing and Leasing 1/1999 Feasibility Study: Northside Intermodal Terminal 2/1986 Federal Certification Meetings on the MDC Transportation Management Area (TMA) Planning Process Pre-Meeting Background Report 4/2001 Federal Certification Process for the Miami-Dade MPO 4/2011 (see [Binders]) Federal Planning Emphasis Areas (PEAs) for Miami-Dade County 11/2017 Federal Program Training: Public Involvement in Transportation Decisionmaking Course Manual 10/1997 (see [Binders]) Fiber-Optic Communications Concept Plan for Dade County's Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure 6/1998 Fiber-Optic Communications Concept Plan for Dade County's Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure Executive Summary 1998 (see ITS) Final Report for I-95 Dupont Plaza Ramps Alternative Feasibility Study 9/1993 Final Report for I-95 Dupont Plaza Ramps Alternative Feasibility Study Executive Summary 9/1993 Final Report of the Transportation Infrastructure and Concurrency Task Force 5/1993 (see Finance) Final Technical Memorandum Number 2: Fare Policy Alternatives 12/1993 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1993) Financing Dade County's Long Range Transportation Plan Executive Summary 7/1997 First Mile - Last Mile Options with High Trip Generator Employers 12/2017 Flagler Marketplace Draft Executive Summary 8/1994 Flagler Marketplace Traffic Impact Study 6/1995 Flagler Marketplace Two-Year Implementation Program Update 7/1995 Enhanced Bus Service Executive Summary 2014 Flagler Street Reversible Flow Study 5/1992 Flagler Street Reversible Flow Study Summary 5/1992 Flagler Trail Northeast Non-Motorized Network Master Plan 12/2018 Flagler Trail Northeast Non-Motorized Network Master Plan Executive Summary 12/2018 Florida Aviation System Plan, South Florida Metropolitan Area 1992-2010 1993 (see Airport 1991-1995) Florida City Busway Extension Project Cost Estimate 11/1992 (see Transit 1990-1994) Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged Agreement 11/2000 (see Transportation Disadvantaged 1996-2000) Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged Annual Performance Report 2000 (see Transportation Disadvantaged 1996-2000) Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged, Annual Performance Report 1/1997 (see [Binders])

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 13 of 43 Florida East Coast (FEC) Transit Connection Study Executive Summary 12/2009 Florida East Coast (FEC) Transit Connection Study Final Report 12/2009 Florida Five-Year Transportation Disadvantaged Plan Technical Memorandum No. 1 9/1990 (see Transportation Disadvantaged 1980-1990) Florida Five-Year Transportation Disadvantaged Plan, Technical Memorandum No. 2 5/1991 (see Transportation Disadvantaged 1991-1995) Florida High Speed Rail - Franchise Component: Sufficiency Response for the Franchise Application 7/1990 (see High Speed Rail 1986-1990) Florida High Speed Rail Line Request For Proposals And Reference Documents 12/1986 (see High Speed Rail 1986- 1990) Florida High Speed Rail Project (see High Speed Rail 1986-1990) Florida High Speed Rail Transportation Commission Executive Summary 3/1988 (see High Speed Rail 1986-1990) Florida High Speed Rail Transportation Commission Franchise Component 3/1988 (see High Speed Rail 1986-1990) Florida High Speed Transportation System (FHSTS) Proposal Chapter I: Business Entity Information and Applicant Qualifications 10/1995 Florida High Speed Transportation System (FHSTS) Proposal Chapter II: Florida's Travel and Transportation Market 10/1995 Florida High Speed Transportation System (FHSTS) Proposal Chapter III: System Development Plan 10/1995 (see High Speed Rail 1991-1995) Florida High Speed Transportation System (FHSTS) Proposal Chapter IV: Environmental and Community Effects 10/1995 (see High Speed Rail 1991-1995) Florida High Speed Transportation System (FHSTS) Proposal Executive Summary 10/1995 (see High Speed Rail 1991-1995) Florida High Speed Transportation System (Proposal); Florida Overland Express, Executive Summary and Video 10/1995 (see [Binders]) Florida High Speed Transportation System (Proposal); Florida Overland Express, Volume 1 10/1995 (see [Binders]) Florida High Speed Transportation System (Proposal); Florida Overland Express, Volume 2 10/1995 (see [Binders]) Florida High Speed Transportation System Proposal to Florida Department of Transportation 10/1995 (see High Speed Rail 1991-1995) Florida High Speed Transportation System, Application for Franchise 10/1995 (see [Binders]) Florida High Speed Transportation System, Florida Overland Express, Executive Summary 1995 (see High Speed Rail 1991-1995) Florida Highway Landscape Guide 4/1995 Florida Highway System Plan: Level of Service Standards and Guideline Manual 8/1989 (see [Binders]) Florida Intercity Rail Passenger Service Options for the 21st Century: A Component of the Florida Transportation Plan (see High Speed Rail 1991-1995) Florida Intrastate Highway System District 6 [includes CD-ROM] 12/1998 (see [Binders]) Florida ITS Architecture Development 9/2000 (see [Binders]) Florida Scenic Highway Program: Program Manual 1/1996 (see [Binders]) Florida's Future Corridors Program Statewide Workshop Notebook 11/2006 (see [Binders]) Florida's High Speed Rail Study 9/1984 Florida's Turnpike Enterprise Master Plan 2005-2025 12/2004 (see Turnpike) Florida's Turnpike Traffic Engineer's Annual Report 1996 (see Turnpike) Florida's Turnpike: Building On The Past - Preparing For The Future 1/1997 (see Turnpike) Freedom Tower Station TARC Approval Set 11/2015 (see [Bottom Shelf Freight Movement Study Executive Summary 12/1996

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 14 of 43 Freight Movement Study Final Report 12/1996 Freight Movement Study Technical Memorandum Freight Movement Study Technical Memorandum Freight Movement Study Technical Memorandum Freight Related Issues: Visit to Miami 5/2014 (see Freight 2009-Present) Freight Travel Demand Modeling: An Assessment of Passenger and Freight Transportation Modeling Needs in Florida Final Report 11/1998 (see TDM / TSM) FSUTMS ZDATA2 Development Process Technical Memorandum 3: Land Use Allocation Methodologies and Their Applicability in Florida (Draft) 5/1996 (see Modeling) Functional Classification Study: Fiscal Impact Analysis of Proposed Revised Roadway Ownership Criteria 7/1993 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1993) Future Intermodal Centers & Transit Oriented Development General Transportation Planning Consultant Services Project No. E02-MPO-01 8/2002 (see Planning Reviews) General Transportation Planning Consulting Services DPA Project Get Going: The smarter, quicker way to travel. A Near-Term Plan for Improved Transportation Services Public Information Campaign (booklet) 10/2010 Get Going: The smarter, quicker way to travel. A Near-Term Plan for Improved Transportation Services Public Information Campaign (packet w/CD) 11/2010 (see Transit 2006-2010) Get Going: The smarter, quicker way to travel. The brochure. 2010 Get It? Drive like your life depends on it. Teen Driver Safety Week poster 10/2009 Golden Glades Multimodal Transportation Facility Executive Summary 2001 (see Intermodal & Multimodal 1996- Present) Golden Glades Multimodal Transportation Facility Feasibility Study Executive Summary 3/1994 Golden Glades Multimodal Transportation Facility Feasibility Study Final Report 3/1994 Golden Glades Multimodal Transportation Facility Technical Memorandum Goulds Community Urban Center Citizens' Master Plan Final Report 7/2003 Goulds Community Urban Center District Ordinance, Updated 2007 Gratigny Parkway Environmental and Engineering Study Executive Summary 9/1986 Greenways Management and Maintenance Study: Analysis, Findings and Recommendations… 10/2000 Guidelines for Municipal Transit Programs for Miami-Dade County 3/2016 Guidelines for Municipal Transit Programs for Miami-Dade County Executive Summary 3/2016 Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Plan 1/2012 Health District Traffic Study 5/2009 Health District Traffic Study presentation 7/2008 HEFT/SR 874 Study Turnpike Planning Concept Report 3/2001 (see Turnpike) Hialeah Expressway Public Hearing 10/1997 (see Expressways) Hialeah Transit System Express Bus Route and Enhanced Service Draft Final Report 3/2008 Hialeah Transit System Services and Opportunities Study 12/2003 Hialeah Transit System Study Final Report 2/2011 Hialeah Transportation Concurrency Management Areas 3/2003 (see Land Use 1994-2004) High Speed Ferry Service Phase Business Plan 5/2006 (see Water Transit) High Speed Ferry Service Phase One Start-Up for Water Transit Services 6/2006 (see Water Transit) High Speed Rail Task Force Report 11/1986

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 15 of 43 High-Speed Ground Transportation for America 9/1997 (see High Speed Rail 1991-1995) Hispanics in Dade County 1990 3/1994 (see Demography) Historical Impacts of Transportation Projects on the Overtown Community Final Report 3/1998 Homestead Reuse Plan, Briefing Book 8/2001 (see [Binders]) Homestead's 2001 Comprehensive Plan for Quality Community Growth, Part 2: Data and Analysis, Approved Documents 4/2001 (see Municipal Master Plans 2001-2005) HOV Conceptual Design Study Interim Report 1: South Dade, Palmetto and East-West Expressways 7/1985 HOV Conceptual Design Study Interim Report 2: South Dade, Palmetto and East-West Expressways 10/1985 Hurricane Preparedness Plan 2000 (see Hurricane: Emergency Preparedness (1)) I-395 Alternative Review presentation to I-395 Subcommittee 5/2003 I-395 Preliminary Financial Analysis (I-395 Alternative Review) presentation to I-395 Subcommittee 5/2003 I-395 Reconstruction Presentation to Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee of the Metropolitan Planning Organization 2/2013 (see Expressways) I-95 Dupont Plaza Ramps Alternatives Land And Development Assessment Study Final Assessment Report To The Miami-Dade MPO 3/2000 I-95 HOV Systems Plan Phase II System-wide Operations Study Technical Memorandum I-95 HOV Systems, Review of National Practices, Technical Memorandum 11/1998 (see [Binders]) I-95 HOV Systems, System Overview, Technical Memorandum 11/1998 (see [Binders]) I-95 Managed Lanes Traffic And Revenue Study Summary of Findings 3/2006 I-95 Multimodal Transportation Corridor Study 7/2004 (see [Bottom Shelf I-95 Multimodal Transportation Corridor Study Executive Summary 2000 I-95 Study Project Overview Presentation Book 2002 Impact of Future Technology in the 2045 LRTP Appendix A 6/2017 Impact of Future Technology in the 2045 LRTP Appendix B 6/2017 Impact of Future Technology in the 2045 LRTP Final Report 6/2017 Impact of Future Technology in the 2045 LRTP Summary 6/2017 Impact of PortMiami Tunnel on Downtown Traffic Congestion Appendix 1/2016 Impact of PortMiami Tunnel on Downtown Traffic Congestion Executive Summary 1/2016 Impact of PortMiami Tunnel on Downtown Traffic Congestion Final Report 1/2016 Implementation of Advanced Warning in School Speed Zones Executive Summary 3/2012 Implementation of Advanced Warning in School Speed Zones Final Report 3/2012 Implementation Plan for Enhanced Bus Service along Flagler Street 11/2014 Implementation Plan for Enhanced Bus Service along Flagler Street presentation 12/2014 Implementation Plan for the Northeast Corridor Traffic Flow Study Executive Summary 1/2010 Implementation Plan for the Northeast Corridor Traffic Flow Study Final Report 1/2010 Improving Access in Florida International University Campus Area Executive Summary 10/2011 Improving Access in Florida International University Biscayne Bay Campus Area Final Report 10/2011 Improving Access in Florida International University Biscayne Bay Campus Area presentation 10/2011 Improving Regional Transportation Planning 6/2012 (see [Binders]) Improving Regional Transportation Planning in Miami-Dade County Via Enhanced Local Access to Healthy Living 8/2015

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 16 of 43 Improving Welfare-To-Work Transportation Planning: A Geographic Information System (GIS) Application Final Report 5/2002 Indirect Left Turns Study Executive Summary 12/2008 Indirect Left Turns Study formerly Left Turns Via 3 Rights Final Report 12/2008 Indirect Left Turns Study presentation 12/2008 Integrated Transit Demand & Supply Modeling Using Comprehensive Travel Behavior Data Phase 1: Activity-based Travel Survey, Survey Instrument version 1.1 8/1997 (see Modeling) Integrated Transit Demand & Supply Modeling Using Comprehensive Travel Behavior Data, Technical Memorandum II: Survey Design and Model Development 12/1997 (see Modeling) Integrated Transportation Management System (ITMS) Maps 11/1998 (see [Bottom Shelf Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Plan Update for Miami-Dade County 6/1999 Intelligent Transportation System Plan for Dade County 7/1996 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Corridor Plan for Interstate 75, Draft Technical Report No. 1, Task 3 - Data Collection and Analysis 1/2003 (see [Binders]) Intelligent Transportation Systems 2002 Annual Report of Countywide Efforts by Agency 8/2002 (see ITS) Intelligent Transportation Systems 2003 Annual Report of Countywide Efforts by Agency 8/2003 (see ITS) Intelligent Transportation Systems 2004 Annual Report of Countywide Efforts by Agency 8/2004 Intelligent Transportation Systems 2005 Annual Report of Countywide Efforts by Agency 8/2005 Intelligent Transportation Systems 2006 Annual Report of Countywide Efforts by Agency 8/2006 InteracTIP Internet Applications Technical and Training Manual 12/2005 (see GIS) InteracTIP presentation 2003 InteracTIP System Definition Draft Document 10/2002 (see GIS) Interactive Transportation Information Stations 12/1997 Interactive Transportation Planning Tool Report and User Guide 1/2013 Interim Review Support, A Blue Print for Short Term Transportation Service Improvements in Miami-Dade County 3/2010 Intermodal Connectivity in the Atlantic Commerce Corridor: An Assessment of Seaport, Rail, and Other Regional..., Executive Summary of Findings 11/2003 (see Seaport) Interstate 395 Alternative Review & Development 4/2004 ITS Deployment Analysis System Build 1, User's Manual with CD-ROM 12/1998 (see [Binders]) ITS Operations Center Quarterly 6/1998 (see ITS) Jitney Enforcement Strategies 6/1994 (see Jitneys) Jitney Enforcement Strategies Experience in Dade County Technical Memorandum No. 1: Draft Report 1/1994 Jitney Enforcement Strategies Experience in Other Cities Technical Memorandum No. 2: Final Report 12/1993 Jitney Information Miami/Puerto Rico 2002 (see [Binders]) Jitney Service Pilot Program, Project Notebook Volume I 7/2002 Jitney Service Pilot Program, Project Notebook Volume II 7/2002 (see [Binders]) Jitney Services Pilot Program Study Executive Summary 11/2003 Joint Development At Metrorail Stations, Proposed Projects 12/1998 Kendall - SR 826 Corridor Major Investment Study, Executive Summary. Local Preferred Alternative 6/2001 Kendall Area Transit Improvement Study Final Report 4/1996 Kendall Corridor Alternatives Analysis, Purpose, Need, Goals and Objectives Final Report 7/2006 Kendall Corridor Tier 1 Alternatives Screening, Public Transportation Technology Review Draft Report 10/2006

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 17 of 43 Kendall Corridor Transportation Alternatives Analysis (Kendall-Link) Executive Summary 8/2007 (see Transit Corridors: South Link/Kendall Link) Kendall Corridor Transportation Alternatives Analysis (Kendall-Link) Final Report 9/2007 Mobility Enhancement Study Final Submittal 9/2002 Kendall Drive Traffic Study Draft Report 8/1996 Kendall-Link Corridor Alternatives 2006 Kendall-Link employment origins and population growth charts 4/2006 Kendall-Link Mode Alternatives 2006 Kendall-Link Open House Meetings Tier 2 Evaluation presentation 4/2007 Kendall-Link Tier 1 Evaluation presentation 11/2006 Key Findings from the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Program: What Have We Learned? 9/1996 (see ITS) Krome Avenue Action Plan 10/1999 Krome Avenue Action Plan: Improvements to Krome Avenue (SR-997) Summary Report (Revised) 2/1999 (see [Bottom Shelf Land Use Plan: A Component of the Comprehensive Development Master Plan for Metro-Dade County Florida (Adopted 1990 and 2005) 7/1983 (see Historical) LeJeune Road at SW 8th Street Intersection Improvement Study Final Technical Report 10/2015 LeJeune Road Corridor Traffic Impact Study, Miami Springs, Florida, Draft Final Report 7/1996 Light Rail Transit System Status Report to the Florida Legislature 4/1988 (see Transit Corridors: Bay Link) Little Bicycle/Pedestrian Mobility Plan 6/2016 Livable Communities Initiative: SR 934 Corridor Study Phase I Final Report 11/2002 Livable Communities Initiative: SR 934 Corridor Study Phase II 7/2003 (see Corridor Studies 2003-2004) Livable Communities Initiative: SR 934 Corridor Study Phase II Technical Memorandum No. 4 Evaluation of Alternatives (Draft) 11/2002 Local Municipal Transit Circulator Policy Study 6/2002 Local Municipal Transit Circulator Policy Study Executive Summary 6/2002 Local Option Gas Tax at Work 1996 (see Finance) Local Option Gas Tax Expenditure Report 2/1996 Local Option Gas Tax Expenditure Report (with original photos) 2/1996 (see [Binders]) Locate Sites for Bus Shelter Installation Study Executive Summary 11/2009 Locate Sites for Bus Shelter Installation Study Final Report 11/2009 Long Range Element of The Year 2005 Metro-Dade Transportation Plan and Improvement Priorities (Revised) 6/1985 Long Range Transportation Plan Update 1990 and 1993 Highway and Transit Networks (Draft) 4/1994 Long Range Transportation Plan Update Steering Committee Meeting No. 4 2/1994 Long Range Transportation Plan Update Steering Committee Meeting No. 9 8/1994 Long Range Transportation Plan Update Technical Memorandum: Directional Trip Distribution 2/1995 Long Range Transportation Plan Update Technical Memorandum: Directional Trip Distribution 2/1996 Long Range Transportation Plan Update Technical Report No. 1: Data Compilation and Review Data Supplement 10/1994 Long Range Transportation Plan Update Technical Report No. 2: Model Validation - Year 1990 12/1995 Long Range Transportation Plan Update Technical Report No. 2: Model Validation - Year 1990 Appendix 12/1995 Long Range Transportation Plan Update Transportation Planning Council Meeting 9/1994

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 18 of 43 Long Range Transportation Plan Update, Modeling Workshop 1994 (see Modeling) Long Range Transportation Plan Year 2030 Update Financial Resources Review (Revised Draft) 3/2004 (see LRTP 2030) Low Cost Improvement Program for RUSH (Resourceful Use of Streets and Highways) 9/1996 Ludlam Trail Non-Motorized Corridor Study Master Plans 2/2003 (see [Bottom Shelf Ludlam Trail Non-Motorized Corridor Study Planning and Environmental Study Phase 1 3/2003 MDC Transportation Improvement Program Stage 1 Rapid Transit System: Draft Report- Incremental Bus Analysis Appendices A-C 6/1981 (see Stage 1 Rapid Transit: Modeling) MDC Transportation Improvement Program Stage 1 Rapid Transit System: Incremental Bus Analysis 8/1981 MDTA Fare Cross-Elasticity And Allocation Draft Technical Memorandum Number 4: Characteristics of Cash/Token Users 10/1993 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1993) MDTA Fare Cross-Elasticity And Allocation Draft Technical Memorandum Number 5: Predicting Changes in Fare Payment Method 12/1993 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1993) MDTA Fare Cross-Elasticity And Allocation Final Technical Memorandum Number 1: Existing Fare Policies/Pass Usage Characteristics 7/1993 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1993) MDTA Fare Cross-Elasticity And Allocation Final Technical Memorandum Number 2: Survey Design And Administration 7/1993 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1993) MDTA Metromover Extensions Transfer Analysis Final Technical Memorandum Number 1: Current Operating Characteristics of Metrobus Service into/within the Central Business District 3/1994 MDTA Metromover Extensions Transfer Analysis Final Technical Memorandum Number 2: Metromover Fare Policy Alternatives 4/1994 MDTA Metromover Extensions Transfer Analysis Final Technical Memorandum Number 3: Analysis of Impacts of Proposed Transfers Between Bus and Mover 4/1994 MDTA On-Board Survey Analysis Appendix B: Metrobus Demographic and Travel Characteristics by Route 5/1994 MDTA On-Board Survey Analysis Final Report 5/1994 MDTA On-Board Survey Design Analysis Draft Report Technical Memorandum Number 3: Metrobus Survey Findings 10/1993 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1993) MDTA On-Board Survey Design And Sampling Plan Final Report 4/1993 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1993) MDTA Transit Fare Policies And Strategies Draft Technical Memorandum Number 3: Evaluation of Preferred Alternatives 2/1993 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1993) MDX Hardscape Standards Enhancement Manual DRAFT 10/2001 (see [Online Only]) MDX: Moving Miami-Dade (see Expressways: Tolling) Medley Sub-Area Freight Study Final Report 3/2009 Metro Dade Transportation Plan Update Project Task 2: Baseline Travel Projection Summary Years 1990 & 2005 6/1983 Metro Dade Transportation Plan Update Project Working Paper No. 3: Alternative Travel Projections Years 1990 & 2005 5/1984 Metro Transit Expansion Study (Stage II), Downtown Alternative Alignments 4/1984 (see Transit Corridors 1977- 1989) Metro Transit Expansion Study System Planning/Staging Analysis 1/1984 Metro VanPool Program Manual, Revision A 8/1992 (see [Binders]) Metro-Dade Bicycle Facilities Plan 1997 Metro-Dade Bicycle Facilities Plan Executive Summary 1997 Metro-Dade Road Pricing Study Final Report 5/1995 Metro-Dade Transit Agency Conceptual Planning Studies 2/1992 (see Transit 1990-1994) Metro-Dade Transit Agency Transit Development Program 1993 (see Transit 1990-1994)

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 19 of 43 Metro-Dade Transportation Plan and Improvement Priorities Long Range Element (to the Year 2005) (Revised) 11/1987 Metro-Dade Transportation Plan and Improvement Priorities Long Range Element (to the Year 2005) (Revised) 11/1988 Metro-Dade Transportation Plan and Improvement Priorities Long Range Element (to the Year 2005) (Updated) 7/1987 Metro-Dade Transportation Plan and Improvement Priorities Long Range Element (to the Year 2010) 11/1990 Metro-Dade Transportation Plan and Improvement Priorities Long Range Element (to the Year 2010) 11/1991 (see LRTP 2010) Metro-Dade Transportation Plan and Improvement Priorities Long Range Element (to the Year 2010) (Amended) 11/1992 (see LRTP 2010) Metro-Dade Transportation Plan and Improvement Priorities Long Range Element (to the Year 2010) (Amended) 11/1993 Metro-Dade Transportation Plan and Improvement Priorities Long Range Element 2010 10/1990 (see LRTP 2010) Metro-Dade Transportation Plan to the Year 2015 Technical Report No. 3: Long Range Plan Development 12/1995 Metro-Dade Transportation Plan Update Project Working Paper No. 2: Baseline Travel Projections Years 1990 & 2005 8/1983 (see LRTP 2005) Metro-Dade Transportation Plan Update Project Working Paper No. 2: Baseline Travel Projections Years 1990 & 2005 12/1983 Metro-Dade Transportation Plan: Special Report 1, Transportation Needs and Resources in Dade County: The Widening Gap 10/1982 Metro-Dade Traveler Information Station Technical Memorandum Metro-Miami Marketplace: Destination 2001 1994 (see Downtown Studies 1990-1994) Metro-Miami Marketplace: Destination 2001, Executive Summary 4/1995 (see Downtown Studies 1995-1999) Metromover Extensions Transfer Analysis 5/1994 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1994) Metromover System Expansion Study Appendix 9/2014 Metromover System Expansion Study Executive Summary 9/2014 Metromover System Expansion Study Final Report 9/2014 Metromover-Bayside Pedestrian Promenade Concept Master Plan 1/1994 Metromover-Bayside Pedestrian Promenade Concept Master Plan Technical Memorandum No. 1 3/1993 Metromover-Bayside Pedestrian Promenade Concept Master Plan Technical Memorandum No. 2 3/1993 Metromover-Bayside Pedestrian Promenade Concept Master Plan Technical Memorandum No. 3 3/1993 Metropolitan Dade County Comprehensive Bicycle Plan 8/1986 Metropolitan Dade County Emergency Operations Plan Section 1 Hurricane Procedure 6/1984 (see Safety / Emergency) Metropolitan Dade County General Travel Survey Design and Sampling Plan, Final Report 4/1993 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1993) Metropolitan Dade County Rail Rapid Transit Project, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, UMTA Project No. FL- 03-0006 1/1978 (see Transit Corridors 1977-1989) Metropolitan Dade County Rail Rapid Transit Project, Final Environmental Impact Statement, UMTA Project No. FL-03- 0036 5/1978 (see Transit Corridors 1977-1989) Metropolitan Dade County Transportation Improvement Program Preliminary Engineering/Architectural Drawings 6/1975 (see [Bottom Shelf Metrorail & Metromover End of Fiscal Year 1996 Report 1996 (see Transit: TDP Reports) Metrorail Information Guide, Metropolitan Dade County Transportation Improvement Program, Stage One Rapid Transit System 1986 Metrorail M-Path Master Plan 7/2007

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 20 of 43 Metrorail M-Path Master Plan Executive Summary 7/2007 Metrorail Multimodal/Intermodal Transit Oriented Design: Real Estate, Demographic and Market Analysis 3/2014 (see [Bottom Shelf Metrorail/Coconut Grove Connection Study (Technical Memorandum 2 and Technical Memorandum 3) 12/2004 Metrorail/Coconut Grove Connection Study Phase II Final Report (Technical Memorandums 4, 5, and 6) 1/2007 Metrorail/Metromover Community Impact Study, Work Order No. 1996-2, Partial draft 8/1997 (see Transit 1995- 1999) Metrorail: A Booklet of Questions & Answers 4/1982 (see Stage 1 Rapid Transit) Miami - Miami Beach Light Rail Transit presentation book 2/2001 Miami Beach 16th Street Improvements Presentation to the Transportation Planning Council 3/2007 Miami Beach 17 Street Bicycle & Transit Lanes Feasibility Study Report 1/2020 Miami Beach Electric Shuttle Identity & Trail Blazing Signage Study 1998 Miami Beach Electric Wave: The South Beach Electric Shuttle Study (Draft) 6/1997 Miami Beach Electric Wave: The South Beach Electric Shuttle Study Appendices (Draft) 6/1997 Miami Beach Intermodal Feasibility Study Executive Summary 2000 Miami Beach Intermodal Feasibility Study Intermodal Facility brochure 2000 Miami Beach Intermodal Feasibility Study Intermodal Report 2000 Miami Beach Intermodal Feasibility Study Task I Technical Memorandum 8/2000 Miami Beach Intermodal Feasibility Study Task II Technical Memorandum: Marketing Analysis 10/2000 Miami Beach Intermodal Hubs Feasibility Study Final Report 2/2018 Miami Beach Light Rail Transit Background Report 7/2000 Miami Beach Light Rail Transit System Feasibility Study Summary Report (Final) 7/1989 (see [Binders]) Miami Beach Middle Beach Recreational Corridor Phase III Final Report 6/2016 Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan Existing Traffic Conditions Interim Report 11/1997 (see [Binders]) Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan Existing Traffic Conditions Interim Report 12/1997 (see Municipal Master Plans 1996-2000) Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank 5/1999 (see Municipal Master Plans 1996-2000) Miami Beach Transit Terminal presentation (see Aesthetics) Miami Civic Center Circulator Study Executive Summary Report (Draft) 1/2006 (see Transit: Municipal 2005-2009) Miami Civic Center Circulator Study Final Report (Draft) 2/2006 Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1976-1986 (see Historical) Miami Downtown Transportation Master Plan 4/2003 Miami Downtown Transportation Master Plan Executive Summary 4/2003 Miami Downtown Transportation Master Plan Executive Summary booklet 5/2003 Miami Gardens Circulator Feasibility Study 1/2008 Miami Gardens Circulator Feasibility Study Executive Summary 1/2008 Miami Gardens Circulator Feasibility Study presentation 1/2008 Miami Gardens Drive Project Feasibility/Fatal Flaw Analysis Plemo Study Phase I (Draft) 5/1999 (see [Binders]) Miami Intermodal Center Major Investment Study/Draft Environmental Impact Statement Supplemental Drawing Package 10/1995 (see [Bottom Shelf Miami Intermodal Center Scoping Document 12/1993 (see East-West: MIC) Miami International Airport Annual Report 1994 (see Airport 1991-1995)

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 21 of 43 Miami International Airport Master Plan Update Concept Development 3/1993 (see Airport 1991-1995) Miami International Airport Terminal And Airfield Expansion Program, Development of Regional Impact/Application for Development Approval Volume 1: Application 3/1996 (see [Binders]) Miami International Airport Terminal And Airfield Expansion Program, Development of Regional Impact/Application for Development Approval Volume 2: Appendices 3/1996 (see [Binders]) Miami International Airport Transportation Study Final Report: Summary and Recommendations 1/1989 Miami International Airport Transportation Study Technical Memorandum 1: Existing Conditions 11/1987 Miami International Airport Transportation Study Technical Memorandum 2: Future Conditions 4/1988 Miami International Airport Transportation Study Technical Memorandum 3: Formulation and Assessment Of Alternatives 12/1988 Miami Lakes Complete Streets Program 12/2017 Miami Lakes Greenways and Trails Master Plan 11/2014 Miami Metromover Herald Plaza Station Environmental Assessment 3/1994 (see Transit 1990-1994) Miami North Corridor Draft Environmental Impact Statement 1/1998 Miami North Corridor Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Preliminary Engineering Appendix A: Plan and Profile Drawings 12/1997 (see [Bottom Shelf Miami North Corridor Final Environmental Impact Statement Technical Reports (Draft) 7/2004 (see Transit Corridors 2000-2005) Miami North Corridor Final Environmental Impact Statement Volume I 2/2007 Miami North Corridor Final Environmental Impact Statement Volume II 2/2007 Miami Regional Intermodal Plan (MRIP) Summary Report 1/2014 Commission Annual Report 2007 Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan Appendices 8/2007 Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan Final Report 8/2007 Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan 9/2002 (see Corridor Studies 2001-2002) Miami River Tunnel Feasibility Study Executive Summary 8/2017 Miami River Tunnel Feasibility Study Final Report 8/2017 Miami Shores Village Multimodal Mobility Study 10/2015 Miami Springs Transit System Services and Opportunities Study Final Report 11/2004 Miami Sunpike Briefing Packet 1995 Miami Sunpike Executive Summary 1995 Miami Sunpike Executive Summary and Technical Memorandum 1994 Miami Sunpike Frequently Asked Questions and Answers 1995 Miami Surface Shuttle Services: Feasibility Study for Transit Circulator Services in Downtown Miami, , Overtown, and Airport West Final Report 6/2000 Miami Surface Shuttle Services: Feasibility Study for Transit Circulator Services in Downtown Miami, Brickell, Overtown, and Airport West Final Report Executive Summary 6/2000 (see Transit 2000-2005) Miami Travel Model: Flow Charts, Autcon Code, Mode Program Code 1989 (see LRTP 2010 Model Validation) Miami Transportation Study (MUATS) & Year 2025 Plan Update (Draft) 9/2001 (see LRTP 2025) Miami Urban Area Transportation Study (MUATS) 2010 Plan Update Technical Memorandum: Directional Trip Distribution 10/1989 Miami Urban Area Transportation Study (MUATS) and Year 2025 LRTP Update Model Validation TPC Meeting (Draft) 6/2001

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 22 of 43 Miami Urban Area Transportation Study (MUATS) and Year 2025 LRTP Update Project Evaluation Workbook 7/2001 (see [Binders]) Miami Urban Area Transportation Study (MUATS) and Year 2025 Plan Update 1999 Socioeconomic Data 2/2001 Miami Urban Area Transportation Study (MUATS) and Year 2025 Plan Update Air Quality Conformity Determination Report 12/2001 Miami Urban Area Transportation Study (MUATS) Model Validation and Year 2010 Plan Update Appendices For Technical Report 2 10/1989 Miami Urban Area Transportation Study (MUATS) Model Validation and Year 2010 Plan Update Technical Memorandum: Financial Resources 10/1989 Miami Urban Area Transportation Study (MUATS) Model Validation and Year 2010 Plan Update Technical Report 2: Model Validation 10/1989 (see LRTP 2010 Model Validation) Miami Urban Area Transportation Study (MUATS): Model Validation and Year 2010 Plan Update Technical Report 1: Data Compilation and Review 10/1989 (see LRTP 2010 Model Validation) Miami Urban Area Transportation Study Commercial Model Development for Transportation Planning 11/1968 Miami Urban Area Transportation Study Status Report (for the Year 1985) Book 1 3/1968 Miami Urban Area Transportation Study Status Report (for the Year 1985) Book 2 3/1968 (see [Binders]) Miami Urban Area Transportation Study Status Report (for the Year 1985) Book 4 3/1968 (see [Binders]) Miami Urban Area Transportation Study Status Report (for the Year 1985) Book 5 3/1968 (see [Binders]) Miami Urban Area Transportation Study Status Report (for the Year 1985) Book 6 3/1968 Miami Urban Area Transportation Study The Principal Street & Highway Plan - 1985: A Summary Report 4/1969 Miami Urban Watch Alternative to I-395 10/2002 Miami Urbanized Area Congestion Management System Technical Memorandum Miami: 3 Proposals for Downtown 9/1970 Miami: The Downtown Master Plan, A Vision For The Future 1989 Miami: The Downtown Master Plan, A Vision for the Future 1989 (see [Bottom Shelf Miami-Dade 2009 Metrorail Transit Survey Final Report 7/2009 Miami-Dade 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Executive Summary (with CD) 10/2009 Miami-Dade 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Final Report 10/2009 Miami-Dade 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Financial Resources Review and Update Report 10/2009 (see LRTP 2035) Miami-Dade 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan presentation, October 29, 2009 10/2009 Miami-Dade 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan presentation, October 5, 2009 10/2009 (see LRTP 2035) Miami-Dade 2040 Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan 2014 Miami-Dade 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Draft Report 10/2014 (see LRTP 2040) Miami-Dade Bicycle & Pedestrian Data Collection 6/2018 Miami-Dade Bicycle Parking Plan presentation 2002 Miami-Dade Bicycle Route Planning Project Final Report 9/2010 Miami-Dade County 2005 Park and Ride Lot Plan 12/2005 Miami-Dade County 2014 Congestion Management Process Update Draft Technical Report 6/2014 (see Congestion 2011-2020) Miami-Dade County Aesthetic Master Plan Community Image Advisory Board Workshop 7/2008 (see [Bottom Shelf Miami-Dade County and the Upper and Middle Keys Park and Ride Lot Plan 12/2005 Miami-Dade County Bicycle Boulevard Planning Study: Model City/Brownsville 12/2009 Miami-Dade County Bicycle Boulevard Planning Study: Model City/Brownsville Field Review Report 4/2010

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 23 of 43 Miami-Dade County Children's Courthouse MUSP Traffic Impact Study 10/2008 (see Traffic Studies 2005-2009) Miami-Dade County Compendium of Transportation Facts & Trends Executive Summary 7/2014 Miami-Dade County Compendium of Transportation Facts & Trends Report 7/2014 Miami-Dade County CSX Corridor Evaluation Study Final Report 8/2009 Miami-Dade County Facts 7/2005 (see Demography) Miami-Dade County Freight Plan Update 8/2014 Miami-Dade County Freight Plan Update presentation to FTAC 8/2013 Miami-Dade County Freight Plan Update presentation to FTAC 8/2014 Miami-Dade County Grade Separation Study 7/2005 Miami-Dade County Grade Separation Study Executive Summary 7/2005 Miami-Dade County Modal Split Analysis 6/2019 Miami-Dade County MPO: Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Miami Urbanized Area (brochure) 2000 (see Public Involvement) Miami-Dade County Typical Roadway Section and Zoned Right-of-Way Update Study 12/2007 Miami-Dade County Vision Zero Plan 6/2018 Miami-Dade County Year 2020 Transportation Plan Project Descriptions 1998 (see LRTP 2020) Miami-Dade Countywide Consolidated Park-and-Ride Facilities Plan 10/2010 Miami-Dade CSX Corridor Evaluation Executive Summary 8/2009 (see Freight 2009-Present) Miami-Dade CSX Corridor Evaluation Study Kick-off Community Meeting presentation 1/2009 Miami-Dade Expressway Authority Open Road Tolling Master Plan 2007-2011 Final Report 3/2006 Miami-Dade Facts & Trends (website) 9/2014 Miami-Dade Freight Logistics Zone Designation Strategic Plan 6/2018 Miami-Dade Freight Plan Executive Summary 3/2009 Miami-Dade Freight Plan Final Report 3/2009 Miami-Dade Freight Plan Update 6/2018 Miami-Dade Freight Plan Update Executive Summary 6/2018 Miami-Dade Intermodal Centers: Making the Connections for You brochure 2001 Miami-Dade Intermodal Centers: Making the Connections for You presentation 10/2000 Miami-Dade Long Range Transportation Plan Update (to the Year 2030) Steering Committee Meeting No. 1 presentation 5/2003 Miami-Dade Moves to 2040 (LRTP) brochure 1/2013 Miami-Dade MPO Cube Voyager FSUTMS Model User's Guide 9/2008 Miami-Dade MPO Long Range Transportation Plan Update to 2030: Financial Resources Review presentation (Revised Draft) 4/2004 Miami-Dade MPO Public Involvement Portfolio, Activities from 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 2010 (see [Binders]) Miami-Dade Multimodal Accessibility-Based Needs Assessment Final Report 2/2018 Miami-Dade Transit Bus Service Evaluation Study Appendices 1 - 5 10/2011 Miami-Dade Transit Bus Service Evaluation Study Executive Summary 10/2011 Miami-Dade Transit Bus Service Evaluation Study Final Report 10/2011 Miami-Dade Transit Bus Service Evaluation Study Presentation 10/2011 (see Transit 2011-2015) Miami-Dade Transit Comprehensive Bus Operational Analysis Executive Summary and Final Recommendations 1/2005

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 24 of 43 Miami-Dade Transit North East Corridor Major Investment Study (MIS)/Alternative Analysis (AA), Project No. E02- MDT-01,E 8/2002 (see [Binders]) Miami-Dade Transportation Plan (to the Year 2030) (Final Draft) 12/2004 Miami-Dade Transportation Plan (to the Year 2030) Air Quality Conformity Determination Summary (Final Draft) 10/2004 Miami-Dade Transportation Plan (to the Year 2030) Data Compilation, Review, and Development 12/2004 Miami-Dade Transportation Plan to the Year 2025 brochure 2001 Miami-Dade Transportation Plan to the Year 2030 Beach/CBD Transportation Planning Area brochure, Summer 2004 Miami-Dade Transportation Plan to the Year 2030 Central Transportation Planning Area brochure, Summer 2004 Miami-Dade Transportation Plan to the Year 2030 Long Range Element Brochure 2004 (see LRTP 2030) Miami-Dade Transportation Plan to the Year 2030 Newsletter, Autumn 2004 Miami-Dade Transportation Plan to the Year 2030 Newsletter, Summer 2004 Miami-Dade Transportation Plan to the Year 2030 Newsletter, Summer, Haitian Creole Edition 2004 Miami-Dade Transportation Plan to the Year 2030 Newsletter, Summer, Spanish Edition 2004 Miami-Dade Transportation Plan to the Year 2030 North Transportation Planning Area brochure, Summer 2004 Miami-Dade Transportation Plan to the Year 2030 Northwest Transportation Planning Area brochure, Summer 2004 Miami-Dade Transportation Plan to the Year 2030 South Transportation Planning Area brochure, Summer 2004 Miami-Dade Transportation Plan to the Year 2030 West Transportation Planning Area brochure, Summer 2004 Miami-Dade Transportation Plan Update to the Year 2030 Air Quality Conformity Determination Report 12/2004 Miami-Dade Transportation Plan Update to the Year 2030 Air Quality Conformity Determination Report (Appendix) 12/2004 (see LRTP 2030) Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study (Project No. E01-MPO-01) 3/2001 (see [Binders]) MIC / Rental Car Center / Miami Central Station, Summer 2006 Edition 2006 (see East-West: MIC) MIC/Earlington Heights Connector Study Draft Environmental Impact Statement Executive Summary 8/2002 MIC/Earlington Heights Connector Study Draft Environmental Impact Statement Volume 1 5/2003 MIC/Earlington Heights Connector Study Draft Environmental Impact Statement Volume 2: Plan and Profile Drawings 5/2003 (see [Bottom Shelf MIC/Earlington Heights Corridor Connector Study Locally Preferred Alternative Report 7/2003 Miracle Mile Traffic Circulator Study (Revised) 5/1994 Mobility Management Process/Congestion Management System Executive Summary 1996 Mobility Management Process/Congestion Management System Final Report 1996 Mode Choice Model Patronage Forecasts (TIP Stage 1 Rapid Transit System) 6/1978 (see Stage 1 Rapid Transit: Modeling) Mode Choice Model User's Manual (TIP Stage 1 Rapid Transit System) 7/1978 (see Stage 1 Rapid Transit: Modeling) Model Land Development & Subdivision Regulations That Support Access Management For Florida Cities And Counties 1/1994 (see Land Use 1994-2004) Modeling Support for Near-Term Public Transportation Improvements on Major Urban Travel Corridors 11/2010 Monthly Progress Photos [Metrorail Extension to the Palmetto Expressway] 3/2000 (see Transit 2000-2005) Monthly Progress Photos [Metrorail Extension to the Palmetto Expressway] 9/2000 (see Transit 2000-2005) Movilizando Personas Este-Oeste: Supliendo las necesidades de transportacion Este-Oeste del Condado Miami-Dade, Vol. 2, No. 1, Invierno 1999 (see East-West: Corridor) Moving Transportation into the Information Age (see ITS) MPO FY 2014 Budget Folder (Draft) 2/2013 (see Finance)

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 25 of 43 MPO Nationwide Survey 8/2002 MUATS 2000 Update 1975 (see [Binders]) MUATS Year 2000 Plan Update Interim Report II: Existing Ground Transportation Conditions 9/1975 (see LRTP 2000) Multi-Modal Health District Comprehensive Traffic Study Executive Summary 2/2009 N.E. 2nd Avenue Beautification/Harmonization Project (Draft) 12/1999 NE 125th Street Multimodal Improvements 2/2016 Near-Term Transportation Plan for Miami-Dade County 2012-2015 10/2010 Neighborhood Impact Study: LeJeune Road Flyover, Miami Springs, Florida 11/2002 (see [Binders]) New WASD Building at Douglas Station Traffic Study 6/2001 NIH Course No. 15127: Statewide Highway Planning Procedures Participant Workbook 1/1993 (see [Binders]) Non-Motorized Network Connectivity Plan 4/2016 North Corridor Alternatives Analysis, Travel Demand Forecasting Methodology Report and Model Verification Summary 11/1995 (see Transit 1995-1999) North Corridor Metrorail Extension Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) 12/2003 (see [Binders]) North Dade Greenways Master Plan 1998 North East Miami-Dade Traffic Flow Analysis presentation booklet 7/2007 North Miami Community Transit Circulator Study Final Report 4/2000 North Miami Community Transit Circulator Study Pre-Community Input Interim Report 2/1999 (see Transit: Municipal 1995-2000) North Miami Transit Oriented Development Feasibility Study 5/2005 (see Municipal Master Plans 2001-2005) North Ponce de Leon Boulevard Median Evaluation 11/2002 North Ponce de Leon Boulevard Median Evaluation Executive Summary 11/2002 North/Middle Beach Transit Study 8/2013 Northeast Dade Transit Improvement Study Final Report 9/1996 (see Transit Corridors 1990-1999) Northeast Miami Dade Traffic Flow Study (Executive Summary, Tasks 1 through 5, and Appendices A and B) 9/2007 Northeast Miami-Dade Traffic Flow Study Executive Summary 2007 North-South Transportation Needs for the Coastal Communities Feasibility Study Executive Summary 6/2020 North-South Transportation Needs for the Coastal Communities Feasibility Study Report 6/2020 Northwest 25th Street Travel Demand Alternatives Analysis Report, Project Development & Environmental Study 7/1997 (see TDM / TSM) Northwest 25th Street Travel Demand Study Report, Project Development & Environmental Study 1/1997 (see TDM / TSM) Northwest 27th Avenue Origin-Destination Study On-Board and Telephone Surveys 3/1990 Northwest 27th Avenue Transit Corridor Travel Survey, Transit On-Board Origination-Destination Survey 12/1989 (see [Binders]) Noteworthy MPO Practices in Transportation-Land Use Planning Integration Final Report 4/2004 (see Land Use 1994- 2004) Notification of Proposed Change (NOPC) Expansion of Boundaries/Watson Island (DRI) 4/2004 NW 27th Avenue Enhanced Bus Service Concepts and Environmental Plan 6/2013 NW 27th Avenue Enhanced Bus Service Concepts and Environmental Plan Appendices 6/2013 NW 27th Avenue Enhanced Bus Service Concepts and Environmental Plan Executive Summary 6/2013 NW 36th Street/NW 41st Street - SR-112 Extension Corridor Concept Study Report 6/1995 (see Corridor Studies 1990-1995)

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 26 of 43 NW 36th Street/NW 41st Street - SR-112 Extension Corridor Concept Study Report 9/1995 (see Corridor Studies 1990-1995) NW 7th Avenue Traffic and Pedestrian Study Executive Summary 5/2010 NW 7th Avenue Traffic and Pedestrian Study Final Report 5/2010 NW/NE 36th Street Study Executive Summary 6/2007 NW/NE 36th Street Study Final Report 6/2007 Observation Wheel Analysis Miami-Dade County 9/2007 Okeechobee Road PD&E Study (from SR 997/Krome Avenue to NW 79th Avenue) presentation to Transportation Aesthetic Review Committee 7/2014 On The Move in Metro-Dade County, Executive Summary of the CUTR/Metro-Dade Technical Assistance Project 1994 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1994) On the Move.. Miami-Dade County Pocket Guide to Transportation, Summer 2004 On the Move.. Miami-Dade County Pocket Guide to Transportation, Summer 2007 On the Move.. Miami-Dade County Pocket Guide to Transportation, Summer 2010 On The Waterfront: Miami's Fifteen Mile Promenade 2012 Opa-Locka Station Evaluation: Preliminary Assessment of Impacts (Draft) 1/1992 (see Commuter Rail 1985-1995) Open Space and Recreation: Proposed Master Plan for Miami-Dade County, Florida 2/1969 (see [Bottom Shelf Optimizing NOMI Express Routes, Connections, and Technology Final Report 6/2017 Orange Line Phase 2: North Corridor Metrorail Extension New Starts Financial Plan 9/2007 Origin-Destination Surveys for Express Bus Services Final Report 3/2012 Origin-Destination Surveys for Local Bus Service (Central Garage) Final Report: Survey Implementation and Summary of Raw Data 9/2013 Origin-Destination Surveys for Local Bus Service (executive summary) 2/2012 (see Transit 2011-2015) Origin-Destination Surveys for Local Bus Service (South Garage) Final Report 6/2015 Origin-Destination Surveys for Local Bus Service (South Garage) Travel and Rider Characteristics for Metrobus 6/2015 Origin-Destination Surveys for Local Bus Service Final Report: Survey Implementation and Summary of Raw Data 9/2012 Overtown Neighborhood Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities Implementation Program 4/1999 Overtown/ Bicycle Pedestrian Mobility Plan 9/2014 Overview of Bus Rapid Transit Opportunities as Part of an Integrated Multi-modal Strategy to Alleviate Traffic Congestion Technical Memorandum 1… 10/2004 Overview of Bus Rapid Transit Opportunities as Part of an Integrated Multi-modal Strategy to Alleviate Traffic Congestion Technical Memorandum 2… 2/2005 Overview of Bus Rapid Transit Opportunities as Part of an Integrated Multi-modal Strategy to Alleviate Traffic Congestion Technical Memorandum 3… 4/2005 Overview of Bus Rapid Transit Opportunities as Part of an Integrated Multi-Modal Strategy to Improve Travel Time in Miami-Dade County Final Report 3/2006 (see [Binders]) Palmetto Bay Transportation Master Plan 2004 Palmetto Corridor Light Rail Transit Feasibility Study 1/1997 Palmetto Station Intermodal Terminal Feasibility Study 12/2014 Palmetto Station Intermodal Terminal Feasibility Study Executive Summary 12/2014 Park & Ride Lots Planning Study Working Paper Park & Ride Lots Planning Study Working Paper

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 27 of 43 Park & Ride Lots Planning Study Working Paper Park & Ride Lots Planning Study Working Paper Parking and Transit Policy Study Executive Summary (Revised) 12/1993 Parking and Transit Policy Study Technical Memorandum No. 1: Overview Of Urban Transit and Parking Policies 5/1993 Parking and Transit Policy Study Technical Memorandum No. 2: Evaluation Of Parking and Transit Policies 5/1993 Parking and Transit Policy Study Technical Memorandum No. 3: Issues and Recommendations 6/1993 Parking Impact Report 5/1988 Pedestrian- And Transit-Friendly Design 3/1996 Pedestrian Improvements at Rail Crossings Study presentation 1/2013 Pedestrian Improvements at Railroad Crossings Final Report 1/2013 Pedestrian Improvements at Railroad Crossings Safety and Security for All newsletter 1/2013 People's Transportation Plan 4/2004 (see Transit: TDP Reports) People's Transportation Plan Status Report 4/2004 (see Transit Corridors 2000-2005) People's Transportation Plan: Metrorail Phase II (Transit Corridors), The Future Forum Presentation, July 7th 2004 7/2004 (see Transit Corridors 2000-2005) Perrine Community Urban Center District Ordinance 4/2005 (see Aesthetics) Personal Rapid Transit (PRT): Another Option for Urban Transit? 3/1989 (see Historical) Planned Transit System Review 8/2006 (see Transit Corridors 2006-Present) Planning Workbook: A Workbook to Help Develop a Florida Coordinated Transportation Development Plan for the Transportation Disadvantaged 6/1991 (see Transportation Disadvantaged 1991-1995) Population Estimates and Projections, Dade County, Florida, Statistical Areas and Census Tracts 1970-2005 7/1985 (see Demography) Population Estimates and Projections, Patterns of Population Change, Dade County, Florida, 1970-2010 2/1987 (see Demography) Population Projections, Dade County, Florida, 1985-2010 6/1986 (see Demography) Port of Miami City Street Improvements 9/2000 Port of Miami Freight Access Study Executive Summary 2/2007 Port of Miami Freight Access Study Final Report 2/2007 Port Of Miami Master Development Plan 1988 (see Seaport) Port of Miami Tunnel & Access Improvements DEIS 4/1996 (see [Binders]) Port of Miami Tunnel & Access Improvements PD&E Study 10/1994 Port of Miami Tunnel & Access Improvements PD&E Study 12/1995 (see Seaport: Port Tunnel) Port of Miami Tunnel & Access Improvements PD&E Study July 6, 1994 presentation 7/1994 (see Seaport: Port Tunnel) Port of Miami Tunnel Project Development and Environmental Study 2/1992 (see Seaport: Port Tunnel) Port of Miami Tunnel Project: Project Aesthetics TARC Briefing 2/2013 (see [Bottom Shelf Port of Miami/Dodge Island Bridge Architectural Lighting 7/1994 Post Hurricane Short Range Transportation Plan Technical Report Post Hurricane Short Range Transportation Plan Technical Report Post Hurricane Short Range Transportation Plan Technical Report Post Hurricane Short Range Transportation Study West Dade Area Task Technical Memorandum A: Existing Transportation Conditions (Draft) 2/1995

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 28 of 43 Post Hurricane Short Range Transportation Study West Dade Area Task: Final Recommendation 8/1995 Preliminary Report on the 2020 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Public Information Workshops 5/2000 (see Public Involvement) Preparing for Emergencies, Continuity Of Operations (COOP) 3/2004 Presentation for the Long Range Transportation Plan Update, Project No. E02-MPO-02 1/2003 (see LRTP 2025) Presentation: P.A.C./Omni Area Access Improvements (Presented to: I-395 MPO Sub-Committee) 3/2003 Prime Modal Split Model Recalibration Report (TIP Stage 1 Rapid Transit System) 12/1978 (see Stage 1 Rapid Transit: Modeling) Princeton Charrette Report 1/2004 Princeton Community Urban Center District Ordinance (Updated) 2007 Privatization in Mass Transit: Overview and the Florida Experience 1994 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1994) Profile of the Black Population 1990 12/1995 (see Demography) Program of Interrelated Projects 2/1997 (see [Binders]) Proposal for High Speed Ferry Service Rapid Mass Transit 2006 (see Water Transit) Proposal to the Dade County MPO for The Brickell Village Street Improvements 12/1995 Proposals for Transit Corridors Investments in Dade County: An Assessment 4/1994 (see Transit Corridors 1990- 1999) Proposed Dade Bikeway Plan 4/1972 Proposed General Land Use Master Plan, Metropolitan Dade County, Florida 10/1963 (see Historical) Proposed Islandia-North Key Largo and Parkway 7/1965 (see Regional Plans 1965-1999) Proposed New Runway at Miami International Airport DEIS Volume 1: Documentation 12/1997 (see [Binders]) Proposed New Runway at Miami International Airport DEIS Volume 2: Appendices 12/1997 (see [Binders]) Proposed Plan To Comply With ADA-Required Complementary Paratransit Service 12/1991 (see Transportation Disadvantaged 1991-1995) Proposed Transportation Master Plan For Dade County: A Summary (1985 MUATS) 2/1969 Prospectus for Transportation Improvements (Draft) 6/1977 Prospectus for Transportation Improvements 2nd Edition 9/1983 (see Prospectus) Prospectus for Transportation Improvements 3rd Edition (Revised) 1/1989 Prospectus for Transportation Improvements 4th Edition (Revised) 3/1994 Prospectus for Transportation Improvements 5th Edition (Revised) 3/1995 Prospectus for Transportation Improvements 6th Edition 4/1998 Prospectus for Transportation Improvements 7th Edition (Revised) 10/1999 Prospectus for Transportation Improvements January 2004 Update 1/2004 (see Prospectus) Prospectus for Transportation Improvements January 2009 Update 1/2009 (see Prospectus) Protected Bike Lanes Demonstration Plan Final Report 8/2017 Public Easement Bicycle/Pedestrian Network Plan 7/2018 Public Involvement Activities for the 2003-2007 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Its Air Quality Conformity Determination Report (CDR) 2003 (see Public Involvement) Public Involvement Appendix to Prospectus for Transportation Improvements 12/1977 (see Prospectus) Public Involvement Appendix to Prospectus for Transportation Improvements 3/1978 (see Prospectus) Public Involvement Effectiveness Evaluation Program 11/2001 Public Involvement Plan 2004

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 29 of 43 Public Involvement Plan 8/2005 Public Involvement Plan 3/2007 Public Involvement Plan 8/2009 Public Involvement Plan 10/2010 Public Involvement Process 2/1995 Public Participation Plan 5/2011 Public Transit in Florida 2/1989 Public Transportation Research Study, Price Elasticity of Rideshare: Commuter Fringe Benefits for Vanpools 6/2004 Public-Private Partnership (P3) Reference Guide 8/2016 Public-Private Transit Feasibility Study Technical Memorandum 1: Review Of Guidelines, Rules and Regulations 3/1999 Public-Private Transit Feasibility Study Technical Memorandum 3: Alternative Development & Initial Service Recommendation 2/1999 (see Public-Private Partnership) Quickchange Moveable Barrier (brochure) 3/1991 (see Expressways: Tolling) Quickchange Moveable Barrier System 1995 (see Expressways: Tolling) Rail Convertibility Study Final Report 11/2004 Railroad Rights-Of-Way Assessment 8/1993 Railroad Rights-Of-Way Assessment Appendix VIII- ROW Maps 8/1993 Railroad Rights-Of-Way Assessment Executive Summary 8/1993 Railroad/Highway Grade Separation Study Data Collection Report 2/1992 Rail-Volution 2007: Miami & Miami Beach by Water Tour, Proposed Water Transit Project for Miami-Dade County along Biscayne Bay 2007 Rapid Biscayne: Implementation Plan for Biscayne Enhanced Bus Service Executive Summary 4/2013 Rapid Biscayne: Implementation Plan for Biscayne Enhanced Bus Service Final Report (and Executive Summary) 4/2013 Rapid Transit Sytem Preliminary Engineering Final Project Report 3/1979 Regional Plan for South Florida 6/1987 (see Regional Plans 1965-1999) Regional Plan for South Florida 8/1991 Regional Profile 6/1978 Regional Public Transit Fuel Tax Financial Concept Plan 12/1992 Request For Proposals for Vanpool Demonstration Program (RFP No. 000064) 1/1997 Resourceful Rehab, A Guide For Historic Buildings In Dade County 1987 (see Historical) Reversible Flow Lane Study: SR 5/US 1/South Dixie Highway from SW 40th Street/SR 976/Bird Road to I-95 Appendix I- Synchro Output Results 12/2007 Reversible Flow Lane Study: SR 5/US 1/South Dixie Highway from SW 40th Street/SR 976/Bird Road to I-95 Final Project Report 12/2007 Reversible Lanes Along Major Thoroughfares Final Technical Memorandum 9/2016 Reversible Lanes Along Major Thoroughfares in Miami-Dade County Executive Summary 9/2016 Review and Assessment for the Current and Planned Transit System for Miami-Dade County (Miami-Dade/Broward Travel Model Version 2/2007 (see Modeling) Review of Joint Use Efforts Nationwide Technical Memorandum Review of MPO Long Range Transportation Plans and Estimate of Statewide 2035 Metropolitan Area Financial Shortfall 4/2013

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 30 of 43 Review of MPO Long Range Transportation Plans and Regional MPO Planning Activities and Products Final Technical Memorandum 8/2005 (see Planning Reviews) Review of Selected Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) 1/2002 Revitalization of the Economic Gateway to Downtown Miami 10/1999 (see [Bottom Shelf Rickenbacker Park presentation to the MPO Transit Solutions Committee Meeting 2/2016 Riverside Center Transit Feasibility Study 12/1988 Road Pricing and Expressway Authority Study Technical Appendix (Expressway Authority Legislation) 12/1993 S.W. 120th Street Interchange with the Homestead Extension of Florida's Turnpike Preliminary Engineering Report 6/1985 S.W. 136th Street Transit Station Location and Busway Overpass Feasibility Assessment Final Report 3/1994 (see Transit 1990-1994) Safe Routes to Parks Final Report 3/2010 Safe Routes to School (Village of Palmetto Bay) 2010 Safe Routes to School 2013 Infrastructure Plans Appendices 3/2014 Safe Routes to School 2013 Infrastructure Plans Executive Summary 3/2014 Safe Routes to School 2013 Infrastructure Plans Report 3/2014 Safe Routes to School 2014 Infrastructure Plans Executive Summary 8/2015 Safe Routes to School 2014 Infrastructure Plans Final Report 8/2015 Safe Routes to School Districtwide Traffic Operations Studies TWO No. 25 Final Report 7/2007 Safe Routes to School Districtwide Traffic Operations Studies TWO No. 26 Final Report 7/2007 Safe Routes to School Plans 2011 Appendices 8/2012 Safe Routes to School Plans 2011 Executive Summary 8/2012 Safe Routes to School Plans 2011 presentation 8/2012 Safe Routes to School Plans 2011 Report 8/2012 Safe Routes to School Program Executive Summary (Safe Routes for Pilot Schools) 9/2005 Safe Routes to School Program presentation (Safe Routes for Pilot Schools) 9/2005 Safe Routes to School Program Procedure Manual Technical Memorandum No. 3: Final (Safe Routes for Pilot Schools) 9/2005 Safe Routes to School Program: Safe Routes for Pilot Schools Final 9/2005 Safe Routes to Schools 2008 Safety Studies at High Crash Locations Countywide 2/2011 Safety Studies at High Crash Locations Countywide (within Municipalities) 2011-2013 8/2014 Safety Studies at High Crash Locations Countywide Appendix 2/2011 School Zone Traffic Congestion Study 7/2002 School Zone Traffic Congestion Study Executive Summary 7/2002 School Zone Traffic Congestion Study presentation 7/2002 Scope of Work for the Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study 6/2001 Senior Living Facilities Road Safety Audits Executive Summary 10/2019 Senior Living Facilities Road Safety Audits Final Report 10/2019 Short Courses for Metropolitan Planning 9/1994 (see [Binders]) Short Range Truck Traffic Study for the Airport West Area Executive Summary 7/2002 Short Range Truck Traffic Study for the Airport West Area Final Report 7/2002

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 31 of 43 Short Range Truck Traffic Study for the Airport West Area presentation 7/2002 Short Term Improvements Study Final Report 12/2009 Signage Program for the Miami Health District (Final) 3/2013 Simulation and Analysis of Potential Mass Evacuation of Miami-Dade Residents 6/2007 Skyway Express 1990 (see Transit 1990-1994) SMART Plan/North Corridor Economic Mobility & Accessibility Final Report 2/2020 SMART Trails Master Plan Executive Summary 6/2019 SMART Trails Master Plan Final Report 6/2019 Snake Creek Bike Trail Planning and Feasibility Study Final Report 9/2005 Park and Ride Feasibility Study Final Report 1/1999 Snapper Creek Trail Segment "B" Master Plan Final Report 6/2016 Snapper Creek Trail Segment "B" Master Plan Public Workshop presentation 6/2016 Snapper Creek Trail Segment A Planning Study 10/2008 Snapper Creek Trail Segment A Planning Study Executive Summary 10/2008 Sou Movman.. Ti Liv Ki Bay Enfomasyon Sou Zafe Transpotasyon Nan Miyami Ded Konty, Sezou (Pocket Guide in Haitian Creole) 2007 South Beach Electric Shuttle Study Final Draft 8/1997 (see [Binders]) South Beach Parking Study (Project South Dade Greenway Network Biscayne Trail 30% Submission 6/1998 South Dade Greenway Network Master Plan 11/1994 South Dade Greenway Network, Southern Glades Trail and Everglades Trail 8/1998 South Dade Managed Lanes Study Executive Summary 9/2008 South Dade Managed Lanes Study Final Report 9/2008 South Dade Managed Lanes Study Presentation 11/2008 South Dade Planning Workshop for the U.S. 1 Corridor 10 March 1995 Summary of Proceedings 7/1995 (see Public Involvement) South Dade Transit Linkage Proposal 11/1992 (see Transit 1990-1994) South Dade Transitway Corridor Economic Mobility and Accessibility Final Report 12/2019 South Dade Transitway Corridor Economic Mobility and Accessibility Final Report Appendices 12/2019 South Florida Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Pilot Project Final Report 4/2015 South Florida Commuter Vanpools: Taking the Work Out of Getting to Work! (see TMA / TMO 1990-1999) South Florida Commuter Vanpools: Taking the Work Out of Getting to Work! (brochure) 2000 (see Vanpools) South Florida Regional Freight Plan 3/2010 South Florida Transit Analysis Study Executive Summary (Draft) 3/2003 South Florida Transit Analysis Study Final Report 5/2003 (see [Binders]) South Florida Vanpool Awareness and Response Campaign presentation 5/2014 (see Vanpools) South Florida Vanpool Internal Operations Manual (see [Binders]) South Florida Vanpool Program Marketing Plan, FY03-FY04 3/2003 (see [Binders]) South Link Alternative Maps 5/2005 South Link Alternatives in Detail 3/2006 South Link Tier II Evaluation (matrix) 2005

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 32 of 43 South Miami Complete Streets Policies and Design Manual 5/2016 South Miami Intermodal Transportation Plan Final 1/2015 South Miami Intermodal Transportation Study 6/2001 South Miami-Dade Corridor (South Link) Study Executive Summary Handout 1/2016 South Miami-Dade Corridor (South Link) Study Update 1/2016 South Miami-Dade Corridor Alternative Analysis Report (South Link Study) 6/2006 South Miami-Dade Corridor Alternative Analysis Report Executive Summary (South Link Study) 6/2006 South Miami-Dade Transit Corridor Alternative Analysis Executive Summary (South Link Study) booklet 2005 South Miami-Dade Transit Corridor Alternative Analysis newsletter, Volume 1 3/2005 South Miami-Dade Transit Corridor Alternative Analysis newsletter, Volume 2 8/2005 South Miami-Dade Transit Corridor Alternative Analysis newsletter, Volume 3 12/2005 Southeast Florida Household Travel Survey Final Survey Report 11/2017 Southeast Florida Intelligent Corridor System, Transit Workshop 5/1993 (see [Binders]) Southeast Florida Intelligent Transportation System Final Report 11/1993 (see [Binders]) Southeast Florida Origin-Destination Travel Survey Final Report 9/2017 Southeast Florida Regional Freight Plan Update Final Report 2014 Southeast Florida Regional Planning Model: Data Collection and Development Methodologies 1/1998 (see [Binders]) Southeast Florida Regional Travel Characteristics Study 10/1998 (see [Binders]) Southeast Florida Regional Travel Characteristics Study, Technical Memorandum No. 1: Survey Management Plan 10/1998 (see Modeling: Southeast Regional) Southeast Florida Regional Travel Characteristics Study, Technical Memorandum No. 2: Public Awareness Campaign 10/1998 (see Modeling: Southeast Regional) Southeast Florida Travel Characteristics Evaluation Study Final Report 8/1987 (see [Binders]) Southeast Overtown Park West Development of Regional Impact Increment III Appendices for Question 21 - Transportation 4/2011 (see [Binders]) Southeast Overtown Park West Development of Regional Impact Increment III Application for Development Approval 4/2011 (see [Binders]) Southeast Regional Planning Model IV, Users Manual: PC-X32 Version 9/1997 (see Modeling: Southeast Regional) Southeast Regional Planning Model Workshop, Participant's Workbook 11/1997 (see Modeling: Southeast Regional) Southwest 112th Avenue Study Project Concept Report: Dade County-Homestead Regional Airport Final Report 7/1997 (see Airport 1996-2000) Special Report 196: Urban Transportation Planning in the 1980s 1982 (see Historical) Special Report 209: Highway Capacity Manual 1985 Special Use Lane Study 10/2004 (see [Bottom Shelf Special Use Lane Study brochure 2004 Special Use Lane Study Executive Summary 2004 Special Use Lanes Study: Transit Use of Shoulder By-Pass Lanes 11/2005 Special Use Lanes Study: Transit Use of Shoulder By-Pass Lanes Executive Summary 11/2005 SR 826 Palmetto Expressway HOV Lanes Staging Plan 7/1996 (see HOV) SR 94 Urban Corridor PTO Conceptual Design Study: Working Paper No. 1 (Draft) Data Collection and Analysis 4/1985 SR-112 Extension Concept Study from LeJeune Road to HEFT presentation book 1995 SR-112 Extension Study Issues Paper 1/1995

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 33 of 43 SR-826 (Palmetto Expressway) Hialeah Access Study 5/1992 SR826 Transportation & Land Use Study Appendices 3/1998 (see [Binders]) SR826 Transportation & Land Use Study Final Report 3/1998 (see [Binders]) SR-836/I-395 PD&E Study (I-395 Presentation Agenda) 1/1994 SR-836/I-395 PD&E Study (SR-836 Presentation Agenda) 1/1994 SR-836/I-395 Study (maps) 5/2002 (see Expressways) SR-836/I-395 Study MPO Presentation 7/2000 SR-972/ Signal Optimization Analysis 5/2013 (see Traffic Studies 2010-2015) State of Florida Air Implementation Plan 1/1972 State of The County [1997-2006] Report (Transportation Systems Performance Monitoring Study) 11/2008 Station Area Aesthetics, Design & Development Program: 27th Avenue Station Area Profile 2/1999 (see East-West: MIC) Station Area Aesthetics, Design & Development Program: Blue Lagoon Station Area Profile 2/1999 (see East-West: MIC) Station Area Aesthetics, Design & Development Program: Government Center Station Area Profile 2/1999 (see East- West: MIC) Station Area Aesthetics, Design & Development Program: Maritime Park Station Area Profile 2/1999 (see East-West: MIC) Station Area Aesthetics, Design & Development Program: Palmetto Station Area Profile 2/1999 (see East-West: MIC) Station Area Profile 02: Dadeland North 1980 Station Area Profile 03: South Miami 1980 Station Area Profile 12: Civic Center 10/1978 Station Area Profile 13: Santa Clara 10/1979 Status Report, Commission District 4 Area Planning Report & Sunny Isles Study Area 4/1995 (see Area Planning Studies) Strategic Investment Plan to Implement The Intermodal Access Needs Of Florida's Seaports (Landside Access Study), Final Report 6/1997 Strategic Plan for Advanced Public Transportation Systems For Metro-Dade Transit Agency 12/1993 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1993) Strategic Regional Transit Plan 12/2008 (see [Binders]) Strategies for Integration of Sustainability and the Transportation System Final Report - Executive Summary 12/2011 Street Closure/Traffic Flow Modification Study 7/1996 Street Closure/Traffic Flow Modification Study Executive Summary 7/1996 Summary of Activities 9/2010 (see e-Government) Summary of Recent Studies 5/2005 (see e-Government) Summary of Studies 2002 Summit Of The Americas, Volunteer Handbook 1994 (see [Binders]) Superarterial Network Study Executive Summary 1998 Superarterial Network Study Final Report 10/1998 Superarterial Network Study Recommended Improvements 1998 Superarterial Network Study Technical Memorandum 1: Study Coordination 3/1997 Superarterial Network Study Technical Memorandum 2: Literature Review 2/1997 Superarterial Network Study Technical Memorandum 3: Data Collection 3/1997

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 34 of 43 Superarterial Network Study Technical Memorandum 7: Preliminary Testing and Evaluation of Test Candidates 2/1998 Superarterial Network Study Technical Memorandum 8: Estimation of Test Implementation Requirements 2/1998 SW 137th Avenue Corridor Study (From SW 184th Street to Turnpike Extension) 2/2005 SW 152nd Street Corridor Transportation Study Executive Summary Report 7/2008 SW 152nd Street Corridor Transportation Study Final Report 7/2008 SW 152nd Street Mobility Solutions Appendices 1/2017 SW 152nd Street Mobility Solutions Executive Summary 1/2017 SW 152nd Street Mobility Solutions Final Report 1/2017 SW 152nd Street Mobility Solutions: SW 127th Avenue Connector Study Final Report 7/2017 SW 152nd Street Mobility Solutions: SW 127th Avenue Connector Study Presentation 9/2017 SW 8th Street and SW 87th Avenue Intersection Improvement Concept and Feasibility Study Phase I - Concept Feasibility Study 4/2012 SW 8th Street Corridor Study Executive Summary 11/2015 SW 8th Street Corridor Study Final Report (and Technical Memorandums) 11/2015 SW 8th Street Corridor Study: SW 82nd Avenue and SW 72nd Avenue 1/2017 Task Force Report For Persons With Disabilities 10/1987 (see Transportation Disadvantaged 1980-1990) TDM Modeling: Techniques and Tools 12/1996 (see TDM / TSM) Telephone Survey for NW 25th Street PD&E Study 10/1996 (see Public Involvement) The "Publicos" System: A Puerto Rican Experience, A Jitney Approach for Miami-Dade County 3/2002 The 1980 Dade County On-Board Transit Survey Data Analysis Report 8/1983 (see Transit 1975-1985) The 1980 Dade County On-Board Transit Survey Methodology Report 1982 (see Transit 1975-1985) The 2009 Congestion Management Process Update Executive Summary 10/2009 The 2009 Congestion Management Process Update Final Report 10/2009 The Commuter Challenge: Driving in Dade County (see TMA / TMO 1990-1999) The Dade County On-Board Transit Survey Data Analysis Report 2/1984 The Florida High Speed Rail Study Final Report 9/1984 (see ) The Glide: A Bay Link Gondola Ride Above It All 3/2002 The Governor's Commission for a Sustainable South Florida 10/1995 (see Sustainability) The Impact of on Tri-Rail Ridership (Draft Report) 3/1993 The Miami Downtown People Mover Executive Summary 7/1979 (see Stage 1 Rapid Transit) The Miami Downtown People Mover Final Environmental Impact Statement 11/1980 (see Stage 1 Rapid Transit) The Miami Jitneys 8/1992 The North Beach Recreational Corridor 10/1993 The Road Corridor: An Element of Urban Design 8/1988 (see [Bottom Shelf The SR-A1A Fly Over to Alton Road PD&E Study (Aesthetic Committee Presentation) 4/1994 (see Expressways) The Transportation And Land Use Study Committee Final Report 1/1999 The Village of Palmetto Bay Appendices (Traffic Data Collection & Analysis) 6/2003 Title VI Quarterly Report 3/2002 Title VI Report 2/2004 Title VI Report 3/2007

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 35 of 43 Title VI Report 12/2010 Title VI Review: Action Plan for Miami-Dade MPO 1/2002 Tolled Managed Highways with Rapid/Enhanced Bus Routes and Ridesharing Study Executive Summary 6/2013 Tolled Managed Highways with Rapid/Enhanced Bus Routes and Ridesharing Study Technical Report 6/2013 Topical Newsletters and Studies Volume 1: 1998-2010 6/2010 (see Public Involvement) Town of Cutler Bay Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan 8/2011 Town of Cutler Bay Complete Streets Corridor Analysis Exhibit "A" 8/2017 Town of Cutler Bay Mobility Hubs Plan Executive Summary 10/2019 Town of Cutler Bay Mobility Hubs Plan Final Report 10/2019 Town of Cutler Bay Transportation Master Plan 7/2009 Town of Cutler Bay Transportation Master Plan 10/2014 Town of Medley Multimodal Mobility Study 11/2017 Town of Medley NW 116th Way Corridor Study Appendix 6/2010 Town of Medley NW South River Drive Corridor Study Area Expansion Volume I: Engineering Analysis (Master Plan) 11/2005 Town of Medley NW South River Drive Corridor Study Area Expansion Volume II: Traffic Report 11/2005 Town of Medley NW South River Drive Corridor Study, NW 107th Avenue to the Palmetto Expressway (SR-826) Volume I: Engineering Analysis 12/2003 Town of Medley NW South River Drive Corridor Study, NW 107th Avenue to the Palmetto Expressway (SR-826) Volume II: Traffic Report 12/2003 Town of Medley Transit Circulator Services Implementation Study 9/2006 Town of Medley Transit Circulator Services Implementation Study Executive Summary 9/2006 Town of Miami Lakes Commute Trip Reduction Program 9/2013 Town of Miami Lakes SMART Technology Implementation Plan 2020-2035 (Adopted) 10/2019 Town of Miami Lakes Transportation Master Plan 2/2004 Traffic Calming for Pedestrians at Wolfson Campus Executive Summary 9/2004 Traffic Calming for Pedestrians at Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus Project Overview presentation 2004 Traffic Calming for Pedestrians at Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus Technical Memorandum 3: Final Report 9/2004 Traffic Engineering Analysis LeJeune Road Existing Conditions, Miami Springs, Florida 1/1996 Traffic Noise Analysis, Noise Barrier Design Guidelines 7/1990 (see [Binders]) Traffic Radio Feasibility Study 6/2001 Traffic Safety Plan for Elderly Pedestrians Final Report 3/2011 Traffic Signs Research Study for Miami-Dade County Executive Summary 5/2007 Traffic Signs Research Study for Miami-Dade County Final Report 5/2007 Traffic Signs Research Study for Miami-Dade County presentation 5/2007 Transit "Bridge" Corridor Alternatives Analysis, Volume 1 9/2002 (see [Binders]) Transit "Bridge" Corridor Alternatives Analysis, Volume 2 9/2002 (see [Binders]) Transit "Bridge" Corridor Alternatives Analysis, Volume 3 9/2002 (see [Binders]) Transit "Bridge" Corridor Alternatives Analysis/Draft EIS Public Involvement Activities Report Deliverable Transit "Bridge" Corridor Alternatives Analysis/Draft EIS Scoping Summary Report 10/2000 (see Transit Corridors 2000-2005)

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 36 of 43 Transit "Bridge" Study Added Alternative Analysis Public Involvement Activity Report 3/2004 (see [Binders]) Transit "Bridge" Study Added Alternative Analysis Volume I 3/2004 (see [Binders]) Transit "Bridge" Study Added Alternative Analysis Volume II 3/2004 (see [Binders]) Transit Center Connection Opportunities brochure 2004 Transit Center Connections Final Report 12/2004 Transit ContraFlow Feasibility Study Executive Summary 6/2002 Transit ContraFlow Feasibility Study Final Report 6/2002 Transit Corridor Implementation Status Report 9/1993 Transit Corridor Implementation Status Report (draft) 9/1993 (see Transit Corridors 1990-1999) Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 2: Identification, Collection, and Review 7/1992 Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 4: Evaluation Methodology (Revised) 2/1992 Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 4: Transit Forecasting Process and User's Guide 2/1993 Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 5: Capital Cost Estimating Process and Results 2/1993 Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 5: Detailed Definition of Alternatives 2/1993 Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 5: Operating and Maintenance Cost Estimating Process and Results 2/1993 Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 5: Transit Forecasting Methodology and Results 2/1993 Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 6: Financial Analysis 2/1993 Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 9: Jitney Survey 2/1993 Transit Corridors Transitional Study Jitney Report 7/1992 Transit Corridors Transitional Study Jitney Report Appendix B Transit Corridors Transitional Study Jitney Report Appendix B Transit Development Plan, 2007 Update 6/2001 (see Transit 2000-2005) Transit Development Program 1994 (see Transit: TDP Reports) Transit Development Program 1996 (see Transit: TDP Reports) Transit Development Program 1997 (see Transit: TDP Reports) Transit Development Program 1998 (see Transit: TDP Reports) Transit Development Program 1999 (see Transit: TDP Reports) Transit Development Program 2000 (see Transit: TDP Reports) Transit Development Program Interim Report 7: Staging and Financial Plans (SIMCUR-768-7) 1/1972 Transit Fare Policies and Strategies 9/1994 (see Transit: CUTR Studies 1994) Transit Hub Evaluation Study Executive Summary (Draft) 3/2009 (see Transit 2006-2010) Transit Hub Evaluation Study Final Report 5/2009 Transit Improvement Program Citizens Participation Program Work Plan 6/1974 (see [Binders]) Transit Level of Service (TLOS) Software User's Guide Version 1.0 3/1999 (see GIS) Transit Options to PortMiami Feasibility Study Executive Summary 6/2013 Transit Options to PortMiami Feasibility Study Final Report 6/2013 Transit System Bicycle Master Plan for Miami-Dade County 3/2014 Transit System Performance Evaluation Methodology: An Interim Draft Report 6/1982 (see Transit 1975-1985)

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 37 of 43 Transit/Land Use Relationship Report 12/1995 Transport 2030: Smarter. Faster. Easier. 2003 (see LRTP 2030) Transportation and Economic Impacts of the Freight Industry in Miami-Dade County Executive Summary 12/2011 Transportation and Economic Impacts of the Freight Industry in Miami-Dade County Final Report 12/2011 Transportation and Economic Impacts of the Freight Industry in Miami-Dade County Final Report presentation 12/2011 Transportation And Land Use Connection: Report On The Creation Of A Prototype Visualization Tool Based On Best Practices 6/1999 (see Land Use 1994-2004) Transportation Assessment: Proposed Boundary Change to the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (Revised) 3/2004 Transportation Control Measure Information Documents 3/1992 (see Environmental) Transportation Data Management System Executive Summary 5/2002 Transportation Data Management System Final Report 3/2002 Transportation Data Management System Training Manual 3/2002 Transportation Demands of the 21st Century: A Look to the Future- Possible Paths Forward 10/2009 Transportation Demands of the 21st Century: A Look to the Future- Possible Paths Forward Executive Summary 10/2009 Transportation Disadvantaged Development Plan 1984 Transportation Disadvantaged Development Plan 1985 Transportation Disadvantaged Handbook 1/1990 (see [Binders]) Transportation Disadvantaged Program Policies & Procedures 9/1992 (see Transportation Disadvantaged 1991-1995) Transportation Financial Analyses and Assessments Executive Summary 7/1997 Transportation Financial Analyses and Assessments Final Report 7/1997 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1978 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1979 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1980 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1981 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1982 (see TIP 1977-1985) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1983 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1984 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1985 (see TIP 1977-1985) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1986 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1987 (see TIP 1986-1990) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1988 (see TIP 1986-1990) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1989 (see TIP 1986-1990) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1990 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1991 (see TIP 1991-1995) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1992 (see TIP 1991-1995) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1993 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1994 (see TIP 1991-1995) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1995 (see TIP 1991-1995) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1996 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1997

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 38 of 43 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1998 (see TIP 1996-1999) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1999 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2000 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2001 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2002 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2003 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2004 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2005 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2006 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2007 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2008 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2009 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2010 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2011 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2012 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2013 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2014 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2015 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2016 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Air Quality Conformity Determination 2002 (see TIP: Air Quality CDR) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Air Quality Conformity Determination Report 1996 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Air Quality Conformity Determination Report 2003 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Air Quality Conformity Determination Report 2004 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Air Quality Conformity Determination Report 2005 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Final Draft (Air Quality Build Network…) 1992 (see TIP: Air Quality CDR) Transportation Improvement Program, Citizen's Version 2002 Transportation Improvement Program, Citizen's Version 2004 Transportation Improvement Program, Citizen's Version 2005 Transportation Improvement Program, Citizen's Version 2006 Transportation Improvement Program, Citizen's Version 2007 Transportation Improvement Program, Citizen's Version 2008 Transportation Improvement Program, Citizen's Version 2009 Transportation Improvement Program, Citizen's Version 2010 Transportation Improvement Program, Citizen's Version 2011 Transportation Improvement Program, Citizen's Version 2012 Transportation Improvement Program, Citizen's Version 2013 Transportation Improvement Program, Citizen's Version 2014 Transportation Improvement Program, Citizen's Version 2015 Transportation Improvement Program, Citizen's Version 2016 Transportation Management Center (TMC) Functionality Study Final Report 12/2001

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 39 of 43 Transportation Outreach Planner (website) 7/2012 Transportation Plan For A New Century Northwest/North/Beach/West/Central/South Area Improvements 3/1999 (see [Bottom Shelf Transportation Plan For Metropolitan Dade County, Florida, Long Range Element Final Report 4/1979 Transportation Programs and Projects for the Omni & Performing Arts Center Areas I-395 Alternatives Review Study Status Report 3/2003 (see Expressways) Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study Appendix 1A: Transportation System Maps 6/1995 (see [Bottom Shelf Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study Appendix 1B: GIS Database Structure and Reference Tables 1995 (see [Binders]) Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study Appendix 1C: Agency Facilities Survey Results 7/1995 Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study Appendix 2B: Example Detailed Analysis 7/1995 Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study Appendix 3A: Transportation Model Support Document 5/1995 Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study Executive Summary 7/1995 Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study Technical Report 1: Transportation System Inventory 7/1995 Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study Technical Report 2: System Vulnerability Analysis (Draft) 7/1995 Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study Technical Report 4: Policy and Procedures Review 7/1995 Transportation Systems Performance Monitoring Study 11/2008 Transportation, Infrastructure and Concurrency Task Force 9/1991 (see [Binders]) Travel Demand Management: A Reader, Volume 1 2/1992 (see [Binders]) Travel Demand Management: A Reader, Volume 2 2/1992 (see [Binders]) Travel Diary Addendum to Summary of Survey Results Household Travel and Hurricane Impact Survey 5/1994 Trends in Heavy Truck Traffic Management Executive Summary 2/2005 Trends in Heavy Truck Traffic Management Final Report 2/2005 Trends in Heavy Truck Traffic Management Study presentation 2/2005 Trends in Metropolitan America 2/1977 Tri-County Commuter Rail Authority Annual Report Fiscal Year 1989/90 1990 (see Commuter Rail 1985-1995) Tri-County Commuter Rail Authority Business Plan, Fiscal Year 96/97 (Draft) 1997 (see Commuter Rail 1995-Present) Tri-County Commuter Rail Authority Station Site Planning Design Guidelines 9/1994 (see [Binders]) Tri-County Commuter Rail Authority, Leading the Way to Greater Mobility in South Florida, Long Range Master Plan: Executive Summary 2000 (see Commuter Rail 1995-Present) Tri-County Commuter Transit Study 12/1984 Trip Generation Study of Transit-Oriented Developments in Miami-Dade County 2/2014 Tri-Rail Airport-Seaport Connection Feasibility Study Final Report 2/1991 Tri-Rail Parking and Circulation Study Update 12/2008 (see [Binders]) Tri-Rail Service Extension Financial Concept Plan - Status Update 12/1992 (see Commuter Rail 1985-1995) Tri-Rail Service Extension Financial Concept Plan (Draft) 11/1992 (see Commuter Rail 1985-1995) Truck Parking in Unincorporated Miami-Dade Residential Areas Study Background Research 10/2001 Truck Route System for Miami-Dade County Executive Summary 6/2007

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 40 of 43 Truck Route System for Miami-Dade County Final Report 6/2007 Turnpike Enterprise Tentative Work Program (FY 2004/05 - 2008/09) 11/2003 (see Turnpike) Turnpike Enterprise Value Pricing Study Executive Summary 9/2002 (see Turnpike) Turnpike Enterprise Value Pricing Study Final Report 9/2002 (see [Binders]) Typical Roadway Section and Zoned Right-of-Way Update Study Summary of Best Practices 2007 (see [Binders]) UMTA '91 Resource Book 5/1991 (see [Binders]) Unified Planning Work Program 1983 Unified Planning Work Program 1984 Unified Planning Work Program 1985 (see UPWP 1981-1989) Unified Planning Work Program 1986 Unified Planning Work Program 1987 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 1989 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 1990 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 1991 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 1992 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 1993 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 1994 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 1995 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 1996 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 1997 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 1998 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 1999 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 2000 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 2001 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 2002 (see UPWP 2001-2006) Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 2003 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 2004 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 2005 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 2006 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 2007 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation 2008 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation [Fiscal Years 2009 and 2010] 2009 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation [Fiscal Years 2011 and 2012] 2011 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation [Fiscal Years 2013 and 2014] 2013 Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation Planning 1988 Unified Planning Work Program Transportation Planning and Related Planning Activities 1978 Unified Planning Work Program Transportation Planning and Related Planning Activities 1979 (see UPWP 1970-1980) Unified Planning Work Program Transportation Planning and Related Planning Activities 1982 (see UPWP 1981-1989) Unified Work Program for Transportation and Related Planning Activities 1974 (see UPWP 1970-1980) Unified Work Program for Transportation and Related Planning Activities 1976 (see UPWP 1970-1980)

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 41 of 43 Unified Work Program for Transportation and Related Planning Activities 1977 (see UPWP 1970-1980) Unified Work Program for Transportation Planning and Related Planning Activities 1980 (see UPWP 1970-1980) Unified Work Program for Transportation Planning and Related Planning Activities 1981 (see UPWP 1981-1989) Unified Work Program of Transportation and Related Planning Activities 1975 Urban Mobility Strategies in Miami-Dade County Final Report 10/2020 Urban Mobility Strategies in Miami-Dade County Final Report Executive Summary 10/2020 Urban Transit Village, Phase II. Public Participation Summary Report 8/2001 (see Transit 2000-2005) Urban Transportation Planning Model Update FDOT Standard Model Documentation Tasks E - J (Book 2 of 2) 7/1979 (see [Binders]) US 1 Pedestrian Bridge Overpass at South Plans of Proposed Alternatives: Alternative C 1/2005 US-1 Exclusive Bus Lanes from S.W. 200th Street ( Blvd.) to South Dadeland Metrorail Station Preliminary Engineering Report 8/1992 (see Transit 1990-1994) US-1 Intersection Improvement Study - Village of Pinecrest 4/2008 US-1 Intersection Improvement Study - Village of Pinecrest presentation 5/2008 US-1 Phase II Exclusive Buslanes Project Development & Environmental Study Final Traffic Report 10/1996 US-1 Phase II Exclusive Buslanes Project Development & Environmental Study Final Traffic Report/Volume I: Main Report 7/1997 US-1 Reversible Flow Lane Study Executive Summary 10/2007 US-1 Reversible Flow Lane Study from SW 40th Street (Bird Road) to Interstate 95 (I-95) presentation 1/2008 US-1/SR-878 Intersection Sub-Area Traffic Study (Revised) 3/2010 US-1/SR-878 Intersection Sub-Area Traffic Study TPTAC Presentation 9/2009 US-1: The 18-mile Stretch to the , MPO Presentation 2/2001 (see Expressways) UTDC Transit Spectrum: Moving Solutions Solid Support 1988 (see Transit 1986-1989) Utilization of Miami-Dade County Waterways for Urban Commuting Travel Executive Summary 2/2003 Value Pricing - Hot Lanes in South Florida Final Report: Results of Survey and Conclusions 10/2000 Vanpool Demonstration Program Summary and Analysis 8/1997 (see Vanpools) Village of Palmetto Bay Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan 8/2009 Village of Palmetto Bay Mobility Hubs & Transit Infrastructure Plan 1/2020 Village of Palmetto Bay Transportation Master Plan Executive Summary 2004 Village of Pinecrest Safe Routes to School Study 4/2012 Village of Pinecrest US-1 Bicycle Pedestrian Mobility Study 8/2015 Vision "2020": Dade County in the Year 2020 Conference 10/1996 (see LRTP 2020) Vision Workshop IV Project Information Package 7/2002 (see [Bottom Shelf Visions of Dade County in the Year 2020: The Project (Panel Discussion) 1992 (see LRTP 2020) Visual TIP Proposal 1/2002 (see GIS) VisualTIP: Transportation Improvement Plan for the 21st Century 1/2002 (see GIS) Walk Smart to School Route Planner (website) 1/2015 Walkable Communities, Twelve Steps For An Effective Program (guidelines) 6/1993 (see Bike/Ped: Countywide Plans) Waterborne Transportation Feasibility Study between Black Point Marina and Downtown Miami 11/2017 Welfare to Work: A Study of WAGES Clients, Employment Opportunities, Transit Availability, Best Practices, and Commuting Alternatives for Welfare Recipients (Draft) 11/1998 (see [Binders]) Welfare to Work: Transportation Issues and Opportunities in Miami-Dade County Final Report 12/1998

Thursday, December 10, 2020 Page 42 of 43 Welfare to Work: Transportation Issues and Opportunities in Miami-Dade County Final Report Executive Summary 12/1998 Street Corridor Study Final Report For Improving Mobility Specific Area Planning Report 9/1997 West Flagler Street Corridor Study Implementation Measures Report 9/1998 Westchester Traffic Impact Study Final Report 6/2008 Westward Drive Arterial Qualitative Assessment Report 1/2011 WET Consulting Group, Inc. Qualifications & Experience 2004 (see Water Transit) What is BRT? Transportation Committee Meeting Presentation 7/2004 What is ITS? (see ITS) What's New in Transit: Miami-Dade Transit's Employee Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 2 11/2010 (see Transit 2006-2010) Workbook Transportation Disadvantaged 11/1990 (see Transportation Disadvantaged 1980-1990) Working Together To Bring High Speed Rail Service To Florida (see High Speed Rail 1986-1990) Year 2000 Fast Track Transportation Initiative 11/1999 (see Downtown Studies 1995-1999) Year 2005 Metro-Dade Transportation Plan, 1984 Update Volume I (Final Draft) 9/1984 Year 2010 Metro-Dade Transportation Plan Technical Memorandum Your Plan Or Mine? Marketing Mobility in the 21st Century 8/1996 (see [Binders]) Zipper Lanes Background Report 10/2003

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