1634 the LACKEY Malacosoma Neustria
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ANNUAL MOTH REPORT FOR VC44 Carmarthenshire 2006 By JON BAKER CONTENTS 3 2006 Overview: a summary and analysis of the data. 5 Categories of the Macro-moth List 8 Macro-moth Species Accounts 136 Table of Micro-moth recording during 2006 142 Article: The Rothamsted Effect Author: Jon Baker County Recorder (moths) for VC44 Carmarthenshire 14 Job’s Well Rd Carmarthen SA31 3HG 01267 221681 [email protected] 2 2006 OVERVIEW A SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS OF THE DATA In the period 1996 to 2005 (the preceding decade, which seems to yield the most relevant comparisons) there was an average of approximately 2500 records of macros moths made each year. With 2006 creating almost exactly 7000 records of macro moths, it was indeed a most productive year for data, with a lot of effort put in across the county. The increase in observer numbers and the renewed interest in moths created by the formation of the Carmarthenshire Moth Group have had a large part to do with this. Recording was done in the following 10km squares during 2006, with the number of records from those squares: SN10: 15 SN41: 10 SN63: 80 SN12: 389 SN42: 12 SN64: 50 SN20: 70 SN50: 4 SN71: 1 SN21: 4 SN51: 174 SN73: 20 SN22: 411 SN52: 208 SN74: 213 SN30: 775 SN53: 896 SS49: 852 SN31: 1594 SN54: 249 SS59: 5 SN32: 483 SN61: 82 SN40: 365 SN62: 37 Map of VC44, showing recording effort during 2006 courtesy of Sam Bosanquet 3 During 2006, there were good records of 808 species of moth in the county – 384 micro moths and 424 macro moths (there are 9 species of micro-moth treated as “honorary macros” in the species accounts). This makes it the most diverse year on record, due to the great increase in recording that occurred. Twenty-six new species were added to the county list, 19 micro-moths and 7 macro-moths. 38 Ectoedemia subbimaculella Micro 203 Infurcitinea argentimaculella Micro 275 Bucculatrix bechsteinella Micro 285 Caloptilia azaleella Micro 296 Calybites phasianipennella Micro 363 Phyllonorycter platanoidella Micro 423 Argyresthia semitestacella Micro 426 Yponomeuta malinellus Ermine Moth 568 Coleophora versurella Micro 587 Coleophora caespititiella Micro 641 Batia lambdella Micro 671 Depressaria ultimella Oecophorid 678 Depressaria sordidatella Oecophorid 786 Bryotropha desertella Gelechid 814 Scrobipalpa ocellatella Gelechid 1231 Pammene spiniana Tortricid 1408 Palpita vitrealis Pyralid 1454.5 Dioryctria sylvestrella Pyralid 1467 Ancylosis oblitella Pyralid 1828 Eupithecia satyrata satyrata Satyr Pug 1859 Pasiphila chloerata Sloe Pug 2184 Orthosia opima Northern Drab 2202 Mythimna l-album L-album Wainscot 2208 Mythimna loreyi Cosmopolitan 2230 Aporophyla australis pascuea Feathered Brindle 2408 Eublemma parva Small Marbled There were also significant records of many other species that had previously been seen on only a handful of occasions in the county, as well as good records of species whose previous claims to be on the county list had been less than satisfactory. Highlights included: Lunar Hornet Moth (2nd), Poplar Lutestring (4th), Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth (5th), Orange Footman (2nd), Hoary Footman (4th), Feathered Ranunculus (2nd, 3rd and 4th), Orange Sallow (2nd), Light Knot Grass (c.3rd) and Beautiful Hook-tip (2nd). The record-breaking numbers of migrant moths recorded in Britain during 2006 will most certainly be what the year is remembered for, and although we only got a tiny fraction of what better placed counties recorded, it was an unprecedented invasion that livened up many nights through the summer. Details can be found throughout the species account, or in the monthly bulletins of 2006. Thank you to all those who have contributed records to this report: Sam Bosanquet, Lee Walker, Julian Wormald, Martin Lovell, Melanie Collier, Barry Stewart, Ian Morgan, Bronwen and Ivy Berkshire, Hilton Marlton, Anthony Lewis, Aron Williams, Anna Hobbs, Arnold Johnson, Dave Slade, David Groom, Fay Sharpley, Elizabeth Goodyear, G Lyons, Isabel Macho, John Langmaid, Martin White and Simeon Jones. Hope I didn’t forget anyone UNCREDITED SPECIES RECORDS ARE THOSE OF THE AUTHOR. 4 CATEGORIES OF THE MACRO-MOTH LIST The VC44 macro-moth list is divided into several categories, and these are explained here. Category A1 (Green) The majority of species fall into this group. These are species where there is absolutely no doubt it has occurred in the county in the last 50 years, as there is either photographic proof, a specimen, or the record has been properly authenticated by the county recorder. Nearly all species in this category have now been photographed (specimens caught in VC44) and are kept in a library of images. Category A2 (Green) These are species which are currently accepted on the county list, despite the fact that the county recorder has not seen photographic proof or a specimen. Most of these species are from Rothamsted traps. If anyone catches any of these, I do urge them to take the necessary photo, or failing that, a specimen, so that the species can be moved into Category A1. The following species fall into this category: 1647 Drepana cultraria Barred Hook-tip 1658 Cymatophorima diluta Oak Lutestring 1689 Scopula marginepunctata Mullein Wave 1694 Scopula ternata Smoky Wave 1745 Larentia clavaria Mallow 1774 Colostygia olivata Beech-green Carpet 1790 Triphosa dubitata Tissue 1798 Epirrita filigrammaria Small Autumnal Moth 1815 Eupithecia abietaria Cloaked Pug 1823 Eupithecia venosata Netted Pug 1843 Eupithecia distinctaria Thyme Pug 1864 Chesias legatella Streak 1870 Odezia atrata Chimney Sweeper 1897 Macaria wauaria V-Moth 1925 Apocheima hispidaria Small Brindled Beauty 2056 Parasemia plantaginis Wood Tiger 2059 Diacrisia sannio Clouded Buff 2104 Standfussiana lucernea Northern Rustic 2135 Xestia agathina Heath Rustic 2157 Lacanobia w-latinum Light Brocade 2171 Hadena confusa Marbled Coronet 2227 Asteroscopus sphinx Sprawler 2233 Lithomoia solidaginis Golden-rod Brindle 2254 Antitype chi Grey Chi 2303 Thalpophila matura Straw Underwing 2329 Apamea furva Confused 2437 Polychrysia moneta Golden Plusia 2447 Syngrapha interrogationis Scarce Silver Y 5 CATEGORY B (Amber) The records of these species are pended, awaiting confirmation through photographic or specimen proof. When that is forthcoming, these pended records will be reassessed, and could be retrospectively accepted. 381 Synanthedon culiciformis Large Red-belted Clearwing 1715 Idaea straminata Plain Wave 1757 Eulithis mellinata Spinach 1761 Chloroclysta miata Autumn Green Carpet 1793 Euphyia biangulata Cloaked Carpet 1806 Perizoma blandiata Pretty Pinion 1854 Eupithecia pusillata Juniper Pug 1855 Eupithecia phoeniciata Cypress Pug 1905 Pachycnemia hippocastanaria Horse Chestnut 2167 Hadena perplexa Tawny Shears 2185 Orthosia populeti Lead-coloured Drab 2325 Apamea oblonga Crescent Striped 2480 Hypena rostralis Buttoned Snout CATEGORY C (Red) This is a list of species claimed in VC44 in the last 50 years, but the records are not considered acceptable without any proof. Future records of these species need full verification, but it is unlikely that these earlier records will then be reinstated as genuine and reliable records. 1642 Gastropacha quercifolia Lappet 1673 Hemiostola chrysoprasaria Small Emerald 1677 Cyclophora albipuncta Birch Mocha 1680 Cyclophora punctaria Maiden's Blush 1688 Scopula rubiginata Tawny Wave 1698 Idaea muricata Purple-bordered Gold 1701 Idaea sylvestraria Dotted Border Wave 1705 Idaea fuscovenosa Dwarf Cream Wave 1707 Idaea seriata Small Dusty Wave 1711 Idaea trigeminata Treble Brown Spot 1723 Xanthorhoe decoloraria Red Carpet 1735 Catarhoe rubidata Ruddy Carpet 1771 Thera juniperata Juniper Carpet 1786 Spargania luctuata White-banded Carpet 1787 Rheumaptera hastiata Argent and Sable 1792 Philereme transversata Dark Umber 1801 Perizoma taeniata Barred Carpet 1836 Eupithecia denotata Campanula Pug 1868 Aplocera efformata Lesser Treble-bar 1878 Minoa murinata Drab Looper 1880 Trichopteryx polycommata Barred Tooth-striped 1889 Macaria notata Peacock Moth 1901 Cepphis advenaria Little Thorn 1943 Hypomecis roboraria Great Oak Beauty 1983 Hemaris fuciformis Broad-bordered Bee Hawk 1998 Furcula bifida Poplar Kitten 2080 Euxoa obelisca grisea Square-spot Dart 6 2082 Euxoa nigricans Garden Dart 2108 Noctua orbona Lunar Yellow Underwing 2121 Diarsia dahlii Barred Chestnut 2124 Diarsia florida Fen Square-spot 2131 Xestia rhomboidea Square-spotted Clay 2148 Polia nebulosa Pale Shining Brown 2153 Heliophobus reticulata Bordered Gothic 2156 Lacanobia contigua Beautiful Brocade 2183 Orthosia miniosa Blossom Underwing 2231 Aporophyla lutulenta Deep-brown Dart 2235 Lithophane semibrunnea Tawny Pinion 2266 Agrochola litura Brown-spot Pinion 2268 Parastichtis suspecta Suspected 2272 Xanthia aurago Barred Sallow 2275 Xanthia gilvago Dusky-lemon Sallow 2279 Acronicta aceris Sycamore 2316 Cosmia affinis Lesser-spotted Pinion 2319 Cosmia pyralina Lunar-spotted Pinion 2358 Amphipoea fucosa Saltern Ear 2359 Amphipoea crinanensis Crinan Ear 2374 Archanara algae Rush Wainscot 2411 Deltote deceptoria Pretty Marbled CATEGORY D (Black) These are species which are on the county database solely as a result of a record over 50 years ago. Any modern record of these would be considered as an honorary “first”. 162 Cossus cossus Goat Moth 2206 Mythimna putrescens Devonshire Wainscot 2242 Xylena obsoleta Sword-grass 7 MACRO-MOTHS 14 GHOST MOTH Hepialus humuli National status: Widespread and generally common, flying in June and July. County status: Widespread and fairly common in suitable areas of unimproved grassland. Records