Palmers Green High Street Renaissance Challenges, Opportunities & Initiatives to create a thriving, local, multi-purpose visit centre


• To reimagine the High Street as a thriving local, multi-purpose visit centre


• Create a centre for the community

• Support existing businesses

• Attract new businesses


• Upgrade appearance of the high street

• Install period style shop fronts and renovate upper floors

• To identify what locals want from a high street

• Use social and digital media to help the high street

Voluntary Landlord Charter with ways to invest in their Commissioned artist to create impressions Initiatives to date properties and support their tenants of high street after period-style renovations Heritage Lottery Fund Grant Application with LBE

Engaged with social media campaign specifically for supporting high streets

Commissioned logo for Started a central business community to database of unite under Palmers Green retailers CHALLENGES FOR THE HIGH STREET Challenges: • Rise in business rates • Brexit – reduced buyer confidence and import expenses • Rise of online shopping • Failure of national brands and anchor tenants • Chain stores downsizing number of outlets • Shift in customer expectation of local high streets

OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE HIGH STREET Adapt or Die • Customers are there for businesses who provide them with what they want • High streets are not just retail, they need social, leisure and community uses to draw footfall • Independent shop openings are on the rise • People are prioritising experiences over purchases – how can you combine them? • The Instagram test – can I post this?

‘There was a net rise in the number of beauty stores in 2017, while cafes, coffee shops, ice-cream parlours and bookstores also increased in number’ Local Data Company (LDC) for PWC NEW LOCAL PLAN INVESTMENT NEW


HARNESS DIGITAL & SOCIAL MEDIA RENOVATION – how businesses and landlords can help themselves Purpose:

• To create a visually attractive environment that attracts visitors and encourages spending

• Reduce time that units are vacant between lettings

• Increase civic pride and therefore reduce littering, fly posting and fly tipping


• Have a common design theme – requesting a new Shopfront Design Guide to be created by London Borough of Enfield Council to set standards for design and which they will enforce

• Remove street clutter - advertising boards, satellite dishes, old letting boards, etc.

• Improve the street environment – petition for more greenery, public seating, attractive spaces

• Install period style shop fronts – works with the existing architecture of Palmers Green and creates a local community vibe more like a village than a through-route to Enfield or

• Refurbish the upper floors of the buildings – works with the existing architecture, makes the streetscape more attractive and gives the impression that the area is thriving and cared for

Renovation Leyton High Road & Walthamstow Inspiration in London Myddleton Road Renovation Inspiration in London Wood Green & Harringay Tufnell Park Traditional Edwardian Shopfront Why bother?

• Shopkeepers in Leyton reported a 20% increase in footfall immediately following the shop refurbishment works

• Harringay Green Lanes reported an immediate 5% increase in trading, despite being a small scheme

• Myddleton Road was the winner of one of the Great British High Street Awards 2016

• Following its revival, Tufnell Park was chosen as the location for award winning restaurant Ceremony

• Creates an identity for Palmers Green and moves away from the ‘idendikit high street’ model which is now failing

• Gives Palmers Green a USP to compete with town centres like Wood Green and Enfield Town receiving investment

• Reduces fly-tipping, littering, vandalism and crime

• Creates visual change that can be used to publicise and promote Palmers Green high street

Palmers Green

• Artist impressions showing transformation potential for Palmers Green High Street

• The initiative assumes period shop fronts are reinstalled using traditional materials like timber and stone, removing plastics and aluminium, but are combined with modern branding and design to suit a 21st century high street

SOCIAL MEDIA – how businesses can harness online and digital to drive sales Aim:

• To harness the power of online and digital marketing to attract customers to your business and drive sales


• Existing groups can be brought in to assist with creating an online platform for Palmers Green

• Examples include #WDYT by digital marketing group Maybe and SO by Save Our High Street

• Individual businesses can create instagram pages, Facebook pages and Twitter to engage with customers

• However, doing this as part of an organised campaign with your neighbours and professional advice would have a bigger impact and should be considered PLANNING POLICY & COUNCIL SUPPORT - London Borough of Enfield Council Aim:

• Meaningful and productive engagement with the Council, fostering good relationships and open channels of good communication


• To be able to work effectively together towards creating a vibrant and thriving Palmers Green


• Have input into the new Local Plan which will be setting out policies for Enfield’s town centres • Ensure the pro-Town Centre policies of the Mayor’s new London Plan are adopted in Palmers Green • Forge relationships with the local ward Councillors • Join local associations that already have relationships with the Council • Offer voluntary support e.g. monitoring compliance with planning regulations etc. • Enquire about available grants for town centre improvements and initiatives • Work with the Council on potentially appointing a Town Centre Manager


• Get your voice heard

• Get ideas that have worked elsewhere


• Join an interest group already campaigning for Palmers Green town centre • Set up an interest group • Work together with other traders and unite under one brand that you can promote yourselves with (such as the logo designed top right) • Contact leaders of other successful schemes like Walthamstow and Myddleton Road to get advice on what worked for them • Contact leaders of other community initiatives like the PG festival etc and think about how working together can create benefits for everyone