Shire of Carnarvon Agenda Papers Ordinary Council Meeting 23 July 2013

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Shire of Carnarvon Agenda Papers Ordinary Council Meeting 23 July 2013 SHIRE OF CARNARVON AGENDA PAPERS ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 23 JULY 2013 Shire of Carnarvon PO Box 459, Carnarvon WA 6701 [email protected] Phone – 99410000 Fax - 99410099 NOTICE OF ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING The next Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Carnarvon Council will be held on Tuesday 23 July 2013 in the Shire Council Chambers, Francis Street Carnarvon, commencing at 8.30am. Mr Maurice Battilana CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 2 Full Council Agenda – July 2013 SHIRE OF CARNARVON DISCLAIMER No responsibility whatsoever is implied or accepted by the Shire of Carnarvon for any act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council/Committee Meetings or during formal/informal conversations with Staff or Councillors. The Shire of Carnarvon disclaims any liability for any loss whatsoever and howsoever caused arising out of reliance by any person or legal entity on any such act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council/Committee Meetings or discussions. Any person or legal entity who acts or fails to act in reliance upon any statement does so at that person's or legal entity's own risk. In particular and without derogating in any way from the broad disclaimer above, in any discussion regarding any planning application or application for a licence, any statement or limitation of approval made by a member or officer of the Shire of Carnarvon during the course of any meeting is not intended to be and is not taken as notice of approval from the Shire of Carnarvon. The Shire of Carnarvon warns that anyone who has an application lodged with the Shire of Carnarvon must obtain and only should rely on WRITTEN CONFIRMATION of the outcome of the application, and any conditions attaching to the decision made by the Shire of Carnarvon in respect of the application. Mr Maurice Battilana CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 3 Full Council Agenda – July 2013 AGENDA 1.0 ATTENDANCES & APOLOGIES 2.0 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME 3.0 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.0 QUESTIONS OF WHICH DUE NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN 5.0 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 25 June 2013 6.0 PRESENTATIONS, PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS 7.0 ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT WITHOUT DISCUSSION 8.0 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 8.1 GOVERNANCE 8.1.1 Nomination-Goldfields M/W Medicare Local Primary Health Care Hub -Cr Nelson 8.1.2 Acting Chief Executive Officer – Appointment of 8.2 CORPORATE & COMMUNITY SERVICES 8.2.1 Accounts for Payment as at 30 June 2013 8.2.2 Financial Activity Statement as at 30 June 2013 8.2.3 Investments Register as at 30 June 2013 8.3 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 8.3.1 ODP Lot 1, 54 68 Robinson Street, Coral Bay 8.3.2 ODP Proposed Service Station – Lot 62 Banksia Drive, Coral Bay 8.3.3 Proposed Nature Based Camping Area – Wooramel Station 8.3.4 Amendment 65 – TPS No. 10 – Fascine Structure Plan 8.4 REGULATORY SERVICES No report for July 8.5 INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES 8.5.1 Proposed Temporary Closure of PAW Foss Crescent 9.0 MOTIONS OF WHICH PREVIOUS NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN 1 Full Council Agenda – July 2013 10.0 URGENT BUSINESS APPROVED BY THE PRESIDING MEMBER OR BY A DECISION OF THE COUNCIL 11.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of Council will be held on Tuesday 27 August 2013. 12.0 MATTERS FOR WHICH MEETING TO BE CLOSED TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC 12.1 Deferral Long Service Leave 12.2 Non Compliance Planning Condition – Approval P14/11 – Carnarvon Physiotherapy 12.3 Coral Bay Draft Structure Plan – WAPC Modifications 12.4 Design, Manufacture & Installation Executive Class Transportable Dwelling 13.0 CLOSURE 2 Full Council Agenda – July 2013 8.1.1 GOLDFIELDS-MIDWEST MEDICARE LOCAL (GMML) - PRIMARY HEALTH CARE HUB (PHC) File No 3L0212 Location/Address Shire of Carnarvon Name of Applicant Shire of Carnarvon Author Maurice Battilana, Chief Executive Officer Financial Interest Nil Date of Report 23 July 2013 Summary This report seeks Council endorsement of Councillor Nelson’s nomination to the Goldfields-Midwest Medicare Local (GMML) Primary Health Care Hub (PHC). Background Councillor Nelson has been approached by a (GMML) to represent council PHC Meetings. A copy of the correspondence detailing the purpose of this organisation is attached for your Information. Statutory Environment Nil Policy Implications Nil Financial Implications Nil Strategic Implications Outcome 3.1 Carnarvon is a proud community and is a desirable place to live, invest and visit. Develop and implement an investment attraction strategy, in partnership with stakeholders to increase awareness of Carnarvon as a desirable place to invest. Review Regional Collaboration. Broaden the marketing of Carnarvon to promote it as a desirable place to live, invest and visit in collaboration with key stakeholders. Encourage locals to talk Carnarvon up not down to promote a sense of community pride. Provide opportunities for community participation to promote a sense of belonging. Encourage and advocate for all to defend Carnarvon and promote positive stories. Media strategies to increase awareness of Carnarvon. Voting Requirements Simple Majority Comment Below is an extract from an email I received from the Regional Coordinator of the GMML regarding this matter: “These meetings are held twice a year in Carnarvon and currently Julee is attending as a health representative from the Carnarvon Family Support Services. The reason for this request is we currently have one other representative from Carnarvon Family Support Agency and we permit only one spokesperson per agency to contribute to the meetings. It was raised at the meeting perhaps Julee could attend on behalf of the Shire? We ask you if you could kindly assist with our request for Julee, or alternatively we would appreciate contact details for a Shire representative to attend the meetings and be involved with the hub. Mr Battilana, perhaps you may be interested in attending the meetings? The Primary Health Care Hub meetings are to encourage all agencies, stakeholders, Shires and Consumers to come to one meeting place to discuss Primary Health Care services in to the town. At the last meeting we discussed our plans to compile a Primary Health Care Service Directory for the local community which will list all of the PHC services in Carnarvon along with all visiting specialist to town to ensure both the public and all health professionals have access to the Directory. The Directories will be printed for all health professionals, emailed to all agencies and shires and be available on the GMML website. We would also like to work together with the Shires in the Midwest Region to ensure the Health Service Directories are listed on the Shire websites for easy access for the public and also the visiting tourist. As you will see in the attached documents the meetings are well structured and identify the Top 5 Identified Primary Health Priorities for the town. Once these priorities are identified from the hub meetings the findings are then brought to a forum, subcommittee, then to the CEO & Board of the GMML for consideration. From this process the Board & CEO will make decisions in regards to funding for programs to support all in the Midwest Region.” See attached supporting documents for further details of this organisation. OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION That Council endorse the nomination of Councillor Nelson as its representative on the Goldfields- Midwest Medicare Local (GMML) Primary Health Care Hub (PHC). …………………………………(Author) ………………………(Manager/CEO) QF130 Meeting minutes Goldfields-Midwest Medicare Local Minutes of CARNARVON HUB Meeting Gascoyne Development Commission Boardroom 13/03/2013 Meeting open: 9:05am ITEM DISCUSSION ACTION What Who When Present: 1. Present / Jillian Bilcich (JB) Practice Manager - Carnarvon Medical Centre Apologies / Terry Cahill (TC) Consumer Conflict of Chris Armstrong (CA) Psychologist - Carnarvon Family Support Services Interest Terri Middleton (TM) Consumer Declarations Marie Ross (MR) Local Area Coordinator - Disability Services Commission Gavin Griffiths (GG) Physiotherapist - Carnarvon Physiotherapy Susie Grainger (SG) GP - Rural Clinical School Julee Westcott-Nelson (JN) Councillor - Shire of Carnarvon Robin Fahl (RF) Pharmacist - Amcal Chemist Carnarvon Ganthi Kuppusamy (GK) CEO - Carnarvon Medical Service Aboriginal Corp Quentin Richards (QR) Social Worker - GMML / Carnarvon Hospital Jodie Green (JG) Regional Coordinator GMML Helen Robinson (HR) Deputy CEO GMML Apologies: Tracey Armstrong – Department of Justice Doriana Mangili – Vince Catagnia National Party Last Updated: 01/01/2012 Approved By: CEO Revision: ITEM DISCUSSION ACTION What Who When Conflict of Interest Declarations: Nil Welcome (JG) welcomed group and thanked everyone for attending (JG) asked all attendees to complete a hub attendance sheet Introduction around the table was held with name and agency representing (HR) asked (RF) – chair if she would like GMML to chair meeting (RF) agreed 2. Minutes of Previous minutes not available Previous Meeting 3. Matters Arising 3.1 N/A 4. Matters for Decision 4.1 N/A 5. Matters for Discussion: 5.1 Hub Process Review (JG) & (HR) provided an overview of the hub model and improvements General discussion around the value of the hub and the purpose and objectives. Last Updated: 01/01/2012 Approved By: CEO Revision: ITEM DISCUSSION ACTION What Who When Key points highlighted by HR 1. Hub is a means to coordinate services including networking and increasing communications between consumers and Agencies providing and affected by PHC; 2. Hub is not focussed on funding. Business cases and funding proposals are submitted separately to (HR) outside of hubs; 3. Identify needs of the community, not agencies; 4. Prioritise identified local area primary health care needs; 5. Share resources and information including population health data to encourage shared data, information and services. 5.2 Primary Health Care Forum Forum minutes JG 27/03/13 to be provided 2 Hub members advised minutes available.
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