DOI 10.1515/tl-2012-0001 Theoretical Linguistics 2012; 38(1-2): 1 – 56 Sandra Chung Are lexical categories universal? The view from Chamorro* Abstract: Many years of linguistic research have led to no consensus on the issue of whether every language has nouns, verbs, and adjectives. This article investi- gates the issue from the perspective of Chamorro, an Austronesian language of the Mariana Islands. Chamorro has been claimed to have an unusual lexical cat- egory system consisting of just two language-particular categories. Evidence is presented here that (i) the language does in fact have nouns, verbs, and adjec- tives, and (ii) the apparent use of content words in multiple syntactic functions results from productive processes of denominal verb formation and denominal adjective formation that are not signaled by overt morphology. The lexical seman- tics and pragmatics of these processes are shown to be broadly parallel to d enominal verb formation in English. Overall, the evidence supports the claim that lexical categories are universal, and suggests that the broad routes by which semantic and phonological material can be packaged into lexical categories may be universal as well. Keywords: lexical categories, conversion, Chamorro, Austronesian Sandra Chung: Cowell Academic Services, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, U.S.A. E-mail:
[email protected] * This study began with my attempts to figure out what parts of speech to assign to entries in the revised Chamorro-English dictionary. I am indebted to the principal investigator of the Chamorro Dictionary Revision Project, Dr. Elizabeth D. Rechebei, to the heads of the Dictionary working group, Manuel F.